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Hello everyone...... I had time to read the posts and there were a bunch this morning... Yesterday when I thought I lost my post I was on my mother's computer and it didn't show my posts at all.... ???? Oh well.... I wanted to get caught up and comment to everyone today, but alas, it won't happen again today.... Last night DH gave me a piece of gum while we were out straightening the garage a bit and I lost a crown..... and part of the tooth, too... Very sharp and irritating, so I'm off to the dentist, too... I called just now and they said to be there at 1:00..... Yeah..... something temporary I'm sure, but at least I won't have that sharp eating my cheek up..... I was up early and by 9:30 we had 14 batches of ice cream mixed and ready to freeze tomorrow.......Now I must get myself presentable for the dentist......

Girls, I don't offend that easy..... I know your comments about what I do are only because you care.... but I feel the need for you to understand just how hard it is to just sit and do nothing... I try very hard to work smart and easy.... I have to or I'll go crazy.... But, no, I am not upset with you..... Love you all.....

Apples, you are such a lucky duck with clothes..... very nice.... Everyone's pictures have been so nice..... and yes, Apples, I agree with Laura K, you were pretty then, too!!!!

You all have a great day and I'll get back when I can.... Have to check on Mom before I leave......Hugs.................... Julie

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Thanks Janet...I have those moments when I think my face really looks old. But then I have to remember my age. The fat filled out all the wrinkles and now I am deflated. I started my weight gain at the age of 38. Prior to that I was the weight I am now. Guess I couldn't expect to have have the same 38 yr old face reappear? Why not? Oh, why not? LOL

I'm on my way out the door. Blocking out thinking of my 3 hour time in the dentists chair this morning. Just focusing on fun and relaxation at the resort I will be staying at the next couple of days. Looking forward to seeing some old friends. Just hope they look a hell of a lot older than me....I'm bad.

Yeah, I think I look a lot younger than the mirror says! LOL

I guess I FEEL a lot younger than the mirror says!!

Thinking of you in the dentist chair this a.m. Resort will be fun! Lucky you! Hope you have nice weather!! Woke up to 48 degrees and rain. Shoulder hurt all night long.... weather, and this morning had to take some ibuprofen... wrist hurting too.. all weather related. My joints don't like it when it gets cold and rainy!

I hear you on how we look in our minds eye we are younger looking - but I know I do look better than some of my friends - ;0) or at least just as good ;0) We are beautiful - just don't use a magnifying mirror and don't put on the glasses then we can't see the wrinkles :0) !!!!

Safe trip-Hugs on dentist - sending good thoughts..


That's right... we ARE LOVELY!!

Janet, the car is a 'total loss' and they called yesterday and left a message regarding the settlement details but when DH called back they had left for the day. Hoping they connect today but doubtful with DH being out of town. DH wants to keep the car if the settlement is decent and I want to take the settlement and get a new one. He says what difference does it make if it is going to be the car he drives back and forth to work, which is true I guess. We can still license it as long as it passes safety and emissions which it should, just need to replace the mirrors on it that were shattered. Still awaiting word from the adjuster in CO regarding the damage to the roof/house there.

I'd vote with you!!

Good opportunity to replace the car with a new one!

Julie.... we were posting at the same time!

Hope all goes well with your tooth problem!

What a pain!

Laura.... we'll be waiting to hear about your Dad!

Praying all is well!

Hugs to all.... including anyone I may have missed!

Edited by phyllser

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Charlene, what color pearl did you get in your ring? I got it today too in the black. I am a sucker for the artisan crafted as well and in particular the stuff from Indonesia, it reminds me of John Hardy stuff and somewhat of David Yurman as well in some things. And the price is so reasonable. I had to restrain myself from other stuff.

Well the insurance guy called and looks like DH is going to win this one. The difference in what they will give us to cash us out on the car or that we keep the car is $3000. So for $3000 less we can keep the car which is only 4 yrs old and in excellent shape mechanically and DH wants to 'drive it to the ground' and save they money. It's a converation piece anyway, we get tons of comments on it. Funny our history with cars lately. Everyone gave us a bad time that our last car was cursed as we had a broken grill in the front from a collision with a pheasant in SD, then there was the dents and paint chips from the gun when DH was carjacked, and then the bear claw scratches from when the bear got into that car camping. So we finally get rid of that car (DS has it) now we have a hail dinged up car.

Julie, sorry to hear about the tooth, just what you need to do today is sit in the dentist chair but so glad they are getting you in right away??

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i woke up this morning with this HUGE headach.

i know it's lack of food or moreover lack of protine.

my brain has finally calmed down and gotten over this "OH MY GOD YOU"RE GONNA KILL ME" phase.

last week all i was doing was craving sugar. chocolate and bread.< /p>

i gained about 8lbs in a week but it seems that it's over and i'm feeling back to normal. my brain has wrapped around the information and i'm now starting to look at the future in a different light.

i bought mickey d's for dd's lunch and shared med fries with her and didn't finish mine. my old habbit of ordering 2 cheeseburgers was present but my stomache and brain wouldn't let me eat the second one.

waste of money but at least i didn't eat it.

i missed Breakfast today because i usually have it after dd has gone to school but i had an appointment so i didn't help my headach until dd came home for lunch.

i'm actually glad i'm not getting banded until August because it will give me time to process all this information and really understand what's going to happen before i go in for surgery.

that's always been a problem for me - as soon as i say i'm going to "go on a diet" i gain 10lbs because my brain takes over and starts the cravings all over again.

on the plus side we'll be gone all of July and doing a lot of walking. that should help me lose the 10lbs i gained plus keep my mind off eating and then i'm only back a week and before surgery and i'll start the high Protein liquid diet and be all set.

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Hi everyone,

Apples, have fun this weekend -- you look fabulous and will look fabulous compared to others too!! I'm constantly asking DH and the kids "do I look THAT old" when there's someone identified on tv by age (like on Oprah, etc) who's in their 50s - smart people live with me -- they always say "no". LOL. Well, I think we're as young as we feel which is more important anyway. I don't feel any older than I did at 40, so I can be 40 if I want. Happy Band anniversary Apples and many, many more -- you are such an inspiration to all of us. We love you.

Apples, those clothes are gorgeous -- oh my that Bob Mackie is just too beautiful -- beautiful colors too. Love the dress as well -- love them all but those two are my favs. Looking at your 'before" picture is mind boggling -- it's you but it's NOT the YOU I know.

Laura, thinking of you and your folks and keeping positive thoughts!!! It's so hard waiting around for news. Hugs.

Charlene hope the weigh in went well. Wow, that difference in ring size is incredible. I commend you on staying on the shakes this long -- no way would I have been able to do that -- I did it for 2 weeks before surgery and thought that was a major accomplishment -- you are amazing. How's your mom today?

My DH is doing great - I took him Won Ton Soup and egg fu yong for his dinner last night -- when I got home and asked if he was hungry, he said, "oh not really" so I said, "well I bought you Chinese but I can reheat it when you're ready. He literally threw back the covers and kinda jumped out of bed (well as much as you can jump after surgery) -- the poor man was starving -- he hadn't eaten since Tuesday night. LOL, was glad I thought to buy it -- much tastier than campbell's chicken noodle soup and the surgeon had said for him to eat light last night.

Lori, thanks for reminding me that you stopped losing short of your original goal -- I had forgotten that. I have tried everything in this 6 month period and nothing has worked - I'm sure eventually I'll lose a few more and if so great but if not I'm happy at this weight -- but it's still surprising to me that I could consistently lose every week and then one week Boom! I just stopped losing completely and then have only lost 3 lbs. in 6 months -- it's interesting that our bodies do things like that, especially with as closely as I follow my calorie intake and exercise as much as I do. It's truly weird. Maybe my metabolism will change eventually - I'll just keep working the program and see what happens. But it made me feel better to remember you had experienced the same situation. Thanks. Your car luck has been awful -- hopefully now that three major things have heppend it's over and you'll have better luck in the future with your cars.

Peaches, yes, October 1 trip to Vegas is planned -- hope you can make it.

Phyl, any new doggies in your home yet? I agree with Eva -- the right one will find YOU. I hope I'm not repeating a story I've already told, but when we had to put our last dog down, she was just a few months short of 20 years old -- she finally lost control of her bladder and we had no choice -- but up until then she was old, but happy and functioned. Well, DH had his first hip replacement surgery scheduled when she lost her bladder control, so we had to take her in a week or so before his surgery. About 10 days later I came home one night from visiting DH in the hospital and innocently switched on my computer -- and on the Yahoo home page was a pet search which I'd never seen on the home page before - so I thought I'd search to see "what was out there") and low and behold came across my little Merry - who looked like my former dog's twin -- I contacted the shelter immediately (it was about 10:00 p.m. when I sent the e-mail) and they called me right away and said she was available and they would meet me at Pet Smart on Sat. morning. I truly believe that Rusti (former dog) hand picked Merry out for us and sent her to us from heaven. Still gives me a lump in my throat -- still miss my Rusti -- she was one special angel. Saw me and my DS through a lot of hard times.

Julie, sounds like you're ready for your busy weekend - have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself!!! Hope you have a few paiin free days to enjoy. Sorry about the tooth -- happy you were able to get right in.

Janet, wtg on boot camp again!! I'm impressed -- keep it up!!! I expect you to "show us" bootcamp in Vegas - by the way are we definite on the dates yet?

PJ good to hear from you again -- sorry about your ex -- do NOT allow him to make you feel any guilt -- stop that and trust yourself and know that you made the right decision for YOU. He needs to worry about only himself now and allow you to live the life you want and deserve. And he needs to remember that it's only money and it was ALWAYS half yours -- he's not GIVING you anything. Hugs, we love you and support you.

Kurby, don't beat yourself up -- you'll do just fine. Try to enjoy your vacation and work on mental preparation -- read all you can -- I even bought a lap band book before surgery and that helped me as well.

Anny, welcome to you, congratulations on your losses - hope you'll keep coming back, you're doing GREAT!!!!

LauraK still hoping we can make it work out on Monday. Let me know if you book a hotel.

Gotta run everyone, I'll CBL -- have a great day!!


Edited by ljv52

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Charlene, what color pearl did you get in your ring? I got it today too in the black. I am a sucker for the artisan crafted as well and in particular the stuff from Indonesia, it reminds me of John Hardy stuff and somewhat of David Yurman as well in some things. And the price is so reasonable. I had to restrain myself from other stuff.

I got it in black too! Artisan and Barbra Bixby are my fav silver.

Boo-hoo!......I gained....What's up with that? I took in less calories and I doubled the exercise. I told the RN I want to start on food. Now I will tell him on Friday. I think it will boost my metabolism. I do think this is Water retention because my ring that was falling off of me.....was fitting me this morning. Oh well, Next week it will change.

Charlene hope the weigh in went well. Wow, that difference in ring size is incredible. I commend you on staying on the shakes this long -- no way would I have been able to do that -- I did it for 2 weeks before surgery and thought that was a major accomplishment -- you are amazing. How's your mom today?

Linda, My mom is physically better, but this pneumonia kinda zapped her memory a little. I hope it gets better because it is really bothering her....very hard for her to accept.

Glad DH is doing good!

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Good afternoon. Looks like we will keep our hail damaged car and about $6000 settlement, if we completely totalled it we'd get about $3700 more but then probably wouldn't find as reliable car for the money. DH is set on keeping it and says he's the one driving it and doesn't car about the hail dings. So that's the plan, want to be sure with DMV that it's not a problem with registering and titling it though. Also, we will only have to carry liability insurance now as they won't cover it for damage again. I guess I can give on this one to DH since it basically is his car that he drives anyway. And those Camrys are just so darn reliable and go on forever.

We are having one heck of a windy day here today, nice but windy. And since this is a new subdivsion with lots of empty lots the dust/dirt is flying, you'd never know I dusted a few hours ago even with the windows shut.

Arlene, I had to control myself not to buy lots of other stuff in that show. The pink ring was selling out when I got mine but don't think I'd have gotten it anyway, I have lots of stuff that will match this blackish color. I had no idea what size to order so got an 8 and am hoping it fits the ring or middle finger on my right hand which is always bigger than my left.

Linda, loved the dog story. I think they do have a way of finding us. I would've thought our car woes would've stopped at 3 but we've had 4 now: 1) pheasant, 2) car jacking, 3) bear, and now 4) hail. I hope this doesn't mean another set of 3 woes and we have 2 more to go on this car!

Kurby, try slowly adapting your eating style to post band is what my dr recommended before surgery. So if you have McD's, have the burger patties but not the bun, stuff like that. Take it slow and by the time surgery comes around you will have some healthy habits beginning. Hope that helps. Before surgery I went on a cruise, I just concentrated on Protein and nothing else and I came home 3 lbs lighter!

Laura, what's the news on Dad??

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Kurby, don't beat yourself up -- you'll do just fine. Try to enjoy your vacation and work on mental preparation -- read all you can -- I even bought a LAP-BAND® book before surgery and that helped me as well. Linda

hi linda. thanks for the confidence booster.

what book did you read. there are so many to choose from i want to get a good one.

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Good Evening Gang

Ya 10/1 - is good for me - who want's to look for hotels - where's Joyce???? I think i better go ck FB as I don't think I have here email - Julie - is she on the list???

I'll ck a few - remember - No Monte Carlo :0) - What amount of $$$ do you all want to spend for a room - I will have my own too - since I am the smoker ;0)

Who's going ???

Me, Great, Joyce, Eva, Phyl, Linda - Maybe Apples & Julie -Who Else Judy??

Linda last nite was alot of squats/lunges and then push ups - I wore heals yesterday and my toes kept cramping - and push ups I can do a few (5) and I don't go super low - but can do one - where as I never in my life could do one before.. Just with 5 lbs weight - doing latt raise - my arms are sore - plus I did arms on Monday w/Idrise.. Plus when I tried to do girl pushups - the wood floor on my knees was like being on rocks..

Great - you need to take a pic of the toyota - I can't beleive it's totalled from hail... Wow - but again I live in the desert where cars get sand blasted instead of hail damage :0)

Phyl - I sure hope the rain clears up before 7/1 :0) I'm going to look stupid at the airport leaving Palm Springs 100+ degrees carrying a jacket :0) Hugs on your shoulder & wrist..

Kurby - I only had 1 week pre-op - I saw doc on 5/31 - got approved like 6/21 had surgery 7/17 and I had every test in the book - mamo - pap - colon - 3 heart test (echo - couldn't do treadmil long enough had nuclear stress test) - lungs - shrink and 14 vials of blood.. So I had last meal mindset - I gained 6 lbs between 5/31 and 7/6 the day I started pre-op..

I didn't change my eating until I got my band.. Major surgery was my ah ha moment..

Charlene - Just start eating - I agree you have hit a plateau - have a shake or 1/4 c egg beater for bf (keep calories about 200 max) lunch the same (200 -300 cal) dinner 300 - 400 cal and 2 or 3 100 cal Snacks and vary those calories

Hugs on you Mom - hell it's tough to get old..

Julie - We love you - Glad you are working smart !! Hugs on the tooth - how did it go..

Well no gym tonite - it was moved to Friday as Idrise had to go to Oregon to DD graduation.. I'm glad - been up since 4:30 and a little sore..

PS - forgot about OVC - I saw a Bracelet on that show this morning - I watch QVC while I get ready for work - I have a t.v. in my bathroom - after 10 minutes of the news in the a.m. it just repeats it's self - so in my bathroom the t.v. is ALWAYS on QVC :0).. I didn't buy anything - I am already bankrupt from watching it - ;0)

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Lori, they should have a sitcom on your luck with cars.

Karen, you were always attractive, but the new you is amazing and I can't wait to see you with your new smile. Wish I had your clothes connections.

As far as looks and aging, a deflated face means more visible cheekbones and chin line. Before, my features were held hostage by the fat. Check out Vanessa Redgrave. Great bones, plenty of wrinkles, totally beautiful. Loss of fat means looking down and seeing your feet, not your belly. It means you can cross your knees and polish your toe nails without having a heart attack.

It means your health. Healthy people glow. Even their wrinkles glow.


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Hi everyone, I want to thank you all for your love and support, it means so much!!

I went Saturday for a fill and have been doing so much better with the food situation.

The situation with hubby is still the same, we got into it last night and he had me very upset, went to work today but left at 11am. Went to see my Dr and she increased my zoloft from 50 mgs to 100 mgs. Not sure if I needed it, we will see. I have decided that I don't want anything to do with him ever again. Was hoping we could be friends for the kids sake, but he is being so mean. He is ANGRY at me for filing for the divorce, because...he doesn't want me to get half of his 2 retirement checks. Sorry Charley...lol I'm entitled to something after 41 years almost ( july 19th ) I traveled everywhere with him the 20 years we were in the military.

Thanks for listening and Apples, I'm going to take your advice, whenever I start to overeat, ( usually after work here at home ) I will sign on to LBT ( great idea )

xoxoxo ttyl pj

PJ, sorry to hear about your hubby troubles. I am married to a military man too 36 yrs.... YES, they love their pensions... but you are so entitled to your share.

Stay strong!!

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Good Evening Gang

Kurby - I only had 1 week pre-op - I saw doc on 5/31 - got approved like 6/21 had surgery 7/17 and I had every test in the book - mamo - pap - colon - 3 heart test (echo - couldn't do treadmil long enough had nuclear stress test) - lungs - shrink and 14 vials of blood.. So I had last meal mindset - I gained 6 lbs between 5/31 and 7/6 the day I started pre-op..

I didn't change my eating until I got my band.. Major surgery was my ah ha moment..


wow you had to do all that - i only have to get blood taken next month. mind you by the looks of the sheet and the number of things they are testing for it looks like they'll be going to be collecting at least half my blood lol

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Lori - I visited the John Hardy factory and showroom when I was in Bali. DH instructed me to buy some things before I left the states.

So I have some wonderful memories of the trip and John Hardy pieces.

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Janet - I'm in and will also have a room alone. I've learned how important my alone time is to recharge and later enjoy the group.

I'm delighted that you have taken the lead to plan and whatever $$$ is fine with me. So excited to meet and spend time together.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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