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Up early as usual !!!! Phyl it was PJ who had headaches - I am pretty sure I told her to go to doc - nothing to mess with..

Got gym at 8 - Legs weights - then home to wash and clean up some - maybe get some rest - tomorrow have to take Kaitlin to airport by 11 - then see my Uncle w/the bum knee

Great I told him 3 weeks of not feeling well - he's focused on the 2% that have problems - I think he's really afraid of surgery period - but if he doesn't get it - he will be in a wheel chair..

Ok... PJ...I remember now. I was concerned when she said she vomited and had blurry vision... with those symptoms, should definitely see the doc.

Leg weights.... how many lbs do you use? PT tech helped me with machines yesterday.

Your uncle is about the same age as me. Did you tell him how well I came through the knee replacement last summer?? Nothing to be afraid of, really. But the longer he waits the more strength he will lose in his legs. I'm still trying to get the left one back to par.

Here's the photo of Nelson that I had made before he lost his first teeth! He has 3 loose ones, so I am really glad now that I got them taken. : ) More later... peasout.. Laura

Sounds like a wonderful trip, Laura!!

Love the new picture of Nelson!

Loose teeth.... that reminded me, when we had Zoey spayed the other day, they took out three loose baby teeth and gave them to us for her "baby book"! LOL

"if you stay on the path you will succeed, no matter how long it takes you as long as you don't step off the path you will eventually finish."

I love this saying...I just cut and pasted it to a document to print and look at periodically.


As far as driving away with your purse on your car instead of in your car......uh.....I don't know about the rest of you, but I've done that before plus a lot of other stuff. I'm pretty smart too, but my mind isn't always on what I'm doing....it's hard to be focused on the present moment all the time. We project, rehash, dwell and many other things on the events that occurred and on things that need to be done. It's life, don't sweat it.

When my now 37 yr old nephew was a baby, my BIL almost drove off with the baby in the carseat on the roof!! And I'm sure we've all experienced leaving the house, or almost doing so, with the baby still on the bed waiting to be picked up and loaded in the car!! LOL!! I think I did that once with our 2nd or 3rd!!!

Joyce, I don't think you should be PBing that much...but then again, I've done it, but I know it's because I'm not chewing enough and eating too fast. My fill works just fine when I do. But if you are too tight, you can damage your stomach and should have that looked at. So now I've read you had a bit of an unfill...good luck. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Yes.... my dilated esophagus.. a good example. I am feeling so much better now. Have half my fill back and going in on tuesday for more.

Lori...congratulations to your DD, how exciting! I wish the best to her and her DH. How exciting about Paris too!! Wow, you must really like to fly to endure all that time for such a little time in Paris, but I bet I would do it too given the opportunity. Lori, you keep coloring your hair until you don't want too. It's not based on age or grandma status, it's something you do for you. I think you are still young and your hair reflects that.

I had blonde highlights put in again about a month or so ago. I love it. The grey blends in nicely.

Linda, wow $15 for a pedicure, not here, at least not any of the places I've gone. And you being blond is an advantage as far as hair color. Blonds go grey much more easily, it just sort of blends in and looks good and if you stay blond, it looks great too. I'm with Lori and the single digit humidity...I can tell the difference when it hits 10%.

Phyl, sounds like therapy is giving you a real workout. I love to be able to sleep soundly because I'm tired. So Zoey is an "it" now. Such an important thing. I love my animals, but don't want multiples. Too bad I can't spay the tortoises. If I can keep them separated, then I shouldn't have to worry about little ones in a couple of years. Eva

I can get a pedicure for $15, mani for $13, right down the street. Haven't done it since last summer though! Takes an hour for each, and I guess I just haven't had the patience!

Yes, therapy outside the pool was a harder workout than I've been getting in the pool. I will be doing once a week pool, once a week gym.

Zoey is recovering very nicely from her surgery. In fact, I wonder if we should have given her a sedative today because she's been very active today. She would have produced really cute puppies, but probably not a good idea, especially with her harelip.. which breeder told me is genetic. I did take her for 2 long scooter rides today, so that kept her pretty quiet for a while. She loves it now. Very well behaved, too. She gets excited if someone stops to talk to her or pet her, but usually responds well when I say, "NO, you have to SIT." She gets VERY excited when I get to the Surf Shack for my latte though... She knows she gets to get out of the basket and greet people. But she runs right inside to greet whoever is working! And into the storage shed if the door is open. She knows she gets treats there, too, so that adds to the excitement! And when more customers come, she jumps all over them. She especially "bonded" with a young man who was there with his girl today. He really liked her.

I finally found the ball I've been looking for at Safeway today. Good teething ball and easy for her to pick up because its all these little entwined rubbery tubes.

She is pretty much completely house trained now. She did poop on the bathroom carpet today but it was my fault. She'd been at the door and barked her little soft bark that says "I need to go outside", but I thought she was just barking at her ball and I ignored it! So she followed me to the bathroom and did her deed there!! First time she's done that inside. She always goes to the door when she needs to go potty. That's why she woke me up at 7 a.m. today, too!

Lori, Congrats on the grandparent thing. My kids call me Gramma Cheri to distinguish me from other grandparents. I like Gramma.

As far as gray hair, I know some women around my age with beautiful gray hair or salt and pepper hair. They are gorgeous and I don't think it makes them look older, just elegant. I think it depends on the color of the gray, and the features and skin tone etc. of the person. I don't like the way permanant dye damages my hair. I'm wearing it really long and I apply a glaze after shampooing that puts a little yellow into my gray. Under most lights, my hair looks like its been heavily hi-lighted with ash-blonde. I never have roots. Sometimes it looks more gray, especially when I wear gray and silver, but my glasses are silver and when I put on silver jewelry, my hair is becomes another accessory. When I put it up it looks grayer; when I let it down it looks more blonde. Actually its kind of fun. It's multi-colored which is a very natural look which I like better than the all-one color that you tend to get when you dye your hair. So its a personal choice.


I like Grandma... some of the kids call me Grandma H, some Grandma Phyllis, and I think somebody calls me Grandma Phyl.

Agree with all your hair comments, but I like mine short. Let my DGS girlfriend leave it too long when she highlighted it last month. So I went the other day and got a "short pixie". I like it better... easier to handle. I'm not good with hair! I like it short and simple! There is a beautician that I LOVE in NY... my youngest sister has been going to her for years. I usually have her do my hair when I am in town, and the timing should be right this time, too. I'll get there towards the end of August, so will be ready for a trim then... and maybe I'll have her redo the highlights, too.

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Eva, the dogs are allowed on the sod but can't play chase or fetch on it. They love to lie down on it. They gave us a palet too much sod. We asked the neighbor behind us who is putting his yard in if he wanted it (it's about $200 worth of sod) he said no as it might not match his seed. Couldn't believe it, DH drove around the neighborhood and found someone else putting in a backyard and they were so excited the woman started crying about what a blessing it was. So that was nice.

We grilled steak tonight for dinnner (one of the costco filets) and I can sure tell my fill. I could only eat about 1/3 of it, and was very happy about that. Before I could've eaten the whole thing. So I think this fill is going to be a good thing and get me back to goal as well. With the better restriction, better food choices, going to the gym, and being honest here I have the formula for success. Though tonight I am going to break in our new fire pit for the back yard and have a smore. :):ohmy:

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Phyl - Zoey is a real diva. So easy to see how bonded the two of you are to her already. Little accidents happen, but I'd rather share my home with Gizmo, than have a perfect house.

Lori - enjoy that new yard/lawn, as your dogs already are. Glad the fill is working for you and enjoy your smore tonight in the fire pit.

Our son & DIL & two grandchildren arrive tomorrow from Guam and will stay for 10 days. Looking forward to their visit. They only come here every 3 years. I'll go there to visit later this year too.

Judy - I would also have unfill for last 24 hrs. lolol


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I just fixed halibut and my it came out nice. Moist and not over cooked. I put onions, black olives, and green salsa on it....yum. I'm going to have to remember this recipe.

Yep, dogs and cats are worth it even with accidents. My dog is leaking and we took her to the vet on Thursday. They are running a bunch of tests and we'll find out if it's just old age or if there is something else going on. We'll deal with whatever it is because we love her and having her around is better than not having her.

Off to finish my fish.


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Does anyone wear a medical ID Bracelet for your lapband?

If so, where did you find it.

When I travel, I'd like to wear one in case of emergency.


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I finally found a chicken salad recipe made with Greek yogurt by Jillian Michaels. It has 145cal, 8fat, 6carbs, 13protein. I haven't made it yet, but it looks yummy.

Eva, the halibut sounds yummy. I love fish.

Janet, congrats on the weight loss. I did almost 8,000 steps today. I hope it shows on the scale.< /p>

Laura, love the pic of Nelson. He is such a cutie.

Joyce, is your son in the military? Enjoy your visit.

Phyl, I saw your precious pup on FB. I think you made the right choice.

Great, you made me hungry reading about the grilled fillet....yum!

Judy.......I would get an unfill too!

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Hey gang, just home from a mini family reunion.... A cousin was home for her DH's brothers funeral, so we had a little pot luck supper tonight..... Simple and fun.. but of course had to leave early as my pain started to act up..... I'm just out of the shower and applied my tingling cream and now waiting for the pills to kick in.... We are having quite a downpour right now... Thunder storms are quite calming for me, but my DD gets so worked up and scared... I can imagine her glued to the weather channel watching for tornado warning.... She gets so upset..... We needed a good rain again as DH started the sprinkler system up yesterday because he said it was getting dry.....

Lori, congrats on the new little one.... You are going to love being a grandmother.... Yup, I like gramma, too...... Mimi still calls me Mommie most of the time... I guess I would take about anything as long as love and respect were included....

Sorry to be short, but I just can't sit her any longer.... The pain gets so fierce I could just die......Hope to talk to you all again tomorrow..... Have a blessed Sunday... Hugs and prayers........... Julie

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Hi all, just checking in. Slept in a bit this morning and by the time I messed around drinking coffee and playing on FB it was 10 -- i went to the gym and by the time I got back home and showered it was after 1 -- time sure flies when your busy. Cooked several dishes up for myself for the week and DD and DGD were here for dinner -- DH grilled me some chicken breast and made burgers for them. Watched some tv and it's almost midnight here. I wish I had a three day weekend every week - 2 days isn't long enough -- I live in a perpetual state of exhaustion I think.

Phyl, so happy Zoey did so well with her surgery -- it's so much easier to have it done when they're young. She just adorable.

Eva, our last dog had leakage problems and it was a hormonal thing -- gave her some pills and that solved te problem. Hope it's that simple for your baby too. Our dear little Merry has a fatty tumor on one front leg -- they did surgery on it three years in a row and it keeps coming back -- it gets more aggressive each time. DH took her in Thurs. to have it checked but the vet doesn't want to remove it again as she thinks there's not enough skin to sew it back together - it doesn't seem to bother her and it's always been benign -- it's just so ugly and looks like it would hurt.

Laura, looks like we'll be leaving the same day on our trips -- you to Paris and me to Florida -- how long will you be gone? Picture of Nelson was great.

Judy, heck, I think I'd go for an unfill if I was told I only had 6 months or even just a year left to live. Might as well enjoy what we enjoy during our last days.

Julie, sorry about your pain. Glad you had a good visit with your cousin.

Lori, the lawn looks fabulous! So nice of you to give that sod away -- I would have cried too -- that was a very nice gesture.

Well, I'm about asleep - I'll check in tomorrow. Have a great Sunday everyone!

Arlene, wtg on the steps -- and yes yes yes it will show on the scale!!! Phyl you too - good going on the exercise.

Eva the fish sounded really good -- did you bake it or broil it? I can't wait to get to Florida and cook some fresh fish on the grill - my DB and his family love it too -- we'll be eating fish/seafood like crazy.


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Does anyone wear a medical ID Bracelet for your LAP-BAND®?

If so, where did you find it.

When I travel, I'd like to wear one in case of emergency.


Joyce - I do not wear one but I have seen brochures for medical ID bracelets (at the pharmacy) that you can have anything put on them some are real stylish

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Yep I told my uncle all about you and great - but he's really scared I think of the surgery- he's sorta crabby ;0) at times (family trait ;o) he goes 7/20 for mri - he goes to the vet hospital in Loma Linda..

I love being LaLa instead of Grandma... I don't mind GM but love having a little diff name - well not that dif Linda is LaLa too ;0)

I can leg press 10 plates @ 45 each plus the bar which Idrise says is 50 so 500 - but on the average I do 6 plates so that's a little more than 300 lbs - on the inny/outty machine 120/130 - the machine that you sit and raise w/shins 85 to 100 and the one you push down w/calfs same - but again I have been weight training 2 yrs now (3/08) and I don't have any major knee/hip issues either...

Joyce - Peaches wears one - I don't conflicts w/my jewelry ;0) I carry an med emergency id card.. google lapband id Bracelet

Julie - lol about using your sprinklers - here in the desert we would die without them - Hugs on DD being afraid...

Eva -dinner sounds good - am having bbq chick today - omg girl you are green - fixing your washer to Water your plants - what do you do about soap & softners??

Great - Smores :0) LOL in the same sentence on getting back on track :0) - I am just kidding - treats are allowable :0)

Judy - yep pb on the healthy food and can eat a quart of ice cream - and really you would get an unfill - truly - nope I would have a wonderful vacation - you know those house on the water in like Tahiti

Linda - I hear you on the fb issue - hell i waste way too much time on it - but it's better than t.v. ;0)

Charlene - No getting unfilled - there are plenty of things to do than eat if you where going to die tomorrow... Family memories - food ah hell no... I know of pple who get unfilled before vacation - what's the use of getting the band.. I can still eat all the foods I love - just not as much of them now a days - and truly the food I really love (sweets) I still can eat even banded..

Apples will be back today or tomorrow - junking up the thread again :0) !!! Can't wait :0) Glad to have you back...

Well need to jump in the shower - gotta take Kaitlin to the airport in a little bit and still need to read the paper

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Arlene - Son and family in Guam - not in military. He is entertainment and activities director for Pacific Island Club - a resort. He has worked at their properties in Saipan and Phuket. Also worked @ Grand Wailiea (sp?) in Hawaii.

Don't feel any different from unfill - but have not yet tried to eat 3 oz of meat. Taking family to dinner tonight, so I'll see how it goes.

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Judy...I wouldn't get an unfill either because I eat anything I want now....just not as much of it. There are other things to do if you only have 24 hours. Talking to friends and family would be more important.

Janet you rock...literally, your muscles must be like rock. I use biodegradable soap in my laundry and have for a while now. I'm only watering ornamental plants (verbena, bougainvillea, mesquite, canna, etc. so a little extra soap may actually keep the bugs away. I also don't use a whole lot of soap either or softeners. I just let the dryer do the softening. Now if I was really green, I'd hang my clothes out on a line...I used to do that and it works ok in the summer, but it really takes a long time to do laundry and clothes are a lot more wrinkled. Maybe when I'm retired.....

I'm chopping my oleanders down...actually just trimming them to a manageable height. Bulky trash pickup is this week and it is very nice to have some one else haul away the yard trash. It's more than 95 degrees out and hot so I'm only working on it a little at a time. This is giving me my exercise.

Okay...off to more projects. CBL


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jb, LOL. I can understand your temporary insanity. food is one of life's main pleasures. We get the lapband partly to prolong our lives but if we knew we weren't going to live anyway? I think I'd gorge on chocolate. Don't need an unfill for that.

Would you also go for mind-blowing sex?

I've never been really plastered in my life, just a little buzzed, maybe I'd want to experience that.

Or maybe I'd spend the day praying for healing and more time.

I think I'd want to talk to my whole family, though, and love on them and be loved on--while eating chocolate. LOL


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Good afternoon. DH has half a pallet of sod left to lay on the sides of the yard and it's done, he has to finish today as he's in SFO tomorrow. I am anxious for tomorrow and my metabolic rate test. DH thinks it is silly and wonders why I want to know if I just follow the rules and listen to my band. Guess I am just a numbers type person and think it would be great to have that knowledge. We went to lunch after church this morning and I sure could feel my restriction. I got shrimp and it came with 6 shrimp and I could only do 3, DH didn't mind 1/2 my shrimp though. I was leary of shrimp too as I have a problem with it at times but didn't.

Janet, I'd probably be at that resort with you if I just had so long to live. Or with my new grandbaby if it was born yet! BTW, Apples won't be back til Tues. We still have a day and a half to junk it up ourselves. LOL

Judy, I don't see any judgement here, just folks expressing that they'd do things besides eat if they knew they had so long to live. We all have our passions and interests and they vary, no judgement if they differ. High priority to one person may be low priority to another. For example, no way would I put a washer outside LOL I lived with one in the basement too many years and am loving my convenience in the hallway now. LOL Besides I'd freeze my a$$ off in the winter. (Sorry Eva but I admire what you are doing).

Joyce, Laurens Hope I think was the name of a website for bracelets it had lauren in the name and they were very stylish. I was supposed to pick out the one I wnated for Christmas '08 as DH didn't know which one to get me and I never did, maybe I should now. LOL

Julie, sorry about your pain but glad you got to have a little family reunion. I enjoy storms too as long as tornadoes aren't involved and well now golf ball sized hail after all our hail damage. LOL

Linda, when are you leaving for FL? (gosh what happened to my font)

Charlene, okay if it's a Jillian recipe it has to be ok. LOL

Janet, that was kindda silly about talking about getting on track and then having a s'more huh?? But it was a planned for treat, am planning for another next weekend when DD is here and we sit out back around the firepit, she loves doing smores.

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