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Morning ladies.....haven't read the posts yet, just wanted to let you know I'm back.

I drove from Colorado, through the mountains and got back home about 2am this morning. Had to stop outside of Globe and take a little nap in my car. I really wasn't planning on driving the whole thing at once, but once I got going, I just didn't want to stop.

I'm paying for it today because I didn't get enough sleep and I have a headache. I'll go back and catch up on the posts later.



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Welcome back, Eva. What a woman driving all that way! Smart to stop and nap. Hope you can check in soon and let us know all about your trip. Get some rest and rid of that headache. Take care

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Great, now what is your nugget test. What if you can only eat 4 Chick fil A nuggets?

Apples, Have a great time? You will be missed!

Eva, Welcome home!

Julie, You are welcomed to the couch. Eva, are you getting a one bedroom or do you want to get a two bedroom with me? I have to reserve a room soon.

Well, I went to get my eye zapped and he was running an hour and a half late......so I have to go back the 13th and get laser to take this cloudy membrane off my eye. He said it is normal after cataract surgery and it has been three years.

Okay gang, gotta go sit with my grandson.....later!

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Great, now what is your nugget test. What if you can only eat 4 Chick fil A nuggets?

Apples, Have a great time? You will be missed!

Eva, Welcome home!

Julie, You are welcomed to the couch. Eva, are you getting a one bedroom or do you want to get a two bedroom with me? I have to reserve a room soon.

Well, I went to get my eye zapped and he was running an hour and a half late......so I have to go back the 13th and get laser to take this cloudy membrane off my eye. He said it is normal after cataract surgery and it has been three years.

Okay gang, gotta go sit with my grandson.....later!

Arlene...good to hear that your eye ailment is the "norm"...wishing you luck with it.

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Yeah... I do the same... buy a lot of things on the internet, pay most of my bills online. I love automatic bill pay... don't have to worry about when they're due, don't have to write checks or pay postage... everything gets paid on time. No worry! Always make my travel arrangements online. Usually book cruises by phone, but start online... find hte one I want for the price I want.

We still have a Tivo in our bedroom, but have HD TV in the LR and use the Comcast DVR. Like Tivo better! Had a DirecTV Tivo in the RV but it quit last winter. And since they no longer have a contract with Tivo, had to accept the new one they sent us.

Zoey is 6 mos old... trouble with that is... she's already developed a few bad habits... like she likes to chew on fingers! Kennel lady that had her let her do that. But I don't like it so I'm trying to break that habit by telling her "NO" and giving her something else to chew on when she starts that. It's just her way of playing... but I don't want my hands chewed on! She's piddled on the carpet twice... but not since yesterday, and I think she's getting that pretty good. Gotta train her to walk with the leash. Dh has her outside now and is trying to trim her but she is freaking out.

Phyl, one way to discourage FINGER chewing is to WRAP the pups gums over HER teeth, give a bit of pressure and say NO, NO.... when she realizes that SHE is causing the pain she`ll stop chewing your fingers too....

Its always worked for my furbabies...:ohmy:

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my gosh, so hard to keep up with you girls..... I`ve been away from this thread for about a week.... and gadzuks the`res a lot to catch up on...

Yes, I`ll talk to Janet this week about Oct/Vegas trip.... we`ll see from there...

Looking forward to seeing my Lucky 7`s..... yeah+haw!!!:ohmy:

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I am back from getting my hair done. I went to the first place that I saw a sign for last week and they couldn't get me in til this afternoon though the sign said walk ins welcome. So I went to another place across the street and decided what the heck and they could take me. I think she did good, will see when I wash it and style it. She also did my eyebrows and got a little too agressive with them.

Just heard from my friend I worked at the rec center with before I got laid off in Feb. goodness folks are getting let go and quitting left and right, she's about the only one left there that I would know. think it's a sign of very tight economics, glad to not be there anymore. I did get unemployment for awhile then felt guilty as I had no desire at the time to look for another job so I stopped putting in for it each week. I wasn't required to actively seek employment as I was considered 'job attached' meaning if my job had hours they'd call me (they only did twice and both were during my Isreal trip), but now I couldn't go in even if they called from Utah. I think I was eligible to collect for several more months or so.

Arlene, nugget test is 4 mcnuggets = great restriction, 6 mcnuggets meant I was loosening up and possibly in need of a fill. LOL Now ChikFilA nuggets I've never been able to eat with out PBing. They are too dry or something for me, I think it's the breast meat as I can never eat that either. One never knows what is in a McNugget (nor do I want to know) LOL

Apples, it won't be glorious with you gone! LOL Can you post some pics of your lake place some time?? Have a great time!

Eva, glad you made it home safe and sound. Where in CO were you? I was outside Basalt last weekend. Going to Denver tomorrow for the day to take care of Grandma.

Peaches, enjoy the Lucky 7's, your group is really lucky!! LOL Other than me and Apples, our 'JuneBug' group isn't even around hardly anymore. And Arlene was one month after us.

Arlene, glad the eye thing was nothing serious and to be expected.

Okay you nurses, my daughter just found out she has gall bladder polyps, how serious is that? She sees a surgeon on Thurs. I just emailed my lap band surgeon and he said he'd do her gall bladder for me too.

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Karen - weekend sounds soooo wonderful. Enjoy. Also sending strength for dental appt. and healing after.

Lori - good luck with your new salon and hope your new yard will be completed this weekend.

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FYI - Now have our room filled with Cheri & Julie & me.

I snore - so hope I don't run them off.

My yoga travel mate says my snoring is NOT bad.

Laura - congrats on refund for camp and important that they will make changes.

Lori - glad hair came out well.

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Great...keep forgetting to take photos. Will try to remember to get some this weekend.

Want to mention this now b/4 I forget. Peaches, Phyll, Janet...have a wonderful time at your get-together. As Great said, our June 2008 group just never really took off. I was lucky that I had made a connection with "Longtobethin" now, Great and we jumped on this thread. Just like a couple of hobos along for the ride! Anyway, have fun being friends and looking forward to hearing about it all.

Not sure if I'm out of here tomorrow or not. Does not really matter...can go Thursday. Had to load trucks most of the morning and until 5pm. Not a bad job...just a lot of running from house to bin site and pulling levers and watching that I don't run the bins over with corn. Fun.

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Joyce...posting at the same time. Thanks...not a problem with having fun. We have a great group of ppl and some very wonderful friends who make plans for the group every weekend it seems. I guess that's what it's all about and DH and I love everything about our life up there.

Dental thing is not too bad. Kind of like labor...you forget about it once it's over. Think this work is why I've dropped a few lbs. There's a few days after the appts where it is difficult for me to get in what I need on a daily basis. Will just have to pay a little more attention.

Off to fill another truck and bin. I actually love it when DH gives me jobs like this. Weather has been ideal and predicted to be a couple of weeks out.

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Lori, sorry to hear about your daughter's gall bladder. At least you know she'll be in good hands. It's pretty cool you can fly in to see your grandma and help her out for the day. Do you have to rent a car each time? I was in florence, Colorado. It's about 35 miles south of Colorado Springs.

Apples, where are you going for 11 days? We all enjoy your chatter so, don't think you won't be missed. So you are working at a friend's shop? How nice is that, especially if it's close to the lake. Was this a one time thing or will you be doing it regularly? Glad you are coming to LV. Glimmer doesn't like the thunder/fireworks/gunfire either. She wimpers and tries to crawl under my legs.

Phyl, love the puppy, she is so cute. Puppies chew so it's good you are working with her to chew the "right" things. We had a horrible time with Glimmer. She ate all of my bedding...holes the size of golf balls in every sheet and blanket. She still licks stuff, but has stopped chewing (of course she is 11 now).

Charlene, glad to hear your eye issue isn't anything serious. That's always scary. My "old lady" friend in Colorado has macular degeneration is so worried about going totally blind. She probably won't, but her vision will be serious affected. She is 86 and she is dreading not being able to drive (yes it's scary, she's still driving). Yes, you can get a ride to the airport on Sunday, I'll have my vehicle.

Julie, so you might be coming to Vegas too? Wow it looks like most of the members will be able to make it. How cool is that!! That's so funny that you have to barter the tractor show for a Vegas trip. Gee, it would be hard to decide...tractors....uh.....Vegas.....uh....tractors....hmmm...Vegas, how hard would that be to decide. Glad the pain has been managable, that's hopeful.

Janet, wow, sounds like you had a really fun weekend. Kids, it sure takes a while for them to get their stuff together doesn't it? Glad Andrew didn't lose anything and all you lost was sleep. So GD is driving, that is a pretty cool...hope all goes well with that.

Laura, sorry that the camp didn't work out as well as you had hoped. I think it's great for kids to "get away" during the summer and meet new people and do new stuff. We sent Robbie to a computer camp for a couple of weeks. It was just a day camp, but he really did enjoy it. I just booked a 2 bedroom condo in Vegas so if you make it, you can room with me. Maybe we can talk about the parents then. My parents were depressed too and it's hind site for me because I really didn't understand what was going on with them while it was happening. Glad you are there for your mother and at least she will talk to you.

Joyce, yep the heat really is getting to me too. Colorado was warm, but not like it is in Arizona. I can't imagine adding all the extra humidity either.

Linda, wow the font you are using is great for tired eyes. Thanks. Sounds like you had a fun weekend with your family.

LauraK...your daughter will be just fine in time. It takes a while to get used to a new situation. Sorry about her stuff being held up, that's a bummer, but you can get by for a while sleeping on an air mattress. I slept on a foam pad and therma-rest for the last 4 nights in Colorado. It was good to get back to my bed, but the floor experience wasn't bad. I actually slept okay. How nice of your son to give you the "flower report". That's great!

Cheri, Southwest airlines have multiple flights from Chicago Midway to Vegas, both with lay overs somewhere and non-stop. You have to go directly to Southwest's web site because they don't use Travelocity, Expedia, or any of the other travel services. Also, Janet's suggestion to call a travel agent would be good.

Jessica, sorry I missed your birthday!! Hope you had a great day. How's the summer vacation going?

Hello to anyone else I've missed.

I'll be back later to post about Colorado...it was a good trip.

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Eva...not a one time thing at the shop. I've done the last three Mondays and will most likely do every Monday that I can. Winter months will be iffy with the ice and snow and our travels south. It's a "stupid" job. (No offense to anyone working in a salon). Love that it's not stress. Just making appts, cleaning up around the shop, pricing products, coffee and sodas for customers, etc. I am loving it.

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Howdy everyone,

Lori, glad you're hair appt went okay -- you'll find someone -- but I swear that IS one of the worst things about moving -- finding new hair people - when I left Reno I left the person who had done my hair for 15 years. And my DH left his barber of 25 years when we left LA. It's tough to find the right ones. Hope your DD will be okay. Hugs on that. Enjoy your visit with GM tomorrow.

Apples, yes you will be missed -- it's never the same when you're gone, but we are happy you get away and have some fun! Yes, try to remember the pictures.

Julie, so happy you are going to come to Vegas!!! Can't wait -- we will have a great time!!!

Janet and Peaches have a great reunion -- take lots of pics.

Okay, I forgot to weigh in the other day on the name for our group -- Let's see Laura mentioned FFG for Former Fat Girls -- maybe change it to Chicks -- FFC. Or FCNM Fat Chicks No More. It would be fun to have tee shirts made.

Eva, glad to hear you made it home safe and sound!! Hope you can get some rest.

LauraK -- so sorry to hear about the delay on the delivery - what in the heck is taking so darn long? How the heck do they expect someone to live that long without their things? Like Lori, we had to hustle to beat the moving van when we moved here - we arrived Sat. and the moving van was right behind us and started unloading on Sat. night. So I don't understand that at all. Hugs to you and your DD. I hope you can make it to Vegas.

I bet we can probably get extra cots or roll away beds if we need them if more want to come. I'd love it if every single person could come.

I'll have to see what is going on with my DS and DDIL - but if they are just going to work on Friday then I'll just have them drop me at the airport early and meet everyone for lunch too. Or, if my DS is going to be around to see me maybe we can pick you guys up at the airport and go to the resort. Probably won't know until closer to the time -- he won't know what he'll be able to do -- depends on how busy he is at work. My DIL is relatively new at her job so she'll probably have to be at work.

Julie, hope you get your appt. for mayo soon -- and hope all your problems can be resolved soon!! Your remodeling sounds so nice -- it's also so nice to have everything clean and done -- I have lots of projects I should be doing like that (but don't do them). LOL

Arlene, how is your Mom doing? Glad your eye problem wasn't serious.

Well, I'll CBL still at work right now.


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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