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Arlene, how is your Mom doing? Glad your eye problem wasn't serious.

Linda, my mom is not back to her usual self since the pneumonia. She is cold all the time......and more forgetful. This bout took her down another notch. I keep hoping she will get back to her normal, but hey, she is almost 87. Yeah, my sight has been blurry for a few months. I started to think I was getting another cataract, but he can just zap this scar tissue off and I will be 20/20. It was weird to get cataracts so young.....I guess it is genetics.

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Now for Colorado...the trip has really helped me emotionally. Going back to florence would make me phyically ill. My blood pressure would go up, my stomach clench up and I dreaded being there. Well this time changed all that. I got there Thursday afternoon early enough to see everything. The house is in pretty good shape, but stinks of smoke still. We are airing it out as best we can. I met with a interior decorator on Saturday and she is coordinating with Home Depot and others to pull off all the wall paper and paint those walls, replace the linoleum and carpeting in the upstairs area, and replace very outdated light fixtures in the kitchen and baths. This house has a full basement that was mostly redone 4 years ago so that doesn't need too much attention. There are no holes in the walls or any major damage, just wear and tear and nothing has been done to the house in more than 15 years. It should look very nice when everything is done.

On Friday, I went to Colorado Springs a visited the lady that got me started at the phone company. She is retired and has kids my age. She is doing great and it was very nice to visit with her...it had been about 3 years since I'd seen her.

Then I went to the German deli. I bought German lunch meats (Westphalian ham and imported smoked liverwurst) plus some other stuff and a sourdough rye bread that I have never been able to find anywhere else. I buy many loaves of bread and freeze it. It's very dense and heavy and I can only eat one slice very slowly, but I love it...especially toasted for Breakfast. I just got the bread and ham frozen. I used the vacuum packer on both of them. It was pretty funny with the first loaf of bread. I divided the loaves up in two or three sections and the first one I tried to vacuum seal sucked all the air out of the package and the bread. The bread is really tough and it did smash it somewhat, but I broke the seal and it sort of came back to it's original shape. So I figured out how to suck out most of the air then stop and seal it.

On Saturday four of my high school mates showed up for a camp in the house sleep over. They had to bring their own sleeping bags and chairs, but it was really fun. I was never really friends with most of these women. One person I hung out with and she is the one that connected with the rest of us. It was very interesting to learn about these people and how their lives turn out and how their lives were in school. I had no idea. So they spent the night (I doubt anyone slept very well) and left on Sunday.

On Monday, I packed up, visited my Mom and Dad's grave and redid the flowers and left for Tucson. I drove the long way over the mountains through Alamosa and then to Farmington, NM and south to I-40. At Holbrook I took the road south through Showlow, then Globe and down to Tucson. Got home a little before 2am this morning. I'm still a little groggy but it's good to sleep on one's own bed.

The house in Colorado is up for sale. If it doesn't sell (there are many places for sale around there), then maybe I will have my snowbird home. I wouldn't mind living there in the summer and gardening. The most amazing thing was no mosquitoes at night. I sat out at dusk in shorts and didn't get one single mosquito bite. My legs have countless scars from bites when I was growing up. I would love to tear into that yard and plant stuff. My Mom had lots of flowers all around the yard and a great little garden hidden in the back. There is a cherry tree that had some cherries, but not too many, and two plum trees with a few plums, and grape vines. I'd take out all the evergreens and plant a couple of apple trees and a peach tree. Lots of possibilities with that property.

I guess my demons are resting regarding my Mom/Dad issues. I am finally ready to forgive them and let that awful period rest in peace. I really needed to do that.

I have date nite with DH, so I have to go. If I don't check in again, hope everyone has a great night.

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Oh Eva...your post brought me to tears. I am so happy that this past weekend and travelling to your parent's home has brought you some closure. You sound at peace with it all. Sending the love and thanks for sharing.

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Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm taking Friday off and leaving early a.m. and will arrive in LV at 9:06 a.m. I hope some other early bird can meet me and guide my sleepy body where it needs to go. Unless there's a shuttle or something. I'll have to find out. I'll need to leave in time Sunday for a 3:22 p.m. flight back to Chicago.

Whoever told me about Frontier, thank you. I picked different times to give me the most time with you guys and I'm going to be one tired puppy at work on Monday, but that's OK.

Now I gotta go back and catch up on all your posts.


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Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm taking Friday off and leaving early a.m. and will arrive in LV at 9:06 a.m. I hope some other early bird can meet me and guide my sleepy body where it needs to go. Unless there's a shuttle or something. I'll have to find out. I'll need to leave in time Sunday for a 3:22 p.m. flight back to Chicago.

Whoever told me about Frontier, thank you. I picked different times to give me the most time with you guys and I'm going to be one tired puppy at work on Monday, but that's OK.

Now I gotta go back and catch up on all your posts.


Cheri...good to hear you got your flight booked. I think that Great will be in about the same time as you and I will be in at 10:10. We will just all find a place to meet at the airport so you don't feel lost. We can work out those details closer to the date.

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Karen, on one of your posts I thought you said your egg salad was mad and I was trying to picture a mad egg salad. Have a great time at the lake. I really do think one of these summers we should go to the lake, mosquitoes be damned. I sounds wonderful. You are the hostess with the mostest.

Eva, don't know what all went on in your past but I'm glad you've come to a place of acceptance and peace.


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Karen, on one of your posts I thought you said your egg salad was mad and I was trying to picture a mad egg salad. Have a great time at the lake. I really do think one of these summers we should go to the lake, mosquitoes be damned. I sounds wonderful. You are the hostess with the mostest.

Eva, don't know what all went on in your past but I'm glad you've come to a place of acceptance and peace.


I am thinking that maybe my egg salad is mad....seems like it by the way it is churning 9 hours after eating it.

I am totally covered in itchy skeeter bumps after this last weekend. I have to be really careful not to scratch them. They are in full force. Wet spring = misquitoes

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Hi all,

Im baaack! For a few days anyhow.....I am out in Fire Island this Friday for another ten days. My vacation as a single hehee. We are having a womans week out. Am excited about it. Havent had a vacation without Dassi as of yet. After this past month...well could use some time alone or with other adults.

Dassi goes to camp tomorrow. Luggage has been packed and sent to camp last week. We got back from F.I. late Sunday and weve been running around since then getting all the last minute things done. hair cut, buying sneakers, stationary, stamps. manicure and pedicure oh and this year...a new one...waxing arm pits! yes that was a shock even for me but apparently "all" the girls are getting that done now. HMMMM

Well I spoke to several mothers and sure enough the girls are as they are getting some hair...(not enough) but, if I want Dassi to wear sleaveless shirts as she put it..then she needs to shave....that wasnt happening so I guess a wax couldnt really hurt. I guess shes growing up and I have to let her somewhat.

So....cant wait till tomorrow when I can take a breath and sit down and just do nothing for the next 8 weeks!

(not that I will but the thought is nice!)

Fire Island was great. The week was fantastic.....we cycled and walked the beach everyday. We swithed off ridding in the AM or walking and then switching what ever we didnt do in the PM. One day we half rode/walked to the F.I. lighthouse from where we were which was about 5 miles. That was some exercise.....walking bikes through sand and dirt half way. Dassi wanted to do this...if id have known this was going to be so difficult I would never had gone this distance....but she insisted! So..we treked on and did it!

5 there 5 back. We both couldnt move after this one day....we limited our treks up to 3 to 4 miles in the AM and then in the PM.

We had a great time on these little excursions visiting neighboring towns and taking walks on the beach talking and swimming etc etc. It was nice spending time with Dassi in this way.

We had some company for several days. My brother and mom came out for a day and slept over with my niece and nephew. Had a BBQ and spent time at the beach. At the beginning of the week a friend came out with her two kids and that was fun for two days. We spent two days alone and that made up the week...so all in all it was a great vacation as far as "Family time" goes.

Food this week was good!! I have to say....that we ate really healthy...fish, chicken and one night we had steak. Ate alot of veggies and fresh fruit. Kept the Protein up and ate a little carbs, mostly in veggies and salad stuff or spelt breads, chumua and Peanut Butter.

I hadnt weighed in since before going away and today weighed in at 160!! Lost 8 pds over the last two weeks! WOW I guess all that daily excersize and keeping to healthy eating and small portions helped alot!!!

I was nurvous how this was going to work ....without the gym and having to bring out all the food and not eat out every day/night at the fabulous restaurants available. Only ate out twice. One dinner and one Breakfast. It was enough.

Tomorrow I have my monthly surgeon appointment. Not sure If Ill get a fill or not...but looking to find out if I have lost any more solution and if so....well what does that mean. Im hoping not. I also need to get a new script for that medication to prevent gall stones. Not sure for how long I need to take that but would like to stop. lol That is too large pill.

Well...dont really know whats going on. I havent been able to read any posts as we had no service last week..but was promised service this coming week. So....I hope everyone has been good and enjoying summer so far...its been a week into it so far!

An update would be great if someone can give one.....otherwise forgive me for not knowing or keeping up....was so peeved that we couldnt get service..felt so lost without getting online but in the end...it wasnt so bad. Needed to do other things besides getting online the whole week and we did!!!

well.....must get to sleep as tomorrow morning must get up early for Dassi to get out to busses by 9 and then on to work with the apt at doctors at 3;00. Tomorrow night....hehhe was thinking a bottle of wine and take out chinese....hmmmm thats not happening!!! Best think about how to make sure the food issues stay at bay for the next 8 weeks dont get out of hand. Usually would use this time alone to go bonkers with the ability to eat take out and junk food as there is no one else to shop and cook for every day.

Okay......will think about this tomorrw and make sure that im prepared well so this does not happen!!!

Will need some help!!

Okay have a good night all.....its good to be posting again.

Hope all is well


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Hey Gang...

Thanks for all the well wishes. I was in bed at 8:15 last night slept till 5:30 this morning - got some rest - Hell even I was to tired to eat dinner last night - had some squash and went to bed -

Andrew's back is better - still in pain - should find out tomorrow about the xrays..

Kaitlin wanted to go driving tonite after I got home from boot camp - told her sorry - but I had to pay bills and get ready for my trip - hell I've been home all weekend and haven't found out what's going on here (our thread) ..


This is turning into a big get together !!

Eva - thanks for finding the resort !! Glad you had a good time in Colorado and that parent issues are healing...

Okay, for Vegas we have 10 for sures going to Vegas as of today:

Lori, Linda, & Apples one suite

Janet, Phyl & (maybe Peaches) one suite

Eva & Arlene one suite

Joyce & Cheri & Julie one suite

so we have maybe Phyl/my couch & one in Eva's/Arlene room

Apples - you will be missed - this thread is going to be really quite - you are gone - I'm gone till Monday..

Jodi - I see you have posted congrats on 8 lbs...

don't know if there's alot to catch up on - I can't tell - I've been gone for a couple of days - No major issues.. Best news though was Laura (peascorp) dad's cancer is in remission..

Well gang it's 8:15 - I need to go see what I have to pack tomorrow ck weather and see if I have to wash - I got my bills paid - and I still need to eat ..

So will chat with you latter

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Good Morning Gang

Apples I would love a no brainer job for a minute - I had on once - working at a glass shop - most of the time I read as there was nothing too do - I did books answered phone paid bills etc - was a nice job for a yr - then got the job I'm at now - 7/9 will be 31 yrs...

Well just popping in to say good morning - gotta pack tonite for Lucky #7 trip.. Need to jump in the shower - gotta leave early to get gas

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Good Morning Gang

Apples I would love a no brainer job for a minute - I had on once - working at a glass shop - most of the time I read as there was nothing too do - I did books answered phone paid bills etc - was a nice job for a yr - then got the job I'm at now - 7/9 will be 31 yrs...

Well just popping in to say good morning - gotta pack tonite for Lucky #7 trip.. Need to jump in the shower - gotta leave early to get gas

Have a great time! You will be missed!

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Good Morning Gang

Apples I would love a no brainer job for a minute - I had on once - working at a glass shop - most of the time I read as there was nothing too do - I did books answered phone paid bills etc - was a nice job for a yr - then got the job I'm at now - 7/9 will be 31 yrs...

Well just popping in to say good morning - gotta pack tonite for Lucky #7 trip.. Need to jump in the shower - gotta leave early to get gas

Have a wonderful trip Janet. Safe travels.

Think I am going to be able to swing leaving today. My men didn't get in til 10pm last night so it gave me time to get a lot done around here...no interuptions and worked til after midnight to get things done. Now just a little bookwork, making sure I have enough meals ready, grab my dog and I'm on my way.

Will talk to you all when I get back (July 13, I think). Safe travels to all on the road and in the air. Happy 4th!

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Janet...have fun on your Lucky 7 trip. Take pictures! Is Phyl joining you?

Apples, have fun on your trip too. I really enjoy road trips...can't wait until I have enough time to mosey along instead of drive drive drive. I bet the dog is really going to love it.

I'm taking 1/2 off today....was supposed to be off all day, but I think I'll go in this afternoon and start catch up early. I need to get some stuff done for the 4th of July party, but I'm going to try and control myself and not get too carried away.

Okay ladies, we are going to have to make up for Apples and Janet being gone. Keep chatting.


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Janet...have fun on your Lucky 7 trip. Take pictures! Is Phyl joining you?

Apples, have fun on your trip too. I really enjoy road trips...can't wait until I have enough time to mosey along instead of drive drive drive. I bet the dog is really going to love it.

I'm taking 1/2 off today....was supposed to be off all day, but I think I'll go in this afternoon and start catch up early. I need to get some stuff done for the 4th of July party, but I'm going to try and control myself and not get too carried away.

Okay ladies, we are going to have to make up for Apples and Janet being gone. Keep chatting.


Yeh, girls, like Eva said...keep chatting. All it takes is just a bunch of mindless chatter...20 or so posts a day and you will be able to make up for me being gone. (Not talking about Janet...no mindless chatter in her posts).

AHHHHHHHHH....feels so good. Got all my bookwork done ahead of time for business and for the farm, chores done around here, meals all made. Now just need to run for a few needed items, back home and then I'm off.

Hey Eva....I know the feeling of getting carried away when doing parties. I waaaaaaaaaaay overdo at times but I have so much fun doing it. Just be you and do what you do. Us "foodies" take great pride and get much pleasure out of cooking, etc. Have a great time at your party.

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Joyce, is your DD in Houston a blond? There was a pretty blond on tv this morning talking about the Four Seasons. She was giving away a weekend stay on a local morning show.

Eva, yeah, we are going to have to double up to keep up with Apples. lol

Well, I am off to weigh in. The rain bands aren't dumping the heavy stuff yet. I am sorry for those who get the storm, but I am glad that we don't have to deal with it. Heck, people are still doing repairs from Ike two years ago.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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