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So glad DD got her belongings, Laura, now she can start settling in and making it home. It's so hard living in transition.

I talked to Apples tonight via text. She is having a great time, her son that doesn't live in town came in for 2 weeks and surprised her. She will be back next Tues and says she misses everyone and says hi.

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So glad DD got her belongings, Laura, now she can start settling in and making it home. It's so hard living in transition.

I talked to Apples tonight via text. She is having a great time, her son that doesn't live in town came in for 2 weeks and surprised her. She will be back next Tues and says she misses everyone and says hi.

Hey gang! I had technical difficulties yesterday and could not post.

Great, glad you are going to get the test. It is helpful. I am in a program with Dr. Davis, but he doesn't charge as much as your surgeon, and I see him at least once a month. He has switched to Optifast. I checked out the bars online...whew! they are expensive. I think I will just eat food and finish up my Protein Powder.

Joyce, did you get a slight unfill? I know about that pb'ing all too well. I tend to eat too fast and then if I don't burp......here it comes. I am like a baby........I have to get the gas out or the rest won't go down easy.

Janet, thanks for keeping me accountable. I am journaling now.

Linda, yep, Lifestyle......that needs to be my new word I say as i am going to sleep at night.

Laura K, glad your DD got her furnitue.

Okay, I gotta go bathe in OFF before I walk. The mosquitos are swarming from all the rain we had. Later!

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Thanks Joyce, Charlene and Lori.

It sure is a relief that she will get settled now. It's hard to listen to her being upset. Life can settle for all of us now.

So wonderful for Apples, what a surprise.


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Morning ladies, Well, I'm just getting up again... It seems my pain attacks have taken a new course now and get me up during the night with terrible pain.... At 3:50 I took 1 1/2 hydrocodone and finally was able to get some sleep... DH woke me at 7:30 when he left for work but I went right back to sleep until just a few minutes ago..... I did nothing yesterday..... and I hurt as if I had worked hard all day... It just doesn't seem to matter what I do.....Anyway, no pain right now, so I should get a few little things done... I have a massage scheduled for 11:00....

Laura K, so glad DD is getting her stuff.... This will help her relax a bit....and you too for that matter....

Lori, a pedicure sounds so nice... I've only ever had one and just never even think of it... How's the yard coming... ??

It's nice to know our Apples is having such a wonderful time and that her son surprised her... I'm sure she's in heaven.....

Arlene, does the Off stop the little buggers??? I could spray a whole bottle and they still get me.... I stay in when they are out....

Cheri, I think we all do those little things once in a while....it's pretty normal for people our age....

Well, getting dressed will be a good start to my day... Make the bed and put a load of laundry in... It's supposed to get pretty warm today so need to shut up the house and turn on the fans and a/c....... Yesterday we didn't need any of that and I loved it.....

Hope you all have a great day....... Hugs........ Julie

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Julie, you would be a recluse in Texas if you stay in when the skeeters are out.....just kidding. Our city is really good about spraying, but we had one downpour after another, and they really haven't had time to spray. Off works for me, but I have to use a lot of it.

Has anyone ever used Greek yogurt instead of light mayo for chicken salad?

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Good morning, well my gag order has been lifted by my daughter and I can officially post on here that guess who's going to be Grandma? YEP!! That would be me!! DD found out as they had to give her a blood test before she could have some radiation type test for her gall bladder and they had to cancel the test. She's barely like 4 weeks along they think. She is over the moon excited. She's had many female problems over the years with cysts, an ovary that was attached to her intestine and periods just a couple times a year. They told her she may have trouble having kids so they weren't careful about birth control thinking if it happened it happened and it did! I wasn't supposed to say anything as she didn't want something to inadvertantly get posted to my Facebook or something.

Arlene, this program of this doctor isn't anything like that with shakes or anything. I don't think he does that, nor did my doc in Denver. IT was just for their support groups and classes and dietician appointments.

What happened to Big Medicine are they not doing that anymore??

Laura, ok what color toes did you get? I got a bright pink summery color.

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Julie, we were posting at teh same time. The yard is almost done, the sod is being delivered tomorrow morning so tomorrow night I should have grass and no more dirt!! WOOHOO!!

Pedicures are wonderful. I used to think what a waste when I heard people getting them, it's my favorite indulgence and I now get them year round not just winter. Before my knee surgery I had such a hard time even reaching my toes and now that I can I'm not willing to give them up. I'd give up coloring my hair before my toes! LOL

Funny thing, I have a decision to make. I went gray in my 20's and started coloring my hair by 30. I used to say I would color it til I turned 40 as in my mind at the time that was old. Well I turned 40 and that suddenly wasn't so old anymore and said 50. Well 50 came along and then I said I would stop when I became Grandma. Well I am going to be grandma. Do I keep coloring or do I go gray???

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Lori, Congrats on becoming a Grandma. That is so wonderful for all. You are a young hot Gma so my vote is keep coloring.

I got the hot summer pink also. This was my first Pedi and I love it. I will continue to get this done as my treat to me. It was only $25.

Arlene & Julie , Skeeters are Michigan's state bird. Some days I really believe that too. They do spray but it don't always help.


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HELLO!!! Wondering if there was in an echo in there since it seems so empty. LOL

So far my new fill seems to be great! Wonderful to have restriction back, but not too much so far!

Just got drapery rods so hopefully DH will hang my family room curtains tonight! And I bought a fire pit for the new back patio. DH is away and I will shop! LOL And I couldn't help myself I had to stroll the baby dept at Target! LOL

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Good morning, well my gag order has been lifted by my daughter and I can officially post on here that guess who's going to be Grandma? YEP!! That would be me!! DD found out as they had to give her a blood test before she could have some radiation type test for her gall bladder and they had to cancel the test. She's barely like 4 weeks along they think. She is over the moon excited. She's had many female problems over the years with cysts, an ovary that was attached to her intestine and periods just a couple times a year. They told her she may have trouble having kids so they weren't careful about birth control thinking if it happened it happened and it did! I wasn't supposed to say anything as she didn't want something to inadvertantly get posted to my Facebook or something.

Arlene, this program of this doctor isn't anything like that with shakes or anything. I don't think he does that, nor did my doc in Denver. IT was just for their support groups and classes and dietician appointments.

What happened to Big Medicine are they not doing that anymore??

Laura, ok what color toes did you get? I got a bright pink summery color.

Lori, I see Dr. Davis next Friday. I will ask him. Last year they were hoping it would be picked up, but I haven't talked to him about it in over a year.

Congrats! Grandma! How Awesome! What are they going to do about her gallbladder?

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Congrats Great! I wish your DD good health and an easy 8 more months!

Grandchildren are God's reward to you for not killing your children.

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Hi everyone,

Just checking in. We have Relay for Life here tonight, so have my tee shirt and walking shoes on for my one hour of laps after work. DGD and DH will come down and join in on some of the festivities -- should be a nice night -- just checked and our humidity is only 37% so we couldn't have more perfect weather.

LauraK so happy to hear your DD got her stuff and can finally settle in - at long last. I would have went crazy that long. Glad she's enjoying her new job too.

Cheri, I had to laugh at your driving off with your purse on top of the car - at least you never drove off with your baby carrier on top of the car - I've heard of that one too. I'm sure you're very competent -- you're probably just a perfectionist who expects to be perfect every second. It can drive you crazy.

Lori, I can't believe that surgeon wants to charge you that much for those services -- I could see $100 but $350?? wow. I bet he charges your insurance a bundle for the fill as well. I wouldn't pay it -- no way. Pedicures here in our little town are outrageously expensive -- $35 is the cheapest I've found - and they aren't half as good as the ones I used to get for $15 in LA. Congratulatons on the big Grandma news!!! Wow, you'll love it -- it's so much more fun than being the parent!! LOL. Glad to hear you'll have sod tomorrow -- no more dirty dogs to deal with!! LOL. Do not stop coloring your hair. It's not that I dislike gray hair but honestly I work with women who have gray in their hair and they do look older than the ones that color their hair -- and some of them are in their middle 40s -- I think 70 is about the right age to let the gray show - but that's just MY personal opinion. I'll probably be like Joan Rivers and be blonde when I'm 100. lol.

Glad to hear Apples' son surprised her - so happy for her!!!

Julie hope you enjoyed your massage and slept a little better last night. Hugs on the pain.

Arlene, we have a lot of mosquitos here too due to all the rain. Bugs are really bad this year. I use Cutters usually - had to use it last night and probably should have brought it today for my time in the park tonight. Didn't think of it. I use light mayo and haven't tried greek yogurt in place of it - I usually can tell a huge difference with substitutions like that and don't usually care for it.

Well, gotta run cbl.


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So, Wednesday night the promotions committee was supposed to have a conference call at 7:30 p.m. I told them I was likely to forget and I did. I was home, but I was totally engrossed in a book. Who does conference calls at 7:30 at night? I'm lucky to remember to attend meetings at night. If something's part of my weekly schedule I'll remember it but stuff that happens once a month? At night? After work? Aargh!

Fortunately, this is a volunteer committee and they're quite capable of making decisions without me. This was after my hard first morning doing Interactive Metronome. It went a little better today. Back at it on Monday. Got a call from someone else who wants tutoring for their son. Not quite sure where to fit him in since he lives near me and doesn't go to Roseland Christian. I go in to Roseland to tutor my students but he'd come to my house and my husband sleeps most days.

Today, after 3 Interactive Metronome sessions (my grandson being the last one), I took both my grandson's so my daughter could get some work done. That's our arrangement. She comes out to Lansing IL. to drop David off, gets some nearby shopping done, then drops Josh off, too, and I keep both boys with me and take them home with me. The lawyer she works for is fairly close and the police officers and witnesses she needs to interview are also in nearby Hammond and sometimes Calumet City as many crimes are committed on State Line and can go back and forth. Her lawyer defends Hammond police officers from nuisance suits from those they've arrested. As a former Hammond police officer and with a husband still on the force, my daughter serves as an investigator for him with these suits.

At first my daughter didn't want to come out here (she lives 45 minutes south of Thornton, Lansing, Hammond, Calumet City, but I made it a win/win for David who needs the therapy by offering to take her boys while she gets some work done when I'm done training David. I had fun with them today. McDonald's play place, then the park by my house, then Water balloons and squirt guns, then the DQ.

Now I'm off to pick up a granddaughter and take her to my other granddaughter's house to babysit this evening. They are so cute together. They're about a year apart. Skylar will be 4 in August and Leah will be 3 in September.

I am reading all your posts. Great you are a great shopper for sure. Glad about the grass.

Joyce, can't wait to meet you, also.

Julie, can't wait for you to get to mayo.< /p>

Charlene, when you eat real food don't just limit the quantity. Check the salt content. Your apparant weight gain could be from water retention. Also, if you're combining carbs with meat Protein, you'll store the fat. If you don't have the carbs, the fat gets metabolized and used up. That's why its protein first then veggies and maybe a little fruit when you're in the weight loss phase. You even have to limit your whole grains because they still do break down into sugar, often have salt in them, and they're often combined with things that have fat, which you then store as well as the water.


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Charlene, when you eat real food don't just limit the quantity. Check the salt content. Your apparant weight gain could be from Water retention. Also, if you're combining carbs with meat Protein, you'll store the fat. If you don't have the carbs, the fat gets metabolized and used up. That's why its protein first then veggies and maybe a little fruit when you're in the weight loss phase. You even have to limit your whole grains because they still do break down into sugar, often have salt in them, and they're often combined with things that have fat, which you then store as well as the water.

Thanks Cheri! I do think some of it is water retention due to carbs. I have always had a problem with water weight. Usually my weight goes down about 3lbs when the fall comes. Meanwhile, I will watch the carbs.

Linda, yeah, I haven't made the chicken salad yet. It has grapes in it so I might just cut the light mayo amount in half. Grapes make it so moist.

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Hi guys~

I posted last night, but just noticed it's not there. Hmmmmm.. not sure what's up with that. I've had a busy week with Nelson being in art camp and the usual play dates and taekwondo. I'm getting some last minute stuff for our Paris/London trip. I am getting EXCITED! Next week at this time we will be on the plane!!!!!!!!!

Lori~~~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! I am sure DD is thrilled! I guess they will just wait and watch the GB now? I vote for keeping the coloring. Nice to hear you are getting yard done.

Apples~~~ Glad your DS came to see you! What a great surprise! Hope you are well!

Linda~~~ Good luck with the relayforlife. My sis did the one in our home town in honor of my dad. It's a great thing.

JulieB~~~ Hugs on the pain. I hope you get some answers at mayo. I know you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Judy~~~ LOL at the grandkids comment! How are you?

Cheri~~~ Ha ha about the purse on the top of the car! I have left my coffee there many times. ugghhhh, what a mess! ; )

Hi to everyone else! I can't remember past the page I can see right now.

peasout.. Laura

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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