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Melting butter vs. hard lard. LMAO.

Desert Rose it is. I'll sleep on a couch or whatever. I'm gonna get my friend to look into the best deal on flights for me. I'm definitely into cheap.


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thanks LauraK, me too -- wish we could have spent more time together. I'll pm you my DS's info in the next few days for your daughter to keep for emergencies. Your hair looked great to me! LOl. We are so critical of ourselves, aren't we? Glad you made it to Cheyenne safely. Hope you and Lori can have a good time meeting tomorrow.

Cheri, does Allegiant fly out of Chicago? It's about the cheapest to LV -- and usually direct flights. I checked last week and I think tickets were $100 each way for October, a very excellent price. I'll probably leave Thurs. and spend the night with my DS and maybe stay overnight Sunday at their house too. Can't go to Vegas and not see my DS and DDIL.

Apples, i do hope you can make it -- won't be the same without you.

Gotta get to bed working 8 to 5 next few days as one of my co-workers is on vacation which means 4:30 wake up so I can go to the gym. Ughh!

sleep well everyone!


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I survived boot camp and driving with Kaitlin - she just got her permit yesterday - so took her out driving after gym -

Boot camp was a good one today - we were dripping wet - I had to modify 2 things - this squat from a push up then jumping - I just squad-ed and ran in place

dinner Fish & broc and maybe some of that fake Pasta (that one I gave you Phyl - like 18 grms Fiber & half the calories of regular pasta) fiber groument I think and it's better than the stuff I gave you - got it at clarks nutrition - kaitlin even ate it and said it tasted just like reg pasta 2 oz 130 cal and 18 grms fiber - I didn't measure but I most likely had about 1.5 oz.. it's in a box lite fetuccine - for you pple who can eat it - look for it at like trader joe's whole foods and they do have a website..

Apples hugs I know you want to come - it's just so hard to get everything on everyone's schedule - Hopefully corps will be done and you will be able to get away for 3 days.. That will be our prayer..

I feel bad now.. I hate that you might not be able to come..

ok Linda & Lori shacking up ;0) and have a couch - Phyl and I shacking up and have a couch - I am pretty sure Joyce will have another room cuz she want's her own room and not the couch...

Eva you in w/me & phyl

Cheri you maybe could room w/Joyce -

LauraK safe travels - are you going to be able to make the vegas trip

Jodi we aren't staying at monte carlo but the desert rose - I will book my/phyls room in the next day or 2 ..

well it's almost 10 I gotta hit the hay..

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Desert Rose is my vote. Do you want us to make our own reservations?

I'm just about ready. I'm leaving work early tomorrow and heading out. I still have some stuff to load, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Lori, I'm going to Colorado. The dog and I will be driving up there. Going to take care of some business with my Mom's house.

Ug, I'm tired, can't think...I'll try and check in before I leave.


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I survived boot camp and driving with Kaitlin - she just got her permit yesterday - so took her out driving after gym -

Boot camp was a good one today - we were dripping wet - I had to modify 2 things - this squat from a push up then jumping - I just squad-ed and ran in place

dinner Fish & broc and maybe some of that fake Pasta (that one I gave you Phyl - like 18 grms fiber & half the calories of regular pasta) fiber groument I think and it's better than the stuff I gave you - got it at clarks nutrition - kaitlin even ate it and said it tasted just like reg pasta 2 oz 130 cal and 18 grms fiber - I didn't measure but I most likely had about 1.5 oz.. it's in a box lite fetuccine - for you pple who can eat it - look for it at like trader joe's whole foods and they do have a website..

Apples hugs I know you want to come - it's just so hard to get everything on everyone's schedule - Hopefully corps will be done and you will be able to get away for 3 days.. That will be our prayer..

I feel bad now.. I hate that you might not be able to come..

ok Linda & Lori shacking up ;0) and have a couch - Phyl and I shacking up and have a couch - I am pretty sure Joyce will have another room cuz she want's her own room and not the couch...

Eva you in w/me & phyl

Cheri you maybe could room w/Joyce -

LauraK safe travels - are you going to be able to make the vegas trip

Jodi we aren't staying at monte carlo but the desert rose - I will book my/phyls room in the next day or 2 ..

well it's almost 10 I gotta hit the hay..

Yes Janet...what ever works out the best. I can do my own room too, that way you each have your own room. I'm still working or should be by then.

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Good Morning

Yes we each make our own room reservations and collect from your room mates :0) I think that's the best way..

We have a couch - Eva I know you aren't a morning person and so you and Phyl are good match there - but I am :0) so I may wake anyone up who's on our couch :0) or who know's w/o any fur babies to wake me up - I may sleep in ;0)

I know what you mean - I was tired last night and typing was a chore :0)

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Janet...don't feel bad that I cannot consider Vegas at this time. You picked a date and most can make it and I am happy for you guys that can make it. Talked to DH about it this morning and that is a time that I am really booked unloading trucks. The job DH counts on me doing. Now, you wouldn't want me getting fired, would you?????? Hummmmmmm..that's a thought! LOL

We would not way be done by that time...just the beginning of our harvest. We never get done until after the snow flies. The average for completing our harvest is at the end of Nov...sometimes into Dec. It would just be such a nice time to meet the rest of the girls and spend time with all of you I met in FL. I most likely will not be going but will wait till the week of and make the decision. If it was travelling with my group of girls I go with annually, it wouldn't bother me to skip a year. BUT IT'S YOU GUYS.

Have a great trip Eva. Be safe. Hope you get off work when you want so you will get on the road when you expect to.

LauraK...safe travels today. I, too, thought your hair in that photo was really cute. Hope you have it as cute for Lori today. You guys have a nice visit. Lori is a sweetie.

Cheri...happy to hear you are venturing the Vegas trip. Hope you enjoy it.

Jessica....don't want to miss your special day on Saturday. I will be leaving again early tomorrow and want to make sure I get my greeting to you....





I hope you know how special you are and recognize just what you have accomplished the past year.

Taking my dog to the vet this morning. No small fete. He has hated going to the clinic since he left his testicles there 6 yrs ago. I've told you all the story of him putting the brakes on when he gets 1/2 way up the walk. He weighs 100lbs and because I do not to screw up my repaired hernias, I choose not to carry him in. When I would get to the door, I would have to walk in backwards cuz he would spread his feet out and plant them on the door jam. I have the clinic # on my cell and will just push the button and they will have to come out and help me push is A$$ in the door. Poor thing.

He is afraid of thunder storms...even 1/2 hour b/4 it starts raining, he starts shaking. Anyway, they want a full check-up in order to give him the calming medicine he needs. Hoping it work over the 4th with fire crackers, fireworks, etc. We had thunder that started yesterday afternoon and did not quit till 4am. He never sleeps with us except during storms. Needless to say, I had a dog on my lap most of the day and in bed with us last night. Not much sleep going on.

So busy the next couple of days. Yesterday was an easy one as the guys only needed me to run a couple of times. Got most of my houswork done and some computer time. I have 2 bridal showers on Sat morning, a 60th bday party at 2pm and a 40th bday party at 5pm. Need to make some food for both (just a couple of potluck dishes...easy).

Need to fit in a couple of visits with my (fake) brother who is in the hospital. Gallbladder surgery but they had to really cut. Infection...lucky boy. They said 2 more days and it would not have been good.

Ooops...will check in later. Gotta give a ride to my guy

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Apples, my little Merry is so afraid of storms too - I give her something called "calming treats for dogs" -- I order them from Drs. Foster and Smith -- they really help. I smear them with Peanut Butter and she eats them.

Your poor baby!

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Good morning! today is the day I hopefully get to meet LauraK!! It's also the day I meet the trainer at the gym. UGH!! I am so sore from Monday. I must confess I never made it to the gym yesterday, the concrete guys didn't leave til noon and well you all know you can't get sweaty after noon. LOL Actually the day just got away from me, had so many errands to run to get ready for camping tomorrow.

I am very anxious to go camping, we are meeting the kids near Glenwood springs, it's a 6 hour drive for us so we are leaving like 4am.

For Vegas, Linda and I are sharing a room. Apples, if you can come last minute you are welcome to crash on our couch! We'll have to keep our fingers and toes crossed for a late starting harvest then??

DH's brother called last night and they are talking of a gathering in S. Dakota next month or August. So maybe if all works out, we can meet in Watertown again? It's very iffy right now though and my luck it will be when you are in Canada.

Eva, sure, you wait til I leave CO to go there! Have a safe trip!

Jessica, happy birthday.

Janet, brave grandma going driving on the first day of her permit. Good job on bootcamp. I didn't see a bootcamp class offered at my 24 Hour. Not sure I am a class person at this point though.

Well better get ready for the gym. Laura, I may look scruffy when we meet today!

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Hi there, I'm back again... Having a little more of a slow day today... The last week has been terribly busy.... It's finally winding down... got through all the events of the weekend only to have the Home Healthcare nurse for my mother call to say she wasn't doing well alone.... Is confused about her medications and isn't eating.... So had to take charge and make some plans.... Tomorrow we go for her post op check and then I made an appointment with her regular doctor to get a handle on her medications... Not looking forward to the day....

I'm doing okay.... the pain has been bearable, but is always there.... Right now I'm just waiting for mayo to call with an appointment time... Until then I'm just doing my drugs and praying for the pain to stay away..

You all have been so busy....

Lori, hope your cement comes out good... We were to pour a patio today, but they had a lightning strike at the batch plant and can't do it till later.... Doesn't bother us too much...... One of my rentors just came to say he lost his job and wants to get out of his lease..... It's always something....

Phyll, you will find the right dog in time, I'm sure.. WTG on the exercise...

Janet, good job on getting the plans together for Vegas... I will not be coming this time.... It's a really bad time for me because of DD's wedding and also I can't do all the walking you mentioned ..... Don't know what shape I will be in by then... Better I hope, but it's an unknown.... So, will have to stay home with Apples......

Apples, we will have to plan something for you and me so we don't feel so left out!!!!! Great pictures..... I'm sure you can hardly wait for the project to be finished...

Laura, I'm so happy for you and your family about your dad.... You will have a great vacation where ever you go...

Laura K and Linda......... you both look so lovely..... I'm glad you got to meet each other...

Joyce, is it you who hit one-derland??? I think so... congrats....

Arlene, so happy you are getting real food again...

Eva, you are so busy I see why you get tired....

Judy, have you started rehearsals yet??

Cheri, I'm so glad you get to go to Vegas.... Sounds like you are enjoying your summer school... and WTG on the grants...

Jessica, how are you doing???

Jodi, are you still gone to FI???

Melissa, are you feeling better??

Pam, how are you doing.... Sorry things have been tough with Ex........ Never easy....

Who did I forget...??? I hope no one as you are all important to me... I know there are some new ones that I left out...... Hope to get to know you better now that I have more time to be on here...

Well, time for Young and the Restless and I can just sit and watch it today.... You all take care and have a great day..... Hugs to all......... Julie

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Linda....we have tried the over the counter calmers for our dog. It takes too many at one time for our big guy. Just wanted verification from vet as to what amounts we should give him. I ended up with a prescription for him just to be safe. He is usually so calm except for fire works and storms. Hopefully, this will do it for him. $35 for prescription (20 tablets/2 per storm) and $50 vet bill. We'll just have to see how it works and if not better than the over the counter, we'll go back to using that.

Great...just let me know when you are in SD and we'll see what works. I am thinking it would be better for me to come straight west and meet somewhere instead of you going all the way to Watertown. I'll take a look prior to then. Sounds like fun.

Julie...hope you get your appt soon with mayo. I have friends (the ones that visited us in FL) that have a daughter there for the last few weeks. Some weird immune disorder. They have only seen 2 cases ever. She went to school with my youngest. 27 and lost her short term memory and could not walk or talk. Really scary. Doing weekly treatments and have no idea when she will be able to come home. At least they were able to figure it out. She has been hospitalized since mid-April in Fargo. Scary stuff. We'll see if we can meet sometime this summer in Fargo (or whatever works).

Janet...I agree with Great...brave GM taking GD out for drive. Gotta be done at some point though.

Laura...sorry about the vertigo issues. I have had an unusual amount of episodes of it since Jan of this year. It does pass but can make for a couple of miserable days. I am always thankful when I can get through a day and not vomit when I have it. So far so good.

Rainy afternoon here. DH is napping. Found him sleeping at the computer when I got home from town. Heated him up some beef stew I made yesterday and tucked him under a blankie in his chair for a nice nap. I should have joined him after being up with puppa most of the night. Darned dog thinks he has to put his 30lb head right on my port.

This afternoon's activities are floor scrubbing, vacuuming and making three pans of bars of parties this weekend. Also plan on boiling 4 doz eggs for deviled eggs. Will wait with those till Friday at the lake. Then I'll pack the truck for the lake and take off early morning.

Better hit it

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Laura sorry about the vertigo issues, I get it too so understand the misery.

Julie, sorry about your DM. Hope you get all the issues resolved and you hear from mayo soon about your own appt. You're important to us too!

Apples, hope the pills help your baby -- he and my Merry would be best friends during storms/fire works -- they could hid together and comfort each other -- now THAT would be cute -- her best friend is a large lab -- when she goes to Allison Camp (her doggie sitter who keeps her at her house) she and her lab pair up -- she's got 3 other dogs -- even other dashounds, but still the lab and her are the bestest friends. It's cute. Next time you are anywhere close to here I hope you'll stop in and meet me somewhere.

Okay, everyone. I went to make Lori and my reservations at Desert Rose -- must prepay in full at time you make reservations so I want to MAKE SURE we are all in agreement on the dates -- Fri., Oct. 1st, checking out Sun., Oct. 3 and we all do want Desert Rose correct?

Also, you need the "guests" name, address, phone nos. when you make the reservation. I'm sure we can add a third person at the time we check in. Not worried about that as the price is the same.



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Apples, my friend is home again waiting for a call... They did lots of tests and found blockage in her carotid (SP) artery that was bad and probably caused the aneurisms (SP), too.... The doctor wanted to study up on her case and then have her back in a couple weeks to fix everything.... She was here this morning and seems fine.... they say she has had this for a long time and the CT at the time of the accident just brought it to light.... Lucky girl....

Lori, maybe I can make it to meet you and Apples this time if I have enough notice of when and where..... Let me know and we can have a mini Vegas with the 3 of us...

I just finished taking all the things out of the living room closet so DH can finish the flooring when he gets home from work tonight.... I only did the light stuff.. Mostly toys....... We are finally getting to where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project.... I found an area rug, but don't have it yet... It is a carpet remnant and they are binding it for me... Also got a new Lazy-Boy to replace one that has seen better days.... So I am mostly ready for the new updated decorating... Moving things around and putting pictures and things in new places.... I'm anxious to be done....

Well, I should go check on laundry..... TTYL...Julie

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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