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Hotel has internet! Very slow though.

Had a wonderful time on the Riverwalk, though it was so hot and muggy and I sweated way too much and I told you earlier how much I hate to sweat, reminds me of my fat out of shape days. but oh it felt so good to walk and walk and walk and not be out of breath and not have my knees hurt. I walked off those nachos I had. It was a plate of 8 nachos with Beans and chicken on each chip. I ate 3 1/2 of them and DH polished off the rest, so I didn't think that was too bad of a splurge. Then we road the river boat around the whole riverwalk as well.

Gwen, you will get some exercise in the form of physical therapy as well after surgery. I was on pain pills for almost 6 weeks though at the end it was only on occassion. And I always made sure I took some before therapy, I never got to have the in home therapy and had to go out for it. I came home from the hospital on Friday and was in the therapy place Monday morning.

As for the stress eating times, you won't like this answer, but there's always exercise. LOL Needlework, bubble bath, etc.

Arlene, hope that storm leaves you alone this time.

Laura, welcome home.

Julie, glad you are going to get some answers, hope that guy calls back with the reason.

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Great, that sounds like a wonderful time you are having. Would love to travel and see the Riverwalk. Someday.

Julie, glad you got to vent to someone, hopefully you will get some answers from the dr.

Gwen, it is easy to find excuses about exercising, but Janet will call you on it. I've been slacking but now can say my lunch time walks are back in place.

I think I heard on the news this am that we have 90% or so humidity today, not raining either and temp up to 87. Michigan's got it all, humidity, mosquitos, heat, cold. As the saying goes "wait 5 minutes it'll change".

Heading up north tonight to Indian River, can't wait to get on a boat and relax. It's called the inter-coastal Water way. You can go from Lake Huron thru the rivers into many different lakes. TGIF


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Good Morning Gang....

Laurak - Sounds like a fun weekend - I love being on the Water - that's one thing I miss about being w/xdh - going to the river (colorado) w/the boat in the summer time ;0).

Great - I have heard river walk is really neat - never been there maybe it's a place to plan a future get together.

Well not much to report - HAPPY it's Friday !!!

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Morning...... I'm actually up and have done a couple chores already.... Am coloring my hair at the moment...just waiting to wash it out.... I slept fairly well, considering we had to leave a cat inside... She needed some dewormer and we can't give her pills.... she fights and bites.... the other one takes them like a trooper, but she is terrible... crushed them and put them in food for her.... she did eat it all during the night.

Laura, I'm sure it was a wonderful time, but home is as great place to be, too..... Rest up and tell us all about it....

Lori, sounds like lots of fun even with the sweating.... A nice memory for you and DH..... But what is Riverwalk???? Something like the place in San Francisco with the boardwalk?? can't say the name this minute, but have been there... dang sea gulls.....Fisherman's Warf..... I knew I knew it......

Laura K, sounds like a fun weekend.. We did that last Saturday here with our friends.. Got on their pontoon and rode down the Missouri River about 16 miles and back for the afternoon. I got a little sunburn, but not much... It was breezy and cool.... Was great.... Then went out for a wonderful supper....We need times like that to relax and enjoy.....

Janet, I'm not techy enough to tackle a phone like that... Heck, we don't even have text on our cell phones... too dumb and cheap I guess.... I lived without it all these years and have been happy so don't miss it... I hope you enjoy it and get it to work properly... Of course you have a teenager in your house... they know all about that stuff..... Phyll and her toys are just a wonder to me.....

Well, nice ladies, I'm off to the shower and should look younger soon.... I cut my hair some a couple days ago... Trying to make sure I'm in the the best place with my hair for the wedding... I perm mine and I really need one now, but want to wait till closer to October so the perm is at it's best...... Hope it works!!!!! I wish you all a good day and weekend.... We have a church picnic on Sunday and otherwise no big plans unless we take the boat to the lake... It's a half our drive to go and then we just like to drive... When we had the kids at home they like to tube and ski, but you won't catch me doing that..... DH won't put the boat in the river, as it is too big and he worries about hitting a sand bar..... I think we only went out once last summer...... Just too busy to have fun I guess...... We need to try harder..... Bye now..... hugs and prayers for all.......... Julie

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OK guys,

I need someone to PLEASE make me one of those catch up summary lists- to tell me what happened the last week! Between unpacking, grocery shopping, returning calls/emails, watching Nels, and trying to let DH have 2 days of "rest" before being on call on Monday... I am overbooked, to say the least! I have a sore throat and chills. At first glance it looked like strep, but both of us have decided it looks like a viral exudative (white stuff) tonsillitis. So I am sick and jet lagged... whoa boy.

The vacation was 7 days, but you have to count a day of travel there and one back. We planned it that way for many reasons. 1) Europe is VERY expensive. Two espressos and a sprite at a cafe on the streets of Paris, $25 Euros = $32. 2) First overseas vacation with a 6 year old. We weren't sure how much he could take 3) We weren't sure how much we could take! In the end it was a perfect amount of time. Only thing I would have done differently was added staying over a night in London. The "day trip" thing was too short for us.

I have two days of photos I still need to add. The 21st- our anniv. and then yesterday. CRS (can't remember if I told you this), Nelson has a wicked front bottom loose tooth. He REFUSES to let anyone help it get out and he won't do it. He said he heard the tooth fairy will still give you money even if you swallow it. BUT... he won't eat! He is living on juice, milk, pringles, yogurt and ice cream. I haven't weighed him, but I am sure he lost 2 lbs this week. (I do realize he is FAR from starving to death). I wanted to just yank it while pretending to be looking at it.. and DH is adamantly against it. He says you don't want to lose trust, etc. He is much more patient with these things then I am.

Before I forget , Janet........... happy bandiversary! I know there were some others too. H.B. to you too. Janet, your photos are so inspirational, really. What a great example you are to us! Thank you. I weighed myself this a.m. (no BM x 2 days, TMI- but had to say).... and I only gained one pound. VERY proud of myself. Thought it would be worse. Didn't eat that much but did have some drinkie-poos every day! :biggrin:

Love you guys and will await the angel of summary updates! CBL..........peasout! Laura

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Hi everyone....... I've been doing a little housekeeping today and decided to take the pictures I promised of out little remodel job..... As I stand in the kitchen you can see my long table and then into my living room.... The my new red kitchen wall...... there are a few changes but nothing major...... I'm proud of my living room wall that has a grouping of pictures of our parent's wedding pictures along with the last pictures taken of them before all died except my mother... then me and myDH and then our 3 kids...... 2 weeding pictures and then DD's engagement picture..... With the wall tatoo that says " Real Love Stories Never Have Endings". I really like that.... Also pictures of my new shelf units in living room and my big china hutch that DD had built for me when we were first married.. He love cystal so we have LOTS......... A very big job to clean it.......

Hope this finds you all well and that you enjoy the pictures.... Julie

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Laura, welcome home...... I'll try but am afraid I'm not really up-to-date myself these days as I've been having a bit of a time here...... But here goes..........

Janet, had to get rid of Ryder, but the got a new little tiny dog.... Bella I think.... Janet is busy working and doing her leader job on the site here as we have some new gals.....

Apples is gone to the lake..... Her DH invited half the county to a party at their cabin this weekend and she is working her magic as the hostess with the mostest........She has her worst dentist appointment coming on next Wednesday.... Her son from Atlanta is still here and thinking of relocating closer to home this time... We are sending good mommy wishes her way as she has to keep her mouth mostly closed.....

Lori is off jaunting with her DH to TX and then to Denver so he can testify in the case of carjacking he was involved in.... Lori is having a great time....

Laura K. went off for the weekend to ride the river and lakes of Michigan.. otherwise I think she is doing very well...

Jodi is fianlly back from her Fire Island time... It was good..... They had to have their family dog put down while Dassi was away at camp.... very sad...... She is coming to Vegas and is staying with the guy she didn't want to see before.... She is so much more confident now that she says she can handle just being friends.... He is getting us all tickets for some show for free I believe.....

Judy, has had it with a friend who doesn't know how to be a friend so we told her to cut the woman loose..... She is doing her rehearsal thing I think and then also her volunteer work.... Her OA is going well....

Linda is off at her niece's wedding so not posting...

Joyce and Arlene are doing okay... Arlene lost more pounds....... Now you see, this is where I start to fade abit.... sorry gals....

Melissa has posted, but not much and we are concerned for her......

Jessica has been absent for quite awhile and we are concerned about her.........

Eva is entertaining DH's family members and contemplating retirement.... She gave up her bedroom and doesn't get to post much while they are visiting.

Cheri is busy with summer school and looking forward to Vegas very much.... I'm missing things here, too...... sorry....

We have Peaches, whom I don't know very well yet... I think she is a friend of Janet and Phyll from Lucky #7's......

Phyll continues to be our exercise gal with Water aerobics and such.... She and her dog have become fast friends and Zoey is charming the community with her personality.... even DH.....

Gwen is another new gal and she is only just beginning her journey, but has jumped in with both feet... We learned that she is a travel agent so that can sure come in handy with future reunions!!!! She can't make Vegas even though she wants to ... She will be having knee replacement soon.....

So, I think that just leaves me...... If I missed someone please forgive a drugged up old woman......I'm still waiting for news of an appointment to mayo Clinic... Monday my GP's nurse called to say they had called to request the actaul CD's of my MRI and x-rays as they only had paper reports.... We figured that was a good sign..... Later I called GP's nurse to tell doctor that I'm having some rather severe side effects from the Flexeril she put me on a month ago and I wondered about a perscription for pain meds as the pain doctor seems to have dropped me..... She later called back and said that the doctor said to quit taking the Flexeril and go back to what I was on before but gave no perscription, and also said doctor was not comfortable with giving me pain meds..... I asked what I should do now, and was told it wasn't their problem.....I was dumbfounded............................ finally did get meds from my pain doc after having to make an appointment for next Monday... Wednesday I got a certified letter from my GP terminating our physician/patient relationship and that she would only see me on an emergency basis for 45 days... and I could look in the telephone book for a new doctor...... Her reasons were vauge and indifferent.... I tried to call to see what was going on but so far have received no response... As she is the doctor doing the referral to Mayo I am concerned about any repercussions from that. Yesterday I did talk to someone in the clinic's administration department... I told him my story and he was sympathic....told me I was always welcome at this clinic as I have been a patient for nearly 40 years.... all of my other doctors are there.....ie surgeons, OB-GYN, LB......... He said he would speak to the doctor and get back to me with a real reason..... So, I'm a basket case.....Well, actually I'm better since I unloaded on that guy.......

So, there you have it...... My swiss cheese version of what's been happening.... Hope I didn't screw it up too bad ladies..... corrent any misrepresentations and forgive any ommissions... Well DH just came home early as it is raining...... Hugs............... Julie

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Love your new kitchen and pictures... Love seeing others homes - it's easier to imagine where you are at when on the computer

That's what we should all do is take pic's of our desk/office/computer rooms - then we have a good visual :0)

Laura - Hope you are feeling better..

back to work ...

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Thanks Janet, but I know I forgot so much...... Like Gwen doing her first exercise and Lori sweating.......... I guess we miss so much when we are gone....... I sure wish we knew what was going on with Jessica..... I'm thinking of calling her.,....

Oh, friends are just here for pinochle bye

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Good evening, we are at home for a quick break in between flights and leave in the morning again. Thanks for the recap Julie. Your home looks nice, I like the green.

Goodness, Janet, you wouldn't want to see my computer room right now. LOL But actually I usually am on my laptop in the family room. When my house gets all looking good I will take some pics.

Oh I am so tired. We got up at 230am our time to take a 6am flight this morning. The afternoon one filled up, oh the joys of flying standby, but it's free so who am I to complain? And we have an early one in the morning so am going to bed extremely early tonight, maybe even before 9. DH needed this day at home, he was so stressed over his yard, his job, everything and tended to vent at me. Not in a mean way but he's usually so easy going and patient and well he hasn't been. He even apologized today and promised to get a better balance. He said he doesn' tknow why he gave himself such deadlines to get the yard in, it's not going anywhere. He prides himself on his yard though and it bothered him to have it looking unkempt. One month from today he has to be in Hawaii. Sooo that is a Tues. I think and we might go on our own the weekend before! WOOHOO!! These are the perks that I was looking forward to when we agreed he'd take this position. You might say I have a passion for travel.

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Hi gang!

Laura so sorry you are sick with a sore throat. Yuk! It seems like you just left for Paris.......and now you are back. Please share some more pics.

Julie, I love your floor. Yep, you are a country girl. Your home looks so warm and inviting.

Great, Whew! You are a busy gal. Sorry DH feels stressed, but if I had to testify in a trial I would be beyond stressed. I hope after all this is over he has time to work in the yard.

Phyl, looks like poor Louisiana is gonna get the storm. We are on the dry side so we won't get rain from it.

Janet, I walked twice today, but I did not eat good. I fell off my plan. I am ready to face tomorrow and not look back. By the way.....don't buy toasted pecan Crisp Wheatables. They are addicting.

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Good evening girls~

Julie, thanks for the wonderful update. I feel caught up now. :) I have at least 6 loads of laundry, still not feeling great and just got home from Nelson's TKD belt test. He was so tired but insisted on going! He only slept a few hours last night (he woke up 4am b/c of time change) and then at test time, 5pm (it was like midnight in Paris). He did great and got his green belt! So proud of him.

The last few days of vacation we didn't take too many photos. Our anniversary it was raining. We went to "Disney Studios" (their version of our Universal Studios). We did mainly indoor shows and such and photography wasn't allowed. I was cold in the rain and just wanted to go back to the hotel. (hadn't slept well the night we returned from London). Nelson went to the kid's "playroom" which is a babysitting type service. The lady in charge didn't speak but a few words of English so I was nervous leaving him. (although the door is locked and he couldn't leave- they take a photo of you and look at your I.D., so no one else can sign him out) He had a ball and it gave DH and I some alone time. After we picked him up we went out to dinner. There were plenty of "fancy" French places but I just wasn't in the mood to dress up or deal with Nelson and the food choices. His tooth was really bothering him and he wouldn't eat anything. I made an executive decision to go to Rainforest Cafe (although we have one here in Orlando, FL- but haven't gone in a year or so). It's very entertaining for kids- pretend lifesize animals that move and make noise and the whole place looks like a rainforest. Aquariums everywhere. Food was ok- but it was enjoyable b/c Nelson was happy, which made us happy. : ) The day traveling home I didn't take any photos. I was done, tired, and ready to get home. Today I was feeling lousy- and then to TKD. DH made homemade chicken vegetable Soup for me. Such a sweetheart. Tomorrow night we have a babysitter so we can have a proper "date" night for our anniversary celebration alone.

Julie~ Sorry to hear about your GP's letter. It's not fair but unfortunately not uncommon. Perhaps she is frustrated at not being able to help you get better and feels it is a potential legal problem? (just guessing) And that maybe someone else with a fresh set of eyes might be able to figure it out. You bring up a good point to about the meds. A lot of practitioners get nervous if they feel patients are "drug seeking". It's frustrating b/c you have REAL pain and just want someone to help you. I hope you get some answers soon.

Lori~ Hope your travels are safe. Early morning flights are tough. I was surprised at how full the flights were this trip. EVERY seat was full! Can't wait to see pics of your house!

Arlene~ Sorry to hear about your cracker attack. Carbs are tough ones. Good going on the walking! Sounds like you have been doing good. Hugs.

Janet~ How'd that new phone thing work out? DH was talking about those. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new pic. You look awesome! I am ready to get back on track this week and get out of the maintenance phase I have been stuck in. Thinking of a slight fill and getting back with my trainer/gym.

Apples~! hope you are having fun at the lake. Thinking of you with the dentist appt!

Phyl~ Love the pics of your puppy on FB! What a cutie! Sounds like that dog keeps you busy and happy. : )

Yeah, hope Jessica and other MIA are ok. I spoke to Meredith not too long ago on FB. She is doing AWESOME and has lost a lot of weight and is close to goal I think. She loves her new house and got her degree and is starting the PA program in the fall.

I need to go to bed- will write more tomorrow. Here are a few pics. Hugs to you all!!! peasout.. Laura

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Hey gang - don't know if zumba is for me - the class was great if you know the steps (I have taken ballet - tap - jazz - line dancing - so I know kick ball change - grape vine etc) - The teacher was a cute little thing.. Her zumba combination of mexican dancing and hip hop ;0) and I'm better at the hip hop moves than the mexican dancing moves - but most of the class knew her steps and then she did try a new workout that no one had done - well she really didn't tell you want to do - her zumba is really like a dance class - where the zumba at my other gym was more exercise.. I am not super quick on my feet - do better free style dancing and that's after a couple of drinks lol

I got a workout (worked up a good sweat) - but wasn't the greatest for my knees - I will give it another try next friday w/diane - but don't know if it's going to be a keeper... I would love to go to a beginners class - where they slowly teach you the steps.. Plus - I like the Sunday morning Plios class - and then Monday Weights - Tues Bootcamp - Wed weights - 4 days is enough.. But the jury is out we will see - I didn't have fun - cuz I didn't know what to do.. I did exercise so that was good..

Julie GF Take the props -- You did excellent - it was a recap - you remember a hell of alot more than I do ;0)

Great - I would love to just take off and fly to Hawaii ;0)

Charlene - What did you eat - how bad was it - I bet you $10 that it wasn't that bad - It was your treat for the week - Do you have a day have set aside for a planed treat - That's what you need to do - Remember loose the diet mentality - and allow (budget) for an treats ..

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Julie, your recap was really helpful to me. I'd just skimmed 7 pp and didn't know as much as you. LOL.

I agree with Laura about why your Dr. might have dropped you. You always have to see a Dr. before getting a script for a controlled substance, you can't just call in for it, and it may have looked to her like you were playing her when you called in and said your pain Dr. hadn't prescribed a refill. Has she also given you advice that you haven't followed? It could be a combo of little things, but Drs. get hurt feelings just like the rest of us humans.

I think I'd send her a Thank You note for all the things she's done for you and an apology for whatever you might have done that caused her to terminate the relationship. Keep it that simple. I call it the "heaping burning coals of fire on their head" approach to dealing with people who've hurt you. Take the high road and they will feel shame for taking the low road.

I learned in Alanon that I should apologize for my part in things (even if I'm not sure what that part is) and not expect the other person to apologize back or forgive me. I now have a clear conscience and am free to forgive them (whether they ask for it or not). I forgive for my own sake just as I apologized for my own sake. The ball is then in the other person's court as to whether they want to repair the relationship or not. I've done everything I can and can walk away without obsessing over it.

To the newbie getting new knees. I had double knee replacement 5 or 6 yrs. ago and am doing fantastically. Totally worth it. Get in the Water and strengthen those knees with water walking forward and backward and with kicking. The better shape your muscles are in, the faster you will rebound from surgery.

We've been hot and humid without much needed rain for a couple of weeks. 95 at least today. No clouds or haze, but a strong hot wind. A sprinkle this evening and hopefully storms tomorrow morning will bring some relief to the scorched earth.

I've been teaching mornings and taking care of grandkids afternoons and evenings. I'm beat! Stayed up late tonight so I can sleep in tomorrow morning. I'll probably still only sleep 7 or 8 hours but it will still feel luxurious to not be up and at 'em by 6 a.m. Think I'll soak in a hot bubble bath tomorrow too, despite the heat outside. I need to relax my muscles and joints and let them heal.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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