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Good morning. Well today is the day I get my concrete! They laid the forms and all yesterday and it took so long they had to wait til this morning to get the cement truck so they showed up at 630am this morning. YAWN!! LOL Reason I say yawn is DH was up most the night with phone calls someone damaged an aircraft in one of his cities last night, that's always several hours on the phone and he says several trees of paper of reports. Poor guy then had to get on a flight bright and early for San Diego this morning just for the day. Yesterday was Houston and he said it was hot and humid! I am going to the other location of 24 Hour fitness today to see which I like better. They are both not real close so a drive either way.

Linda, you defintely don't look fat in that photo, neither one of you look like you were ever overweight.

Apples, we thought of doing the colored and stamped concrete for the patio but it was exactly double the cost. A friend got her's that way and in a few years it all faded out, so we are just going basic concrete.

Eva, where are you going again? I forget. My dogs will love the grass though they aren't minding the dirt too much. LOL They are so dirty but makes no sense to give them a bath to go back out and roll in it some more.

Janet, do you even have winter clothes? I guess when you term winter as 60's and 70's you must. What would you do if you really went to winter?? LOL How's work going? Have things settled down a bit?

LauraK, you look amazing in the photo that Linda posted. Hopefully it's our turn to meet tomorrow.

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Forgot to ask, how many carbs do these new little Bagels you guys are talking about have? Not sure I could do one even toasted but maybe an option if I have a craving. I just don't do well with breads though.

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Oh one more thing, I asked a few days ago in a post but it probably got buried on a day no one was around.

I was at Target looking at those Champion pants that were discussed awhile back on here. They had 3 fits, relaxed, fitted and semi fitted or something like that. Which is the fit you guys like? Also sports bras? I heard the Champion one was also good. For some reason with moving I can't find my sports bras for working out but have lots of others that wonderful Apples sent me.

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Linda...congrats on breaking your plateau. You were talking about only losing 3lbs in six months a couple of days ago? Well, it's still 3lbs and even if you just lose a pound here and there, you are so close to goal...you just know you will get there.

DH took a photo of me last week in a flowy top...I thought it made me look sloppy and heavier than I am. I did not see yours looking that way but mine. I think we are more critical of ourselves than we should be. By no means do I feel fat or even worry about it at this point but that top is getting belted the next time I wear it.

Great...I bought the Thomas Bagels. 110 cals, Fiber 5g, Protein 6gr and 24gr carbs. I swear they are just the flat hamburger bun with a whole in it. Same thing. I know they in no way hold DH's appetite for any length of time unless I grilled a 1lb slab of ham to put in it.

That's what is so great about those Champion pants...so many options. I am built like a boy on the bottom so I buy the slim fit and order online cuz I can get talls. It's rare that I find a tall unless I am in a Target Greatland or Superstore. I just go to the Target online and then I get the option to buy through Amazon with free shipping. I don't wear sports bras so cannot help you on that.

Janet...your "winter" clothes would be my "summer evening" clothes. We have warm days but cooler nights. I always have a winter jacket and ski pants on around the camp fire.

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Oh one more thing, I asked a few days ago in a post but it probably got buried on a day no one was around.

I was at Target looking at those Champion pants that were discussed awhile back on here. They had 3 fits, relaxed, fitted and semi fitted or something like that. Which is the fit you guys like? Also sports bras? I heard the Champion one was also good. For some reason with moving I can't find my sports bras for working out but have lots of others that wonderful Apples sent me.

Just remembered...prior to LB surgery, I bought 4 sports bras and never, ever wore them. I had not problems with my reg bras so they have been in the drawer since then. They are "Shear Shapewear" brand and that brand was recommended by a one of the girls in my doc's office. No sense in them just sitting in my drawer. PM or email me your new address and I will stick them in a manilla envelope and shoot them off to you

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Morning girlies!

Nelson left for his 2nd day of camp. We are carpooling and he got into the other mom's car and didn't even look back! No hug/kisses! (trying to be a tough guy in front of the girls!) He's only doing a half day today b/c he needs a haircut, has his tutor and taekwondo. They also were going to the beach in the afternoon and he was freaking out about having to take a shower there. He takes a shower at home by himself but I am usually around and will tell him to re-rinse his head, etc. The anxiety of the beach was just so dramatic that I didn't want to push it.

I spoke to my mom by herself last night, and she just cried and cried (joy/relief). She has been through so much as the primary care giver and is really exhausted. My Dad is already talking about wanting to start flying soon with his pilot friend. He wants to go to an inpatient rehab for a couple weeks to really focus on getting his strength back. I wish he had this motivation before- but hey, I will take it now. : )

DH and I have vacation in July (It's our annivesary, July 21, 2001) This will be the first vacation in a year that I don't feel I HAVE TO go to NC! (before felt so guilty and worried about each week being my last with my Dad). So, am looking into places to go! I think we want to go out of the country. Maybe somewhere in Latin America. We've been to Costa Rica. OR... South America is winter right now. Might be nice to escape the heat and go to Paraguay where I was in the Peace Corps!!! Time to look at flights/deals. Any ideas?

Great~ Even in my size I like the fitted ones. I was wearing the PXL but now the regular XL are fine. My legs didn't grow, maybe I shrunk them..LOL. congrats on the concrete!

Thanks guys for all the congrats on my Dad. It means a lot.

Janet~ LOL.. I FELT like a glass of wine, but didn't actually have one! : ) I hear ya on the clothes you need to give away. Sometimes something just doesn't feel right and it has to go! My cat likes rolling in the dirt WHEN I let him out. He's 17 and isn't handling the heat too well.

ok, time to get some work done! Have a great day!!!!!! Laura

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Laura...your dad wanting to do the inpatient rehab is such a great idea. Plus, it will give your mom the break she has been needing.

How about Canada. Lake Victoria. Just an absolutely beautiful place. We are heading to Northern Canada for a couple of weeks in August. We have friends that invited us up. They own a resort up there and the guys will be doing some bear hunting (poor bears). So many options this time of the year in Canada. So many local celebrations to get in on, etc. Pull up the Lake Victoria region and see what you think.

Wine for Breakfast? Not sure....ask Phyll!

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Wine for breakfast, it's a fruit aka grape juice? ??? LOL

Laura, Canada sounds neat. We were to the Nova Scotia region several years ago it was beautiful. Also Alaska is fun this time of year. So beautiful.

Well the cement truck just left and they are busy smoothing it out and what not. I kept thinking the patio wasn't big enough but now that it's poured it looks huge. Hope I didn't go too big. LOL It will look different once we get grass and all too.

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Wine for breakfast, it's a fruit aka grape juice???? LOL

Laura, Canada sounds neat. We were to the Nova Scotia region several years ago it was beautiful. Also Alaska is fun this time of year. So beautiful.

Well the cement truck just left and they are busy smoothing it out and what not. I kept thinking the patio wasn't big enough but now that it's poured it looks huge. Hope I didn't go too big. LOL It will look different once we get grass and all too.

Now to keep the dogs out of the wet concrete?:smile2:

I think we should make the "topic of the day": Your take on Laura drinking wine for breakfast. I say OK as long as it's low carb, you're in Vegas or you have an egg white omelette to go with it.:(

Edited by Apples2

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That is going to be the hard part of the day, keeping the dogs off the concrete. There is no way for them to go out back to do their 'business'. And even out front the concrete comes around the side of the house to the driveway. So will have to be careful to make sure they stay to one side of the front, maybe one dog at a time so they don't get to playing chase. They are locked in their crates right now as they are going nuts having these concrete guys in the yard. On the one hand it's good they bark when there are people around that aren't supposed to be, but a bad thing when they don't stop when I tell them it's okay. They just aren't feeling 'at home' yet and very skittish. Odd I had rottweillers before the lab mixes and everyone thinks they are such mean and vicious dogs. they'd never have barked like my labs do at strangers. When I told them it was okay they were your best friend. they just had a 'presence' about them. LOL

Personally, I've never tried wine for breakfast. LOL Not many kinds I like other than some white zinfendels. Oh but how I loved going to Napa when I lived in Sacramento. Oh, Laura, there's a vacation idea for you! I've never stayed there but understand there are some marvelous spas, bed and breakfasts, etc.

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Laura...Port Douglas, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Aus. Their winter but very warm this time of year. 70's-80's. The rain forest is as far north as you can go by Port Douglas. Fascinating.

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Apples - I hear you on your pic - I took one in an outfit friday that looked cute in the mirror but didn't translate in the camera - but you know what I tell myself - Janet you are a size 4 - no why in hell can anyone mistake you for a morbitly obese person :0)... Most of my clothes are fitted to a degree but I have a couple of flowy stuff - cuz it's cute. I bet we would love the pic

Linda neither you nor LauraK looked fat !!!! Girl next time you think that - remember the weight you loss..

Laura - Wine for bf - lol - only on vacation :0) and I personally would choose a bloody mary to go with my white egg omlett :0)

Vacation in the summer to excape the heat - Canada - Alaska - never been to south america - so can't comment but hear it's beautiful.. Baniff in Canada is a great place too lake is fed by a glacier - I've been there..

Great - I think I get the semi fitted - not sure - they have a little flare at the bottom (summer time I wear the capri ones)

I would DIE in -30 degree weather- I don't have anything warmer than a leather jacket - I do have one heavy sweater I got to go to the tram (mountains snow during the winter) - but we never went - I have sweaters but they are all light weight - like you said - summer evenings

Laura - So glad that your dad wants to get back in the air !!!

Sports bra's I have 2 champion I think w/cup (sort of) I'm so flat (34b) that I don't need a sports bra - normally wear my regular one - cuz in the sports bra - I have NO chest - not that I have one anyway ;0) But that's ok - I'm not into big boobs - I would just like them not to be so deflated..

Eva - thanks about not needing ps - I don't think I really need it - just get so pissed at myself that I have the body I do now - if I had been smart when I was young - I could be wearing shorts - sleevless tops etc - but no I had to streach out my skin... Well at least I look good dressed :0)

Well, I am avoiding work - it's has it's days some busier than other - some super stressfull - last week was good as my main boss was gone - but he's back so have some last minute stuff I need to get done - so I better get to it...


Oh Julie is ok - busy with reunion etc - sends her love

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Janet...I agree with Eva. You are far from needing PS. When I see you, I see cute and fit. Very fit for your older than me age. LOL. I figure if I look good in my clothes and I don't have a panni that is hindering me, no sense in doing anything.

On the other hand, if someone needs it or really wants it to look better, good for them for going through it. Had a lake neighbor lady do it on the 11th. Saw her last weekend. She is happy the hell is behind her. She still has tubes but is moving, swollen but looks and feels much better about herself. She had gastric bypass 8 yrs ago and had her second and last child a yr ago. She was well over 300 lbs and is maintaining at about 170 and looks wonderful. This is what she needed in order to even dress in normal clothes. She had a total TT and muscle repair. She's young (about 38).

My DH is the only one to see my "melted butter belly" and I am now and the point where I don't mind how it is at all. A little messy but if you lined up a dozen 54 yr olds, we would all find something to bitch about.

I have a few little wrinkles in my upper arms but only if I hold them in a certain position. I just don't hold them that way and have gotten enough confidence this year to wear sleeveless. Last summer it was unheard of.

Better get back to work. Good thing I sign the paychecks.

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LOL I love the melting butter - it's a good discription :0)

I almost went sleeveless today - you know I am getting better about my arms - I am wearing short sleeve/cap - they are what they are and you are right - we aren't waving them around 24/7 - now if I was going out dancing - I wouldn't go sleeveless - but just everday stuff - I may getting closer and closer -

No I don't need a tt - I'm lucky that went back pretty good - not too bad and I don't think I would get one - really don't know if I will ever have the guts to get any ps

Just love to complain ;0) and dream :0)

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Linda - love the pix of you and LauraK together & her DD.

Karen - the before and after pix are amazing. What a great dentist.

Laura - fantastic blessing on news of your Dad. So happy for you and all family.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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