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LauraK sorry and hugs. It's very tough, but I admire you for your attitude.

Lori, that is funny -- but I hope you at least took your leftovers home for the doggies? LOL.

Julie, your cookie salad sounds great - I printed it - must make it for one of my "ladies" parties. Hope the treatment does you some good.

Poor Apples and a dental appt tomorrow - good lord, she is some trooper!!! She wins for toughest woman in the US in my opinon - she's no wimp that's for sure.

Jessica, hope you had a great dinner and met some new people -- you are going to do so great at school this year - we're all so excited for your new journey -- and that beach party sounds perfect.

Well, gang, gotta watch some tv and get to bed. Hope you all have a great night and day tomorrow. CBL.


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Linda, amazing with all that rain. We don't get that much in a month let alone one day. I can't imagine. I hope they can do a good job with Merry. Sounds like she has a lot of quality life left.

Laura, hugs to you and your parents. I'm sure your sister is feeling "put out" and I doubt there's much you can do. If she is there every day, but they still want you, she might be feeling liked chopped liver. I don't think our parents realize how they can hurt us sometimes. You know they love you both, but sometimes it doesn't feel like that.

Lori - Jewish American Princess - JAP - I'm one, so get ready.

What is a JAP favorite wine????

Answer - I want to go to the beach. (whining inflection)

Since I AM ONE - I can make the jokes.

ANSWER: I want a new Mercedes....sorry, but it's one of my favorite jokes. I have a good JAP friend and it's something she says.

Linda, sorry about your Merry. Hope they can just remove it.

Janet, love the hair.< /p>

Great, that's right gotta get what you paid for. lol

Joyce, Judy & Jodi, I guess you could be called the 3 J's. I want to be a princess too!

Good juju heading apples way. Hope all turns out ok for her. How is she going to junk up the thread with a bad wing?

Jessica, you will do wonderful in school and meeting new people.

Well a good 3 weeks with the ex BF. Ex is the word again. He is so confused, flip flopping back and forth. I think the brain tumor is effecting him more than any one knows. Kind of devastating but I will make it. Walked it off instead of eating it away. So it is a major victory for me.


Tough stuff there with the ex. I guess you have the right attitude and enjoy his company while he is here. Great job with the walking too. That's the way to do it.

Julie, the cookie salad sounds like dessert. I bet it is good. Now I'd volunteer to do the potato salad, but everyone likes something different and I'm not sure if they would like the "kitchen sink" type I make. LOL Good luck with the docs!

Janet, did I tell you I like your bangs? If not, I do. Pilates today. Pool tomorrow. See I'm trying to plan.

Apples is having a little more than her share. Sending her healing love through the web!

Work is crazy busy again...or should I say still. I'll be working like crazy up until my last day. Have to do a site walk tomorrow (it's supposed to be over 100 deg) because a developer ripped all our cable out that was just put in (the ground) in 2004...a lot of cable. It's going to be hard to explain that one.

Jodi, the wedding sounded really nice. Glad you had a good time and I bet men are looking at you. But I bet it's your vibrant personality that is really attractive.

DH's proceedure went well today and didn't take too long. No problems found. I'm very happy about that and I think he is too. He's just disgusted he had to go through this for nothing, but it's a base line so now they know in case anything else happens.

Have a great night ladies.


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Cookie salad is just a sweet fruit salad and you add crushed fudge-striped shortbread cookies..... buttermilk, instant vanilla pudding, drained fruit cocktail, Cool Whip and then crushed cookies.. Very good.. DD wants this for the wedding supper... I was testing to see how many people one batch will feed.. I figure 25- 30 if I stretch it with some miniature marshmallows....... So I have that figured out... I have to do that with the Pasta salad she wants sometime soon, too, so I know how much stuff to buy....

Julie........that sounds awesome! Will you send me the recipe. i would like to make it for Bunco. We usually have about 48 ladies.

You pain doc will help you....that is there specialty. I am on the look for a family doc too. Mine is too busy to take calls, or her nurse doesn't return calls. Hang in there! mayo is just a few weeks away.

Lori, oh my, poor Apples. I hope they get to the bottom of her pain. She must be miserable.

Janet, i love your new haircut. I have bangs too. I started growing my hair out a few months ago. It is at the bottom of my ear now. I think I will let it grow another inch or two.

Well, I got in my friends pool today for about an hour just treading Water and using those foam weights. Now, I will walk again tonight, but I will take water. This heat wave is unbelievable....or am I just old?

Charlene - You need to up date your photo then ;0) or are we going to have to wait till October ;0)

WTG on the pool - good exercise - I should be in mine right now - Boot Camp was tough !!!

Oh I want to be a princess! Let's see I could be a NGFSAP (Norwegian, German, French, Swiss American Princess). Funny story about being a princess. When DH first started his job in Philadelphia his new secretary told him upon meeting him, that she was a 'princess' and expected to be treated as such. Well, DH had told me that so when I first met her I told her, 'you may be a princess, but don't you forget, I am the queen'! :w00t:

Janet, I forgot to comment on the new 'do, I love the bangs, you look younger.

Arlene, I am thinking I might go down to our pool, it didn't look too crowded when I drove by. Our super hot heat wave seems to have disappaited as well as the humidity though expected to return. Plus by the looks of Walmart this morning all the kiddos are out back to school shopping!

Great - What did she say when you told her that ;0) lol - So you have a community pool?? We have been cool here 102ish - suppose to go up to 113 this coming week - but gotta say the heat hasn't bothered me this year - I don't think it's that hot even when it;s 113..

Jodi and I know that we were kidding each other. A Jap is one that does not have to get or do anything for herself--daddy will do it. That did NOT apply in this girl's family! If I am a princess for some things, it is because I worked for it and made good decisions! No one ever bought me a car, a house, my degrees, my travels--in fact, no one ever contributed either--when you're single, you have to do everything yourself.

AND--you don't have to be Jewish to be a Jap!

So there!

Ok Judy - I'm a CAP - I worked hard for the title :)

Hey, I just bought one of those Cool Wraps to go around my neck in the heat. Before I dunk it in water.........does it help with the heat????? Any of you peeps use one?

I think I tried one years ago - you have to keep moving it - they may have changed them by now - it's worth a try - alway take your water when you are out walking - and hydrate before you head out

Janet, love the bangs, I agree you look younger. And good for Andrew -- he's a nice young man -- it's always nice when they act more mature than you expect isn't it?

Jodi, you are so fun -- I love reading your posts too -- so entertaining. You behaved honorably -- unlike those men -- but glad that you got the compliments -- bet they made you feel pretty good and I hope not too uncomfortable.

Lori, I was at the gym this morning watching the news -- they showed the crazy woman at the McDonald's drive up window who had a fit cause they didn't serve McNuggets at Breakfast -- I admit I thought of you - that wasn't you was it? LOL.

Poor Apples, I hope they can get her fixed up and comfortable. Poor girl!

Arlene, my friends make those cool tie things to send to the troops - I hear they work great!

Judy and Janet, thanks for the input on the dog issue. We are meeting with another vet on Sat. It's just a horrible decision. Last night she had a t-bone bone -- she was jumping around and really enjoyed it. Like I said, she is healthy and active -- so will probably request that they remove it and TRY to suture it and as a LAST RESORT amputate it if it won't work - cause as I said, she is our baby and is still happy and healthy. I hope she'll bounce back okay. This family -- always something going on with someone's health. Yes, my SD does take advantage of me and I try to not let it get to me, but it does. As you all know, I just love being with my GD but I do not like to be manipulated and/or used and i think that goes on with her -- she acts like she's too sick to have her when in reality she wants a break -- I'd be okay with giving her a break -- but I'd like honesty from her -- not being manipulated into doing it. Hope this makes sense.

We had a terrible storm this a.m. - my little town had to have some residents rescued from flooding at 5:15 am. -- they were standing on their mini van calling 911 with their cell phones -- we got 3.8" of rain in about one hour. What a way to start their morning, poor people. The road out there is still closed -- this has been such a wet summer - so the flooding is finally happening. I'm one of just a few people who didn't have water in my basement this morning -- lots of people had to miss work to clean out basements. I'm very lucky.

Well, time to go home -- need to get going. Went to gym, did my 35/35/30 this a.m.



Thanks - Everyone says that (younger) So I will take it - no need for botox just cut bangs..

Ok Linda - I forget where you live- Iowa?? that's a lot of rain in hr..

As to taking care of GD - I hear you - who was there to take the kids off our hands when we were young and sick - no one - I know my dil wanted me to pick girls cuz she was sick - when I was sick I had to get up and take my DS to school - kids now a days are soft.

Hello.........I'm just back from Bismarck where I had a chiropractic treatment.... My shoulders and arms were aching so bad I had to do something... That and a pain pill have me feeling a bit better now... I'm gonna take it easy for awhile now.....

Cookie Salad Recipie

1 cup buttermilk

1 pkg instant vanilla pudding....... mix well and let it thicken..... then add

1 - 10 oz can pineapple

1 - can manderin oranges (this is where I change it because of the pineapple.... I don't like it either so I just used 2 cans of fruit cocktail) Make sure to drain the fruit well.....

1 - 8 oz carton whipped topping.........

miniature marshmallows optional... I'm using them to stretch the amount some.... mix well and refridgerate. Just before serving add 1 package of crushed striped shortbread cookies......

It is a very good sweet salad.... and it's what DD wants at her wedding supper... Ham or turkey sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad, (the kind with tri-colored pasta, veggies and italian dressing) cookie salad, bars and of course wedding cake..... Pretty simple..... If I was feeling good I could do that no problem, but with how things are I'm going to have someone else make the potato salad.... The other 2 are easy... and I plan to have most all of the bars and Cookies done before I go to Mayo, just in case of surgery.....

Well, no time to comment.......sorry........ gotta get supper started... It's harvest and I never know for sure what time DH will be coming home... It was 8:30 last night... Hope it's earlier tonight....

Take care all and have a good evening... Julie

Julie - Potato Salad sounds good - I'm hungry ;0) My Dad grew and sold dates and durning date season oct/ded - he wouldn't get home till 9:30 some nights..

Lori - Jewish American Princess - JAP - I'm one, so get ready.

What is a JAP favorite wine????

Answer - I want to go to the beach. (whining inflection)

Since I AM ONE - I can make the jokes.

Lori - thanks for the update on Karen. Sending prayers for healing and good doctors to help.

113 is the heat index in KC for the next few days. I spent the day with DGD helping her with her books for her salon.

scale is showing me good results, so will delay another fill.

Joyce - LOL - nothing wrong with being a Jap - hell who wouldn't want the life - I know I would - My gf Starr was a JAP - her daddy did give her anything her heart desired - I always thought it was cuz she was an only child and adopted (her parents we quite old when they got her) and I think she went to chruch w/me more than they went to temple - she was just spoiled - period - really didn't have anything to do w/being Jewish ;0)

Glad to hear the scales are moving ;0)

Good evening.

Linda, too funny about the McD's lady and her nuggets for breakfast. Silly lady, nuggets are for lunch. I got my nuggets today actually and get this. I paid for a 6 pc, sat down to eat them and they cheated me out of a nugget, I only got 5. I could've been the crazy woman. ha ha! So I went back and got the 6th nugget and they felt bad and gave me 2 more. Now the silly part, I only ate 5. DUH! What was I thinking? But by golly I paid for 6 and 6 is what I wanted. LOL

As far as the JAP thing and camping in a Holiday Inn with panelling, until last year that was me. No way would I have ever thought I'd be tent camping much less enjoying it. SHHH don't tell DH I enjoy it some as he does so much for me because he knows it's not my thing. LOL He treats me like a princess. Maybe that's why I don't mind it, he does all the work.

Linda, I hope you get some answers for your Merry. It's so tough when our fur babies get things wrong with them. We were so worried about our Hunter a couple years ago when she had a run in with a barbed wire fence in SD. But they were able to stitch her up okay, was concerned about her leg/paw. I think it comes down to quality of life for the dog. That's how we looked at it when we had our rotties put to sleep (not at the same time).

Julie, I didn't think of the mandarin oranges in that salad in place of the pineapple.

Heard from Apples after the MRI, she won't have the results for 2 days. She said this was a 'country bumpkin' of a dr and as soon as she got the results she was having them sent to another dr. She has a dental appt tomorrow on top of all this. She is in wait and see mode on the arm/wrist/hand.

Thanks for the update on Karen - send her our love

Thanks for the Apples update. Had a great dinner with my brother. He gets along so well with my husband.

My husband and I have been invited to another business dinner. This time I an not gonna sweat it. Haven't pbed in awhile so I will just chew good and be fine. More nervous about the company and meeting new people but I will be fine. Nothing crippling.

I actually just touched up my hair color today. Had like a whole day of beauty at home. Didn't realize we would be going out. I just know I am gonna be meeting alot of new people at school so I want to put up a good first impression. Next monday I will be meeting everyone in charge of the program and all my classmates. After that I'll get my books and start working my tail off. It's coming so fast.

Jessica - glad you are more relaxed about meeting pple now - dinner will be find and think of the new jounery you are about to go on - Nursing - I 'm so happy for you..

Linda, sorry about your Merry. Hope they can just remove it.

Janet, love the hair.

Great, that's right gotta get what you paid for. lol

Joyce, Judy & Jodi, I guess you could be called the 3 J's. I want to be a princess too!

Good juju heading apples way. Hope all turns out ok for her. How is she going to junk up the thread with a bad wing?

Jessica, you will do wonderful in school and meeting new people.

Well a good 3 weeks with the ex BF. Ex is the word again. He is so confused, flip flopping back and forth. I think the brain tumor is effecting him more than any one knows. Kind of devastating but I will make it. Walked it off instead of eating it away. So it is a major victory for me.


Hugs LauraK - on the xbf issue - but so glad to hear you are walking instead of eating

LauraK sorry and hugs. It's very tough, but I admire you for your attitude.

Lori, that is funny -- but I hope you at least took your leftovers home for the doggies? LOL.

Julie, your cookie salad sounds great - I printed it - must make it for one of my "ladies" parties. Hope the treatment does you some good.

Poor Apples and a dental appt tomorrow - good lord, she is some trooper!!! She wins for toughest woman in the US in my opinon - she's no wimp that's for sure.

Jessica, hope you had a great dinner and met some new people -- you are going to do so great at school this year - we're all so excited for your new journey -- and that beach party sounds perfect.

Well, gang, gotta watch some tv and get to bed. Hope you all have a great night and day tomorrow. CBL.


Linda - I'm w/you I'm starving and pooped - boot camp is a great work out - going to start dinner - cbl

Thanks everyone for the complements ;0)

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Janet, love the bangs, I agree you look younger. And good for Andrew -- he's a nice young man -- it's always nice when they act more mature than you expect isn't it?

Jodi, you are so fun -- I love reading your posts too -- so entertaining. You behaved honorably -- unlike those men -- but glad that you got the compliments -- bet they made you feel pretty good and I hope not too uncomfortable.

Lori, I was at the gym this morning watching the news -- they showed the crazy woman at the McDonald's drive up window who had a fit cause they didn't serve McNuggets at breakfast -- I admit I thought of you - that wasn't you was it? LOL.

Poor Apples, I hope they can get her fixed up and comfortable. Poor girl!

Arlene, my friends make those cool tie things to send to the troops - I hear they work great!

Judy and Janet, thanks for the input on the dog issue. We are meeting with another vet on Sat. It's just a horrible decision. Last night she had a t-bone bone -- she was jumping around and really enjoyed it. Like I said, she is healthy and active -- so will probably request that they remove it and TRY to suture it and as a LAST RESORT amputate it if it won't work - cause as I said, she is our baby and is still happy and healthy. I hope she'll bounce back okay. This family -- always something going on with someone's health. Yes, my SD does take advantage of me and I try to not let it get to me, but it does. As you all know, I just love being with my GD but I do not like to be manipulated and/or used and i think that goes on with her -- she acts like she's too sick to have her when in reality she wants a break -- I'd be okay with giving her a break -- but I'd like honesty from her -- not being manipulated into doing it. Hope this makes sense.

We had a terrible storm this a.m. - my little town had to have some residents rescued from flooding at 5:15 am. -- they were standing on their mini van calling 911 with their cell phones -- we got 3.8" of rain in about one hour. What a way to start their morning, poor people. The road out there is still closed -- this has been such a wet summer - so the flooding is finally happening. I'm one of just a few people who didn't have Water in my basement this morning -- lots of people had to miss work to clean out basements. I'm very lucky.

Well, time to go home -- need to get going. Went to gym, did my 35/35/30 this a.m.



Hope everyone was safe after the flooding. In our old townhouse in Forest Hills....we used to get flooding in the basement in the summers whenever it rained....come to think of it winters as well. I was so afraind to open that basement door everyday...because we never knew when it was going to hit us. We finially had to get a sub-pump installed it was happening so often. Before we knew about the possible flooding we made the basement into a playroom for Dassi...had a bath and shower as well....we had a toy room and bedroom area big enough for play...all the toys and games TV and bedroom set was ruined during the first flood. Dassi still talks about some of her favorite stuffed animals that had to be thrown away afterwards.

Natural disasters suck....but as long as no one gets hurt its all good....everything else can be replaced.

I hope Merry will be okay. Dogs are usually fine with three legs and get acclimated fairly quickly however...surger like that is questionable Im sure....glad you are getting a second opinion. Starlight developed this big...something on top of her thigh..perhaps a hematoma or other...but the Vet said...it looks and feels worse then it is....this isnt something that bothers her or is dangerous leave it alone....but it bothered me that there was this golf ball on her and I wasnt doing anything about it..but saw two other Vets and they said the same....so left it. Hopefully it can be taken out without amputation...

Linda, sorry about your Merry. Hope they can just remove it.

Janet, love the hair.< /p>

Great, that's right gotta get what you paid for. lol

Joyce, Judy & Jodi, I guess you could be called the 3 J's. I want to be a princess too!

Good juju heading apples way. Hope all turns out ok for her. How is she going to junk up the thread with a bad wing?

Jessica, you will do wonderful in school and meeting new people.

Well a good 3 weeks with the ex BF. Ex is the word again. He is so confused, flip flopping back and forth. I think the brain tumor is effecting him more than any one knows. Kind of devastating but I will make it. Walked it off instead of eating it away. So it is a major victory for me.


Laurak you dont want to be a JAP...they are spoiled and rotten and obnoxious and you are none of those..things.

Neither is Joyce or Judy. you all may like and deserve to be treated like a princesses and you should be!!!! ...but JAPS dont deserve the time of day. I grew up with Japs....and they arent very nice...selfish and self deserving people do not deserve my friendships...so you are all not..trust you me.

Jessica, Is it possible to post at the nursing school somewhere about needing some books and perhaps students from the past who dont need the books you do can either lend or sell you them? We used to have a book exchange program in the special ed dept. That was the only way I got any books...I couldnt afford new ones. I also liked the highlighted ones as well....so I would use that as study guides..and didnt have to make them myself.

Perhaps..in a community paper you can put a post? A penny saver of sorts? Godd Luck....I c you are getting organized thats great.

Also...a bit of advice from the peanut gallery....I thinlk that finding someone who isnt in the family to babysit could be a better choice...dealing with family sometimes...not always but sometimes become sticky...I always prefer to pay someone then ask family as there are always strings attached somehow...but thats my family and doesnt mean its yours....but many psychologists would agree....peace of mind is more important if there is any concern regarding this at all!!!

Janet....I love the bangs....they are great, Def makes you look younger.

Have a great night all...must get some sleep as Im taking my boy.....on a trip with his mom tomorrow god help me..lol

If he gets one scratch on him that nurse is going to have my head on a platter Monday when she returns!

Taking him to a Snoozelin room and water therapy....cant believe mom is allowing me to do this...next will be pet therapy!!


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Must have lost an earlier post...

reply to Lori...

Nooo. they werent laughing at you, they were laughing with you regarding the Israeli dancing....lol

Dont laugh..weve all had to do the "horah" thats what that dance is called..that you danced to. Its a traditional dance from Rusia that was used at weddings in the shtetle. Easy steps!!

I think its great to learn dances, songs and music from other cultures...

Funny story...once when we took my dad on a getaway for his birthday one year to this hotel upstate....they were having an anual Polka festival. OMG I lost my marbles. I love Polka!! Especially the line dancing....I forgot the name of the man who is like leader of the pack when it comes to the top band....

I loved him best....took a few lessons that weekend as they were offered throughout the day and at night danced the night away! It was the best weekend we had! SO..If i come visit you can take me to a Polka dance...but none of that old grandma stuff from the 18th century....lol

When are you going again to Israel. I think we are going to go Passover this year and make Dassi her bat mitzva there...somewhere. Would love to have some familiar friends to join us so if you or anyone else for that matter will be there then....you are all invited.

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Good Morning Gang

WTG Eva !! Yep you gotta plan - and just think when you retire that much more time to exercise ;0) lol

Well drive by gang - gotta hit the shower and get to work...


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Jodi, I love your new profile pic. You are so beautiful...

Ok I don't want to be a JAP, I'll just be a princess. lol

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There is a difference between a Princess and a Diva.

Concerning Merry and her leg--there is a vet that has a radio show/newspaper column. When I was questioning the quality of Tinka's life with senility (she was 16 1/2), I wrote to him. I was asked if I would be on the radio show and speak to the vet. And he was helpful to me!

Send an email to petworld@stevedale.tv

His website is www.stevedalepetworld.com

There is a pet supplies store in Sun City Center called "The Three Legged Poodle" named after the owner's actual 3 legged poodle (who died this year-old age). I am good friends with the owner...do you want me to contact her for you?

Gotta run-CBL.

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I am so excited. My uniforms are scheduled for delivery today. I will post pics when I can. Who doesn't love getting a package.

The deal with the books is if you buy them new, you can access them online too. They have the entire book online and last semester I found that so helpful when studying. Plus talking with a student already in she said it really helps speed up writing out care plans. She copies and paste right from the book into her care plan. I want that but if I don't have the money I may have to just do without and buy used. We don't use credit cards. we use cash for almost everything. We are considering getting a small loan though. We can pay it off as soon as I get my financial aid. Just something we are considering.

At some point today I gotta run my son to my MIL. It's and hour drive. She is gonna let him stay the night since we have the dinner tonite. My SIL just moved back in with them yesterday. It is kinda crazy over there right now. I just didn't know anyone else on such short notice. Sometimes people without kids don't think about things like this. I gotta make some friends close to here.

We are very nervous about the babysitter thing. I do intend to pay my family for babysitting. You are right that it can cause drama though. We are really protective of him. He has only had 2 babysitters. My MIL and my Dads girlfriend. He has never even stayed with my stepmother or mother. We hear so many horror stories about babysitters. I am gonna ask my Dad's girlfriend first. If that doesn't workout I will look into hiring a professional. I wonder if the ymca would do a pick up at the school? I'll call and find out about that.

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Jewel.... often the local "Y", or day care centers have an after school program. Definitely look in to it. Maybe there are private in home child care places in your neighborhood. I know that is a scary thought, but it will just take checking people out and asking around. Our oldest daughter did day care in her home for quite a few years and she was the BEST! If you could find someone like her it would be GREAT! Kids she took care of are now grown up.... early 20's.. .some of whom she had as infants and toddlers and they still keep in touch! So... just saying.... some moms are in it because they truly love kids.

I've had to resort to taking the stupid pain pills and muscle relaxers for my back because the pain is not going away and I have to be able to function! We are in the final stages of packing our RV for the winter and leave in a few days. We will be on the road for 6 weeks before we get to our winter getaway down near Janet.

Enjoying all your posts.... but gotta go get in the shower .... and I'm no good at remembering stuff to respond to!! Poor excuse. Sorry!

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Phyl - sorry about the pain. Sending prayers that healing will come soon.

Can't believe winter preparation has begun for you. Such an interesting time in life for you and hubby.

Jessica - love the new uniforms arriving by mail. Always fun to receive a package. So proud of your dedication toward making a great career for yourself thru all the hard work. It will pay off.

Spend from 11 pm to 5 am at the hospital with 47 yr. old daughter and her hubby. She was admitted to psychiatric unit of local hospital and I'm praying that solutions will be found to help her embrace a healthier, drug-free lifestyle. She battles chronic depression.

Leaving to meet a dear friend for lunch - then a nap and dinner with other friends who are caring for their 4 grandsons this week.

Busy day.

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Checking in from my phone so there will be typos just a warning.

Ok the weirdest thing happened to at the gym. DH and DD say I was hit on. This guy came up to me and started talking and talking he goes on to tell me how he likes older women because they are wiser, more experienced, and comfortable with who they are and he likes curvy women. I told dd about it and she said, mom he was hitting on you, dh concurred. Its been so long i didn't even recognize it. Lol. I did the class today at the gym and so did he.

Janet, dh's secretary was speechless after i told her i was queen but i earned her respect after that. Lol

Jodi, dh and i were just saying we'd love to go back to Isreal but have no plans to do so. When we were there they were having lots of bar mitzvahs at the wall is that where you'd do Dassi's bat mitzvah? Btw how di you pronounce Dassi? Does it sound more lassie or daisy?

Laurak, sorry things didn't work out with the ex but glad you recognized that now

Edited by Great2BThin

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Jewel.... often the local "Y", or day care centers have an after school program. Definitely look in to it. Maybe there are private in home child care places in your neighborhood. I know that is a scary thought, but it will just take checking people out and asking around. Our oldest daughter did day care in her home for quite a few years and she was the BEST! If you could find someone like her it would be GREAT! Kids she took care of are now grown up.... early 20's.. .some of whom she had as infants and toddlers and they still keep in touch! So... just saying.... some moms are in it because they truly love kids.

I've had to resort to taking the stupid pain pills and muscle relaxers for my back because the pain is not going away and I have to be able to function! We are in the final stages of packing our RV for the winter and leave in a few days. We will be on the road for 6 weeks before we get to our winter getaway down near Janet.

Enjoying all your posts.... but gotta go get in the shower .... and I'm no good at remembering stuff to respond to!! Poor excuse. Sorry!

Thanks for the encouragement on the childcare issue. I have just seen some bad things. I have seen good too so I should tryi to focus on that. I use to be a nanny myself. I was totally in love with the children. There must be people out there who do a great job. I called the ymca and they don't have a program that will work. I did answer a few ads today. We shall see.

Phyl - sorry about the pain. Sending prayers that healing will come soon.

Can't believe winter preparation has begun for you. Such an interesting time in life for you and hubby.

Jessica - love the new uniforms arriving by mail. Always fun to receive a package. So proud of your dedication toward making a great career for yourself thru all the hard work. It will pay off.

Spend from 11 pm to 5 am at the hospital with 47 yr. old daughter and her hubby. She was admitted to psychiatric unit of local hospital and I'm praying that solutions will be found to help her embrace a healthier, drug-free lifestyle. She battles chronic depression.

Leaving to meet a dear friend for lunch - then a nap and dinner with other friends who are caring for their 4 grandsons this week.

Busy day.

I understand some of what your daugter is going through. I have been in there myself. It takes alot of want to from a person. If she admitted herself that is a great sign that she has it. I hope she will take the time to focus on herself and what it takes to get better. A lot of drama in those places but you can learn alot.

Checking in from my phone so there will be typos just a warning.

Ok the weirdest thing happened to me there. DH and DD say I was hit on. This guy came up to me and started talking and talking he goes on to tell me how he likes older women because they are wiser, more experienced, and comfortable with who they are and he likes curvy women. I told dd about it and she said, mom he was hitting on you, du concurred. Its been so long i didn't even recognize it. Lol. I did the class today at the gym and so did he.

Janet, dh's secretary was speechless after i told her i was queen but i earned her respect after that. Lol

Jodi, du and i were just saying we'd love to go back to Isreal but have no plans to do so. When we were there they were having lots of bar mitzvahs at the wall is that where you'd do Dassi's bat mitzvah? Btw how di you pronounce Dassi? Does it sound more lassie or daisy?

Laurak, sorry things didn't work out with the ex but glad you recognized that now

Congrats on being hit on. What a NSV. LOL

My uniforms arrived today and they are slightly big. I measured before I ordered them but I can take them in a bit. I will probably be doing that alot.

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Great, to funny about the guy. He must have thought you were a cougar. lol

Joyce, hugs, prayers and good thoughts for you and your family.

Jessica, so cool on the uniforms. You look just like a nurse.

Phyl, good thoughts heading your way on the back pain. Hope it gets better for you.


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Hi gang! Down 1lb.....I'll take it!!! I have to change my ticker. Today's class was about change. What was the biggest change in our life?......hardest thing about change?....biggest benefit of change? It was really a good lesson. I think it is hardest for the ladies having with children at home. Kids don't like to change the foods they have been eating. One lady was even crying because her DH and kids won't support her. I was there once.....that's how I got here.

Great, yep, I think you were hit on. Good for you!

Janet, I will see if I can take a pic with this Mac. I am such a tech dummy. I am spoiled having two DS programmers, DD with a masters in educational technology, and a really geeky DH. I just have to whine and they help so I will shut up.

Jessica.......you look great in your uniform!

Phyl, I wish you could stay somewhere long enough to get some therapy. HUGS!

Apples, thinking of you today! Prayers going up for you!

Jodi.......you are a pretty girl!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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