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I'm probably not the one to answer you shopgirl, but you are too tight and you can damage yourself if you are PBing that much. Are you eating very small bites and chewing thoroughly? What types of food are you eating. I find if I eat too fast or don't chew, that is the out come, but if you are chewing enough and taking small bites and eating slowly and still PBing, you need an unfill.

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i will listen, but not to sure what i am listening for, or feel. this is a whole new world for me.


gwendolyn smythe

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i had my last fill 6 wks ago and it started last tuesday. really the only thing i can eat is egg drop Soup about every other day right now i am able to drink a lil bit of Water but it hurts.. i guess i know i should go have an unfill just was trying not to.. just now losing weight

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i will listen, but not to sure what i am listening for, or feel. this is a whole new world for me.


gwendolyn smythe

It's still so new for you so right now you should still be following your doctors advise and eating small amounts. In time you might push the limits of your band and it will let you know. There is no way any of us can tell you what full feels like to you. For me, I feel it in my chest and I know I have to stop. It definitely isn't the same as it was before banding. Give yourself some time and just keep asking questions.

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i am following the doctors orders - to the letter. don't always reach the minimum amount of Protein i need each day 55 grams, nor drink a quart of liquids.< /p>

spoke to the nutritionist today, and she said not to worry.

i do not think i ever focused on food as much as i am now, when i was eating, i just ate whatever was handy. when i was dieting, i followed everything and then would start to add extras.

i'm allowed 3 - 5 ounces at a time. when i first heard that in my minds eye, that looked like a pint - i could not believe how small the amount was, until i bought some 6 ounce cups.

it has been an interesting journey so far. what has made this journey even better for me, is this site. i do not know anyone who has been banded, and have told only a few people.

thanks for your advice - i am listening,

gwendolyn smythe:blink::tt2::blink: this is me listening

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Hey. all....hope everyone is doing well.

Well....today I had to put my "starlight" to sleep.< /span>

I could have waited longer but for what?? Her to suffer? Dont even know if she wasnt really suffering now but the VET said....it was the right thing to do now. Its been a long time since she was well....we took her in when she was sick and battled what ever she had....for 6 yrs one symptom at a time....but she just was falling apart and everything we tried....worked for a little and then stopped and then some other thing came up and so we were like putting bandaids on the leaks starting to spring over her body but in the past few weeks they started to just all come apart one at a time...

.and the VET just said.....look shes sick and has been for a long time....and you need to make a choice that you dont necessarily want to but need to do if not today then very soon. So....decided that since Dassi allready said goodbye to her before she left for camp knowing that she probably wouldnt be here when she returned....I said lets just do it now....why prolong things any longer...and he said "I think your making the right decission". so....I said goodbye and held her the whole time....and it was sad...soo soo very sad.

But...I know it was right....We rescued her from being euthenized 6 yrs ago and took her in the night that they were going to put her to sleep. Nursed her back to health.....but that cost a fortune and well.....nothing really got 100 percent. She had such bad allergies, ear infections, eye problems and skin problems that she was always on medications....and then some. The VET....all of them were like.....the worst theyve seen and really we should have never taken her home in the first place. ( we were happy we did) She was the sweetest dog ever. Not really a cuddler, or particularly loving but she had her moments that she was jut so happy....to be with us.

So....now the VET said...look no more purebreds from the shelter especially cocker spaniels as they are prone to so many problems...they have been brought to the shelter and given up for a reason (unless they were lost strays) ..and the major reason is because they were not able to be taken care of because of medical conditions or behaviors...and before taking one of the fosters in you must bring them in for a full exam.....must check them out as you dont want this again to happen.

And as I write this ..it still doesnt make me feel any less sad, angry, and frustrated that I couldnt do more.

Now I just have to figure out how to tell Dassi and when.....

Do I just say the truth in a letter?? a bunk e-mail? call her?? wait till Sunday at visiting day? when she returns??

She knows that this is what was going to happen..but when you have to tell her....when its done is a different story.

If I dont...shel never trust me again...to go away and not to tell her things so shel not want to go away....or shel hate me for doing this before she returned without her. or who knows what 11 yr olds will think and are thinking....

For all I know...she could care less..as she said her goodbyes allready and in her mind she was allready gone.

So, am sad...tonight.

not that sad however, that I didnt go to the gym and train...and then spent another hour and half after doing cardio...then spent 1/2 hr in the steam room and showered there at the gym which never did before...

did this because..I didnt want to go home to an empty house where Starlight wasnt going to be.....but at least I wasnt eating!!! That would have probably been what I would have done before banding....eating....chinese food and ice cream and who knows what else, drowning myself in comfort fast food and yummy...ice cream. lol. No....I stayed at the gym till 10 and then came home and it wasnt so bad......

I need a break from taking care of everyone and everything for a while. Ive got one week.....if Dassi doesnt stay for second session to be by myself....totally not responsible for anything or one.....wierd.

Not sure what to do or how to feel about this.....

so think ill just sleep on it and not think about it too much tonight!!!

Yesterday at the pool, a "friend" quietly did a number on my self-worth. I came home, cried, prayed and then--considered the source (not the first time).

BUT, I did not go to food for comfort! THAT was new since I've been going to OA. A new step for me!

Also, I had the LAP-BAND® and went from a 20/22 to a 8/10. She had the LAP-BAND® and...lost nothing.

Wonder if there is a connection.....

Damn straight there is.....called "KARMA".

Glad your posts finally worked!! Enjoyed reading about your time on Fire Island to date... especially the romantic interlude!! LOL

Vegas will be fun... what is this about the John Lennon tickets??

My friend is managing the "John Lennon Show" at the hotel I mentioned...forgot now. Yes.....Free tickets for us all....for either Friday or Sat night. oh Planet Hollywood. Thats if we would like them. He can also get us in to other shows but not for free with discounts.

I think the Desert Rose is the place we stayed at when my dad was in the hospital there.

Not sure if Ill be staying at the Hotel with you all or at my friend. It will be alot of money for me and this way I can save on that...but would spend the time except for sleeping with you all. Id like to but I think it would be problamatic for Dassi as it will be shabbos and all so not sure how to work this all out. I also didnt want to really be in touch with this friend...but what the heck! Why not. Maybe we can just be friends now its been two years. He is happy to have me stay at his two bedroom with Dassi....so why not???

Tell me why not????? Maybe I allready know...however I cannot go to Vegas without telling him or seeing him or even staying with him. I just cant....so thats that....it will be okay...???? I wont get sucked back in I wont! I wont I wont!

Charlene - I'll email you my menu - you gotta eat real food and those pt bars have pt yes but lots of calories too.. You gotta order some of the clear liquid protien drink stuff - they are like crystal lites - but have like 15 grms pt for 70 calories - the

Which clear liquid Protein Drinks are you talking about Janet, will you email me the name and where you get them?

I have been using a clear Liquid Protein. Hospital grade. The kind you get right after surgery. The ones that come in those plastic packages. They come in big bottles as well and you can order them from a site that carries hospital grade products or home health care products.

I forgot the name of the bottle. lol Senile...slightely. I have two bottles, one I left at work and one on Fire Island so will post the name and the site that I got it from tomorrow.

This liquid is not bad....much better then the bariatric or the isytopes (spelling) ...I hated all of these I tried so many they made me so sick and the whey proteins....omg they curdled in my stomach olmost..see my beginning posts lol....and the aftertasted yuck! ...I started using the whey powder "CHALLENGE" that I love and tastes yummy!

Did some research before trying them all out....if you again see all those neurotic beginning posts....and the results for the research that I conducted was,

Not all "whey" Protein powders are equal.

"When choosing whey protein...you should choose a minimally processed, hormone free, whey produced with low temperatures to maintain the benefits of raw milk including immunoglobulin and lactoferrin, which supports the immune system, and cysteine, which is a precursor of gluthaione, a nutrient that helps protect the effects of aging, illness, infection, trauma, amd more, but is difficult to absorb directly. Whey from grass fed cows also contains a healthy balance of essential fatty acids".

This research was from a book on supplements by Fran Sussman regarding Superfoods.

Laura, Sounds so fabulous...and you sound like you are just fabulous!!! Glad you are having a great week. Enjpy. The pics are amazing!!! Thanks for sharing.

I would love to travel more, but flying is such a hassle these days! I do love to travel in the RV and so glad I talked DH in to driving back east this summer, and then down to OK to visit friends before we go to CA! Really enjoy it! And I LOVE to travel by train!

Yeah... lifting babies!! Ten years ago next month, our grandson, Cody was born in OK where we were living at the time. He soon was a very chubby baby. I weighed over 300 lb at the time. I was so limited as to how long I could carry him... my physical limitations and his weight!! When he was 8 mos old, I can remember having to sit him down in the grass occasionally, because I couldn't carry him any longer!

I had a very busy morning/early afternoon!! TOPS ("turtled"... no change from last week), PT in the pool + 20 minutes on bike after that. Then I had to take my puppy for a scooter ride! She counts on that! OMG... I love that puppy SO much! What a joy she is! She really isn't a "piranha", despite her bad reputation from the groomer experiences last weekend! She LOVES to ride in my scooter basket, so I have to take her with me when I go to get my daily coffee treat! She loves to go there.. there are about 4 gals that work there, but she has a favorite (Ashley) and she was there today so she got so excited to see her. And then she gets treats there... but I make her "SIT" to get them... for some reason, she is so excited over there that she gets "Sit" and "Down" all mixed up! But... I cave in and giver her a treat if she does one or the other! Probably bad! I break the treats in to about 5 pieces because they are so big and she is so small! I get a good brisk walk with her every day... around the condo complex... one round + 1/4 mile and we usually do 2X around.. with me practically running because she is leaping and running!

Really enjoying Laura's vacation pictures! Looks like a wonderful adventure, and great weather! Can't get over how TALL Nelson is looking.. !! Did he have a growth spurt or what!!

Lori... yep-- your trips will be mostly to Denver in the not too distant future, so go wherever you can in the meantime!! LOL

OMG , I love yout annectodes regarding your little puppy. She sounds so sweet and you just know by your writing that you love her so much!!!! She sounds precious and the FB post....that was the best!!!

well. Hope all is well with everyone else....

Must get to sleep.....have a great night all.


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Hi All,

One year ago I was in surgery starting the first step of my new life. The best thing I have ever done for myself.

Jodi, so sorry about having to put your baby down. Some times we have to let go. I was saved earlier this year about that, but I know it won't be forever.

Lori, way to go on the exercise.

Janet, your Bella is so cute. She sounds like so much fun.

Eva, good job on swimming.

I am stilling remodeling my exercise room so the treadmill is still not moving. No excuses just been to lazy. Let myself fall out of the habit when DD was home. It's up to me to get my behind moving. Will walk on my lunch today.


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Jodi, so sorry about your pup. That is tough.

Great, glad you yard is doing good. We had True Green come and feed our yard until last month. It is so thick and green now.

Eva, this walking is so good for me, but my back is rebelling during the night. I go to bed at 10p and bam! my back wakes me up at 3am. Then I take Tylenol and I might sleep for another hour.

Janet, the reason I got a housekeeper twice a month is because of my back. Vacuuming jacks up my back, and at 300lbs it really hurt. Now, it still hurts, but I recover quicker.

Apples, Apples.....come out, come out, wherever you are?

Welcome, Gwen and shopgirl to the Thread. There are a lot of experienced banders here. I hope something you read will help.

Gotta go babysit! CBL.

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Good Morning - you all were busy last nite - I gotta hit the showers in a few


just found this group by accident. i could really use a buddy, to answer questions, deal with the unknowns and just have friends.

i got banded five days ago, i am feeling like i am walking on cloud 9. still have some pain, but i call it the grin and bear it pain.

have one question i need answered as soon as possible. i rarely ever felt full prior to banding, primarily felt hungry. how will i know when i am full - what are the clues?

thank you all for posting here, i enjoyed reading about your journeys.

gwendolyn smythe :tt2::thumbup::):thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Gwen - You have to pay attention - being physically full and mentally full are 2 diff things - I would eat my prescriped amount of food - then sit and contemplate my stomach - to figure out the diff between being physically full and head hunger.. It's really hard to do- when you get over full w/the band you will know - you will pb - you will feel a golf ball in your stomach - it takes time and practice

Janet, glad the new puppy is working out. When I retire, I probably won't be able to afford my housekeeper so I'll be getting exercise cleaning house again.

Still trying for the page 800. LOL

Eva - I would love one for the blinds etc - but haven't found any one and truly I rather do it myself and spend the $$$ on something else - my gf pays 200 every 2 week - (I think) that's a lot of $$$

i desperately need some help and advice please!!! i have been pbing and sliming for over a week now and it does not seem to be getting any better. i am really trying not to get an unfill which is what i have had to do the last 2 fills for the same reasons, is there anything i can do or take that will make it stop?

You can't make it stop - you are too tight !!! You need an unfill - losing weight isn't about not being able to eat - it's about eating healthy - in a smaller portion - not at all - you are going to cause your band to slip or something by being too tight and bping...

Good evening, you gals with housekeepers are lucky. I never felt I could justify it without working, but there's times I wish I could have someone just do a deep clean. but thenagain, like Janet said, it's good exercise. I do like having a smaller house now to clean though. I rarely clean the downstairs as it doesn't get used much, just dust it when someone is coming over LOL. It's mostly 'man cave' anyway and I refuse to move critters to dust. LOL

Gwendolyn, welcome, your full feeling will feel different at least it did for me and you will definitely know. Hard to describe but you will know it. If you go past it, it can be painful. Congrats on your banding.

Arlene, my grass is doing pretty good. Hard to keep it watered in this 100 degree dry heat. But it's surviving. We have sprinklers on timers as well and are watering twice a day.

Well Apples should be back tomorrow. Welcome back Apples!

Great - I love the satisfacation I get from doing my own house - at time I want one - I have one sorta - Andrew - but he doesn't deep clean - only surface but at least he cleans

I'm probably not the one to answer you shopgirl, but you are too tight and you can damage yourself if you are PBing that much. Are you eating very small bites and chewing thoroughly? What types of food are you eating. I find if I eat too fast or don't chew, that is the out come, but if you are chewing enough and taking small bites and eating slowly and still PBing, you need an unfill.

Yep agree 100% :w00t:


i will listen, but not to sure what i am listening for, or feel. this is a whole new world for me.


gwendolyn smythe

Take the time to contemplate your stomach you will learn

i had my last fill 6 wks ago and it started last tuesday. really the only thing i can eat is egg drop Soup about every other day right now i am able to drink a lil bit of Water but it hurts.. i guess i know i should go have an unfill just was trying not to.. just now losing weight

The band doesn't make you lose the weight and starving yourself isn't either - you need an unfill !!!

i am following the doctors orders - to the letter. don't always reach the minimum amount of Protein i need each day 55 grams, nor drink a quart of liquids.

spoke to the nutritionist today, and she said not to worry.

i do not think i ever focused on food as much as i am now, when i was eating, i just ate whatever was handy. when i was dieting, i followed everything and then would start to add extras.

i'm allowed 3 - 5 ounces at a time. when i first heard that in my minds eye, that looked like a pint - i could not believe how small the amount was, until i bought some 6 ounce cups.

it has been an interesting journey so far. what has made this journey even better for me, is this site. i do not know anyone who has been banded, and have told only a few people.

thanks for your advice - i am listening,

gwendolyn smythe:blink::blink::blink: this is me listening

Yep Gwendolyn - it is a new journey and learning experience to know what 1/2 c looks like

Hi All,

One year ago I was in surgery starting the first step of my new life. The best thing I have ever done for myself.

Jodi, so sorry about having to put your baby down. Some times we have to let go. I was saved earlier this year about that, but I know it won't be forever.

Lori, way to go on the exercise.

Janet, your Bella is so cute. She sounds like so much fun.

Eva, good job on swimming.

I am stilling remodeling my exercise room so the treadmill is still not moving. No excuses just been to lazy. Let myself fall out of the habit when DD was home. It's up to me to get my behind moving. Will walk on my lunch today.


Laurak - when family is here - I still hit the gym - I rarely let anything interfere w/my gym time - so get your butt moving :wub:

Jodi, so sorry about your pup. That is tough.

Great, glad you yard is doing good. We had True Green come and feed our yard until last month. It is so thick and green now.

Eva, this walking is so good for me, but my back is rebelling during the night. I go to bed at 10p and bam! my back wakes me up at 3am. Then I take Tylenol and I might sleep for another hour.

Janet, the reason I got a housekeeper twice a month is because of my back. Vacuuming jacks up my back, and at 300lbs it really hurt. Now, it still hurts, but I recover quicker.

Apples, Apples.....come out, come out, wherever you are?

Welcome, Gwen and shopgirl to the Thread. There are a lot of experienced banders here. I hope something you read will help.

Gotta go babysit! CBL.

Charlene - I hear you at 250 i would break out in a sweat from vaccuming - now it's no problem..

what happend to the rest of my quotes - well it's 6 and I gotta hit the shower..

Jodi - Hugs on your having to put your dog down - Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs !!!!

I will respond later when I get to work - gotta jam right now..



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Janet, I know I let the crap get to me now it's time to get back at it. Only I can do it.

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Janet, I know I let the crap get to me now it's time to get back at it. Only I can do it.

LauraK - 81 lbs gone - 15 till you get to normal bmi - WTG - the sooner you get moving the sooner you will get there. IMHO exercise in combination w/healthy eating is imperative in getting to a healthy life style - this is coming from someone who planed their whole life around not moving :0) - It's such a joy to be able to move now a days..

Hows the old bf issue going...

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Good morning! WE are supposed to cool down to 97 today. Not much planned for today, supposed I could do some laundry, oops just got a call from a friend I am going to lunch today!

Jodi, so sorry to hear about your dog, that's so hard to do. Is this friend the one you didn't want us to stay at the Monte CArlo friend? are you going to be reopening something you don't want to reopen? free show tickets are wonderful, but you are more important.

Arlene, DH would never have a lawn service, he is too much a do it yourselfer. LOL In fact the company we got our sod came and sprayed it after it was he laid it complimentary and he was all miffed. He has his way of doing it, but our yard always looks good so whatever floats his boat! LOL

LauraK, if I can get myself back into the exercise you can too! Getting started again is the hard part.

Apples, are you back?

Phyl, sounds like you have one spoiled pup! LOL Who's training who? sounds like she has you pretty trained for scooter rides. LOL

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Just came home from zumba--fun, but kicks your butt.

Jodi, I am so sorry about your pup. You gave Starlight the best years. How wonderful that you were there for his "going home." He (she?) is now happy and feeling good, running free and playing at the Rainbow Bridge. I will "tell" Sammy, Punky and Tinka to look for Starlight. Share the story of the Rainbow Bridge with your daughter--it gives us comfort.

Phyl--you are so funny when you talk about Zoey. And you too, Janet. New mothers! I say that I will not replace Bitsy when it is her time--BUT who am I kidding?

Gwendolyn, you will get lots of support and help from these ladies. What part of FL? I am near Tampa. I've had my band for 2 years and am happy--if I remember that this is a tool and not the cure. There is no cure. But it can be managed successfully.

To the newcomer who is too tight and doesn't want an unfill--that was me last summer for months and as a result, I gained weight--could only eat the wrong things. I got unfilled, got back on track and then got a small fill again.

OA tonight. It's been helpful. I had a small slip yesterday; I brought something into the house...won't do that again. Didn't beat myself up--just renewed my desire to be healthy.

Have a terrif Tuesday!

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Janet, OMG.....Recipe Rehab has awesome recipes. The chocolate muffins.......gotta make them!

My DD is due Sept 13. She goes back to have an ultrasound on the 31st of August. Since she hemorrhaged last time they may do a C-section. I hope not because it will take her longer to recover. Her and her DH tested positive for cystic fibrosis. That doesn't mean the baby will have it, but they are watching close. They won't know till she delivers. Sometimes I think too much info creates so much anxiety, but then again it is good to know the possibilities.

Okay, peeps, gotta go get this mop colored and cut. I have to color my hair because the gray is so unmanageable. UGH!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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