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Found this in my email from some site I am signed up to..

how smart women lose weight

Sure it’s important to have a healthy diet plan to lose weight, but if that isn’t enough, then consider this strategic plan used by smart women.

The first time Jenn set out to lose those 20 pounds, she gave up sugared sodas. The second time, she ate only Protein. She fasted, overdosed on raw carrots and counted fat grams.

All of the diet tips and healthy weight loss plans she tried worked, but only for a while. Sheer force of will didn't keep her from chowing down when the impulse struck; nor did it get her into the gym. Not until Jenn approached her excess weight the way a new CEO might a faltering business did her 20 extra pounds disappear for good.

Here’s the problem-solving approach that Jenn used to successfully supplement her healthy diet plan.

The technique Jenn used is a systematic problem-solving approach developed more than 50 years ago to improve industrial production. Called "quality improvement" or "systems thinking," it means you:

  • look at your problem as part of a larger system
  • find things that contribute to the problem
  • experiment by changing the system in some small way

After you've seen the result of your change, you alter the system again to incorporate the new change, then look for other causes of the problem. Then you experiment with the other solutions until the problem is solved.

If your problem is too much weight, you can use this method to change the behaviors causing it. Farrokh Alemi, Ph.D., associate professor of health-care management at George Mason University School of Nursing in McLean, Va. and his colleagues have tested what they call continuous self-improvement on 400 people seeking personal change, including healthy weight loss and exercising more. Not only has it been successful in changing daily habits, the changes have been long lasting. Here's how it could work for you.

Step 1: Look at the big picture

Shift from seeing your weight problem in personal terms and instead see it as part of a larger system that includes your family needs, social life, work hours and whatever else affects your exercise and eating habits, including any ethnic-food preferences and peer pressures.

Once you discover how many outside factors affect your healthy diet plan and exercise, you'll realize that losing weight with willpower alone is almost impossible. "Using willpower for self-improvement is like applying brute force," Alemi says. "Using a systems approach is applying intelligence."

Step 2: Define the problem

Before coming up with solutions, you need to identify the real problem, says Linda Norman, M.S.N., R.N., associate dean at the School of Nursing at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., and one of Alemi's research colleagues.

Say your favorite jeans are too tight. Instead of telling yourself you need to lose weight, Norman suggests you ask yourself a series of questions, such as "What's associated with the weight gain that's made my jeans tight?" (maybe the underlying problem is boredom at work or the pain of a bad relationship) and "What's contributing to my weight gain?" (maybe you don't make time for exercise, or you eat in response to stress and need to learn other stress-management techniques so you can successfully follow a healthy diet plan). "The more questions you ask," Norman says, "the closer you'll get to the root of the problem."

"It also helps to 'frame' the problem positively," Alemi adds. "For example, you might look at weight gain as an opportunity to get fit." Finally, it's important to define the problem in a way that lets you monitor your progress and measure the outcome by how well you're dealing with the triggers that cause weight gain.

Step 3: Brainstorm solutions

Clearly defining the problem that is preventing you from achieving healthy weight loss will lead you to the solution. If you've stated the problem vaguely -- "I have to eat less" -- you've biased yourself toward dieting as a solution. But if you're specific -- "I need to change jobs or reduce my stress to protect my health" -- you'll probably think of several good answers to your problem, such as seeing a career counselor or starting a new exercise program.

Write down every solution that comes to mind, then arrange the list according to priority, starting with the ones that contribute most to the problem or will have the greatest impact on the outcome.

Step 4: Monitor your progress

Make the first item on your list your first experiment. "Say the problem is that you're sedentary, and your first solution is to work out with a friend after work," says Duncan Neuhauser, Ph.D., a professor of health management at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland and another of Alemi's research colleagues. "You might experiment with using your noon hour to make exercise 'dates.' "

After a few weeks, add up the number of times you exercised. If your first solution didn't work, try an evening exercise class or find a park where people walk or run after work. Win or lose, keep notes. "Measure your progress every day," Neuhauser says, "and put the results in chart or graph form. Visual aids are helpful."

The data you gather will also make you aware of your normal variations. You may be more active on certain days of your menstrual cycle, for example, or you may always gain 2 pounds when you spend weekends with certain friends. "The data gathering is not just about keeping track of your weight," Norman says. "It's about tracking the process that affects your weight."

Step 5: Identify barriers

"There are going to be crises, external influences, times you have to eat Grandma's Cookies, " Neuhauser says. You'll have days when you can't exercise and days when you'll be tempted by holiday meals, and because you're tracking your progress, you'll be able to detect which events actually cause weight gain.

"Overwhelming evidence from many areas, including substance-abuse research, shows that situations trigger relapses," Alemi says. "You need to find out which situations make you return to old habits." Once you're aware that working late makes you too tired to exercise, for example, you can test strategies for leaving work on time. If you blow your balanced healthy diet because you dine out with friends who always order too much, try hosting takeout at your house and make sure you order healthy foods.

Step 6: Build a support team

Some people lose weight with the help of a diet buddy, but for the best chance of success, you need the support of people whose decisions will affect your efforts.

"When you make systemwide changes, your actions affect many people," Alemi says. "If you plan to lose weight by changing your food-shopping, cooking habits and strategy for a balanced healthy diet, then everyone at home will be affected. You're better off to engage them from the start."

Start by educating these friends and family members about weight loss in general (including what lifestyle changes are necessary) and your goals in particular with regard to a healthy weight loss, then involve them in your daily experiments. "The whole group needs to agree to rely on the data," Alemie says. As results of your changes come in, including new, healthier habits, share them with the group.

After all, when you finally do solve your weight problem, these people are the ones who will help you Celebrate your success. They may even thank you for helping them, too.

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Nice Janet. I like that. It's a systems overhaul.

Thanks, everyone, for the support.

I expect some situations with my Dad are going to be funny. Like the time he was talking to the wife of my former DH for 20 minutes and didn't realize who she was and didn't recognize my ex sitting right next to her. Or the time he was watching a basketball game and started expressing to my BIL that there really ought to be a rule against long hair in the NBA and my BIL glanced over to see what he was watching and said, " Well, Dad, that's a girl's team you're watching."

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Great article, thanks for sharing that Janet. Cheri, those are funny -- sounds like stuff my DM used to say.

Edited by ljv52

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Nice Janet. I like that. It's a systems overhaul.

Thanks, everyone, for the support.

I expect some situations with my Dad are going to be funny. Like the time he was talking to the wife of my former DH for 20 minutes and didn't realize who she was and didn't recognize my ex sitting right next to her. Or the time he was watching a basketball game and started expressing to my BIL that there really ought to be a rule against long hair in the NBA and my BIL glanced over to see what he was watching and said, " Well, Dad, that's a girl's team you're watching."

Cheri - Yep you gotta focus on the funny parts - an watching the girls thinking it's the boy - ROTFLMAO !!!:)

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Hey at least you shorties didn't always get sent to the back of the class, back of the line, back of the class photo, because you were too tall. LOL I had to hold on to DH when I met him in HS as I could wear my platform shoes (when they were in style the first time) and not be taller than him. LOL

Yeah, shorties get the perks when they are young, but we pay for it when we are old. My mother was 5'0" until she got osteoporosis. Now she is 4'6". I think they are trying to pass a law in Texas that if you are under 4'6" you have to ride in a booster seat in the car. My mother asked me if she is going to have to ride in one. LOL

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Yeah, shorties get the perks when they are young, but we pay for it when we are old. My mother was 5'0" until she got osteoporosis. Now she is 4'6". I think they are trying to pass a law in Texas that if you are under 4'6" you have to ride in a booster seat in the car. My mother asked me if she is going to have to ride in one. LOL

OMG I am dying here -- that is too funny -- I can truly relate!! Your poor mother, but very funny.

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Hello Everyone!!

I hope everyone is doing well!

I went and had my first Dr. Appointment today since surgery (June 28th). I was told everything is great. I have a 14cc band. I was bumped up to Mushies today THANK THE LORD ALLMIGHTY!! And was told I can go back to work Monday the 26th with the restriction still of not lifting anything over 10 pounds. Was also told I can go back to the gym as long as all I do is the treadmill on level no incline and I can go swimming now! *happy wiggles all over the place*

Im so glad to be on this side of the journey. I am also so very greatful to have all of you as support and encouragement!! Thank you all!


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Well, you have been a busy bunch today.....3 1/2 pages to read..... I, too, just learned how to do the multi thing, but it was too late to start this time... Maybe next time.... I struggle to remember who said what or I take notes......too funny....

Janet, so sorry to hear of your loss with the puppy, but it is understandable..... Hope your hearts heal soon....

Apples, have a great weekend.....your times with just the 4 of you will get fewer and fewer and it's good to store up as many as you can..... I know you will enjoy this time so much....

Judy, not BF, but how much money does this guy have????:) 'nuf said.............

Laura, have a great vacation..... It all sounds very nice... Hope Nelson will remember lots of it......

See, now I can't remember anything about the rest of you...... I hate that.... I know we're talking about the grass being greener...... I'm pretty happy with my grass, too... Although I still have a long ways to go to my goal weight according to the doctor, with all the other problems I've had the last year I have been content to just maintain all this time... I was comfortable with my band and having lost 110+ pounds I was happy with the new me, too..... I've really just been eating whatever I want and the band keeps me from overdoing... But recently this new medication has helped me gain 6+ pounds and I'm not okay with that..... It feels like all the other times I've lost and then gained back because I got lazy and didn't keep my nose to the grindstone... I know I should start working the program again and try to put a halt to the gain, but just don't know if I'm up to it with this pain.... So, those of you who are struggling can add me to the boat you are in.... only, I'm tall................!!!!

Cheri, sorry for your worries about parents... I worry about my mother all the time, but also argue with her too much.... And it is like beating my head against the wall...

Aren't we missing a quite a few people these days??? Where are Jessica, Melissa, Jodi, Deb and that Meredith who never came back again....??? I hope all is well and things are going good for them....

Well, my neck and shoulder are calling me... time to have an attack..... Damn!!!!! Hope to talk to you all later... Julie

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Lots of posts today! Sorry about your parents, Cheri. That's a tough one. My sisters and I are having some concerns about our Mom and Uncle (her live-in) because of recent health problems. Would like them to go into assisted living but so far they are resisting. Aging parents... a challenge!

Great article, Janet!

Julie...hang in there... keep on keepin' on! Hugs!

Laura... what a GREAT trip you are going to have! We'll be waiting to hear all about it! Escargot.... I'd be having some with you.

Lori... very insightful comments... "grass is greener"!!

Apples... when are you going to try the multi quote!! LOL

Okay... that's all I can remember! I should take notes like Julie does!

On liquids today and yesterday because I had a fill. But I'm ready for some real food now! HUNGRY!

Went to the gym this afternoon... did a bunch of weight machines.. legs and arms, and 20 minutes on bike.

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Phyl - I'm with you - just caught up on 4 pages of thread, then can't remember to comment on all.

Janet - sorry about Ryder - but support your decision. Also loved the "system" approach to our wl.

Linda and Lori - really enjoyed reading about the "women who have it all" - then discover, we would NOT change places. Think I'll keep my grass too. Very, very sad to hear about the gal who can't "put it behind" herself. Life is pretty dull when you only look in the rear view mirror. So much joy awaits us ahead.

Cheri - so sorry about your parents problems. It awaits us all. My DH's ex was admitted to assisted living last week. Tough on our children to see her decline with dementia.

Lori - My Bracelet has bright blue beads hanging like charms mixed with gold (tones) and is inscribed with lapband 2-22-2010, Dr. Malley - doctor's phone number - my husbands full name and phone number.

Phyl - wow I'm impressed with your very high tech medical alert holding all your medical info. Bring it to LV - I'd like to see it.

Laura - have a blast in Paris.

Hugs to all my other gfs here.

I'm busy with our family from Guam.

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Anny - You are doing very well. Keep joining us here for support.


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Janet, I'm so sorry to hear about Ryder, but if he went to a new home, he may be happier and in the long run you will be too. It's very hard to let go of a pet, no matter what the reason. Wow, that stuff you said from Oprah...about it being okay to be stressed and not let food be our comfort...deal with the stress instead....very cool advise. Not sure how to do that, but good advise.

Laura, you wouldn't be able to go to Paris so easily if you had a puppy because someone would have to watch it and you know how puppies are...peeing and pooping everywhere. I hope you have a fabulous time and don't go too manic getting ready (like I do). That sweet pea picture of Nelson was too cute....what a great blackmail picture when he grows up. LOL What is it with cats and suitcases....mine does the same thing.

Lori, great words on the WL journey and maintenance. It's not easy for anyone and everyone has their demons to deal with...I certainly haven't conquered mine yet, don't even have them caged. Very interesting sister story. So it's the girlfriend that got everything she wanted, kids, husband, etc. She shouldn't be taking it out on you. We all have our own paths. Neither one of my sisters have held a job like I have, but that is their choice and they have to deal with their own decisions. It's a very interesting world.

Cheri, sorry about your Dad. Funny thing about parents, mine wouldn't listen to me either because I was a girl. My brother was the only one with influence (professor of mathematics) until he had a heart attach and stroke and his thinking wasn't quite right. Towards the end of their lives, my father finally started trusting me, but my Mom turned on me (she was failing mentally too). There just wasn't anything I could tell them...they wouldn't listen. So the fact they listen to your brother is par for the course. I really understand how frustrating that is.

Linda, those are quite touching stories...really homes in the point about the grass is greener. I'm very glad you found the right guy and yes I believe everything happens for a reason. I also understand about the worrying. It's valid, but it's another one of those fears we need to learn to deal with. Life is short and we need to be good with ourselves.

Apples, Hi and bye! I like your side of the fence too!! Just kidding, you are so balanced and strong. You deserve all the happiness you have and the good life you have. I know it hasn't always been easy for you, but you deal with what ever life has thrown you. Enjoy your visit with your boys!!

Charlene, glad the eye surgery worked and you are doing well with it. The slow metabolism is a bugger...I have that problem too and I'm not dealing with it very well.

Julie, I'll vouch for your height...you are tall. Despite all the stuff you have gone through and what you are still going through, you hang in there and keep posting and checking in. It does help to be accountable and to have support here. So do you have an appointment yet?

Phyl, how's the baby? Good for you and the gym. Glad to hear your DH is so taken with Zoey. What's the cat think of her? I like the medical Bracelet that has the thumb drive...that's pretty clever.

So in case you haven't guessed, no TV tonight. DH isn't here and so no Tru Blood tonight. I was going to go to my friends pool and start those workouts again, but forgot and left work late. So I'm putting my bathing suit and towel out tonight and I'm going tomorrow night no matter what.

I had salmon for dinner (COSTCO) fresh wild salmon and strawberries. It's fresh fruit season...I love it. I never eat enough fruit except during "the season" Now if I can just remember to chew it enough.

Hope you all have a great night.


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Sorry I missed you Joyce...sorry to hear about DH's ex too. That's tough even if it is an EX.

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Hi all. Back from Fire Island and settled some. Will be posting tomorrow...but too tired from reading all these posts that Ive missed for the last three weeks.

Tried to post while on the Island and neither of those posts got posted...spent a good few hours on them and lost them all!!!

Hope all is well with everyone tonight...sure have missed you all.....

but am back!!!

Have a great night all!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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