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Hi there.............my that was some interesting reading since the last time I posted. I have to add my 2 cents to the conversation..... I have absolutely no idea about what I would do if I was told I would only live 24 more hours... Surely not sleep!!!!! I was honored to be present when my father took his last breath and I told him to go be with God..... He spent his last time talking with each of us individually and making sure he didn't leave things left unsaid.... So I think that is a good one.... Make sure you leave nothing unsaid, good or bad..... And he had a piece of cherry pie.... his favorite thing was pie....... So he kinds did some of what you all have been saying..... We really will never know until it really happens and here's hoping it happens to no one for a very, very long time........ Enough of that...

I'm having a blue day.....DH said something to me last night and although I know he didn't mean it to hurt it did..... We were watching TV in the evening and suddenly my pain started very quickly, like is usual.... I was moaning in pain and then said to him that I just don't understand how it can go from 0 to 60 in a couple seconds..... He said, "I don't either, but I'm sure getting tired of it!" Now in itself I guess it wasn't such a bad thing to say, but it cut me right to the bone.... I'm sure he is as "tired" of this crap as I am because he has to watch without being able to help, but it felt like he was saying that my pain was just such a nuisance to him..... I've been sick or recovering from surgery for a year and a half now, and it is really getting old, but I'm stuck......I simply can't ignore this damn pain..... I've done everything I can think of and still just have to wait until someone decides to help me... Okay, I'm rambling, but I just can't shake being hurt by his remark....... Doesn't help that I was up til almost 5:30 with the pain and then slept til after 11:00 from being so groggy from the medication........

I need to do something constructive...... The house is clean, but I do need to do some laundry.....Just have to be careful when taking wet stuff from the washer.... And I have to make myself a new neck wrap.... My last one burned up in the microwave last week.... It had flax in it.... I used it a lot...... DH brought me some wheat so know I can try to make a new one..... I've been useing heating pad, but they are more clumsy and I can't walk with them on.

Now to comment on the drinking thing..... I've been way too drunk in my life more times than I can count, but back in my much younger days.... DH is a recovering alcholic for 37 years, and we neither one of us drink at all... I just choose not to as it has no draw at all for me anymore........ So, Cheri, I think it's great that you have never been really drunk and I would like to see you keep it that way.... That's one think you won't really mind missing in my opinion...... Nothing pretty or exciting about being stupid or puking your guts out....

I'm picking up a rather depressing tone to me today.... I should just shut up and go do something..... It's an unusually cool day here today with the breeze coming in the windows... Maybe I should just go put some laundry in and read a book for awhile.... get my mind off of feeling sorry for poor me.....

Lori, loved the idea of sharing sod with those people.... Nice of you guys to do that.... Good luck with your test...

Phyll, good luck with your Tops weigh-in... I, myself, have gained 6 pounds over the last month..... I just discovered it is very normal to gain when taking this one medication..... Damn it anyway...... I need to pay more attention.......

Well, all the rest of you guys, hope you are busy doing something useful and fun..... Talk to you all later.... Julie

Forgot to add in my last post they weighed me again today so since my

fill on Thursday I lost 3 lbs!!!

Drinking: nope I've never been drunk either partly because I don't like

most alcoholic drinks but put me in Hawaii with lava flow drink and who

knows lol

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Hey, Loved Ones...I'm home. I'm somewhat caught up on all "Junked Up" thread but will not take the time right now to write a long post. Did miss you all though.

Julie...your DH loves ya...try to see his comment as him talking about the pain...not you. He probably is very tired of it and is just voicing that. Try not to take it as a personal slam. He is in this with you every step of the way, every day. He has to be as tired of it all as you are.

Great....congrats on the 3lbs. Cannot wait to do the final congrats when you get off the next 7(?). You can do it!

Hmmmmmmmmmm....24 hours to live. I would hope to have all my loved ones to spend each of those 24 hours and to let them know just how much each one meant to me and my life. I would also reassure each person that I would be OK with passing from this world. Reason being....I have lived a good life and with no regrets. I would not trade even the crappy things that have happened to me that were out of my control. It's what makes me, me.

If I were unable to have everyone with me during those last hours, I would make sure that by phone, email or letter that I got my message to them on what they were to me in my life (I am talking about you girls and other long distance friends). That's all I would care about doing.

Oh yeah, I would need to let DH know that I would WANT for him to move on, get married and enjoy his life. Only stipulation would be to make sure my urn and that 1993 glamore shot of me were on HER bedstand table.

Will talk later. Silly sleepy cuz of meds for vertigo. This will pass soon, I hope.

Edited by Apples2

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Welcome back Apples!! Missed you! ARen't you working at the shop today? Sorry you are having vertigo issues again.

RE the 24 hours to live thing: a couple that used to come to the small group we hosted in our home in Denver for church every Wed night, the husband died last night, he was only 50 but suffered from lung cancer. Kindda made it all hit home for me. He spent it at home with his family. We didn't know them real well but always wished one another Happy Anniversary since we had the same anniversary date.

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Welcome back Apples!! Missed you! ARen't you working at the shop today? Sorry you are having vertigo issues again.

RE the 24 hours to live thing: a couple that used to come to the small group we hosted in our home in Denver for church every Wed night, the husband died last night, he was only 50 but suffered from lung cancer. Kindda made it all hit home for me. He spent it at home with his family. We didn't know them real well but always wished one another Happy Anniversary since we had the same anniversary date.

Aw.....that is sad......so very young. MY last 24hrs I said I would have an unfill and eat, but I would have my last supper with family and friends.

Apples, we missed ya! Sorry you have vertigo... that stuff is a real pain in the a$$.

Julie, HUGS for you today! Pain is hard on men.....they are fixers, and when they can't fix the problem they get frustrated. Your DH loves you very much. He just wants to fix you. You know I had several surgeries within a few years and my DH was very frustrated. Then he had several surgeries and evened the score. So, now we moan together.

Later gang!

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Hello Everyone! Another Monday...Just 4 more days till Friday!! YAY *happy wiggle* I go for my first doc appointment since my band on Wednesday. Looking forward to it.

Phyllser ~ I use to belong to TOPS In Marysville WA. I thought about joining again but wasn't sure they'd let me since I've had the band done...didn't know if they would consider that ''cheating'' or not. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful week! ~Anny

Marysville.... just a hop, skip and a jump away. We go to the Snohomish chapter. Not sure Monday morning is a good time to have to go weigh in!! :thumbup::biggrin::thumbup: I was up 1.4 lb today. Go for another fill tomorrow, so things should get better. I have been so hungry in the evening it drives me crazy. And making some bad choices.

Julie, hugs on the pain... hope you get some answers soon... and your appt at mayo clinic.

Apples... good to have you back! Sorry about your vertigo struggle today.

Great--sorry about the death of your friend.

Zoey seems to have a built in alarm clock. I hear this little "woof" at exactly 7 a.m. She is a creature of habit and has pretty much figured out our routine. Last two times I've been to the gym... she goes crazy when I get back... she knows she's going to get to go for a scooter ride to Surf Shack. She loves to greet everyone there and she knows she gets treats there! She's recovering nicely from her surgery.. crazier than ever and we're supposed to keep her quiet for a week!! Yeah, right!! She's a puppy!

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Drats, I posted twice today from my Itouch one is here and the other is not. Not sure where it went! I posted about my metabolism test. it confirmed what I suspected already, I have a slower metabolism. 1300 resting rate is the lowest end of normal I am still in the normal range but at 1382. Adjusted for my lifestyle my rate should be 1982 to lose 2 lbs a week I am to eat 982 plus 250 for exercise. I think I'd skip the 250 as if I am going to exercise I am not going to waste those calories I burnt by eating, I'd rather not exercise then. LOL I know any kind of justification not too. LOL The good news is I can raise that resting rate by doing some weight training so I am going to focus more on the machines than the cardio at the gym. Yes I am still going to do cardio though. Luckily I like weights better than cardio too. (if it's possible to like exercise). Good news is I was down 3 lbs since my fill there on Thurs. too!!

Arelene, what's your metabolism rate? Just curious you don't have to say if you don't want to. Was wondering if this was normal for bariatric patients.

OH and DH thinks that maybe my slower metabolism is a reason I am so cold all the time???

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Welcome home, Apples!!!! We do miss you when you're gone...... Sorry you have to deal with vertigo right away, but hope it passes soon..

Yes, I know you are all right about DH...... It just hit me wrong and has made me ruin an otherwise okay day thinking about it..... I get quiet when something like this happens and when he came home to eat lunch I couldn't think of anything to say... just sat by the table with him and said a few trivial things.... I'll try to be better tonight... So, I should go think of something for supper.... Maybe meatloaf...... haven't made it for ages.....

Lori, glad you got your results from the test.... You know where you stand now and that's a good thing.

Phyll, you and your puppy seem to be imseparable already... glad you are so happy with having her...

Talk to you all later.... Julie

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Drats, I posted twice today from my Itouch one is here and the other is not. Not sure where it went! I posted about my metabolism test. it confirmed what I suspected already, I have a slower metabolism. 1300 resting rate is the lowest end of normal I am still in the normal range but at 1382. Adjusted for my lifestyle my rate should be 1982 to lose 2 lbs a week I am to eat 982 plus 250 for exercise. I think I'd skip the 250 as if I am going to exercise I am not going to waste those calories I burnt by eating, I'd rather not exercise then. LOL I know any kind of justification not too. LOL The good news is I can raise that resting rate by doing some weight training so I am going to focus more on the machines than the cardio at the gym. Yes I am still going to do cardio though. Luckily I like weights better than cardio too. (if it's possible to like exercise). Good news is I was down 3 lbs since my fill there on Thurs. too!!

Arelene, what's your metabolism rate? Just curious you don't have to say if you don't want to. Was wondering if this was normal for bariatric patients.

OH and DH thinks that maybe my slower metabolism is a reason I am so cold all the time???

I should have that done, too. I think mine is low also. And I am always cold, too. I think your DH is right about that being connected to your low metabolic rate. TOPS program today was portion control... lady who was doing it passed around a divided tupperware dish in which she taped pictures of what we should eat for a typical dinner. I can tell you for sure that if I ate what was pictured there... I would gain. I could eat the half of the plate that showed 3 oz of salmon, salad and veggie, but the other half of the plate showed some red potatoes and dinner roll. NOT! They tell us we should be eating about 1200 calories to lose about a pound a week. But if I ate 1200 I think I would gain, not lose, or maybe maintain. To lose, I have to eat more like 900... which I obviously have not been doing!

Yes, I know you are all right about DH...... It just hit me wrong and has made me ruin an otherwise okay day thinking about it..... I get quiet when something like this happens and when he came home to eat lunch I couldn't think of anything to say... just sat by the table with him and said a few trivial things.... I'll try to be better tonight... So, I should go think of something for supper.... Maybe meatloaf...... haven't made it for ages.....

Lori, glad you got your results from the test.... You know where you stand now and that's a good thing.

Phyll, you and your puppy seem to be inseparable already... glad you are so happy with having her... Talk to you all later.... Julie

I'm sure your DH did not mean to hurt your feelings. Did you talk to him about it?? I think you should.

Yes, puppy has bonded with both of us! She has to be where one of us is all the time. She sits in the bathroom with me if I am showering, brushing my teeth or whatever... she is right there. If we're in the living room, she is either in front of or right behind or next to my chair or DH's. Hugs, Phyl

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Great...so sad about your group member and friend. I have requested the metobolic test but doc never followed through with it and I never checked back into it. Should look into it again just to see.

I did go to the shop to work today but ended up leaving because I could not function. Thought maybe I could just sit and do the phone but no such luck. Drove to doc instead. Vertigo is better after laying and doing some meds for the afternoon. Felt good enough to get some laundry done. Tomorrow will be better. Everyone else has a cold and I get vertigo. Just the way it is. There are worse things.

Phyll...oh, I know what the evening hunger is like. I spend the first year after being banded soooooo hungry after dinner.

Sounds like your puppy has you on a routine. LOL. My big guy is such a creature of habit also. The 1.4lbs is not such a bad thing...could be worse. You've done well with not much fill. Hope you get some relief with the next fill.

Julie...that's the spirit! Make a nice supper for DH and just have a normal evening with him.

Arlene...I like your 'last supper' idea. You know I love to cook and making one last one my loved ones could remember would be lovely.

Thanks for the "Missed You", Girls. Back at ya

Edited by Apples2

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Drats, I posted twice today from my Itouch one is here and the other is not. Not sure where it went! I posted about my metabolism test. it confirmed what I suspected already, I have a slower metabolism. 1300 resting rate is the lowest end of normal I am still in the normal range but at 1382. Adjusted for my lifestyle my rate should be 1982 to lose 2 lbs a week I am to eat 982 plus 250 for exercise. I think I'd skip the 250 as if I am going to exercise I am not going to waste those calories I burnt by eating, I'd rather not exercise then. LOL I know any kind of justification not too. LOL The good news is I can raise that resting rate by doing some weight training so I am going to focus more on the machines than the cardio at the gym. Yes I am still going to do cardio though. Luckily I like weights better than cardio too. (if it's possible to like exercise). Good news is I was down 3 lbs since my fill there on Thurs. too!!

Arelene, what's your metabolism rate? Just curious you don't have to say if you don't want to. Was wondering if this was normal for bariatric patients.

OH and DH thinks that maybe my slower metabolism is a reason I am so cold all the time???

Mine is 1300. Sucks! So, if I eat 1300 I just stay the same. You know, I may need another test. That was a year ago. I am trying to eat 800-1200 a day and walking 60 minutes(30 in the am/30pm). The walking is taking a toll on my back . I think my shot has worn off. I don't want another one because it slows down weight loss, but if the pain down my leg keeps up I might have to get it.

Yep, as we lose our AC thermostat temp goes up. My DH is colder than me. At least we can agree on the temperature now.

I made a dessert today. sugar free pudding with fresh strawberries, a banana, and a handful of blueberries.....topped with sugar free cool whip. It is yummy! It is not on my diet, but it is a good choice.

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So if they could just figure out a way to jack up our metabolic rate we'd all be in better shape... pun intended!! :thumbup::biggrin::thumbup:

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Would love to get that test done as I never eat more than 1100 and exercise 6 days a week (3 days cardio at 60 mins. per day and 3 days in the gym with 70 mins. cardio plus 30 to 40 mins. on weight machine) and I'm staying the SAME. So I definitly need that test big time. Plus I am ALWAYS cold -- just took my sweater off and turned my heater off at work -- I'm like an old woman who needs a wool shawl.

Apples, welcone home, missed ya big time -- glad to hear your DS visited you. Hugs on the vertigo issues - I haven't suffered lately -- but knocking on fake wood as I type this.

Did you all hear about the sink hole in Tampa? That's the condo my neice and her DF are moving into next weekend - so not sure they will be able to move there now. She wrote on FB that they are on the other side of the complex, but still, wondering if it's safe. What were the odds of that happening?

I'm working 3 10 hour days -- one of my co workers in on vacation and she normally works early shift so I'm working from 8 to 6 next three days before my vacation - will be able to save a little vacation time which is good for my Oct. trip to Vegas.

Anny -- I would think you can go to TOPS -- just don't tell them - really none of their business -- if it helps you to go, just go.

Phyl, little Zoey is so adorable. I can just see her sitting in her little basket riding with you -- so cute. Wish she could come to Vegas with you. I'm looking forward to visiting my doggy neice, Coco, in Florida -- packing a special treat to take to her.

Lori, congrats on the weight loss. I'm going to check into this test when I get home.

Julie, hugs on the pain. DH is only sick of the pain, not you -- I know he didn't mean anything by it - the pain is making you feel this way. Forgive him and not lose any more time worrying about it. He loves you very much.

Well, I gotta get home.



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Phyl, little Zoey is so adorable. I can just see her sitting in her little basket riding with you -- so cute. Wish she could come to Vegas with you. I'm looking forward to visiting my doggy neice, Coco, in Florida -- packing a special treat to take to her.

Julie, hugs on the pain. DH is only sick of the pain, not you -- I know he didn't mean anything by it - the pain is making you feel this way. Forgive him and not lose any more time worrying about it. He loves you very much. Well, I gotta get home. CBL Linda

Ah... forgot to address the TOPS surgery question.... thanks for reminding me! TOPS created a special category for those who have had weight loss surgery..... "Category 9", I believe. You are eligible for most awards, but not eligible to be "queen". I think that's the way it goes.

Nah... I'm sure I won't be allowed to bring Zoey to Vegas! DH has gotten quite attached to her and wouldn't let me take her to Camano for our 7's reunion. He brought her up for a visit one night.

Here she is at Surf Shack.. standing up like she's not supposed to, but she's excited because owner, Theresa is about to give her a doggie treat. 2nd picture she is sitting like a good puppy.

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Phyll......Awwwwwwww....they don't get much cuter than that. Nice to hear that your DH caught the love bug when it comes to Zoey.

Hey Linda...I am a lot colder now too. But, I find that it leveled out a bit this past winter. Bet you are really looking forward to your family wedding. Scary thing with the sink hole. Think I would be looking for a different place to live. Long days for you in the office. Worth it though if you can bank some vacation hours.

I am thinking my computer time will be very sporatic while DS is here. He did not bring his laptop...not sure why...it's been attached to him for 8 yrs. I will be able to get on when he is out working for DH.

DS got one way ticket as he is unsure if he will stay 2 or 3 weeks. Just nice to have him home even if he slings food when he cooks. Patience, Mother!

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It sure is a hot one out there today. Just got in from watering the new sod. Dh got it laid and sprinklers sortta hooked up bout 9pm last night and left for CA today. Sure don't want it dying on my watch! Funny the people that were so grateful for the sod we gave them have done nothing with it. The whole pallet is just sitting there, it's 97 degrees outside, that stuff needs to be laid and watered it's gonna all be dead. Oh well guess not our problem now.

Guess what i bought today? A baby fleece blanket in a mint green color and some varigated yarn and am trying to remember my crocheting I used to do years ago and figure out how to put an edge on it. The other Grandma is very talented in crafts and knitting so it won't be much but it's the thought. And fun for me to do and keeps me from grazing in the kitchen. Can't eat with a needle in my hand! I really have the munchies lately, even though there's nothing to munch on I got stand in front of the fridge, then the pantry. LOL

Apples, has DS made any decision about going overseas? Does he miss the farm? Any chance of him moving back? Bet you love having both boys there. There's just something about having everyone together.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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