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Hey guys~

Safe travels to those who are out and about! We are staying close to home- the way I like it around holidays. We are having Nelson's best friend and his parents over for a cookout on Sunday. Last year on the 4th of July they had a house fire and lost almost everything. (a lamp shorted out in an upstairs bedroom). They all got out safely thanks to their dogs barking and waking them up, but the popping sound really traumatized the little boy. So, we won't do fireworks. She wanted him out of the house so he doesn't dwell on it. He still worries over things he lost in the fire. He wet himself (he's 6) in Walmart last week when the alarm went off. This is the same one who found his dog dead a while back. So it will be nice and laid back- grilling and swimming. These are not fussy people and they help themselves and help out.

I am in serious need of some ME time!!! Nelson and I have been around each other for 7 days straight. (only break is sleeping!) I love my child dearly and will cherish this time- but Mama needs a break! ; ) He goes to art camp next week! Each day they use a different medium and have a different literature theme. I hope he likes it and doesn't get bored. I figured it would be a nice change from the sun and bugs. I am trying to switch things up this summer with a variety of camps. The last two years he just went to his school camp and did the same stuff every week.

DH was on call last night and neither of us got much sleep. I have this deep hatred of beepers and cell phones!!! YAWN.

I will write to each of you indiv this afternoon- just wanted to write while I had a moment to say hi!

peasout.. Laura

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Great, I know about GM and their BM's. My GM was obsessed about it. You know that joke about the a hole controlling the whole body is kinda true. I hope she is okay now.

Well, the news just flashed a warning .......we are getting a rain band in 15 minutes that might cause flooding. I just hope there isn't lightning with it. I hate losing power.

What? I guess I missed the memory question about the 4th. I love the 4th in the little town(5,000) I moved from. They spend weeks building a stage. The men come out in costumes reciting speeches from the founding fathers. Then we sing patriotic music. The firework display is like the ones at the super bowl......they use the same people. Now, I am in a city of 50,000. I haven't been to our 4th because my GD's birthday party is always the same weekend.

Oh dear, I hear thunder!

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Good afternoon!

Julie, I bet after the one girl had her potty accident the other one saw the attention and thought I need to do that too. This stage will pass. I remember wishing for the day my two would both be out of diapers (they were so close in age they overlapped for awhile), now that seems like yesterday. Hope your pain is subsiding. That's gotta be awful to feel so groggy from the drugs all the time too.

Laura, poor little guy and the housefire and dog dying. He does need some distractions. Hope you find your me time next week! You know some good me time is available in Oct in Vegas! I sure hope it works out you can make it, I have every finger and toe crossed but know it will be awhile before you know.

Arlene, I forgot to congratulate you on the 3 lbs. Congrats!

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Forgot to congratulate Arlene on 3 more lbs. You rock, GF.

Julie - maybe NOT putting down that new rug until after potty training might be a consideration.

The rest will help you now. Keeping pain away from your door during sleep.

Can't add to 4th of July memories. None come to mind as outstanding. However, since moving to this house (23 yrs. ago), I can walk up to my corner (we park a car there early in the morning), and watch fireworks over a soybean field. There will be about 100 cars there and it is lovely.

Had a massage today - haircut yesterday - & color the day before that -- at my age every day needs to be maintenance. lol

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Hey girls............... twice in one day...that's a record for me these days.... I've been doing paperwork most of the day and am about done.... Only the church stuff to do yet.... DH came home early so I should go spend some time with him... We've both been so busy lately that we don't get much time to just sit and veg a bit....

Joyce glad you enjoyed your massage... I had one on Monday....

Lori, how is the yard coming??? soon you will be mowing the lawn again..... I must have missed when you said if you liked the hairdresser or not....

Arlene, stay safe..... I rather enjoy a good thunder storm, but have never been in a tornado or anything... My DD is terrified, but she got caught on the road in a tornado a few years ago and now just has a fit if the weather gets stormy....

Well, off to make some supper.... Have a good evening girls.... Hugs............. Julie

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Julie, the hairdresser was so so. I may try some others before going back to her, but she wasn't terrible. She did my eyebrows as well and she got a little too aggressive with them. She kept going on about how bad they were, and now I can see why as she evidently likes them real thin whereas I don't like them that thin. Guess they will grow out.

The rock just got dumped off out front so DH has a project for the weekend. 'then sod next week. WOOHOO!!

Oh, and for those that remember DH's carjacking, looks like the trial is July 26th, so guess I'll get to go to Denver again soon.

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Not much happening here. Just found out a friend is having a get together Sat. starting at 1:00 -- she has a pool so I can work on my tan for my Florida trip. Plus, we haven't been to a get together in ages (usually I have the get togethers) so it will be nice to relax and let someone else be the hostess.

Julie, nice to see you posting more regularly again.

Laura, I feel so bad for that little boy -- what tragedies he's experienced so young -- breaks my heart. I'm glad he has Nelson and you and your DH in his life.

I'll CBL.


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Well, 4" of rainfall so far and still coming down. Needless to say this weekend is a washout. The little town south of here has had 9" and Water is in my friend's home. I guess I will have to stationary bike it for a few days.

I fell off the wagon today. I made those mini cupcakes with a cake mix and pumpkin. It is a WW recipe. There is no such thing as a weight watching cupcake if you eat too many. Okay, got that confession over with. Now I have to go do my penance.....ride my bike! Tootles!

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Hi all. My husband and I have absolutely no plans for the 4th. After church he'll sleep all day because he worked midnight the night before. He's off on the 5th, however, so I told him let's do something then. Maybe there'll be a fest around here with a good band. Don't wanna do the Taste of Chicago. Too hot, too many people, can't eat the food anyway.

Can't remember any really bad 4ths.

When I was growing up in Lansing, IL., my town and the surrounding towns, like South Holland, were full of Dutch people, many of whom sent their kids to Christian grammar schools (like the one I teach at--only it was Dutch then, not African-American). These schools were feeder schools for Illiana Christian High School which was in Lansing. On the fourth the schools had what we would now call a festival on the grounds of Illiana in a wooded section that had a lot of oak trees. Various school bands played patriotic music, some preacher basically preached a patriotic sermon or something like that, much food was prepared and sold, and lots of contests were held--guess the weight of the watermelon, hop-sack races, 3 legged races, wheelbarrow races, etc. After getting thoroughly sweaty, sticky, sunburned, and covered with grit and sand from the baseball field where many of the races were held, we all hauled out our lawn chairs and blankets and proceeded to acquire many mosquito bites while watching the fire works display.

My dad won the watermelon weight-guessing contest because he sold watermelon and weighed it everyday on his routes. He had a truck and went to his customer's houses selling Johnnie's Fresh Fruits Vegetables and eggs.

I got to go with him 1 day a week and fill paper bags with 1# and 2# of cherries or grapes, a dozen eggs, etc. I would have them pre-prepared so when he came back to the truck with his customer's orders it was easier to help fill them. When sweet corn was in season he would hang out the door of his truck while driving slowly down the streets and yell, "Fresh sweet corn, come and get your fresh sweet corn." Those were the days when no one had air conditioning so all windows were open. Fresh sweet corn and watermelon were much in demand in the July heat.

With the advent of supermarkets and air-conditioning and second cars for housewives, his business began dieing out and he eventually went to work in a supermarket. Kinda sad really. I'm not sure life improved all that much with all those improvements.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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So Arlene, (said in my best Janet voice) what did you make those cupcakes for? Did you throw the rest out?

I tend to make chocolate chip Cookies when I get hungry for the dough, thinking well I'll just give away the cookies. Who am I kidding? I know darn well who is going to eat most of them if I do that. :thumbup::)

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So Arlene, (said in my best Janet voice) what did you make those cupcakes for? Did you throw the rest out?

I tend to make chocolate chip Cookies when I get hungry for the dough, thinking well I'll just give away the cookies. Who am I kidding? I know darn well who is going to eat most of them if I do that. :thumbup::)

Thanks! I needed that! I will go throw them out right now!

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Arlene,(Channeling Janet) WTG on throwing out those cupcakes. Its that darn head hunger. Its a life style change not a diet.

Channeling me. Diet foods do not a diet make.

WTG Great on channeling Janet so effectively.

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Arlene - I understand about the cupcakes. Feels good to confess and move on. We are human.

Julie - nice to see two posts in a day.

Lori - soon a lawn to mow yippee - and no more muddy dogs.

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Cheri, very interesting story about your Dad. What a great life....I would have to agree about the supermarkets and such may not be such an improvement.

I can't remember a bad 4th of July....but I've had many fun ones. I have a party almost every year because you can see fireworks all over town from my house. I've been to Creed, CO for their fireworks and in the park in Colorado Spring, at the base of A Mountain in Tucson with really loud rock music....think I prefer being home and watching from here.

Great, your GM isn't the only one obsessing about the stuff moving through her body. I can see how that happens as you get older because there are tales of how the older people get blockages and end up in the hospital. Jeff's great aunt had that happen to her, it was pretty traumatic. Glad you had a good visit with her.

Julie, so sorry about the potty business but that should soon be over. I might wait on the rug too, especially if that little issue continues for a while.

Joyce, the massage sounds nice...our friend in Colorado brought her massage table, but we never took advantage of it...I think we were so busy talking we forgot.

Charlene, hope you don't float away or lose power, but geeze with storms like you are having. We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Linda, sounds like you'll have a really nice weekend especially if you do get to work on your tan. It sounds like you are excited about your trip. You are going to look fabulous at that wedding.

Laura, yep, sounds like you need some kid free time. Even though you love them, you still need a little time to yourself. Hopefully the art camp will work out better than the previous one. I feel so sorry for Nelson's friend, hope he finds a way out of his fear and loss. I figured you will busy with Nelson since we hadn't heard from you regularly. Soon enough Nels won't want to spend time with you so enjoy it while you can.

So it looks like we did a pretty good job of junking up the thread today....good job ladies. Now just to keep it up over the holiday weekend.

I had a very hard time concentrating on work today. I just couldn't get myself to focus until about an hour before quiting time. I have field work to do in the morning so hopefully it will get me motivated to get stuff done once I get back in the office. It will be very quiet in the office, about 1/2 the people are off including my boss. Yipee!!

It's after 10 so I better go to sleep...another early day.

Have a great night ladies.


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Got an extra 2 hrs of sleep in this morning. Woke up at 7:30 instead of 5:30.

I'm going to Lansing Christian School at noon to observe someone using the Interactive Metronome with a couple of students. It's been a long time since my training on it and I'm supposed to start doing it with a couple of kids M,W,F mornings starting next week Wednesday and probably into August at Lansing Christian. I haven't had the equipment available to review, plus I'll be in another school doing it so I need to see how its set up at that school.

We've had beautiful weather in the 70's the last couple of days and I think this will be fairly nice today, still cool in the morning, so I'm going to go for my walk now and then get some gardening done. My garden is still just gorgeous. One of my beds of phlox is in full bloom along my driveway and the hollyhocks there still look good. Hardly any of my sunflowers came up this year. They usually reseed themselves and give me a great deal of July color in my garden. Don't know what's up with that. Could be the squirrels and goldfinches got them all. I need to start weeding my neighbor's garden that borders mine. Theirs just a retaining wall between them. Mine's a little higher. She put in a lot of plants but has difficulty getting to the weeding. She's in her upper 60's with diabetes. Her husband is retired but doesn't know a flower from a weed. The flower gardens are in between our two long driveways.

They both are junk collectors (flea market types) who buy and sell every Saturday morninig. Their junk litters their side and back yard, which is composed of asphalt, concrete, and a large area of sand where a pool used to stand, and the whole mess, with junk trees and weeds growing through the mess is visible from my side patio. So I'm trying to grow vines to cover the fence I have right there to hide their mess.

Unfortunately, I got them started kind of late. Next year I'll start them earlier.

So I'd better get crackin' if I want to get anything done.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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