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Laura, I think Nels will handle it well. You've done a great job preparing him and he sounds like such a smart little boy. He knows how much he is loved. I'm sure his birth mother is happy for him and knows he's better off with you. You're a great mother. You don't need the hormonal excuse for all you're feeling. You have every right to those feelings. Hormones are just an excuse to get away with showing them. Use this excuse as much as possible. I always used to say that when I had PMS it was the only time I actually told people what I was really thinking and feeling. Now I have no excuses. LOL.

Feel better soon.


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Laura, you're so sweet to think of the mother -- warms my heart as my step daughter gave a child up for adoption and every year on his birthday we all think of him and especially my step daughter does for sure. So it's nice to think that maybe his "mom" thinks of us as you do for Nelson's mom. You and your DH are such great parents that I'm sure when the time comes Nelson will accept the news. Hope you have a great day with him tomorrow -- will be thinking of you. You expressed yourself so well, I also cried while reading your post, so yes, it made sense and was very well said.

Love you,


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Hello All,

Not to sure what is happening to me. I was feeling great, going to the gym, and now I have no energy.:( The idea of doing anything on the computer feels like it will take up more energy than I have.:smile2:

I am still sticking to my food plan, did call the nutritionist about how I felt, she said I should add some complex carbs to my daily diet.

I know I have really decreased the numbers of calories I have each day, lost weight - to me that adds up to more energy. Somehow the energy went south. :frown:

Oh well, this too I hope will pass soon.

Gwendolyn Smythe :thumbup:

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Hey gang just checking in, I appreciate everything yall had to say. It is so hard to operate in this fog. I don't want to do anything but I have so much to do. I have been all over town all week getting my shots, blood work, drug test, uniforms and equipment. Also trying to get my son ready for kindergarten. I know I should not stop taking them but I truly do hate them. I really don't know why. It doesn't make sense but there are alot of things that don't make sense when I get lost in it. I just begin making excuses to not take them and slowly give in. Just like in eatting. I will make excuses to have something just this one time then gradually end up totally off track.

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Sorry Gwen, maybe you just overdid it a little and you need to rest up - I'm sure your energy will get better -- remember you had surgery just 3 weeks or so ago. You aren't 20 years old any more, your body needs recovery time. Heck I'm all worn out just from going on my vacation and working all week.

Hang in there.


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Hi Linda,

Must admit I was a little bit taken back by your response. I know I am close to 70, but my mind says I haven't reached my Sweet 16 yet.:smile2:

Now for my body - sometimes it feels like it is tired, but then again, I did not think this would happen now. :frown: I thought once I started to lose weight - I would be more like a :Banane11:carrying my weights in each hand.

Due to age, date of surgery, infirmities, being the oldest one in this group, can I please be excused from gym? :thumbup:

Peas that poem is beautiful.

You are smart the way you have been slowly preparing DS for the time you plan to tell him he is adopted. I hope it goes easy for everyone.

Indicted on 9 Counts - excellent.

Fatigue is setting in, so I will resume my resting post. I am resting on a Victorian fainting couch. If anybody asks why - I simply respond and say "I have a bad case of the Vespers." They then pat my hand.

Thank you all for sharing. :(

Gwendolyn Smythe

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Gwen, don't feel bad, I got my band a couple weeks after my 50th birthday and about week 2 or 3 I felt like I got run over by a truck. I think it's the recovery, the change in diet, body was losing weight fast and it just needed some rest. This too shall pass and you will feel that amazing energy, etc. that you are expecting, but maybe not for a few a bit yet.

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Hi Great,

Thank you, seems like the consensus is my age which I can not change.

The doctor does not want me to drink coffee or take no-doz pills.

No-doz was like my life saver when I had no energy. Regular coffee had no effect on perking me up.

I guess I will have to accept certain realities of life - like it or not.

I liked the way you put it - run over by a truck.:(

Gwendolyn Smythe

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Hi gang!..Janet...checking in.......walked 1.8 mile this morning.....getting ready to go out and walk another as soon as the sun starts going down.

Laura, oh, that was such a beautiful prayer. Nels is a special Gift from God given to a special couple. You are doing a great job.

Lori, AMEN! I feel like Apples......I hope he isn't given any toilet paper and has Red A$$ the rest of his life......well, since he is going to go to prison .......just saying.....

Linda, my only sibling is named Linda...she is 16 months older than me and about 90lbs lighter. She didn't get the fat gene. I like Beth Anne too. Sorry to say, but I don't think Linda and Arlene are names that are going to come back IN. The only other Arlene I know is Garfield the cat's girlfriend.....you know the pink cat. Or, sometimes on TV you will see a HO on Law and Order named Arlene. lol

Laura K, my DD is okay today......she is just sore. Now I must have missed the post.....are you seeing an X?

Gwen, when I was on the shake diet and eating 800 calories a day I was told to only walk about 20 minutes a day. Your body will go into starvation mode if you overdue on low cal intake. Take care!

Cheri, glad you are having good weather. We have gone from raining to a heat wave......gonna be a 100 for the next several days. At least the humidity has gone down a little.

Jessica......glad you are checking in!

Julie......I hope you have a pain free weekend!

Phyl......How is Zoey?

Eva.....hope you get some rest this weekend!

Apples.....thinking of you!

Sun is down.......no excuses! See ya!

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Well, I slept pretty well last nught.. Had to take pills, so still groggy.....but I need to get moving and get some things done today.... For a change we are invited out to dinner tomorrow (noon meal)... My little great nephew is being baptised here at a church in town so I get an extra hour in the morning and don't have to cook after.. This is nice..... DH is home today so I want us to do a few little chores around the house.. He just finished changing my kitchen curtain rod.... Now I want him to help me with the laundry room.... It needs a good cleaning and I can't do it by myself..... So my weekend is looking rather carefree... We will get Mimi about 9:00 this evening and have til tomorrow sometime... We are fine with this.... as we miss having her everyday.

I got the wedding invitations done yesterday... DD was haveing a cow trying to get them designed by Wal-mart or shutterfly.... Gave herself a migrane and was so upset she was crying... Finally I said, "just give the picture disc and the words you want it to say to me and Mommie will get this done!" So I made my 4th trip to Bismarck this week yesterday afternoon and in about a half hour I had the proof of a beuatiful picture invitation in my hand and ready for us to order however many we need..... She was happy, so we can scratch that off the list of things to do....

Gwen, I'm not quite your age, but I feel it most days with the pain I suffer... I will not be accepting Janet's gym challenge either... Doctors say I can't do much and I know I'm just not up to it either.... I have been trying to be more active and such...... But don't feel alone....Your age is a factor, yes, but soon you will feel that change in yourself that you are expecting... It will probably be more gradual than all of a sudden... You just have to be a little patient..... Best of luck to you....

Jessica, glad you chimed in again.... I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad......wish I could help.... but I'm praying for you and you will be able to handle this... Just take one day at a time.... Judy is into Overeaters Anonymous right now.. In case you don't know it is a 12 step program like AA....... That's one of the 12 step guidelines...... one day at a time.... that's all you have to worry about... There is a verse in the Bible, too, although I can't think of it offhand.... But it says not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough for us to deal with for today..... (I know that's not exact but the meaning is there..) Just stay in touch and let us help you through this... You are dear to us..... How is Jacob and your DH, too?

Arlene, good for you on the walking.....Hope your Texas weather stays good for you.... We are to be in the 90's today and tomorrow here..... Don't care for that much...

Lori, I forgot to add my congratulations on the verdict.. Maybe now this whole experience can be put behing both you and your DH.... It's one that needs to go away ....... Hope DH is doing okay..

Laura, I have a brother who adopted 2 children from India... Of course their adoption was something that couldn't be hidden because of their dark skin... My SIL kept books with pictures and other keepsakes for each child so they could know how they came to be here... They are wonderful, well-adjusted adults now (26 & 21) and they are very loved by all of us.... and by our whole town actually..... Your prayers were beautiful and even though you don't do much with religion as you say, you must have something inside you if you could write things like that..... Religion is the most personal thing there is.... We all experience something a bit different because it is between us and God, whatever form he takes in your life.... You've done wonderfully.... Have you any plans of another child ever??

Well, DH is calling so better get dressed and be somebody useful.... Have a great weekend everyone... Love ya, like Apples always says!!!!! Julie

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Linda - Candice is NUTTSO !!!! I know her personally !!!! She's totally whacked !!!! lol -- not really - just normal crazy like the rest of us ...

ha,ha,ha.... yah, Janet is so right..... We are a TEAM

Apples - We all know what happens to families when someone dies – and it’s not a pretty site – My Sister now isn’t even talking to me – for what who knows – so it is what it is – and her health is failing

Hugs and come an vent all you want – you are free to say anything you want !!!!

Laura How cool that you and your mom took a road trip – that’s what I miss the most about my my dieing so young – we never had the chance to have a real grownup relationship…

Ok Great –now we know you are a control freak – I think we all are in our own ways :0)

Charlene – So glad to know your pain issues aren’t acting up….

Well gotta get back at it cbl

Good Morning...got a great night's sleep for both DH and myself (much needed). Mouth is healing nicely and going to try more solid food today. I have my temporary caps on all 10 top teeth. I am amazed by the difference every time I catch myself in the mirror and so satisfied by the work that this doc does. Three weeks till I get the permenant on the front uppers. After that just have right top and bottom caps to take care of. Going to be so worth it.

Most likely will be not checking in today or tomorrow much. Just wanted to pop on and wish you all a great weekend. Take care.

Oh yeah, it is going to be worth it... if the temp caps look THAT good just imagine the real ones when they are done... now we are gonna want BEFORE and AFTER shots ya know...

Laura, you're so sweet to think of the mother -- warms my heart as my step daughter gave a child up for adoption and every year on his birthday we all think of him and especially my step daughter does for sure. So it's nice to think that maybe his "mom" thinks of us as you do for Nelson's mom. You and your DH are such great parents that I'm sure when the time comes Nelson will accept the news. Hope you have a great day with him tomorrow -- will be thinking of you. You expressed yourself so well, I also cried while reading your post, so yes, it made sense and was very well said.

Love you,


Laura, I agree with Linda... you and your DH really have your ACT together... so very gracious of you to remember the birth mother ... you have a very lucky little boy!!!

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Apples, thanks for the wish for a good weekend, but I think you need those wishes more than we do..... I know you will work like a crazy person to keep everyone fed and happy.... So, you try to stay calm amidst all the madness and be your beautiful self........ God is watching and knows what's happening and will put gold stars on your page when it's all said and done.... I'm so happy you are healing and that you are already happy with the outcome of your teeth project... Can't wait to see the new smile....Julie

Well put, Julie. I couldn't agree more!!

Good morning. I am still so relieved with the verdict that came in last night. The DA had said what a solid case they had, but you always wonder about some technicality or something. Two or Three of the charges were directly related to DH. The sentencing is in Sept and we can go to that, at first DH said he wasn't interested but the more we think about it we might go and it's also a chance of course to go to Denver and see the kids.

Don't they usually give the victim an opportunity to speak... like about how the crime has impacted his life, at the sentencing phase??

Linda, We were broke up for 1 1/2 yrs. Feels good to talk about everything. A big part of the problem before both ways. I stopped talking because it did no good and let it happen. We still have a lot of stuff to get thru before this is going to work, but having fun now. He's been my walking partner this week so it makes me want to walk more. lol LauraK

I think I missed your posts regarding this, too. I've just caught up on more than 2 days of postings, so everything is all jumbled up in my head and I skimmed through a lot!! At any rate, hope this works out for you. If not... like you say, you have a walking partner! I am enjoying MY walking partner!!


Sang for an hour last Sunday night. I tend to dance while I sing, so I consider that quite aerobic.

Danced for almost 2 hours on Monday after walking Navy Pier up and down.

Walked half an hour Weds. morn.

Walked half an hour Thurs. morn

So far, walked half an hr this morning. Plan to get into garden and also do more walking. Pleasant days, yesterday and today. Temp way down. Such a relief.

I almost always walk at least an hour on Saturday, so I'm quite good for this week.

food also good this week. Staying right at 163 lbs.

Love my band.


You're doing GREAT!!

Laura, you're so sweet to think of the mother -- warms my heart as my step daughter gave a child up for adoption and every year on his birthday we all think of him and especially my step daughter does for sure. So it's nice to think that maybe his "mom" thinks of us as you do for Nelson's mom. You and your DH are such great parents that I'm sure when the time comes Nelson will accept the news. Hope you have a great day with him tomorrow -- will be thinking of you. You expressed yourself so well, I also cried while reading your post, so yes, it made sense and was very well said. Love you, Linda

I'm copping out again.... by saying, I couldn't agree more with what Linda says here, Laura!! Nels will be fine! I can relate to much of what you say because our 4th child is adopted. He turned 38 a few weeks ago!

Hello All,

Not to sure what is happening to me. I was feeling great, going to the gym, and now I have no energy.:( The idea of doing anything on the computer feels like it will take up more energy than I have.:lol: I am still sticking to my food plan, did call the nutritionist about how I felt, she said I should add some complex carbs to my daily diet. I know I have really decreased the numbers of calories I have each day, lost weight - to me that adds up to more energy. Somehow the energy went south. :lol: Oh well, this too I hope will pass soon. Gwendolyn Smythe :thumbup:

This too will pass, Gwen!!

You are getting enough Protein, right??

Hey gang just checking in, I appreciate everything yall had to say. It is so hard to operate in this fog. I don't want to do anything but I have so much to do. I have been all over town all week getting my shots, blood work, drug test, uniforms and equipment. Also trying to get my son ready for kindergarten. I know I should not stop taking them but I truly do hate them. I really don't know why. It doesn't make sense but there are alot of things that don't make sense when I get lost in it. I just begin making excuses to not take them and slowly give in. Just like in eating. I will make excuses to have something just this one time then gradually end up totally off track.

Hang in there with the meds, Kiddo! You are about to embark on a great journey and you need all your resources and that includes your Rx! You have a lot on your plate right now, but you've already proved..... YOU CAN DO IT!!

Hi Linda, Must admit I was a little bit taken back by your response. I know I am close to 70, but my mind says I haven't reached my Sweet 16 yet.:frown: Now for my body - sometimes it feels like it is tired, but then again, I did not think this would happen now. :frown: I thought once I started to lose weight - I would be more like a :Banane11:carrying my weights in each hand. Due to age, date of surgery, infirmities, being the oldest one in this group, can I please be excused from gym? :smile2: Fatigue is setting in, so I will resume my resting post. I am resting on a Victorian fainting couch. If anybody asks why - I simply respond and say "I have a bad case of the Vespers." They then pat my hand. Thank you all for sharing.:rolleyes2:Gwendolyn Smythe
Hi Great, Thank you, seems like the consensus is my age which I can not change.

The doctor does not want me to drink coffee or take no-doz pills. No-doz was like my life saver when I had no energy. Regular coffee had no effect on perking me up. I guess I will have to accept certain realities of life - like it or not. I liked the way you put it - run over by a truck.:lol:

Gwendolyn Smythe

Gwen.... Wait until all these "young" gals get to be our age! They'll understand... we still feel like 16!! Contrary to popular opinion,

:blush::biggrin::lol: I don't think what you are feeling is all that connected to age! :w00t::lol::w00t:

Why don't they want you to drink coffee?? I'll tell you a story about that. When I had my nutrition consult prior to surgery I was told that, too. So I quit both coffee and diet coke.... which had been two STAPLES in my diet!! So, when I went for my first POST-OP appointment, my question to the doc's P.A. was "why can't I have coffee??" She says, "Who told you that?? That's not one of Dr. Hunter's rules!!" So I started drinking coffee again. I have about 2 cups every morning and later in the day I go to my favorite Espresso stand (Surf Shack) for a QUAD SF, FF latte! So.... I recommend you beg and plead to be allowed your caffeine!!

Have you checked out the 60+ thread yet??? Lots of folks our age there. But its not as active as this thread.

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Good Morning Gang

Well Thursday nite had a little drama here - Ryder issues - too long to go into - but bottom line if you want Ryder back you have to move to your Mom's... You have to make the sacrifice not me.. A lot of crying etc.. Emotional issues w/Andrew - he grew up being every ones step child - to me he hasn't been and I want him to feel loved - I know how bad it is to your physie (sp) not to have felt love.. (his dad was never there - melissia typical stepmom(favored Kaitlin over him) -his mom let him go) So yes I have tried my hardest to give him a loving safe home.. Don't want him to feel that i am picking choosing between him and the dog.. So Very Very Very emotional - I even left work at noon yesterday - I was very depressed - haven't been depressed like that in years - He loves that dog - anyway - it's over for now - he knows he wouldn't be happy living at his mom's - so for now the matter is settled - and I just need some time to chill -

As you all know I want to avoid any kind of drama at all cost - as I told him - I have had enough of it to last a life time..

Gwen - I'm 55 and feel old at times (body wise) in my head i'm 16 - but as I told GS (Andrew) I am old and I don't like a lot of commotion in the house.

I drink coffee - Nodoz ah secret speed freak ... That's artificial energy ;0) - slow and easy - the turtle won the race..

I gotta go and get my errands done - sorry about the drive by..

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Great news! My wish for him is to have to eat Kraft macaroni and cheese at least once a day for the rest of his life...AND...to never have access to toilet paper.:blush:

I agree with Applies. Lori, we hope he gets everything he deserves in prison. Although I'm not sure men think about toilet paper the same way women do.

Linda, We were broke up for 1 1/2 yrs. Feels good to talk about everything. A big part of the problem before both ways. I stopped talking because it did no good and let it happen. We still have a lot of stuff to get thru before this is going to work, but having fun now. He's been my walking partner this week so it makes me want to walk more. lol


My DH and I were apart for 13 years before we got back together. Part of my stipulation to even a date was monogamy and that we become friends. It worked because it's 13 years later and we are friends and married three years and there hasn't been anyone else in our lives. So talking and working through the crap is important.

Another big thing.. tomorrow is Nelson's REAL birthday. It's the God given birthday that he came into the world. I know- why does a kid have two birthdays. Well, the birthmother had the kids so close together, one was born exactly 9 mo. after Nelson. Judge had two things- would have cost a LOT more money for DNA testing (2-3K) and 1-2 mo. for the results (would have had to stay in Turkey instead of returnign to the US- Nael was here working and couldn't come there). Or we could change his birthday to March 1 and it would "look" better. Also, made it look on "paper" that mother had waited the right amount of time between Thinking about relinquishing him and actually doing it. (Although actually she gave up custody 3 months prior to any "legal" paperwork), so she had waited much MORE than the 90 days. He didn't have a birth certificate, as he was born at home. On his "adoption/birth/new baby" announcements I put the July birthday. Later our attorney told us it would be IMPOSSIBLE to change it and we had to live with the March 1 birthday. I feel guilty that I agreed to it, but in reality I had no choice. (I was in Turkey with my parents, they had put their lives on hold for all this, judge, attorneys, other family, etc... waiting. $$$ was adding up). Nelson, as I told you guys before, doesn't know he's adopted. So rather than confuse him royally, we Celebrate the March 1st birthday. But my baby boy is really only TOMORROW turning 6. Every year I have a special Mommy & Nelson day, give him some gifts and take him somewhere like Chuckie Cheese. Last year I said something like "it's like a 2nd birthday" but we didn't say Happy birthday or anything. Well, I bought a few gifts today and am ready for the day. I am an emotional wreck right now. Crying all day. (Hormones screwed up and really just emotional). I know the day is coming very soon that we need to tell him about his adoption. I have painstakingly laid the groundwork for this over the years. Talking about the "concept" of adoption, using books, movies, real friends with adopted kids. The psychologist had told us to wait since we hadn't said it from really young b/c he is really a sensitive kid. But in the next year she thinks he will be ready and will start asking questions. Already when we were in Paris he was playing with another kid at a restaurant- the kid was from Holland. He asked Nels where he was from and he said "I was born in Turkey, but I am American and live in America." The kid said, "that's cool" and they played. I sat there with my jaw on the floor. So, I am preparing myself for the answers and want to handle it "right". I want to protect him. I don't want him to feel like he was abandoned or unloved. I want him to be able to hear the news without being hurt. But I will bet my life on it that it doesn't come without consequences. Every year on this day I always cry for the birth mother. I feel so for her and wonder if she is thinking and wondering about him. What a selfless miracle that she did, she answered my prayer- but is it haunting her?! Do I get to love this child and watch him turn into a man, at the cost of having broken her heart? I have all these thoughts and usually I handle it all quietly in my head and heart. Today I am crying my eyes out as I type this. Thanks for listening guys, not even sure if this makes sense.


Laura, I'm adopted too. My adopted parents never hid the fact from me (at least I seemed to always have known I was adopted). What my parents told me was my "real" mother loved me but wasn't able to take care of me. I do think it is an individual thing, but I never felt abandoned or weird about it. I was loved and that was the important thing. I think Nelson will do just fine and so will you. I loved the prayer you posted. You and Nael are wonderful people.

Hi Linda,

Must admit I was a little bit taken back by your response. I know I am close to 70, but my mind says I haven't reached my Sweet 16 yet.:smile2:

Now for my body - sometimes it feels like it is tired, but then again, I did not think this would happen now. :frown: I thought once I started to lose weight - I would be more like a :Banane11:carrying my weights in each hand.

Due to age, date of surgery, infirmities, being the oldest one in this group, can I please be excused from gym? :thumbup:

Peas that poem is beautiful.

You are smart the way you have been slowly preparing DS for the time you plan to tell him he is adopted. I hope it goes easy for everyone.

Indicted on 9 Counts - excellent.

Fatigue is setting in, so I will resume my resting post. I am resting on a Victorian fainting couch. If anybody asks why - I simply respond and say "I have a bad case of the Vespers." They then pat my hand.

Thank you all for sharing. :(

Gwendolyn Smythe

Take care of those Vespers (I thought those were prayers that nuns did). Trust me the energy will come back, but it does take time. It will creep up on you and you will be running around like crazy and not even realize how wonderful you feel.

Janet, so sorry for the drama. Andrew knows you love him and eventually he'll realize Ryder is in a place where they will love him and take care of him. It's not only better for you, it's probably better for the dog.

Phyl, I've become more of a coffee addict since banding. I like my coffee and don't want to give it up either. I still usually limit my consumption to 2 cups in the morning, but sometimes I'll sneak that 3rd cup in there on the weekends. Then I get motor mouth. LOL

Yeah Julie, Mom to the rescue. I'm sure your daughter's wedding will be wonderful especially with you helping her. I hope this man continues to treat her well and that they can build a life together that is the best for both of them. How far away is Bismark?

Linda, are you finally recovering from vacation? It's always hard to go back to work after being off and having fun for a while.

Arlene, I know a couple of Arlene's. No it's not a popular name these days but it's a nice name. Eventually, I think the names come back around and will be used again. Look at the name Emma, it has had a resurgence. You have been doing a lot of walking. I'm proud of you. You will be ready for Vegas!!

Apples, thoughts are with you right now, not only for your poor mouth but the family stuff. Don't work too hard. They can pitch in too.

Lori, there will be one episode of your life that will be over with soon and hopefully your DH and you can put it behind you. And you have a GB (grandbaby) to look forward to. What fun!!

I know I've missed more people. Sorry...HI

I got up and walked before 6am this morning. It was cool (73 degrees and 75% humidity) but I did it and I'm glad. I also planted the other two cannas and finished getting the dirt around the new tree. I have a few other little projects, but that was what I mostly wanted to get done this weekend.

My girl friend called a few days ago and said she and another friend are scamming a trip to Argentina using frequent flyer miles and a time share he has. Now I want to go too, so I'm trying to figure out how to do a 2 1/2 week trip in October right after Vegas. It's one of the reasons I walked today. If I do go on this trip there will be lots of walking and hiking and I want to be able to do that too. So, Janet, exercise cop, you can play cop with me. I am going to need it.

Well my sister is due any minute so I'd better run. Take care and I'll check in later.


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Popping in for a quick one. Read the posts...can't respond and want to.

Eva...I did the first couple of days of cooking, feeding, etc. cuz I figured the siblings needed time to talk and let MIL death sink in without worrying. I then backed off and let them each know all they had to do is call if they needed something. It's worked out well. Have had a few calls for things but not unreasonable requests.

Heading into FIL for supper with the family. A neighbor of his brought it in. My poor FIL is spent and BIL is being so good to keep him rested and on his routine (kind of).

Gotta go. So much to say (crying at Laura's post and photos....what a special little guy). Later

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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