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Good Morning Peeps...

Great - Hugs & Prayers on both kids !!! Naive ;0) I have a gf like that - my boss went to africa - no electricity she asked - how is the toilet going to flush - I looked at her and said - where is your toilet plugged in at ... I still get her w/that one from time to time

Julie - Busy - not half as much as you are - I just go to the gym and sit my butt infront of the computer ;0).. Andrew was gone last night babysitting is bros and sis for his mom - took Bella w/him - it was nice not having to babysit the Bella - love the little thing but nice not to have a baby in the house who still is being house broken..

Jodi - I still am going to put a choke collar on you - I know what good intentions are but I know that the heart can over rule the mind.. Which isn't good (been there done that) plus you are meeting us - so won't have too much time for him..

Laura - How's the eating & exercising - see on FB you are going for a walk today !!! I'm on your butt (w/permission ;0)

Apples I know you are gone - but thinking of you today - I have dentist appt too - but just to ck a chipped tooth..

Well its time for the shower... CBL

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Hi everyone....... I've been doing a little housekeeping today and decided to take the pictures I promised of out little remodel job..... As I stand in the kitchen you can see my long table and then into my living room.... The my new red kitchen wall...... there are a few changes but nothing major...... I'm proud of my living room wall that has a grouping of pictures of our parent's wedding pictures along with the last pictures taken of them before all died except my mother... then me and myDH and then our 3 kids...... 2 weeding pictures and then DD's engagement picture..... With the wall tatoo that says " Real Love Stories Never Have Endings". I really like that.... Also pictures of my new shelf units in living room and my big china hutch that DD had built for me when we were first married.. He love cystal so we have LOTS......... A very big job to clean it.......

Hope this finds you all well and that you enjoy the pictures.... Julie

Julie, loved the pictures!! You have such a nice big kitchen!!:scared2:

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Hello All -

I feel like I get a :o every time I read all the posts. Thank you all for sharing what is going on with your lives.

I have a question - saw my GP today, and everything is fine. Thing is I am feeling quite lethargic, spacey at times, and and some new aches and pains. I do not feel like doing anything.

I did go to the gym today, and walked 15 minutes on the tread mill.

Is this normal after surgery? :scared2:

Good work on the treadmill... you are starting a new healthy habit... I too don`t like to exercise much...

But when I make up my mind to go there... it feels great. I am always impressed by how much my BODY will forgive me!! I know that may sound strange, but after years of inacativity and weighing too much... my body still responds with LOVE..

My leg muscles get stronger, I llike the feel of them... firmer... arms too.

So when you are recouperating from your knee surgery, continue to go to the gym everyday.... Just do an UPPÊR body workout, while you are waiting for your knees to heal.. Your heart will still love you for it and so will your arms/shoulders etc.....


I have lost 10 pounds since I had the band 12 days ago. That made me feel great :):thumbup:

I see the bariatric doctor tomorrow. :Dancing_biggrin:and am looking forward to that.

Well that is it. The 12 step programs are great. Congratulations to your MIL.

Gwendolyn Smythe

I`ve been lurking, just not posting... if I don`t have anything possitive to say, I just keep quiet:blushing:

Edited by peaches9

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Good morning, today should be a nice quiet day getting caught up at home. Got the washer already going. Think I might run out and get a pedicure on my way to or from costco as well. Need to go get camping supplies for this weekend. Am sortta waiting to do that as DS thinks this interview today may mess up our weekend camping plans.

Julie, thanks for catching me up, I got sortta caught up via your post. So glad the dog is okay. Sounds like you have a plan for the wedding, be careful of your shoulder. It will be beautiful.

Jodi, are your trying to convince yourself or us that things will be okay this time with this guy? Be careful, Janet may put the choke collar on you but there are lots of other mother hens here to take turns holding it! LOL Are the dates this week all with different guys? Be sure to tell us how they went. Sounds exciting and the new found confidence that is coming through in your posts is wonderful.

Eva, gosh, no wonder you are anxious to retire. Your job sounds like hard work! I saw one of my sisters this weekend but didnt' even ask her about her job, though my grandma told me she was really worried.

Linda, again beautiful pics even with the 'tatoo'. What did your bro say about your weight loss, was he shocked?

Apples, thinking of you today.

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Back from the Dentist - was using my teeth as a tool a couple of weeks ago - chipped it - side - had it fixed no biggie compared to Apples - but I did get a shot ;0) no gas as it was minor - but root canal - or caps - I get gas...

Candice Welcome back !!!

Great enjoy your pedi - I love the foot massage part - never long enough..

well back to work - cbl

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Hi all~

Janet~ Walked 3 miles in the beautiful 85 degree sunny day. Sweated my ass off. Did 50 sit ups. Jumped in the pool with my workout clothes on (did take the time to take my shoes off).

Apples~ Thinking about you today and hope the procedure went well. I am staying on liquids for 24 more hours in your honor. : )

Well, I hope my 1cc fill wasn't overly ambitious. I am having "air escape" sounds this morning when I take big gulps of Water. coffee was fine. Then I had a kids SF Protein Shake at Tropical smoothie Café :: Real fruit smoothies, Sandwiches and Wraps

Jetty Jr. (banana & strawberries) with 1 scoop Protein whey 179 cal. 22 gams protein. Had them "double blend" and make it loose (less ice). Drank it slow and did fine.

I am always tighter in the mornings- so I will wait until tonight before I try anything thicker. Hope I don't need to unfill any- but I will get unfill rather than have reflux issues again. Still wish the Dr. could have filled my head instead of my band. Cuz we all know that's where the REAL problem is.

Laundry laundry laundry. When does it ever end? And little cat, Coco (one in avatar) stepped in pool water on deck and went to the litter box and then crawled on my bed. ughhhhh. wet litter is such a joy to find on your bed after you get out of the shower! Anyone want a cat, 75% off! LOL

Well, Nels and I are going to NC around the 12th to see Mom and Dad. His 1st grade orientation is on the 20th- so have to go before then. Can't believe this summer is almost over! We will go for 4 days or so. Mom's birthday is on the 17th, so it will be nice to be there close to it- if not on it. Dad is still doing so so. Slow recovery. Still weak and not real active. Has PT come to house 3 x week. Has a home nurse now 3 x week for baths! HUGE step. This happened 2 weeks ago since my Mom hurt her back. We are still trying to get her to get MRI and epidural. (after a month of pain meds and PT not working). Miss them a lot. My Dad's best friend from Turkey will be there the 7-14. He was a HUGE part of the success of Nelson's adoption and he will be happy to see him. We are overlapping the trip, but not to take the guy time away. House will be full, but will stay in the office with Nels, it will be ok. Glad in a way DH won't be able to go- he would hate the arrangements. I am sure he will love the break, though he would never admit it. : )

Great~ forgot to say glad trial is over. Praying the jury makes the right decision. hugs. Hope the camping happens. : )

Jodi~ Glad u are enjoying your summer and that Dassi is enjoying camp. Glad you are dating- be careful with Mr. LV. I see red flags all over that. You can have a bootie call with someone in your town. ; )

Hi peaches! You lurker, you!

Julie~ hope your day in Bismark goes ok. The puppy story had me on the edge of my chair too! I think they make "break away" collars for dogs. (like kids necklaces). Though, since I am such a puppy expert (haha), don't listen to me. The plans for the wedding sound like they are coming together nicely. Sounds nice.

Eva~ (did you ever see Wall-E yet?) I still say ur name like walle says it. : ) Hope you are surviving your week. Sounds stressful. Glad the tree is safe. I am such a tree hugger (peace corps and all). Glad you have your house to yourself.

If I missed anyone else... sorry. HI! Will CBL..peasout.. Laura

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Hey Gang, Sorry it has been so long. I have been having such a hard time. My band got too tight and My doc took some Fluid out. He was being a total pain about it and took way too much out. I have no restriction. Yesterday I went and his colleage put 2 cc's back in and I still feel no restriction. I quit taking my psych meds and have been off my rocker. My therapist also is moving her practice out of town. I did go back to the psychiatrist and got my meds again. I also found a new psychologist. So hopefully I will be getting my sanity back.

I did want to let yall know that I got accepted into the nursing program and plan to start school aug 30. I am hoping my mental health will be back on track by then.

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Hey Gang, Sorry it has been so long. I have been having such a hard time. My band got too tight and My doc took some Fluid out. He was being a total pain about it and took way too much out. I have no restriction. Yesterday I went and his colleage put 2 cc's back in and I still feel no restriction. I quit taking my psych meds and have been off my rocker. My therapist also is moving her practice out of town. I did go back to the psychiatrist and got my meds again. I also found a new psychologist. So hopefully I will be getting my sanity back.

I did want to let yall know that I got accepted into the nursing program and plan to start school aug 30. I am hoping my mental health will be back on track by then.

Hey CONGRATS on the Nursing Program!!! Whoo-hoo for you!!

Now I don`;t know you very well, but what exactly is your mental health situation? Depression, or Bipolar?

Why did you STOP your meds, was it with Doctor supervision... just concerned for you... that`s all:tt1:

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Jewel, while I admit I don't know much about mental illnesses I do know you shouldn't stop your meds on your own. And if memory serves me right, you tried that once before. Don't mean to mother hen you at all, but just concerned. I hope you find a new doc for the one that is moving away and things get back on track for you. Congrats on nursing school!!

My quiet day turned quit busy, but then again they always seem to. Just got home from costco, lunch, pedicure and Walmart. I have all the camping groceries bought, just need to know if I am going. Wanted to get things sortta together as DH wants to get them together tonight since he will be in Phoenix for the day tomorrow (flying out in the morning and back in the evening).

Laura, nope, sorry can't help on the cat, I am too allergic. Funny I think in my old age I am even more allergic. I had a severe reaction to cats a few years ago (almost hospitalized) and yesterday when we went to pick up the dogs from boarding they had a cat wandering around. In just the 10 min. or so I was in the place I could feel the wheezy feeling in my chest. It took til this morning to go away too. Dr said I could be more sensitive to one cat than another but all I know is I am very careful anymore. When we looked at homes we pretty much ruled out homes that had cats in them so as to not worry about having to rip out carpet, drapes, etc. One reason we tend to go with new construction when we buy homes. Hope you got the litter out of the bedspread.

Gwen, glad your dr visit went so well. When is your first fill? 6 weeks? That is the norm, but I a few do them sooner. Did you get any fill in surgery?

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Laura WTG on your walk - 85 - what was the humditiy ;0) Keep it up at least 4 days a week - ok ... Promise me and since I'm now a class person - want you to get into on - yoga is great.. Boot Camp !!! You are in pretty good physical shape so I would say you wouldn't have any problems

Glad you are going to see your family and that Mom has gotten some help...

Jessica - Hugs gf - we have been asking about you... Did julie hunt you down.. Glad you are back on your meds - Candice is a good person to talk to cuz she understands the medical issues you are having..

Great - I have a cat ;0) guess you won't be staying at my house ;0) Kaitlin is allergic too but this last time she did ok - I keep benadryl for her:0)

Well I am doing double duty tonite so don't know when I will be back on - gym at 5 til 6 weights - then 7:30 to 8:30 yoga.. Will try to ck in between 6-7 but going to have to get dinner started then - so I will have something to eat when I get home - may end up just having bacon and eggs - quick and easy full of pt ;0)

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Just want to say I'm glad you're back on your meds. I'm a mother hen, too, and I suspected pretty strongly that you were off of them. That's why you went incommunicado.

The next time you start thinking you're well enough to take yourself off of them, please try to remember that's your disease talking.

Sometimes, as believers, we start to think that if our faith were strong enough or we just prayed hard enough we wouldn't need meds for our various illnesses. Especially not mental ones. I believe God wants us to make use of the tools he provided through modern medicine.

I love that story of the man(woman) whose house was starting to flood from a hurricane and when someone came by in a firetruck to pick he up the woman said, "That's OK, God will save me." Then the Water rose and she climbed to the next floor and someone came by in a boat, but she refused to go with them saying, "God will save me." Eventually she was forced to go on the roof of her house and a helicopter came by to rescue her but she refused to go insisting, "God will save me."

She drowned. When she got to heaven she asked God, "I believed in you, why didn't you save me?"

God replied, "I sent a firetruck, a boat, and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

The lapband was my boat if not my helicopter. If I'd waited any longer for a magical healing, I'd have suffered irreversible damage. God doesn't wave a magic wand. He works through people and the inventions and medications he inspires them to create. Once in a while, spontaneous healings occur, but they are rare and are not the usual way God works.

I went to a Dr. today. My Calcium is still unexplainably high in my blood work; my parathyroid is fine so that's not the cause. However, my AA? (something about an antibody) is up. So I'm off to a rheumatologist who might or might not be able to find a relationship between the calcium, the AA, and the physical pain I have.

My arthritis has always been osteo in the past but there may be some level of RA. My sister, the Dr., has RA. Sure don't wanna go there. But I'll go because I need to be as healthy as possible to do the work God has currently called me to do, and to be the best Cheri I can possibly be, the Cheri he meant me to be. If that means cutting all red meat and eating as organically as possible (proven to reduce RA symptoms) and eventually taking meds, that's what I'll have to do.

I do the footwork--see the Dr.s, get the procedures, follow the instructions, take the medictions--and I leave the results in God's hands.

I'm somewhat disappointed that my LDL cholesterol is still too high (162?) and I'm back on meds for that. But I thank God there are meds for that. At least my good cholesterol is finally above 50.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Hi everyone. First of all, I've been catching up on reading and have been responding as I read over the past several days so some of my information might be old or repetative of what someone else said and if so please accept my apology. I'm just excited to be back and up to date again. Thanks for all the compliments on my pictures -- appreciate it.

Gwendolyn, welcome and congrats on your surgery and on the 10 lbs. gone forever. I was on vacation for 11 days so was absent from the thread. In reading about how you hate exercise. . .you need to change that mindset girlfriend. I had a total hip replacement last December and according to my surgeon my hip was "one of the worst he'd ever seen" and I exercised my 100 lbs. off the 10 months before having surgery (hip was very bad for about 4 years). Plus losing the weight before the surgery really helped me recover much more quickly. So after your surgeon clears you, get out there and do what you can do -- Water aerobics is great for bad hips/knees. In my experience, it probably won't hurt any worse than it already does but the benefits will be tremendous. I'm one of the exercisers on this thread -- even on vacation I went to the gym 4 days and all the other days I did a five mile walk every day on the beach. As the saying goes, "you gotta just do it." I used The Daily Plate to log my food/exercise for the first year and a half of my LAP-BAND® journey -- I recently stopped doing it because I know all the calories now in the foods i eat -- I tend to eat mostly the same foods all the time so it's easy for me to keep track of it. But you have to be honest and log every single thing you put in your mouth and/or drink. Don't forget creamer/sugar in coffee has calories too! Also as to how you are feeling -- it's only been 12 days since your surgery -- it IS major surgery -- and it takes time for your body to heal -- that's why the surgeons say not to worry about losing weight the first 6 weeks or so after surgery -- just rest as much as you can and drink lots of liquids - do not feel guilty about taking it easy - you need to do that. Plus for those of us over 50 we need even more rest and recoup time. Your doctor is not going to remove your band -- no reason for him to do so - he wouldn't have done the surgery on you in the first place if he had any doubts to begin with.

Apples, hope your dental work went well today -- I've been thinking of you all day - I couldn't do it - heck I can barely do anything at the dentist even with novocane. I can't imagine not having it.

Jodi sorry about your dog, but the right thing is hard to do sometimes. I still miss my former dog that we put down 10 years ago -- I still think of her at times - miss her -- she had a very distinct personality. Our current dog is getting old and I dread having to face it again. Hugs to you and Dassi. I cry every time I read the Rainbow Bridge poem - when I get there there will be over 20 dogs to greet me. I bet there will be jealousy going on!!! Hope you will not regret contacting your "friend" in Vegas but glad you'll be meeting all of us. Absolutely I think people treat us differently as and when we lose weight - -but it's not THEM, it's because WE project more confidence, etc. which is much more attractive than someone slumping around feeling bad about themselves. I do think it's OUR mindset that makes us more appealing to people. I know I am more friendly to strangers, more likely to smile at them and/or talk to them now because I feel good about myself.

Julie, so happy for you that you have only 6 weeks until mayo -- and you get to go before Vegas and before DD's wedding - such good news!!! Glad your pain doctor saw you and got some meds for you until then. As a former paralegal, the only thing I can think of is your GP is worried about a malpractice claim -- maybe she's worried she didn't do something she should have or something -- not sure as I didn't work much in that area but it's a possibility. I think it's truly aggregious that she didn't at least ask you to come in and talk with you first IN PERSON rather than send a letter, how cold and mean spirited that was.The letter should have been sent only for legal purposes AFTER she first talked to you -- so in my opinion, you'd be better off with a different doctor anyway -- I don't think much of her "bedside manner" if you want to call it that.

Julie, loved your pictures as well -- and your kitty -- so cute -- I also love that china cabinet -- what a beautiful cabinet -- your DH could make a living doing that kind of work. I have several walls of family photos -- as everyone lives far away -- everyone always enjoys looking at the pictures. Like you, lots of oldies with new pictures. Thanks for the update, unfortunately I still read it all anyway -- I hate to not read everything which is why it takes me so long to catch up.

PPP -- wow! Congratulations on your weight loss -- hope you'll stick around. Welcome!

Had a wonderful time on our vacation -- just wish it didn't have to end -- I definitely am ready for retirement and hope within 5 years to do that!! My DB has lost so much weight from his illnesses -- about 35 lbs. -- he wasn't big to begin with -- he has no energy -- several days he just sat and did nothing in the condo -- not at all the usual for him - he's usually Mr. Go. . So my sister and I are worried that he isn't telling us the truth -- he had a collapsed lung and had surgery in April when they scraped his lung they said it was due to him getting huge amounts of scar tissue in his lung from when he had radiation 40 years ago when he had testicular cancer. He also says he needs to have his gallblader out after he's recovered from the lung surgery. He says that's why he's so thin -- he can't hold much food down. My sister is convinced he's got cancer and isn't telling us. Time will tell I suppose. He didn't really say much to me about my weight loss - said I looked good and looked "healthy" -- I think he just feels so crappy he can't really function well.

We ate out every single night -- and had quite a few nights where we had multiple drinkie poos too. Some meals I had to go with the group (one night pizza, one night cuban sandwiches and then the rehearsal dinner was at a private home and they served Pasta and of course the wedding was limited food choices as well and OF COURSE fabulous cake). I even ate real butter on a roll at the wedding (well, only a tiny part of it, I got too full, but first time in almost 2 years that I had REAL butter on a roll). My DB asked me to make sticky Buns (which I'm famous for) and I even ate a few bites of one of those! So I was feeling sort of out of control with my eating -- but I didn't gain -- stayed exactly the same, so I'm grateful. Of course I did exercise -- but at home I do the same amount of exercise and eat healthy and still don't lose, so I really do think I'm stuck at this weight forever and maybe this is where my weight will stay. Interesting, isn't it? But I'm not complaining -- just passing the information along to anyone who might need or want to hear it -- I think it's partly my age and also I believe my body needs to catch up to my weight. My weight is fine -- I look fine. Yes, I'm not as thin as others and not as thin at this weight that I was years ago when I was at this weight - our bodies change as we age -- my belly is much bigger than it was years ago -- and my arms/legs/neck are terribly thin now also -- I wore much smaller sizes in the past than I wear now - but I know I'm healthy and feel great and so far this weight has been easy to maintain and I pray it stays that way.

Lori, LOL on the tatoo -- I would never be brave enough for a tatoo. I teased my brother that his daughter and I were going to go get matching tatoos and piercings while we were there. I should have bought a fake one to cover up the bruise, but alas, never thought of that. LOL. Congrats on your DH getting through the trial -- that is tough but sounds like he did a fantastic job! I hope the guy gets many years in jail. Glad to hear DD is okay, but glad she checked with her OB/Gyn. Congrats on the new Granddog -- I love dogs -- glad he chose a shelter dog. They are great! Hope DS gets the promotion -- am thinking positive thoughts for him!!! What island in Hawaii will you be visiting?

I'm also highly allergic to cats -- when I was helping my niece move to her new apt. during vacation I could smell cat urine very strongly when I walked in the door -- mentioned it to my sister who said "no, they replaced all the carpets you can't possibly smell it." I said, "well, I can" -- well after a few days my niece (also allergic to cats) started having breathing problems and called the landlord -- sure enough -- the carpet in the front bedroom was not redone -- so they are ripping it out while they're on their honeymoon and putting new carpet and pad down. I was impressed with my nose!! LOL.

Laura, loved your pics -- you look fantastic!! Also makes me want to go to Disneyland NOW. Lol. I love Disney. Nelson is so adorable - he looked so happy in every picture. He's a lucky boy and I hope as he gets older he remembers that! Happy anniversary -- our 16th was on the 16th -- the day we left -- it was nice to be on vacation for it. Sounds like your trip was perfect -- hope I get to Europe one day. So much history and beauty. Hope your throat is better by now. Nelson was probably relieved to be rid of the tooth - I remember being like that when I was a kid -- so afraid to pull it -- my GF used to threaten to tie a string around it and slam a door closed. I remember running away from him screaming in fear. LOL. But I NEVER ever didn't eat -- I always ate -- so that's good -- might mean that Nelson is truly not a food addict. Seriously - my DM used to say I was first at the table at all meals even as a very small child, so it's no wonder I grew up to be an addict. Glad you're going to visit your folks -- will be great for all of you.

Janet, that picture of you is incredible!!! You look so fabulous -- you deserve it all and more!!! Love you and so happy for you -- what an amazing difference -- even your face looks more "relaxed" and less stressed. It's amazing what losing weight does to our bodies. Wow the phones sound great -- I may have to check those out more. Must admit -- just reading your description of your "triggers" made my mouth water -- LOL. We are too much alike. Like you, fruit doesn't trigger me either - I really enjoy my fruit every morning with my yogurt - which is Greek, so has Protein and it fills me up until lunch.

LOL on the toilet/electricity story -- we have the opposite here at work. We have customers that call and say "we lost power cause there's a storm, can you still turn on the lights?" Gee, duh, no, if there's no electricity, we can't turn on lights. . .people are so funny sometimes. But I loved your response "where does your toilet plug in? LOL. I was laughing so hard.

Just a note about carbs in fruit. I am a bonafide fruit lover and could not imagine not eating fruit. I ate 1 banana and about 1/2 cup of strawberries/blueberries EVERY day since surgery and consistently lost 2 lbs. per week during my weight loss phase. However, I was never diabetic so of course this might be different if you were diabetic I imagine. I also ate a couple of pears every week and occasionally I would eat melon also. My dietician at my surgeon's office includes fruit in her dieting plans, but no other carbs -- no rice, potatoes, breads, (white starches).

I'd be in for the Riverwalk - always wanted to go!! Might be a great place to meet!!

Eva you are incredibly amazing!! I can't imagine doing the kind of work you do OR planting a tree that size or the cement work and other landscaping work you do!! You are one heck of a woman!!! I am a total wimp and do not like that kind of physical labor at all.

Good for your MIL -- that's a tremendous accomplishment -- bet you and DH were very proud of her!! I agree that that's what we have here, it made me tear up to think of us in 20 years!!! I truly love all of you in here and can't imagine life without any of you!!!! Glad you had a good time with your in-laws -- so nice of you to give up your bed and your room -- where did you and DH sleep? ?

Judy, sorry about the fridge -- and a great way to clean out the freezer - now you should have nothing tempting you in there!! LOL. I sometimes get stuck while eating -- if I get stressed or get upset I can almost feel the band tighten and then things I usually eat I can't eat but after waiting awhile can get it to pass and like you, eat it with no problem. Maybe that's what happened - or maybe you didn't chew the first bite well enought.

For the newbies -- Papaya enzyme (which is a chewable tablet you can buy at Walmart) can be helpful when you have these kinds of problems -- I chew a few and wait and in about 10 or 15 mins. it usuallly clears up. Jodi, you said you drank tea when you were stuck -- you were lucky -- the few times I've been stuck if I drank anything it made it worse - now I never try to drink if I'm having that problem. Had a few problems on the trip -- once was pretty bad -- at the Italian Restaurant. They didn't have much on the menu (small restaurant - had only pasta dishes and no chicken or fish -- I was shocked -- just a small place that makes homemade pasta). and I ordered lasagne and ate only a couple of bites but it just sat there -- and I had big problems. Then two nights later went to rehearsal dinner and was served spaghetti and meatballs and a some meat ravoli and even a piece of garlic bread and had no problem at all with that food -- truly weird.

Congratulations Jessica on your acceptance into the nursing program. So proud of you -- getting back on your meds will help -- hope your new psychologist will work out for you. Try to stay positive on the eating -- you can do this - even without restriction.

Posting another pic of me and my DGD aylah -- took this a month or so ago when we were baking Cookies for Papa - she loves to get on that step stool and do anything with cooking or baking! Just had to share with you girls.

Edited by ljv52

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Hey Gang, Sorry it has been so long. I have been having such a hard time. My band got too tight and My doc took some Fluid out. He was being a total pain about it and took way too much out. I have no restriction. Yesterday I went and his colleage put 2 cc's back in and I still feel no restriction. I quit taking my psych meds and have been off my rocker. My therapist also is moving her practice out of town. I did go back to the psychiatrist and got my meds again. I also found a new psychologist. So hopefully I will be getting my sanity back.

I did want to let yall know that I got accepted into the nursing program and plan to start school aug 30. I am hoping my mental health will be back on track by then.

Jewel - Congrats on the Nursing program

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Cheri, I agree whole heartedly with your thoughts that God gives us medicine and knowledge so we can help ourselves.


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Hi gang......just checking in. I am still working on closets. Good thing I started on the guest bedroom before my DS said he was moving in for a couple of months. YIKES! He sold his home and needs time to look for another place. He travels so much. I think it will be okay. My DD finally broke up with the guy who left her and few months ago.....but came back. They parted peacefully. Now, she needs a room mate to help make payments on her house. My DS said he won't move that far away from Houston( wow, 20 miles.....please). So, he is no help to her.

My DH is working in Louisiana this week so I am a fish eating fool. I hope when I weigh on Friday it pays off.

Janet, props on all the exercise!

Jessica, good to hear from you......congrats on nursing school. Stay on your meds. You wouldn't stop insulin shots if you were diabetic. Most of us have some kind of glitch in our bodies........Thank God for medicine!

Lori, have fun on the camping trip. Is your DS changing jobs? So good to hear that DD is okay.

Linda......Welcome home! You were missed. You know when I was growing up I had the flattest tummy. Since I had so many laparatomies my gut is HUGE. The walking is helping with the legs and hips, but what do I do about the belly?

Jodi......have fun at Fire Island !

Julie, this cleaning thing is not the norm for me. I started with the pantry.....moved to to cabinets, drawers, two desks....now the closets. I got my closet finished, but that craft closet.......it is a beast! Quilting stash, scrapbooking, crochet books, yarn.........one more day......did I say that yesterday?

Eva, I hope you can get some rest after all that work. Whew! I bet retirement looks good right about now.

Laura, 3 miles......Woohoo! That is my goal.....three miles at once. I can only do two.....dang back!

Cheri, I hope they find the reason for your high Calcium. A lady in my life group just had thyroid surgery and her calcium went down. What is AA?

Apples, said a prayer for you today.

Have a great evening!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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