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Okay, what's a JAP??

Feels like a cooler day out today. I love it but already am feeling a tinge of fall in the air. I love fall just don't want it to lead to winter. LOL I like winter but only about 2 weeks of it over the holidays then I'm done. And from what I remember about Salt Lake winters is lots of inversions. There's mountains on all sides and the fog and much can't get up and over the mountains. It will be sunny and nicer at the higher elevations and 20's and mucky here. DH is in Los Angeles for the day today. I am awaiting word from DD about if she is off work tomorrow or not before I decide whether or not to go to Denver for the day tomorrow. If she's not off and my Grandma insists on having lunch at her assisted living place it makes not much sense for me to go. Grandma will want to be there and waiting for lunch by 11 and won't be done til 1ish. I won't get there til 10ish and am ready to head to the airport about 2ish.

Jodi, so are you saying when they taught us the dance they were laughing at us. LOL All I remember about it is going around in circles and then every once in awhile going into the middle and raising our joined hands. I suppose it's kindda like growing up in Wisconsin where I did. There was always the polka that all the older generation knew and did before it switched over to 'regular' music. LOL The youngsters weren't into polka.

Julie, I've had that cookie salad, it's pretty good, though the person that gave me the recipe used canned pineapple tidbits, I left that out as I hate pineapple. But fruit cocktail might be better for me, but it was fine with neither too.

Goodness it's almost 930, I slept in way too late, haven't done that in a long time. Got up at 830. Have a load of laundry in and better get some more done around here.

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Apples update (that's why it written in green). She is still up at her lake place because that is where the dr is. She is in extreme pain and not sleeping, she said they offered her some pain pills but as she put it she turned them down because they make her 'projectile puke'. She is going to have an MRI today as they think possibly her hand and wrist are broken as well. She said she'd let me know after the MRI what she finds out. Poor Apples.

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Okay, what's a JAP??

Feels like a cooler day out today. I love it but already am feeling a tinge of fall in the air. I love fall just don't want it to lead to winter. LOL I like winter but only about 2 weeks of it over the holidays then I'm done. And from what I remember about Salt Lake winters is lots of inversions. There's mountains on all sides and the fog and much can't get up and over the mountains. It will be sunny and nicer at the higher elevations and 20's and mucky here. DH is in Los Angeles for the day today. I am awaiting word from DD about if she is off work tomorrow or not before I decide whether or not to go to Denver for the day tomorrow. If she's not off and my Grandma insists on having lunch at her assisted living place it makes not much sense for me to go. Grandma will want to be there and waiting for lunch by 11 and won't be done til 1ish. I won't get there til 10ish and am ready to head to the airport about 2ish.

Jodi, so are you saying when they taught us the dance they were laughing at us. LOL All I remember about it is going around in circles and then every once in awhile going into the middle and raising our joined hands. I suppose it's kindda like growing up in Wisconsin where I did. There was always the polka that all the older generation knew and did before it switched over to 'regular' music. LOL The youngsters weren't into polka.

Julie, I've had that cookie salad, it's pretty good, though the person that gave me the recipe used canned pineapple tidbits, I left that out as I hate pineapple. But fruit cocktail might be better for me, but it was fine with neither too.

Goodness it's almost 930, I slept in way too late, haven't done that in a long time. Got up at 830. Have a load of laundry in and better get some more done around here.

Jap - Jewish American Princess ;0) - Diva ;0) - Like Judy said "Camping? Jewish girls do not camp. We could break a nail. My idea of camping is a Holiday Inn with a wood paneled wall. Where would I plug in my CPAP? my curling Iron? lol"

No gym today :()

Apples update (that's why it written in green). She is still up at her lake place because that is where the dr is. She is in extreme pain and not sleeping, she said they offered her some pain pills but as she put it she turned them down because they make her 'projectile puke'. She is going to have an MRI today as they think possibly her hand and wrist are broken as well. She said she'd let me know after the MRI what she finds out. Poor Apples.

OMG - Poor Apples - she has had so much going on - tell her we send our love and prayers...

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Cookie salad is just a sweet fruit salad and you add crushed fudge-striped shortbread cookies..... buttermilk, instant vanilla pudding, drained fruit cocktail, Cool Whip and then crushed cookies.. Very good.. DD wants this for the wedding supper... I was testing to see how many people one batch will feed.. I figure 25- 30 if I stretch it with some miniature marshmallows....... So I have that figured out... I have to do that with the Pasta salad she wants sometime soon, too, so I know how much stuff to buy....

Julie........that sounds awesome! Will you send me the recipe. i would like to make it for Bunco. We usually have about 48 ladies.

You pain doc will help you....that is there specialty. I am on the look for a family doc too. Mine is too busy to take calls, or her nurse doesn't return calls. Hang in there! mayo is just a few weeks away.

Lori, oh my, poor Apples. I hope they get to the bottom of her pain. She must be miserable.

Janet, i love your new haircut. I have bangs too. I started growing my hair out a few months ago. It is at the bottom of my ear now. I think I will let it grow another inch or two.

Well, I got in my friends pool today for about an hour just treading Water and using those foam weights. Now, I will walk again tonight, but I will take water. This heat wave is unbelievable....or am I just old?

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Jap - Jewish American Princess ;0) - Diva ;0) - Like Judy said "Camping? Jewish girls do not camp. We could break a nail. My idea of camping is a Holiday Inn with a wood paneled wall. Where would I plug in my CPAP? my curling Iron? lol"

No gym today :thumbup:)

OMG - Poor Apples - she has had so much going on - tell her we send our love and prayers...

Oh I want to be a princess! Let's see I could be a NGFSAP (Norwegian, German, French, Swiss American Princess). Funny story about being a princess. When DH first started his job in Philadelphia his new secretary told him upon meeting him, that she was a 'princess' and expected to be treated as such. Well, DH had told me that so when I first met her I told her, 'you may be a princess, but don't you forget, I am the queen'! :(

Janet, I forgot to comment on the new 'do, I love the bangs, you look younger.

Arlene, I am thinking I might go down to our pool, it didn't look too crowded when I drove by. Our super hot heat wave seems to have disappaited as well as the humidity though expected to return. Plus by the looks of Walmart this morning all the kiddos are out back to school shopping!

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Jodi and I know that we were kidding each other. A Jap is one that does not have to get or do anything for herself--daddy will do it. That did NOT apply in this girl's family! If I am a princess for some things, it is because I worked for it and made good decisions! No one ever bought me a car, a house, my degrees, my travels--in fact, no one ever contributed either--when you're single, you have to do everything yourself.

AND--you don't have to be Jewish to be a Jap!

So there!

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Hey, I just bought one of those Cool Wraps to go around my neck in the heat. Before I dunk it in water.........does it help with the heat????? Any of you peeps use one?

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Janet, love the bangs, I agree you look younger. And good for Andrew -- he's a nice young man -- it's always nice when they act more mature than you expect isn't it?

Jodi, you are so fun -- I love reading your posts too -- so entertaining. You behaved honorably -- unlike those men -- but glad that you got the compliments -- bet they made you feel pretty good and I hope not too uncomfortable.

Lori, I was at the gym this morning watching the news -- they showed the crazy woman at the McDonald's drive up window who had a fit cause they didn't serve McNuggets at Breakfast -- I admit I thought of you - that wasn't you was it? LOL.

Poor Apples, I hope they can get her fixed up and comfortable. Poor girl!

Arlene, my friends make those cool tie things to send to the troops - I hear they work great!

Judy and Janet, thanks for the input on the dog issue. We are meeting with another vet on Sat. It's just a horrible decision. Last night she had a t-bone bone -- she was jumping around and really enjoyed it. Like I said, she is healthy and active -- so will probably request that they remove it and TRY to suture it and as a LAST RESORT amputate it if it won't work - cause as I said, she is our baby and is still happy and healthy. I hope she'll bounce back okay. This family -- always something going on with someone's health. Yes, my SD does take advantage of me and I try to not let it get to me, but it does. As you all know, I just love being with my GD but I do not like to be manipulated and/or used and i think that goes on with her -- she acts like she's too sick to have her when in reality she wants a break -- I'd be okay with giving her a break -- but I'd like honesty from her -- not being manipulated into doing it. Hope this makes sense.

We had a terrible storm this a.m. - my little town had to have some residents rescued from flooding at 5:15 am. -- they were standing on their mini van calling 911 with their cell phones -- we got 3.8" of rain in about one hour. What a way to start their morning, poor people. The road out there is still closed -- this has been such a wet summer - so the flooding is finally happening. I'm one of just a few people who didn't have Water in my basement this morning -- lots of people had to miss work to clean out basements. I'm very lucky.

Well, time to go home -- need to get going. Went to gym, did my 35/35/30 this a.m.



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Hello.........I'm just back from Bismarck where I had a chiropractic treatment.... My shoulders and arms were aching so bad I had to do something... That and a pain pill have me feeling a bit better now... I'm gonna take it easy for awhile now.....

Cookie salad Recipie

1 cup buttermilk

1 pkg instant vanilla pudding....... mix well and let it thicken..... then add

1 - 10 oz can pineapple

1 - can manderin oranges (this is where I change it because of the pineapple.... I don't like it either so I just used 2 cans of fruit cocktail) Make sure to drain the fruit well.....

1 - 8 oz carton whipped topping.........

miniature marshmallows optional... I'm using them to stretch the amount some.... mix well and refridgerate. Just before serving add 1 package of crushed striped shortbread cookies......

It is a very good sweet salad.... and it's what DD wants at her wedding supper... Ham or turkey sandwiches, potato salad, Pasta salad, (the kind with tri-colored pasta, veggies and italian dressing) cookie salad, bars and of course wedding cake..... Pretty simple..... If I was feeling good I could do that no problem, but with how things are I'm going to have someone else make the potato salad.... The other 2 are easy... and I plan to have most all of the bars and Cookies done before I go to mayo, just in case of surgery.....

Well, no time to comment.......sorry........ gotta get supper started... It's harvest and I never know for sure what time DH will be coming home... It was 8:30 last night... Hope it's earlier tonight....

Take care all and have a good evening... Julie

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Lori - Jewish American Princess - JAP - I'm one, so get ready.

What is a JAP favorite wine????

Answer - I want to go to the beach. (whining inflection)

Since I AM ONE - I can make the jokes.

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Lori - thanks for the update on Karen. Sending prayers for healing and good doctors to help.

113 is the heat index in KC for the next few days. I spent the day with DGD helping her with her books for her salon.

scale is showing me good results, so will delay another fill.

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JAP - no hotels with plastic glasses. Very important for me.

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Good evening.

Linda, too funny about the McD's lady and her nuggets for breakfast. Silly lady, nuggets are for lunch. I got my nuggets today actually and get this. I paid for a 6 pc, sat down to eat them and they cheated me out of a nugget, I only got 5. I could've been the crazy woman. ha ha! So I went back and got the 6th nugget and they felt bad and gave me 2 more. Now the silly part, I only ate 5. DUH! What was I thinking? But by golly I paid for 6 and 6 is what I wanted. LOL

As far as the JAP thing and camping in a Holiday Inn with panelling, until last year that was me. No way would I have ever thought I'd be tent camping much less enjoying it. SHHH don't tell DH I enjoy it some as he does so much for me because he knows it's not my thing. LOL He treats me like a princess. Maybe that's why I don't mind it, he does all the work.

Linda, I hope you get some answers for your Merry. It's so tough when our fur babies get things wrong with them. We were so worried about our Hunter a couple years ago when she had a run in with a barbed wire fence in SD. But they were able to stitch her up okay, was concerned about her leg/paw. I think it comes down to quality of life for the dog. That's how we looked at it when we had our rotties put to sleep (not at the same time).

Julie, I didn't think of the mandarin oranges in that salad in place of the pineapple.

Heard from Apples after the MRI, she won't have the results for 2 days. She said this was a 'country bumpkin' of a dr and as soon as she got the results she was having them sent to another dr. She has a dental appt tomorrow on top of all this. She is in wait and see mode on the arm/wrist/hand.

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Thanks for the Apples update. Had a great dinner with my brother. He gets along so well with my husband.

My husband and I have been invited to another business dinner. This time I an not gonna sweat it. Haven't pbed in awhile so I will just chew good and be fine. More nervous about the company and meeting new people but I will be fine. Nothing crippling.

I actually just touched up my hair color today. Had like a whole day of beauty at home. Didn't realize we would be going out. I just know I am gonna be meeting alot of new people at school so I want to put up a good first impression. Next monday I will be meeting everyone in charge of the program and all my classmates. After that I'll get my books and start working my tail off. It's coming so fast.

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Linda, sorry about your Merry. Hope they can just remove it.

Janet, love the hair.< /p>

Great, that's right gotta get what you paid for. lol

Joyce, Judy & Jodi, I guess you could be called the 3 J's. I want to be a princess too!

Good juju heading apples way. Hope all turns out ok for her. How is she going to junk up the thread with a bad wing?

Jessica, you will do wonderful in school and meeting new people.

Well a good 3 weeks with the ex BF. Ex is the word again. He is so confused, flip flopping back and forth. I think the brain tumor is effecting him more than any one knows. Kind of devastating but I will make it. Walked it off instead of eating it away. So it is a major victory for me.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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