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Hi everyone! Greetings from Paris! La vie en Rose! (Life in pink) We are having a wonderful time- really one of the best vacations ever! I hope everyone is well. Miss you guys. Will post some pics! and check in soon! xoxoxoxo peasout... Laura

Glad you are having such an awesome vacation. I am thoroughly enjoying all your photos on FB!


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Good Morning Gang !!

3 yrs ago right now I was in surgery...

1st year got to goal 145 !!!! (Thanks Karri for being my muse)

Got the next few lbs off by Sept 08.

Have maintained my weight loss for 2 yrs !!!

(fluctuate between 136-140)

How you may ask (by following the rules)

I have finally gotten that this really is about a lifetime lifestyle change and not a diet

I eat HEALTHY 98% of the time - Allow for treats 2% of the time - Hit the gym - weights, cardio & classes 3 to 4 times a week and with the help of my little friend (the band) I have become a healthier person with tons more energy and feel 10 yrs younger..

Life is good !!! And let me tell I have always been a shopper (even at 250) but now EVERY THING looks cute on - Love being a size 4/6 - instead of 18/20 to 22/24 !!!

It's doable pple - If I can do it so can you... I am a food addict just like everyone else - the secret - take back your power !!! I walked down the candy/cookie isle in the grocery store last week and snubbed my nose at the crap... That's empowering !!!

Just gotta toot my own horn this morning !!!!



Hip hip hooray, Hip hip hooray, Hip hip hooray. Two years for our fearless leader. Whoo-hoo!

Yesterday at the pool, a "friend" quietly did a number on my self-worth. I came home, cried, prayed and then--considered the source (not the first time).

BUT, I did not go to food for comfort! THAT was new since I've been going to OA. A new step for me!

Also, I had the LAP-BAND® and went from a 20/22 to a 8/10. She had the LAP-BAND® and...lost nothing.

Wonder if there is a connection.....

Students at my school use the term "haters" for people who put others down. And you're right, you don't need them in your life.

Braved going to the pool at my gym today. Lots of your "hard bodies", but I went anyway. Tried on 3 bathing suites before I left and settled on the baggy one.

However, I'm proud that I went and enjoyed the cool Water, music and began a great book.

Atta girl. I just bought a size 12 long swimsuit. I hate that my saggy baggy arms show and my saggy baggy thighs and all my varicose veins (who needs tatoo's? I've already got plenty of blue and red ink). I love swimming and was a lifeguard and certified Water safety instructor. I taught swimming for years. I actually went public yesterday and swam a little. I have to be cautious because swimming can irritate my fragile neck, but it went pretty well and I felt pretty good. May get a gym membership so I can swim in the evenings during the winter when I can't always walk. They do have a walking track there but that's free. However, I need to vary my exercise a little. I don't like the fact that their pool is on the cold side. Not good for my arthritis or muscles. But its only 2 mi. from my house. I just have to not care about my looks in a suit and be satisfied with a 20 minute workout. Any longer than that and I get too chilled. And that was before I lost 75 lbs.

Hi everyone! Greetings from Paris! La vie en Rose! (Life in pink) We are having a wonderful time- really one of the best vacations ever! Partly b/c Nelson is almost human (independent with bathing/food/sleeping)... and b/c I feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better with my weight loss! 94 lbs ago I was tired and couldn't walk much... hated pics at times... ate until way too full.. thought about eating most of the time. Now we are enjoying our time... able to walk for hours in the hot sun! Dining in Paris and not getting upset at the tiny portions and now able to be amazed at the amazing taste of the food! Just a lovely 9th wedding anniversary! This is our 2nd anniversary with Nelson along. (Dad got sick that month last year and they couldn't watch him). All the previous years my parents had him for a week. But have to tell you, we have had fun. Probably could use a little "us" time, but it's ok... will line up some sitter when we get home. ; )

Read last two pages of posts, way too much for me to catch up on! Having to pay for minutes for wifi here. Congrats to janet and arlene for bandiversaries. So proud of you both. Cheri, the death of that 29 year old must have been an amniotic Fluid embolism (the Fluid causes an obstruction in the lung blood flow and an inflammatory reaction in whole body- causes DIC where blood doesn't clot). Really the most heartbreaking thing that can happen to a delivering mother. DH had a case when he was newly in practice. It's nobody's fault and is unpreventable. Just tragic. Just had to mention that.

I hope everyone is well. Miss you guys. Will post some pics! and check in soon! xoxoxoxo peasout... Laura

Laura, glad you're having such a great time. And thanks for the info. I was getting my information second hand and couldn't imagine how amniotic fluid was gettting into her system and lungs. I believe the amniotic fluid was considered the cause of her seizures and her lungs filling with amniotic fluid. I'm glad to know it had a name and that it wasn't a medical error. She was at Northwestern Hospital which is a topnotch hospital.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Hi everyone! Greetings from Paris! La vie en Rose! (Life in pink) We are having a wonderful time- really one of the best vacations ever!

I hope everyone is well. Miss you guys. Will post some pics! and check in soon! xoxoxoxo peasout... Laura

Awesome pics love them on FB too

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PJ - Here't the link to Bariatric Choice - there are diff brands - I think the are all about the same - Proti - is what my doc sells - I love the peach mango & grape

ProtiDiet fruit Drink Liquid Protein Concentrates from Pro-Amino

As far as what my doc say to eat - don't really know - I think 1 cup - 4 oz of meat - veggies and if any room starches - IMHO you have to be full mentally too - heck 1/2 cup - ya if you are tight enough you will be full on this amount but getting in your pt would be hard and mentally it would be hard too.. I am happy w/my cup of food - sometimes it's 3/4 sometime 1.5..

Thanks PJ - I feel great

Good luck with the puppies--so cute. There is nothing like a little scratchy tongue washing your face with kisses. I got some "loving" at my volunteer work today from a little chihuahua named Kiwi.

Thanks for the support--friends like that, I do not need! This is someone who "embellishes" (lies) the truth a lot. She told me that she has not lost weight and has been going to OA. I have been going since March and she has never been there. (I wanted to laugh.) I have to consider the source.

When I hear good results from you ladies, I do not get jealous. I am thrilled for your success and use your success as motivation and inspiration! Some people are so miserable that they need others to be miserable to make them feel better. She is also someone that has a million excuses for things. And yes, we can come up with excuses why we can't lose. There is only one reason--we ate too much! (medical reasons aside) Janet "stuck her tongue out at the junk food aisle" and grabbed control. We can do it too, but we more than have to want it; we have to DO it. This person does not have the desire and strength to do it--so she has to tear me down because I can!

I have more to go, but I will do it, slowly and with God's help and guidance.

Whew! I feel better. This can be BETTER than eating!

Judy - With friends like her you sure don't need enemies :0) - kick her to the curb..

I agree with the doing - you know it's just like learning to walk - we have to practice - the more we practice the better we get at it - hell even a grownup will trip on their own feet now and then - just like we will have a slip - or a few to many treats - the important things is to pull up those bootstraps and keep moving forward

Hi everyone!! Just a quick hello. i'm on my sister's computer and the keyboard is terrible and I can barely type on it. First of all, happy band anniversaries to Julie and Janet.

Arrived safely - having a great time with my sister's family. DB and his family arrive today and we check into condo at the beach -- looking forward to some pool/ocean time.

Just wanted to say hi and catch up on the posts. Went to the gym yesterday and an hour walk already this a.m.

Love to you all -- love the new puppy Janet. Jodi, new guy sounds interesting.


Linda - how was the wedding is it today or next weekend - what did your bro say !!!

Judy, I started going to Celebrate Recovery on Friday nights. It is a place for anyone who needs support for recovery no matter what it is. Anyway, the leader, who is a recovering alcoholic said sometimes you need to "fire" your friends.....the ones that bring you down and enable. It really hit hard for me.....I had to put my friend of over 30 years on the back burner. She is like a distant cousin now. I love her, but don't need to be in contact with her daily or weekly. She enables and brings me down. So, I can relate.

Hugs Charlene on your toxic freind..

Pam - what is the name of the product like crystal light and where can I order it? Might be just what I need when I travel - and at home.

Joyce - here you go ProtiDiet Fruit Drink liquid Protein Concentrates from Pro-Amino

They are like crystal lite - you add them to your bottle Water - 15 grms pt - I really need to order some - or go looking to see if I have some stashed - the last 2 days haven't gotten enought pt - haven't eaten much - been busy and if I'm busy - I don't think about food (it was the same when I was morbitily obese - if I was out and about - I didn't think of food - but at home - watching t.v. reading - well that's when I ate)

Way to go on everyones Anniversary Success!!!!

Thanks Melissa - How are you doing..

Thanks! i am just so blessed to have so many band friends and support.

Joyce, I think it is Janet that buy the Protein stuff. Janet, where do we get it?

I just got back from INCEPTION with Leonardo......Awesome!! I will have to see it a few times to get it, but the special effects where something else.

I heard it was good - Yep you got us and we get to meet in just a few months :0)

Braved going to the pool at my gym today. Lots of your "hard bodies", but I went anyway. Tried on 3 bathing suites before I left and settled on the baggy one.

However, I'm proud that I went and enjoyed the cool Water, music and began a great book.

Joyce - 3 yrs ago - I made up my mind not to worry about what pple thought about me when I went to the gym - hell even at 240 on a cruise and had a beach day - I wore a suit and went swimming - I didn't let that stuff hold me back.. Hell if you really look around there are more fat pple than thin ones now a days...

Hi everyone! Greetings from Paris! La vie en Rose! (Life in pink) We are having a wonderful time- really one of the best vacations ever! Partly b/c Nelson is almost human (independent with bathing/food/sleeping)... and b/c I feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better with my weight loss! 94 lbs ago I was tired and couldn't walk much... hated pics at times... ate until way too full.. thought about eating most of the time. Now we are enjoying our time... able to walk for hours in the hot sun! Dining in Paris and not getting upset at the tiny portions and now able to be amazed at the amazing taste of the food! Just a lovely 9th wedding anniversary! This is our 2nd anniversary with Nelson along. (Dad got sick that month last year and they couldn't watch him). All the previous years my parents had him for a week. But have to tell you, we have had fun. Probably could use a little "us" time, but it's ok... will line up some sitter when we get home. ; )

Read last two pages of posts, way too much for me to catch up on! Having to pay for minutes for wifi here. Congrats to janet and arlene for bandiversaries. So proud of you both. Cheri, the death of that 29 year old must have been an amniotic Fluid embolism (the Fluid causes an obstruction in the lung blood flow and an inflammatory reaction in whole body- causes DIC where blood doesn't clot). Really the most heartbreaking thing that can happen to a delivering mother. DH had a case when he was newly in practice. It's nobody's fault and is unpreventable. Just tragic. Just had to mention that.

I hope everyone is well. Miss you guys. Will post some pics! and check in soon! xoxoxoxo peasout... Laura

Laura - Hugs glad you are having a great time - been following you on FB...

Cheri - Hugs & Prayers on your friend - 29 yrs old and dying from having a baby - omg - I thought that only happend in the old days - that's so sad..

Well gang it's 6:57 - been up since 5:30 got sheets washed and put back on the bed - clothes washed and put away - bear & angel went to the groomers - I went to Pyos (its a combination of pliates & yoga OMG I was drip dripping sweat - and it's not you are jumping around like boot camp - but was sweating like I do in boot camp..

I really enjoyed it - in fact got a yoga mat for next Sunday @10.. I have never done yoga or pliates before - think I am going to be sore tomorrow - great streaches for the back and hips - great core work out..

Well came home and tried to install an new printer - well worked on it and rearranged my desk for hours - printer was still giving me errors - then had to go to target get laundry soap etc (and ,y yoga mat) pick up dogs - came home still couldn't get it to work - uninstalled but it still couldn't find a file) so gave up and called HP - got guy in India - he laughed when I told him I live in Indio - just like India but w/an o - he was nice and i could understand him.. Well he got it working ..

And now my day is over - work tomorrow...

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Good evening, read really fast to try and catch up. Just got home from taking DD to airport. Had a wonderful weekend visit with her even though the time went way way too fast. And I ate a little too much we roasted marshmellows each night and I had a smore each night. Plus we went to In & Out burger twice but there I just had a patty. She loves her in & Out and they don't have them in Denver. We had fun looking at baby things and she even went into a maternity store and ended up buying a top on clearance for $7. Wow maternity clothes are expensive.

Happy bandiversaries to all the July bandsters. Janet, you are such an inspiration and a hero to so many of us. Congrats.

I also went to the pool this afternoon with DD, it's so hot here it felt so good. And I have sort of a catty story, but it'll tell you how warped my mind still is about my body. First thing I always did was look around to see if I was the fattest one then. There was a gal that I really identified with, she was quite large and trying to get on a floating air mattress type thing. I told DD I'd love to have one of those but am so afraid they wouldn't hold me. She asked if I was serious, that I couldn't possibly think I was as large as she was and she pointed out all the other gals at the pool that were larger than me. Heck I was on the thinner end of things, but I still see myself as the large version even though I 'know' it's not true, I get warped thoughts still. So it felt good even though sounds kindda catty, I didn't mean it that way but it was helpful to get a more realistic picture.

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Janet - I am hanging in there doing the best I can

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Just saw a Tyra show I had taped--New weight loss method--Tapeworms!


Can you imagine?

That is too gross

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Melissa, glad you are hanging..

Lori, Glad you had fun with DD and shopped/looked the baby dept. That's got to be fun.

Tapeworms, gross..


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Good Morning Gang...

Lori glad you had a great visit w/DD - Your mind will get use to your new body - not that the fat mindset will go away totally - but it will fad some..

Melissa - Plan Plan Plan

Judy - tapeworms - ya right.. who would be that stupid -well I know there would be some..

Off to the showers - cbl

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Good morning, quiet morning here today after such a wonderful weekend. DD is back home, and DH is leaving for Atlanta, think I will need to stay busy today. It won't be too bad though as I have the weekend to look forward to. I am accompanying DH on one of his station visits and then we are going to Denver. He has to testify Monday and Tues. about his car Jacking experience. Then we come home for a few days and then meet DS camping so busy couple weeks. DH has to go to Hawaii again next month and you bet I will be going with him there as well.

It sure has been hot out, several days in a row of triple digits I feel like I am back in Las Vegas. LOL

Tapeworms? UGH, I've heard of that. Can you imagine swallowing one?

Linda, how's the wedding? What did DB say when he saw you?

Laura, is it easy to get around in Paris? Can you take the metro from the airport downtown to the hotel? You look like you are having a grand time.

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Charlene - I don't have your email - WTH?? I don't see you in my address book

Janet, she is on our list...... I think she is the last one as her last name starts with a W......

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Good Morning Gang !!

3 yrs ago right now I was in surgery...

1st year got to goal 145 !!!! (Thanks Karri for being my muse)

Got the next few lbs off by Sept 08.

Have maintained my weight loss for 2 yrs !!!

(fluctuate between 136-140)

How you may ask (by following the rules)

I have finally gotten that this really is about a lifetime lifestyle change and not a diet

I eat HEALTHY 98% of the time - Allow for treats 2% of the time - Hit the gym - weights, cardio & classes 3 to 4 times a week and with the help of my little friend (the band) I have become a healthier person with tons more energy and feel 10 yrs younger..

Life is good !!! And let me tell I have always been a shopper (even at 250) but now EVERY THING looks cute on - Love being a size 4/6 - instead of 18/20 to 22/24 !!!

It's doable pple - If I can do it so can you... I am a food addict just like everyone else - the secret - take back your power !!! I walked down the candy/cookie isle in the grocery store last week and snubbed my nose at the crap... That's empowering !!!

Just gotta toot my own horn this morning !!!!



Janet........ congratulations......it is an awesome thing to keep weight off and you have done it..... We are all proud of you and so thankful that you are such a good role model.....


SO happy for you and thank you for sharing this post and those that youve posted before.

You did forget one thing that you might not think helped you through this...but I know!!!

The fact that you had so many people that you have helped through your journey!!!! This had to play some role in your success.....you help others! That has got to have helped you!

Okay...just lost another part of this post......Must have pressed back button. so...here goes again......

Las Vegas....im in....but I have not yet made reservations....because I work only several weeks in advance only...unlike all you organized woman!! So....

one night we are all going to get tickets the John Lennon Show....at planet holywood complimentary of course.

I will probably come in for the week...maybe with Dassi. We both are on vacation that week...so might as well make it a vacation? Not sure how she will fit in but thinking about it!

What hotel are we planning to stay at??

well.....Fire Island was great. I posted a two hour post...about it...and me and feelings about getting in touch with myself....etc etc but It didnt post! Then I posted abreived version....that didnt post. So....now you are getting a few lines soo sorry!!!!

It was amazing....the beach, the town, the deck...alone, with people....with family and friends. Ocean, restaurants, bars. Spent time....reading, walking, cycling, swimming, people watching, sun bathing and hell yes......am tan!!! and oh yes....I wore a bathing suit..(not bikini) and cover up all week. I felt great. I looked good...and I felt good!!!

In a nut shell....first vacation in 15

Jodi, sorry you lost your posts.... would have been fun to hear every thing...... Glad to hear you are going to make Vegas.... It will be nice to meet Dassi, too....

Yesterday at the pool, a "friend" quietly did a number on my self-worth. I came home, cried, prayed and then--considered the source (not the first time).

BUT, I did not go to food for comfort! THAT was new since I've been going to OA. A new step for me!

Also, I had the LAP-BAND® and went from a 20/22 to a 8/10. She had the LAP-BAND® and...lost nothing.

Wonder if there is a connection.....

Judy, you just put her out of your mind and listen to us.... You are beautiful.....just like Janet said.....

Way to go on everyones Anniversary Success!!!!

Melissa, how are you???? You've not been posting much these days,.... Hope all is well...

Braved going to the pool at my gym today. Lots of your "hard bodies", but I went anyway. Tried on 3 bathing suites before I left and settled on the baggy one.

However, I'm proud that I went and enjoyed the cool Water, music and began a great book.

Joyce, good for you..... I love to go to water aerobics, but have no where to go now that I can't pull myself out of the pool.. I need a walk-out, like most motels have..... I miss that and am so glad you went and enjoyed it....

Good morning, quiet morning here today after such a wonderful weekend. DD is back home, and DH is leaving for Atlanta, think I will need to stay busy today. It won't be too bad though as I have the weekend to look forward to. I am accompanying DH on one of his station visits and then we are going to Denver. He has to testify Monday and Tues. about his car Jacking experience. Then we come home for a few days and then meet DS camping so busy couple weeks. DH has to go to Hawaii again next month and you bet I will be going with him there as well.

It sure has been hot out, several days in a row of triple digits I feel like I am back in Las Vegas. LOL

Tapeworms? UGH, I've heard of that. Can you imagine swallowing one?

Linda, how's the wedding? What did DB say when he saw you?

Laura, is it easy to get around in Paris? Can you take the metro from the airport downtown to the hotel? You look like you are having a grand time.

Lori, you are just a jet setter, aren't you......??? Good for you.... Sounds so exciting.... makes my life seem boring....

Well, I'm not sure who should be getting the kudos for 2nd bandiversary, but it isn't me..... Mine is in August.... about a month from now..... And I'm not happy about how I'm doing right now.... I'm gaining and I know it is mostly water weight gain from these dang pills.... I can feel myself bloating up..... I called the doctor to ask what I can do about it... I have other side effects, too....... Bad dreams..... I hardly ever dream otherwise and now it's most nights... Not nightmares, but weird dreams that make me feel odd the next day.. I'm jittery and my hands shake all the time and I have this horrid taste in my mouth all the time... I eat lots of popsicles to try to chew away the bad taste.... Sounds weird..... I hate the weight gain...... I know it's mostly medical, but it takes my mind back to other times when I failed and gained everything back.... Not good for the frame of mind.....

On a positve note, the nurse called today to say that mayo called and requested the actual discs of my MRI and x-rays... They only faxed the written reports.... So that means someone is paying attention to me and that I am worth checking the discs before they make a decison about seeing me.... I've got my fingers crossed that it means I'm going to get in...... Some one asked earlier a bout just calling for an appointment... Mayo clinic doesn't work like that.... They only take cases that cannot be helped my your local medical services or in specific extreme cases..... I have heard of people just going there and camping in their waiting room until someone sees them, but I'm not prepared to do that......YET!!!!!

It seems like I had so much more to tell you all, but can't think of it right now.... DD called and said that lots of the kids at daycare had rashes and she didn't want Mimi there and could I come get her.... So, she is sitting in the chair watching Little Bear now.... We are doing "big girl panties" now so Grandma needs to pay attention.... I haven't done this in a long time and actually the sitter trained DD more than I did......

Oh, did want to tell you that DD and her family got a new puppy yesterday.... DF just had to have a dog... They had picked one out at the shelter and gone through all the things......3 visits, application, and etc..... but were turned down because the girls were too small and they didn't trust this 2 year old cocker with them.... So they went looking for giveaways and found a cute little beagle..... Vinny..... Now DD is potty training three babies!!!! OMG!!!

Gotta run..... Hugs to all.... I just know I'm forgetting things I wanted to say..... But hopefully I'll remember soon... Julie

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quick hi! thanks for all the well wishes!

Got stuck for my first time at dinner tonight.. ughhh.. my fault, tried to eat potatoes. did some papaya enzyme and feeling better without PB. Worried I am not getting enough Protein here- didn't bring any protein suppl on purpose. food is great though and not doing heavy caloried stuff. Walking 3-5 miles a day (estimate).

Lori, will tell you more details later, but yes, can get almost anywhere in Paris with train/metro. (they have like 11 different lines) It can get confusing- I am spoiled b/c DH lived here and knows it very well. But now I could get anywhere alone.

Some more pics : )

I can't read all the posts- wifi too expensive... but miss you all..peasout..laura

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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