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Lori congrats on the 3 lbs. way to go

Apples, sorry about the vertigo. Hope you are enjoying your boys.

Phyl, your new baby is so cute. I had a chance to get a golden doodle, but turned it down. I think it would have been to hard on my Isaac. My sister took him.

Julie, brush it off, & just keep loving him.

Janet, you're not so bad, honest is what I call it.

Linda, that is a rough situation to start a new marriage in. I would certainly think twice about moving there.

Sorry if I missed anyone, don't mean to.

DD is settling good, really seems to be enjoying her job.

I've been painting and redoing her old room to make into my exercise room. Finally making some progress.

Tonight I'm going to see Grand Funk Railroad. Hope it's a good show.

The whole 24 hr thing is really hitting home for me. My old BF called me the other day. He wanted to apologize for what he did. We talked for quite awhile, I told him we could start out being friends and see were it goes, not sure I was ready to jump right back in to the whole thing. The more I think about it brings out all the old feelings, guess I never quit loving him, just very mad and hurt. I also have known he has an inoperable brain tumor not a good prognosis not a lot of time, maybe 5 yrs. They don't know. Seems like drama just keeps tagging along in my life. Ok got that out, not looking for sympathy just getting the feelings out. Thanks for being there for me to do that.


Interesting development....old BF contacting you. I'm a pushover... I know that... always willing to extend the benefit of a doubt... But probably not always healthy. Hope all goes well with that and you make the right decisions concerning that relationship.

Apples, are you feeling any better today?? Hope so as I'm sure you have lots to do..... Does your Tanker just lay by your side when you are ill or does he go about his way outside.??? Some pets feel their owners pain and will just lay beside them.... Well I'm hoping to be more productive today than I was yesterday, so I'd better get moving.... You all have a great day... Talk to you later.... Julie

Julie, that's exactly what my cat did when I had my knee surgery last summer and she's done that before when I've been sick or had surgery.

That reminds me... forgot to tell you the latest on this man of mine who did NOT want a dog. Now he wants me to look in to getting her certified as a "therapy dog" so we can take her to visit people in nursing homes, etc. She would be great because she LOVES everybody!

Easy to see I'm catching up on reading the thread. Such interesting lives and beautiful hearts here.

Phyll - Zoey is such a darling. Love hearing how she has adapted to your life with DH. And so funny he didn't want a dog, now he is hooked.

LauraK - nice to hear the apology from former BF. His health issues and past behavior would put the caution flag out for me.

Karen - what a blessing to have both sons at home for a couple weeks. I'm always so pleased when the adult children seek my safe environment and allow my love to surround them while they reboot their lives. I'm have the ability to listen and NOT offer advice unless asked for. My husband interrupts their thoughts and demands his solutions be accepted. Needless to say, they prefer talking to me.

Laura - another interesting camp for Nels. What a lucky little boy he is.

We hosted a doggie b'day party last night to Celebrate Gizmo's 2nd b'day. 5 little girls under 7 yrs. with cake and gifts. My DD brought her 6 month old yorkie puppy too. Our son with his family from Guam are still here for 10 days, so I'm very busy. Like Karen, I enjoy having them visit.

Lori - (and Arlene) the testing offered great information about metabolism for each of you. And, I agree, a lifetime of dieting has made this road more difficult for all of us.

Oh yes, so many of you are cold all the time. I still have several layers of fat and I'm still hot all the time. That will change, I'm confident.

Well, time to get busy (showered). DGD is coming over for help with her bookkeeping for her salon and then movie tonight with family from Guam. Seeing the Incredible movie at Forks & Screens - so will have dinner at the movie. Hugs to all. Joyce

Love the doggie birthday party story....

yours and Karen's!!! LOL

Lori - thank you for the link to Lauren's Hope medical ID bracelets. I really don't feel comfortable traveling with grandchildren and many times internationally alone - without that medical info available.

The selection is marvelous and items are very attractive.

Now I just need to hope it arrives before I leave on the 26th.

Thanks again.

Medical ID Bracelets, Medical Alert Jewelry, Medical Alert Bracelets

Being a "techy" person, my Bracelet is called My Med and has a usb drive in it.. I have ALL my medical info loaded on it, Rx, surgery history, etc. It's a simple text file so can be plugged in to any computer should I have a medical emergency.

Things are crazy here... packing for Paris... taking the boy to tkd/camp, etc...

I promise to write more to everyone tomorrow. I just read the posts and wish I could comment to each of you. Being caught up is as good as it gets right now.

I have this random photo screen saver... and this pic just popped up and had me laughing. It was his first Halloween and he HATED being a sweetpea!!!!!!!!!! Hope it can make someone smile.

peasout... Laura

I'm with you, Laura! I can barely keep up with all the posts! So please forgive me for not responding to all! Love you all and enjoy reading all the posts and keeping up with your lives!

Have a manifique time in Paree! Pick up a 24 year old busboy from the Moulin Rouge, and walk around Paris all night, drinking dark beer and speaking only French. Find out why Paris is the city for love...

oh wait, that was me 25 years ago.... Memories.

Julie will like this--I just met a man (who is 77--too old for me--but nice.) He told me that I looked "healthy." Is that the new euphemism for chubby? I laughed.


Just came home from my OA meeting--wearing my size 14 pants that will be too big in a couple of weeks. Yay!

Size 14--Good for you!! I will be there someday!

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Julie...Phyll's post reminded me that I did not answer your question about Tanker. Yes, he's very protective when mom is sick. He does not leave my side. And, when I have a kidney stone, he puts his head right on the hot spot.

Judi....I must have missed your post. Good going on the new pant size and your newfound friend. After seeing you in FL, I would say that he meant you look healthy...just that...healthy. You are a very beautiful woman and I would take healthy as a compliment.

Phyll....what a great idea on the "therapy dog". You would bring joy to so many. Not a better thing that to brighten someone's day that is sitting in a home. Kudos to DH for the idea.

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My dog sits by my when I am not feeling well as well. When I had my knee surgery they both wanted to be on the bed and I had to shoo them off as they'd compete over who got closest to me and then bump my knee. Very jealous of each other and the attention one gets if the other isn't getting the same.

Arlene, hope you don't mind me butting in, but how many carbs are you doing? You mentioned a grape salad and also a dessert that wasn't on your program. Are you doing that often? Just because something is low in calories or fat doesn't mean it may not have a lot of carbs, it sounds like your program really pushes the high Protein (as does mine) so perhaps you are getting some hidden carbs? Just putting that out there. And try not to compare your calories, Apples is the exception and though we view her as lucky I know she struggles to maintain her weight as well. As you know I only get like 900 calories to lose weight as well per that metabolism test. Can you start some strength/weight training and build up some muscle to up the metabo?

Apples to multi quote, hit the multi button on each post you want to quote, then when you are done reading them all, hit Post reply, all your quotes will be in one response then you can go in between them all and type your responses. But your way is good too. LOL

Laura, have a fantastic time in paris and take lots of notes for me!

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Apples if you learned how the thread would be really junked up (multi quote) lol

Well gang this is a drive by - sad tonite - we had to give Ryder away - Yes I didn't like him - but I did love him - I didn't like the puppy and he was just tearing up too much stuff - my car is all scratched up from him chasing the cat and if you leave him in the house while we are gone he tears up stuff - he's just too much for our house and Andrew isn't going to exercise him to help get rid of the energy (hell it's too hot right now anyway 115 + predicted for the next few days.

My gardner took him - he has an 8 month old german shepard so Ryder will have someone his size to play with - and he will be allowed in the house.. I sure hope they treat him good (I'm sure they will - Sergio is a really nice guy) - he was a good boy - just too much for us - we really are a small dog house

But I'm still crying and Andrew's pretty upset too (crying) but he knows that we can't have a dog that is going to tear up expensive stuff - with Bear & Angel we lost a couple sandles but that was it..

Charlene - Life isn't fare lol - and we have damaged our bodies and now we have to pay the piper.... The more exercise you get - if you can work with bands or light weights and build some muscle and make food you enjoy and that's filling for your 1000 cal a day.. I like veggies - so that's what I fill up on..

Cheri - I don't think you ever have to worry about me or Apples getting our feathers ruffled

LauraK - Be careful - I think it's the one reason I'm not in a relationship - I don't trust my judgement - my heart gets in the way...

well I gotta go cook - cbl

Great - Phyl - Eva - Judy - Julie - Joyce - Laura - Hugs GF's !!!

Oh ya - Had boot camp - omg i looked like a wet rat when I left

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Ah Janet so sorry about having to give up the dog, but so happy he found a good home with a playmate as well. Sounds like it was the best for both you and the dog though.

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Janet...it IS a sad day. Never easy to give a dog away but common sense told you it was necessary. We had to do that once. We live close to a paved road that has lots of grain hauling semis on it. We had two black lab puppies. Went to town and when I got home I found DH holding the male dog and crying really hard. I thought one of his parents or siblings died. The female got hit by a truck and he felt so bad cuz he was supposed to watch them and he loved that dog. I never wanted to have another after that. So tough to see him cry like that. Well, we did get another and he was so trainable with everything. Some dogs are easy...some not so much. We gave the dog to someone we knew so we could check in on him once in awhile. That really helped and reaffirmed that we did the right thing.

I am very sorry you and Andrew are having such a tough time. You did what you needed to do. Hugs.

Great...thanks for the multi-quote info. We'll see how it goes....or maybe not.

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Apples if you learned how the thread would be really junked up (multi quote) lol

Well gang this is a drive by - sad tonite - we had to give Ryder away - Yes I didn't like him - but I did love him - I didn't like the puppy and he was just tearing up too much stuff - my car is all scratched up from him chasing the cat and if you leave him in the house while we are gone he tears up stuff - he's just too much for our house and Andrew isn't going to exercise him to help get rid of the energy (hell it's too hot right now anyway 115 + predicted for the next few days.

My gardner took him - he has an 8 month old german shepard so Ryder will have someone his size to play with - and he will be allowed in the house.. I sure hope they treat him good (I'm sure they will - Sergio is a really nice guy) - he was a good boy - just too much for us - we really are a small dog house

But I'm still crying and Andrew's pretty upset too (crying) but he knows that we can't have a dog that is going to tear up expensive stuff - with Bear & Angel we lost a couple sandles but that was it..

Charlene - Life isn't fare lol - and we have damaged our bodies and now we have to pay the piper.... The more exercise you get - if you can work with bands or light weights and build some muscle and make food you enjoy and that's filling for your 1000 cal a day.. I like veggies - so that's what I fill up on..

Cheri - I don't think you ever have to worry about me or Apples getting our feathers ruffled

LauraK - Be careful - I think it's the one reason I'm not in a relationship - I don't trust my judgement - my heart gets in the way...

well I gotta go cook - cbl

Great - Phyl - Eva - Judy - Julie - Joyce - Laura - Hugs GF's !!!

Oh ya - Had boot camp - omg i looked like a wet rat when I left

Aha....let the junking begin!

My dog sits by my when I am not feeling well as well. When I had my knee surgery they both wanted to be on the bed and I had to shoo them off as they'd compete over who got closest to me and then bump my knee. Very jealous of each other and the attention one gets if the other isn't getting the same.

Arlene, hope you don't mind me butting in, but how many carbs are you doing? You mentioned a grape salad and also a dessert that wasn't on your program. Are you doing that often? Just because something is low in calories or fat doesn't mean it may not have a lot of carbs, it sounds like your program really pushes the high Protein (as does mine) so perhaps you are getting some hidden carbs? Just putting that out there. And try not to compare your calories, Apples is the exception and though we view her as lucky I know she struggles to maintain her weight as well. As you know I only get like 900 calories to lose weight as well per that metabolism test. Can you start some strength/weight training and build up some muscle to up the metabo?

Apples to multi quote, hit the multi button on each post you want to quote, then when you are done reading them all, hit Post reply, all your quotes will be in one response then you can go in between them all and type your responses. But your way is good too. LOL

Laura, have a fantastic time in paris and take lots of notes for me!

Thanks, Great...Janet is going to get after you for sharing your info with me:biggrin:

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OMG, no! don't teach Apples to multi! She multi tasks enough at home! LOL.

On a serious note... HUGS Janet, can only imagine how hard that was. Reinforces my puppy wanting phase is just a phase. My other friend who rescued the 3 week old puppy after the mom wouldn't care for it... she is a WRECK these days. Bottle fed for a few weeks, no sleep, no life, now he's eating wet food but poop and pee EVERYWHERE. I defiinitely don't have the patience for that. I'd rather be ignored by my cats. Of course every once in a while they comes and give me the love I need. (on their terms)

Apples~ We leave Friday. OMG OMG OMG. I am so excited! I haven't been this excited in a long time for a trip. We have lots of fun things planned. The fast train to London, lunch in the Eiffel tower, boat tour, dinner at the REAL Ratatouille restaurant (if you saw the movie). Nelson will likely not eat anything but the bread...LOL... but we still want to go for the experience. It is all classical french food. Hey, he might surprise us! He won't eat escargot I am sure!

Judy~ Holy cracking me up! Your story of Paris! ha ha. I agree with the others about the comment. Just that... healthy. I will say I took offense once to one of my doctor's history and physical reports when he wrote I was "well nourished"! :eek:

Lori~ I am still just smiling since hearing your news!:) It's the only baby smiley I could find quickly. : )

ok.. gotta pack lunch for the happy camper and get outta here. love you guys! will CBL and write more!!!!!!!!!!!!! peas

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Gosh, Arlene, I hate putting this out there but I will for you. My average day is between 2500-3000 cals. Some days a bit more. I try to never go under the 2500 because I do not want the scale to drop. I keep a good tally going in my head. I try to eat every 1-2 hours. It all depends on what I eat and how soon I feel I can eat again. I know...not fair. But I find some days that it is a real chore.

It could be medication you for your FM that are taking that would hinder weight loss. You have really kicked it up and are doing what needs to be done. This weight loss game is a tough one and we have to learn not to pay attention to the competition (not saying that you do).

I think you are right. I take FM medication and bp medication. The dr told me the bp med I am on causes weight gain. I have been counting my calories and Protein, but I haven't been monitoring my carbs. I need to go back and stay under 50 carbs a day like my shake diet. I forgot that you eat a lot of calories to maintain. We all have different metabolisms. I will probably buy the Optifast products today to supplement my new food diet. I don't think I am ready for a totally food diet.

Great, thanks for the carb reminder!

Janet, thanks for the pep talk!

Apples, you and the gang keep me in check . Thanks for letting me vent.

Okay, I walked.......gotta go shower.....go to nutrition class.....weigh.....babysit. Will check in later! HUGS!

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Judy, So funny the comments on Paris. Loved that story. Have fun with the new BF, who cares how old if you are having a good time together.

Laura, Have fun in Paris, love the Halloween pic of Nels.

Janet, so sorry on having to give Rider away.

Yeah I tend to lead with my heart too. Trying to be cautious. We have a lot of talking to do and I won't be satisfied til it's all out there. That was part of our problem, he is one that thinks it's not a problem if you don't talk about it. Oh is that going to change.

Have a great day!


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Ok.. Confession is good for the soul.I was on my way to the gym and stopped to get a mani/pedi instead! It's the only day I have time. Tomorrow dh is on call and I have hair (get younger) in the a.m.. I couldn't go to France with my peasant feet (cracked from wearing flipflops). I have been good w exercise last week or so- but today and tom will be out. Can't sweat after having hair done! Right? Phew, feeling better. Thanks for listening. Laura

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Laura...have the best trip ever. Get Nels a little daily (dated) journal so that he can keep notes and jot down his own thoughts on the trips. Gives him something to do and something to look back on when he is older. We did that with our boys on our trips and we get such a kick today reading what they wrote.

Eat some escargot for me. Do a toast to all of us and just have a great time. Hope you will have many photos to share. Safe travels.

Just popping on to say "Bye-Bye". Heading out to have some family fun time. You all have a great week. Talk to you Tuesday (if not Monday night). Take care....sending the love.

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Good morning. DH comes home today! Wish I would've went with him they had an awesome hotel in San Francisco and the weather was perfect he said.

Laura, sounds good to me about the pedicure. LOL I'd take a pedicure over the gym anyday. Then again I'd take about anything over the gym except maybe the dentist.

Apples, have a great time at the lake. Enjoy both those boys being home. Are they close? Have they been hanging out a lot with them both there?

Well I sortta had a light bulb moment last night. It started out when I was typing my post to Arlene about Apples and her struggle to maintain with more calories. You know the grass is always greener type thing. I'd think I'd trade places with her any day, then I read how she sometimes gets up in the night just to get some calories in and has to really schedule her eating. Then I remember when I was 305 lbs and would hear folks at Weight Watchers or something say how losing the weight is the easy part, maintaining is the hard part. I'd think the same type things and actually in my mind (ok this is the not so nice part of me) would think only a fool would get to goal weight and think it was hard and gain any weight back after that struggle. Well here I am, was at goal for a year and now have 15 lbs or so to take off again, who's the fool now in that line of thinking? The thing is, it is all hard, and we all need to take care of our own grass that we've been given and quit wishing for someone else's greener grass. they are working just as hard to maintain their grass as we are at our's if that makes sense. Even folks without weight problems have their own issues and think someone else has it easier than they do or they aren't happy with their bodies, etc. So it's time to accept myself as I am and stop thinking others have it easier or better, they may or may not, and make the best of what I have. Who knows while we are thinking someone else's grass is greener they may be thinking the same about us. Hope that makes sense if not ignore it was theraputic for me just to get out there.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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