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Anny, Diana, Adriana, Welcome to this thread.

although I am not new to banding I am rather new to this thread... and the ladies are all wonderful..

Keep coming back and tell us about YOU.... we are all EARS!!:unsure:

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Wow! Welcome to all the "newbies" today!! Glad to have you join us. This is a great place to come for support, advice, encouragement, etc. on this weight loss journey!

Thanks to all for the kudos on the new hair color. I think I will add a couple of pictures where you can see it better. We had a family picnic yesterday since our son, Chris and his family are in the area to pick up their oldest daughter from the U of WA. He flew his plane up here, so we'd hoped he could fly it up to our area yesterday but it was too "bumpy" so he drove up with his wife & kids. We had a great afternoon, although the weather could've been a little warmer!! We were able to sit outside on the front porch at our oldest daughter's fora while, though!

Not a great weekend for food. Too many temptations yesterday. I restrained myself, but my weight was up this morning.

Pictures... me and oldest son, Chris, me and grandson, Justin, Our three oldest, Chris, Tracy, Jodie, & and Dh, me and our two daughters, Jodie & Tracy.

Great pictures Phyl.. love to see everyone's family's... really fun.

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Oh, Kurby, I didn't welcome you last week.......Welcome!

Thank you - glad to see i can slip in somewhere unnoticed :unsure:

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Hello Everyone!

My name is Adrianne but most call me Anny.

I just happend to stumble upon this site today while

doing some research.

I am 32 years old and battled with my weight all my life.

This last Friday (06-11-2010) I had an upper GI so that my

LAP-BAND® doctor could make sure everything is okay on my insides.

My LAP-BAND® surgery is right around the corner! June 28th!!

I hope to find many friends, support, and education here on this site. Im very excited about finding it!!

Im at work at the moment...so this is short...will fill in my profile and post something more when I get home later tonight!

Welcome Anny - Glad to have you join our thread..

Looking forward to chatting w/you...

Anny, Diana, Adriana, Welcome to this thread. I know our seasoned banders can help. So, jump on the bandwagon and ride with us on this journey to a new way of eating.

Oh, Kurby, I didn't welcome you last week.......Welcome!

Linda, the mommy to be got a lot of nice gifts and only a couple of duplicates. I loved doing showers for our children, but it is time to pass the baton to the 30+ ladies....our daughters. I am pooped!

Eva....like your new hairdo! I am getting mine done tomorrow. I need a little something new.....don't know what yet.

Phyl.....I like your new hair color too!

Janet....I hope you are right about the Water retention. Weight in is Wednesday. I did almost 6,000 steps today. Heck, I did 10,000 yesterday.....that is why I am pooped!

Apples, are you home yet? I saw a new thing on tv today on our local talk show. It is a snap on smile. You wear an appliance that snaps on to existing teeth and you look like you have porcelain caps. I just wonder what it cost. Might check into it for my razor sharp bottom teeth. lol

Charlene - You will be fine just watch our for the salt and drink plenty of water the day before your weigh in and the day of don't till after you weigh in ;0)

I think Apples said she wouldn't be back until Tuesday - but I thought I saw her name at the bottom lurking ;0)

Wow! Welcome to all the "newbies" today!! Glad to have you join us. This is a great place to come for support, advice, encouragement, etc. on this weight loss journey!

Thanks to all for the kudos on the new hair color. I think I will add a couple of pictures where you can see it better. We had a family picnic yesterday since our son, Chris and his family are in the area to pick up their oldest daughter from the U of WA. He flew his plane up here, so we'd hoped he could fly it up to our area yesterday but it was too "bumpy" so he drove up with his wife & kids. We had a great afternoon, although the weather could've been a little warmer!! We were able to sit outside on the front porch at our oldest daughter's fora while, though!

Not a great weekend for food. Too many temptations yesterday. I restrained myself, but my weight was up this morning.

Pictures... me and oldest son, Chris, me and grandson, Justin, Our three oldest, Chris, Tracy, Jodie, & and Dh, me and our two daughters, Jodie & Tracy.

Love the Hair Phyl - yo can really see the highlights - Sweetie you have been doing so good on your food - I think it's the salt - you do eat salty stuff (crackers cheese) I don't think you have been eating anymore than you did before you got deflated...

Well day after tomorrow - you get to start getting refilled..

Kurby - we might miss something one day - but the next day we remember - most of us on here can be your big sisters or mother ;0) If I remember right you are in your late 30's early 40's - remember I'm 55 can crs half the time :0)

Well, Gang back from the gym - weights arms - veggies started - dinner fish - butternut squash and green beans..

Where is everyone Eva still unwinding from work -(it was hot here today gf) - Julie - Judy - Pam - Jessica - Jodi (how was the sleep over ;0) LauraK - Laura is in NC w/parents - saw a pic on fb airplane & Nelson..

Well - I did get 1/2 book read this weekend - haven't done that in ages - I have read it before - Plantation by Dorothea Benton Frank- her new book is coming out tomorrow - and I think I read it's taking up where this one left off and I read it about 10 yrs ago - so needed to catch back up - I remember some of it but not all of it..

cbl gang..

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Phyl, love the pics of your family.

Great, yes we are and we are staying part of the day and the night in SLC. We decided that we want to explore the area a bit. It is only 6hrs further to Tonopah NV and the end of our trip. Maybe we can meet up.

Kurby, Tell only those you want to.

Welcome to all the new ones. You can ask these ladies anything.

Linda, haven't packed a thing yet. Trying to get my Sis organized for the grad parth on sat. I'll get there. DD's moving co is coming friday so that will be a big help.

Janet, Your GD knows you love her and she will think about what you say to her. Even small changes will help her.


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no no - i was being funny - or trying to

i do know how buy this thread gets. it can stay empty all day then i come back at night and theres 3 pages to read :unsure:

i'm just happy to be able to have so much support by so many who know exactly what i'm feeling and going through.

it's very hard to say that in real day to day life there is often little support becasue not many know what we're going through

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LauraK, when will you be in SLC? Where are you staying? I'd offer my place but don't have my guest room up and running yet. Would love to try and meet up.

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LauraK, when will you be in SLC? Where are you staying? I'd offer my place but don't have my guest room up and running yet. Would love to try and meet up.

We should be in SLC on the 23rd. Don't have a hotel picked yet kind of winging it. Got some great books from AAA so we will pick soon. I think you have your hands busy enough just moving and all. We will have to see if we can work it out to meet.


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Yep, Janet, I'm here. Got home, reg stuff to get done around here, dinner made, unexpected errand to run after 6pm and tried to catch up with posts in between it all. I am finally sitting back down at the computer on my way to bed.

Sounds like you had a good time with the family and hope you are enjoying some quite time after it all. And, nothing wrong with talking to GD about healthy eating. Sounds like if you don't, nobody will. Any advice given in a loving manner has a chance of taking hold. Good going, Grandma.

Phyll...love the new "do". I am getting younger tomorrow. Going to unload the checkbook of about $120. Costs $100 for color/cut/highlights and do a $20 tip. Been going to same girl for over 5yrs...long b/4 she became DS's GF. I always tease DS that "I loved her first".

Quite the "lap dog". I fell in love with him right away. He has a kind and gentle face. Hang in there and proud of you for keeping control without your fill.

Linda...always love the photos and happy to see that there really is a swing for GD. You look so great in your photos. Good idea on not sweating the 9lbs and resetting your goal. Feel good, look good and comfortable where you are at is the best goal ever.

Arlene...good going on the 2lbs. Also, for opening up and sharing your stats. You are doing so great.

Our showers are like yours you just hosted. Nothing at all to have 100 or more. Must be a small town thing. About 5 women host it and it just falls together. Always lovely gifts. One thing I have noticed is that ppl are giving gifts that compare to what was given for a wedding years ago. All I know is that after a shower around here, the young couple is in need of nothing to start there life together.

To answer your ? about working. I will only be working Mondays. 9am -8pm. Today was shorter the owner did not want to over-use me the first day. It's on a volunteer basis..a "just for the fun of it" job. There are perks though.

Joyce...I figured maybe you would be one of those ppl like me with only getting a couple of fills. You have been sounding like you have not been quite sure how you felt about your restriction. Exactly how I felt but all of a sudden I knew. Maybe knowing you have more in your band than you thought will make it easier for you to judge how you really feel. I have my fingers crossed that you will break your plateau in the near future.

Great...happy to hear that you were able to sneak back to Denver for a quick visit. And, I just have to say this, your sister stories never cease to amaze me...can't they just realize they have a gem for a sis and get over themselves????? Hope you are having fun settling into the new house.

PJ...sorry for your EX troubles and your stress eating issues. Put blinders on when it comes to the EX and try to hop back on the horse. You can do it. (Easier said than done, I'm sure). We listen...just dump the EX crap here when you feel like turning to food.

Cheri..you were wondering about the signature photo? You change or add when you go to "Edit Signature". Again, congrats on the grant and making a difference for you school. Love to hear that you are enjoying summer school.

Eva, Eva, Eva. What are you saying?????? I (and I am quite sure everyone else) thouroughly ENJOY your post and find them very interesting. I love hearing about your projects, your job, you fluttering around to concerts and different states. I was just asking DH the other day why HE does not by ME a pink cement mixer. I love hearing what you are doing in the kitchen with your wonderful dishes. Keep those posts coming no matter how blase you think they are. BTW...love the new color and cut.

Jodi...busy as a bee. And, I thought my life was a busy one! Good luck with having your friend for the weekend.

Julie...good to hear your doc is at least considering referring you to mayo. Have your friend in my prayers. Lucky girl to have had that caught by the CAT following her accident. Let us know how she turns out. OK? And a little lecture for you...let the others do all the work for company/church dinners, etc. At least until you get some answers and know what is going on. OK?

Kurby....good to hear that you are paying attention portion sizes, etc. prior to your surgery. As LauraK stated, it really does help us be prepared for what is ahead.

LauraK...find a young'un yet????

Laura...kiss that cheeky little guy of yours and tell him congrats on his graduation. Have a great time with the family. Sending the love your way.

Melissa...sorry to hear of your UTI. They're a lot of fun, aren't they?????

Jewel...your poor little guy. DH's neice and 2 nephews had the same problem until they were about 7-8 yrs old. Their parents handled it with a "good spanking". Broke our hearts. Patience (as you mentioned you are trying) is the key. Hope it turns around for him quickly. No fun for him either. Take care.

A BIG welcome to all the newbies. Hope you all stick around so we can get to know you.

And, thanks to all who complimented on my last photo. Hoping to take a couple of shots tomorrow after my beautification session. Want to post a 2yr bandiversary on the B/4 and After thread.

I am only home for one day this week (tomorrow) and not really home much of it due to appts. Wed morning I am in the dentists chair for 3 hours of fun and then off to a really cool resort hotel with a friend for 2 nights. Friend has an insurance conference and invited me. This place we are staying is so cool. On the lake and each room is just unbelievable. Anyway, will be able to visit with ppl that I used to rub elbows with when I had my 2 agencies. I sure miss it all. Times like this makes me want to put some apps in. But, I know how nuts that would be at this stage of my not so complicated life. What to do, what to do?

Ok, bed time for this chickie. I know I omitted some and sorry if I did. Sending the love in all directions to all of my friends! Good night, sleep tight.

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Laura, oh no not the 23rd! I might be home on the 23rd still. I am meeting the kids halfway between here and Denver on the 24th for a camping weekend. We are leaving either the night of the 23rd or morning of 24th. Keep me posted and hopefully we can work it out.

Apples, Good to hear from you. Enjoy that resort hotel! And the 'younger you'! LOL I need to find a hair person here in hte next week or two myself.

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Thank you for the welcome!

I am more than excited to be here!!

Your post caught my attention when you mentioned the U of WA.... I actually am from Washington State. I grew up in Marysville, WA. I just moved here to Western New York two years ago...so reading your post made me think of home!!

Hope you are having a wonderful evening!! ~Anny

Oh, my goodness! We're in the Lake Stevens area... barely 10 miles from Marysville!! And I was born and raised in the Buffalo area... Western NY!! Went to school in Cheektowaga! DH went in the AF a few months after high school. We were married several years later and off I went to CA. Haven't lived in NY since except for one year when he was in Viet Nam and one year when he was serving a remote tour in Alaska. Going home for a family wedding in late August, and to see my Mom who turns 88 yrs old this week!

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Great - I just keep reinforcing eating healthy - my dil & other gd call her chunky monkey - but think i'm being mean on stressing healthy eating - I don't call her names or say things like such a pretty face if only she would lose some weight - I asked her this morning to eat healthy for LaLa and she said she would.

"Chunky Monkey"??!! That's terrible!

She'll never forget that nickname!

Hello, I'm Diana. I saw your group and you seem like such a nice bunch! Do you have room for one more? I was banded Feb 15 and still have questions galore!! :unsure:

Welcome! Always have room for one more!

Apples.... you're only home for ONE day???

Gosh... we miss you when you're gone!

Can't imagine you going back to work.

You're too busy to go to work!

Lori... hope the weather gets better for BOTH of us SOON!! It's still not reached 75 here this year!! And tonight it's raining AGAIN!

Julie... hope you get some relief soon!

Can't imagine living with that much pain.

You need to try to take it easy.

You're SOOOO busy!

Eva... yes, we all enjoy your photos and your business! I love to read ALL the posts.

I am still looking for a puppy. I found this one in the paper today. Talked at length to the lady and may go see the dog tomorrow. It's a 6 mos old Shih Tzu, female, under 6 lb and shouldn't get much bigger, already house trained, doesn't bark. Sounds perfect for me. Just have to find a new home for me or have DH go live in the RV!! LOL

Here's photos, and another photo of my darling grandpuppy, Gigi! She somehow managed to scratch her eye and then it got infected so she has to wear this hood.

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Just has the weirdest EQ - could barely feel it - but it was a long one rolling one just ck'd it was 5.7 that's not a baby - - We had a 4.2 jolt the other day

Off to bed - Apples - Hugs on your dentist - will respond tomorrow :0)

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Welcome back Apples....work? Did I miss a post? Did you finally break down and decide to work outside your businesses?

Welcome all you new people.

Anny, would you mind changing the color of your font...my eyes have a really hard time reading it...it's a little pale. Don't mean to offend you...but some of us have old eyes and it's really a strain to read the posts normally sometimes. You are certainly welcome here and jump right in...that's the best way.

Peaches and Kurby, same to you guys....post away, questions, triumphs, issues, gripes, gratefulness....we take it all.

My eyes are bugging me tonight....lots of computer time today. I have to meet a splicer in the field at 7am tomorrow, so it's going to be an early one for me in the morning.

Great....the sister that moved here last year from Alaska, bought a house, then hasn't been able to find a job that suits her. So now she's in Florida helping a friend of hers take care of her 5 year old autistic daughter....supposedly for pay, but I don't think that is happening. She is putting her house up for sale and is packing all the stuff and putting it in the closets and storage rooms until the house sells, then she'll move it to Florida or put it in storage or something...who knows. She told the other sister that lives in Phoenix that she didn't get the emotional support she expected from us (me and the sister and brother in Phoenix). But the expectation was one of us would be spending the weekend with her every week...we all have lives and she needs to figure hers out. She's never lived alone, at least not for the past 30 years, so she's figured out she doesn't like it. She's going to have to figure out what she wants and what she has to do to get it. I can't do that for her. I love her but don't do well with dependent people. The Phoenix sister is down here helping her with stuff. She goes home tomorrow and Lindsey flies back to Florida on Thursday.

So for the next 3 weeks, it's going to be hit and miss for me again. Saturday is another party that I'm cooking for, then Sunday will be a trip to Benson (need some camping supplies that are stored down there). Then next week I leave for Colorado on the 23rd. I'm driving with the dog so that should be an interesting trip.

Okay, off to bed for me...have a great evening everyone.


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Oh, my goodness! We're in the Lake Stevens area... barely 10 miles from Marysville!! And I was born and raised in the Buffalo area... Western NY!! Went to school in Cheektowaga! DH went in the AF a few months after high school. We were married several years later and off I went to CA. Haven't lived in NY since except for one year when he was in Viet Nam and one year when he was serving a remote tour in Alaska. Going home for a family wedding in late August, and to see my Mom who turns 88 yrs old this week!

Seems we've crossed paths or been in the same place at different times alot! I grew up in Southern Cali until I was 10 years old then moved to Marysville WA Graduated class of 1996 from Marysville Pilchuck and now im here. Cheektawaga is a common place we visit usually going to the Walton Gallaria Mall.

So I updated my ''story'' on here and added pictures and some info...

This is a very cool site im excited to be apart of it!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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