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hello everyone,

it is now nearly two am and i am about ready to crash. Phyl I took your suggestion and have been reading sixty thread. not going back to the thread of the younger bandits. i can relate to the people in this group. thank you for the excellent suggestion.

my name, what ever version of gwendolyn you use is perfect. I have not taken offense from what anyone has written.

i am typing in the dark, so please forgive all the lower case letters.

well, i lost some weight and my blood pressure went up. wish i knew why. have been going to the gym, walk the tread mill for fifteen minutes, and today started another exercise.

i have been to argentina. had a fantastic time. would love to go back. there is so much to see and do. like all the guide books say, leave expensive jewelry home. muggers are in the city and act quickly. if the shop owners keep bugging you to buy things, respond to them in a made up language. we do that, and they do not know how to respond.

will write more when i can turn on the light. dh is sleeping and i do not want to wake him

hugs to all of you. you definitely inspire me.

gwendolyn or what ever

Edited by Gwendolyn Smythe
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Gosh...it feels like forever that I could just sit down and my desk and THINK b/4 posting a message to you girls. Had a great night sleep and up early. DH conked out as soon as he hit the recliner last night. Slept in the chair for hours. Think he was just plain worn out. Right back at the farming today though.

Gwen...too funny with the made up language. Just try to be patient with this whole lapband thing right now. Work hard at it, do everything your doc suggests and in a couple of months you will fit right into it and become part of your daily life.

Janet...wish I could have just plopped down on a chair on you patio and visited as you BBQ'd those steaks. Just a little girl time in person. Ahhhhhhhhhh..that would be so nice.

Eva...research in Argentina for the company you work for now?? I, too, missed your post about it. I have been feeling like Cheri the last couple of weeks. I think I caught her ADHD. (Not poking fun, Cheri...have three of my own with the same).

Laura....how fun..date night 2 days in a row. DH and I need one of those SOON. We've had so much get in the way of life lately. There always seems to be some sort of fire to put out when it comes to the farm or the business. There are times I just feel like jumping ship with all the stress. But, what's nice is that I only feel that stress for a little while and then try to put it away. I am on of those "reacters". I go from zero to bit_h and then I'm done. Great photo of your little family. Gotta say it.....looks like you top is way too lose (yeah). Time to shop for a new red tank! You look great, Laura.

Julie....looking forward to the post where you let us know mayo found what should have been found month and months ago. We hurt when you hurt. How did your friend turn out that had surgery yesterday????

Joyce...missed you on here. Happy to hear you had a nice time on your vacation. Saw photos on FB. Looks like a lovely resort. DH and I have been there a few times and love the beaches there.

Melissa...I feel your frustration but you just GOTTA get yourself weened from the sweets if they are your downfall. If sweets are something that is a trigger for you when stressed, bored, hungry, etc. then just don't allow them AT ALL. Make a promise to yourself and stick to it. Take that promise and live it and you will find that once you have been without sweets for awhile, you will no longer have intense cravings for them. Take fruit to work with you. Take a bag of popcorn. Have alternatives to candy at your finger tips. So many options.

Also, it's time to recognize and get to the bottom of why you are not allowing yourself to get beyond this point with your weightloss. You have made a big dent in your losing the first weight you did. Just think how great you would feel if you could just get over this hurdle and get on the road to losing the last of the weight you want to lose. Sending hugs.

Judy...Happy you are back and posting. Good going on the smaller slacks. Good feeling, huh?

LauraK...what a great way to reconnect with someone...walking. Good for you, good for him and not so fussy as a date. Wishing you the best when it comes to it all. You will know if anything more than a friendship is meant to be. How are your flower babies. Mine are beautiful this year...with the exception of one little flower bed. Just didn't take off at first and don't have a clue why....much better now.

Great...the exercise queen. Way to go on all the activity, signing up for classes, etc. Great way to meet new ppl.

Hey Phyll...got the RV packed yet. Come hell or high Water and no matter where you are on the interstate while coming through MN, I will be on the side of the road. Hope it works even if it's just a short little visit. Heck, I'm so stressed with everything lately that maybe I will just jump on board. I would just have you and DH drop me far, far from here.

Arlene...you are really stirring up dust with all that walking. Way to go. I love reading that all of you are really working at getting on and moving the body. I swear that mine just moves all by itself without any prodding.

OK...DH finally is up and ready for breakfast. So happy he slept in. 6:30 is late for him. Will catch up with you all later. Start you day with a smile on your face...

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Good morning gang! I didn't win at Bunco last night, but we had a great time. The humidity is 87% today.....I still walked 2 miles, and I am soaking in sweat. EW! Actually, it feels good in that heat.

Well, I am off to help my friend with hip replacement. I am making her chicken salad. She is doing so good she gets off the walker tomorrow and on to a cane.

Apples, I hope today is less stressful. Do you do the dental thing tomorrow? HUGS!

Gwen, keep you BP monitored. I haven't ever been able to get off meds. I think it is one of the things that lowers my metabolism.

Laura, love you family pic!

Eva, Argentina? Wow.....sounds exciting. My son went bird hunting there last year. He said it was awesome.

Okay, coach Janet, I will check in tonight. HUGS!!!

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Arlene..next dental appt is on the 11th and another set for the 18th. It's all moving along nicely. Looking forward to having the permanent caps on the uppers which will happen on the 18th. Have quite a bit of it behind me.

Way to go getting out there even though it's humid. MN has extreme humidity from mid-July thru Sept. Soupy fog in the mornings. Was worried about DS driving out here the 15 miles this morning. But, I see he just drove into the yard so I can relax.

Tiling and spraying crops is what is in the works for today. DS hires all these nice highscool boys to help with the tiling. They are so cute...all lined up with lunch coolers in hand just waiting to dig some holes and work some muscle. And to think, DH did all that work for years (until 4 yrs ago) all on his own. Most of the tile lines are dug in with a huge tiling machine but digging is done where the lines connect. Shovel and a lot of grunt work.

Peaches...your new avatar is really nice. Such a pretty lady.

Laundry and cleaning floors is on the schedule for me this morning. Plan to get done b/4 the heat sets in. We have been in the 90's some days in the last couple of weeks. Also have to travel about 100 miles to deliver a defective motor from our new spayer. Gonna grab my dog and enjoy the peace and quite of just driving. Hope there is a DQ between here and there. My food has been really off the last week. Not sure if I got necessary cals and bloated and funky from eating so many different kinds of food.

DH's bro is bringing his 2 little guys out to ride on the big sprayer with uncle. They are from Seattle area and are so enthralled by DH's machinery and the wide open fields. They plan to go out and pick some corn ears to take back with them. So cute

Edited by Apples2

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Gosh...it feels like forever that I could just sit down and my desk and THINK b/4 posting a message to you girls. Had a great night sleep and up early.

Laura....how fun..date night 2 days in a row. DH and I need one of those SOON. We've had so much get in the way of life lately. There always seems to be some sort of fire to put out when it comes to the farm or the business. There are times I just feel like jumping ship with all the stress. But, what's nice is that I only feel that stress for a little while and then try to put it away. I am on of those "reacters". I go from zero to bit_h and then I'm done. Great photo of your little family. Gotta say it.....looks like you top is way too lose (yeah). Time to shop for a new red tank! You look great, Laura.


Karen~ Glad you are getting some rest and well needed/deserved chill time. You have been through so much and are such a strong woman. I respect you so much!

Thanks for the compliment on the photo. Yes, that top is too big. It's a 2x and I wore it for our Christmas photo back in 2002! It's a silk designer dryclean only and I tried to "shrink" it in the washer. Guess it didn't work. DH even noticed and said- that's way too big. I remember buying it in Saks and it was orignally priced $150 and got in on clearance for $22.

When I said let's get a photo, Nels said "uh, duh, MOMmmmmm, don't you think we got enough of these in Paris last week!" We all just laughed. He had so much fun with his Ashley. Those kids grow up- she is 2 yrs away from being an RN now. Paid her 5 x what I used to pay her last night and said she get's RN pay now. : )

If you ever need to "escape", you can come here ANYTIME! Guest bedroom is ALWAYS ready! Chair by the pool waiting. Will make a foo foo drink of your choice! I've been on a Tequila Sunrise kick for some reason. : )

I promise to write more in a bit...playdate is coming over (nick, his BFF). I am letting him play hookie from camp today.

Love you guys..peasout

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Karen~ Glad you are getting some rest and well needed/deserved chill time. You have been through so much and are such a strong woman. I respect you so much!

Thanks for the compliment on the photo. Yes, that top is too big. It's a 2x and I wore it for our Christmas photo back in 2002! It's a silk designer dryclean only and I tried to "shrink" it in the washer. Guess it didn't work. DH even noticed and said- that's way too big. I remember buying it in Saks and it was orignally priced $150 and got in on clearance for $22.

When I said let's get a photo, Nels said "uh, duh, MOMmmmmm, don't you think we got enough of these in Paris last week!" We all just laughed. He had so much fun with his Ashley. Those kids grow up- she is 2 yrs away from being an RN now. Paid her 5 x what I used to pay her last night and said she get's RN pay now. : )

If you ever need to "escape", you can come here ANYTIME! Guest bedroom is ALWAYS ready! Chair by the pool waiting. Will make a foo foo drink of your choice! I've been on a Tequila Sunrise kick for some reason. : )

I promise to write more in a bit...playdate is coming over (nick, his BFF). I am letting him play hookie from camp today.

Love you guys..peasout

I'll be right over:wub:

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Good morning, about to leave in a few minutes to go get younger (hair cut and colored) trying another new place since I wasn't real crazy about the last place I went. I miss my hair person in Denver. I got up early and had Breakfast with DH on his way to the airport to catch a flight to LA today (Ontario actually), he's gone just for the day though.

Laura, I agree time for a new top. Cute photo though. A foo-foo drink by the pool sounds heavenly, do you do Lava Flows? I'm not even sure what they are but I get them in Hawaii and they are my favorite.

Apples, you deserve a down day and a relaxing day. Turn up the music, roll down your windows on that drive and sing away. Well with that heat, you may not want to roll down the windows, though Tank, if he's like my dogs, will like the windows down and his nose out the window.

Melissa, you are stronger than the candy. You can do this.

Eva, hope the trip to Argentina with your friend works out. You are quite the traveller.

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It knows my name it calls me or a brain cell freaks out and says go get the candy

Melissa - You are in control of your brain girl - you got to quit being so implusive - you will live w/o the candy - you really will - Please follow Apples advice - she gave some good advice..

Sorry, short post again. Doing research on Argentina. You know if it isn't one thing it's another.

Janet, 40 minutes walking...I know it's not an hour yet, but I'll be there within two weeks.

My eyes are going to fall out of my head today...been on the computer all day. Take care everyone.


Eva - WTG 40 minutes - thats better than nothing :0)

Hey, I missed your post about going to Argentina. When are you going? For how long? I went back in 1993 while I was in the Peace Corps. I went with my parents- we spent time in both rural and urban areas. Buenos Aires is AMAZING! Really like any modern European-feeling city! (like Paris). It was expensive, even back then. The people are so down to earth though- won't find any of the stuffiness that can sometimes be in other countries (like France). (though this trip we didn't encounter mean people- back in 2003 we did). Wow, can't wait to hear more!

DH and I had another date night. It just so happened that Nelson's first babysitter (since before he was 1) is home for a month from nursing school. I felt bad that two nights in a row we were going out- but we needed the break. Went to a fancy place in Jensen Beach- we actually wore real clothes (we live in shorts here in FL). Sitter snapped this photo before we left of me and my two favorite men.

HUGs to everyone- especially those struggling. I am not quite there yet with the exercising but I am eating on "plan". Even tonight I did great and was so proud of myself and didn't feel deprived. Even though the restaurant was $$$- we talked about it before we went- that it was ok to order whatever and to leave food on the plate. I wanted to taste things, but wasn't my plan to FINISH things. Awesome night. Again, in the past would have eaten thousands of calories! I love MY BAND!

More tomorrow. sleep well friends. Laura

Laura - Love the pic - you are great about snapping picture - I think about it but miss the moments :0)

Doggies bags !!!! I am the queen of left overs - usually always lunch the next day

hello everyone,

it is now nearly two am and i am about ready to crash. Phyl I took your suggestion and have been reading sixty thread. not going back to the thread of the younger bandits. i can relate to the people in this group. thank you for the excellent suggestion.

my name, what ever version of gwendolyn you use is perfect. I have not taken offense from what anyone has written.

i am typing in the dark, so please forgive all the lower case letters.

well, i lost some weight and my blood pressure went up. wish i knew why. have been going to the gym, walk the tread mill for fifteen minutes, and today started another exercise.

i have been to argentina. had a fantastic time. would love to go back. there is so much to see and do. like all the guide books say, leave expensive jewelry home. muggers are in the city and act quickly. if the shop owners keep bugging you to buy things, respond to them in a made up language. we do that, and they do not know how to respond.

will write more when i can turn on the light. dh is sleeping and i do not want to wake him

hugs to all of you. you definitely inspire me.

gwendolyn or what ever

Gwendolyn - Chill girl - this is a process - many factors come into play on your blood pressure - are you taking it 1st thing in the a.m before you get out of bed.. I still have to take ateneloa (sp) for my bp... I was able to get off one

Gosh...it feels like forever that I could just sit down and my desk and THINK b/4 posting a message to you girls. Had a great night sleep and up early. DH conked out as soon as he hit the recliner last night. Slept in the chair for hours. Think he was just plain worn out. Right back at the farming today though.

Gwen...too funny with the made up language. Just try to be patient with this whole LAP-BAND® thing right now. Work hard at it, do everything your doc suggests and in a couple of months you will fit right into it and become part of your daily life.

Janet...wish I could have just plopped down on a chair on you patio and visited as you BBQ'd those steaks. Just a little girl time in person. Ahhhhhhhhhh..that would be so nice.

Eva...research in Argentina for the company you work for now?? I, too, missed your post about it. I have been feeling like Cheri the last couple of weeks. I think I caught her ADHD. (Not poking fun, Cheri...have three of my own with the same).

Laura....how fun..date night 2 days in a row. DH and I need one of those SOON. We've had so much get in the way of life lately. There always seems to be some sort of fire to put out when it comes to the farm or the business. There are times I just feel like jumping ship with all the stress. But, what's nice is that I only feel that stress for a little while and then try to put it away. I am on of those "reacters". I go from zero to bit_h and then I'm done. Great photo of your little family. Gotta say it.....looks like you top is way too lose (yeah). Time to shop for a new red tank! You look great, Laura.

Julie....looking forward to the post where you let us know mayo found what should have been found month and months ago. We hurt when you hurt. How did your friend turn out that had surgery yesterday????

Joyce...missed you on here. Happy to hear you had a nice time on your vacation. Saw photos on FB. Looks like a lovely resort. DH and I have been there a few times and love the beaches there.

Melissa...I feel your frustration but you just GOTTA get yourself weened from the sweets if they are your downfall. If sweets are something that is a trigger for you when stressed, bored, hungry, etc. then just don't allow them AT ALL. Make a promise to yourself and stick to it. Take that promise and live it and you will find that once you have been without sweets for awhile, you will no longer have intense cravings for them. Take fruit to work with you. Take a bag of popcorn. Have alternatives to candy at your finger tips. So many options.

Also, it's time to recognize and get to the bottom of why you are not allowing yourself to get beyond this point with your weightloss. You have made a big dent in your losing the first weight you did. Just think how great you would feel if you could just get over this hurdle and get on the road to losing the last of the weight you want to lose. Sending hugs.

Judy...Happy you are back and posting. Good going on the smaller slacks. Good feeling, huh?

LauraK...what a great way to reconnect with someone...walking. Good for you, good for him and not so fussy as a date. Wishing you the best when it comes to it all. You will know if anything more than a friendship is meant to be. How are your flower babies. Mine are beautiful this year...with the exception of one little flower bed. Just didn't take off at first and don't have a clue why....much better now.

Great...the exercise queen. Way to go on all the activity, signing up for classes, etc. Great way to meet new ppl.

Hey Phyll...got the RV packed yet. Come hell or high Water and no matter where you are on the interstate while coming through MN, I will be on the side of the road. Hope it works even if it's just a short little visit. Heck, I'm so stressed with everything lately that maybe I will just jump on board. I would just have you and DH drop me far, far from here.

Arlene...you are really stirring up dust with all that walking. Way to go. I love reading that all of you are really working at getting on and moving the body. I swear that mine just moves all by itself without any prodding.

OK...DH finally is up and ready for breakfast. So happy he slept in. 6:30 is late for him. Will catch up with you all later. Start you day with a smile on your face...

Apples - I wish you were there too- I hate bbqing cuz you have to watch it - it's boring sitting waiting for something to cook - I would have had you to talk to..

Enjoy your ride and quite time.. You DESERVE IT..

Good morning gang! I didn't win at Bunco last night, but we had a great time. The humidity is 87% today.....I still walked 2 miles, and I am soaking in sweat. EW! Actually, it feels good in that heat.

Well, I am off to help my friend with hip replacement. I am making her chicken salad. She is doing so good she gets off the walker tomorrow and on to a cane.

Apples, I hope today is less stressful. Do you do the dental thing tomorrow? HUGS!

Gwen, keep you BP monitored. I haven't ever been able to get off meds. I think it is one of the things that lowers my metabolism.

Laura, love you family pic!

Eva, Argentina? Wow.....sounds exciting. My son went bird hunting there last year. He said it was awesome.

Okay, coach Janet, I will check in tonight. HUGS!!!



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Laura - loved the family pix. That empty bedroom and chair by the pool sound very inviting. We might all join you there.

Phyl - thank you for staying in touch for me while my technical difficulties were a problem. First printer went out, then router had to be replaced. New printer didn't work and a second new printer was installed. Yet another house call was necessary to make router work with our home network. Not all working when I left for Florida. But all fixed now.

Still need to catch up on posts while I was gone.

Taking 23 yr. old granddaughter to see Lady Gaga in concert tonight. Don't care for crowds that large - but like her talent and costumes.

The unfill was the right choice for me. Now I'm able to eat 3 oz. of Protein and have not thrown up since the unfill.

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Melissa - You are in control of your brain girl - you got to quit being so implusive - you will live w/o the candy - you really will - Please follow Apples advice - she gave some good advice..

Eva - WTG 40 minutes - thats better than nothing :0)

Laura - Love the pic - you are great about snapping picture - I think about it but miss the moments :0)

Doggies bags !!!! I am the queen of left overs - usually always lunch the next day

Gwendolyn - Chill girl - this is a process - many factors come into play on your blood pressure - are you taking it 1st thing in the a.m before you get out of bed.. I still have to take ateneloa (sp) for my bp... I was able to get off one

Apples - I wish you were there too- I hate bbqing cuz you have to watch it - it's boring sitting waiting for something to cook - I would have had you to talk to..

Enjoy your ride and quite time.. You DESERVE IT..



I love that:lol:... Sweating is cleaning out our FAT cells..... <

back from my Zumba class :)... now getting ready for work :thumbup:

cbl babes

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Love that new mantra -- sweat is GREAT! LOL. I got up at 5, dressed and arrived at the gym at 5:40 a.m. -- and my key wouldn't work. No one was inside, so couldn't get in. I was so mad steam was coming out of my ears. The gym is across town a ten mins. drive each way, so wasted 20 mins. just driving to and from. Decided to go and do Water arobics which is 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. -- so ended up really enjoying it -- haven't done water aerobics for a long time. The weights in the water feel like a good work out actually - forgot what a good workout it is. May try to do that for awhile on my off days instead of so much step as I get sore and more tired from step. I pay for the Y membership, may as well get some use out it, right? Called Anytime Fitness after the manager got in at 10:00 (nice work hours don't you think?) and she said the power went out during the over night storm and when that happens the door has to be reset. I had noticed no one else was in there and that's unusual also. Well, the storm started at 1:30 and lasted until almost 5:00 -- it woke me up several times -- you'd think she'd have run over and checked it early so she wouldn't inconvenience people. I guess if there's a storm I won't be trying to go work out early in the morning. Grrr.

Apples, hope you are enjoying your drive -- I like to drive alone too -- crank up the radio and sing at the top of my lungs. Love that. And sure your puppy loves it too.

Melissa, hope things get better but you need to make them better -- please make the decision to do it for you, no one else, and don't let anyone/anything else stand in your way. It's not worth it to wake up one morning and discover you're over 50 and still overweight and still can't control your eating. It took me almost dying to get my act together and I feel so lucky I didn't die - I took that as a sign from God that I needed to get serious once and for all -- he wasn't joking around with me any more it was literally "do it or die time". I don't want you to wait for that moment. You have your whole life ahead of you and have a beautiful family to share/enjoy it with.

I had a few days of problems eating -- had a bad episode Sat. night and I think it irritated my band. Couldn't eat much yesterday but was able to eat a little last night. Today is much better - after reading yesterday about Laura's friend's band slippage I was a little concerned, but I think I'm okay -- I haven't had much trouble all along so I think it was just a bad episode.

Hope you all have a fabulous day. WTG on all the exercise everyone. It's miserably hot/humid here too.

Edited by ljv52

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Linda...just take it easy with soft or liquids until you feel the swelling has gone down. I think that has only happened twice with me. One of the episodes took 2 weeks to totally calm down. Way to go on the exercise.

I know that feeling of dying you talk about. B/4 taking off the dreaded weight, I was so limited on what I could do and out of breath. Thought a 1/4 mile walk would kill me. And now there is no stopping me. I feel I could climb a mountain or take on the high school wrestling team (good clean fun).

And, Janet is right on. Sweating is a good thing.

DFIL, SIL, BIL, his partner and their 2 children spent the morning here. The kids had a great time running, playing with Tanker, taking him swimming and picking field corn to take home. Everyone just left and I am going to take off for my little trip. I don't think the windows will be down, Great. It's already 91 degrees and humid.

Hope you like this hair stylist, Great, and is the one you can continue to go to. I think we all know the feeling. Later.

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Hi everyone.......... I have to do the famour drive by post today as I have so much on my plate today... Had a bad night again.... Up with ugly pain until almost 4:00, then slept until 9:30.... Not a good start to my day... Feel okay now....

Janet, you know I can't do much in the way of exercising, but I did go walk around the block and I actually rode my bike for a bit... We live on an incline and I'm not strong enough to go uphill yet... And I have such terrible balance that it is quite an accomplishment just to stay on it for any length of time.. So I rode just by our house for this time to prove to myself I can do it now.... I hope to try some more extended riding when DH can be there with me for moral support... So, today is at least better than most days... I'm happy with the fact I tried and accomplished something... Now to get on with my chores for the day.... Oh, I also worked in the garage a little and that is a big job with a sloppy guy like my DH..... Now I have to spend some time in my kitchen... My fridge is bare and DH needs some food.... I've been living on popsicle with this problem in my mouth....

Apples glad you're ordeal is about over and you can get back to normal life... Will you be off to the lake this week???

Judy and Joyce, glad you got your computer problems worked out....

Bye now friens.... I'll try to be back later.... Julie

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OK, so I walked an hour on Sunday and a half an hour on Monday. Doubt I'll go out today. Rained all night and most of morning and now the heat is back. Its a steam bath out there. My early morning student is on vacation tomorrow so I may have time to get out early before the oven really heats up.

Also, my husband has occassionally been buying me Snacks and leaving them out for me. Not too bad usually and on maintenance I allow myself some. But this morning when I opened the fridge he had a container full of mini-candy bars, all my favorites, like Twix and Milky Ways, etc. Threw them in the garbage, Janet. I am woman, hear me roar! I had just bought a bunch of Atkins and Kashi snacks and some sugar-free chocolates to keep me from eating trigger foods, too. I don't know what he was thinking. But I thought of you, Janet, and I'll bet he won't do it again. He is somewhat anal about things and checks what I've thrown in the garbage so he'll know what to replenish. Big surprise this morning!

I've never done that before. It's empowering.


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      hgh kaufen  in unserer Online-Apotheke  
      Menschliches Wachstumshormon (HGH) ist ein kleines Protein, das in einem Teil des Gehirns, der Hypophyse, produziert wird. Es wandert in Ihrem Blutkreislauf durch Ihren ganzen Körper, um Ihren Körper wachsen zu lassen.
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