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Everyone had a busy weekend by the sounds of it. We were awakened at 5:00 a.m. Sat. with DGD being dropped off as step daughter was sick and went to hospital. She got out a few hours later but we ended up having DGD until last night. Not wanting to start this every single weekend thing again so I was a little unhappy -- although I love and adore my DGD, I have enough on my plate without her mother deciding she's "sick" on my days off. She needs to take better care of herself and avoid getting so sick. If only she'd check her blood sugars once in awhile!

Did go to Bonefish Grill for a lovely dinner Sat.night. Just love their food -- they cook the fish on a wood burning grill and it's perfect -- very moist and delish. I had my tilapia served with steamed broccoli and mango salsa. Yum.

Jodi, glad Dassi was able to come home -- especially since her camp is so long - I only went to one week camps as a kid, but always wished it had been longer. I've never been to a wedding on a Monday -- is that because weekends would be so much more expensive in New York or is it a Jewish custom to marry on a Monday? You'll have a great time tent camping this weekend -- I used to love it -- miss it too -- with my arthritis and Fibromylgia I really can't do it any more. Sounds like lots of fun -- have a great time! I Can you take a couple of cases of bottled Water? If so that's what I would do -- then you won't have to worry about if you have enough -- should be enough even if others drink some -- I'm sure everyone will bring their own drinks.< /span>

Laura, hope you enjoy your time in NC -- I know your folks are thrilled to have you and Nelson there. Yes, DH don't really appreciate what all we do when it comes to kids -- I agree -- My DH is much the same way -- it's cause we make it all seem so easy -- for us it's just part of the deal, for them they want an award for doing it. LOL. That sand thing sounds terrible -- a bunch of mother's should file a class action suit to shut that game down! LOL.

Arlene, sorry about the carbs - but good going on the exercise. Keeping my fingers crossed on your weight loss this week. I've decided to not weigh anymore -- at least for now. I'm behaving so I'm not worried. I just tend to get frustrated when the scale doesn't move, so why put myself through that? A use a friz serum also during this time of year when the humidity is so bad.

Exercise: I did go to the gym both Sat. and Sun -- did 35/35/30 on Sat. and Sunday did bike for 40 and elleptical for 45. I was planning on going to water aerobics this am but we had another horrific storm overnight - and I was awake most of the night so decided sleep was probably more important. Now the darn pool is closed for 10 days (yearly cleaning) so will miss it for awhile.

LauraK -- that pig fest sounded fun -- sorry about the pb -- yuck I wouldn't want to do that either. Last weekend we had DGD and she had to "go potty" and we were at a boat dock and the only bathroom was a permanent type of porta potty (outhouse)-- and I took DGD in there and she just took one look (and I'm sure the smell shocked her) -- she looked so shocked - she just turned around and said, "I'm NOT going potty in that hole!" I said, "I'll help you" and she said, "no thank you." It was quite funny actually - she was so outraged at the whole idea. Quite a reaction.

Julie, I've catered weddings (for friends and relatives) and never had more than 175 but that is still a lot of work -- more than I could do now. So give yourself a little credit -- you are doing amazing in my opinion. I do hope your pain doesn't get any worse. Hope you enjoyed your time with your little one Mimi. Julie, I agree you should do something -- is there a clinic administrator there or is that who called you back? If it is the same person, then I would certainly do a letter. You do need to put in writing exactly what happened and what was said and get it off your chest. Then you can let it go. I would feel the same way that you do -- so hugs -- I'm sorry that happened -- with all you've been through I think it's terrible to treat you that way.

Okay, time to share my most recent problem -- my little angel doggie, Merry. She had a non-cancerous fatty tumor on her front right leg that we had removed twice already -- each time no cancer was found. It's returned even more aggressively than before and is HUGE and ugly. So now we are faced with our new delema -- they are saying they'd prefer to amputate her leg as they believe it will just keep coming back and get larger each time. They also say they don't believe there's enough skin there to just remove it. Well, she's 12 or 13 (not sure as we got her from a shelter) and in perfect health except for this -- she's very active and runs and plays and jumps without any problem even with this huge thing on her leg. We do have an appt. with another vet to get a second opinion before we make any decisions. So I'm very worried. Do any of you have any experience with amputations on older pets? I just wonder if we should put her through this or if it would be kinder to put her down, although I don't even like to think of that as she is just so special and sweet - but again, do I want to put her through it? It's breaking our hearts and is so depressing. It's very hot to the touch and looks painful although it doesn't seem to be painful. Kinda weird. Any advice or similar experience any of you would like to share would be welcome. Thanks.

I'm a one purse kinda girl myself -- usually use one until it falls apart -- never care what color shoes I'm wearing -- except for formal occasions -- but never for every day stuff -- I think that comes from being a poor single mom for years -- could only afford cheap purses -- so never got into that much. I've never been much of a shopper -- well I love to buy clothes, but hate to shop -- well, to be honest, I'm starting to like it more now that I can find such great buys and everything I try on fits. It's wonderful.

Gwen, I hope you can get both your knees done at once - it sounds better to me than going through it twice. My DH had to have both his hips replaced a year apart and he dreaded that second surgery so much, even though he knew he would feel better afterwards. I always dread any kind of surgery.

Joyce, hope you can get another fill - and hope it goes better for you this time. Nothing worse than being stuck and pb'g.

Jessica, hope you can find a good babysitter -- have you checked to see if maybe there's someone in your apt. complex with a child that goes to the same school as your son? If they're already taking their kid to school, I'm sure they'd be pretty reliable to take your son and a few extra bucks would probably be welcome in this economy. I think a birthday party at the museum would be fun. But I'm sure your Dad would love to have it at his house - we always love to do things for our GD so I bet your Dad is much the same, even though he's busy, he'd probably love to help out for the party.

Lori, sorry about the flight -- that would drive me insane. Hope you can get there Wednes and have a visit with your kids. Maybe you could spend the night and see Grandma on Thurs? I have friends here who have ponds and their fish survive our nasty winters too. I never knew they could until I moved here. Neat that he figured out how to do a water fall -- sounds great! I love the sound of water too. Ocean is my favorite sound. Enjoy Hawaii -- I love Hawaii.

Judy what a deal on the sandals!! That's an amazing buy!!! Wow, you win the prize I think for the best deal this week. I can't imagine anything better than that! WTG on the weight loss. I guess if I really want to lose more I could try that. I just hate to give up food again. I like chewing. LOL. Enjoy your nephew's wedding -- loved my niece's -- it was great to visit with all the extended family.

Cheri, wish you were my neighbor -- lol. That's very nice that you do that for your neighbors -- are they elderly? If not, they should be ashamed of themselves for not doing it themselves. That's a lot of work, but I know you enjoy it -- and it's nicer to look at from your yard. We had a neighbor like that in Long Beach -- we always had to trim their bushes, and weed their area next to our driveway too.

Janet, size ZERO? Wow, you go!! I'm no where near that size. I'm impressed and Jealous (of course). LOL.

Okay gang, I better close -- hope Apples checks in tomorrow.


Edited by ljv52

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Lots of posting today.......Apples would be proud...burning up the thread.

I walked this morning. I have been good on plan today I love this pedometer. I have burned 400 calories and I still have to walk this evening.

Judy-WTG! on the 6 1/2lbs! Awesome! I am doing a Optifast bar and shake today. I ate grilled flounder and veggies for lunch.

Julie-What did the nurse tell her? Some doctors are paranoid about being sued. My doctor will not prescribe any narcotics. She has a sign in her waiting room stating the drugs she will not prescribe. I hope you find a doctor that can meet all of your needs. I am believing mayo will get to the bottom of your pain issue. HUGS!!!!

Lori, sorry you didn't get to see Grandma. I bet this is a real busy flying time with all the college students going back to school.

Jodi......Happy Camping!

Okay......gotta get in the kitchen and make chicken salad for our pastor. I don't think I told y'all, but he was in a motorcycle accident a month ago. He had broken ribs, punctured lung, punctured spleen, and a broken shoulder. His wife injured her knee. He was life flighted to San Antonio and spent a week in intensive care. He is much better and should start preaching again in two weeks. We are so grateful for his recovery.

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COOKIE salad? ?!!????!!?? I have to know, Julie.

Camping? Jewish girls do not camp. We could break a nail. My idea of camping is a Holiday Inn with a wood paneled wall. Where would I plug in my CPAP? my curling Iron? lol

Concerning Merry-puppy. So sorry. When our fluffs hurt, we hurt too. I think a second opinion is a good idea. Also, go online and read. I have seen 3 legged dogs before and they adjust and do well. But I do not know about an older dog adjusting. If her health is otherwise good and her prognosis for more years is good, then I think I would try it. Just an OPINION as I am not a vet and I do not play one on TV.

This hunger has gone to my head. Two more days.

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Forgot to add--altho I am wearing a size 12 pants, my BMI says that I am still obese.


They do NOT account for age! Ridiculous!

PS Bought the Frizz Free Garnier product--I'll let you know if this Brillo pad on my head goes away.

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Thanks guys, I really just want to invite 4 people to his party but even that is too much for our apt. The four people are just family. If we do have it at the museum I will invite some school friends. I don't have time to plan something big. Just pizza and cake. He will be entertained with his gifts and us adults can spend time together.

My brother is coming over again tommorrow. I am so excited he wants to hang out with us. He is 10 years younger than me so I feel old but he is so excited to be around my family. He still lives with my mother and stepfather and they are awful. Maybe he just needs a place to get away sometimes.

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Good Evening Gang

Charlene - before I forget - these are the pants I got on QVC

I'll let you know how they fit - I ordered xs - by their size chart but think they will be to small - we will see

Women with Control Stretch Bootcut Leggings - QVC.com

Here's a pic of my new do ;0) Everyone at work loved it - the only diff is I have bangs - the hair cut is the same..

Back from the gym - arms tonite - had a good workout ..

Took my car in to get repaired this morning - Do you guys want to know what a sweet kid Andrew is - I asked him what his work schedule was for the week - could I take his car - he said that he works alot this week - I said ok - I'll get a rent a car - Well this morning when he was taking me to work he said he called his Mom and he would use their extra car while mine was in the shop - Wasn't that so considerate... I gotta send his Mom/Stepdad a fruit bouquet - That was so nice of them

Got dogs fed - my veggies cooking - need to go start fish in a few ...

Ya Julie what is cookie salad ;0)

Judy you crack me up - you are a princess aren't you - I would be too now a days - not really - I don't mind a couple of days roughing it..

Congrats on your 12's - don't worry about the bmi charts - they are out of date ..

Linda - Hugs on your Merry - That's a hard one - I don't think I would want to see my dog hopping around on 3 legs - If I could I would just leave it along as long as it's not hurting her.

Hugs on DD issues w/her sugar - Ya - she's not too responsible is she - It would bug me to - I would feel taken advantage of - I know I am sorta glad my DS doesn't live here anymore - cuz if he did - I would be playing taxi to the girls when they were at work... Been there done that and I hate when things interfere w/my schedule.

The size 0 is a total fluke lol - I have 1 size 2 in the closet - the rest are 4's - there is no way I am a 0 - I'm 5'3 on a good day weight and my weight has been sticking at 136 - Hell when I was 20 weighed 115 I wore normally 7/8 - had 1 size 5 was the smallest size I wore back then - I am sure that they have increased sizing in the last few yrs..

But that they say 0 is fantastic !!! and as a formerly morbitly obese chick I will take it and RUN W/IT ;0):thumbup::tongue:;):tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::(:thumbup::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:

Judy - are you doing Soups or just shakes - add a salad

Great - I would be frustrated to if I couldn't get on a flight and had plans - but since the kids will be available tomorrow - it worked out for the best ;0)

Jessica - Happy for you getting time to spend w/your bro...

Julie - I agree w/Charlene - I think it was the meds issue - that caused them to send you that letter.. They think you are looking for drugs - I know that my DIL mom has like 5 diff doc's to get her meds.. I know you aren't like that - but now a days alot of pple are..

today is 8/9/10 ;0)

Yep Apples - I hope you can type ;) You have been missed and thinking about you and your teeth & arm and family issues - you are in my prayer..

Eva - What are you going to do after you retire??

Well I need to get out of these gym clothes - and change into jammies -


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Forgot to add--altho I am wearing a size 12 pants, my BMI says that I am still obese.


They do NOT account for age! Ridiculous!

PS Bought the Frizz Free Garnier product--I'll let you know if this Brillo pad on my head goes away.

Depends on whose BMI chart you're looking at. I hear Weight Watchers has a much lower one than the regular one. My Dr. looked at me at 5'9" and told me I should got for 170 lbs which is right at the top of my BMI so I'm doing great at 163. I also wear a size 12--kind of loosely.

Also, love your humor.

Thanks guys, I really just want to invite 4 people to his party but even that is too much for our apt. The four people are just family. If we do have it at the museum I will invite some school friends. I don't have time to plan something big. Just pizza and cake. He will be entertained with his gifts and us adults can spend time together.

My brother is coming over again tommorrow. I am so excited he wants to hang out with us. He is 10 years younger than me so I feel old but he is so excited to be around my family. He still lives with my mother and stepfather and they are awful. Maybe he just needs a place to get away sometimes.

Can you do it outdoors? Beach? Poolside? Cool about your bro.

Cheri, wish you were my neighbor -- lol. That's very nice that you do that for your neighbors -- are they elderly? If not, they should be ashamed of themselves for not doing it themselves. That's a lot of work, but I know you enjoy it -- and it's nicer to look at from your yard. We had a neighbor like that in Long Beach -- we always had to trim their bushes, and weed their area next to our driveway too.

Linda, they are elderly with diabetes (severe). They spend their weekends at flea markets. She still works at Wallmart. He's deaf and has no clue which plants are flowers and which are weeds. They also have a tendancy to just clip the weeds which just makes them come up bushier.



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Forgot to add--altho I am wearing a size 12 pants, my BMI says that I am still obese.


They do NOT account for age! Ridiculous!

PS Bought the Frizz Free Garnier product--I'll let you know if this Brillo pad on my head goes away.

Judy......that stuff works. My DH told me my hair looked like my sister's...Yikes! Them are fightin words! lol! So, I went out at got the anti-frizz. He said my hair looks smooth now.

Well, the heat index this evening was 96 and the humidity was 70.....I got dizzy again......walked like a drunken sailor. There wasn't any breeze. Duh! I didn't think about taking a water bottle. I will tomorrow.

Goodnight Peeps!

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Jodi, I'm curious about the Monday wedding too. Oh my, not a camping girl huh? You can make it for a couple of days. Who is providing the sleeping gear? Make sure you take good padding and depending on your weather, a way to stay dry. You should have lots of fun. The mother/daughter thing with mani/pedi sounds so cool. I never did anything like that with my mom.

Julie, just 300 people, no big deal....yeah right. You deserve the credit you are getting. Are you going to look for a MOB dress? Or is this going to be casual and only the bride be all fancied up?

Charlene, I'm trying all sorts of products to keep the frizz down, but have only found a couple that work. So you are happy with Garnier stuff? I might have to try it. I've used Pantene restoratives but they work so so.

Linda, I'm sorry to hear that your SD takes advantage of you. As much as you love your DGD, you still need time for you. You work full time and I really understand about needing the weekends to recoup sometimes. From the sounds of it, your SD isn't interested in taking care of herself. She knows you take care of DGD no matter what. I'm sorry to hear about your little dog. It's a very hard decision and I'd check with another vet. Surgery at that age is hard on them. Merry knows you will make the best decision for her. My friend has a 3 legged dog, but it's a young dog and is doing just fine.

Phyl, that bad purse decision....the Miche bags are very cool with the exchangeable covers, but they are stiff and it's hard for me to get my stuff in it...or rather to get stuff out of them, so I'm back to my old bag. We do have our favorites and finding a new seems to be a crap shoot to me.

Jessica, sounds like a lot is going on. The party in a museum sounds like fun if it isn't too expensive. And maybe your Dad would really like to host a party. It can't hurt to ask. Men don't plan parties too well, there are exceptions out there, but for the most part, they aren't the best party planners. Sounds like you are getting excited about starting school.

Lori, I have a stock tank about 28 inches deep (of course it doesn't freeze that hard here) and have a little pump that recirculates the Water. It is a nice sound, but sometimes I have to go check to make sure I didn't leave something running when I hear that sound. I've flooded more than one thing out.

Judy, thanks for the encouragement and the laughs. Retirement at 52 is great. I'll be good with 54. Your post is not long...no restroom break. Congrats on getting off the plateau....nice view on the down side.

Joyce, what are you up to. You're posting but not saying much.

Janet, yes Andrew is a good kid. It's hard for them to grow up, but at least you know he loves you. How's Bella? Glimmer had a hernia too but they took care of it when they spayed her. What will I do when I retire? Figure out a way to make more money. I do need a little time to chill, but I'm going to have to earn some money if I want to travel at all, so I'm trying to work on some stuff. We'll see how it plays out. I may just look for some part time work.

Cheri, I have to do the drugs and soak after my marathon yard episodes. I'm really glad your neighbors appreciated what you did for them. It's nice for you and for them.

So no formal exercise for me today, but I did get a brief workout this morning. I had to inspect one of the T-mobile sites and we put in a "Handhole". It's like a manhole except it is a lot smaller, 30 inches by 48 inches by maybe 2 feet deep. It has a large lid that covers then entire thing which is rectangular. The lid is made of fiberglass and concrete. I decided to be macho woman and look inside (checking to make sure the pull tape was in there). I got the lid off but moved it 2 inches too far and it fell in the hole and I couldn't get it out. It's heavy, really heavy....maybe 100 pounds. I was embarrassed because I had to call someone to help pull the darn thing out and set it back up. So that was the start of my day and it went down hill from there.

Anyway, I'm still very tired from the previous days exercise so today is a day off and I'll resume again tomorrow.

Picked up my retirement papers but it's going to take a while to read everything and decide what I want to do. I have a little time before they have to be in.

DH is having a colonoscopy (sp?) in the morning, so tonight is going to be all sorts of fun for him and I have to take him tomorrow. It will be over with soon and life will get back to normal, we hope.

I'm going to bed early, didn't sleep well last night. Have a great evening!


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Hi all!

Greetings from NC. I am typing in the dark as Nelson sleeps on that tiny new laptop DH got me. I apologize in advance for typos. I read all the posts but will likely not respond to all. Thinking of you all and the various things going on. Sounds like everyone is doing ok, eating ok and exercising. wtg, keep it up!

Things here are very stressful! I arrived from the airport and they were waiting on us to eat dinner. SIGH. I had a 3.4 hour flight on a tiny plane with no potty- had not drinken ANY Water b/c didn't want to have to pee. Well I was tight as all get out. Then to top it off, Dad can't do stuff still b/c of neuropathy of the hands, my DSis is deathly afraid of gas grills (though nothing has ever happened to her with one) and mom is out of whack with back. So, I didn't even change and turned on grill and grilled veggies on skewers and lamb chops. Half well done for guest and mom, and rest rare. I couldn't eat two bites of anything, just had air escaping/burps. It was awkward to say the least with the guest. I didn't push it and just stopped eating.

I went with mom to pain management dr today. i liked him. Seemed smart, nice bed manner. Went over her MRI in DETAIL with us. Really bad herniated disc L2-L3 and L4-L5. Both with severe nerve compression on left. She told him more about her situation and that she has to get mobile to help take care of my dad. She told him she didn't want pain meds, she wants to function. He scheduled her for the steroid epidural (x2 locations) for wed. He seems confident it will help. He wanted to fill her pain meds and she said no thanks- we have meds coming out our ears. I have to be able to help my husband and I don't want meds. He said he could tell she was a tough cookie and not a drug seeker and was going to do everything in his power to get her back to normal. She is excited and relieved and scared all at the same time. I have been cooking a lot. Mom has been so thankful for the help. I am a good multitasker- get laundry started, start some of the meal- play with Nelson- get Dad something to drink- say hi to guest, etc. I feel like I am helping and it was worth the trip. My sis is a little out of sorts with me here. Happens every time. I guess i step on her territory and she feels that everyone feels that i do things so much better. I try to validate her feelings and compliment her on all she does ALL the time. I told her I am just reinforcements in this war and that she is on battlefield 24 7 365. It made her feel a bit better. Nelson is being such a good, patient, loving boy. He understands Grandma and Grandpa are out of commission and keeps writing them care notes. He's being good at keeping his toys away from walk areas. He even mastered the new IPod DH got us for trip. OMG.. it has a cable and can connect ipod to tv and use like DVD! he knows how to play all his own shows and movies! SOOOO worth it!

DH is missing me bad. It always takes a trip for him to realize all that I do. I think he forgets all the work i do daily to keep house looking like it always looks (nice and tidy and stocked). He is also a good listener and lets me vent at the end of each day. He is always great at seeing all the sides of a situation and reminding me of how the other is feeling without making me mad/sad. I just love him and appreciate him. and of course, miss him too.

Tomorrow am taking the guest shopping- as he has to buy gifts for his family. They like clothes so will try marshalls and tjmaxx. He knows brands and sizes well. He is VERY tasteful with clothes and knows how to match things. He buys complete outfits for wife and daughter- no problem. Then in afternoon taking dad to GI doc. He lost 10 lbs this week. Has diarrhea (maybe from last antibiotic) and burping and no appetite. If he forces himself to eat he vomits. So he eats small bites here and there. I think he has gastritis- but not sure if he is up for endoscopy. Hopefully the dr will try meds first. Mom is worried sick about him.

I am exhausted, but took a sleeping pill 2 hrs ago and couldn't sleep. so now up and just folded laundry. Nels is in my room on air mattress and just LOVE hearing him sleep. Just like classical music to my ears- so soothing.

I better try to sleep. Thanks for all the thoughts. Right back at ya!!! : ) Apples, are you listening? Will CB when I can. Miss you guys... peasout, Laura

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Hi guys....

Frizzy hair? ??? ha....the worst is here. Curly and frizzy. In humid NY weather???? Must use something good. Ive tried everything and since I blow dry and straighten with Iron after...I need something to control that frizz or no matter how much I straighten I frizz the second I get out of doors.

I use..."OSIS + Magic" (Anti frizz gloss serum) by Schwarzkopf I use a pea size and it lasts till the next wash.

I used to straighten with the brazilian straightening..then didnt need a thing...but cannot stand the smell of that stuff and since needing to leave the stuff in hair for three days before washing out....I couldnt stand it...had to take it out in a two days...it was fine after but the thought of doing that again....uh no thanks...ill stick to iron and antil frizz. lol

Camping and me??? well, wasnt aware that there was going to be no bathrooms or Water. lol

Kind of was just like sure...camping sounds like fun.

Suppose ill have to make an apt for mani/pedi on Monday morning...chiropractor and massage therapist as well come to think of it. lol

no..I dont have any camping equipment. I figured we would just stop at Wallmart on the way up there and pick up what we need??

I have a flashlight. A three man tent...other then that um not too much. Will borrow a blow up mattress and an ice chest or two. This is going to be real fun...uch um.

Ill probably be going to visit my two friends...one in a bungallow colony and one who has a house ten min away.

Thanks for the calculations regarding waters....I figured...someone would help figure that one out!! lol

Thanks for the suggestions....baby wipes?? what a great idea. Ill take more if anyone has any....and since some of you are avid campers...bring it on....as you see...this city girl....has no clue what shes got herself into!!!

Judy fortunately my parents didnt believe in bringing up japs sadly. lol

Monday night weddings...yes they are on Mondays and Wednesdays because its auspicious to have a wedding on the same day as you read the torah during the week. Also...the real reason is its cheaper as well.

Its seems however the more religious the more chances it would be that irs during the week. A real pain for some people....but the nice thing is it never is black tie...so you can dress more casual then on a weekend wedding.

Israeli dancing?? yes, Hava Nagila is a song that you would dance to Israeli style however, the danciong that is done at religious weddings is called simcha dancing really. Simcha meaning a celebration. The music and dancing is a mix of modern dance and israeli dance with some alot of line dancing as well.

"Hava Nagila" (spelled correctly, yes) song is an old song from our grandparents decade and we young ones (young hah) wouldnt be caught dead dancing to that song, its also notorious for non religious affairs to have that song and dance as the first "jewish dance" and then switch to reg american dancing as it is the one song that jews are familiar with regardless of their practice, or where they are from. Sorry....though....Im sure that the Israelis were not laughing when you taught you that song and dance...but it is a traditional one that we all know...and occassionally will have to dance to..unwillingly. lol

It was a very nice wedding..the kids who got married..and I call them kids as they are respectfully 20 and 21. lol

They are children of friends that Ive had from our bungallow colony....the "kids" grew up together in the colony from the time they were about 5. They recently met about an year ago at a party apparently in the city and decided to go out and that was that....How funny is that?? The parents are friends...and have been for years but stopped going to the colony when the kids got older. All the families....that went together for so many years kept up the friendships and got together during the year for parties and such....the kids...are all getting married now and there are lots of weddings to attend.....but this wedding was special as it was two kids from the colony itself getting married and they werent going out when they were growing up together....not at all.

The story..goes when they were about 11 or 12....the boy apparently made a comment about girls and how stupid and not strong they are....and the girl....she said Ill show you and she popped him in the face.

these are the two that are got married today.....Funny how things turn out...and no one would have ever thought it!

So...It was a bungallow wedding so to say....the whole gang was there....and it was alot of fun. It was like being back there and having a party on a sat night...at the casino. All the children were there as well...but they were hardly recognizable as they are now adults pretty much. Dassi would have loved to have come as she was the baby of the crowd...along with the married kids sister who she was best friends with and is her age.

There was three tables of bungallow people...and only six other tables...it wasnt a big wedding but it was beutiful. The dancing was great....

Funny though how the same songs and music were played like at my wedding 13 yrs ago lol. Its not always like this and alot of young people have crazy hebrew music but this was music I was able to recongnize..lol and knew all the dances to.

I miss these people...I have such great memories of the summers spent at this bungallow with these people....I actually heard some stories about Ron that I never knew about....with him and the guys....they seem to have missed him here at the wedding. I didnt think about that until then and realized that yes...he should have been here as well....oh well.

I also..got great compliments! lol From some more then others...its interesting...and im wondering why....a few of the men were friendlier then I remembered. Now I wasnt really friendly with the men...but with the woman....the men werent there during the week and on weekends...the men came up so really didnt have much to do with them....Ron did as they socialized and when we divorced...those two years after....I tried to stay away from any other womans husband...as the bungallows were fairly close together and I shared a porch with another family..and always made it a point never to be alone with any of them at any point no matter what...not a good situation to have anyone even think anything....after all I was the divorced one...the only one...so I needed to be careful these were my friends...and i wanted to keep them. I say all this because three of the men....tonight they were...more then forward about the way they thought I was looking and they were just standing to close or sitting to close or talking to close...? Men who never really were of concern or payed much attention to me at all..and never approached me this way at the colony in all those years.

It was just interesting....the way they were behaving..not to mention the few who were slightely tipsy and was just being to firiendly one who called me aside to tell me how fabulous I looked?? ....i was a little embarrassed. I was flattered but im sure his wife wouldnt have thought so!! It was all fun but was well to aware of the vibes and kept in check.

Perhaps I am reading into things more...or maybe not.

What im finding is that people in general are treating me different....I feel this way...perhaps its just my perception but I wonder how much is real or is my imagination.

It was good it was a religous wedding and I was able to dance with the woman only and although it was seperate seating I made sure to sit in between two woman friends. lol.

There were several friends also who wanted to set me up....grrrr. I love them but....grrr. lol

well..I exercized for about an hour and a half. Burned lots of calories...and only ate some chicken and string Beans. No shmorg board at all. Had red wine then thats all.

Someone posted pics to facebook...perhaps you all can see them. Id post a few but not sure how to get them from the person who tagged me...and sent it to me.

Well...must go to sleep. Am working 2-7 tomorrow as again..I am the all around person ....still no replacement nurse. Training at 11. Am sore from yesturday training!!

Okay...junked up the thread now for sure!!!

Have a good night all.


I miss my friends. I miss playing mahjong everyday.....and I miss my bungallow...I loved my bungalow more then I did my apt still do!

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oh. Laura..Hope all goes well with your mom.

and you are such a good daughter to help out when needed....even when you havent even rested from your trip!

Julie....you sit and say thank you when you are complimented lol Yes you do deserve the credit and you dont even know it!!! But we are here to tell you different!!! You are fabulous and amazing...and 300 people is an insane amount of people no matter how little you say you are doing...we know you by now....you are doing way too much!!! Enjoy, Enjoy!!

sorry junked up the thread. again.....

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Morning................ it was a very long night... I had constant aching in both shoulder joints.... It was sort of weird.... and I think from helping Mimi to get on the "big potty". She won't use the little one... I have her stand on a stool, but it's still too high for her to do alone.. So lift I did..... What else could I do.... today she goes to daycare with DD and tomorrow DF will have her as it is his day off.....

Cookie salad is just a sweet fruit salad and you add crushed fudge-striped shortbread cookies..... buttermilk, instant vanilla pudding, drained fruit cocktail, Cool Whip and then crushed cookies.. Very good.. DD wants this for the wedding supper... I was testing to see how many people one batch will feed.. I figure 25- 30 if I stretch it with some miniature marshmallows....... So I have that figured out... I have to do that with the Pasta salad she wants sometime soon, too, so I know how much stuff to buy....

Jodi, the wedding sounds like it was fun.... You have way more tradition in your life than I do being a lifelong Lutheran....

Judy, that dang BMI thing is weird... If you aren't the perfect weight for your height then you are obese..... Who needs that dang chart anyway!!!! I'm sure you look fabulour.... You need to show us a new picture.....

Jessica, sounds like you have a plan..... and it's nice that your brother wants to be with you...

Laura, just keep doing what you are doing... Your sis will figure it out.... Wonderful for you to be so giving with your parents... I do so much for my mother, but sometimes with an angry heart because no on else thinks of her...... One of my brothers did actually take her out for supper the other night.... WOW!!!!

Well, put in a call to move up my appointent with pain management doc..... I need to tell him about mayo, and ask if he wants to continue being my doctore or not... I'm tired of doctors and all their bull.........

Well, time to start my day... I have two loads of clothes to fold and 2 more to wash.... It's very hot here these days..... mid 90's and high humidity.. DH can take a lot of heat but he was all spent last night when getting home from work... They are harvesting now and it is hot work.... He drinks lots of gatorade.... Take care now and I'll talk to you all later...... Hugs.............. Julie

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A beach party sounds great. My son loves the beach. I will ask my family if they are willing to do that. Thanks Cheri.

No plans today. Still waiting for one last thing for my finacial aid. I took care of it. Just waiting for someone to input it into the computer. I had to take a little class online about financial aid and loans. Just waiting for the goverment to notify my school that I did it.

Found out yesterday that I will only have 480 dollars credit toward books and I will need to cover the other 300 up front. Then I will be rembursed in sept. Just another wrench in our plans.

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Good Morning Gang

Jodi - I just love reading your stories :0) - I loved the JAP comment - I was going to say that - but since I'm not jewish I didn't want to offend anyone - I was going to call Judi that ;0) lol...

Jessica - I wouldn't know the 1st thing about getting grants loans etc - I know that my DIL got them all that's how she got thru Nursing School..

Eva - Yep Andrew is pretty good - he just amazed me at being so considerate - couldn't beleive a 19 yr thought of anyone else but theirselves ;0) -

I would take some down time and then look for pt work too - You are a traveler so you need the $$$ to do that ;0)

Julie - Cookie salad - Sounds good - I think - I would try it - I'm not a big fruit cocktail person. You Pain Management doc understands more than that other one.. I bet you are sick of doctors - I know I would be - I would be totally frustrated by now..

Laura OMG girl you are busy ;0) - but a good busy - I know you can handle it - and I figured your DH was a good listener by our visit in FL - I wouldn't mind a guy like him :0)

Well I am at work and I need to get back to it CBL

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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