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Hi everyone.... just a quick one before heading to bed.... Had a busy day....started baking for the wedding... We are planning on about 300 so I need quite a few pans of bars and cookies.... It seems like backaches are going around as I had one all day too....

Laura, so sorry your mom is feeling bad, but you will be there to help her and that's wonderfulll

Phyll, hope you are back on your feet soon.... No fun being down... I've been on the floor and wondering if I can get up, too...... I always make it but am glad no one is watching me do it!!!!

Judy, good luck with your opitifast.... Never tried it....

Linda, too bad about missing the corn... I love it fresh, too, but don't have it more than once or twice a year...

Jessica, I'm glad to see the old you coming back... WTG on the new grants and such.. Every little bit helps...

Janet, your little Bella is a little trooper....

Apples, hope you are relaxing at the lake this weekend..

Lori, hope your headache is better

Cheri, Arlene, Laura K.......... I envy your walking.. I did walk uptown today, but considering how small the town is and how close I live to uptown, it can't compare to what you all do... but I did do it..... for me that's good...

The rest of you gals I hope are doing well..... Eva is going to Argentina for sure now??? I missed that I guess.... Time for bed.... night all......... Hugs......... Julie

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Hi all. Just checking in. Busy day at work, i have a new project that will keep me much busier (thank God).

Arlene, I bought matching aprons for DGD and me -- they are so cute -- retro aprons - I'll post pics when we put them on to bake first time. They were pricey, but very well made -- they are even lined. I got rid of my sewing machine when I left LA, so I really feel like a spendthrift as they are cheap to make, but oh well, it was fun.

I took the day off from exercise -- didn't sleep well last night and just wasn't feeling up to getting out of bed and exercising at 5:30 so i slept in. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow.

janet, glad to hear Bella made it through the surgery okay.

Phyl, hope you start to feel better soon. Zoey is really pushing the limits - just like kids aren't they? But I know I'd worry too about her getting hurt.

Well, gotta get to bed. Watched a cute movie -- Vince Vaughn -- can't remember the name - it was a couples retreat movie -- comedy - cute enough -- fun on a Friday night. I love Netflix!! So easy!

See ya all here tomorrow


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Morning..... I'm sure glad that night is over... Between my shoulder/neck ache and the thunder storm I didn't get much sleep.... dozing on and off........... made for a long night.... Maybe I can get a nap this afternoon.....

I got my wedding baking started yesterday... 3 pans cut into 60 pieces each.... ( I still have all my pans from when I owned a restaurant). I figure I need somewhere between 1000 - 1200 pieces, so I have a ways to go, but I want to get lots of it done before I go to mayo, just in case I can't do it after that..... the other food I can figure out someway if I have to have shoulder surgery..... and of course there are some kinds that I want to make that can't be done this soon ahead...

What I really need to get moving on is the flowers.... The bride and groom and the bridesmaids are being done by someone else, thank goodness, but I have about 40 small boutineer (sp) ones to do.... Have 6 done!!! I just need to sit down and do it!!! The hard part is getting started...

My friend with the brain aneuysms had her first of 3 surgeries at Mayo on Tuesday.... They came home late Thursday night... Only 2 days for brain surgery.... I was just shocked... Her husband says she is sleeping a lot and has headache pain... They did this without shaving her head... That amazed me, too.... I planning to do a little cooking today, too, and send some food out. Her DH would live on hotdogs otherwise...

Well, not much more to report.... I just got out of the shower.... Sometimes the hot Water beating on my shoulder/neck gives some relief... I'm going to put on some of my CM cream now and it makes everything tingle.... it's calming if nothing else...

I hope you all have a happy and relaxed weekend... My prayers and hugs for everyone of you..... You are so special to me..... Julie

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Hi guys~ Thanks for well wishes. We leave tomorrow morning early. I have to be creative with packing since we are going in small plane. Have to pack in small duffels and has to be light. (tricky) Mom's bday is the 17th and I got lots of useful stuff at Bed, bath and Beyond. (things that were getting worn out, but are expensive and we all drag our feet to replace.) A lot of their tablecloths and placemats are 50% off. They had a Williamsburg- reversible placemats and matching tablecloth one that is usually $8/each $3- got her 12. She will appreciate a gift that gets used. Dad gets her Chanel #5 every occasion (the only perfume she uses). She is really hard to buy for. She has gained some weight this last year with Dad sick, ~ 50 lbs and I know clothes is a touchy subject for her. So don't want to go there.

DH took Nels to TKD this morning. Acted like he needed a gold medal or something- urrrghhhhh. He has NO idea what i do every day to get that kid ready and to and fro. I just wanted ONE morning alone- that's ALL i asked for. And... I got him up, got him Breakfast, got him to brush teeth and get dressed. All he had to do was drive there! Men. Just don't get it sometimes. I got my way, and in the end... that's all that matters.:party:

Janet, yeah, I will be one of 3 classroom moms. I "adopted" the class ($200) and that goes to supplies the teacher needs. They put a little note on the wall is all. I will be able to help when I can. I don't want work full time, just PT will be enough. Not sure I will find it. I live in a SMALL town. There is no bariatric "program" at the hospital (though that would be a dream job). Just two surgeons who happen to do a few RNY and bands every once in a while. Really sad- very poor follow up here. (which is why I went to a different city for my surgery) I don't want a job with a lot of management responsibility- I like to be a NP, take care of patients, but have no desire to run an office. (which is why I won't open up my own private practice). Insurance these days is a NIGHTMARE to deal with. I want to go to 20 hours in an ER or urgent care or family practice. But not take my job home with me every day.

I better go pack- need to hide the toys I got before someone sees them! Will CBL. Hugs to you all- will write more later. <having a hot flash> laura

Edited by peascorps

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Thanks Peascorps, I have been shopping ebay. Waiting till hubby gets paid though. I have to pay up front and wait till sept to be reimbursed. Even for all my uniforms and stuff. It is costing a butt load. Good luck on going back to work.

I have also been shopping for a new laptop. I found one that fits my habits at best buy. A 2nd semester nursing student recommended an itouch too. She has her careplans on it and can get her notes and grades on it. I am considering it. I like to have my notes on paper in class though. So I can add to them things the teacher may bring up. Not sure if it will be worth it.

Did I mention I have an exam the first day? I can't get my books til the 16th but once I do I will be diving in.

Mrs. Bubba, I wish I could come out there and help you with the wedding. I could bake with you and decorate. I bet we would have a great time. Remeber to take some time out everyday for just you. You deserve it.

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Good morning. What a nice evening it was in Park City last night. I forgot to add when I posted last night about how much walking I did. First we walked the entire perimeter of the outlet mall (used to park by each store), then when we got to the Historic Main Street for the festival, had to park a long ways away and then booths are all down the Main Street and this being a mountain town, yep all on a hill. I remember going there over 10 yrs ago when we lived her before and just hating it, I was so out of breath (it's also at a high elevation) and hurt so bad and sweaty from the walking. Heck yesterday we almost walked the whole thing twice (booths on both sides of the street) and I was still ready to do more. Didn't get all huffy and puffy or sweaty even. It was so liberating to be able to do that and my knees held up great, I used to hate walking on slopes with downhill being worse the uphill with my bad knees. So the evening was extra enjoyable. Oh and the name of the restaurant we ate at...The EATING Establishment. LOL Also got everything in my new Coach bag today so feeling good. And to help with the feeling good is my headache is gone. I can still feel like I had a bad headache but it's pretty much gone. Got up early this morning to do the Home Depot and Lowes weekend tour with DH. LOL We are there every single weekend. This weekend it was to get stuff for the pond he is now digging and putting in the backyard. The man never rests. And he came home from the art festival all inspired to make new things. on top of all his yard work, etc. he loves to carve, paint, draw etc. and he does it all so well. I think in retirement that he might want to travel the shows and sell his 'wares'. Works for me.

Apples, thinking of you this weekend.

Laura, good luck with all the cooking at your mom's.

Linda, I bet those aprons are cute. I can't wait to buy for my grandbaby! I just had to stroll the Carters Childrens outlet yesterday. LOL

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So yesterday I met my family and friends for dinner and a movie. We saw the last movie of the day at the mall. So when we where leaving and riding down the escalators I went one escalator to many down and my one friend said wrong way and my other friend behind me ran back up. I tried but fell on my butt on the step my husband tried to catch me but didn't and I laughed the whole way down riding the step like I was a little kid on my butt, good thing the mall was closed. Well today I have a bruise on my butt oh well pricing for acting like a kid LOL. Oh and the only reason I could not run back up at to the top I was wearing my evil sketchers you know made for toning.

Anyways all in all I am doing well

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So yesterday I met my family and friends for dinner and a movie. We saw the last movie of the day at the mall. So when we where leaving and riding down the escalators I went one escalator to many down and my one friend said wrong way and my other friend behind me ran back up. I tried but fell on my butt on the step my husband tried to catch me but didn't and I laughed the whole way down riding the step like I was a little kid on my butt, good thing the mall was closed. Well today I have a bruise on my butt oh well pricing for acting like a kid LOL. Oh and the only reason I could not run back up at to the top I was wearing my evil sketchers you know made for toning.

Anyways all in all I am doing well

Sorry about the bruise, but I am glad to hear you are doing well. It's good to hear you up beat. Hope the movie was really good!

Phyl, I'm sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your back. Hope that improves soon. Sounds like the therapy is helping. Zoey is young one and they do tend to act up now and then. She is so cute, it's hard to resist letting them get away with everything. Do you harness her in the basket?

Lori, I've been to Park City and yep, it's hilly. It's very pretty there and I really liked it better than SLC becauce SLC was socked in and had snow and fog. Park City was sunny and clear. It was one of those inversion things. Yes, I will be in Vegas.

Laura, why don't you ship the bulky stuff to your mom. It will get there and you won't have to worry about stuffing it all in a small place. Your mom will really appreciate you being there and helping out. And I agree, most men don't get how much work we do to make their lives easier. Some days I want to rebel and just lay around all day. Of course, then nothing gets done.

Julie, is this your DD's wedding? I forgot what date it was. I can't even imagine 300 people at a wedding let along trying to make that amount of food for them. If I was already retired, I'd come help. You talk about me being busy, you stay pretty busy yourself.

Jessica, a test on the first day? Is that so they can judge what levels you are already?

Janet, or should I say coach Janet. Didn't do formal exercise on Thursday, but I worked with some hand weights while I was reading posts, Friday I did my pilates machine (can't do a full session yet, but did get on it and worked out about 20 minutes). I also did 6 flights of stairs at work and thought my legs had turned to spaghetti. Today DH and I walked 3 miles (1 hours) over to my sisters. All of my muscles are sore from the work outs to various parts. I guess I'm finally getting started on getting off my butt and doing something. But as usual, the tingly foot thing has started but I'm not going to let it stop me. I have to be in better shape for Argentina and I've got 2 months to get there.

I think I need a nap...it is Saturday and I can nap if I want, right? Laundry is started and watering is happening. I need to go to the store, but that can wait a while. Okay, nap sounds good. See Julie, I do take it easy now and then.



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Walked an hr this morning and have been working in yard ever since. (7:15am-1pm). Just stopped to eat and check LBT.

Janet, the Fiber and soluble Fiber are supposed to help with cholesterol.

This is going to be gross. Consider yourself warned. For most people Fiber helps them have BMs. All I can say is I have to drink unbelievable amounts of liquid to wash it through and now I'm constantly on edge to see if I plugged the toilet. Fiber expands and so do my intestines. It can also create gas. I had such bad gas yesterday I had to lay down in hot Water to relieve the pain. One side of my stomach was actually sticking up (not the side with the band) and I could literally push it in like pushing on a balloon and watching the air bulge out elsewhere.

My husband started following me around with the Lysol air freshener.

If I didn't use the Miralax, I'd be backed up to my throat.

My body will adjust somewhat (I hope). Especially before school starts. Nothing like gassing out my students. I think I'll pay a child to take the blame.

Laura, have a great trip. Lori, sounds like a fun time shopping, and plenty of exercise.

Gotta get back out and finish watering plants. We had a huge rain early this week and none since and we're supposed to be moving into a 90 degree week with abolutely no rain. Gotta get my flowers prepared.


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Just checking in. DH took Nels "out" for the morning so I could pack. After TKD he took him to home depot (Lori, great minds think alike). He didn't know that they were having the kids' craft hour- but walked in RIGHT when it was starting. Nels and him built a school bus shaped pencil holder! It is really cute and was a nice bonding experience. THEN... He took him to a toy store. Hmmmm. He bought him something called SAND BOX in a BOX. Came with shovels and rakes and a garbage truck (and fake garbage) and REAL sand!!! He sent me a text and apologized for it before he even got home! LOL. I made him play with it outside- goodness gracious, you know it wasn't a woman who came up with that idea! Even being careful he had sand all over the table and on himself. (he wanted to play with it in his playroom). Then they went out to lunch. I got most of my stuff done. : )

later, peas.

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Cheri, I'm sorry, but I LMAO at your post about gas. I can so relate. After having my colon surgeries and bowel obstructions I am paranoid about those issues. Gotta keep the plumbing in working order. I hope you feel better now.

Well, I went off the bandwagon and had a carb attack. I ate a muffin which led to crackers and other stuff. I am back in check now and getting ready to go walk again at sundown.

Lori, I guess I need to get a Coach. I had one small bag and gave it to my mother. I want a big one, but I need a lightweight purse. Right now I carry a Tiganello I bought from QVC. Oh, they are having fashion day today. I almost bought some Liz Claiborne jeans, but I have no idea what size I would wear. I promised myself not to buy clothes till I go down a size. Working on going down, but carbs are not the answer. Later peeps!

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Ladies - loves all the newsy posts. Lots of activity in everyone's lives.

I'm walking every night - waiting for heat and humidity to be tolerable. Gizmo needs his daily walks and I owe it to him - and me.

Janet - glad Bella made it thru surgery.

Laura and Julie - good luck with all the cooking.

Hello to all my friends here.


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Arlene, it really was funny. You know how they used to make bricks? Mud and straw baked in the sun.. So poop and Fiber baked in the intestines have me sh!tt!n' bricks. Gas propelled ones.

My body is so sore. I'm really gonna pay tomorrow for all the yardwork. Although my fake knees allow me to crouch somewhat for all the weeding, my hamstrings always go into rebellion. I was also clipping bushes and moving decorative pavers and cutting back hollyhocks. Hauled gallons of Water mixed with fertilizer, insecticide and disease control stuff. Watered all the flower beds.

Do you guys remember those wooden painted garden "sculptures" that were popular for a while? The ones where all you see is the back side of people bending over their gardens? That would be me.

Tomorrow I might tackle the neighbors flower garden which borders the one along my driveway. Theyv'e got some nice flowers buried in all the trees and vines and weeds that have taken over. I look at my garden and see their weeds as its background. My neighbors behind me have the same thing. My pretty flowers with their tall weeds as a backdrop. My neighbors on the side of me will let me pull their weeds out and dig out the trees that grow in it every year. I just haven't felt like getting in there yet this year. Summer school followed by all the IM training and extra tutoring I've been doing, plus spending as much time as possible with grandkids has me whupped.

But next week its supposed to feel like over 100 degrees and the following week I start back with 3 inservice days and 3 days of school the next week. Phew.

Went and saw Inception tonight. It was quite good. I'll probably watch it again to catch more of the layers of plot.



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Went to the Pig Gig last night, walked around a lot not sure how far. The had booths set up and each place sold their version of ribs, brisket, pulled pork with sides available. We shared one meal. It all tasted so good but ate to fast and paid big time for that. Let me tell ya it ain't good to pb in a porta pot. yuk

Today went to Ludington which is on Lake Michigan. Oh it was so beautiful. So many boats, lots of nice sand and the light house was awesome. Boy does sand give your muscles a work out. Used some muscles I haven't used walking on even ground. That is the work out to do.

Take care


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Coach coupons?? I don't need another Coach purse, but maybe we can go there when I get to CA!! :wub::smile2::tt1:Is there a Coach store at that outlet mall in LV??? I might need to bring my little red scooter if my back isn't better by then.

Right now can barely walk to the car. I'm going to try a walk outside after dinner as back feels a little better after PT treatments today... he tugged on my leg... like traction.. a couple of times, and he did ultrasound massage and TENS unit w/ice. Tingling in my left foot was almost gone after the simulated traction. Being very careful about what I am eating, because this PT is not getting me the exercise I was getting previously, and no way can I go upstairs to the gym and ride the bike and use the weight machines!

Yeah, I am a caffeine freak! Quad shot latte almost every day, after about a cup and a half in the morning. Today I even had a Diet Coke after that.... a very rare indulgence. I probably haven't had 3 in the last 3 years. The SF white chocolate powder is very good. Still haven't looked at the calories... the can is already in the RV. This week they got a new flavor.... SF peach Syrup. I had it with the SF white chocolate the last two days and it is VERY good.

Wait... I thought I was the techy queen!!?? :thumbup::biggrin::biggrin:Can I at least be the co-queen?? And probably have to share that with Eva, too!!

Yeah, Laura... you are so busy... ambitious goal to go back to work! Hope you find what you want. Actually, appt I had today was with RNP, not doctor. Have no problem with that. Family medicine clinic I go to employs at least one, and I think P.A., too.

Glad Bella is back home. Probably sleeping it off the rest of today. Zoey didn't stay quiet for long after her surgery! We had a hard time trying to keep her quiet! And forget the hood... that was a wasted $10. She wouldn't wear it. She has been a little obnoxious today. She had THREE scooter rides.... Surf Shack, PT (Earl said I had to take her so he came and picked her up when I got there!), and jewelry store to pick up my rings. Had my rings inspected, cleaned and one prong had to be replaced. Third trip she was BAD!! I made the mistake of going past the Surf Shack to avoid some speed bumps. So she thought we should stop again so she could have more treats and more attention from whomever happened to be there. When I didn't stop, she kept standing up in the basket and trying to climb over the steering column in to my lap. And she kept it up all the way home. It was late in the afternoon and there is more traffic than when we are out earlier in the day, but she was being very bad and wouldn't stay down.

Then, when we did get home... she antagonized the cat. Kept barking at her and trying to get the cat to chase her. candy is not playful at all and she was not amused. She stood her ground and kept hissing at Zoey and swatting at her but Zoey just kept barking at her and trying to get her to "play"! It was interesting! Candy ended up cornering her under a table so she finally backed off. Candy has no claws... lucky for Zoey!

PHYL - You are still our tech QUEEN - Cheri is the tech queen on how our body burns foods - carbs fat Protein etc ;0)

Ya Bella was running playing w/Sheba - Lucky Sheba does like Bella - but HATED Ryder - ya her collar was $10 - a waste - hell she couldn't sniff to pee w/it on - and she has left her stiches alone - goes back in 10 to get them taken out

You are going to have to get a seat belt for her - she's going to jump out or cause you to get in an accident.

Yep Coach at the outlet in LV ;0).

Good evening! I am home from the art festival and outlet mall. We scored at both. I got a new Coach bag at the outlet. Janet, I get the coupons all the time too, but figured when I finally was going to get a purse they wouldn't send any more. LOL I think the one I got is called a 'Brooke' style, it is a tan color, I had an orangey color picked out first but thought I might tire of it quickly. The store was packed, probably because of all the art festival traffic, they are expecting 50,000 people over the weekend to attend that, most will be tomorrow. Tonight was free though and we strolled the old Main Street of Park City had dinner in one of the cafes, it was real nice.

My headache is better, it was almost gone actually but seems to be coming back tonight. But I haven't taken any Tylenol since this afternoon.

Phyl, of course, there is a Coach outlet in Vegas, a few of them I believe as well as Ann!! If I get any coupons that are good in Oct. I will be sure to bring them or forward them to you.

Laura, the hospital I had my LAP-BAND® at had a bariatric dept and the director of that was a NP. Perhaps you can use that in the bariatric world?? If it is meant to be for you to go back to work, I am sure the right thing will fall into your lap.

Janet, glad Bella is home I bet she's cute in her collar.

Great - Glad you got your purse - I want a B Marcowsky (sp) but he had dark interior and I like the lighter ones - easier to find your stuff - 111111

Hi everyone.... just a quick one before heading to bed.... Had a busy day....started baking for the wedding... We are planning on about 300 so I need quite a few pans of bars and cookies.... It seems like backaches are going around as I had one all day too....

Laura, so sorry your mom is feeling bad, but you will be there to help her and that's wonderfulll

Phyll, hope you are back on your feet soon.... No fun being down... I've been on the floor and wondering if I can get up, too...... I always make it but am glad no one is watching me do it!!!!

Judy, good luck with your opitifast.... Never tried it....

Linda, too bad about missing the corn... I love it fresh, too, but don't have it more than once or twice a year...

Jessica, I'm glad to see the old you coming back... WTG on the new grants and such.. Every little bit helps...

Janet, your little Bella is a little trooper....

Apples, hope you are relaxing at the lake this weekend..

Lori, hope your headache is better

Cheri, Arlene, Laura K.......... I envy your walking.. I did walk uptown today, but considering how small the town is and how close I live to uptown, it can't compare to what you all do... but I did do it..... for me that's good...

The rest of you gals I hope are doing well..... Eva is going to Argentina for sure now??? I missed that I guess.... Time for bed.... night all......... Hugs......... Julie

Julie - Getting ready for wedding already... 300 pple - omg - I thought it was going to be a small one - You are doing this all by yourself ????

Hi all. Just checking in. Busy day at work, i have a new project that will keep me much busier (thank God).

Arlene, I bought matching aprons for DGD and me -- they are so cute -- retro aprons - I'll post pics when we put them on to bake first time. They were pricey, but very well made -- they are even lined. I got rid of my sewing machine when I left LA, so I really feel like a spendthrift as they are cheap to make, but oh well, it was fun.

I took the day off from exercise -- didn't sleep well last night and just wasn't feeling up to getting out of bed and exercising at 5:30 so i slept in. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow.

janet, glad to hear Bella made it through the surgery okay.

Phyl, hope you start to feel better soon. Zoey is really pushing the limits - just like kids aren't they? But I know I'd worry too about her getting hurt.

Well, gotta get to bed. Watched a cute movie -- Vince Vaughn -- can't remember the name - it was a couples retreat movie -- comedy - cute enough -- fun on a Friday night. I love Netflix!! So easy!

See ya all here tomorrow


Linda - The last 3 days have been my days off exercise - but I go in the morning :0) and I did walk the mall today and tried on tons of clothes - my legs hurt

Morning..... I'm sure glad that night is over... Between my shoulder/neck ache and the thunder storm I didn't get much sleep.... dozing on and off........... made for a long night.... Maybe I can get a nap this afternoon.....

I got my wedding baking started yesterday... 3 pans cut into 60 pieces each.... ( I still have all my pans from when I owned a restaurant). I figure I need somewhere between 1000 - 1200 pieces, so I have a ways to go, but I want to get lots of it done before I go to mayo, just in case I can't do it after that..... the other food I can figure out someway if I have to have shoulder surgery..... and of course there are some kinds that I want to make that can't be done this soon ahead...

What I really need to get moving on is the flowers.... The bride and groom and the bridesmaids are being done by someone else, thank goodness, but I have about 40 small boutineer (sp) ones to do.... Have 6 done!!! I just need to sit down and do it!!! The hard part is getting started...

My friend with the brain aneuysms had her first of 3 surgeries at Mayo on Tuesday.... They came home late Thursday night... Only 2 days for brain surgery.... I was just shocked... Her husband says she is sleeping a lot and has headache pain... They did this without shaving her head... That amazed me, too.... I planning to do a little cooking today, too, and send some food out. Her DH would live on hotdogs otherwise...

Well, not much more to report.... I just got out of the shower.... Sometimes the hot Water beating on my shoulder/neck gives some relief... I'm going to put on some of my CM cream now and it makes everything tingle.... it's calming if nothing else...

I hope you all have a happy and relaxed weekend... My prayers and hugs for everyone of you..... You are so special to me..... Julie

Julie Hugs on your shoulder I bet you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

[QUOTE=peascorps;1505759]Hi guys~ Thanks for well wishes. We leave tomorrow morning early. I have to be creative with packing since we are going in small plane. Have to pack in small duffels and has to be light. (tricky) Mom's bday is the 17th and I got lots of useful stuff at Bed, bath and Beyond. (things that were getting worn out, but are expensive and we all drag our feet to replace.) A lot of their tablecloths and placemats are 50% off. They had a Williamsburg- reversible placemats and matching tablecloth one that is usually $8/each $3- got her 12. She will appreciate a gift that gets used. Dad gets her Chanel #5 every occasion (the only perfume she uses). She is really hard to buy for. She has gained some weight this last year with Dad sick, ~ 50 lbs and I know clothes is a touchy subject for her. So don't want to go there.

DH took Nels to TKD this morning. Acted like he needed a gold medal or something- urrrghhhhh. He has NO idea what i do every day to get that kid ready and to and fro. I just wanted ONE morning alone- that's ALL i asked for. And... I got him up, got him Breakfast, got him to brush teeth and get dressed. All he had to do was drive there! Men. Just don't get it sometimes. I got my way, and in the end... that's all that matters. :party:

Janet, yeah, I will be one of 3 classroom moms. I "adopted" the class ($200) and that goes to supplies the teacher needs. They put a little note on the wall is all. I will be able to help when I can. I don't want work full time, just PT will be enough. Not sure I will find it. I live in a SMALL town. There is no bariatric "program" at the hospital (though that would be a dream job). Just two surgeons who happen to do a few RNY and bands every once in a while. Really sad- very poor follow up here. (which is why I went to a different city for my surgery) I don't want a job with a lot of management responsibility- I like to be a NP, take care of patients, but have no desire to run an office. (which is why I won't open up my own private practice). Insurance these days is a NIGHTMARE to deal with. I want to go to 20 hours in an ER or urgent care or family practice. But not take my job home with me every day.

I better go pack- need to hide the toys I got before someone sees them! Will CBL. Hugs to you all- will write more later. <having a hot flash> laura

Laura - Ya why is it when men watch their kids it's called babysitting ??? They don't call it babysitting when we take care of the kids...

Great Idea for Mom's Bday Presents ;0) - She will love them

Safe trip tomorrow ...

Good morning. What a nice evening it was in Park City last night. I forgot to add when I posted last night about how much walking I did. First we walked the entire perimeter of the outlet mall (used to park by each store), then when we got to the Historic Main Street for the festival, had to park a long ways away and then booths are all down the Main Street and this being a mountain town, yep all on a hill. I remember going there over 10 yrs ago when we lived her before and just hating it, I was so out of breath (it's also at a high elevation) and hurt so bad and sweaty from the walking. Heck yesterday we almost walked the whole thing twice (booths on both sides of the street) and I was still ready to do more. Didn't get all huffy and puffy or sweaty even. It was so liberating to be able to do that and my knees held up great, I used to hate walking on slopes with downhill being worse the uphill with my bad knees. So the evening was extra enjoyable. Oh and the name of the restaurant we ate at...The EATING Establishment. LOL Also got everything in my new Coach bag today so feeling good. And to help with the feeling good is my headache is gone. I can still feel like I had a bad headache but it's pretty much gone. Got up early this morning to do the Home Depot and Lowes weekend tour with DH. LOL We are there every single weekend. This weekend it was to get stuff for the pond he is now digging and putting in the backyard. The man never rests. And he came home from the art festival all inspired to make new things. on top of all his yard work, etc. he loves to carve, paint, draw etc. and he does it all so well. I think in retirement that he might want to travel the shows and sell his 'wares'. Works for me.

Apples, thinking of you this weekend.

Laura, good luck with all the cooking at your mom's.

Linda, I bet those aprons are cute. I can't wait to buy for my grandbaby! I just had to stroll the Carters Childrens outlet yesterday. LOL

GREAT - Ya isn't is so great to be able to do stuff that we use to couldn't do !!! WTG NSV

So yesterday I met my family and friends for Dinner and a movie. We saw the last movie of the day at the mall. So when we where leaving and riding down the escalators I went one escalator to many down and my one friend said wrong way and my other friend behind me ran back up. I tried but fell on my butt on the step my husband tried to catch me but didn't and I laughed the whole way down riding the step like I was a little kid on my butt, good thing the mall was closed. Well today I have a bruise on my butt oh well pricing for acting like a kid LOL. Oh and the only reason I could not run back up at to the top I was wearing my evil sketchers you know made for toning.

Anyways all in all I am doing well

Melissa - Glad you weren't hurt - would have love to seen it ;0)

[QUOTE=ocotillo;1505858]Sorry about the bruise, but I am glad to hear you are doing well. It's good to hear you up beat. Hope the movie was really good!

Phyl, I'm sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your back. Hope that improves soon. Sounds like the therapy is helping. Zoey is young one and they do tend to act up now and then. She is so cute, it's hard to resist letting them get away with everything. Do you harness her in the basket?

Lori, I've been to Park City and yep, it's hilly. It's very pretty there and I really liked it better than SLC becauce SLC was socked in and had snow and fog. Park City was sunny and clear. It was one of those inversion things. Yes, I will be in Vegas.

Laura, why don't you ship the bulky stuff to your mom. It will get there and you won't have to worry about stuffing it all in a small place. Your mom will really appreciate you being there and helping out. And I agree, most men don't get how much work we do to make their lives easier. Some days I want to rebel and just lay around all day. Of course, then nothing gets done.

Julie, is this your DD's wedding? I forgot what date it was. I can't even imagine 300 people at a wedding let along trying to make that amount of food for them. If I was already retired, I'd come help. You talk about me being busy, you stay pretty busy yourself.

Jessica, a test on the first day? Is that so they can judge what levels you are already?

Janet, or should I say coach Janet. Didn't do formal exercise on Thursday, but I worked with some hand weights while I was reading posts, Friday I did my pilates machine (can't do a full session yet, but did get on it and worked out about 20 minutes). I also did 6 flights of stairs at work and thought my legs had turned to spaghetti. Today DH and I walked 3 miles (1 hours) over to my sisters. All of my muscles are sore from the work outs to various parts. I guess I'm finally getting started on getting off my butt and doing something. But as usual, the tingly foot thing has started but I'm not going to let it stop me. I have to be in better shape for Argentina and I've got 2 months to get there.

I think I need a nap...it is Saturday and I can nap if I want, right? Laundry is started and watering is happening. I need to go to the store, but that can wait a while. Okay, nap sounds good. See Julie, I do take it easy now and then.



Eva You might not get formal exercise - but girl all that you do does count some..

Yep you can nap - you are a grown up - I wanted to - but Bella kept kissing me..

[QUOTE=ifyourstomachoffendsyou;1505875]Walked an hr this morning and have been working in yard ever since. (7:15am-1pm). Just stopped to eat and check LBT.

Janet, the fiber and soluble fiber are supposed to help with cholesterol.

This is going to be gross. Consider yourself warned. For most people Fiber helps them have BMs. All I can say is I have to drink unbelievable amounts of liquid to wash it through and now I'm constantly on edge to see if I plugged the toilet. Fiber expands and so do my intestines. It can also create gas. I had such bad gas yesterday I had to lay down in hot Water to relieve the pain. One side of my stomach was actually sticking up (not the side with the band) and I could literally push it in like pushing on a balloon and watching the air bulge out elsewhere.

My husband started following me around with the Lysol air freshener.

If I didn't use the Miralax, I'd be backed up to my throat.

My body will adjust somewhat (I hope). Especially before school starts. Nothing like gassing out my students. I think I'll pay a child to take the blame.

Laura, have a great trip. Lori, sounds like a fun time shopping, and plenty of exercise.

Gotta get back out and finish watering plants. We had a huge rain early this week and none since and we're supposed to be moving into a 90 degree week with abolutely no rain. Gotta get my flowers prepared.


Cheri - too funny about the gas ;0) Try some gas x strips ;0)

Cheri, I'm sorry, but I LMAO at your post about gas. I can so relate. After having my colon surgeries and bowel obstructions I am paranoid about those issues. Gotta keep the plumbing in working order. I hope you feel better now.

Well, I went off the bandwagon and had a carb attack. I ate a muffin which led to crackers and other stuff. I am back in check now and getting ready to go walk again at sundown.

Lori, I guess I need to get a Coach. I had one small bag and gave it to my mother. I want a big one, but I need a lightweight purse. Right now I carry a Tiganello I bought from QVC. Oh, they are having fashion day today. I almost bought some Liz Claiborne jeans, but I have no idea what size I would wear. I promised myself not to buy clothes till I go down a size. Working on going down, but carbs are not the answer. Later peeps!

Charlene - Hugs on your carb attach - I got a tiganello small cross body (tan) $34 from Marshalls last week - Like I told Great - I really do want B Marcowsky bag - love the cell phone pocket - but don't like his interiors - Did you see the camoflage bag on QVC tonite - loved it - but it would only go w/a couple outfits - didn't get it - I've had QVC on all day - got some of those women in control pants ..

Ladies - loves all the newsy posts. Lots of activity in everyone's lives.

I'm walking every night - waiting for heat and humidity to be tolerable. Gizmo needs his daily walks and I owe it to him - and me.

Janet - glad Bella made it thru surgery.

Laura and Julie - good luck with all the cooking.

Hello to all my friends here.


Joyce - yep some days we just twitter :0)

Arlene, it really was funny. You know how they used to make bricks? Mud and straw baked in the sun.. So poop and fiber baked in the intestines have me sh!tt!n' bricks. Gas propelled ones.

My body is so sore. I'm really gonna pay tomorrow for all the yardwork. Although my fake knees allow me to crouch somewhat for all the weeding, my hamstrings always go into rebellion. I was also clipping bushes and moving decorative pavers and cutting back hollyhocks. Hauled gallons of water mixed with fertilizer, insecticide and disease control stuff. Watered all the flower beds.

Do you guys remember those wooden painted garden "sculptures" that were popular for a while? The ones where all you see is the back side of people bending over their gardens? That would be me.

Tomorrow I might tackle the neighbors flower garden which borders the one along my driveway. Theyv'e got some nice flowers buried in all the trees and vines and weeds that have taken over. I look at my garden and see their weeds as its background. My neighbors behind me have the same thing. My pretty flowers with their tall weeds as a backdrop. My neighbors on the side of me will let me pull their weeds out and dig out the trees that grow in it every year. I just haven't felt like getting in there yet this year. Summer school followed by all the IM training and extra tutoring I've been doing, plus spending as much time as possible with grandkids has me whupped.

But next week its supposed to feel like over 100 degrees and the following week I start back with 3 inservice days and 3 days of school the next week. Phew.

Went and saw Inception tonight. It was quite good. I'll probably watch it again to catch more of the layers of plot.



Cheri I have heard that Inception was a good movie but you gotta pay attention and see it more than once

Well gang - I am typing this in word ;0) don't want to lose it ;0)

Had hair cut this morning - I now have bangs ;0) my face as gotten so long - she cut shorter side bangs - but when I came home I made them in to full bangs - can wear them both ways.

Went to Macy's (had 20% coupons) Saved $50 ;0) got 2 pair on INC pants that fit like a glove - one in peities to wear w/flats and one regular to wear w/heals - Oh ya got a pair of Tiharri (sp) pants - size 0 and they are lose ;0) These were on the clearance rack a Karen Kane blouse gray w/sequines on the front these were on clearance too - then went to the shoe department - I want ballerina flats but most make my 10's look so big and fat - found some Stan Weissman for like $150 (NOPE) - found a pair of Joan & David $92 for $27 ... and they look good on my feet.. Got 2 bra's at Penny's and then came home -

That's been my day ;0)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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