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Wow! Powerful stuff! I am so looking forward to LV when most of us will be meeting.

Melissa, hang in there. You can see each of these wonderful, wounded women changing their lives and making loving homes for their children, learning their lessons from history and changing their futures. Now they're applying those lessons to their health so that they can continue to be there for their families. You can choose to do the same. Right now it sounds like you're having a royal temper tantrum. That's ok. You've been en(in)raged over your life. Sometimes it takes a temper tantrum to become out-raged before you can start to act.

We'll offer you empathy but we'll also kick your butt. Start taking those baby steps or Janet will whip your butt with a wet noodle.

Do what Laura K is doing. Start walking it off. Paint some walls. Throw some food (out)! Eva moves and makes concrete! We are women, we are strong. Hear us roar!


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Janet, checking in. I walked 4 miles again today. I feel wonderful and sweaty. Also, got two walls painted and all the trim. That counts too? up and down ladder.


Hi Everyone,

Some time ago some one asked what are the 12 steps, that form the base of AA, OA, Al Anon, and other 12 step programs - here they are

  • Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable (YEP DID THAT)

  • Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity (YEP OUR BANDS ;0)

  • Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God (YEP)

  • Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves (YEP)

  • Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs (DO IT DAILY)

  • Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character (YEP)

  • Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings (YEP)

  • Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all (WELL - I REALLY JUST HARMED ME W/FOOD)

  • Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others (SAME AS 8)

  • Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it

  • Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out

  • Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs

Gwendolyn Smythe

As I sit here feeling sorry for myself I feel ashamed of me. I was comparing how much I lost to other posters. Seemed like everyone lost double what I did - felt jealous.

I have been to OA, have gone for years. What I realized this morning is that I am looking down to God (scale) and not up. The scale was dictating how I was feeling. I haven't lost any weight in 4 days.

I am so impressed with all of you as I read your post, and think about what you are going through. What impresses me most is your honesty about feelings, and most of all YOU ARE NOT EATING over them.

When I take my prescribed meds, sometimes I feel I am taking them because I let myself be controlled by food. They are daily reminders - it is for that reason sometimes I do not feel like taking them.

Laura - Nels is so lucky to have parents like both of you. You spoke so beautifully to him. Will admit I was crying as I read your post.

Dealing with family issues - can join you there. My brother and sister do not talk to me - why - I have no idea. Sorry I could not put a D in front of their names.

Apples - my MIL was not a nice person either to me, my children or her grand son. It is so sad how much damage one can do with a wicked tongue.

Gotta go - stove just beeped, and if I do not turn it off - everything will be burnt.

I haven't learned yet how to keep track of every ones screen name, sorry about that.

You are a wonderful group of woman.

Gwendolyn Smythe


# 1 get of the scales Now !!! Please do not weigh daily !!!

Pick 1 day a week and only weigh on that day (if you don't I'm coming to confiscate your scale)

#2 What are the ages you are comparing yourself with..

After the 1st week you aren't going to lose a pound a day - you are going to lose 1-2 lbs a week - and that will depend on your food choices and your exercise.

This isn't a race - do you know that 1 lbs 1 week then 2 lbs the next week and 1/2 the following week - in a years time it all adds up - Plus there are alot of pple here who might no lose for 3 weeks - then the 4th or 5th week lose 3 -4 lbs.

Just keep following the rules it will come off - it's not going to come off overnight - we didn't put it on over night - this is a journey...

Give yourself some slack --

Thanks Janet Love you.

Love you too girl - You can do this - you just gotta say F it I am tired of feeling like this..

Wow! Powerful stuff! I am so looking forward to LV when most of us will be meeting.

Melissa, hang in there. You can see each of these wonderful, wounded women changing their lives and making loving homes for their children, learning their lessons from history and changing their futures. Now they're applying those lessons to their health so that they can continue to be there for their families. You can choose to do the same. Right now it sounds like you're having a royal temper tantrum. That's ok. You've been en(in)raged over your life. Sometimes it takes a temper tantrum to become out-raged before you can start to act.

We'll offer you empathy but we'll also kick your butt. Start taking those baby steps or Janet will whip your butt with a wet noodle.

Do what Laura K is doing. Start walking it off. Paint some walls. Throw some food (out)! Eva moves and makes concrete! We are women, we are strong. Hear us roar!


Cheri - you got it girl !! well you have had it - but loved the throwing the food out ;0) !!!!

Well its 8 peeps and I need to get off this computer and chill

I am having a pt shake right now - pure Protein vanilla cream (100 c) 1 banana (medium) (100 c) 1 tblspn Peanut Butter (100 c) - Wasn't hungry for real food - so this is my dinner ;0) 300 Cal ... And if I do get hungry later I have some lamb chops to munch on..

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email from Judy

Hi girls--

Something has happened with me and LBT and it appears that I cannot post! I will try to figure it out. But I have been reading everyone's posts. Would you mind sharing with everyone that I am in the loop--just can't respond.

Sorry about Karen's MIL. I know her family is going through a lot.

Congrats to Jessica! All of her LBT aunts are proud.

The love and sensitivity shown to Nels by Laura and Nael is inspiring. THAT is what parenthood is. Can you imagine if all parents were like that?

I know there is more--sending hugs to all.

Julie, the wedding plans are underway! Concentrate on the good!

Janet, although I was not a parent, as a teacher, I have dealt with 8000 students (yes, I once added it up). The BEST parents are the ones who set boundaries and allow their children to develop COPING skills. When a parent rescues or gives in to the child's sadness/frustration/anger, it is telling the child, "I don't think you are smart/strong enough to handle this pain." What a terrible disservice to a child! They grow up and wonder why life no longer revolves around them--and can't deal with it. They have no skills of adjusting to what is. So, saying No to Andrew about the dog--congrats on being a GREAT parent! (grand!)

I love Hearing puppy stories from Phyl! Does it make me want to get one? HELL, NO!!!

I will return....I hope. Maybe I have to re-register in a different name--

oxox Judy

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Melissa, hang in there. You can see each of these wonderful, wounded women changing their lives and making loving homes for their children, learning their lessons from history and changing their futures. Now they're applying those lessons to their health so that they can continue to be there for their families. You can choose to do the same. Right now it sounds like you're having a royal temper tantrum. That's ok. You've been en(in)raged over your life. Sometimes it takes a temper tantrum to become out-raged before you can start to act.

We'll offer you empathy but we'll also kick your butt. Start taking those baby steps or Janet will whip your butt with a wet noodle.

Do what Laura K is doing. Start walking it off. Paint some walls. Throw some food (out)! Eva moves and makes concrete! We are women, we are strong. Hear us roar!


Thanks Cheri for your suport

And thanks to all the ladies on this board

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Fly By...huge wake yesterday. We did not pull into the driveway until 2am. Butt is dragging this morning. Headed out the door for the funeral.

Got a call this morning that a very good friend of mine dropped dead yesterday. Became a Grandpa the day b/4. His only children, 2 daughters were due on the same date. So sad.

Talk to you all later.

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Apples, I think you are getting more than your fair share of grief. HUGS to you.

This is a fly by, have to go to work. Had a nice visit with my company last night. They drove down from Phoenix just for dinner. That was really nice. Of of the ladies is living in Texas and the other is from San Francisco. Marji's son lives in Phoenix so she was visiting him and her grand kids and her friend (whom we've met and visited in SF) came to Phoenix to visit Marji. It was cool.

Okay I really have to go. Have a great day.


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Morning all,

I didn't post yesterday and oh, boy, did you guys get into some heavy stuff..... Good thing we have each other to talk to...... who else can you say these kind of things to........

Apples, you just keep getting loaded up with things.... What a tragic death for that new Grandpa.... What those babies will be missing out on all their lives... so sad..... I'm glad your MIL's funeral is finally today.. That was a long time to have that open wound... After today, maybe things can start to heal over and you and your DH can move back to the security of your everyday lives.... Stay strong, Karen, we all love you so much....

Gwen, Melissa, Pam and Jessica.... you are the three that come to mind who are really struggling right now... I truely believe that you are going to be fine.... There have been some really bad days along this journey for me, but all in all it has been a ver positive experience and I know that this is going to be true for you, too..... Do what you have to do to make it through another day and work on finding your groove again... It's there, you just got off track a bit..... and you have us..... We are a great addition to your arsenal of tools this band has given you...... Hold your heads up, remember how much you have accomplished, and keep on keeping on...... You are all loved much, too....

Judy, sorry you are having computer problems... How I have to deal with this site has changed since I first started..... If I go away from my computer for a little while, when I come back I am logged out and have to restart everything.. Never used to be like that... If I left the site without logging off I would just go right back to where I was and still be logged in..... Or when I get the e-mail notification I could just click on the address in the e-mail and it would take me right there to that post.... Not anymore.... Who knows with computer.. You gotta love 'em......

Laura, you motherhood experience isn't the typical one, but such a beautiful story you have... Nelson feels so much love that he can handle anything you have to tell him... I didn't adopt, but I was a single mother for 11 years and I had to explain why she had no daddy.... I did kinda like you.... Said what was necessary and then just answered her questions as they came up in a fashion that she could handle at whatever age she was... When she was old enough I told her the whole story and she has been just fine....

Yes, Janet I can walk, but not very far with this pain... When I start to ache I have to sit down... I'll try to figure something out..... I'm so sorry for your trouble about that dog and your GS...... Tough love is a bummer..... But you did the right thing... when he is a more mature adult he will understand better why you did what you did.....

Well, all the talk about families and such makes me realize how lucky I have always been.... I was raised in a Christian Farm family with lots of family around all the time... I remember no fights from when I was a kid.. Dad was a very busy farmer making sure to take very good care of us so he missed out on some of the good stuff... He emassed a forture before he died and left us a legacy to be proud of.... I am the oldest child in my family with 3 younger brothers.... Love them all, however one is a stinker and keeps things stirred up since my father's death.... He and another brother don't get along much, but they do speak and they do care about each other.... I really never had in-laws.... MIL was dead when we married 15 years ago... FIL passed away 9 months after wedding (was in a nursing home at 87) and my father died 3 months later.... So we just have my mother... No big problems there..... Our problems are DH's children.... and they just don't know what they are missing staying so far away from us because of jealousy of me and DD... I feel for all of you who have family problems... What I do have is difficult enough at times, and so many of you have it so much worse..... I guess we just have to trust that the Good Lord knows what he is doing and keep moving on...

Those of you that are walking and exercising so much, congratulations and good work.... I'll get ther one day...

Laura K, sounds like you are handling your ex situation well..... However, it seems whatever happens you are in for some heartbreak down the road.... with the medical problems what they are............ You take good care of yourelf first...... He's lucky to have you for a friend....

Lori, all those little odds and ends projects can keep you busy.. I think we finally have ours done from our re-model project.... You'll get them all done soon....

Well everyone, I know I didn't speak directly to you all, but soemtimes it's just not possible... I hope you all have the best Monday possible... I've got lots of paperwork today... I had about a week's repriever from my horrible pain.. It was so nice to not have to go through all the things I do to make it go away... But it's back again the last 2 nights.... This has happened a couple of other times when I had a few days without pain, but it always comes back... I keep hoping one day my body will just feel good again.... But not today.. Need to go take some pills and then get busy... Paperwork I can handle I think... The house is in order and the laundry is done except for 2 loads to fold... Need to plan some supper.... We had a nice weekend... Saturday we went out on our boat in the big lake on the damn that is 35 miles away... We took our friends (she is at mayo now to have brain surgery tomorrow) and just had a peaceful ride on the water... It rained abit but didn't stop us.... Was great.... Yesterday my nephew had his baby baptised so went to their church and then out to the farm for dinner with family... This nephew lives on my family farm and rents the land.... Was a nice day.. We had Mimi and she was so good and had so much fun......

Well, gotta run.............. sorry for the epic novel here... Love you all............. Hugs ............ Julie

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Good morning or afternoon depending on where you are. This is a post from my phone so hope I figured it out. I am on my home from the gym I knew Janet will be asking so yes I went. :wub: I actually did that class I mentioned a week or two ago called 24 set. Oh my I was so emotional when it was over because I did it all in fact I did as well as and even better than a couple others in the class. It was a circuit class cardio and sculpting with weights. I had to improvise a little for my knees. I was so intimidated by first joining a gym and secondly by taking a class. I mean those are for in shape thin people in my mind. I was sure everyone would laugh at me I stead I was one of them. I almost didn't go in because the back row was full I think I will even go back next Monday. So thank you Janet for encouraging me to go

Apples- you certainly have had your share of grief saying an extra prayer for you today. So sad about your friend

Melissa you can do this. If I Can anyone can. What if you went back and examined all the reasons you got banded in the first place? Remember the desperation, determination etc write them down. Make some small manageable goals come check in here daily. We are all here for you but you ha e to take the first step

Julie sorry your pain is back. Did you ever vet an answer from your Dr about what happened

Gwendolyn don't be surprised if you stop losing for a bit. You are entering into what many here call bandaged hell. The initial quick losses fromsurgery stop, you start getting hungry and you have no fill yet. You start to wonder if you did the right thing. This will change you will start getting fills. Right now is for healing

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Good afternoon girlies~

APPLES~ (In caps, which is shouting, but just want you to hear this.... I LOVE YOU! Hang in there. Tough times never last but tough people do. My mom always said that to me. She won't let me say it to her (not sure that's fair), but I will say it to you. So sorry for your losses. je t'embrasse (hugs in french I think).

Lori~ WTG on that class! You & Janet are really motivating me. I did clean out my 3 car garage this morning. MAJOR lifting. It was reading 110 inside my car that was inside garage. I feel good sore- squatted- lifted and then repeated.

Judy~ Thanks. Hope your sign in situation is fixed. Shall we have a new name vote for you?! ; ) (like we did with Great)

GwenS~Can we call you Gwen? I agree with what the others said. Slow but sure wins the race. I was the same way- wanted it off yesterday. It just doesn't happen that way. Keep doing what you are doing (except weighing every day and beating yourself up)

Julie~Sorry you had a bad night. I hope they find answers for you. Narcotics are always a temporary fix- like putting a bandaid on a big open wound. The pain rebounds. Sometimes not from the source, but from just not taking the pills. It can be a viscious cycle. Hope it gets better soon. Hugs.

Janet~ Your shake sounds good. PP(pure preotein) brand gives me gas (it has the whey concentrate vs isolate in it), yet I can eat the PP bars some times. I use the GNC powder isolate, 28 gms Protein, 130 cal. The vanilla can be mixed with Water and fruit and is REALLY good. Sometimes I put only half a scoop if I am ok on prot. I have been having shakes every a.m. since my last fill. School starts back 23rd- and I will get back on the bandwagon with the gym. Until then schedule is so crazy, some days he has came, some not- now leaving for NC next week, maint for house this week- ac guy, handyman. I know, they are all excuses. I did the garage while the ac guy was here. : )

Melissa~Love your FB quotes. I know you are having a tough time and wish our energy would fix it. Needs to come from inside. Hugs.

LauraK~ WTG Girl~

Had date night with DH last night (even though he was on call). We had two cars and ONE MEAN BEEPER. It went off as food was served. DH was able to stall the case until we were done. Wasn't emergency, didn't need to be done on Sunday anyway. So many surgeons don't want to screw up their Monday office appts with a case and want it DONE. DH was nice to do a non emergent case anyway.

Oh, I ran in to a girl from my support group (LB)- same surgeon. Well, holy canoli what drama! She had lost 100 lbs. was at 170 and feeling pretty good. Suddenly started vomiting, they did complete unfill- no good. Then did barium swallow- wasn't good. Did endoscopy and then to OR b/c it had slipped up to esophagus! That was 6 mo. ago. Took them 3 mo. to fill it again (slowly like normal).... and then.. again vomiting EVERYTHING, even liquids. She said he REFUSED to put it in again and her insurance wouldn't pay for sleeve or RNY b/c she was 160 lbs!!! She has now gotten up to ~ 190 and was freaking out. She started crying in the middle of the mall when she saw me. She said the surgeon was really rude and blamed HER for the slippage. He said she must have eaten bread/large amts of food to cause it. http://arturorodriguezmd.com/lap-band-slippage-causes-and-prevention

Interesting article if anyone is interested.

Made me LOVE my band more... and want to protect and take care of it. If we abuse it... we could lose it!!! Last night at the restaurant had 2 calamari pieces and cup of french onion Soup and 4 bites of DH's steak and was FULL... perfect! Was so happy. Left feeling almost too full, but no reflux or PB. In the past would have eaten 3000 cal for sure there.

I gotta run.. will CBL.. peasout...Laura

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I got an invite to this lady's seminar from my bariactric support group ... Looks interesting - it's on a Saturday - may go -it's labor day weekend.. But thought that those who are struggleing would maybe be interested in this book..

Dying to Change: My Really Heavy Life Story, How Weight Loss Surgery Gave Me Hope for Living

item5.gifspace.gifOur Price $24.95

Product Description:

Dying to Change is for anyone who has ever struggled with their weight or with life challenges that are difficult to overcome, as well as for their loved ones. It is a message of compassion and hope.

Katie Jay reveals what goes on in the mind of a complicated woman who finds herself morbidly obese at age 44. She chronicles her process of self discovery from analyzing her past, to making the decision to have weight loss surgery, to the aftermath of the surgery and her success.

Katie raises issues, reveals strategies, and talks honestly about life as an obese woman. She also shares her musings about why her particular genetics, upbringing, and life experiences led her to the pain and sickness of obesity, as she grapples with how to create a successful future.

  • Learn how to modify your behavior and take control of your life.
  • Discover how to address the medical community and take responsibility for your own health.
  • Understand the complicated factors that contribute to obesity and how to address them effectively after surgery.
  • Get sure-fire tips for long-term success with weight loss surgery.
  • Discuss this book with your book club or support group -- discussion questions included!

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Apples - Hugs - what else can I say - OMG enough already !!!

Julie - Take cake of yourself - Not too much longer to your appointment..

Great - Told you so !!! It's another leg in our journey - Each time we accomplish something that we were afraid to do or thought we couldn't do (cuz we still think we are moribitly obese) it's another reinforcement to help us change our thinking - We are no longer obese - we are normal chicks - hell we can keep up better than some of the younger ones like you saw in class today...

We are fit - we are just like everyone else in those classes or at the gym - we are trying to improve ourselves - get the exercise so that we stay healthy !!!

No trying on the next one - Just go do it - experiment - check them all out - they are fun... I'm loving the yoga..

Don't know if I would like the spin - but that's cuz I think I couldn't keep up - but I can - I have proven that with the other classes - my excuse this week is that - I am already going to the gym 5 times a week - I think that's enought :0)

need some me time


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One step ahead of you Janet, I already inquired about the Wed. morning class. It is Power Sculpt and think I will check it out. She said it was very similar to the class today but without the step. I did keep my step on the lowest (without the risers) as I was concerned about my knees but did just fine with it that low. I like what you said about being just like everyone else and being a 'normal chick'. I don't see myself as thin (and I'm not) but normal is good. I like that. I even got a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the midst of the workout and thought look at that girl go, I almost don't recognize her. And I allowed myself to sweat. To me sweating had the stigma of fat and out of shape. But, heck, even the instructor was sweating, it's okay and it's NORMAL. LOL

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Hi Everyone,

Some time ago some one asked what are the 12 steps, that form the base of AA, OA, Al Anon, and other 12 step programs - here they are

  • Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable
  • Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
  • Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God
  • Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
  • Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs
  • Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character
  • Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings
  • Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all
  • Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others
  • Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it
  • Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out
  • Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs

Gwendolyn Smythe

Thanks Gwendolyn; it never gets old re-reading the 12 steps.

Exercise today was 30/30/30 class... supposed to burn 750 cals... but I modified some of the jumping up and down moves.... so I am only counting 500 cals.

Came home, DH says.... ``are you alright? your Face is totally RED``.... yup I say... made it through 90 mins of cardio... but I am whooped this afternoon.

Tomorrow is my fav..... Zumba class... I wish I could take THAT class 4 times per week:biggrin:

For you ladies out there that don`t know me that well yet.... I am a Couch potato in exercise mentality I`ve really only started back at the gym for the laST 2 weeks... but in the last 5 years I have done more than I did in the preceeding 50 years.... so you CAN get back at it.

Start small if you have to.... »»Walking for an hour with your dog, Dad, Hubby, friend whatever! I my lazy ass can do it - so can you :thumbup:

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One step ahead of you Janet, I already inquired about the Wed. morning class. It is Power Sculpt and think I will check it out. She said it was very similar to the class today but without the step. I did keep my step on the lowest (without the risers) as I was concerned about my knees but did just fine with it that low. I like what you said about being just like everyone else and being a 'normal chick'. I don't see myself as thin (and I'm not) but normal is good. I like that. I even got a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the midst of the workout and thought look at that girl go, I almost don't recognize her. And I allowed myself to sweat. To me sweating had the stigma of fat and out of shape. But, heck, even the instructor was sweating, it's okay and it's NORMAL. LOL

Definetly, it is NORMAL to Sweat!!!! You go girl... I used to hate being sweaty... now I am wearing it like a Badge of HONOUR!!!!

Always, lots of shapes and sizes at the gym... I find that going in the daytime I run into people more like me... at night after 6 p.m. the barbie dolls come out.... its o.k. I once looked like Barbie... so now, I am her HOT MOMMA!!!!

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WTG Great !!! Classes are fun ;0) Yep you will leave that stigma of sweating as being something only obese pple do - it's normal - it's good for you !!! Yep even the instructors sweat :00

Candice - WTG on your 90 mins of Cardio today !!!!

Ok - So far today Exercisers are

Great !!! Peaches !!!! Janet !!!! (tonite)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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