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Just had to go back and read 5 pages.... My you girls are busy!!!

Enjoyed the `Grass is Greener` stories... so true.. We have to remember to be grateful for the things we DO have...

Paris trip is on... have a blast... I am so jealous!!!

Back at the exercise this week!! 2 Zumba classes and Yoga today... burned 467 cals at Yoga...I find that hard to beleive, but I`ll take it and log it into my SPARKPEOPLE .com

food choices today have been good too;<

Breaky: Protien shake

Lunch`: Protien shake, with yogurt, berries

Snack: Skim Latte on ice with sweetner (no sugar free syrups in the Beach :sad: )

Dinner: was 1/2 Moose burger, 1 cup musk melon cut up..

Snack: I am pondering, as I am getting hungry... so another 150 cals for that....

Janet: how is the new puppy today???

Hugs Everyone, and WELCOME to ANNY the new chick:rolleyes2:

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Wow! Very few or very short posts today! Booster seats in the back seat for Grandma. Love it.

Eva, isn't the work issue because another company's taking over?

I'm 58 and thinking I'm never going to be able to retire. Can't live on Soc. Sec. and you get less if you retire at 62 and no medicare. Don't get full amount until 66. The little we had in retirement accounts got shredded by the economy. With teachers getting laid off all over Chicagoland in the public schools and private schools I might have to go to N Dakota to get a job. I hear they're thriving there. But I'd rather go someplace warm.

I really am seriously thinking about the RV thing and staying all over the country or going back and forth like Phyll. Phyll are you in your RV or in a house now that you're back in the great NW? I'd pay my kids to keep a room in their house for Ken and I to visit, but they all live in small houses.

Oh well. Who knows what the future holds? Only God. What's that saying? "The past is history, tomorrow's a mystery, but today is a present" so I better enjoy it while I have it.


Cheri, part of the retirement thing is because of the future merger, the other part is I've been at it for 34 years and need to do something different. I'll be broke, but I still will have money coming in. Then I'll do something else. The question is still the date. If the house sells in Colorado, then I can go this year...if it doesn't I'll be there until just before the merger...March or April. I'm really needing to do something else.

Date night...gotta go.


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Hello all, just a quick note to say bon voyage to Laura -- have a wonderful time in Paris -- will be thinking of you -- not sure when you get back. And I need to say goodbye to all of you as I'll be gone until the 26th -- off to Florida for my neice's wedding and to see my family - haven't seen my brother and/or his family for about 5 years so I'm very excited. Our plane leaves at 11:30 - direct flight -- I love it. I'll try to check in but I don't have a laptop, so depends on who has a computer and if I can get on it -- plus I'll be spending so much time swimming etc (I hope -- IF the weather cooperates).

Anyway, have a great weekend/week and I'll be thinking of all of you.

LauraK, thanks for the nice message, very sweet of you. Hope DD is doing great with all her stuff at her new place. Tell her hi for me.

Lori, good going on the gym -- keep it up.


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Good Evening Gang

Eva - Lucky girl !!! Hoping the house sells quickly and for a good price - Find a job you enjoy..

Linda - Have a great time... Oh won't your bro be so surprised by the new you !!!

Laura - I know you will have tons of pics for us - Enjoy

Here's pic's of Bella

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Janet, did I miss something did you get a puppy?

Linda & Laura, have a great time on your vacations!

I have my daughter coming in tomorrow for the weekend as well as a friend of mine so I will be scarce this weekend too. I'm very excited.

Took some stuff over to a friends who is having a garage sale, let's see if it sells, had no idea what prices to put on it. Funny I was going to donate it to charity, now that I priced it I was so concerned about what price and squabbling over a couple bucks. Anything is better than nothing.

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Linda & Laura - sending my wishes for great travels and wonderful memories.

Janet - what a darling yorkie. Enjoy.

Having some drama with one of my daughters - I will NOT eat over it.

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Hey guys~ Last post for a few days. I know our phones don't work over there, something about not having SIM cards. But I will have internet and promise to get some up! The boys out SOUND asleep and I am still running around packing last minute things! I can't sleep when I am excited! Thanks for all the well wishes!!!

Au Revoir! peasout..... Laura

PS Janet, that puppy is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Did they do a trade in?!

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Phyl, I love your pic!


Phyl, how's the baby? Good for you and the gym. Glad to hear your DH is so taken with Zoey. What's the cat think of her? I like the medical Bracelet that has the thumb drive...that's pretty clever.

So in case you haven't guessed, no TV tonight. DH isn't here and so no Tru Blood tonight. I was going to go to my friends pool and start those workouts again, but forgot and left work late. So I'm putting my bathing suit and towel out tonight and I'm going tomorrow night no matter what.

I had salmon for dinner (COSTCO) fresh wild salmon and strawberries. It's fresh fruit season...I love it. I never eat enough fruit except during "the season" Now if I can just remember to chew it enough. Hope you all have a great night. Eva

Zoey is doing great--except I almost made minced meat out of her last night... didn't know she was sleeping right under my foot rest until I started putting it down and she started yelping! She's okay, but staying away from my chair this morning!

We had a brisk walk last night... twice around the condo units. And we had a couple of scooter rides. She thinks whenever I go, she goes, too. So she was getting real excited when I was getting ready to go to the gym in the morning. DH couldn't stand to disappoint her so he told me to take her with me and he'd drive over in a few minutes and pick her up!! So.... see who is in charge here??!! LOL

We usually buy our salmon at costco, too. Yesterday I bought a dozen oysters at Albertson's. They usually have good seafood, too. No.... I guess I got that at Haggen's... I think that's local. Lady told me the oysters were from Canada. Here in WA they're having a problem with "Red Tide", so no shell fish. No more seafood from the gulf. So the stores have to get whatever local seafood they can... Alaska, Canada, WA, OR.

Hi all. Back from Fire Island and settled some. Will be posting tomorrow...but too tired from reading all these posts that Ive missed for the last three weeks.

Tried to post while on the Island and neither of those posts got posted...spent a good few hours on them and lost them all!!!

Hope all is well with everyone tonight...sure have missed you all.....

but am back!!!

Have a great night all!!! Jodi

Welcome back, Jodi! We missed you!

Hair cut/colored and then bank and then packing. I have a bit of my pre-travel stress. Just hate that all the responsibility of the details is on me. I have folder with all the tickets, reservations, etc. Camera charged. Laundry almost done. I am excited and feel very very blessed. I didn't think we'd go anywhere for a while b/c thought Dad was going downhill. To hear that he got in the exercise pool yesterday made me tear up with joy. He is now trying. Mom finally talked him into a nursing asst to come 2 times a week to help b/c her back is still hurting her. He agreed. This is BIG TIME change for him to accept. Things will get better, I feel it. Life is good. Have a great day guys. love ya.... peasout.. Laura

Hope you have a WONDERFUL trip!

Have some escargot for me.

Janet, darn you anyway I so wanted to skip the gym today I had my excuses all lined up but then I thought of you and made myself go. I even

did a whole body workout and cardio since I won't be going til Monday. Now that I went I am so glad I did I will have to bottle this feeling for next time i don't want to go

my cell contract is about up any recommendations on phones or providers?

I have tmobile now and hated my coverage but it's better now. Ds was going to give me his old iohone but he asked if I minded if he gave it to his girlfriend instead as her phone died. I hear bad reviews on the new iPhone which is what I was considering

Too funny on the gym issue!! I have my two mandatory PT days, and in between, I go because I know they're going to ask me if I've been there!

I had Sprint for years, but finally got fed up with poor coverage. All our kids have AT&T, and they have a pretty good discount for retired military. Our DGD was working at one of their independent kiosks at the mall when we made the switch, so she made sure we got the best plan and arranged the discount. I've been pleased with the coverage, and as you know, we travel a lot.

My phone is a Blackberry Curve. I was seriously considering getting the new iPhone because I'm due for an upgrade. But, DD#1 got one a month or so ago, and while the aps are impressive, she's not thrilled with the phone. There is the dropped call problem they keep talking about,. Kind of dumb to put the antenna around the outside of the phone where your fingers always are! And she is having problems with the volume. So I am holding off for now. Apple is supposed to make a big announcement today. A friend of mine has one of the older iPhones and she loves it. But I may be upgrading to a new Blackberry!

I'm 58 and thinking I'm never going to be able to retire. Can't live on Soc. Sec. and you get less if you retire at 62 and no medicare. Don't get full amount until 66. The little we had in retirement accounts got shredded by the economy. With teachers getting laid off all over Chicagoland in the public schools and private schools I might have to go to N Dakota to get a job. I hear they're thriving there. But I'd rather go someplace warm.

I really am seriously thinking about the RV thing and staying all over the country or going back and forth like Phyll. Phyll are you in your RV or in a house now that you're back in the great NW? I'd pay my kids to keep a room in their house for Ken and I to visit, but they all live in small houses.

Oh well. Who knows what the future holds? Only God. What's that saying? "The past is history, tomorrow's a mystery, but today is a present" so I better enjoy it while I have it. Cheri

DH started his SS at 62 because our financial advisor told is it was the smartest way to go. He told us how many years it would take to make up the difference...and I can't remember now, but it made sense to start collecting it at 62. I was already on disability c/o arthritis issues.

We have a condo in WA state, a little under 1000 sq ft. That's where we are now. It works very well for us. Lots of neighbors to watch out for it while we're gone. And we have a place to call home. We'll be leaving in about a month... early this year because we're going to Buffalo NY first for a family wedding. Then we'll go down to OK... maybe talk DH in to a couple of days in Branson on the way! We lived in OK for over 15 years, so we'll stop for a few days and see friends and visit with our financial guy before we head to Desert Hot Springs. Have to be there before Oct. 1 to drive to Vegas with Janet!


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Janet, Bella is a doll!

Linda and Laura.......safe travels.......and have a great time?

Great, I don't do garage sales anymore, but I like to go them for big ticket baby items. i bought a Little Tike picnic table for $15 bucks.....like new, and Fisher Price High chair for $20 bucks......costs over a hundred new.

Phyl, sounds like you are one busy lady. Happy Trails for you to NY!

Joyce, Yep, DD drama can make food a quick fix, but then you pay later. I hope you get it worked out

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Greetings, well my friend may not come, she has a sore throat and cough, will let me know this afternoon, but DD is still coming regardless WOOHOO!! so all is not lost.

I just went and looked at the new Droid X that looks pretty neat, will see what Apples big announcement is today about the Iphone, my contract isn't up til Aug. 3 or 5th, gotta verify that.

I've only done two garage sales ever, one to get rid of baby stuff and the other when we left Utah the last time for a small CA house, had lots of furniture to sell. I don't have much in this one either, just a few things that I thought when my friend asked me, why not give it a shot, I don't even have to help her work it as DD will be here, they just wanted more stuff to put in it.

Phyl, you sure are quite the traveller, are you driving cross country then? DH & I have to work til 66 or something to get SS now, they are gradually raising the age I believe by birth year from 62, I think if I understand it right. Should start paying more attention to that since it's 62 is in 10 yrs.

Arlene, how do you like your ring from QVC? When I got mine it was too small, guess I got over zealous in a smaller size especially considering it was such a wide band. So I sent it back for an exchange, I finally got an email yesterday saying the replacement has shipped.

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Greetings, well my friend may not come, she has a sore throat and cough, will let me know this afternoon, but DD is still coming regardless WOOHOO!! so all is not lost.

I just went and looked at the new Droid X that looks pretty neat, will see what Apples big announcement is today about the Iphone, my contract isn't up til Aug. 3 or 5th, gotta verify that.

I've only done two garage sales ever, one to get rid of baby stuff and the other when we left Utah the last time for a small CA house, had lots of furniture to sell. I don't have much in this one either, just a few things that I thought when my friend asked me, why not give it a shot, I don't even have to help her work it as DD will be here, they just wanted more stuff to put in it.

Phyl, you sure are quite the traveller, are you driving cross country then? DH & I have to work til 66 or something to get SS now, they are gradually raising the age I believe by birth year from 62, I think if I understand it right. Should start paying more attention to that since it's 62 is in 10 yrs.

Arlene, how do you like your ring from QVC? When I got mine it was too small, guess I got over zealous in a smaller size especially considering it was such a wide band. So I sent it back for an exchange, I finally got an email yesterday saying the replacement has shipped.

Well, crap! I just had my metabolism test.....my resting metabolism rate is 1130.....below normal. No wonder I haven't lost since I went on the 1300 calorie diet. He told me not to eat over 1100 a day and increase exercise...WHAT! I guess I will have to do two walks and exercise in the house in the heat of the day. I asked what about going down to 900 calories and he said no because I my body will think I am starving. I did buy some Optifast Peanut Butter bars and their chicken Soup. He told me to eat lots of salad for lunch......veggies and fish for dinner. (Janet's fav meal).

Yeah, the ring was too small for me. My DD's birthday was the 6th so I gave it to her. Oh she loved it. She only wears silver or white gold. It sure was a pretty ring, but I should have bought a 7.

Have fun with DD this weekend! I know you will go shopping.

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Hello ladies, how is your weekend starting out...?? Mine is okay... No pain so far today and that's a great thing..... We are going out to supper with friends tonight as the one leaves for mayo to have her treatment on her aneurysms done so we are sending her off with our best wishes......

Good news............... I officially booked my flight to Vegas, so I am coming... Hope I still have a room with you gals..... I get into Vegas at 11:01 on Delta 10/1 and leave at 10:47 am on 10/3.............. How does that fit in with the rest of you gals?????

Janet, you did get a puppy.... I thought everyone was confused because you gave up Ryder.... But this is a new one....... What a little thing...... How old is it....

Well, things to do, just thought I would check in and tell my news... Hugs to all.... Julie

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Good news............... I officially booked my flight to Vegas, so I am coming... Hope I still have a room with you gals..... I get into Vegas at 11:01 on Delta 10/1 and leave at 10:47 am on 10/3.............. How does that fit in with the rest of you gals?????

Awesome.....I get in at 11:20am to Vegas and leave at 10:15am on Sunday. See ya there!

Oh, forgot to tell y'all.......today is my 2 year Bandiversary!

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Wonderful news on the flights, Julie. I also arrive on Delta ( of course)

I get in 2 hours before you and I think apples is an hour after me then you

so maybe we can hang out and wait for ya. On the way back I leave one

hour after you. This will be so fun I am really looking forward to it. I had a funny

thought what if all us lsoband gals went to a buffet and tried to pay the

kids price can you imagine the confusion and looks that would cause. I just got

a chuckle out of the thought not saying we need to do that

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Good news............... I officially booked my flight to Vegas, so I am coming... Hope I still have a room with you gals..... I get into Vegas at 11:01 on Delta 10/1 and leave at 10:47 am on 10/3.............. How does that fit in with the rest of you gals?????

Awesome.....I get in at 11:20am to Vegas and leave at 10:15am on Sunday. See ya there!

Oh, forgot to tell y'all.......today is my 2 year Bandiversary!

Looking forward to meeting everyone!


Wonderful news on the flights, Julie. I also arrive on Delta ( of course). I get in 2 hours before you and I think apples is an hour after me then you so maybe we can hang out and wait for ya. On the way back I leave one hour after you. This will be so fun I am really looking forward to it. I had a funny thought what if all us lsoband gals went to a buffet and tried to pay the kids price can you imagine the confusion and looks that would cause. I just got a chuckle out of the thought not saying we need to do that

LOL! That would be great but I doubt they'd let us get away with that!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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