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Hi everyone....

Yes...now I understand what stuck is like!!!!


Today.....I got seriously stuck. Im not sure why though. I went to costco and they had this bag of healthy vegetables vaccumed cooked with sea salt. Thought ahh these might be good. They were made with Palm oil. lol

There was sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and green Beans.

Well....I was hungry when got in the car and opened the bag and took a handful out and the rest I put away. I took a bite of the sweet potato it tasted like a chip but they werent fried...see above. (made sure) and emmediately felt stuck. Waited a few minuets and was okay and took another two bites and thats when the feeling hit. Like a ton of bricks and everytime I tried to swallow I felt like a golf ball was in my stomach? Then needed to burp or wanted to and spit saliva.....but was still in pain. Drove slowely home. Threw the rest of handful out and then trashed the whole bag in the garbage.( Not eating those ever again! )

Ran upstairs and spit up again saliva that tasted like sweet potato? Wanted to throw up but didnt. (good thing) Made some Peppermint sleepy time tea....and by the time I fhished half I felt better!

What the heck??? I could only assume that the sweet potato was too dense even in a chip? Cant explain it any other way. Any takers on this one?

It was an experienve I do not want to have repeated. Watched what I ate after, only soft mushies and liquids for me the next 24 hrs.

I got my blood tests back from surgeon. Apparently am defficient in Vitamin D. Not Calcium but D. So off to buy some D. Did some research and there are those that think we should be taking at least 5,000 BTUs of D daily as we are not living outside and that is why we are all Vitamin defficient in D. Interesting...but I think Il start with 1000or so....the surgeon said 1000 and my reg mulit vitamin has 400.

They also said I need to see the endochronologist,,,,something about my TPC something number was low..which is associated with a calcium deficiency but that result was fine so...the concern is why then are these low? SO....made an apt for Wednesday to find out.

Oh the Liquid Protein that I use...is called Pro-Stat 59. Hospital grade pure Protein. This is what is used here east in the hospitals for the Bariatric surgery and surgery recovery for wound repair. I ordered it online from a home health care company here in NY. It doesnt sell in stores. It tastes better then the sweet taste of isotopes....I tried so many. lol I hated them all. This is tollerable. I couldnt tolerate any of the Protein Drinks and foods from barriatric choice..ended up throwing all out.

Finailly found the why Protein Powder I liked as well. Now I really dont use either except for a bad day when I dont have protein in a meal.

Sunday is visiting day...pray she wants to stay! Please Please Please. lol

Not out at Fire Island this weekend...Next weekend. The following weekend camping upstate...and then the next three weekends out again to the Island. Every weekend is booked in August, oh wait there is one after this weekend....I think im going to um Las Vegas.

Yes all laugh laugh.....but I insist that we are just friends. I cant afford to be more emotionally and financially for that matter. lol. Dont ask.

Joe the guy I met on F.I is still around...we went out last night but he went to visit his parents who have a house on F.I this weekend. Thats how we met and he joined our share as the house they have is far from town. So. wont see him till Monday night. Hes nice but .....im not convinced. I like him but....theres something that well.....there are some red flags. Im trying to keep an open mind but I usually am good about these feelings. Its early yet. But dont think its going to go far. I think its going to be a summer thing and thts all. I could be mistaken and would be suprised if it continues....for now its nice..he treats me nice..is good company, fun and shares healthy mindset now......so im going with the flow....

I also have been just meeting people?? Its a little strange but it seems that people are maybe more interested? I dont know...its kind of strange...havent really felt like ive been atracting many people but I seem to feel like people are wanting to be with me?? Am I imagining this? I seem to feel like people are treating me differently now that ive lost all this weight and am looking better...did anyone experience anything like this as they lost their weight?

I even feel like the people where I work are looking at me different and treating me more seriously perhaps?

Maybe im demonstrating more confidence. That could be...I feel more confident, stonger, more capable? I like it!! lol

Well....Got my hair cut and touch up done on hair. Had a mani and pedi. It was a month since I had that! My nails were looking so pitiful but hadnt had a chance since this week. Now I feel better! Im ready for um um..

Greats party!!! Fortunately her husband didnt invite all the world as she would be flipping out! lol

I hope it goes well for them....im sure it will!

Julie, I have never heard of such a thing.....rude is what it is! But after reading some reponses of everyone posts...I agree I guess there are valid reasons why some doctors would choose to sever the relationship. I think it was as everyone suggested....he couldnt do any more for you...and so he gave up. I like the idea of Cherri and the note alot! Good luck in any way you decide to deal with it or ...not deal with it...its your choice.

Gwen. I hate exercize as well....like the plague.

I do realize however that If I loose weight great but all the hanging skin?? hell no. Ive got to tighten and firm up those muscles and skin. So far so good however....I hate exerize so much that I needed to take a trainer twice weekly to get started. I would never have started going to gym if not for that.....I would never get there...there would be one excuse after another and im the queen of excuses! lol

So, I hate it but I go. Now I am going four times a week at least. Not sure what will happen when Dassi comes home...back to two?? nooo I am determined to go the same amt of time. Ill just have to figure it out! Must...continue and not break momentum.

Janet Wrote;

"Oh got new house phones from Costco - you can sync your cell phones to them (2) and use them (house phone) like a blue-tooth for your cell phone - and you are suppose to be able to download your contacts from your cell into the house phone - only $79 + tax - you get a base/answering machine and 3 handsets... They are charging right now - so gotta wait for another hr or so and see if it works (the cell thru the house phone and downloading contacts) How cool will that be"..

Janet I want this phone!!! Must have this phone!! Im going to get this phone....after you tell us all how to work it! lol

Well.....I must get to sleep....am exhausted. Good night all. Have a great weekend.


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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say "Hi", have been busy with our annual fund raiser for the Revlon Walk for Cancer. Being 9 days post op, I will admit, I did not do much.

I was going to make a list of who is who on this site. Thank you for giving the summary. One thing that I have to figure out is who is who. You have on line names and then real names. Just call me Confused.

Yesterday I walked for 30 seconds longer than I did the day before. Will go back to the gym after I recuperate from the sale.

NY where in NY are you going camping? Didn't know if you would be in the mid-Hudson Valley or not.

Need to close here, I am tired.

Thank you all for posting and being here. Helps me keep on the straight and narrow.

Gwendolyn Smythe

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You HAVE to walk the straight and narrow. If not, Janet comes to your house and kicks your butt.

Bad news--refrig seems to be broken. I am waiting for the repair person (warranty service-yay!). Meanwhile, I am cooking thawing food. I had about 3 oz of steak--filled! How am I to get the other 3 oz of steak, piece of fist, and 3 pieces of chicken down???

And of course, the dam* thing goes out on a Saturday night (which is more than I can say for me....)

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Hi gang!

Janet, I ate those toasted pecan Crisps. One serving was okay, but then I ate several servings. They are gone and I won't buy them again.

Today I worked on clearing out my 22/24's and some 18-20's. I am at 16-18 now.

This is my new dessert which is not on my eating plan. SF white chocolate pudding, mixed in blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and a banana. I think it is healthy and low calories. YUMMY!

Cheri, I drilled the " heaping coals" into my kids heads, but I think they forgot the message when they got older.

I try to live by it.

Gwen, good for you on the extra exercise.

Judy, what a bummer to have the Fridge go out on a weekend. Good thing you have a warranty.

Jodi, they probably want you to get your Thyroid checked. I have had low D. I am getting out in the sun now while I walk. The doctor did prescribe 50,000 units(1 pill) a week when I was low. It fixed the problem.

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Nelson FINALLY got that loose tooth out! It was a thorn in my side! He was in the bath and told him I just needed to wiggle it.... and i held on! He moved his head back and he practically passed out!!! Maybe he will eat tomorrow!!!!


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Hi, all! Great synopsis, Julie! I enjoyed the update, too!

Joyce asked me to post the following:

having technical difficulties at my house. New printer didn't work after installation and bought a 2nd new printer. Then the router had to be replaced and the internet won't connect. Had tech here last night & he no-showed this evening to come back & fix it.

Would you be willing to let all our friends at lapband talk know that I'm still alive and just out of pocket.

I leave Monday morning for Sanibel Island, and hope all these tech problems are solved when I return.

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Good Morning Peeps

Judy you crack me up - I love your sense of humor !!! Hope all is well w/the fridge - You aren't the only one home on a Saturday nite :smile2:

Gwen - It takes awhile to learn who's who - you will get it

I'm IndioGirl but everyone calls me Janet - I don't mind using my real name never have - everyone I know knows I'm banded

Some others didn't want to at first since anyone can read this stuff we post here - Apples/Karen - Great/Lori - Charlene/Arlene - JBFlorida/Judy - MsBubba/Julie - Peacorp/Laura - Laurak/Laura (that's why we always say LauraK since we have 2) - NYSparkle/Jodi - Phyllser/Phyl - Ifyourstomach/Cheri -

Jodi - The phones worked fine - but I couldn't down load my contacts - but I have some samsung phone - Andrew has a blackberry and his did download to house phone - but he deleted it cuz he's a teenager and doesn't want me to have all his # for some reason - that's ok I can go look at the cell phone bill to see who he calls if need be ;0) He's 19 deserves his privacy - the bluetooth part works well in the house - DS called last night on Andrew's cell - it was like 10:30 - and since I was up I talked to him - it was great - cuz in our house our cell reception sucks -

LOL on stuck - yep you most likely ate to fast and didn't chew..

Girl - I am concerned about you and Mr. Vegas - you were so against seeing him - now you are going to - Do you want to show off the weight loss and say look at me now - look at what you missed out on.. That's cool as long as that's all it is - be careful - I am going to have a chock collar on you ;0)

Cheri - I agree w/you on Julie's recap - Didn't she do good..

Hell I went to bed at 1 still up at 5:30 - 6 - Fur Babies..

Laura - Glad Nelsons tooth is out - girl you crack me up on worrying so about when Nelson doesn't eat.. I guess it's cuz I'm a grandma and I know that they will eat when they are read to - kids for the most part aren't like us ;0) we make sure we never miss a meal or a snack. Now he's missing the tooth - he's still not going to eat somethings - don't worry so ;0) grandma to mom ;0)

Charlena - No bad foods for the most part as long as we eat in moderation ;0) - Even low cal foods that we over eat (like white choc pudding - I love it I eat all 4 serving 70 x 4) aren't good - so I'm like you if it's too good and I can't stop myself - out it goes - I just throw the crap away ...

WTG on cleaning out the closet - get rid of those bigger clothes so that you can't slide back into them.. That what I did - I do have a couple pairs of pants that are size 4 but big 4's - I don't even like having them around - to easy to not notice the weight gain - espeicallly now it's hot - I have summer shifts that are loose - I love them now cuz they are cool - but worry I won't notice a weight gain - I don't step on the scales every week - now a days about every 2 weeks..

Phyl - I had those printer issues last weekend (got new printer) I just called HP and they fixed it remotely - Hope you had a great time at the Festival..

Well Gang ... Got gym in a couple hrs need to go read the paper etc - cbl

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Good Morning Peeps

Laura - Glad Nelsons tooth is out - girl you crack me up on worrying so about when Nelson doesn't eat.. I guess it's cuz I'm a grandma and I know that they will eat when they are read to - kids for the most part aren't like us ;0) we make sure we never miss a meal or a snack. Now he's missing the tooth - he's still not going to eat somethings - don't worry so ;0) grandma to mom ;0)

Well Gang ... Got gym in a couple hrs need to go read the paper etc - cbl

Janet~ I know- you are 100% right! I do worry too much about him. Before bath last night I had him step on the scale and he was down 4 lbs. That's a lot when you weigh 60 lbs. He really ate almost nothing for a week. This morning he woke up and had a piece of cheese, 5 chunks of cantaloupe, and a piece of toast, and a cup of choc milk. The first solid food in days. He was hungry. You are right. And the NP in me knows all this- but the mom in me gets nutso. You hit that nail on the head. : )

I feel like I have a snot monster on my back. I am all stuffy, can barely breathe thr my nose, slight cough, chills, body aches. Only positive thing is I have NO appetite. I had coffee and that's it so far.

DH and I had date night last night. Saw the Leonardo DiCaprio new movie, Inception. Wow. It's good but weird, kinda like Matrix. (dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream kinda thing...) I would get lost and ask DH and he was able to keep it all straight. He liked it. We tried to eat at this cool seafood place on the river but the wait was too long. So we ate Mexican. Was in the mood for a top shelf margarita. Ordered Asado (skirt steak)- they marinate it and it's REALLY tender. Only ate about 3 oz and DH had rest. Ate 1/2 my refried Beans and the guac.- no rice and no chips. Was proud of myself. It was our "anniv dinner". I am so low maintenance these days. (I used to like fancy places on anniv. ) and now it's just not a big deal. Just wanted some alone time with DH. Nels had a blast with the sitter. My cleaning girl who is Brazilian has her two kids in Brazil for the summer and is lonely. She just loved on him. (she's known him since he was 10 mo. old.) She took him to a friend of hers that has dogs. He played with 2 puppies and a golden for 2 hrs and then went to the park and had dinner (milkshake). Then it was bath and tooth time..LOL

I hope I get better in a day or so- so ready go get to the gym. My mind is motivated, which is a change. I have been so unmotivated last couple months. Let's hope body follows.

Welcome to the new people!

Arlene~ that treat sounds delicious! will have to try it.

Judy~ sorry bout the fridge. that sux. Look at it this way, get to start with fresh new Condiments and stuff! : ) sorry bout the stuck.

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. I am chilling, using a whole box of tissues and sitting in bed watching cartoons with my boy. As lousy as I feel, it's these moments with him that I love. Soon he won't want to be around me and will be glued to video games and friends. xoxo peasout... Laura

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Congrats on the tooth. Isn't it amazing how as food addict mothers we transfer our addiction to our kids? He probably lost part of that weight with all the walking and playing he did in Paris.

Arlene, even though that white chocolate pudding is SF the fruit is not. You're getting a lot of carbs if you're using that much fruit. As low as your metabolism is I would think you really need to limit your carbs. Where's the Protein? Do you add it to your shakes?

Talking about protein, my daughter is trying to up her protein and limit her carbs but so many protein drinks and mixes have fake sugar in them and she doesn't want any of that. What protein mixes have no sugar and no fake sugar?

Well we finally had rain--two nights in a row. It absolutely poured. Flash floods and standing water! It's finally cooler today. Lower 80's.

We have our Reconciliation Celebration this evening featuring all kinds of ethnic foods and then a music celebration with Hispanic, Chinese, African/American, and Comtemporary(white) Christian music featured.

I'm doing some back-up singing and just found out I'm taking my almost 4 yr old GD with. There's outdoor jump and slide blow-up play things for her. She makes friends easily so I'll find some kid for her to sit with when I have to sing.


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Sorry I can not find the posting where someone was asking for a no carb Protein Drink.< /p>

I went to Body Builders and bought a whey Protein Isolate from them. Checked the label - no carbs. I was told by my nutritionist only to buy the whey protein isolate. Think she said it was the purest form of protein.

Is this the first tooth Nelson has lost? If I was Nelson I would not let anyone pull out my tooth. I just kept touching it and moving it back and forth with my tongue - I do not like pain. :smile2:

Not feeling well. Probably from yesterday, when we were outside in high 90 degree weather doing our annual fund raiser yard sale for Revlon Walk Against Cancer.

Have an easy day.

Gwendolyn Smythe

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Arlene, even though that white chocolate pudding is SF the fruit is not. You're getting a lot of carbs if you're using that much fruit. As low as your metabolism is I would think you really need to limit your carbs. Where's the Protein? Do you add it to your shakes?

Cheri, I made the dessert for company. I mainly eat protein, some veggies, and a fruit. I write it down. I have to count calories or I will go over.

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Charlene, no one said I had to count calories. They only stressed I get enough liquids and Protein. I usually come close to slightly over the minimum amount to protein I should have - but the liquids are my downfall.

I do keep a food journal. When did you start writing down the calories in what you eat?


Gwendolyn Smythe

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Judy...I was really wondering about that piece of fist...LOL. Darn fridge...hate it when that happens.

Jodi, being stuck is not fun, it is supposed to help you remember to chew enough. Doesn't always work with me, but I am trying much harder lately.

Julie, love the red walls. How vibrant that is. I love red and in a kitchen, it really pops. So interesting about your doctor, you may never find out why, but it must be what you need to do, find a new doctor. New eyes may be the ticket. And I love your synopsis, you did a great job.

Janet, how's the new puppy?

Phyl, thanks for posting for Joyce.

Laura, glad you are back and the tooth issue is over. Sounds like you really did have a nice anniversary dinner. It's who you spend it with that's important. Hope you start feeling better soon. Too many sick people on planes.

Lori, you are quite the travel bug. I haven't done the Riverwalk either but would like to. It may be in my future especially if I drive to Florida sometime.

Gwen, I hate to exercise too and won't join another gym. But, I do like to work in my yard and walk. It's too hot here (Southern Arizona) now and I make excuses too. I'll be in my friends pool tomorrow night unless my in-laws make other plans for me.

Cheri, sounds like you have a fun day planned. Sing well!

Charlene, stay dry if you are in that storm. Your dessert sounds wonderful. I do FF vanilla yogurt with fresh fruit sometimes. I guess I get enough Vitamin D here. I love being outside although not always in the heat.

Jodi, so you are joining us in Vegas? How cool is that!!

Sorry to those of you I missed, hope all is well!

The in-laws are in Sierra Vista, they left yesterday and will be back tomorrow, then they go home on Tuesday. I have to go to Sierra Vista this afternoon for the evening and then get back really late and go to work tomorrow. Yeah!

What I accomplished yesterday and today is buying my replacement tree, unloading it and planting (75% planted) it by myself. It was a 24" box tree (pretty heavy) and is quite a bit taller than me. I got it home last night and dropped it into it's hole yesterday and started putting dirt around it today. I still need some more good soil, but have the roots covered with burlap and I am dumping 140 gallons of Water on it right now, so it should be okay for the next few days until I can finish filling up the hole.

This is the sort of exercise I like. I also reset some of the flagstone that was torn up when we pulled out the old tree, so all in all, life is good. I'm tired and sore, but it feels good.

I need to get a couple of more chores done before I head out of here. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


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Charlene, no one said I had to count calories. They only stressed I get enough liquids and Protein. I usually come close to slightly over the minimum amount to protein I should have - but the liquids are my downfall.

I do keep a food journal. When did you start writing down the calories in what you eat?


Gwendolyn Smythe

Gwen, I had a Med Gem( resting metabolism) test done a couple of weeks ago. My resting was 1130 which means if I eat over that amount I will start gaining. In order to lose I have to only eat 1100calories a day and exercise. If I don't exercise I should not eat over 800-900calories. As long as you are losing you are good. I had hit a plateau. Last year my resting was 1300calories which is a low normal. It sucks........but it is what it is and I have to deal with it.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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