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I have a confession to make. I HATE TO EXERCISE. Saying that I bought a membership at the local gym prior to surgery. :blush:

Each day I am going, but being a procrastinator to the Nth degree, I still haven't gone.

Well I read what everyone says, and I want this procedure to be a successful one, so with two knees that need to be replaced year ago, banded a week ago, I will limp and hobble to the gym today. :mad2:

I just hope I do not faint when I get into the gym.:thumbup:

I will also have to walk up 6 steps to get to the gym.

Are you feeling sorry for me yet - you can feel free to tell me not to do it.:tongue2:

I hear no responses. So off I will go to my first day of torture. :)

In all honesty, thank you all for writing about the importance of exercising (something I knew, but do not like to remember), I feel if I want to be part of this group, I better start walking the walk.:thumbup:

Gwendolyn Smythe

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I have a confession to make. I HATE TO EXERCISE. Saying that I bought a membership at the local gym prior to surgery. :blush:

Each day I am going, but being a procrastinator to the Nth degree, I still haven't gone.

Well I read what everyone says, and I want this procedure to be a successful one, so with two knees that need to be replaced year ago, banded a week ago, I will limp and hobble to the gym today. :mad2:

I just hope I do not faint when I get into the gym.:thumbup:

I will also have to walk up 6 steps to get to the gym.

Are you feeling sorry for me yet - you can feel free to tell me not to do it.:tongue2:

I hear no responses. So off I will go to my first day of torture. :)

In all honesty, thank you all for writing about the importance of exercising (something I knew, but do not like to remember), I feel if I want to be part of this group, I better start walking the walk.:thumbup:

Gwendolyn Smythe


No girl don't feel sorry for you - I was just like you (minus the knee replacements) But now I am a bit of a gym rat - hell this week alone - I will have gone to the gym 5 times..

(this is not my norm - but am into classes - my newest transfer addiction) I firmly beleived that eating healthy and exercise is what got me to goal - yep I would have lost weight by just eating healhty - getting to goal - i doubt it..

You really will feel so proud of yourself for making that 1st step...

I promise and it does get easier ;0)

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Morning all,

Apples, wishing you great strength and determination with your next dentist appointment.... Have a great time with your big party this weekend..... Wish I was on the guest list.

Lori, have a great time on you little trip with DH....... I don't envy you Texas in July, though.... I'm thinking it will not be much different than where you live for heat this time of year.... I did sleep with the windows open and not even a fan on and had to cover up. I love those kind of nights...

Jodi, good luck with sharing the news with Dassi... That poem should be a great help. And you sure are being brave about Vegas... It was only a short time ago that you were so worried about seeing this guy.... You must be feeling very good about yourself..... WTG

Gwen, you go girl....... you can do what you can do...... but just going is half the battle.... I remember when I was still in the high 300's that I thought I could never do any exercise, but I started at Curves and I did it.... It was a freeing experience that first time... I hope it will be for you...

Janet have a great day at work. We are so lucky to always have you here to give your words of wisdom...

pppkingram, you are doing great.... Tell us a little about yourself and jump right in here... Indio will be with you when she can... She's at work now.... Welcome.

Eva, hope your visit is going well.....Have fun....

Well, no call from my doctor or her nurse yesterday.. I'm feeling a little better today as the shock has worn off some.... Just trying to decide what to do about all this... What is the right direction to go.... I'm very upset and offended by this and need to do something... I'm not going to just drop it....

It rained this morning so it's still quite dark and overcasst... I just don't feel like doing a thing..... but I must do something.... just to feel worthwhile.... Hope everyone has a great day..... Hugs.... Julie

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Hi IndioGirl55. I would love for you to be my buddy. You look wonderful and it sounds like you are on track to keeping your weight loss successful!

I am 38 years old and married with 3 children. I live in Valley, Alabama. I had my band 3-6-09 with a starting weight of 279. I am currently at 196. I have so many questions. I feel I have a long way to go and would love your advice.

Welcome PPPkingram - Jump right on in - ask away - We all are here to help !!!! 83 lbs gone WTG !!!

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Guess what, San Antonio airport has free wifi so here I am, you aren't rid of me yet! LOL I am waiting for DH to get done with whatever it is he has to do here. Then we are off for downtown and the Riverwalk and hopefully some yummy Mexican food for dinner. We shared some Raising Cains chicken fingers for lunch I ate one and a half and had a little trouble with them, they were breast meat and i always do with breast meat, guess that's why my mcnuggets are so good, who knows what's in them and again I don't want to know! LOL

Gwen, are you sure you aren't me? i hate hate hate exercise. I joined a gym as soon as I moved to Salt Lake (which was just a little over a month ago) from Denver. I have millions of excuses every morning on why not to go and they all sound so convincing at the time. But I am making myself go, still not thrilled with it, but it's gradually becoming something that I am accepting I just gotta do. The first couple weeks were the hardest, it's getting a little easier and I am becoming more comfortable with it. Is it a 24 Hour fitness by chance. Also, I know I mentioned before I did the knee replacements last fall, before that I mostly did a recumbant bike for exercise as that didnt bother my knees as much or I improvised some videos. Are you having both knees done at the same time?

About the sleep issues, I remember having troubles for a few weeks after surgery as well. If I remember right you are pretty newly banded, they say the anesthsia stays in your system for a bit, then there's all the other drugs they give ya. Do you prefer Gwen or Gwendolyn? We tend to shorten names up a lot on here. LOL My screen name used to be Long2BThin then when I reached goal I changed it to Great2Bthin.

Julie, nope TX is nothing like the heat I am used to. My heat is more like Las Vegas or Janet and Eva's dry desert heat. I was whining yesterday when our humidity climbed all the way up to the 20% range. I just stepped off the plane to the jetway and was hit by the humidity here. UGH!! So far I am freezing though in the airport air conditioning. Good luck on your proceeding with your doc!

Janet, yep we are going to have to start calling you the Rat LOL or GR for GymRat. LOL You have inspired me though!

welcome PPP!!! You have found a very good place here. This is a very good place to come for support and there are lots of very successful banders here, so ask away and tell us about yourself so we can get to know you.

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Great - We love having you around.. Hate it when pple are gone - especially our talkitive ones :0)

I to HATED exercise - but I have come to the understanding that I have to do it to be healthy just cuz you are thin doesn't mean you are healthy - you could be thin and eat junk all day and not exercise - that's no better than being morbity obese..

Ya humidity sucks !!! The year before surgery I was in Maztland (sp) in June - 240 at the time - and 100% humidity 80 degree weather - I died..

Julie - I think your doc may just have given up on trying to find out what's wrong with you and maybe thats why she quit you ... Hopefully you will find another doctor..

Well back to work..

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I DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the gym. There were only two other people there, and I am happy to report no one even noticed me. I did 10 minutes on the tread mill at 2 mph, and elevation 2. I so wish I could say I felt euphoric - I can say it felt good that I accomplished this goal. :biggrin::thumbup::)

I am having my first knee replaced end of September - I am just sure you will all find an exercise I can do while I am recuperating. I guess there is no rest for the weary. :thumbup::sad:

Please keep us posted on what is happening with you and your doctor.

I respond to what ever any one calls me.

Would love to share reasons why you hate to exercise. I might have some new ones that way.

Welcome PPP.

Serious Question - In the past I used to eat, and eat, then I would binge, then I would eat again, then since I was in Deep Respiratory Distress I would cut my eating down to just nibbling - besides there was nothing left to eat.

What do you do not when you feel strong negative emotions - anger, stress, fuming, etc. I think you get the idea?

Enjoy life - I am in the mush stage, and as usual I am liking the mush to much.

Gwendolyn Smythe

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I DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the gym. There were only two other people there, and I am happy to report no one even noticed me. I did 10 minutes on the tread mill at 2 mph, and elevation 2. I so wish I could say I felt euphoric - I can say it felt good that I accomplished this goal. :biggrin::thumbup::)

I am having my first knee replaced end of September - I am just sure you will all find an exercise I can do while I am recuperating. I guess there is no rest for the weary. :thumbup::sad:

Please keep us posted on what is happening with you and your doctor.

I respond to what ever any one calls me.

Would love to share reasons why you hate to exercise. I might have some new ones that way.

Welcome PPP.

Serious Question - In the past I used to eat, and eat, then I would binge, then I would eat again, then since I was in Deep Respiratory Distress I would cut my eating down to just nibbling - besides there was nothing left to eat.

What do you do not when you feel strong negative emotions - anger, stress, fuming, etc. I think you get the idea?

Enjoy life - I am in the mush stage, and as usual I am liking the mush to much.

Gwendolyn Smythe

Gwen, does your gym have Water aerobics? It would be great till you get your knees replaced. Great and Phyl know all about replacement and exercise.

Great, I didn't know you were going to San Antonio this weekend. I love the Riverwalk. Remember the Alamo! lol

Well, Tropical Storm Bonnie is on her way. Looks like Louisiana is the target, but we are still in its site. Ugh! At least I have my preparations.

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I spend a lot of time on the computer now a days as I can't eat and type at the same time. We vent here too.. I have a few major issues (bro's death - DIL being stabbed) since I was banded - didn't turn to food - but you want to know why - there is no junk foods in my house that i can binge on - #1 clean your house of all junk foods - You get upset - go for a walk - clean out a drawer - get on lbt and vent away - find a distraction - it does work -

I noticed that there is no July 2010 thread ... What a shame - We (Lucky #7) have one and OMG in the beginning we had 15 pages a day - now we have 3 original member who post daily - 3 adopted ones and 2 original part timers.. I also noticed the June 2010 Thread doesn't have a lot of activity..

That and the 50+ thread - were very active back in the day.. No so much anymore

Well I lied a little above - my bro died 10/18/08 - a few days after halloween - I dove into the mini candy bars that were left (they were hidden in GS room- but since I put them there I knew where to find them) - I had about 10 i would guess if that much - I deserved it and there was another time - don't remember what happen - but I went and bought 2 pints of Ice cream - ate 1 - threw the other one away..

You know what for the most part - the crap doesn't taste as good as it use to..

Like I said - for me out of sight out of mind for me (well for the most part) so if we do have something in the house for GS grandson - it goes in his room - so I won't eat it -

My trainer taught me this - I kept saying I have no control - if there are Cookies in the house I would eat them till they were gone - he said Janet - are there cookies in your house - I said no - he said why not - cuz I choose not to buy them - he said see there - you do have control - when you are at the store you make the choice not to buy them..

When I have bought something like those 100 cal snack thingies and I find myself eating them all up in one sitting - I throw the damn things away

Just ask the girls - I throw crap away all the time - Hell I threw away office cookies in the lunck room here at the office.

You don't know this about me - but my other name beside gym rat - is FOOD COP !~!!!

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Hugs to everyone today!

Apples... we will miss you!

Lori, as I said on FB... dealing with that humidity in TX in July!! Don't think I could. We lived over 15 yrs in OK, but not so much humidity there. We often went to TX in the spring and it was bad enough then.. and sometimes the mosquitoes would eat you alive!

Julie... glad you're feeling better about that Dr's letter today, but I'd have a hard time dropping it. I think I'd ask for an appt to talk it over. I would need to know what precipitated the decision to drop me as a patient!

Gwen, does your gym have Water aerobics? It would be great till you get your knees replaced. Great and Phyl know all about replacement and exercise.

Great, I didn't know you were going to San Antonio this weekend. I love the Riverwalk. Remember the Alamo! lol

Well, Tropical Storm Bonnie is on her way. Looks like Louisiana is the target, but we are still in its site. Ugh! At least I have my preparations.

Yeah, water aerobics is the BEST! Right now I'm on PT for my back. We were doing 2X a week in the pool, but now just 1X and 1X other exercises... exercise ball, etc. for an hour. It's very good. And then I go another 1-2X to the gym to do weight machines and recumbent bike. We'll be leaving in a few weeks for the winter.... yeah, it's EARLY, but going back east for a family wedding first. And, YES, Janet... Earl is already packing and bugging me every day! Tomorrow my assignment is purses and he says I'm allowed SIX. He claims there are 45 back in our bedroom!

Arlene, I hope Bonnie misses you!!


Gwen, I spend a lot of time on the computer now a days as I can't eat and type at the same time. We vent here too.. I have a few major issues (bro's death - DIL being stabbed) since I was banded - didn't turn to food - but you want to know why - there is no junk foods in my house that i can binge on - #1 clean your house of all junk foods - You get upset - go for a walk - clean out a drawer - get on lbt and vent away - find a distraction - it does work -

Yes... certain things like Cookies or chocolate... if I know they are here I will eat them until they're gone... maybe just a little bit a day... but I can't throw things away like Janet does.... She hasn't told you that tossing things gets her in hot water every now and then!!:biggrin::biggrin:

:) But... if I keep things like 100 cal Skinny Cow Truffles, Jello 60 calorie puddings... I can discipline myself to ONE a day and not pig out on anything and they satisfy my need for sweets. So you have to figure out what works for you.

Well I lied a little above - my bro died 10/18/08 - a few days after Halloween - I dove into the mini candy bars that were left (they were hidden in GS room- but since I put them there I knew where to find them) - I had about 10 i would guess if that much - I deserved it and there was another time - don't remember what happen - but I went and bought 2 pints of Ice cream - ate 1 - threw the other one away.. You know what for the most part - the crap doesn't taste as good as it use to..

Like I said - for me out of sight out of mind for me (well for the most part) so if we do have something in the house for GS grandson - it goes in his room - so I won't eat it -

My trainer taught me this - I kept saying I have no control - if there are cookies in the house I would eat them till they were gone - he said Janet - are there cookies in your house - I said no - he said why not - cuz I choose not to buy them - he said see there - you do have control - when you are at the store you make the choice not to buy them.. When I have bought something like those 100 cal snack thingies and I find myself eating them all up in one sitting - I throw the damn things away

Just ask the girls - I throw crap away all the time - Hell I threw away office cookies in the lunch room here at the office. You don't know this about me - but my other name beside gym rat - is FOOD COP !~!!!

Yeah... and when the Lucky 7's got together this month she threw away a BIRTHDAY CAKE!! GRRRRR!! LOL!

Gwen... you are a fun addition to this thread! I love your sense of humor! BTW... you are a 60+, right?? There is a thread for 60+... though not very active. But you might check it out, too.

I had one knee done last summer.. the end of August. Lori had both hers done... a couple of months apart, as I remember. I need to have my other one done... had a partial on it about 5 or so years ago, but ortho doc says hardware is failing and it needs to be converted to a total. Might do that in the spring. Pain was not horrible!! I only cried a few times!! :thumbup::w00t::biggrin::w00t::biggrin: For the most part, it was manageable. I had an electric ice pack and took pain pills for a couple of weeks. PT came to the house for the first couple of weeks, then I went to a place in the neighborhood. I was walking 1/2 mile within a couple of weeks. Walker... then cane for a while. It is really nice to be so much more mobile than I was last summer!!

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Can't read posts... soooooo tired. Home sweet home! We arrived 2 hours ago. Everyone got baths and heading to bed. We lost a night of sleep on return trip. Will try to catch up some this weekend. Thanks for all the well wishes!!! Laura

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Evening everyone,

We have Mimi (3 year old granddaughter, Laromi) this evening so can't stay on long... right now she is out on the deck with her little beagle puppy talking up a storm and pulling the little thing around by the leash.... too cute!!

I did finally get to talk to someone from the clinic... I called the administration department and spoke to a nice may who listened to my whole story... Of course by the time I got to the end I was crying, but he was very understanding.... I told him I needed to know why she dumped me and if I needed to go to a different clinic there better be a good reason.,. I have been a patient at this clinic for almost 40 years..... anyway, he told me that I was definately welcome at the clinic and hoped I would stay and he would talk to the doctor to find out the reason and call me back... Don't know how long that will take, but at least I got it off my chest to someone there.... I feel a bit better this evening....

Well, DH is having a time with Mimi so I'd better go.... Great, it's nice you can stay in touch while you are traveling....

Say Phyll, are you thinking of calling me when you go through Bismarck in August??? I hope so..... I think of it everytime you mention your trip... I'd love to drive down and meet you for lunch or something....

Gwen, WTG (way to go) with the exercise.... You did just great. I love Water aerobics so Janet's suggestion is a great one.... Keep up the good work.... By the time you get those knees done and lose the weight you are going to feel like a million bucks....

Better go................. Have a great evening... the weekend is almost here... Hugs.......... Julie

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Can't read posts... soooooo tired. Home sweet home! We arrived 2 hours ago. Everyone got baths and heading to bed. We lost a night of sleep on return trip. Will try to catch up some this weekend. Thanks for all the well wishes!!! Laura

Wow! That was a QUICK vacation! Loved the pictures. Didn't seem like you were gone a whole week! Wonderful trip! Hope the jet lag is over soon!

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Evening everyone, We have Mimi (3 year old granddaughter, Laromi) this evening so can't stay on long... right now she is out on the deck with her little beagle puppy talking up a storm and pulling the little thing around by the leash.... too cute!!

I did finally get to talk to someone from the clinic... I called the administration department and spoke to a nice may who listened to my whole story... Of course by the time I got to the end I was crying, but he was very understanding.... I told him I needed to know why she dumped me and if I needed to go to a different clinic there better be a good reason.,. I have been a patient at this clinic for almost 40 years..... anyway, he told me that I was definately welcome at the clinic and hoped I would stay and he would talk to the doctor to find out the reason and call me back... Don't know how long that will take, but at least I got it off my chest to someone there.... I feel a bit better this evening....

Well, DH is having a time with Mimi so I'd better go.... Great, it's nice you can stay in touch while you are traveling....

Say Phyll, are you thinking of calling me when you go through Bismarck in August??? I hope so..... I think of it everytime you mention your trip... I'd love to drive down and meet you for lunch or something....

Gwen, WTG (way to go) with the exercise.... You did just great. I love Water aerobics so Janet's suggestion is a great one.... Keep up the good work.... By the time you get those knees done and lose the weight you are going to feel like a million bucks....

Better go................. Have a great evening... the weekend is almost here... Hugs.......... Julie

Julie, Glad you got to talk to someone from the clinic and hope you get some satisfactory answers soon!

Would love to see a photo of Mimi and the puppy! We are so much enjoying our little puppy and she is keeping us both busy and helping us get some extra exercise!!

I will definitely keep you posted on our travel progress. We only drive about 200-300 miles per day. We're planning to leave about Aug. 13-14. So... have yet to plan the route, but I think it will take us through Bismarck. If we can possibly work it out, would love to meet you, too.

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Gwen, does your gym have Water aerobics? It would be great till you get your knees replaced. Great and Phyl know all about replacement and exercise.

Great, I didn't know you were going to San Antonio this weekend. I love the Riverwalk. Remember the Alamo! lol

Well, Tropical Storm Bonnie is on her way. Looks like Louisiana is the target, but we are still in its site. Ugh! At least I have my preparations.

Charlene - I haven't watched the news in ages - I am on the computer too much ;0) - I sure hope it misses you

Hugs to everyone today!

Apples... we will miss you!

Lori, as I said on FB... dealing with that humidity in TX in July!! Don't think I could. We lived over 15 yrs in OK, but not so much humidity there. We often went to TX in the spring and it was bad enough then.. and sometimes the mosquitoes would eat you alive!

Julie... glad you're feeling better about that Dr's letter today, but I'd have a hard time dropping it. I think I'd ask for an appt to talk it over. I would need to know what precipitated the decision to drop me as a patient!

Yeah, water aerobics is the BEST! Right now I'm on PT for my back. We were doing 2X a week in the pool, but now just 1X and 1X other exercises... exercise ball, etc. for an hour. It's very good. And then I go another 1-2X to the gym to do weight machines and recumbent bike. We'll be leaving in a few weeks for the winter.... yeah, it's EARLY, but going back east for a family wedding first. And, YES, Janet... Earl is already packing and bugging me every day! Tomorrow my assignment is purses and he says I'm allowed SIX. He claims there are 45 back in our bedroom!

Arlene, I hope Bonnie misses you!!


Yeah... and when the Lucky 7's got together this month she threw away a BIRTHDAY CAKE!! GRRRRR!! LOL!

Gwen... you are a fun addition to this thread! I love your sense of humor! BTW... you are a 60+, right?? There is a thread for 60+... though not very active. But you might check it out, too.

I had one knee done last summer.. the end of August. Lori had both hers done... a couple of months apart, as I remember. I need to have my other one done... had a partial on it about 5 or so years ago, but ortho doc says hardware is failing and it needs to be converted to a total. Might do that in the spring. Pain was not horrible!! I only cried a few times!! :biggrin::biggrin::):biggrin::thumbup: For the most part, it was manageable. I had an electric ice pack and took pain pills for a couple of weeks. PT came to the house for the first couple of weeks, then I went to a place in the neighborhood. I was walking 1/2 mile within a couple of weeks. Walker... then cane for a while. It is really nice to be so much more mobile than I was last summer!!

You can't blame the cake one on me LOL - I didn't throw that cake away - Karri & Steph are the ones who wanted to throw it away - Steph asked Karri and she said ya she had enough.. I did say I was done with it (it was almost to rich for me and that's saying alot) - but it wasn't me who threw it away Steph & Rose where cleaning the kitchen - I learned my lesson after the Cookies at work ;0)

Ya we had some pretty upset pple when that happen.. But for once it was not me - I'm not the food cop on Vacation unless you tell me you are trying to eat healthy and you are doing the oppisite - then I might say something - I had my treats - but did my best to eat pretty healthy too..

Can't read posts... soooooo tired. Home sweet home! We arrived 2 hours ago. Everyone got baths and heading to bed. We lost a night of sleep on return trip. Will try to catch up some this weekend. Thanks for all the well wishes!!! Laura

Glad you are home safe and sound - that week sure went by fast

Evening everyone,

We have Mimi (3 year old granddaughter, Laromi) this evening so can't stay on long... right now she is out on the deck with her little beagle puppy talking up a storm and pulling the little thing around by the leash.... too cute!!

I did finally get to talk to someone from the clinic... I called the administration department and spoke to a nice may who listened to my whole story... Of course by the time I got to the end I was crying, but he was very understanding.... I told him I needed to know why she dumped me and if I needed to go to a different clinic there better be a good reason.,. I have been a patient at this clinic for almost 40 years..... anyway, he told me that I was definately welcome at the clinic and hoped I would stay and he would talk to the doctor to find out the reason and call me back... Don't know how long that will take, but at least I got it off my chest to someone there.... I feel a bit better this evening....

Well, DH is having a time with Mimi so I'd better go.... Great, it's nice you can stay in touch while you are traveling....

Say Phyll, are you thinking of calling me when you go through Bismarck in August??? I hope so..... I think of it everytime you mention your trip... I'd love to drive down and meet you for lunch or something....

Gwen, WTG (way to go) with the exercise.... You did just great. I love water aerobics so Janet's suggestion is a great one.... Keep up the good work.... By the time you get those knees done and lose the weight you are going to feel like a million bucks....

Better go................. Have a great evening... the weekend is almost here... Hugs.......... Julie

Julie - Glad you got to talk to someone..

Went to costco after work - got my right eye changed and he changed my left eye too - I can read the computer right now w/o any glasses - but to read close up small print need 125 readers

Got a pair of computer glasses $139 frames and all - the lady said I should be able to read menu with them - we will see..

No gym tonite - thank God - I have been Sun Mon Tue Wed and go tomorrow nite... I think I am an offical gym rat ..

Oh got new house phones from Costco - you can sync your cell phones to them (2) and use them (house phone) like a blue-tooth for your cell phone - and you are suppose to be able to download your contacts from your cell into the house phone - only $79 + tax - you get a base/answering machine and 3 handsets... They are charging right now - so gotta wait for another hr or so and see if it works (the cell thru the house phone and downloading contacts) How cool will that be..

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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