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Morning............It's 4:00 am and my pain woke me, so I took a pill and am waiting for it to settle in so I can sleep a bit more..... Yesterday (Wed) was a busy day.... The funeral was at 10:30 so had to be there at 8:30 to get food cooking... I go to a little country church so have to drive 17 miles to get there....DH was with me and did all the carrying and such... Others were there, too.... We served 130 a very nice meal and all went well...... I was very tired, but I didn't have any major pain attacks during this time.. We got home at 2:00...... Rested a bit and then started on my big meal for today... Elevator supper.... Swiss steak and the trimmings for 150...... I did all the planning and shopping, but I have most of the work delegated out... Someome is doing the steak, someone else the potatoes... I made the coleslaw.( I buy the already shredded and make my own dressing... DD came to help me mix it) and I make 12 pans of apple crisp..... So all is ready, but have to put it all together... Of course in the middle of all that the doc office called to say my CT got approved and I have to be in Bismarck at the hospital at 11:30 today.... Didn't want to try to reschedule so will run down quick and get it done... I'll be glad when today is over..... Now if I could just get back to sleep for a few hours...

Apples is at the lake, but the picture was beautiful.....

Lori, glad you are settling in...

Arlene, WTG with sharing... It's a big step.... I was 387 to start and had been bigger in the past.... I so want to get restarted, but life just hasn't let me find the needed commitment right now... I'm so glad I have my band or otherwise I would have gained back instead of losing inch by inch over the last year.... I just say I'm in maintenance right now..... My goal is to get to feeling better so I can enjoy my new body....

Cheri, congrats on the grant... I've done some grant writing in the past and it's such a good feeling to get funded...... You are very dedicated to your work and that is something to be proud of...

Jodi, good luck with the stay over..... Dassi will handle it fine.. She seems to be a wonderful child........ And you are busy like usual...

I'm forgetting so many.... My mind is starting to wander from the pill I think... Maybe I can sleep soon..

Eva and Lori, wish you could help me decorate... We are still stuck with our remodel, but I think about what to do with things all the time.. If I ever get it finished it will be a wonder.....

kidlhopper, you are never too old to improve your health... Good luck... stick with us and we'll help you through this.....

Well all you dear ladies, sorry to leave so many out, but must go lay down now.... Hugs and prayers for all.... Julie

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Boy are you a scream. I just love reading your posts. You are so busy all the time. Dassi will adjust to your guest.


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Well, I did get a little more sleep.... DH got up at 6:30, then I dosed some more and finally got up at 8:15..... I'm about ready to head out to Bismarck for my Cat Scan..... Just have to get dressed.... and take my pills of course... shoulder hurts this morning.....AGAIN!!!!!! But what else is new..... I've got another busy day so will be back when I can.... You all have the best day possible..... Love you all............... Julie

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Charlene Congrats on your 2 lbs - WTG- Hugs - So very brave for you to tell your story - but I feel that once we let it out (share the story and you know there is no shame here) - it helps us to recover - we are food addicts - plain and simple - and I guess I sorta understand where he's coming from - I do agree with at least 1 pt (fish/chicken/salad or veggie) meal a day - Cuz personally I couldn't do shakes that long - and I think you need to learn how to eat healthy - How long has it been since you've been doing the shakes? ? It seems like 3 months too me :0)..

Sweetie - you can do this - just keep up what you are doing and get your exercise in - I know it's hard but as the weight comes off the exercise becomes easier - I promise and hell look at me 3 yrs out (almost) and I am still exercising - it does become a habit and a good one - I feel so much better after I have done it..

Linda - I looked at pic's yesterday - Love them !!! but never posted - gym and then kids are here for the weekend - we aren't doing anything special - to cold to go to the beach - disneyland and other park thingie to expensive (average per person 31 x 6 = too much) especially since in 5 months going on vacation..

Joyce - I think I am about the only one who didn't stall (well had only 1 week that I offically didn't lose anything but that was it) and my doc said I lost the weight like a bypass person I don't think I am the norm (well I guess a lot of pple would agree w/that one lol) - but I was and still am very diligent about what I eat and my exercise. the lightbulb went off for me that this is truly a lifetime lifestyle change and not a diet - this is why I stress so much to take the word diet out - I know diet means what you eat so if you use it in those terms it's fine - My diet consist of mostly hard Protein - veggies and limited starches & sugar - I usually only allow starches for 1 meal and again exercise. I say eat healthy 98% of the time and allow for treats 2% of the time - once we become less obessed w/food the easier it becomes - You know when I do allow for that candy bar or treat - it's really not all that and a bag of chips - I am happy w/allowing for them 1 day a week and after I have had it - I'm done - not that mentally I don't want more - I just know that they aren't healthy and if i eat more - I'm going to gain the weight back - and I just feel to damn good to do that..

Great - I love redoing my bed room - did it a while back - it's funny I use to find stuff all the time to change it - but now a days - I hardly every find stuff I like..

I gotta say that I feel damn good about the boot camp (that it didn't kill me and I could keep up considering the age issues ;0)- it's not like some of them that they have outside - but it was a good work out - can't wait to go back next tuesday...

Kid - no 68 isn't to old !!!

Pam - Hugs Hugs Hugs - Even when the divorce is final that's not going to change your dh attitude towards you and how he treats you - you just gotta learn somehow to distant yourself from it - how I don't know - If I remember correctly you are the one who is divorcing him - maybe after the nice dinner and getting along - he wanted to be back together and knows that's not happening - so he was rude/mean to protect his feeling about missing you.

Divorce is hard even when you are the one who wants it - being with someone for a long time then they are gone has to be a very difficult situation - Since I haven't I really can't speak to it - but can imagine it's very hard... But you know eating your feelings is only making it worse... So get mad - talk about it - cry - yell scream - whatever it takes - but don't eat them.

Eva - I knew you would be in - cuz you LOVE to be on the go.. Hell if my power was out for more than a few hours I would be in a hotel - especially to sleep at night - during the day can go to the mall - target or what hve you but sleeping hell no..

Jodi - girl - we wont' even run into the guy and we won't let you get swept back in - it's girl time - no men allowed lol !!- and we won't stay their - hell maybe we will stay in old part of vegas - rooms are usually cheaper there - last time I was at the gold nugget - nice rooms and not as much as the strip..

How sweet of Dassi - That's fantastic - she deserves tons of praise for being so thoughtful !!!

Can't wait to hear more about your guest... It will work out fine..

Julie - My gosh girl maybe if you slowed down some you wouldn't be in so much pain - Hugs - I sure hope that they figure out what's going on w/you - do you tell them all that you do - you might not exercise like I do - but it seems like you are on the go (moving around) 24/7.. Hugs - You need some rest - Vegas !!!

Well Brook is up - I've been up since 5 - doggies usual go potty time - everyone else is still asleep - it's 7:20..

Cbl - Hugs

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Boy are you a scream. love reading your posts. You are so busy all the time. Dassi will adjust to your guest.


Its what people call....Life in NY!!

Pam, Divorce sucks! Especially when you have are the initiater. One word..."Zoloft". Helped me get through it lol. The insults, rudeness and attempts at picking a fight...the court appearances and hours spent in conferences? ZOLOFT took the edge of all of the punches. I wouldnt normally recommend drugs however sometimes....they can help but only for a specific designated amt of time along with therapy only. It is not the magic cure...as the band isnt. It is a tool to be used with caution. If ever a time to take something....this would be one of them!

I hear you.....and empathise...been there, done that and after three years of hell...he passed away. Three months after our divorce came.

The only other recommendation....never ever down talk...or curse him or fight with him in front of young kids and relatives...cause as you see.....it may come back and bite you in the butt! My only saving grace....bent over backwards and then some to make sure my daughter never thought badly about her father...in her eyes he was a "ritous man" now I let her think this as well....why shouldnt she think if him that way and set him on a pedastal, who is it hurting?? Hugs your way. We are hear to listen....so go ahead and rant and rave....we arent running. We will try to be as supportive as you need! also...throw in some of our opinions and recommendations even if you dont want them! lol

Janet....im holding you to that promise of keeping far away. I know I wont be able to however lol.

I stayed in a very nice hotel on the other side of town that was very nice...when dad was in hospital there. A small hospital not the major big one. It was not expensive and smaller...had a small cassino, two restaurants and a cafeteria....We loved it as it wasnt a big humungous thing.

In fact....If we stay there...I can get us free shows at night from Tommmy the manager of entertainment. OF course Janet that would mean...contact. lol But will do it as it will save us all money. I can probably get tickets at some other hotels as well...if he has a connection with that hotel.

Ill get the name of hotel...I forgot it.

We can stay at Monte Carlo if that is what everyone wants....but will be a bag of nurves lol and then.,..um ill eat!!! not good! lol

Julie, im sorry again about the funeral. Im sure you did a fabulous job on the food..and putting it all together.

Okay well have agreat day!! Jods

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Julie - you are such a loving, generous, giving lady. Your work touches so many lives.

Hoping the CAT scan can shed some light to solutions to relieve pain.

Pam - divorce wars are emotional hell. Please commit to loving yourself and NOT eating over this. We all tried eating away our problems and we all know it does NOT work. My heart is with you, sweetie.

Dassi is a darling to help you, Jodi. Love her folding clothes and showing consideration for your time.

Janet - thanks for your input. I WILL break this stall and move forward. Nothing can stop me.

Having lots of maintenance done at the house. Today had all trees trimmed and yesterday landscaper trimmed all the front area of the house. Looks great. Our neighborhood is about 30 years old, and I'm lucky how well owners maintain their property.

Nice cool day today. Great for walks with Gizmo.


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Lori, that is so funny about DH hanging pictures too high. I'm only 5'2" so my DH thinks everything is so low -- he's about 6'2". Every time we hang stuff he complains about how low it is. I never thought of it being relative to their height - I look at the wall and just know where it should hang. Love the colors you've decided on for the bedroom -- sounds lovely.

Welcome Kidle, and no you are never too old to improve your health. But you need to understand it's not a magic cure -- only a tool to assist you in changing your lifestyle and eating habits which will enable you to slowly lose the weight. Congratulations on the surgery date - we'll be thinking of you. Be sure and come back and let us know how you're doing after surgery.

Arlene, I agree with Lori, you took a big step in acknowledging your journey. Congratulations on getting to the point where you had the trust and confidence to share. Good for you. You're also a butterfly -- just now coming out of your cocoon. Keep soaring.

Joyce, what you said to Arlene is so beautiful -- so wise -- thanks for sharing that, it really struck a chord with me as well.

PJ hugs on all that you are going through. Try not to let the stress of your situation rule your life. Try to remember what you've accomplished and that eating doesn't change the situation or make it better - all it usually does is gives you instant gratification followed by huge amounts of guilt and dispair. Don't let your soon to be Ex ruin it all for you.

Julie so glad to hear they approved a CT for you -- hope it all goes well today. I know it's hard to delegate -- I'm the same way -- just like the bake sale - do too much and hurt afterward but still I enjoy doing it -- it's hard for other people to understand -- I know cause I'm the same -- it isn't really "work" to us, but just part of who we are and what we do. Hugs on the pain, I hope the CT scan shows something "fixable."

Jodi, very nice of Dassi to help you out. She's probably happy you are taking care of yourself. Did you happen to see Jillian's show last night? It was about a woman who's husband died and her kids were worried about her dying as well. It also brought up another important point -- you don't have to do all your workouts in a gym -- you could do some at home -- there's some good walking DVDs and other work out tapes there - heck there's also Wii fitness which has fun games -- you and Dassi could walk the dog or go to a park with the dog -- not all your exercise has to be away at the gym -- it all counts -- so if you want to do an hour every day try to do some WITH Dassi also.

Janet, hope you're having fun with the family - sounds like a nice relaxing time -- better than running around spending $$ -- just enjoy time with the family!

Laura, love the pic of Nelson's grad on FB -- is the party today?

Will CBL. have a great night all!


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Good Afternoon, Chicks! Hope your day is going well. We'll be waiting to hear about your CT scan, Julie!

I think the Las Vegas trip may work for me as we'll be in southern CA then and I can probably ride with Janet??!

I enjoy reading all your posts. Not much time to respond the past few days... seems when I'm online I'm either playing this Mah Jong game I've become addicted to since FB took away the Challenge Sudoku that Lori & I so much enjoyed!! :eek::(:crying:

Or else I'm researching DOGS!! Seriously thinking maybe DH is right. Where in the RV would we put a dog crate????? Next week we have Gigi for 5 days, so we'll see how that goes. But I have found a couple of dogs I want to go look at, including one little gal who is having heart surgery today with a 90% chance of full recovery... heart murmur.

DS & DIL & grandkids are in the area for a week to pick up DGD from U of WA. DS flew his plane up Tuesday. Glad we didn't know until he was on the ground because the weather was awful that day. He said it was rough coming in. Sunday we're having a big family get together and he is probably going to fly his plane up here. DH bought a huge pork shoulder roast which he is going to slow cook on Saturday for pulled pork sandwiches the next day. We've never done it before, so we're taking suggestions. One friend said spray it with apple juice every hour and cook for 6+ hours. Oh, and inject it with marinade first... so we have to figure out a marinade.

TOO OLD for LB?? NAH!!

My surgeon told me he'd done a 75 yr old man!

And I was 63 when I had mine.

I'm doing fine with my unfill. I go back next Wed. to see if we can start filling again. I'm being oh so careful about what I eat and reporting everything to Janet and my Lucky 7 group!

Went to gym this morning and worked out for about an hour... weight machines first, then bike.

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Charlene Congrats on your 2 lbs - WTG- Hugs - So very brave for you to tell your story - but I feel that once we let it out (share the story and you know there is no shame here) - it helps us to recover - we are food addicts - plain and simple - and I guess I sorta understand where he's coming from - I do agree with at least 1 pt (fish/chicken/salad or veggie) meal a day - Cuz personally I couldn't do shakes that long - and I think you need to learn how to eat healthy - How long has it been since you've been doing the shakes?? It seems like 3 months too me :0)..

Arlene, I agree with Lori, you took a big step in acknowledging your journey. Congratulations on getting to the point where you had the trust and confidence to share. Good for you. You're also a butterfly -- just now coming out of your cocoon. Keep soaring.

Thanks, peeps! I say two affirmations as I go to sleep at night.....two scriptures. I believe they are finally sinking in.

I agree about the addiction. I know I can't have just one chip or just one cookie.......so I have to live without them.

I have been on shakes for almost 3 months. I am ready to mix it up....shakes and real food. In fact, I am going to tell him next week that I am ready to go to the next level.

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My Ex is 6'5" so I thought pics way up high is where they were supposed to be lol I'm 5'2", every time I hang something I have to move it down a couple of times.

Phyl, My Ex also has a pig cooking business, he wraps the pork butt/shoulder/loin in foil before closing he pours in apple juice and garlic salt. Checks to see if they are still moist if not add more juice. One thing nice I can say is he can now cook great, at least pork and chicken.< /p>


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You guys are all amazing and have such a nice way of expressing yourselves. Some day I may actually learn how to do that. Seems after I read your posts, all I can say are bland and boring things.

No, I'm not in crises....just impressed by you all.

Another long day and had to do an "emergency" meet in the field to day a 1:30....it's hot at 1:30, so I'll go tomorrow morning early and do the official field notes. I also had a dental appointment...no big deal, just my normal cleaning and that went well.

There's a new oriental market on the same side of town as the dentist, so I went there afterwards and bought some baby bok choy and oyster mushrooms to cook with my pork tenderloin. They were very good. I was looking for some specific things for some Moroccan food, but didn't find it. I'll have to check a couple of other places.

So, I'm really burned out tonight and think I'll go to sleep early for a change. Hope everyone has a good night.


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What???? No one checked in today?????

Eva, I love your posts......I miss ya when you don't check in.

Well, I bought Carbmaster yogurt today(Kroger makes it). It only has 3 sugars. I put half in my shake and it made it almost like pudding. I loved it. Anything to change up these shakes will help. Next week will be 12 weeks on this diet. I have to shake things up and lose another 5lbs before the end of the month....my mini goal.

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i'm not doing it on purpose but i'm finding that my portions sizes have gotten smaller.

i'm still reaching for the carbs and sugar but on the plus side it's not as large a portion as it used to be.

i guess this is going to take time to retrain the brain.

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Hey guys~ Definite night for a flyby. My boy graduated today from kindergarten! Where has the time gone?! I was so emotional today and just so darn proud of the little man he is turning out to be. We had the graduation party today and it went well. Kobe beef burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, caesar salad, blackbean salad, salsa and chips, cake and icecream. I had a proten shake for bf, Protein Bar for lunch, 2 bites of a hotdog and had pain and had to stop eating. (I stopped before I PBed- I am getting better!) Before I ate I had two drinks though...:frown: chocolate martinis. Now I am not usually a fan but these were GOOD.

I promise to catch up with the threads tomorrow. I glanced through them but not well enough to comment. Hi to you all and thanks for being you. : ) peasout... Laura

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Hey guys~ Definite night for a flyby. My boy graduated today from kindergarten! Where has the time gone?! I was so emotional today and just so darn proud of the little man he is turning out to be. We had the graduation party today and it went well. Kobe beef burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, caesar salad, blackbean salad, salsa and chips, cake and icecream. I had a proten shake for bf, Protein bar for lunch, 2 bites of a hotdog and had pain and had to stop eating. (I stopped before I PBed- I am getting better!) Before I ate I had two drinks though...:frown: chocolate martinis. Now I am not usually a fan but these were GOOD.

I promise to catch up with the threads tomorrow. I glanced through them but not well enough to comment. Hi to you all and thanks for being you. : ) peasout... Laura

Tell Nels Congrats! on his graduating kinder and give him a big kiss from your LB buddies.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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