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It sure is a hot one out there today. Just got in from watering the new sod. Dh got it laid and sprinklers sortta hooked up bout 9pm last night and left for CA today. Sure don't want it dying on my watch! Funny the people that were so grateful for the sod we gave them have done nothing with it. The whole pallet is just sitting there, it's 97 degrees outside, that stuff needs to be laid and watered it's gonna all be dead. Oh well guess not our problem now.

Guess what i bought today? A baby fleece blanket in a mint green color and some varigated yarn and am trying to remember my crocheting I used to do years ago and figure out how to put an edge on it. The other Grandma is very talented in crafts and knitting so it won't be much but it's the thought. And fun for me to do and keeps me from grazing in the kitchen. Can't eat with a needle in my hand! I really have the munchies lately, even though there's nothing to munch on I got stand in front of the fridge, then the pantry. LOL

Apples, has DS made any decision about going overseas? Does he miss the farm? Any chance of him moving back? Bet you love having both boys there. There's just something about having everyone together.

Nope, DS is NOT a farm boy. Think that's why he ran sooooo far away from all of it. LOL. He's good about helping but would never want it his profession. Oldest DS loves it and we are happy to have him work with us.

Youngest is so on the fence on everything right now. He just needed to get away from everything and have some family time and do some thinking. He moved to the Atlanta area for a GF and it would not have been his choice but he was totally in love (she ended up flipping out...long story...mental disease). We still miss her but she would not stay on her meds and laid in bed for weeks. I think he still misses her too.

Anyway, he is taking this time to think of what he wants to do. We can only guide him so much in that. He has some exciting job prospects...we'll just see if he goes for any of them or heads back to what he was doing. Lots of stresses in his present job (self-employed). He's young, he's ambitious and never afraid to take a risk. I trust his judgement and will support whatever he decides. Thanks for asking.

And, yes, so nice to be a family...not just a conference call.:grouphug:

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Good morning, well my gag order has been lifted by my daughter and I can officially post on here that guess who's going to be Grandma? YEP!! That would be me!! DD found out as they had to give her a blood test before she could have some radiation type test for her gall bladder and they had to cancel the test. She's barely like 4 weeks along they think. She is over the moon excited. She's had many female problems over the years with cysts, an ovary that was attached to her intestine and periods just a couple times a year. They told her she may have trouble having kids so they weren't careful about birth control thinking if it happened it happened and it did! I wasn't supposed to say anything as she didn't want something to inadvertantly get posted to my Facebook or something.

Arlene, this program of this doctor isn't anything like that with shakes or anything. I don't think he does that, nor did my doc in Denver. IT was just for their support groups and classes and dietician appointments.

What happened to Big Medicine are they not doing that anymore??

Laura, ok what color toes did you get? I got a bright pink summery color.

Congrats Great!!! :thumbup:Wow, a Grandma... or is it NANA???

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Hi Apples! Glad you're back. Now that's two of you. Apples and Janet, together again. Good cop/bad cop. Carrot/stick. It's the Dynamic Duo. Our guardian angels have returned.


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Hi Apples! Glad you're back. Now that's two of you. Apples and Janet, together again. Good cop/bad cop. Carrot/stick. It's the Dynamic Duo. Our guardian angels have returned.


Thanks, Cheri....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..never been called an angel:biggrin:

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Apples, sounds like you son just needed to get back to his roots and his mama and spend some time soul searching and clearing his head to make the right decision. So great that he still feels that connection even though he's not a farmer. And you can be there just to love on him and listen when he needs to talk.

Well DD just announced on Facebook that she is pregnant so now I can really talk about it! Baby blanket is coming out okay just doesn't lie flat in the corners, I added extra stitches and everything. Hmmm, might have to try another one.

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Apples, sounds like you son just needed to get back to his roots and his mama and spend some time soul searching and clearing his head to make the right decision. So great that he still feels that connection even though he's not a farmer. And you can be there just to love on him and listen when he needs to talk.

Well DD just announced on Facebook that she is pregnant so now I can really talk about it! Baby blanket is coming out okay just doesn't lie flat in the corners, I added extra stitches and everything. Hmmm, might have to try another one.

Guess I can officially congratulate you now. Very happy for you. Hope your DD has a delightful pregnancy.

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OMG Apple back (WELCOME HOME) and starts junking up the thread again lol:thumbup:

Cheri - LOL good cop/bad cop.... I love it... Apples is nicer than me - or should I say PC - I just tell you straight out put it down walk away and throw it away... I don't care about wasting food - better in thee than in me...

Julie - I agree w/everyone - DH wants to fix you - he feels for you and your pain does affect him to... Whens the appointment at the mayo? ?

Linda - Sept will be busy month for me as my coworker goes on vacation..

Great - Bring your crochet stuff to Vegas - I will show you the little I know ;0) Havent done a baby blanket in 6 yrs we can put our heads together

We have all screwed up our metabolisms with all the dieting that we have done - Weight training will help the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just breathing - it take more energy to pump blood into your muscles than it does to maintain fat..

Since I don't journal anymore - keep a mental tally of my food (and we all know how that isn't the most accurate way of logging calories - cuz I would say we forget at least about 300 a day)- I most likely eat about 1300-1800 cal most days and work out at least 3 days sometimes 4..

Apples Hugs on the vertigo and glad your DS is home for a visit - it will be good for all of you..

Phyl - Welcome to my world - dogs on their own timer and the do get use to your schedule - Andrew says that around 4 Angel is always waiting at the garage door for me to come home..

Well it's 8:40 haven't eaten yet - am hungry - fish spinach rice for dinner tonite - BF was nuts - lunch Chick & Veggie and I'm hungry -

Hugs to all - Talk to you all tomorrow



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Hi All.

Lori congrats on the 3 lbs. way to go

Apples, sorry about the vertigo. Hope you are enjoying your boys.

Phyl, your new baby is so cute. I had a chance to get a golden doodle, but turned it down. I think it would have been to hard on my Isaac. My sister took him.

Julie, brush it off, & just keep loving him.

Janet, you're not so bad, honest is what I call it.

Linda, that is a rough situation to start a new marriage in. I would certainly think twice about moving there.

Sorry if I missed anyone, don't mean to.

DD is settling good, really seems to be enjoying her job.

I've been painting and redoing her old room to make into my exercise room. Finally making some progress.

Tonight I'm going to see Grand Funk Railroad. Hope it's a good show.

The whole 24 hr thing is really hitting home for me. My old BF called me the other day. He wanted to apologize for what he did. We talked for quite awhile, I told him we could start out being friends and see were it goes, not sure I was ready to jump right back in to the whole thing. The more I think about it brings out all the old feelings, guess I never quit loving him, just very mad and hurt. I also have known he has an inoperable brain tumor not a good prognosis not a lot of time, maybe 5 yrs. They don't know. Seems like drama just keeps tagging along in my life. Ok got that out, not looking for sympathy just getting the feelings out. Thanks for being there for me to do that.


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Good Morning! i am heading out to get my eye zapped.....taking the scar tissue off my lens. I also have to take my mother to get ingrown eyelashes taken out. It looks so painful, but she is a trooper. I take her every month.

I walked this morning....boy, it was hot and humid at 6am. I will check in later!

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Morning ladies...fly by again. We got the 2nd season of TruBlood so I might be missing again for a while. It's a rather addictive series.

Welcome back Apples...enjoy your time with your son...I know you will.

Need to run...have a good day!


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Morning girls, hope everyone is off to a good day. Mine is better today as I was able to let go of my funk..... Today I only slept until 10:00, but was up until after 4:00 waiting to go to sleep..... Such a lovely schedule...... Janet, I don't have an appointment yet.... So far all I know is that all the doctors records about me have been gathered and my files have been sent to Mayo..... Now to wait for them to call me for an appointment... If they don't call soon we may just go and sit on their doorstep until they let me in....

Laura K, I know how it feels to go back into an old relationship... I did that before I met DH..... Didn't turn out well for me and now he is dead after drinking himself to death..... I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do..... Be true to yourself....

Lori, congrats again on the baby..... I do lots of crocheting and corners are tough. What you have to do is make your first row with the stitches in the corner closer together than on the flat part, then when you do the second row you should put 2 stiches in every stich as you go around...and continue adding in the corner with however many rows you do for you edging.... I made a bunch of those for Mimi and those are her favorite blankets to this day.... You'll get it... You can buy a book with directions for just edgings..... Have fun.....

Apples, are you feeling any better today?? Hope so as I'm sure you have lots to do..... Does your Tanker just lay by your side when you are ill or does he go about his way outside.??? Some pets feel their owners pain and will just lay beside them....

Well I'm hoping to be more productive today than I was yesterday, so I'd better get moving.... You all have a great day... Talk to you later.... Julie

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Julie thanks for the crochet tips, I think there's a craft store near the gym and I will look for a book this morning. I've been getting directions online and they aren't too bad. Question, I bought a fleece blanket at Walmart yesterday that had some stitching around the edge and I just crocheted into those. What do you do if there's no stitching around the edge? punch holes??

LauraK, glad that guy apologized, just proceed with caution until you know if he was genuine or just telling you what you want to hear to get you back. And ignore me if that was too much advice I know you were just venting.

Well I couldn't get to sleep last night and slept way too late this morning, the gym isn't going to go anywhere so I better get at it! I'm usually done by now, not just going.

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On luggage subject - I made the mistake of buying a gorgeous Brighton carry-on bag. Even then, it's too nice to use. Can't stuff it in the overhead - so now I only use it for car trips - which I seldom (never) take. lolol

But it sure looks pretty sitting in the basement.

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Easy to see I'm catching up on reading the thread. Such interesting lives and beautiful hearts here.

Phyll - Zoey is such a darling. Love hearing how she has adapted to your life with DH. And so funny he didn't want a dog, now he is hooked.

LauraK - nice to hear the apology from former BF. His health issues and past behavior would put the caution flag out for me.

Karen - what a blessing to have both sons at home for a couple weeks. I'm always so pleased when the adult children seek my safe environment and allow my love to surround them while they reboot their lives. I'm have the ability to listen and NOT offer advice unless asked for. My husband interrupts their thoughts and demands his solutions be accepted. Needless to say, they prefer talking to me.

Laura - another interesting camp for Nels. What a lucky little boy he is.

We hosted a doggie b'day party last night to Celebrate Gizmo's 2nd b'day. 5 little girls under 7 yrs. with cake and gifts. My DD brought her 6 month old yorkie puppy too. Our son with his family from Guam are still here for 10 days, so I'm very busy.

Like Karen, I enjoy having them visit.

Lori - (and Arlene) the testing offered great information about metabolism for each of you. And, I agree, a lifetime of dieting has made this road more difficult for all of us.

Oh yes, so many of you are cold all the time. I still have several layers of fat and I'm still hot all the time. That will change, I'm confident.

Well, time to get busy (showered). DGD is coming over for help with her bookkeeping for her salon and then movie tonight with family from Guam. Seeing the Incredible movie at Forks & Screens - so will have dinner at the movie.

Hugs to all.


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Janet, figured you and Karen would get a kick out of the good cop/bad cop thing. Couldn't say that to anyone overly sensitive. But I threw in guardian angels so you'd know I was teasing you.

llkb4me, be careful. Sometimes I wish I'd never gotten married again. When you love someone you give them enormous power to hurt you. I really have to practice detachment--love them but don't idolize them, care about them but don't take care of them, at least not stuff they should be responsible for themselves (like trying to fix their feelings). When they act like an idiot or say stupid things walk away and go do something you like to do. If they meant harm, let them see they have no power over you to hurt you. Then they have to sit there in their own shame. If they didn't mean harm then you haven't created a mountain out of a molehill with your reaction. If they continue the behavior then you have to carefront them and it takes practice to carefront rather than confront. I'm not so good at it. But living in denial that they're trying to hurt you-usually in order to control you in some way-isn't healthy.

There's such a fine line between carefronting and confronting, but if its important, then I have to take the risk. Letting someone know that this is how you felt when they did that or said this is important. Not for them, but for you. Otherwise its stuff your feelings, stuff your face. The same with forgiveness. You do it for yourself, not for the other person because if you don't, you're only hurting yourself and the pain will drive you into the food.< /p>


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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