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Good morning. Tried another class at the gym today, Pilates, not sure I liked it. It was hard though and I couldn't do a lot of it because she did so much from a position on your knees on the floor. With my artificial knees when I kneel it feels like I am kneeling on hundreds of needles. Not sure I will do that one again or not. but 2 out of the 3 classes I did were good, not bad.

Awaiting a friend to call after her dentist appt for lunch, if she can eat. LOL

Melissa, good job on the exercise. I hate, hate, hate it too. Did I mention, I hate it???? But it's just one of those things we gotta do. Just like brushing my teeth, I don't wake up and say oh boy I get to brush my teeth this morning, but it's just something I gotta do. Hopefully as I keep at this it will become more routine and I won't think of hating it so much each time I go.

Eva, thanks for explaining the monsoons to me. That's what we are having. I hate the humid part. We got so much rain yesterday and hail. I panicked when it hailed given the last hailstorm we were in. This was just marble sized though and no damage, though parts not too far from me had worse. It's still cloudy and like it's going to rain today, looks like it should be cool out but it's hot and muggy. Did you decide if you are going to go to Argentina??

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Go Melissa! Go, go, go!

Well, I'm going to make it an official goal by posting it on here. I've set a new weight goal for myself of 160. This morning I was 162. I was ranging between 163-167, mostly 164-166, but I want to get my cholesterol and triglycerides down and get off the meds. I only need 30 more off my LDL (bad cholesterol). Doing what I have to do to lose that weight will mean total very low or no carbs in order not to store fat. I already eat lean meats, mostly chicken and fat, prepared without breading. I don't put butter on my veggies, no gravy, etc. It's just occassional Snacks that have the bad stuff in them. Eliminate the carbs and I'll eliminate the few bad fats I still get. Plus, without carbs, you store a lot less fat. Maintaining 160 will be harder than 165, but I'm newly energized by all the various kinds of progress being made on this thread.

I'm also thinking about the fact that my antinuclear antibodies were positive which is an indication that I may be developing or have RA. I already have such bad osteo that RA on top of it will not be a good thing. Weight loss, avoiding red meats, going more organic, etc., can help control it.

So, a new goal. Gotta go get my granddaughter. Promised I'd take her for the afternoon into the evening.



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Hi gang! I am just back from going broke at Carter's. I bought the new baby girl (due9/13) a new layette set. Then I bought big sister matching outfits. Now, I am going to Sam's and buy a case of diapers and a case of wipes. We will be ready for baby girl.

I walked 2 miles this morning at 6am. I went to bed with a back ache and woke up with one........told myself no walking.....then got a case of guilties and put my walking clothes on. My back feel a lot better. I think I am having a little FM issues because of the humidity. Eva, I need to move to AZ. Yes, I also need to get into Water aerobics.

Cheri, your weight is what I dream of I am into buying organic. Dr. Davis insists on it. I know it will help .

Laura K, wow! You are a walking machine!

Melissa, good for you! I am with Joyce.....griping is a calorie burner. Whatever it takes!

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Dating - have at it girl -have fun - I'm sure glad I'm not Jewish (but think I was in another life) - don't want the match makers bugging me :0) - I don't have time for a man - well ya if I gave up gym - lbt - fb ;0) not willing too.

Janet, if you are happy with no men in your life, I say, good for you.... Everyone is different... I spent the early part of my adulthood alone and didn't like it... For me, DH is the best life....

OK... got my boy from Camp- they had "swamp" day and held swamp creatures that the wildlife society brought in (gators, lizards, turtles etc.) I practically boiled him when he got home. (kidding- but a VERY soapy bubble bath). gross. hate swamp germs in my house! Need to figure out dinner. I am thinking grilled fish and sautéed spinach. CBL.. Laura

Laura, I'd be washing all those germs off, too.... I'm a big wuss went it comes to things like that... And my Mimi just loves bugs and those crawly things..... Ugh!!!!

Lady Gaga was incredible and amazing, however, I think it might be my LAST concert. At 67, todays youth is a little much for me to handle. The costumes of the other concert goers were bizarre. You can really not imagine.

She had a rock group open for her that blasted my ears off and made my hair blow in the noise.

Her performance was everything I imagined and more. Great sets and dancers and wonderful energy with the crowd.

I have at least heard of Lady Gaga, but don't know anything..... My DD is into Heavy Metal.... all the dark, black clothes and such..... not goth, though... Her DF is into it, too.....Metallica is their favorite.... If it's not country or 50's - 60's, I don't want to listen.....

I made a baby spinach and spring mix salad with strawberries, cashews, feta, and raspberry vinaigrette the other day. That's what was in the house. Tasted great.


I've always thought that I hate spinach.... I must have had some bitter stuff one time... I was forced to eat some spinach salad the other day or hurt my hostesses feelings... I was amazed at how good it was.... I guess I'll try it again sometime....

Boo!!!!! I didn't lose a lb!!!! CBL

Sorry the scale didn't move, but you are doing so well that it must mean that you are just better in other areas this time....

Hi everyone,

Jessica, I liked the pink hair -- LOL. Just proves we are all different -- I've always liked wild hair. Cheri gave you very good advice on your MIL -- she is dead on accurate. As Lori said, wish I'd had that advice when my dm was alive -- she was much like your MIL.


I can't say I loved the pink hair on Jessica, but I'm so used to these different hairstyles that I quit complaining... My DD is into black right now. Her best friend is a hair dresser and they are always trying new things... purple or pink streaks or whatever.... If they are happy that's all that matters...

Update......Sydney's foot is not broken. It is a bug bite. First, she slips down and limps.....doctor said she would be okay.....then she gets a bug bite and her foot is so swollen she can't walk. Poor baby, but glad it is not broken. She has to take antibiotics and has a cream for the bite.

,So glad your DGD is okay.... My Mimi swells up like that from bug bites... Last week she woke up with one eyelid all swollen.... She looked so tough.... couldn't even open that eye.... We tried spraying their backyard for mosquitoes to see if that help....

. Jodi, I'll have to catch up on your post later. Hope all is well with you!

Off to work for me. Think I said this in my last post, but my sister is here (the one from Phoenix) and my nephew should arrive today, so not sure what's happening tonight.

Eva, do you ever just lay around??? If you aren't working or working in your yard, you are entertaining family or friends or traveling off somewhere exciting... I just wonder if you ever take any downtime....... It's good to be so active... Wish I felt up to that.....

I am doing well I walked the mall yesterday at lunch I complained to my mom the whole way but did it LOL

Good for you Melissa..... You're starting to sound better.. I'm happy for you....

Well, I'm going to make it an official goal by posting it on here. I've set a new weight goal for myself of 160. .



Cheri, sounds like you have a plan you can handle... You've done so well and seem very organized... You'll make your new goal , too , I'm sure.....

Well, I feel like I was run over by a truck.... I'm going to get a treatment from chiropractor this afternoon... Last night was another long one... Just couldn't get going this morning.. Didn't even get dressed until 12:30.... What a waste of a good morning....

Apples, hope you are fine... Lori thanks for sharing news about her...

I'll talk to you all later... Julie

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Hi guys, writing frommy phone. Mom saw neurosurgeon and ordered an MRI for in the a.m. She has appt monday to get results and she is so nervous and in terrible pain. She just bawled on the phone- I asked her if she wants me to come earlier and she said please yes! So dad arranged for sun a.m. Pilot to get nels & I. Dh will hold down the fort. Sat they have my dad's bff coming from turkey. My sis can't cook- not sure she can boil an egg right, bless her heart. : ) so I can cook and sis will entertain nels. I will go to dr w mom on Mon. See what they say. My parents have put their lives on hold many times for us. All my surgeries/adoption, etc. It's the least I can do. Guess we will be there a week. Pray everything is ok and she doesn't need surgery. Hoping steroid epidural can help.

I need to go get nels out of pool and in bath. Cbl. Peasout, laura

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Julie..... I've never been to a chiropractor but giving it serious consideration as it's been almost a week and I can't seem to get any relief from this back/hip pain even with tylenol/codeine and muscle relaxant. Saw my knee surgeon today and told him about it.He was all ready to order an MRI but when I told him we were heading out in the RV in 10 days he decided there was no point because if they see something, no time for treatment. But he says I DO need an MRI to see what's going on in my back. Pain is now going down the left butt and left foot is tingly since last night. Have ice on it now.

There are definitely times when I WISH I were single, but to be honest, I think I'd be too depressed living alone. And I have a pretty good DH, even if he is a control freak!!! LOL!

But I don't think I could put up with what Jodi is experiencing with matchmakers getting in the middle of it and constant calls for dates!! Nice to get all that attention, but it would be pretty annoying after a while.

Good morning. Tried another class at the gym today, Pilates, not sure I liked it. It was hard though and I couldn't do a lot of it because she did so much from a position on your knees on the floor. With my artificial knees when I kneel it feels like I am kneeling on hundreds of needles. Not sure I will do that one again or not. but 2 out of the 3 classes I did were good, not bad.

I can't get on my knees either. One night a couple of weeks ago, when I was home alone, I decided I needed to do some of my PT exercises on the living room floor. Boy was that a dumb idea!! I seriously thought I'd have no trouble getting back up! But almost ended up staying there until DH got home. I think he was down at the hot tub. But finally just had to grin and bear it and turn over on my knees. Every time I tried, it'd start hurting too much and I'd chicken out! I am very frustrated right now because I can't walk or exercise. I will go to PT in the morning, but dr. said to "go easy" this week, so they'll probably just do some massage, etc. again.

Hi gang! I am just back from going broke at Carter's. I bought the new baby girl (due9/13) a new layette set. Then I bought big sister matching outfits. Now, I am going to Sam's and buy a case of diapers and a case of wipes. We will be ready for baby girl.

I walked 2 miles this morning at 6am. I went to bed with a back ache and woke up with one........told myself no walking.....then got a case of guilties and put my walking clothes on. My back feel a lot better. I think I am having a little FM issues because of the humidity. Eva, I need to move to AZ. Yes, I also need to get into Water aerobics.

Buying baby stuff is FUN!!

Water aerobics is GREAT! Opted out this week, though, because of my back. Steps are very steep, and always hurts my back going up the very last step. Don't want to aggravate it any worse than it already is.

Too much junk going on in my life! Whine! Whine! Whine!

Grandson, almost 22 yrs old, got rear-ended on his way home from work last night. He was stopped behind a lady who was waiting to make a left turn when a young kid, barely old enough to drive, slammed in to him going about 40 mph! Kid had just pulled out of his driveway a block up the road, and said his brakes "failed". But, consensus of opinion is that HE failed to use his brakes because he was distracted.. probably using his phone. At any rate, DGS's car is totaled. He walked away with head, neck and leg hurting but refused treatment. SIL was going to take him to dr. today but haven't had any feedback on that yet. He apparently blacked out briefly, but then jumped out of his car and ran back to the kid to see if he was okay. DGS is a trained EMT and fireman, trying to find a job. Recently certified. Anyways, praise God he wasn't hurt badly. Scary stuff! Enough accidents for one family!!

And our very good friend in Three Rivers CA was just diagnosed with recurrence of cancer. Double mastectomy 5 years ago and doing great ever since until she recently found a lump in her right armpit. Tests have shown she now has a tumor in her right pectoral muscle. Starting treatment all over again!

A discouraging week!!

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Hi guys, writing frommy phone. Mom saw neurosurgeon and ordered an MRI for in the a.m. She has appt monday to get results and she is so nervous and in terrible pain. She just bawled on the phone- I asked her if she wants me to come earlier and she said please yes! So dad arranged for sun a.m. Pilot to get nels & I. Dh will hold down the fort. Sat they have my dad's bff coming from turkey. My sis can't cook- not sure she can boil an egg right, bless her heart. : ) so I can cook and sis will entertain nels. I will go to dr w mom on Mon. See what they say. My parents have put their lives on hold many times for us. All my surgeries/adoption, etc. It's the least I can do. Guess we will be there a week. Pray everything is ok and she doesn't need surgery. Hoping steroid epidural can help. I need to go get nels out of pool and in bath. Cbl. Peasout, laura

So sorry Laura! Hope everything is okay!

Will definitely keep your Mom in my prayers! Sure can relate to the pain!


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Hi all, just a quick note. Went to Water aerobics this a.m. -- got there early and jogged in the pool for about 20 mins. before the one hour class began. Loved it.

Arlene, my back has been bothering me lately too - must be the FB. The confusing part for me is it's worse now than before I lost the weight -- makes no sense to me -- and we have a temperpedic mattress which we love so I know it's not the mattress. Nothing worse than waking up with a terrible backache. I had a hard time with it on vacation too but I did blame it on the beds then. Living with daily pain is no fun and I've been doing it for about 13 years. But I'm happy to be alive and healthy.

We are having our Sweet Corn Serenade tonight - a fun time -- they have bands, craft booths, food and of course you can get cooked corn for ten cents an ear -- its fabulous!! I will treat myself to one wonderful ear. I only eat corn during this time of year so an ear here and there won't kill me. It's unbelieveably good.

Eva you said something about 37 more days of work -- is that it and then you retire? If so, I'm sooo jealous. I had a bad morning here and truthfully, I just wanted to walk out this morning. I am sooooo tired of working and dealing with everything. If I didn't need health insurance. . .it would be a whole different story.

Phyl, I do hope you're feeling better and sorry to hear about your DGS's accident but glad he is okay. You've also been on a roll with bad things lately -- I declare this to be the END of everyone's bad luck here on LBT. The end!! Okay, it should all be fine from here on out. Also, neither you or your GS should settle out your personal injury insurance claims until you are sure you are okay -- how about physical therapy -- anyone suggesting that to you? It sounds like you have a sciatia problem which is what I had for many years. I hope you can get some relief -- it's hard to travel by car when you have sciatia problems -- the sitting position really tends to aggrevate it -- sorry I don't mean to give you any worse news. Just don't agree to settle that portion of your claim until you've had treatments and your positive you are healed and will need no further treatment.

Apples, hope you are doing okay with your arm. Thinking of you.

Julie, sorry to hear you are having problems too -- I wish they could have gotten you into mayo sooner than September! But better than never I suppose. I hate cooked spinach - due to when I was in 1st grade and our teacher made me eat the horrible canned spinach that was served in our cafeteria (hey, I just realized she may be the reason I had an eating problem!). It was so awful and it made me gag and i threw up all over in front of the whole class. Not a nice story. Mrs.. Reeves - she was so old she had also been mother's first grade teacher -- and my mother was 26 years older than me. She also used to smack us with the sharp edge of rulers

and I also remember her putting desks into the coat closet as punishment (the kids were put in there with the desks). I was so afraid of her I remember my voice shaking when she'd call on me to read. LOL. She had her kind moments -I remember getting hurt on the playground and she was very nice and took me to the nurse and helped me. Anyway, I do love raw spinach and eat a lot of spinach salads, but still can't stand the smell or taste of cooked spinach.

Laura, sorry about your mom but glad you are able to leave early to help her out -- hpe she gets some treatment that will help her. How long will you stay in NC?

Well, I better do some work. Hope everyone has a great evening.


Edited by ljv52

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hi all--

My nephew's wedding is next weekend and since I've been on a plateau for a bit, I've decided to Optifast it for the week. Today is day 1 and so far, so good.

Tomorrow's headache should be fun.

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I am a fan of spinach in salads as well but definitely not cooked.

Phyl, hope your back is better. Must be something going around, my back has been hurting too. Not sure what I did if anything. And I got a horrible headache today.

DH came home from work early and is hungry so I got dinner cooking already at 4pm. Making chicken thighs (I have a hard time with breasts getting stuck).

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Thank you everyone for your insight. You are so right that she is using my insecurities against me. You know those things we may think but never actually say out loud. She will say them. Every once in awhile I will have a thought that this maybe too hard for me but then I remind myself of how much I have already accomplished and fight the negative thought. I guess when she says that stuff I should say the samething to her.

I am going for my ADN right now. My cousin told me hospitals prefer BSN so once I graduate I will consider that. They asked me to get a Littman Cardio III. I have been searching the internet for one. Glad to know that they really last and are worth the money. Other than that I will just need a nursing watch. With the seconds and glow in the dark. I should be able to get that with my grant money.

I did go to the docs office and ask again about my labwork. Turns out it was sitting in this pile of mail that was just delivered. The lab didn't fax it, they snail mailed it. So I got all my paperwork set and turned in. Now I just wait for the 16th where I will decide on my schedule. They do a lottery. We all draw numbers and the person with number 1 gets first choice and the rest of them will follow. LOL

I just found out yesterday that I was awarded and additional grant from the state and was granted a subsidized loan. (the government will pay the intrest until I graduate) I should have plenty of money tho cover the cost and they will give me the remainder sept 30. I guess my husbands layoff last year really paid off.

So sorry to hear about the troubles Apples has been having. I hope things turn around for you soon.

I know the pink hair was a bit wild but thats what happens when I get off the meds. I did like it just not enough to risk a future job over.

My brother who I haven't seen in 7 years came over to visit today. He met my son for the first time. We had a great visit. I hope we can build a great relationship. We didn't know each other real well growing up. I moved from my moms house to my dads house when he was a baby, leaving him behind. He doesn't remember much about our time together but I was responsible for changing, bathing, feeding and dressing him. That was part of the reason I left. I had too much responsability at too young of an age.

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Hi all! Artificial knees do not want to be knelt on. I actually get bruises on them from kneeling. Wierdest feeling in the world. Most of the time I don't even think about my knees.

Bad lower backs. I've had such bad luck with chiropracters and not much better with physical therapy. Did get relief from steroid shot. Only went for one. Was not the cause of me gaining weight. Eating caused that.

The best thing I ever did was get an inversion table. Used it very cautiously at first. Gradually increased the incline and hung for longer times. Now I only use it if my neck is bad or if I'm getting hip and sciatic pain. Just one minute usually adjusts my neck and back.

I forgot, I also did Water therapy for my back in an arthritis (extra warm) pool. Therapist had me put my arms over two floats and just hang there in the deep water. That very gently relieved the pressure on the discs. He also had me sit on a kickboard and balance on it. It forced me to use the little muscles along my spine that help strengthen and hold your spine in place. I also crouched in the water up to my neck (I'm tall) and walked backwards as well as forwards. pressing back against the water also makes you use the muscles that align your spine. I also pulled my knees up one at a time in the water and pulled them close to my chest while standing on one foot. Stopped when it hurt. Helped stretch out the spasming muscles.

He also had me purchase a special lumbar support for when I'm in the car. I still use one all the time. Realigns my spine, especially on the way home from work.

I sleep with a lumbar support and a pillow under my knees if I'm on my back. I also keep it between my knees if I'm on my side. Lumbar support goes by my waist to keep it from sagging and keep my spine aligned while on my side. It all helps keep me from being in pain all the time.

I am, of course, always on an anti-inflammatory.


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Phyl, too bad you can't get an MRI......then you could get an epidural shot and hopefully relieve the pain before you leave.

So glad your GS was not seriously injured. I bet he is really sore.

Linda, sorry you are having Fibro issues. I am better today. I broke down and took Ibprophen last night.....really helped. I swear by the Savella I take for FM, but it is not for everyone. Lyrica causes weight gain. I won't go there......not for now.

Judy, You go girl! I love the chocolate Optifast bars......creamy chicken Soup too......not crazy about the shakes. Too sweet for me.

Jessica, it is great you are re-connecting with your brother.

Cheri.....the warm Water therapy is awesome. I think I could hang in one all day. I did check into a therapy pool......very expensive.

Julie.....Hang in There!!!!!!!

Laura.....prayers for mom

Janet......where are you?

Apples......thinking of you!!!

Lori......chicken thighs.......Yum.....my favorite part of the chicken!

Okay, gang.......later!

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Jessica.....like the pink hair! I want purple streaks in mine.

I am doing well I walked the mall yesterday at lunch I complained to my mom the whole way but did it LOL

If you get purple streaks in your hair you will have to post a picture!! Good for you and the walking...as Joyce said, you burn more calories when you complain...LOL (if that was true, I'd be thin LOL)

Good morning. Tried another class at the gym today, Pilates, not sure I liked it. It was hard though and I couldn't do a lot of it because she did so much from a position on your knees on the floor. With my artificial knees when I kneel it feels like I am kneeling on hundreds of needles. Not sure I will do that one again or not. but 2 out of the 3 classes I did were good, not bad.

Awaiting a friend to call after her dentist appt for lunch, if she can eat. LOL

Melissa, good job on the exercise. I hate, hate, hate it too. Did I mention, I hate it???? But it's just one of those things we gotta do. Just like brushing my teeth, I don't wake up and say oh boy I get to brush my teeth this morning, but it's just something I gotta do. Hopefully as I keep at this it will become more routine and I won't think of hating it so much each time I go.

Eva, thanks for explaining the monsoons to me. That's what we are having. I hate the humid part. We got so much rain yesterday and hail. I panicked when it hailed given the last hailstorm we were in. This was just marble sized though and no damage, though parts not too far from me had worse. It's still cloudy and like it's going to rain today, looks like it should be cool out but it's hot and muggy. Did you decide if you are going to go to Argentina??

Pilates are great for core strength...but the pilates DVD I have are mostly done from your back or I do have my Pilates machine and that does several different positions. I agree about the humidity...yuck. Yes, I am going to Argentina. I have a ticket for October 5th. I am excited.

Go Melissa! Go, go, go!

Well, I'm going to make it an official goal by posting it on here. I've set a new weight goal for myself of 160. This morning I was 162. I was ranging between 163-167, mostly 164-166, but I want to get my cholesterol and triglycerides down and get off the meds. I only need 30 more off my LDL (bad cholesterol). Doing what I have to do to lose that weight will mean total very low or no carbs in order not to store fat. I already eat lean meats, mostly chicken and fat, prepared without breading. I don't put butter on my veggies, no gravy, etc. It's just occassional Snacks that have the bad stuff in them. Eliminate the carbs and I'll eliminate the few bad fats I still get. Plus, without carbs, you store a lot less fat. Maintaining 160 will be harder than 165, but I'm newly energized by all the various kinds of progress being made on this thread.

I'm also thinking about the fact that my antinuclear antibodies were positive which is an indication that I may be developing or have RA. I already have such bad osteo that RA on top of it will not be a good thing. Weight loss, avoiding red meats, going more organic, etc., can help control it.

So, a new goal. Gotta go get my granddaughter. Promised I'd take her for the afternoon into the evening.



Good for you on the new goal especially with the possibility of RA. I hope you don't develop that, it's bad enough with the regular arthritis. I still haven't bought an inversion table. I haven't had the foot tingly thing too bad lately, so I'm putting that off for as long as possible. Just more equipment to junk up my house. I don't have a basement.

Hi gang! I am just back from going broke at Carter's. I bought the new baby girl (due9/13) a new layette set. Then I bought big sister matching outfits. Now, I am going to Sam's and buy a case of diapers and a case of wipes. We will be ready for baby girl.

I walked 2 miles this morning at 6am. I went to bed with a back ache and woke up with one........told myself no walking.....then got a case of guilties and put my walking clothes on. My back feel a lot better. I think I am having a little FM issues because of the humidity. Eva, I need to move to AZ. Yes, I also need to get into Water aerobics.

Cheri, your weight is what I dream of I am into buying organic. Dr. Davis insists on it. I know it will help .

Laura K, wow! You are a walking machine!

Melissa, good for you! I am with Joyce.....griping is a calorie burner. Whatever it takes!

Cool stuff with the baby girl. I bet you are excited. Water workouts are great because you do get a workout if you put effort into it and you don't sweat (or you don't feel like you are sweating.)

I'm posting this now and will do more later. I'm afraid I'll get distracted and delete this.

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Grilled fish and sauteed spinach. Mmmmmm!

I made a baby spinach and spring mix salad with strawberries, cashews, feta, and raspberry vinaigrette the other day. That's what was in the house. Tasted great.

Had a mixed lettuce (no iceberg) half salad with chicken, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, mandarin orange, and walnut sprinkled through it and poppyseed dressing along with a cup of French Onion Soup at Panera bread. Sucked the soup out of the croutons, LOL. Man was that good. Love their French Onion soup.

Got in a good 45 minute walk this afternoon. Drizzled a little. Needed to grow a set of gills to get any oxygen out of the air. Supposed to keep raining off and on for another day or two.


Boo!!!!! I didn't lose a lb!!!! I talked to a sports medicine/trainer for a high school. She said that if I wasn't used to walking that fast I would get dizzy, and I was probably dehydrated. Yep, I only drank three bottles of Water yesterday till I got home from walking. Then I drank another 32ozs. The teacher said as long as I was noticing change.....like my clothes getting loose.....not to fret over the weight. Well, that made me happier.

I am not walking tonight. The heat index is 107 right now. I think I will just ride my bike in the house.

Well, my DD is at the doctor's with my GD. Her foot is swollen .....there definitely is something going on with her foot. I just hope she doesn't need a cast. She already weighs 30lbs, and my DD is about to pop with this pregnancy. Please say a prayer for Sydney. She will be 2 next Monday. Janet, Lori, Phyl.......can you believe I was posting about her birth two years ago? Boy, time sure does fly.

Okay, peeps......CBL

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note. Made it to the gym early this morning - had time to do 40 bike/40 elleptical and 30 on weights. I almost said the heck with it and went back to bed, but guilt took over and I got up. LOL. These rainy days are tough - prefer sunshine to wake me up.

Karen, so sorry about your arm, but happy you didn't need surgery. Wow, you need to just sit and relax -- glad you have the lake -- just read some books and hold that arm up. Hugs.

Jessica, I liked the pink hair -- LOL. Just proves we are all different -- I've always liked wild hair. Cheri gave you very good advice on your MIL -- she is dead on accurate. As Lori said, wish I'd had that advice when my dm was alive -- she was much like your MIL.

Laura, yuck on the swamp germs -- good thing I wasn't a boy. Glad you had fun on your date with DH.

Arlene, sorry about the weight but you and I are in the same boat. It's been 9 months and truly, I have gone down in sizes -- without losing pounds -- as I said before, I think our bodies need to catch up to our weight loss sometimes. Good going on the walking, but be careful with that dizziness -- our heat index has been over 100 last few days too.

Jodi, good going on the exercise and thinking of Dassi -- prayig for her, poor little girl - she's had it really rough. You are a great mom -- you are very in tune to her feelings and needs.

Lori, glad to hear DS got his promotion!!! And wtg on the exercise classes. I was thinking of you at the gym this morning cause I was sweating so much -- I wear a sleeveless top and exercise shorts -- then a girl came in -- young -- in her early 20s I think -- normal weight and she had on sweat pants and a long sleeved sweatshirt - I guess she thought she needed to dress extra warm to make her sweat? Good lord, it made me hot to look at her. She wasn't there very long -- probably less than 20 mins.

Joyce, wow, I'm impressed that you went to the concert -- you are so much fun!!! I hope I do that kind of thing with my GD when she gets older.

Reminds me, Sylvia Browne is coming to our little casino near here - only $32 to see her - a bunch of us from work are going -- It's Sept. 11 -- should be interesting.

Janet, hope you had a great day at work.

Hope everyone has a great night - will try to CBL.


Update......Sydney's foot is not broken. It is a bug bite. First, she slips down and limps.....doctor said she would be okay.....then she gets a bug bite and her foot is so swollen she can't walk. Poor baby, but glad it is not broken. She has to take antibiotics and has a cream for the bite.

Linda, yep, our bodies are in rebellion. I have been lax in writing down my water and food. I journal on Daily plate on my iphone app, but I have not done the water. I am starting a journal tomorrow on food, water, exercise,short goals, lifestyle goals, and emotions. Now you know what our lesson was on.

Lori, Congrats! to your DS.

Apples, thinking about you today. I am so glad you have a cast you can take off for a shower. Please take care!

I was just thinking when I got lunch today that I meant to comment on the 'nugget test'. LOL For me good restriction is 4 nuggets, getting too loose is 6. LOL And I can never do Chik-Fil-A's for some reason every time I do they come back up via a PB or get stuck. I think it has to do with using the better breast meat and I get stuck on breast meat a lot, it's drier or something. I got a kick out of reading about Laura and Charlene and the nugget test. LOL

Charlene, yep seems like that grandbaby was just born.

Joyce, I wasn't even sure who Lady Gaga was when you first posted. So cool you went.

I guess I have formed a habit.......I just had to go out and walk a short one......just had to sweat! Now, I am downing 32oz of water. I still have my WW mug.

Great, I have to quit the nuggets. I will only use them for a restriction test......4 just right.....6 too loose. Got it! lol

Joyce, I really miss watching Sylvia on Montel too -- always looked forward to it. Can't wait to see her in person.

WTG on the walk Arlene, you are awesome!!



I know I'm behind but better late than never, right?

Phyl, do you have a dentist you go to in Mexico? After lap-band® down there, I bet you would be able to find a good one. And the "watch dogs" joke was very cute.

Charlene, the pool is a great way to exercise. I got 45 minutes in today and I really can feel it. That's nice of you to cook for your Mom. Glad she appreciates it too. You are quite inspiring walking in all that heat and humidity.

Great/Charlene I must have missed the post about the epidurals and weight gain, but my sister gets those and she's gained quite a bit of weight. I think there are more factors involved than the epidurals. Those shots have helped her a lot...she's able to move and do thing and she's not just sitting around.

Lori, congrats to your DS!!! And yes, we have monsoons every summer...humidity and heat this year but very little actual rain. We are a desert, we get most of our rainfall in the winter and summer. Winter rains and monsoons. It's usually humind (30% or so) July and August.

Jessica, you can do it...it will not be easy, but it's totally up to you and there is no reason not to get through school. I think your pink hair is cute, but yes, it may not be the right impression to start with. Don't let your MIL put you down in any way. Smile and say, "I'm capable of this, it may be hard, but I will do it". And you will.

Laurak, I want to work up to 5 miles. Not there yet, but I will be by the end of September. That's cool you have the rail trail. I love those.

Janet, you are lucky to color your own...my always looks like crap when I do it, that's why I have a professional do it now. I may have to go back and have him fix the color. I really don't like it right now. Hope it fades. For electrolites, one product that I like a lot is Electro Mix byAlacer Corp. They make Emergen-C. The Electro mix is sugar free, calorie free, sodium free but has potassium, magnesium, manganese, Calcium, chromium and is lemon-lime flavored.

Julie, good for you in throwing away the sweets and the exercise. It's going to help in so many ways. So the trip to Bismark really does take some time. You are a good mom and grandmom.

Okay it's 11 and I have to sleep. Hopefully more tomorrow. Sister is here from Phoenix and is expecting her son to arrive with moving truck, so no promises. Her son is going to graduate school here in Tucson.

Janet, 45 minutes pool today.

More work tomorrow. 37 working days.


Linda, I seen Sylvia Brown at our casino here a couple of years ago. It was intertaining and she is a good speaker.

Good job on exercise ladies, we just needed "the Commander" to give a a push. lol

I walked another 6 miles last night. I think I'm up to around 30 miles for the week. I never thought I could do that. Having fun and talking a lot keeps pushing me along.

Laura, swamp germs, dirt and the works just seem to come with boys. If there was a mud puddle in the area my DS seemed to find it. Always came home with mud and water splattered up his back from riding his bike through it.

Joyce, I think the people watching would have been the best thing at the concert and I do like some of her music too.

Better get to work.


Laura, funny about washing the swamp bugs from your boy. I don't have to worry about swamp bugs, just grease and dirt from my boy. When I met him 30+ years ago...he was greasy then too. I should have known.

Joyce, it's so cool you went to see Lady Gaga. Yep, I agree some of the concerts are a little too enthusiastic for me too, but then again, how else do you stay young.

Linda, I think Sylvia Brown would be interesting to see too. I've seen her a few times on TV and my MIL really likes her and has a couple of her books. If I was close, I'd go with you.

Charlene, Glad your GD is okay...those bug bites can be wicked.

Jodi, I'll have to catch up on your post later. Hope all is well with you!

Off to work for me. Think I said this in my last post, but my sister is here (the one from Phoenix) and my nephew should arrive today, so not sure what's happening tonight.

Everyone have a great day

Jessica.....like the pink hair! I want purple streaks in mine.

I am doing well I walked the mall yesterday at lunch I complained to my mom the whole way but did it LOL

Complaining while walking increases the calories burned. lolol

Way to go - you exercised in spite of hating it.

Well done.

Good morning. Tried another class at the gym today, Pilates, not sure I liked it. It was hard though and I couldn't do a lot of it because she did so much from a position on your knees on the floor. With my artificial knees when I kneel it feels like I am kneeling on hundreds of needles. Not sure I will do that one again or not. but 2 out of the 3 classes I did were good, not bad.

Awaiting a friend to call after her dentist appt for lunch, if she can eat. LOL

Melissa, good job on the exercise. I hate, hate, hate it too. Did I mention, I hate it???? But it's just one of those things we gotta do. Just like brushing my teeth, I don't wake up and say oh boy I get to brush my teeth this morning, but it's just something I gotta do. Hopefully as I keep at this it will become more routine and I won't think of hating it so much each time I go.

Eva, thanks for explaining the monsoons to me. That's what we are having. I hate the humid part. We got so much rain yesterday and hail. I panicked when it hailed given the last hailstorm we were in. This was just marble sized though and no damage, though parts not too far from me had worse. It's still cloudy and like it's going to rain today, looks like it should be cool out but it's hot and muggy. Did you decide if you are going to go to Argentina??

Go Melissa! Go, go, go!

Well, I'm going to make it an official goal by posting it on here. I've set a new weight goal for myself of 160. This morning I was 162. I was ranging between 163-167, mostly 164-166, but I want to get my cholesterol and triglycerides down and get off the meds. I only need 30 more off my LDL (bad cholesterol). Doing what I have to do to lose that weight will mean total very low or no carbs in order not to store fat. I already eat lean meats, mostly chicken and fat, prepared without breading. I don't put butter on my veggies, no gravy, etc. It's just occassional Snacks that have the bad stuff in them. Eliminate the carbs and I'll eliminate the few bad fats I still get. Plus, without carbs, you store a lot less fat. Maintaining 160 will be harder than 165, but I'm newly energized by all the various kinds of progress being made on this thread.

I'm also thinking about the fact that my antinuclear antibodies were positive which is an indication that I may be developing or have RA. I already have such bad osteo that RA on top of it will not be a good thing. Weight loss, avoiding red meats, going more organic, etc., can help control it.

So, a new goal. Gotta go get my granddaughter. Promised I'd take her for the afternoon into the evening.



Hi gang! I am just back from going broke at Carter's. I bought the new baby girl (due9/13) a new layette set. Then I bought big sister matching outfits. Now, I am going to Sam's and buy a case of diapers and a case of wipes. We will be ready for baby girl.

I walked 2 miles this morning at 6am. I went to bed with a back ache and woke up with one........told myself no walking.....then got a case of guilties and put my walking clothes on. My back feel a lot better. I think I am having a little FM issues because of the humidity. Eva, I need to move to AZ. Yes, I also need to get into water aerobics.

Cheri, your weight is what I dream of I am into buying organic. Dr. Davis insists on it. I know it will help .

Laura K, wow! You are a walking machine!

Melissa, good for you! I am with Joyce.....griping is a calorie burner. Whatever it takes!

Dating - have at it girl -have fun - I'm sure glad I'm not Jewish (but think I was in another life) - don't want the match makers bugging me :0) - I don't have time for a man - well ya if I gave up gym - lbt - fb ;0) not willing too.

Janet, if you are happy with no men in your life, I say, good for you.... Everyone is different... I spent the early part of my adulthood alone and didn't like it... For me, DH is the best life....

OK... got my boy from Camp- they had "swamp" day and held swamp creatures that the wildlife society brought in (gators, lizards, turtles etc.) I practically boiled him when he got home. (kidding- but a VERY soapy bubble bath). gross. hate swamp germs in my house! Need to figure out dinner. I am thinking grilled fish and sautéed spinach. CBL.. Laura

Laura, I'd be washing all those germs off, too.... I'm a big wuss went it comes to things like that... And my Mimi just loves bugs and those crawly things..... Ugh!!!!

Lady Gaga was incredible and amazing, however, I think it might be my LAST concert. At 67, todays youth is a little much for me to handle. The costumes of the other concert goers were bizarre. You can really not imagine.

She had a rock group open for her that blasted my ears off and made my hair blow in the noise.

Her performance was everything I imagined and more. Great sets and dancers and wonderful energy with the crowd.

I have at least heard of Lady Gaga, but don't know anything..... My DD is into Heavy Metal.... all the dark, black clothes and such..... not goth, though... Her DF is into it, too.....Metallica is their favorite.... If it's not country or 50's - 60's, I don't want to listen.....

I made a baby spinach and spring mix salad with strawberries, cashews, feta, and raspberry vinaigrette the other day. That's what was in the house. Tasted great.


I've always thought that I hate spinach.... I must have had some bitter stuff one time... I was forced to eat some spinach salad the other day or hurt my hostesses feelings... I was amazed at how good it was.... I guess I'll try it again sometime....

Sorry the scale didn't move, but you are doing so well that it must mean that you are just better in other areas this time....

I can't say I loved the pink hair on Jessica, but I'm so used to these different hairstyles that I quit complaining... My DD is into black right now. Her best friend is a hair dresser and they are always trying new things... purple or pink streaks or whatever.... If they are happy that's all that matters...

Eva, do you ever just lay around??? If you aren't working or working in your yard, you are entertaining family or friends or traveling off somewhere exciting... I just wonder if you ever take any downtime....... It's good to be so active... Wish I felt up to that.....

Good for you Melissa..... You're starting to sound better.. I'm happy for you....

Cheri, sounds like you have a plan you can handle... You've done so well and seem very organized... You'll make your new goal , too , I'm sure.....

Well, I feel like I was run over by a truck.... I'm going to get a treatment from chiropractor this afternoon... Last night was another long one... Just couldn't get going this morning.. Didn't even get dressed until 12:30.... What a waste of a good morning....

Apples, hope you are fine... Lori thanks for sharing news about her...

I'll talk to you all later... Julie

Hi guys, writing frommy phone. Mom saw neurosurgeon and ordered an MRI for in the a.m. She has appt monday to get results and she is so nervous and in terrible pain. She just bawled on the phone- I asked her if she wants me to come earlier and she said please yes! So dad arranged for sun a.m. Pilot to get nels & I. Dh will hold down the fort. Sat they have my dad's bff coming from turkey. My sis can't cook- not sure she can boil an egg right, bless her heart. : ) so I can cook and sis will entertain nels. I will go to dr w mom on Mon. See what they say. My parents have put their lives on hold many times for us. All my surgeries/adoption, etc. It's the least I can do. Guess we will be there a week. Pray everything is ok and she doesn't need surgery. Hoping steroid epidural can help.

I need to go get nels out of pool and in bath. Cbl. Peasout, laura

Julie..... I've never been to a chiropractor but giving it serious consideration as it's been almost a week and I can't seem to get any relief from this back/hip pain even with tylenol/codeine and muscle relaxant. Saw my knee surgeon today and told him about it.He was all ready to order an MRI but when I told him we were heading out in the RV in 10 days he decided there was no point because if they see something, no time for treatment. But he says I DO need an MRI to see what's going on in my back. Pain is now going down the left butt and left foot is tingly since last night. Have ice on it now.

There are definitely times when I WISH I were single, but to be honest, I think I'd be too depressed living alone. And I have a pretty good DH, even if he is a control freak!!! LOL!

But I don't think I could put up with what Jodi is experiencing with matchmakers getting in the middle of it and constant calls for dates!! Nice to get all that attention, but it would be pretty annoying after a while.

I can't get on my knees either. One night a couple of weeks ago, when I was home alone, I decided I needed to do some of my PT exercises on the living room floor. Boy was that a dumb idea!! I seriously thought I'd have no trouble getting back up! But almost ended up staying there until DH got home. I think he was down at the hot tub. But finally just had to grin and bear it and turn over on my knees. Every time I tried, it'd start hurting too much and I'd chicken out! I am very frustrated right now because I can't walk or exercise. I will go to PT in the morning, but dr. said to "go easy" this week, so they'll probably just do some massage, etc. again.

Buying baby stuff is FUN!!

Water aerobics is GREAT! Opted out this week, though, because of my back. Steps are very steep, and always hurts my back going up the very last step. Don't want to aggravate it any worse than it already is.

Too much junk going on in my life! Whine! Whine! Whine!

Grandson, almost 22 yrs old, got rear-ended on his way home from work last night. He was stopped behind a lady who was waiting to make a left turn when a young kid, barely old enough to drive, slammed in to him going about 40 mph! Kid had just pulled out of his driveway a block up the road, and said his brakes "failed". But, consensus of opinion is that HE failed to use his brakes because he was distracted.. probably using his phone. At any rate, DGS's car is totaled. He walked away with head, neck and leg hurting but refused treatment. SIL was going to take him to dr. today but haven't had any feedback on that yet. He apparently blacked out briefly, but then jumped out of his car and ran back to the kid to see if he was okay. DGS is a trained EMT and fireman, trying to find a job. Recently certified. Anyways, praise God he wasn't hurt badly. Scary stuff! Enough accidents for one family!!

And our very good friend in Three Rivers CA was just diagnosed with recurrence of cancer. Double mastectomy 5 years ago and doing great ever since until she recently found a lump in her right armpit. Tests have shown she now has a tumor in her right pectoral muscle. Starting treatment all over again!

A discouraging week!!

Hi all, just a quick note. Went to water aerobics this a.m. -- got there early and jogged in the pool for about 20 mins. before the one hour class began. Loved it.

Arlene, my back has been bothering me lately too - must be the FB. The confusing part for me is it's worse now than before I lost the weight -- makes no sense to me -- and we have a temperpedic mattress which we love so I know it's not the mattress. Nothing worse than waking up with a terrible backache. I had a hard time with it on vacation too but I did blame it on the beds then. Living with daily pain is no fun and I've been doing it for about 13 years. But I'm happy to be alive and healthy.

We are having our Sweet Corn Serenade tonight - a fun time -- they have bands, craft booths, food and of course you can get cooked corn for ten cents an ear -- its fabulous!! I will treat myself to one wonderful ear. I only eat corn during this time of year so an ear here and there won't kill me. It's unbelieveably good.

Eva you said something about 37 more days of work -- is that it and then you retire? If so, I'm sooo jealous. I had a bad morning here and truthfully, I just wanted to walk out this morning. I am sooooo tired of working and dealing with everything. If I didn't need health insurance. . .it would be a whole different story.

Phyl, I do hope you're feeling better and sorry to hear about your DGS's accident but glad he is okay. You've also been on a roll with bad things lately -- I declare this to be the END of everyone's bad luck here on LBT. The end!! Okay, it should all be fine from here on out. Also, neither you or your GS should settle out your personal injury insurance claims until you are sure you are okay -- how about physical therapy -- anyone suggesting that to you? It sounds like you have a sciatia problem which is what I had for many years. I hope you can get some relief -- it's hard to travel by car when you have sciatia problems -- the sitting position really tends to aggrevate it -- sorry I don't mean to give you any worse news. Just don't agree to settle that portion of your claim until you've had treatments and your positive you are healed and will need no further treatment.

Apples, hope you are doing okay with your arm. Thinking of you.

Julie, sorry to hear you are having problems too -- I wish they could have gotten you into mayo sooner than September! But better than never I suppose. I hate cooked spinach - due to when I was in 1st grade and our teacher made me eat the horrible canned spinach that was served in our cafeteria (hey, I just realized she may be the reason I had an eating problem!). It was so awful and it made me gag and i threw up all over in front of the whole class. Not a nice story. Mrs.. Reeves - she was so old she had also been mother's first grade teacher -- and my mother was 26 years older than me. She also used to smack us with the sharp edge of rulers

and I also remember her putting desks into the coat closet as punishment (the kids were put in there with the desks). I was so afraid of her I remember my voice shaking when she'd call on me to read. LOL. She had her kind moments -I remember getting hurt on the playground and she was very nice and took me to the nurse and helped me. Anyway, I do love raw spinach and eat a lot of spinach salads, but still can't stand the smell or taste of cooked spinach.

Laura, sorry about your mom but glad you are able to leave early to help her out -- hpe she gets some treatment that will help her. How long will you stay in NC?

Well, I better do some work. Hope everyone has a great evening.


hi all--

My nephew's wedding is next weekend and since I've been on a plateau for a bit, I've decided to Optifast it for the week. Today is day 1 and so far, so good.

Tomorrow's headache should be fun.

I am a fan of spinach in salads as well but definitely not cooked.

Phyl, hope your back is better. Must be something going around, my back has been hurting too. Not sure what I did if anything. And I got a horrible headache today.

DH came home from work early and is hungry so I got dinner cooking already at 4pm. Making chicken thighs (I have a hard time with breasts getting stuck).

Thank you everyone for your insight. You are so right that she is using my insecurities against me. You know those things we may think but never actually say out loud. She will say them. Every once in awhile I will have a thought that this maybe too hard for me but then I remind myself of how much I have already accomplished and fight the negative thought. I guess when she says that stuff I should say the samething to her.

I am going for my ADN right now. My cousin told me hospitals prefer BSN so once I graduate I will consider that. They asked me to get a Littman Cardio III. I have been searching the internet for one. Glad to know that they really last and are worth the money. Other than that I will just need a nursing watch. With the seconds and glow in the dark. I should be able to get that with my grant money.

I did go to the docs office and ask again about my labwork. Turns out it was sitting in this pile of mail that was just delivered. The lab didn't fax it, they snail mailed it. So I got all my paperwork set and turned in. Now I just wait for the 16th where I will decide on my schedule. They do a lottery. We all draw numbers and the person with number 1 gets first choice and the rest of them will follow. LOL

I just found out yesterday that I was awarded and additional grant from the state and was granted a subsidized loan. (the government will pay the intrest until I graduate) I should have plenty of money tho cover the cost and they will give me the remainder sept 30. I guess my husbands layoff last year really paid off.

So sorry to hear about the troubles Apples has been having. I hope things turn around for you soon.

I know the pink hair was a bit wild but thats what happens when I get off the meds. I did like it just not enough to risk a future job over.

My brother who I haven't seen in 7 years came over to visit today. He met my son for the first time. We had a great visit. I hope we can build a great relationship. We didn't know each other real well growing up. I moved from my moms house to my dads house when he was a baby, leaving him behind. He doesn't remember much about our time together but I was responsible for changing, bathing, feeding and dressing him. That was part of the reason I left. I had too much responsability at too young of an age.

Hi all! Artificial knees do not want to be knelt on. I actually get bruises on them from kneeling. Wierdest feeling in the world. Most of the time I don't even think about my knees.

Bad lower backs. I've had such bad luck with chiropracters and not much better with physical therapy. Did get relief from steroid shot. Only went for one. Was not the cause of me gaining weight. Eating caused that.

The best thing I ever did was get an inversion table. Used it very cautiously at first. Gradually increased the incline and hung for longer times. Now I only use it if my neck is bad or if I'm getting hip and sciatic pain. Just one minute usually adjusts my neck and back.

I forgot, I also did water therapy for my back in an arthritis (extra warm) pool. Therapist had me put my arms over two floats and just hang there in the deep water. That very gently relieved the pressure on the discs. He also had me sit on a kickboard and balance on it. It forced me to use the little muscles along my spine that help strengthen and hold your spine in place. I also crouched in the water up to my neck (I'm tall) and walked backwards as well as forwards. pressing back against the water also makes you use the muscles that align your spine. I also pulled my knees up one at a time in the water and pulled them close to my chest while standing on one foot. Stopped when it hurt. Helped stretch out the spasming muscles.

He also had me purchase a special lumbar support for when I'm in the car. I still use one all the time. Realigns my spine, especially on the way home from work.

I sleep with a lumbar support and a pillow under my knees if I'm on my back. I also keep it between my knees if I'm on my side. Lumbar support goes by my waist to keep it from sagging and keep my spine aligned while on my side. It all helps keep me from being in pain all the time.

I am, of course, always on an anti-inflammatory.


See all of the above quotes - I responded to them all - and then LOST FREAKING POST - IT TOOK ME 2 HRS..

I am not starting over or even doing a short version ..

Props to all of you !!!

xoxox Janet

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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