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Good morning. I think summer is supposed to start returning here today, at least to the 70's. What a chilly weekend we had, we were like 30 degrees below normal. I had to run the furnace, well I didn't have to but I was cold and wanted to be sure it worked anyway. LOL Here I am still a year after losing my weight and I am still always cold. I guess I thought my body's thermostat would adjust but so far it's not. DH is the type that is always hot, he loves temps in the 50's, in the 70's he's starting to turn on the A/c in the car so we are always having temperature 'wars'. LOL

PFTD (plan for the day) is to go to DMV and get my license plates on the new car. I got my safety and emmissions this weekend and now get to pick up my plates. We are awaiting licensing the other car after we know what we are doing with it. The insurance company called on Friday and they are totalling it. They are to call today I believe with a settlement. We can either take that or we can take the difference between the settlement and salvaged value and keep the car. DH is leaning towards keeping it as it's a good reliable car (Camry) for going back and forth to work in, I'm leaning towards the settlement if it's decent and getting something new so we shall see what the offer is first.

Janet, sounds like a fun weekend with the family. I feel for you on the g/d and weight issues. All I know is to not say a lot to the g/d as my mom badgered me about my weight all the time and it made me feel worthless. And I wasn't even that overweight, I felt like a big blob though. Heck at 5'9 and 125 lbs at age 18 she was telling me I needed to lose 5 lbs!!! Love her and accept her as she is (and I know you do) and guide her. She has an excellent role model in her grandma!

Eva, not sure I remember what's up with the sisters. Does one live near you and one moving away? I have 2 sisters as well, we don't get along so great. The 2 of them do, i am the odd one out, but I live a totally different lifestyle. They are single, no kids, and heavy, heavy drinkers. I've been the 'frumpy housewife' (their words) most my life with 'rugrats' and now even with the 'rugrats' grown up we have drifted too far apart. One of them even disowned me for 7 years (never told me why other than I wasn't there for her in a divorce - heck I went to stay with her 7 times and drove her to work and therapy as she lost her license to a DUI but she doesn't 'remember' that) and then one day acted like nothing ever happened and talked to me again but it's still strange. Not sure why I went down that road other than to say I envy folks with a good sisterly relationship.

Charlene, why such big baby showers? Is it like a whole church thing? What a blessing to the mom to be.

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agrrrr - dh just doesn't get it.

he asked me this morning (via test message) who i've told about getting the band and i said my mom, my aunt and my younger brother. - thats it.

he asked if i was going to tell his mother and when i said no he got upset.

i told him i haven't told my older brother, father or other aunts and uncles and don't see why he's upset that i'm not telling his mother

after all it's MY surgery MY body and MY decision who i tell and who i don't.

it's not a quick fix, its a tool like changing my eating habits and exercising more. it's not like i'm going to drop 150lbs by October and she's gonna wonder how the hell i did that.

i love my mil but she can't keep a secret. we told her before dh's brother and sister that we were getting married and when we told them it wasn't a surprise which it should have been. same when we got pg. again no surprise there because mil had already told them OUR news

we actually had a falling out with dh's brother and sister and haven't spoken with or to them for over 3 years now so this definitely is something i have no intention of sharing with them and if i tell mil they'll know by tonight.

plus IT"S MY BUSINESS WHO I TELL why isn't he getting that???????

he thinks because my mum and aunt (who is darn near my second mother) know that his mom should know too.

agrrrrrrr i'm a little ticked off right now

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Charlene, why such big baby showers? Is it like a whole church thing? What a blessing to the mom to be. __________________

Lori, small town.......big town-wide shower. The Grandma( my friend) comes from the family that owns the local phone company. She has many friends and family members. We(six neighbor friends) all raised our kids together and made a pact to give each child a wedding shower and a baby shower. The mom-to-be was the last child.....she is 33. Whew! I am glad I am done with that commitment, but I loved it. It kept us all together through out the last 25 years. They are going to come to my house and give my daughter a "Sip and See". When my new grandbaby is about 8 weeks old we are going to have a come and go to show off my new grand daughter. Now, that will be very small, but it keeps us in touch. The six of us get together twice a year.

Janet, did I tell you i gained two lbs yesterday? I did!. I walked almost two miles this morning and will be doing only shakes for the next few days. I see Dr. Davis on Friday.

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Great - I just keep reinforcing eating healthy - my dil & other gd call her chunky monkey - but think i'm being mean on stressing healthy eating - I don't call her names or say things like such a pretty face if only she would lose some weight -

I asked her this morning to eat healthy for LaLa and she said she would.

Charlene - you didn't gain 2 lbs that just use Water retention - no way did you eat 7000 calories to gain 2 lbs..

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Hello I was banded on May 25,2010 and have only lost 5lbs it that normal. I am going to start going to the gym this week. I am glad you are all here to help me on this journey. Oh can someone tell me how to change my wt loss tracker.:(

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Hello I was banded on May 25,2010 and have only lost 5lbs it that normal. I am going to start going to the gym this week. I am glad you are all here to help me on this journey. Oh can someone tell me how to change my wt loss tracker.:(

Welcome - Please change your name - not a postivtive name ;0) You are on your way to be healthy :0)

Weight loss varies - there is no norm... Are you following your doc's advice - what are you eating - how many calories - you can't exercise till doc gives ok - you can walk but that will be about it for the 1st 6 to 8 weeks.

to change your ticker - double click on it and follow the insturctions..-

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Hi all,

Charlene, everything's bigger in Texas -- wow, that may be the largest baby shower I've ever heard of - loads of great presents though I bet -- lucky mommy. How nice you all did that for each other's kids -- that was a very nice pact. Kudos on the compliments -- you deserve it. And Janet's right - you can't have gained 2 pounds -- Water weight for sure.

Janet, glad you are asking Brook to eat healthy for you - not at all the same thing as criticizing her for her weight - I think it's a good approach - surely she understands (she's a smart girl) that her mom is not eating healthy - she can tell just looking at you and what you eat -- she's figured out you want her to be healthy, not unhealthy like her mom. Good for your DS on losing weight - I bet your happy he did that.

Lori, hope you have some better weather this week -- I know what you mean about being cold -- I'm always freezing -- have to have a sweater at work -- heck even the other night we went to the concert in the park and between 8 and 9 I got cold and it had been very hot that day. I seem to always need to carry a jacket with me. And at home forget it -- I'm wearing my winter flannel plus my warm robe have a blanket over me and DH and DSS are in their shorts and tank tops -- it's almost funny but I'm miserable.

Eva, like your new hair do and color -- makes you look even younger. Amazing Agave plant! So nice of you to do so much for your sisters -- yum, pulled pork sounds good to me.

Kurby, wtg on your food -- you're doing well. Sorry about the mil issues -- I agree with you -- it should be up to you and only you who you tell - and your DH should keep your secret if you don't want certain people to know.

Melissa, sorry you're having boss issues -- I've worked with quite a few women, but I've also had nasty male bosses - but overall they are better than the women -- usually much more drama with the women. Just try to keep your cool and do the best you can. It's probably well known in the office that she's a bitch on wheels.

Joyce, too funny about throwing away your clothes -- I haven't actually thrown clothes away but I have put them in the closet and never worn them again -- so it's the same thing. Interesting about the profiles.

Had a busy weekend. Very rainy and stormy here - got 4 inches of rain Sat. a.m. between 4 and 8 am. -- lots of people had flooding in their basements. We are lucky and had no problems. Since our bedroom is in basement that's a relief.

Well, got on the scales today for first time in a month -- was hoping if I quit weighing the weight would magically go down. No such luck, still stuck at the same - I think my body likes this weight - I am still losing inches just not pounds -- I'm not upset -- just thinking I should change my ticker to indicate I'm at goal rather than stressing out about losing another 9 pounds just cause that's the magic number my surgeon came up with. I'm happy with how I look and everyone tells me not to lose any more.

DH has surgery tomorrow a.m. -- hernia repair - always something.

Laura is this the week you're going to NC?

LauraK, are you busy packing for your trip? I do hope to see you next Monday!

Phyl, loved your new hair color too - and loved the picture of the dog - too cute -- I love dogs!

Julie, hope you're doing okay and hope you get done with all your projects soon!

Apples, hope you had a great weekend!

Welcome LaGordita! Just follow your doctor's orders and you'll be fine - there's no "normal" with losing weight -- all of us are different and our bodies react differently. Some people lose fast, others more slowly, but the goal is to lose the weight "forever" and never gain it back -- so it doesn't matter how fast or slow you lose, just that you work the program. It's not a competition. Hope you'll stick around and join in -- lots of helpful people here.

Well, I'll CBL everyone have a great night!


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Hello, I'm Diana.

I saw your group and you seem like such a nice bunch!

Do you have room for one more? I was banded Feb 15 and still have questions galore!! :unsure:

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Janet, glad you are asking Brook to eat healthy for you - not at all the same thing as criticizing her for her weight - I think it's a good approach - surely she understands (she's a smart girl) that her mom is not eating healthy - she can tell just looking at you and what you eat -- she's figured out you want her to be healthy, not unhealthy like her mom. Good for your DS on losing weight - I bet your happy he did that.

Well, got on the scales today for first time in a month -- was hoping if I quit weighing the weight would magically go down. No such luck, still stuck at the same - I think my body likes this weight - I am still losing inches just not pounds -- I'm not upset -- just thinking I should change my ticker to indicate I'm at goal rather than stressing out about losing another 9 pounds just cause that's the magic number my surgeon came up with. I'm happy with how I look and everyone tells me not to lose any more.

DH has surgery tomorrow a.m. -- hernia repair - always something.


Linda - Yes I am stressing eating healthy - she gets it - they ordered fast food and she didn't get any - but yesterday after she had her lunch - they ordered pizza - I stayed out side - cuz you know me I can't keep my mouth shut - I know she had 1 piece - then I am pretty sure that she asked and got a second - so when dinner came - I made her plate - ribs and corn on the cob - no mac salad and she got a skinny cow for dessert -

Yes you may be at your happy weight - and that's a ood thing - you don't want a # that you will have to struggle to maintain..

Hugs & Prayers for DH sugery tomorrow

Hello, I'm Diana.

I saw your group and you seem like such a nice bunch!

Do you have room for one more? I was banded Feb 15 and still have questions galore!! :unsure:

Welcome Diana - Jump right on in !!!!! There's always room for one more

Tell us about you !!!

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Hello Everyone!

My name is Adrianne but most call me Anny.

I just happend to stumble upon this site today while

doing some research.

I am 32 years old and battled with my weight all my life.

This last Friday (06-11-2010) I had an upper GI so that my

lap band doctor could make sure everything is okay on my insides.

My lap band surgery is right around the corner! June 28th!!

I hope to find many friends, support, and education here on this site. Im very excited about finding it!!

Im at work at the moment...so this is short...will fill in my profile and post something more when I get home later tonight!


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Anny, Diana, Adriana, Welcome to this thread. I know our seasoned banders can help. So, jump on the bandwagon and ride with us on this journey to a new way of eating.

Oh, Kurby, I didn't welcome you last week.......Welcome!

Linda, the mommy to be got a lot of nice gifts and only a couple of duplicates. I loved doing showers for our children, but it is time to pass the baton to the 30+ ladies....our daughters. I am pooped!

Eva....like your new hairdo! I am getting mine done tomorrow. I need a little something new.....don't know what yet.

Phyl.....I like your new hair color too!

Janet....I hope you are right about the Water retention. Weight in is Wednesday. I did almost 6,000 steps today. Heck, I did 10,000 yesterday.....that is why I am pooped!

Apples, are you home yet? I saw a new thing on tv today on our local talk show. It is a snap on smile. You wear an appliance that snaps on to existing teeth and you look like you have porcelain caps. I just wonder what it cost. Might check into it for my razor sharp bottom teeth. lol

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Wow! Welcome to all the "newbies" today!! Glad to have you join us. This is a great place to come for support, advice, encouragement, etc. on this weight loss journey!

Thanks to all for the kudos on the new hair color. I think I will add a couple of pictures where you can see it better. We had a family picnic yesterday since our son, Chris and his family are in the area to pick up their oldest daughter from the U of WA. He flew his plane up here, so we'd hoped he could fly it up to our area yesterday but it was too "bumpy" so he drove up with his wife & kids. We had a great afternoon, although the weather could've been a little warmer!! We were able to sit outside on the front porch at our oldest daughter's fora while, though!

Not a great weekend for food. Too many temptations yesterday. I restrained myself, but my weight was up this morning.

Pictures... me and oldest son, Chris, me and grandson, Justin, Our three oldest, Chris, Tracy, Jodie, & and Dh, me and our two daughters, Jodie & Tracy.

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Wow! Welcome to all the "newbies" today!! Glad to have you join us. This is a great place to come for support, advice, encouragement, etc. on this weight loss journey! ...

We had a family picnic yesterday since our son, Chris and his family are in the area to pick up their oldest daughter from the U of WA....

Thank you for the welcome!

I am more than excited to be here!!

Your post caught my attention when you mentioned the U of WA.... I actually am from Washington State. I grew up in Marysville, WA. I just moved here to Western New York two years ago...so reading your post made me think of home!!

Hope you are having a wonderful evening!!


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Good evening! Just got home from seeing my dog movie. I got DH to go see Marmaduke with me. It was cute. I enjoyed, not so sure DH did, though he didn't say he didn't enjoy it either. Think he'd be embarassed to admit it if he did like it. LOL

Weather warmed up today, perfect day in the mid 70's. Maybe summer will be returning. Still had to wear my sweater though and then DH has the a/c on in the car. GRRRRR We were commenting today on how neither of us is ever happy, it's never warm enough for me and it's never cool enough for him.

Arlene, wow wish I grew up by you and had all those people come do a shower for me! Actually when we got married the neighborhood DH grew up in did throw me a really nice wedding shower. I was touched considering I didn't know any of them, but they did it mostly for DH and his mom.

Phyl, nice looking family!

Gordita, you just had surgery bearly 3 weeks ago. 5 lbs is great, you are still healing from surgery. You won't have your full restriction for a while, in fact my dr said not to even worry about losing the first 6 weeks after surgery, it was to heal, losing during that time was a bonus. Once the swelling goes down you hardly have restriction, just start following the 'bandster rules' your surgeon gave you and it will come.

Anny & Dypeters, welcome! always room for more. Anxious to learn more about you. Questions, ask away and someone here will have an answer or what worked for them. Many successes here.

Linda, glad you had no flooding either. I got to within 9 lbs exactly of the magic goal weight as well and struggled and struggled to lose those last 9 so I could say I made it. My surgeon took one look at me and said I don't know what your are struggling for, as far as I am concerned you are at goal. The numbers are just a guideline. Embrace where you are and accept it, especially since it's been a good place for you to maintain. Good luck to DH on his surgery tomorrow.

LauraK, coming through Utah???

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agrrrr - dh just doesn't get it.

he asked me this morning (via test message) who i've told about getting the band and i said my mom, my aunt and my younger brother. - thats it.

he asked if i was going to tell his mother and when i said no he got upset.

i told him i haven't told my older brother, father or other aunts and uncles and don't see why he's upset that i'm not telling his mother

after all it's MY surgery MY body and MY decision who i tell and who i don't.

it's not a quick fix, its a tool like changing my eating habits and exercising more. it's not like i'm going to drop 150lbs by October and she's gonna wonder how the hell i did that.

i love my mil but she can't keep a secret. we told her before dh's brother and sister that we were getting married and when we told them it wasn't a surprise which it should have been. same when we got pg. again no surprise there because mil had already told them OUR news

we actually had a falling out with dh's brother and sister and haven't spoken with or to them for over 3 years now so this definitely is something i have no intention of sharing with them and if i tell mil they'll know by tonight.

plus IT"S MY BUSINESS WHO I TELL why isn't he getting that???????

he thinks because my mum and aunt (who is darn near my second mother) know that his mom should know too.

agrrrrrrr i'm a little ticked off right now

Kurby; You are rignt! You only need to tell people that you can trust with that information... It is your decision, Hubby will get it if you give him awhile to process it.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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