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Hi guys~

I am exhausted. I spent the day with 2 six year olds. Got really inventive with fun things to do. We transferred "sea monkeys" to their MARS home... went bike riding down near the marina and looked for manatees... played in the sand with all Nels' John Deere equipment... went swimming (make up jumping contests and races- I swam and jumped too!)... ran to McD's for lunch... swam some more and then played inside. Now the kids mother picked them both up for taekwondo- give me time to take a shower and catch my breath just in time to make dinner and do baths.

I tried Lori's nugget test. I could only eat 2. Couldn't remember if that was good or too tight? I probably could've gotten in 3 but felt full and stopped. This a.m. had a Protein Shake with strawberries, banana, milk and whey. 36 gms Protein but b/c of the milk it ran 280 cal. But was nice and full all morning and 2 nuggets and then planning on fish and veggies for dinner. All and all an active and good day.

BTW, anyone is welcome ANYTIME to come visit. : ) I am half way between Orlando and Miami. Y'all come!

peasout.. Laura

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Cheri...way to go on throwing away your favorite candies. Lots of tricks we have learned from that Janet! I'm proud of you.

Joyce...would love to see Lady Gaga. Have fun.

Change in plans. I am now just taking off and will not be back till next Tuesday. Just a few troubles with getting that motor loaded and a number of ppl stopping by to food, cards, etc. for DH. Decided since I come back through where lake place is, I would plop my butt there. Also, the wake and funeral for my friend is closer to there.

You guys all have a great week till I talk to you next. What an afternoon! I'm glad Janet says sweating is a good thing. Think I lost 1/2 my body weight in sweat working outside. But think mostly from hearing DH swear. I didn't know he had that many in him. When he finally got the motor ready to load into my truck, he dropped in on our new concrete patios (loading it with a skidloader) and make a huge crater. Not a happy man at the time. Need to go wash his mouth out with soap and send him back out to the field.

Talk to you all Tuesday. Sending the love!

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Julie...if I don't talk to you b/4 your appt at Mayo...good luck. Hope they can get to the root of your problem. It's on the 9th, right? Love ya and safe travels.

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Been away nursing my back.... well.... here but just not motivated. Seems a little better this afternoon, though, so just "speed read" through several pages of posts and now just have a few minutes before I have to leave for dental appt.!! But that's another story.. I don't think I told it yet, but it's pretty frustrating!!


Phyl, I was told no coffee too and like you I asked, but I was told it's because caffeine increases appetite. I boo hooed that rule and went back to my coffee too - I mean give me a break, what are they thinking? Do they really think having a couple cups of coffee per day is really going to prevent us from working our program? I thought it was ridiculous. I just don't tell them that I drink it - now that I know it won't hurt the band. I sure hope you get some relief today from your back pain. Sorry to hear of your difficulties from the accident. I love the Zoey story -- we love it when our dog sleeps with us -- she usually starts out with us and then moves during the night and returns in the morning. We have a big lounge chair in our room that she prefers. LOL.


Zoey cannot even jump up on a chair... she's too little... and she's too much of a wimp to jump down, too! We are enjoying her!

Hey Phyll...got the RV packed yet. Come hell or high Water and no matter where you are on the interstate while coming through MN, I will be on the side of the road. Hope it works even if it's just a short little visit. Heck, I'm so stressed with everything lately that maybe I will just jump on board. I would just have you and DH drop me far, far from here.

Well, you could just go all the way with us.... 6 weeks on the road... and we'll get to Desert Hot Springs just about in time to drive to Vegas for the Oct.1 weekend!!! LOL! Only requirement..... you do the cooking!! HAHAHA!!

Phyl - thank you for staying in touch for me while my technical difficulties were a problem. First printer went out, then router had to be replaced. New printer didn't work and a second new printer was installed. Yet another house call was necessary to make router work with our home network. Not all working when I left for Florida. But all fixed now. Still need to catch up on posts while I was gone.

Taking 23 yr. old granddaughter to see Lady Gaga in concert tonight. Don't care for crowds that large - but like her talent and costumes.

The unfill was the right choice for me. Now I'm able to eat 3 oz. of Protein and have not thrown up since the unfill.

No problem! Glad you're back online now!!

Lady Gaga.... you are one BRAVE woman!!

Glad the unfill is working out for you!

OK.... time to leave for dentist. CBL

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Have a safe trip Apples! We miss you when you are gone. Enjoy the solitude at the lake place and relax after all you've been through this week.

Cheri, WTG on tossing the candy! I can hear your roar!

Julie, WTG to you on attempting some exercise. It doesn't matter how much you can do, just that you do what you are able. I know that was a big step for you and am so proud of you.

Had my hair appt. it was okay, I did make another one in 5 or 6 weeks to try her again. Not sure about the cut but too early to tell until I was and style it myself. It was supposed to be a trim and shaping up so we shall see.

After my hair I called around and finally found a DroidX phone so off to that costco I went and exchanged my Droid for the DRoidX, now I gotta figure it out! I went with Verizon since I wasn't too happy with TMobile, but I kept my Colorado phone number so it's a local call for my kids and grandma to call me from there.

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Phyl, take your meds before you leave for the dentist.

Apples, enjoy your long weekend -- you certainly deserve a relaxing one.

Julie, wtg on the exercise.



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Laura - loved the family pix. That empty bedroom and chair by the pool sound very inviting. We might all join you there.

Phyl - thank you for staying in touch for me while my technical difficulties were a problem. First printer went out, then router had to be replaced. New printer didn't work and a second new printer was installed. Yet another house call was necessary to make router work with our home network. Not all working when I left for Florida. But all fixed now.

Still need to catch up on posts while I was gone.

Taking 23 yr. old granddaughter to see Lady Gaga in concert tonight. Don't care for crowds that large - but like her talent and costumes.

The unfill was the right choice for me. Now I'm able to eat 3 oz. of Protein and have not thrown up since the unfill.

Joyce - Arent you the coolest GM !!! I loved your pic's of FB

I love that:lol:... Sweating is cleaning out our FAT cells..... <

back from my Zumba class :tt2:... now getting ready for work :bored:

cbl babes

Candice - Yep when you are soaking wet just think of all those fat cells leaving your body and you are just burning them up...

Love that new mantra -- sweat is GREAT! LOL. I got up at 5, dressed and arrived at the gym at 5:40 a.m. -- and my key wouldn't work. No one was inside, so couldn't get in. I was so mad steam was coming out of my ears. The gym is across town a ten mins. drive each way, so wasted 20 mins. just driving to and from. Decided to go and do Water arobics which is 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. -- so ended up really enjoying it -- haven't done water aerobics for a long time. The weights in the water feel like a good work out actually - forgot what a good workout it is. May try to do that for awhile on my off days instead of so much step as I get sore and more tired from step. I pay for the Y membership, may as well get some use out it, right? Called Anytime Fitness after the manager got in at 10:00 (nice work hours don't you think?) and she said the power went out during the over night storm and when that happens the door has to be reset. I had noticed no one else was in there and that's unusual also. Well, the storm started at 1:30 and lasted until almost 5:00 -- it woke me up several times -- you'd think she'd have run over and checked it early so she wouldn't inconvenience people. I guess if there's a storm I won't be trying to go work out early in the morning. Grrr.

Apples, hope you are enjoying your drive -- I like to drive alone too -- crank up the radio and sing at the top of my lungs. Love that. And sure your puppy loves it too.

Melissa, hope things get better but you need to make them better -- please make the decision to do it for you, no one else, and don't let anyone/anything else stand in your way. It's not worth it to wake up one morning and discover you're over 50 and still overweight and still can't control your eating. It took me almost dying to get my act together and I feel so lucky I didn't die - I took that as a sign from God that I needed to get serious once and for all -- he wasn't joking around with me any more it was literally "do it or die time". I don't want you to wait for that moment. You have your whole life ahead of you and have a beautiful family to share/enjoy it with.

I had a few days of problems eating -- had a bad episode Sat. night and I think it irritated my band. Couldn't eat much yesterday but was able to eat a little last night. Today is much better - after reading yesterday about Laura's friend's band slippage I was a little concerned, but I think I'm okay -- I haven't had much trouble all along so I think it was just a bad episode.

Hope you all have a fabulous day. WTG on all the exercise everyone. It's miserably hot/humid here too.

Linda That would piss me off too - something like the happend to me at my old gym had a 9 a.m appt - was going to work out 7-7:45 so I could get home intime to clean up and make appt - the stupid guy was late - so I couldn't exercise -

How funny that we now get pissed off when the gym is closed - Oh the changes we have made !!!

Linda -great advise for Melissa !!!

Hi everyone.......... I have to do the famour drive by post today as I have so much on my plate today... Had a bad night again.... Up with ugly pain until almost 4:00, then slept until 9:30.... Not a good start to my day... Feel okay now....

Janet, you know I can't do much in the way of exercising, but I did go walk around the block and I actually rode my bike for a bit... We live on an incline and I'm not strong enough to go uphill yet... And I have such terrible balance that it is quite an accomplishment just to stay on it for any length of time.. So I rode just by our house for this time to prove to myself I can do it now.... I hope to try some more extended riding when DH can be there with me for moral support... So, today is at least better than most days... I'm happy with the fact I tried and accomplished something... Now to get on with my chores for the day.... Oh, I also worked in the garage a little and that is a big job with a sloppy guy like my DH..... Now I have to spend some time in my kitchen... My fridge is bare and DH needs some food.... I've been living on popsicle with this problem in my mouth....

Apples glad you're ordeal is about over and you can get back to normal life... Will you be off to the lake this week???

Judy and Joyce, glad you got your computer problems worked out....

Bye now friens.... I'll try to be back later.... Julie

JULIE WTG GIRL - I AM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU ON THE EXERCISE !!!!!!!:blushing::thumbup::cool2::thumbup:

Keep it up - every little bit does count...

OK, so I walked an hour on Sunday and a half an hour on Monday. Doubt I'll go out today. Rained all night and most of morning and now the heat is back. Its a steam bath out there. My early morning student is on vacation tomorrow so I may have time to get out early before the oven really heats up.

Also, my husband has occassionally been buying me Snacks and leaving them out for me. Not too bad usually and on maintenance I allow myself some. But this morning when I opened the fridge he had a container full of mini-candy bars, all my favorites, like Twix and Milky Ways, etc. Threw them in the garbage, Janet. I am woman, hear me roar! I had just bought a bunch of Atkins and Kashi snacks and some sugar-free chocolates to keep me from eating trigger foods, too. I don't know what he was thinking. But I thought of you, Janet, and I'll bet he won't do it again. He is somewhat anal about things and checks what I've thrown in the garbage so he'll know what to replenish. Big surprise this morning!

I've never done that before. It's empowering.



Hi guys~

I am exhausted. I spent the day with 2 six year olds. Got really inventive with fun things to do. We transferred "sea monkeys" to their MARS home... went bike riding down near the marina and looked for manatees... played in the sand with all Nels' John Deere equipment... went swimming (make up jumping contests and races- I swam and jumped too!)... ran to McD's for lunch... swam some more and then played inside. Now the kids mother picked them both up for taekwondo- give me time to take a shower and catch my breath just in time to make dinner and do baths.

I tried Lori's nugget test. I could only eat 2. Couldn't remember if that was good or too tight? I probably could've gotten in 3 but felt full and stopped. This a.m. had a Protein Shake with strawberries, banana, milk and whey. 36 gms protein but b/c of the milk it ran 280 cal. But was nice and full all morning and 2 nuggets and then planning on fish and veggies for dinner. All and all an active and good day.

BTW, anyone is welcome ANYTIME to come visit. : ) I am half way between Orlando and Miami. Y'all come!

peasout.. Laura

Laura Well sounds like you go some exercise and your food was good.. WTG you are back on the band wagon !!!

Cheri...way to go on throwing away your favorite candies. Lots of tricks we have learned from that Janet! I'm proud of you.

Joyce...would love to see Lady Gaga. Have fun.

Change in plans. I am now just taking off and will not be back till next Tuesday. Just a few troubles with getting that motor loaded and a number of ppl stopping by to food, cards, etc. for DH. Decided since I come back through where lake place is, I would plop my butt there. Also, the wake and funeral for my friend is closer to there.

You guys all have a great week till I talk to you next. What an afternoon! I'm glad Janet says sweating is a good thing. Think I lost 1/2 my body weight in sweat working outside. But think mostly from hearing DH swear. I didn't know he had that many in him. When he finally got the motor ready to load into my truck, he dropped in on our new concrete patios (loading it with a skidloader) and make a huge crater. Not a happy man at the time. Need to go wash his mouth out with soap and send him back out to the field.

Talk to you all Tuesday. Sending the love!

Apples - Safe trip - Enjoy your quite time you sure in the hell need it...


Been away nursing my back.... well.... here but just not motivated. Seems a little better this afternoon, though, so just "speed read" through several pages of posts and now just have a few minutes before I have to leave for dental appt.!! But that's another story.. I don't think I told it yet, but it's pretty frustrating!!


Zoey cannot even jump up on a chair... she's too little... and she's too much of a wimp to jump down, too! We are enjoying her!



Well, you could just go all the way with us.... 6 weeks on the road... and we'll get to Desert Hot Springs just about in time to drive to Vegas for the Oct.1 weekend!!! LOL! Only requirement..... you do the cooking!! HAHAHA!!

No problem! Glad you're back online now!!

Lady Gaga.... you are one BRAVE woman!!

Glad the unfill is working out for you!

OK.... time to leave for dentist. CBL

Phyl - I would be calling that dentist in CA... writing letter to better business bureau etc..

Have a safe trip Apples! We miss you when you are gone. Enjoy the solitude at the lake place and relax after all you've been through this week.

Cheri, WTG on tossing the candy! I can hear your roar!

Julie, WTG to you on attempting some exercise. It doesn't matter how much you can do, just that you do what you are able. I know that was a big step for you and am so proud of you.

Had my hair appt. it was okay, I did make another one in 5 or 6 weeks to try her again. Not sure about the cut but too early to tell until I was and style it myself. It was supposed to be a trim and shaping up so we shall see.

After my hair I called around and finally found a DroidX phone so off to that costco I went and exchanged my Droid for the DRoidX, now I gotta figure it out! I went with Verizon since I wasn't too happy with TMobile, but I kept my Colorado phone number so it's a local call for my kids and grandma to call me from there.

Great - hope this hair dresser works out...

well i have boot camp tonite - so ck back later

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Checking in......went to friends house and helped her out....then exercised in her pool for about 45 min. Now, I am braving the heat after 8p and walk. I sure liked exercising in the pool.

Janet, thanks for getting all of us to move our butts.

Julie......you go girl!

Laura....loved the pics of Nels and his friend. Looks like they were having a good time. Yeah, Lori's nugget test....I can only do about 3 of Chick Fil A, but MD's I can do 4....that included sharing them with my dog. He loves nuggets.

Joyce........COOL GRANDMA!

Phyl......sorry your back is giving you trouble.....I can so relate. I asked Dr Davis if I could get another epidural shot in my back and he said I would gain weight. So, Tylenol is my drug of choice. I hope you get back to normal soon.

LauraK....did you do 4 miles today?

Linda......I would have been PO'd big time. We have Anytime Fitness. It just opened.....no pool.

Cheri.....some of my fav candy. One bite and I would have been off on a binge......glad you threw them away.

Great, what kind of cut did you get? After many years I am letting my hair grow out.......kinda like a bob. I don't know what they call it now. I am out of the loop when it comes to hair styles. For years I have had my hair cut over my ears.......always told them a "Blow and Go". Remember the "wedge" like Dorothy Hamil? I wore my hair like that in the 80's. I loved that cut.

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I LOVE my lady dentist... her two associates... so-so. My appointment was with her today and I like her and her asst. so much better. And they are very chatty besides very efficient. I told them, they work together so smoothly that I can hardly tell whose hands are whose! They've got like 3 hands in my mouth at one time and I'm not the least bit uncomfortable. They just did the one small filling in the front today.

The story on the crowns... one is a crown that the guy in CA did 3/09 and he didn't do a great job, but she said it was okay to just watch it for now. The other tooth... not a crown, but he put an "inlay" on it at the same time. It is apparently not sealed around the edges.. again.. a poor job and so it needs a crown now. BUT.. since he billed it as an "inlay", insurance will not pay on that tooth for 5 years... 3/14!! Out of pocket..... $1322~~!!! They said they could just watch that one for now, too, but... if it needs a crown, I think I might go down to Mexico to have it done this winter.

So.....since things have been a little "heavy" around here, I'd like to offer this little "blond joke" for a moment of levity!!

A girl was visiting her blond friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blond responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, 'Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?' 'HELLLOOOOOOO......,' answered the blond. 'They're watch dogs'!

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Hey all - thanks for all of the advice now to work on me.

Right me time.

Charlene love the Mantra

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Hey all - thanks for all of the advice now to work on me. Right me time. Charlene love the Mantra

You can do it!!

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Well I have a new tactic tonight to avoid the munchies. I put my PJ's on at 530. LOL I so wanted chips, ice cream, whatever but none of that in the house so I thought well Walmart is close I will just take a quick drive up there. So I put my PJ's on so I won't go out of the house. LOL DH won't be home til 9 tonight and it was just more of lonely, bored munchies.

Melissa, as your quote under your names says love life be brave or something like that. Be brave and face the stressors w/o the candy. It'll get easier each time.

Arlene, I had never heard of epidural shots causing weight gain, interesting. I knew steroid pills did. Hope the tylenol works for you. I just got a trim but guess my hair is sortta 'bob' style. I never know the right terms either ,which is probably why I never get what I ask for LOL

Just got a call from DS...HE GOT THE PROMOTION!

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Another check in, I am a bit groggy from the meds. I gotta get use to them again. I am waiting for bloodwork results that I need for school. I called over and over and left 3 messages and the lady will not call me back. I am getting a little panicked. If something doesn't come back right I won't have time to redo them. I have to prove I am immune to chicken pox, measles and, hep b. My mother wasn't exactly concerned about getting us to the doc so I am not sure if I had the MMR shot. I know I had chicken pox and the hep b shot. I am going to the docs office tommorrow and sitting there til I get an answer.

My son is doing great. His bowel problem is under control as long as we make sure to give him the med. He will be starting kindergarten in 2 weeks. I feel like I am turning him over to the "system". Like I will have less control over what happens to him and what he learns. Today he tried to choke himself by pushing on his throat. He said he learned it from a kid in class. So scary.

Hubby is doing great too. He loves his job and is having a company dinner tommorrow. Employees only, I don't have to worry about it.

I have my uniforms and stuff for school. All I need now is a stethoscope and my books. The stethoscope they want us to get is about $170. I have spent so much already. My MIL is trying to aquire one from a friend of hers.

My MIL still has doubts that I can do this. She ask me all the time if I really belive I can make it through and then hold down a job. I have doubts once in awhile too but then I look at how far I have come. I have accomplished so much and was alot sicker then. I wish my family would help out some. I need someone to help get Jacob to and from school. I would hate to have to hire a stranger expecially when I have so many family members living close. They are just all to busy.

During my little hiatus I actually dyed my hair pink. I really liked it but took it out so I could look professional at school.

Thank you all for being there for me. All the encouragment and PM's mean alot to me.

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I just heard from Apples. After she posted her last post here, she ran up the stairs to get something she forgot, tripped and broke a bone in her arm. She still delivered her motor though and is at her lake place resting. She goes back to the dr tomorrow to have it fitted or set, there's too much swelling tonight.

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Omg - Poor Karen !!! My gosh that girl has had her run of bad freaking luck lately -

Karen - Hugs & Prayers...

Charlene What can I say - You are rocking it girl w/the exercise !!!

Jessica - LOL the Mom in me doesn't like the pink hair - but that's cuz I'm 55 :0) glad you changed it back - and ignore your MIL you can do this - just take your meds... You did so well when you were in school before ..

Great - I do the same thing - I always put my jammies or house dress on - when I get home from work - cuz I'm to lazy to get dressed to go to the store - Great way to handle it (Candice ;0) take a page from her book ;0)

Well it's 8:30 - I had boot camp to nite - so far - Me Linda & Charlene are the only exercisers today - Well Laure did do alot w/the kids so she exercise - LauraK how many miles tonite :0) Cheri - Julie - Melissa - Phyl has a pass ;0) Eva

Tomorrow - I have weights then Yoga...

Well gotta to eat gang cbl

Apples hugs

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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