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Went to Macy's (had 20% coupons) Saved $50 ;0) got 2 pair on INC pants that fit like a glove - one in peities to wear w/flats and one regular to wear w/heals - Oh ya got a pair of Tiharri (sp) pants - size 0 and they are lose ;0) These were on the clearance rack a Karen Kane blouse gray w/sequines on the front these were on clearance too - then went to the shoe department - I want ballerina flats but most make my 10's look so big and fat - found some Stan Weissman for like $150 (NOPE) - found a pair of Joan & David $92 for $27 ... and they look good on my feet.. Got 2 bra's at Penny's and then came home -

Sounds like you made quite a haul yesterday. Size 0???? Wow, I may have been a 0 when I was fourteen and had Mono.....lol. My goal is 12-14. I will made it happen!!

I watched QVC too. I was so tempted to buy, but no......gotta wait. I like the Tiganello organize purses because of the outside organizer. I put my cash and some cards in it. So, who makes the pants that you bought on QVC? I missed them.

My sister said she saw B Makowsky purses at Marshalls.......really discounted.

Cheri, I believe the brick thing. You know what shit means.....ship high in transit because if the manure got wet in ships it would blow up. Now, I just got an email about it......didn't check to see if it was true, but makes sense. I love reading that stuff.

I loved Inception, but I need to see it again. There are many layers to it, and it moves so fast.

Laura K.......wow you are a walking machine! on the sand....wow! Sorry about the pb. I eat to fast too. I still have that first bite syndrome. If I don't wait of it to go down I will start to slime. YUK!

Well, peeps, I did not walk this morning. My back is jacked. I did core exercises in bed. Now, gotta get ready for church and then on to my DGD's second birthday party. HUGS!

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Wow, Janet, GREAT job! Can I just say DITTO- I couldn't have said those replies better had I said it myself ; ) Love the deals you got. Size 0! WHAT?! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are my hero, my friend. <singing>

In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina

Can't you see the sunshine

<singing again>

My favorite James Taylor song. : )

Will talk to you peeps soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo Laura

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Melissa, my evil Skechers shape ups have made me fall, too. They're so curved on the bottom that the bottom catches on things unexpectedly. I tried to do a kind of skimming, not quite a run, run and the bottom of the shoe-not the toe or the heel which are raised, caught the floor and made me fall. I'm very careful with them now if I go for a walk and make sure I lift my feet higher. They also don't have a wide enough toe box for me, so I'm afraid they were a big waste of money as I hardly wear them. I like the Skecher sandals though--the Tone Ups. They're not as dramatically curved. I find the toe tends to catch on stairs with them, however, and I have to make sure I lift my feet extra high when climbing stairs.

All you purse shoppers make me laugh. Y'all must carry around everything but the kitchen sink. And have to change it from one purse to another everytime you change outfits. I buy one relatively small purse in a neutral color and use it till it falls apart. I keep as little as possible in it because the weight is hard on my shoulder and neck. I always get a long strap that I can switch from over my shoulder to cross over my neck, leaving my hands free or for security with one hand protecting the purse in a public venue.


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Good afternoon. My is it windy out today but cooler so that is nice, I got the windows open and the breeze blowing through. The house is so dusty what's a bit more dust. The street behind me isn't built yet, there's a few homes underconstruction so I get lots of dust. Lately I only dust when expecting company. LOL

DH says he caught my headache today. Hmmm, maybe it was a little bug or something, I just felt so down and out, and he's incredibly tired. not that it's not stopping him from working on his pond, it would take a lot more to slow him down.

Purses: Nope, I carry the same one for at least 6 mos. I never change with outfits. In fact the sales gal at the Coach store was telling me if I tied a black scarf on my camel colored purse I could carry it with black shoes. HA HA, like I wouldn't w/o the scarf. My grandma was always very into the shoes matching the bag, and never wear white after Labor Day etc. I tend not to follow such rules.

Janet, when I grow up I want to be as good a shopper as you. LOL I'm trying though. LOL Size 0, impressive!

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Hello All,

Thoughts and prayers to each and everyone of you. Hope you are all feeling better soon.

I enjoyed reading about your lives. I haven't posted, because by the time I am finished working, work is on the computer, just want to shut it off.

I have to get both knees replaced. Some friends are suggesting to do them both at the same time. Get over with the pain.:sad::sad: I DO NOT LIKE PAIN, and will request every pain med if Doc says okay to this. I decided I will go to a rehab for one week after surgery.

Don't laugh :lol: but if I go to a rehab they will pay for an expensive drug that I would have to buy otherwise.

I did not know you could not bend down to the floor with fake knees. I guess I will have to join all of you ladies on QVC and buy something special for my new knees. :thumbup::thumbup:

I am now buying organic meats. Seems like all organic meats are not equal. I did not know that until I started learning about them.

Have been exercising - but on and off. Use my fatigue as an excuse not to go. Will be seeing my acupuncturist on Monday, to have him unblock what ever is blocking my energy

You are all tough Cookies, no sympathy or rest if one has any physical problems - . :nopity::nopity:which is great. :thumbup:

I have been having Fiber one in my Protein Shakes. Definitely does not add to the flavor. :frown:

I have accepted finally that after two weeks of being banded I am on my first of (I guess) many plateaus. :smile2: Also not to compare my weight loss with everyone else

Now I know how you recall who wrote what, and then post on here a personal message. Who ever thought to use a word document is absolutely brilliant.

I copied the icon below just because I liked it. :) :)

Gotta run - Gwendolyn Smythe


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Hi Gwendolyn, I have both knees replaced. You can bend to the floor with the new knees and my doc said I wouldn't hurt them by kneeling on them, but they hurt me to do so. And he recommended not doing so for a year and said the pain would get better to kneel by then too. I did not have them both done at the same time. I asked for that as well as a friend of mine did both at the same time. My dr refused to do them both at the same time, he said I would recover better one at a time and be better for it in the long term. However, just as you have probably realized with the band and different things posted here that different docs have prescribed for bandsters, there are various different opinions on this. I, too, wanted the pain just once. So I guess it comes down to what works best for us and what our docs recommend. Recovery is tough enough with one knee. You will still get more physical therapy after the one week at the rehab, right? Will you be in FL when you get your knees done? My mom had her hip replaced and went to a rehab place in the Villages. She said the therapy was great but the other care not so much but then again, my mom is a glass half empty type of person as well. Now that I am 9 mos out from my knee surgery, I feel better than ever and am so glad I had it done. What a difference!

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The test on day one has something to do with calculating dosage. Atleast thats the rumor. I will be having a test every Monday. Atleast it gives me the weekend to study.

So sorry about the PBing in a porta potty. I can't stand to pb in public toliets cause the smell. Can't imagine the ports potty.

Cheri, I saw inception too. We loved it. We walked out thinking WOW. I will definately watch it again.

Went to the beach today. Got a little tan. No burn. My son was learning to use a boogie board. It is a small surf board that you lay on your belly and ride the waves. He was just so cute. Kept saying "that was so awesome". Then my husband tried but was too big for the one we bought. He kept getting a mouthful of Water. We are trying to enjoy some family time before my son and I start school.

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Hi gang! I am back from my DGD's birthday party. Yes, I did have a very small piece of cake. I did not bring any home. I am having hunger issues. It is always between 2-5 in the evening. Tomrrow I am gonna hit the shakes and just one meal a day till Wednesday. I have got to get at least a lb off.

Great, I am a one purse carrying person. I usually carry one for at least 6 months to a year.

My back is feeling so much better this evening. Gotta go walk. Later!!!!!

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Hi Great2BThin,

Yes, I will be at the same rehab as your Mother went to. I do not know anybody who has been there.

I will have physical therapy after I leave the rehab. From what I understand the pt in the Rehab does not count toward your total number of pt that you can have.

I see the surgeon in two weeks, will let you know what he says.

Gwendolyn Smythe

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Evening ladies,

Janet, got back from an hour in the pool today. I can really feel it in my legs. Yesterday, after the nap, I was still tired. Took 3 ibuprofen and went to bed early. Slept really well and felt fairly good today. Great job on the shopping, as usual, you always get good deals. We went to REI to see what they had. They just opened a store here and DH and I haven't been there yet. DH got a North Face fleece jacket with all the stuff he likes on it for $60 less than marked and a bike shirt and a hat. I got a wind fleece which is a light weight jacket for $30 less. It was a North Face too. We also went to Borders and bought Argentina books. We don't shop much and don't shop together very often, so this was a big deal.

Laruak, walking on sand is always hard, but such good exercise. You certainly have me beat for distance, but I'll catch up.

Cheri, good for you and the gardening. It's a lot exercise than a lot of people think. I always get carried away to do too much, then I'm sore afterwards. It's really nice of you to clear out your neighbors beds too...LOL they are just waiting for you to do it.

Gwendolyn, glad you are going to do something about the fatigue. It's only been two weeks you said, so be patient, the energy will come back.

I've got a chicken in the oven and will be cooking cauliflower to go with it for dinner. I also have a pile of bills (for the house in Colorado) to pay and don't want to do it.

There's always something. Tomorrow is work too, yuck...only 36 more working days....must have mis-counted the other day.

Laura, have a good and safe flight.

Okay, later...I'm distracted.


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Melissa, my evil Skechers shape ups have made me fall, too. They're so curved on the bottom that the bottom catches on things unexpectedly. I tried to do a kind of skimming, not quite a run, run and the bottom of the shoe-not the toe or the heel which are raised, caught the floor and made me fall. I'm very careful with them now if I go for a walk and make sure I lift my feet higher. They also don't have a wide enough toe box for me, so I'm afraid they were a big waste of money as I hardly wear them. I like the Skecher sandals though--the Tone Ups. They're not as dramatically curved. I find the toe tends to catch on stairs with them, however, and I have to make sure I lift my feet extra high when climbing stairs.

All you purse shoppers make me laugh. Y'all must carry around everything but the kitchen sink. And have to change it from one purse to another every time you change outfits. I buy one relatively small purse in a neutral color and use it till it falls apart. I keep as little as possible in it because the weight is hard on my shoulder and neck. I always get a long strap that I can switch from over my shoulder to cross over my neck, leaving my hands free or for security with one hand protecting the purse in a public venue. Cheri

I would think those shoes would be dangerous to walk/run on. They did a piece on them on the news tonight, but I wasn't really paying close attention.

I have a LOT of purses, but tend to stick with my favorites. One favorite is a navy blue kind of a parachute nylon fabric purse that I bought at the QVC store at mall of America 2 years ago. It's a "Travel...." something or other and I liked all the organizer pockets/zippers, etc. But then last winter at the street fair in Palm Springs area I found a "Bagellini" that is my new favorite. But I use my Coach purses from time to time, and sometimes change to something fancier if we're going out somewhere special. I like the cross body styles the past few years.

Good afternoon. My is it windy out today but cooler so that is nice, I got the windows open and the breeze blowing through. The house is so dusty what's a bit more dust. The street behind me isn't built yet, there's a few homes under construction so I get lots of dust. Lately I only dust when expecting company. LOL

DH says he caught my headache today. Hmmm, maybe it was a little bug or something, I just felt so down and out, and he's incredibly tired. not that it's not stopping him from working on his pond, it would take a lot more to slow him down.

Purses: Nope, I carry the same one for at least 6 mos. I never change with outfits. In fact the sales gal at the Coach store was telling me if I tied a black scarf on my camel colored purse I could carry it with black shoes. HA HA, like I wouldn't w/o the scarf. My grandma was always very into the shoes matching the bag, and never wear white after Labor Day etc. I tend not to follow such rules.

Janet, when I grow up I want to be as good a shopper as you. LOL I'm trying though. LOL Size 0, impressive!

:Like your purse philosophy, too! I get in trouble if I buy a new purse and then don't use it! But every now and then you make a bad choice... buy something and then once you start using it find out you don't really like it for one reason or another!

You didn't tell Gwen how close together you had your two knee surgeries!

Hi Great2BThin, Yes, I will be at the same rehab as your Mother went to. I do not know anybody who has been there. I will have physical therapy after I leave the rehab. From what I understand the pt in the Rehab does not count toward your total number of pt that you can have. I see the surgeon in two weeks, will let you know what he says. Gwendolyn Smythe

After my knee surgery last August, I had at home PT for several weeks before they sent me to outpatient. But they didn't offer me inpatient rehab. I had surgery on a Tuesday morning and went home on Friday. Nurses came twice a week for several weeks, too. She would check my vitals and my incision and took the staples out when it was time.

Evening ladies,

Janet, got back from an hour in the pool today. I can really feel it in my legs. Yesterday, after the nap, I was still tired. Took 3 ibuprofen and went to bed early. Slept really well and felt fairly good today. Great job on the shopping, as usual, you always get good deals. We went to REI to see what they had. They just opened a store here and DH and I haven't been there yet. DH got a North Face fleece jacket with all the stuff he likes on it for $60 less than marked and a bike shirt and a hat. I got a wind fleece which is a light weight jacket for $30 less. It was a North Face too. We also went to Borders and bought Argentina books. We don't shop much and don't shop together very often, so this was a big deal.

Laruak, walking on sand is always hard, but such good exercise. You certainly have me beat for distance, but I'll catch up.

Cheri, good for you and the gardening. It's a lot exercise than a lot of people think. I always get carried away to do too much, then I'm sore afterward. It's really nice of you to clear out your neighbors beds too...LOL they are just waiting for you to do it.

Gwendolyn, glad you are going to do something about the fatigue. It's only been two weeks you said, so be patient, the energy will come back.

I've got a chicken in the oven and will be cooking cauliflower to go with it for dinner. I also have a pile of bills (for the house in Colorado) to pay and don't want to do it.

There's always something. Tomorrow is work too, yuck...only 36 more working days....must have mis-counted the other day.

Laura, have a good and safe flight.

Okay, later...I'm distracted. Eva

Yikes---- bills.. yes, I have to pay some bills before we leave on Saturday, not to mention make calls to shut off paper service, forward mail, put phone, cable and internet on "vacation" status!! YUCK!! Hate the hassle of those phone calls!

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Hi Everyone...been a busy weekend...

Dassi in the end came home not for good but from Thursday till this morning. The camp found her a ride back and forth so I didnt have to do any of the driving! Yea.

We spent the weekend...doing mommy daughter things....mani/pedi, sushi, haircut, shopping for misc items needed for the last three weeks of camp.

We also saw "Eclispe" shes a "twightlight" fanatic.

She really needed to be home for a few days....she spent several hours on sat...cleaning and organizing her room.....(right before shabbos we ran to staples and got her school supplies) and she got her school supplies all together and organized so she now is ready for school. Worked on sat night on her magazing...typing up all new articles from people who wrote some from camp. Besides all of this.....we spent time talking about "Starlight" and how she felt about what happened why and how....and we cried together and laughed as well. She made copies of all the pictures of Starlight and put together her dog scrap book.

She went back on the bus this morning...renewed and regrouped. lol

Im glad the camp allowed her to go with her feelings and honored her wishes regarding her short visit to home being what she really needed to do...as opposed to leaving camp for good. Thank you...director for the sensitivity...they have a camper for life. lol

Well....Janet...I have to be put in the corner...I exercized three times at gym only this past week...I went to the gym on Wednesday and had a training set for Thursday afternoon but when camp called to say they found a ride for Dassi for the weekend...well I needed to go run food shopping as I now was making shabbos dinner and lunch and Thursday night dinner etc etc and had nothing in the house including milk. Just had what Ive been eating daily and not more. so..needed to do that soooo there went the training and gym for that day....friday was a non stop all day with Dassi see above.....and shabbos cant go at all....however went today and did training and a hour cardio and will be going tomorrow AM....and forward on....

yes...I feel guilty however....Ive realized I have no one to blame except myself. I should be going to the gym in the AM but I just have such a hard time getting there then..I prefer after work but this is the third time that ive planned for PM and didnt get there for what some reason or another....im beginning to realize that if I cant get there in the AM its not going to happen....get there get it done and no worries for what might come up....sooo

I changed my work schedule....starting later at work, and leaving later...but going to the gym in the AM....thats that.

I will, I will, I will.

This week is going to be busy. I have a wedding tomorrow night, Im excited to see people who I havent seen in several years. The wedding is the son of a friend whom we were at with at our bungallow colony for several summers in a row...we still keep in touch but really havent seen much of anyone else besides these friends....so it will be nice seeing everyone else. Of course it will be nice for them all to see me too!!! Thin compared to several years ago..50lbs lighter. There wiill be two other people there who have been banded before me who couched me on.....cant wait to see them.

Good morning. What a nice evening it was in Park City last night. I forgot to add when I posted last night about how much walking I did. First we walked the entire perimeter of the outlet mall (used to park by each store), then when we got to the Historic Main Street for the festival, had to park a long ways away and then booths are all down the Main Street and this being a mountain town, yep all on a hill. I remember going there over 10 yrs ago when we lived her before and just hating it, I was so out of breath (it's also at a high elevation) and hurt so bad and sweaty from the walking. Heck yesterday we almost walked the whole thing twice (booths on both sides of the street) and I was still ready to do more. Didn't get all huffy and puffy or sweaty even. It was so liberating to be able to do that and my knees held up great, I used to hate walking on slopes with downhill being worse the uphill with my bad knees. So the evening was extra enjoyable. Oh and the name of the restaurant we ate at...The EATING Establishment. LOL Also got everything in my new Coach bag today so feeling good. And to help with the feeling good is my headache is gone. I can still feel like I had a bad headache but it's pretty much gone. Got up early this morning to do the Home Depot and Lowes weekend tour with DH. LOL We are there every single weekend. This weekend it was to get stuff for the pond he is now digging and putting in the backyard. The man never rests. And he came home from the art festival all inspired to make new things. on top of all his yard work, etc. he loves to carve, paint, draw etc. and he does it all so well. I think in retirement that he might want to travel the shows and sell his 'wares'. Works for me.

Apples, thinking of you this weekend.

Laura, good luck with all the cooking at your mom's.

Linda, I bet those aprons are cute. I can't wait to buy for my grandbaby! I just had to stroll the Carters Childrens outlet yesterday. LOL

This sounds like such a nice day. Im glad you had such a nice time...enjoy the bag. I love coach. My favorite bags...but for work I use a Marc Jacobs...lol but my heart belongs to coach.

Hi guys~ Thanks for well wishes. We leave tomorrow morning early. I have to be creative with packing since we are going in small plane. Have to pack in small duffels and has to be light. (tricky) Mom's bday is the 17th and I got lots of useful stuff at Bed, bath and Beyond. (things that were getting worn out, but are expensive and we all drag our feet to replace.) A lot of their tablecloths and placemats are 50% off. They had a Williamsburg- reversible placemats and matching tablecloth one that is usually $8/each $3- got her 12. She will appreciate a gift that gets used. Dad gets her Chanel #5 every occasion (the only perfume she uses). She is really hard to buy for. She has gained some weight this last year with Dad sick, ~ 50 lbs and I know clothes is a touchy subject for her. So don't want to go there.

DH took Nels to TKD this morning. Acted like he needed a gold medal or something- urrrghhhhh. He has NO idea what i do every day to get that kid ready and to and fro. I just wanted ONE morning alone- that's ALL i asked for. And... I got him up, got him Breakfast, got him to brush teeth and get dressed. All he had to do was drive there! Men. Just don't get it sometimes. I got my way, and in the end... that's all that matters.:)

Janet, yeah, I will be one of 3 classroom moms. I "adopted" the class ($200) and that goes to supplies the teacher needs. They put a little note on the wall is all. I will be able to help when I can. I don't want work full time, just PT will be enough. Not sure I will find it. I live in a SMALL town. There is no bariatric "program" at the hospital (though that would be a dream job). Just two surgeons who happen to do a few RNY and bands every once in a while. Really sad- very poor follow up here. (which is why I went to a different city for my surgery) I don't want a job with a lot of management responsibility- I like to be a NP, take care of patients, but have no desire to run an office. (which is why I won't open up my own private practice). Insurance these days is a NIGHTMARE to deal with. I want to go to 20 hours in an ER or urgent care or family practice. But not take my job home with me every day.

I better go pack- need to hide the toys I got before someone sees them! Will CBL. Hugs to you all- will write more later. <having a hot flash> laura

Laura, good luck finding the perfect position...My advice as an HR administrator....dont rule out anything...intereview for everything then weigh all the options. You never know where and when the perfect job will come to you and in what capacity....this way you will be in total control and know you can pick from the best their is out there....I have found the best positions have been interviewing for other positions that have little to do with those that ive orriginally intereviewed for...food for thought.

Enjoy your parents and visit!

I never heard of a class parent that gives money to the teachers....boy what a concept. What I could have used with 200 bucks in my classroom where our budget for the year was only $500. FL. Nice.

Morning..... I'm sure glad that night is over... Between my shoulder/neck ache and the thunder storm I didn't get much sleep.... dozing on and off........... made for a long night.... Maybe I can get a nap this afternoon.....

I got my wedding baking started yesterday... 3 pans cut into 60 pieces each.... ( I still have all my pans from when I owned a restaurant). I figure I need somewhere between 1000 - 1200 pieces, so I have a ways to go, but I want to get lots of it done before I go to mayo, just in case I can't do it after that..... the other food I can figure out someway if I have to have shoulder surgery..... and of course there are some kinds that I want to make that can't be done this soon ahead...

What I really need to get moving on is the flowers.... The bride and groom and the bridesmaids are being done by someone else, thank goodness, but I have about 40 small boutineer (sp) ones to do.... Have 6 done!!! I just need to sit down and do it!!! The hard part is getting started...

My friend with the brain aneuysms had her first of 3 surgeries at Mayo on Tuesday.... They came home late Thursday night... Only 2 days for brain surgery.... I was just shocked... Her husband says she is sleeping a lot and has headache pain... They did this without shaving her head... That amazed me, too.... I planning to do a little cooking today, too, and send some food out. Her DH would live on hotdogs otherwise...

Well, not much more to report.... I just got out of the shower.... Sometimes the hot Water beating on my shoulder/neck gives some relief... I'm going to put on some of my CM cream now and it makes everything tingle.... it's calming if nothing else...

I hope you all have a happy and relaxed weekend... My prayers and hugs for everyone of you..... You are so special to me..... Julie


You are truly amazing!! I had 300 people at my wedding and Julie I didnt do a thing for it..I had it all taken care of with venues caterer, flowers by Dalzimer and photos by Pace. lol. Dress by some designer Ive since forgotten..however if I had to do this all myself??? heck I wouldnt still be married but still planning. 300 people? Small??? holy...perhaps we should be coming to you for the get together to help you!! I dont know how your doing this all...but you have one lucky daughter and soon to be son in law!! This wedding will be absolutely fabulous and it will be all because of you!!!

Thanks Peascorps, I have been shopping ebay. Waiting till hubby gets paid though. I have to pay up front and wait till sept to be reimbursed. Even for all my uniforms and stuff. It is costing a butt load. Good luck on going back to work.

I have also been shopping for a new laptop. I found one that fits my habits at best buy. A 2nd semester nursing student recommended an itouch too. She has her careplans on it and can get her notes and grades on it. I am considering it. I like to have my notes on paper in class though. So I can add to them things the teacher may bring up. Not sure if it will be worth it.

Did I mention I have an exam the first day? I can't get my books til the 16th but once I do I will be diving in.

Mrs. Bubba, I wish I could come out there and help you with the wedding. I could bake with you and decorate. I bet we would have a great time. Remeber to take some time out everyday for just you. You deserve it.

Jessica, You go girl!! Full scholarship?? So happy for you. You deserve this help. Now you and your husband can focus on better things then money worrys regarding all the costs of nursing school and the extras that are involved....good luck and just focus thats your job now...try to have fun though as well!!!

Went to the Pig Gig last night, walked around a lot not sure how far. The had booths set up and each place sold their version of ribs, brisket, pulled pork with sides available. We shared one meal. It all tasted so good but ate to fast and paid big time for that. Let me tell ya it ain't good to pb in a porta pot. yuk

Today went to Ludington which is on Lake Michigan. Oh it was so beautiful. So many boats, lots of nice sand and the light house was awesome. Boy does sand give your muscles a work out. Used some muscles I haven't used walking on even ground. That is the work out to do.

Take care


Laurak, This sounds entriguing....not a NY thing...but sounds like so much fun! Sorry you got stuck but sounds like you had a a great time otherwise.

Well....must go finish up paperwork. Have a great night all and a great week.


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So, after walking an hour and 15 min. I weeded the neighbors flowers for 5 hours. Some of those weeds were as tall as me. Afterwards I hung from my inversion table to straighten back out again. Took my anti-inflammatory, extra strength Tylenol, and a muscle relaxer. Then I soaked in a hot vanilla scented bubble bath. I'll still be sore for a day or two, but my neighbor was thrilled. She and her DH were gone all five hours. They do flea markets on Sunday. They pulled in just as I was going into my house. I saw her going up and down the whole driveway checking it out. She saw me outside later and thanked me. I uncovered all her plants that had been overwhelmed and hidden by all the weeds.

Gwen, I thought I posted on knee surgery. But I can't find it so here's my story. My dad and I both had double knee replacement surgery. He was around 70, I was early 50's. Our Dr., Dr. Milt Smit, is a specialist and pioneer in replacing both knees simultaneously. He has also patented improvements in the basic knee that allow more range of motion. If you lose weight and do the knee exercises recommended faithfully, you pop back really fast.

I barely needed rehab. I was out of the hospital in 2 days, and got rid of my walker after a couple more. I was walking around the block a week after the surgeries. When the physical therapist came to my house to evaluate me he told me I was like someone finishing therapy after 6 weeks of it. I was sitting there with my knees crossed without even thinking about it.

My dad was the same way. The Dr. evaluated our physical health and strength as well as our personalities to see if we were good candidates. We're both "can do" determined types of people.

Having the knees done at the same time cut way down on our recovery time. We weren't first favoring one side for 6 weeks and then the other side for another. I knew if I didn't have them done at the same time I'd end up with major back issues as well as the rest of my body getting out of shape.

My Dr. has his own hospital protocol that's designed to get you up and walking fast. All I can say is, it worked for me.


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Went to the Pig Gig last night, walked around a lot not sure how far. The had booths set up and each place sold their version of ribs, brisket, pulled pork with sides available. We shared one meal. It all tasted so good but ate to fast and paid big time for that. Let me tell ya it ain't good to pb in a porta pot. yuk

Today went to Ludington which is on Lake Michigan. Oh it was so beautiful. So many boats, lots of nice sand and the light house was awesome. Boy does sand give your muscles a work out. Used some muscles I haven't used walking on even ground. That is the work out to do.

Take care


Yikes - my daughter and SIL are in Ludington this week on vacation. His family owns a cottage there, and they try to visit once a year.

Such a small world.

Joyce :)

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Cheri - I also like small purses and seldom change bags. I like Brighton and keep them for years. Feel like new if I only carry every 3 years.

Gwen - I had knee replaced May 2009. It is wonderful to be pain free and able to walk again. Since I fell in the hospital the day after surgery which required a second surgery, it was necessary for me to have 24 hr. nursing for a month at home. Then the rehab PT 3 times a week to rebuild. All worth it.

Ready to start another week and considering seeing my lap band doctor for another fill. Just hated the month of vomiting and have enjoyed the unfill and comfort.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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