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Hello friends..... I had a very long day in Bismarck today... Two days in a row with my mother is WAY too much..... We tend to get on each others nerves..... I hate shopping with her and DD is not a good time eaither.... Well I actually had them both at the same time for a while this afternoon....... Madness.....trying to decide on flowers for altar bouquets......Nearly pulled my hair out.... but home now and can relax a bit... DH left for a bit to do some church business and I'm just catching up a bit..... Tomorrow have to go with DD to take Mimi to the dentist....Hopefully it won't be quite so stressful......

I'm so proud of Jessica for getting accepted to nursing school, but also for recognizing that she was in trouble and getting back on track again.... That isn't an easy thing to do..... For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting her I can tell you she is a sweet lovely young lady with a great deal of potential..... Those of us who were in Orlando to meet her just fell right into feeling like her mother..... She's a peach..... we're so glad to have you back, Jessica (Jewel for those of you who are fairly new)

Now I must go relax..... Will get the rest of you later.... Oh, and I was thinking of Apples all day today too, between the craziness...... Hope she is resting well at her lake home now..... have a great night everyone... Talk to you later tomorrow.... Hugs... Julie

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Don't quite remember what the Dr. said "AA" or "aa" stood for. I know that one word was anti-bodies, I'm assuming that's a possible indication of Rheumatoid Arthritis since I'm being sent on to a Rheumatologist. I'll ask my sister. She'll know.

Lori, I can't even imagine what your husband and you went through. It sounds like a bad movie but it was real, both the car-jacking and the trial. Enjoy all your trips. You guys deserve it.

Arlene, it seems to me that you've acquired more energy! Has the FM improved with the weight loss? Apples seems to think that either her diet changes or her weight loss or both helped her get rid of her symptoms. Hope the same happens for you.

Linda, welcome back. You looked great in your pics. My body shape has changed also. I have a flat butt, skinnier thighs and arms, and a rounded upper belly and flatter, flat tire, lower abdomen. I probably would look something like this if I'd never gained the weight but without the flat tire and other areas of melting butter. I think the changes are age-related, particularly the loss of estrogen and androgen due to a complete hyst 12 yrs. ago. Women who don't gain still seem to thicken around the middle in their middle years--despite tons of exercise. Ah well.

fruit is a wierd thing. Some of it is lower on the glycemic index and some of it is high. I tend to like the high--sweet very ripe red or green grapes. Bing cherries that are black but still firm and so sweet and juicy. I quite literally could eat bowls and bowls of it. Too much of even lower glycemic fruits, especially when not balanced with Protein, will shoot your blood sugar up. Shooting your blood sugar up makes it very difficult to lose weight.

Janet, I had to laugh about the toilet too. I remember someone saying during a total electrical blackout that there couldn't be a blackout, the cars still had their headlights on.

Laura, you've also been bitten by the energy bug. Keep it up.

Julie, weight gain can make you pb more. It was explained to me that as you lose weight, the fat pad around the stomach shrinks, loosening the band, which is why we keep needing fills. So the reverse is also true. You mentioned you'd gained some weight so that might be the reason.

Well, gotta teach tomorrow. Early.



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Linda, I forget to tell you yesterday how nice your pictures were. You looked fabulous, bruise and all!

Jessica, congrats on the nursing school. You know you will excel at it but girl you have to stay on your meds. I know it's tough, but you can do it.

Charlene, I have closet envy...I really want to go through all my drawers and closets and organize everything, but it's just going to have to wait. Sorry your kids are struggling, hope DD finds a roommate. It's tough to do that when you are an adult. Hope everything works out alright with DS too.

Laura...good for you on the exercise. It's funny you jumping in the pool with your clothes on. Not so funny with wet litter in the bed...it's bad enough when it's dry litter. Different little tracks. I just tried one and there were piles of it outside the litter box that I had to clean this morning so I'm trying a different kind.

I did 30 minutes in the pool tonight and actually feel like I did something. I am determined to either shovel, swim or do something 4 days a week. Janet, you can hold me accountable too.

Linda, I would rather move rocks than exercise. Cement work, tree trimming, anything that actually shows progress is preferable to running in place or pushing weights. I've done all of that but get so much more satisfaction out of doing something. Although I know I feel better when I'm doing something regularly. I think the tree thing this weekend triggered the desire to move and I feel better already.

Jodi, good luck with the Vegas trip and I agree with Janet, it's fun to get away, but please keep things in perspective. Don't want your heart broken.

Okay I need to work on my email. Hope everyone has a great night.


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Arlene, it seems to me that you've acquired more energy! Has the FM improved with the weight loss? Apples seems to think that either her diet changes or her weight loss or both helped her get rid of her symptoms. Hope the same happens for you.

Cheri, I do have more energy and walking is becoming a habit. As for the FM... the IBS has not changed. Every time the weather changes my adhesions throw a fit. Now, as far as the pain in my arms and legs..... I haven't had much. I think the exercise and weight loss have helped and so has the 90+ weather. I will know when the first cold front hits this fall.

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3rd night in a row of barely sleeping (up every 30 min it seems). Wake up covered in sweat! Pull all the covers off, then fall back asleep. Wake up 30 min later freezing and reaching for covers.... Oh menopause please come and go already! DH is saying might need to consider HRT but with DM's history of endometrial cancer I am weary.

coffee time.. been up 30 min already.

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3rd night in a row of barely sleeping (up every 30 min it seems). Wake up covered in sweat! Pull all the covers off, then fall back asleep. Wake up 30 min later freezing and reaching for covers.... Oh menopause please come and go already! DH is saying might need to consider HRT but with DM's history of endometrial cancer I am weary.

coffee time.. been up 30 min already.

Been there.........it is miserable. I took a low dose of xanax at night. It helped me sleep through it. I know xanax and valium are no no's these days, but it helps. I could never take HRT.....just was too sensitive to it.

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Good morning gang..

Drive by

- Yoga was GREAT it's really just a lot of stretching I slept like a baby last night - didn't wake up once... (that's very unusual for me) The only thing is I don't get home till 8:45 ish - sorta late ;0) - but will add it to my list of exercise - even though it really doesn't fee like exercise - did work up a little sweat but not much -

Laura hugs I'm lucky don't/didn't have any symptoms - I wouldn't take hrt either -

Charlene - my doc gives xanax - but I rarely take them... Keep up the good work...

Eva - Yep girl you need to get moving and making good food choices - how's your restriction ??? I will keep you accountable

Well I gotta get gas this a.m. need to hit the shower - tonite's my night off from exercise - so will cbl

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Hi All.

Just a quick post should be working.

Janet, just wanted to let you know I have been walking nightly and most days at lunch also. Almost 10 miles in the last two days. Feels so good to get back at it. Thanks for kicking my butt. lol


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Just a quick check-in. Came home in the middle of the night. DH's mother passed away from a heart attack last night. Wake and funeral plans are not yet in place but they are thinking Sunday/Monday.

Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes on that damned appt yesterday. 5.5 hours in the chair...mouth feels like hamburger. At least it is not throbbing like last night. Absolutely no sleep. Romoved top gums in front and behind teeth in front, drilled down 10 teeth to prep for caps and placed 6 permenent caps.

Will have a house full for the next week. Gotta go do linens and beds. Later.

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First, Apples, my condolences on the loss of your MIL. My thoughts and prayers are with you through this time, that's difficult enough then to have a sore mouth and a house full of company on top of it. You are a strong woman though and I know will get through it.

Laura, the biggest menopause or perimenopause, whatever they call it these days, symptom I had was the night sweats. I took some coq10 and that helped a little. I wouldn't and didn't do HRT either.

DH is off to PHX for the day today will be back this evening. Tomorrow afternoon we are supposed to go camping, am awaiting word from DS. His interview got rescheduled til today as on of the interviewers got jury duty yesterday. It's still with the same company.

LauraK, great job on the walking!

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Apples, sorry to hear about your loss. Will be thinking of you, your DH and family next few days. Did she live near you? Glad your DS is already home to attend the arrangements. Glad you made it through your appt. yesterday -- don't know how you do it. Sounds very very painful to me.

LauraK congrats on the exercise -- wtg -- so proud of you!

Laura, I had my hysterectomy at age 31 and never regretted it, not even for a second. Hope you start feeling better soon, sorry you're having a tough time. Hugs.

Posting a couple of the photographer's photos from the wedding -- decorations and her dress, etc.

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3rd night in a row of barely sleeping (up every 30 min it seems). Wake up covered in sweat! Pull all the covers off, then fall back asleep. Wake up 30 min later freezing and reaching for covers.... Oh menopause please come and go already! DH is saying might need to consider HRT but with DM's history of endometrial cancer I am weary. coffee time.. been up 30 min already.

I was fortunate... no hot flashes, just depression and it probably had nothing to do with menopause. I was on HRT for 10 yrs when I probably just needed an antidepressant. Then my gyn switched me to Evista. Wonder if that would help.

Just a quick check-in. Came home in the middle of the night. DH's mother passed away from a heart attack last night. Wake and funeral plans are not yet in place but they are thinking Sunday/Monday.

Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes on that damned appt yesterday. 5.5 hours in the chair...mouth feels like hamburger. At least it is not throbbing like last night. Absolutely no sleep. Removed top gums in front and behind teeth in front, drilled down 10 teeth to prep for caps and placed 6 permanent caps.

Will have a house full for the next week. Gotta go do linens and beds. Later.

Oh, my!! Hugs, Apples!! So sorry to hear about your MIL's sudden death. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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Linda, Phyll and Great...thanks for the condolences...And...I will just thank you all ahead right now cuz I know you will all be jumping on to say something. Heading in to make arrangements this morning and to see the family that has had to travel. Farthest is DH's bro who lives outside of Seattle (Brisbain Isle?).

Even though she was 81, it's always tough. But, death is part of life and she lived much, much longer than we ever thought. Dialisys (sp) for almost 10 yrs. Now time to take care of FIL. He's a healthy 85 and full of spunk. This will take the wind out of his sails but he will stay busy. Talk later.

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Hi All.

Just a quick post should be working.

Janet, just wanted to let you know I have been walking nightly and most days at lunch also. Almost 10 miles in the last two days. Feels so good to get back at it. Thanks for kicking my butt. lol


Laura - WTG on the exercise !!!! So Proud of you 10 miles:thumbup:

Just a quick check-in. Came home in the middle of the night. DH's mother passed away from a heart attack last night. Wake and funeral plans are not yet in place but they are thinking Sunday/Monday.

Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes on that damned appt yesterday. 5.5 hours in the chair...mouth feels like hamburger. At least it is not throbbing like last night. Absolutely no sleep. Romoved top gums in front and behind teeth in front, drilled down 10 teeth to prep for caps and placed 6 permenent caps.

Will have a house full for the next week. Gotta go do linens and beds. Later.

Karen - Hugs, Love & Prayers sent to you and the family!!!

You are one tough woman !! Please know my thoughs are with you all... xoxox Janet

First, Apples, my condolences on the loss of your MIL. My thoughts and prayers are with you through this time, that's difficult enough then to have a sore mouth and a house full of company on top of it. You are a strong woman though and I know will get through it.

Laura, the biggest menopause or perimenopause, whatever they call it these days, symptom I had was the night sweats. I took some coq10 and that helped a little. I wouldn't and didn't do HRT either.

DH is off to PHX for the day today will be back this evening. Tomorrow afternoon we are supposed to go camping, am awaiting word from DS. His interview got rescheduled til today as on of the interviewers got jury duty yesterday. It's still with the same company.

LauraK, great job on the walking!

Great - Good vibes being sent for DS interview - How's the gym going :0)

Apples, sorry to hear about your loss. Will be thinking of you, your DH and family next few days. Did she live near you? Glad your DS is already home to attend the arrangements. Glad you made it through your appt. yesterday -- don't know how you do it. Sounds very very painful to me.

LauraK congrats on the exercise -- wtg -- so proud of you!

Laura, I had my hysterectomy at age 31 and never regretted it, not even for a second. Hope you start feeling better soon, sorry you're having a tough time. Hugs.

Posting a couple of the photographer's photos from the wedding -- decorations and her dress, etc.

Linda - Beautiful Bride & dress love the decorations.

Well back to work....

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Morning Ladies; O my gosh I am stiff today!! Had the ice bags on my knees last night.... while I watched season 3 of the TUDORS.... I love that show!!! Season 4 is out but I don`t think it starts until later in the FALL...

Went to my YOGA class this a.m. lots of stretching which ws good after my Zumba last night. Gosh I love that class.

Anyways, Michelle and I went today to the gym. She is so awesome and we got to taLKING on the way home.. she is an addictions counselor right!!! How appropriate for ME.. So I told her I had tried to go to a OA meeting last night after class, and it was canceleld. pissed me off... but I did nto eat over it.

Today, she says... `compulsive overeating`or binge eating or anorexia is almost always ABOUT CONTROL.!!! DING, DING,DING

So the only thing in my life that I can REALLY control is WHAT i put in my mouth.

Usually, they find that anorexics live in very controlling familys. Bulimics too... so they EAT because that is the ONLY thing they feel that they have control over... weather its eating too much or not enough.... its the same thing.


So what in my life is so controlling? Well, my DH for one.

Turn the lights off when you are not in the room

Wash laundry after 10 p.m. cause it saves elect.

Where a sweater instead of turning up the heat.

Make icecubes for his party instead of buying them NO'NO.'NO

How will WE spend retirement... all his hobbies get satisfied, whether or not its what ``I`: want to do. SOLD THE RV for instance

I could go on and on , but you are beginning to get the idea.

thats why I go nuts when he`s in MY kitchen, its like MY PLAC E..... he has his workshop and his music room... well its MY FUCKING KITCHEN and get the hell out...

He bought me my own computer, so I wouldn`t be junking up HIS computer area. sounds thoughtful right????

We have separate bathrooms, cause he dosnt`like my Shampoo, conditioner, razor etc in there `junking it up;

I am spewing here... finally the damn has let loose. Only wants to go to the gym if Ì` acquiese to HIS timetable... if I want to stay half hour longer because »I am doing my weightsl... then he`ll drive himself.

Today, I just hate him.... hate him,.... hate him.....:cursing:

Yoga class...455 cals. I don`t know how, but that`s what the computer at the gylm told me... so I`m taking it.:wub:

I know that when he is out, or away... my eatingis worse... its like ``I;ll show him for leaving me alone:thumbdown: which is really stupid, cause I am only hurting myself... he dosn`t wear the pounds that I eat on.... too bad.

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