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Cheri - congrats on grant.

Linda - love the pictures.

Karen - have a great weekend at the lake.

Arlene - congrats on 2 more lbs. You are doing so well.

I asked today about a nutritionist. They said, check with your health insurance. The only one they use, I don't care for. Not the kind of support from the practice that I had hoped to receive.

Saw the P.A. today and made an appt to see doctor again in a month. She advised NOT to fill. After questioning me and listening, she feels a nutritionist would help expand my food choices, so I need to find one.

Also - after checking my file, she advised I have 6 cc in the band - I had been told only 2.5cc.

Also, interesting, she shared that many patients reach a stall between 215 and 200. Just have to break thru it with careful eating and then the weight will continue to shed.

Did any of you experience a stall at that time?


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Gosh dern it all, I hate it when the email notifications aren't working for me as I get so far behind on the thread, 3 pages to read since yesterday. I know I can come and go to my control panel and subscriptions but just never do, I got used to the emails.

Apples, that pic is amazing! You look so much younger and I love that blouse! Have fun at the lake, you probably left already.

Cheri, congrats on the grant

Linda, loved the pics. You too have moved around a lot. Are you pretty settled in Iowa or will there be another move in your future??

Arlene, congrats on the loss!

Janet, awesome keeping up with those younguns in boot camp. All that hard work has paid off.

I spent the day checking out the local shops. I decided to change our bedroom from reds and golds to 'Robin's egg blue and brown'. I got some stuff at Target, some Kohls and some Penneys so hope it all goes together.

DH just walked in gotta go. Will catch up more later.

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Cheri - congrats on grant.

Linda - love the pictures.

Karen - have a great weekend at the lake.

Arlene - congrats on 2 more lbs. You are doing so well.

I asked today about a nutritionist. They said, check with your health insurance. The only one they use, I don't care for. Not the kind of support from the practice that I had hoped to receive.

Saw the P.A. today and made an appt to see doctor again in a month. She advised NOT to fill. After questioning me and listening, she feels a nutritionist would help expand my food choices, so I need to find one.

Also - after checking my file, she advised I have 6 cc in the band - I had been told only 2.5cc.

Also, interesting, she shared that many patients reach a stall between 215 and 200. Just have to break thru it with careful eating and then the weight will continue to shed.

Did any of you experience a stall at that time?


I will let you know when I get there. Here is the fat and skinny on me. I haven't shared my weight because I couldn't stand to see it in print. I started at 307( I am 5'4") and went down 70+lbs....stalled, stalled........started gaining.......and gaining. So, that is when Dr. Davis suggested the supervised diet. Now, I am down to 227.....wearing a 16-18........breathe, okay, now.... that is my story. He wants me to learn how to eat right. That is the reason for the shakes......taking food out of the equation for at least 3 mos.

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Arlene, I am impressed, that was a big step for you to take to put your stats out there. As Dr Phil says, you can't change what you don't acknowledge. I know that was a big step for you and hopefully it was freeing for you as well. We started out 2 lbs apart, I was 305.

Joyce, As for reaching a stall at 215 to 200 no I didn't. I did however at about 190. As for fills, I was one that took a lot of fills, I was needing them about every 15 lbs or so. I got small fills along the way but you can see in my signature how many I had. Once I did get too full and knew within a day or so as I started having reflux. I ignored it for a bit thinking it would go away and before I realized how dangerous it was. Once I found that out I promptly had some taken out. I know now that I am where I am supposed to be. I think you'll know when you get there. Keep tabs on how much you can eat at a time and how long between meals. If you portions start getting larger or you are hungrier more between meals it's probably time for a small fill.

Well DH needs me again, he's hanging stuff on the walls and if I don't watch him everything is hung very high. He's 6'6 and puts things at his eye level not the normal persons. LOL Everyone at work gave him a bad time today as he decorated his office and all his stuff was hung real high.

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Do you think im too old im 68, I get to find out my surg date June 15, Im ready.

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do YOU think you're too old???

i'd say no. it's your live and for however many more years or decades you have left you want to live it

isn't it better to live another 20 odd years healthy rather then unhealthy?

whenever you choose is the right time - it means that you're ready.

good for you for making the choice to get healthy

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Arlene - this is a safe place for all of us to share. Amazing how private we must be in other venues about the actual #. Our souls hold the value of our being.

The rest is only a shell (like our car) to take us thru life. Those who really matter, understand that fact.

However, for our health and to live life to the fullest, we strive for a more comfortable body.

AND, we shall achieve it.


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kidlehopper - I'm 67 and had surgery this year.

We are NEVER too old to become healthier and happier.



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Arlene - this is a safe place for all of us to share. Amazing how private we must be in other venues about the actual #. Our souls hold the value of our being.

The rest is only a shell (like our car) to take us thru life. Those who really matter, understand that fact.

However, for our health and to live life to the fullest, we strive for a more comfortable body.

AND, we shall achieve it.


Thanks! Beautiful words!

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Lori - thank you for sharing your experience relative to fills. Sounds very sensible, and look how well it worked as your tool with all your hard work.

Thank you.


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Hello everyone, thought I would pop in for a few and let you know that I am not doing very well right now at all. I have gained 6 lbs . About 2 months ago I went in to see my Dr and he said that my pouch was stretched, so deflated my band and put me on liquids for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks I went back and he said all was fine and he gave me a tiny fill. I'm not that hungry now, its stress that is causing me to eat. Ran into hubby at GD's ball game, he was very nice and we all went out to dinner after....then, last Saturday I saw him at GD's ball game and he was so cold and rude. It just upset me so bad that I have done nothing but EAT. Will be so glad when the divorce is final. I go this Saturday for another fill, hope it will help. I know soon this will all be behind me and I can get back on track.

Glad to see that all of you are doing well. :thumbup:

Wow....Janet, Boot Camp, that is awesome.


Lori...keep up what you're doing !!

Karen...you are so beautiful, love your new pic



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Sorry I've been gone again.

Julie, so glad you had at least one pain free night...hope you have another tonight!!

Apples, nice smile and shirt....I do like that style and it's very flattering on you.

LauraK...as for the cougar...you do what ever makes you happy. I don't care for older men either, but there are a few out there that don't act old. Those guys are pretty hard to find. My DH is younger than me too, but only 1 year.

Janet, great going on the exercise. Glad you didn't have the power outage at your house....it's way too hot. We had one that was a little over an hour on Saturday morning, so it wasn't too bad.

Charlene, Congrats on 2 more pounds and it was brave of you to share. You are doing really well.

Phyl, so you want a lap dog do you? The right puppy will find you, just wait and see. If you can hold off until winter again, you can go to Janet's and have her Angel give you lap treats. That is one sweet dog.

Great, my guest room and bath have red and "gold" or tan towels and bedspread too. I'm getting a little tired of them and am thinking of changing to something else. I went with tropical blues and greens in my bedroom, so I'll have to come up with something else for this room. Funny about your DH hanging things up too high.

Joyce, getting too tight is not fun, so your PA is probably a wise person. Talking to a nutritionist is probably a very good thing and maybe you can share with us afterwards.

Linda, I'm going to Athens, OH in November. My brother will be celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary. It's something to celebrate! Your pictures were fun!

So if I missed someone, sorry, I'm doing this from memory again. Sorry I've been missing again, but it's been busy with my sister here. She's finally decided to put the house us for sale and is just now starting to sort so we can pack her up this weekend. We are going to box almost everything and store it in her store rooms and leave the furniture. She'll fly back to FL and when the house sells, I'll probably have her stuff loaded up in a U-haul and drive it out to her.

I'm in for Vegas in October too...sounds like fun!

I have a few more chores to take care of...hope you all have a great night!


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Hi all...wow....so many posts...so little time to read them all!

Been a busy week. For everyone else as well.

Have been working hard at getting to the gym everyday this week. Had a training once on Monday and scheduled one for friday. Went to the nutritionist last night and she said if I want to loose more weight and keep it off then I need to start really exercising at least an hour everyday otherwise i wont be able to maintain the loss for long. grumph. I know shes right...but as ive said this is my challenge.

Food seems to be okay...but the exercise...Im screaming!!!

So, im trying to find the time.

I went on Sunday and Monday....yesturday I was busy all day....after work had the nutritionist then needed to pick up medication for the dog which took about an hour. That was two hours after work...then needed to help Dassi get a project together...so needed to buy some food coloring, sparkles and oil. That took about 1/2 hour. I got home around 9. No exercise.....not good

Today however, I did go to gym. I got home from work got Dass from bus. Made her dinner, took her to Karate and then I dropped her at home...after giving her a choice to come with and do homework there in the lounge or stay alone. She chose alone and so I said okay....only stayed a few times alone so far. I called her like every ten minutes lol. I went to the gym feeling very guilty that I wasnt spending the hour and half before bed with her reading or doing whatever but not enough to not go to the gym!! I realize that something is going to have to give. Either I decide to go in the AM before work and push work back half an hour or so and stay later...or go after at some point after picking Dassi up and leaving her alone for the hour and half.

well....I think I will leave her alone a little more....lol After coming home...I came in the apt and my darling daughter...folded the laundry that was sittling on couch from last night...and put it all away, took a shower and cleaned her room!!! With no help!!! No prodding or conjoling!!!

I was shocked. I was like what?? Where has my daughter gone and who is this girl here instead? She replied simply...."Mom I felt so bad that you felt bad that you were leaving me to go work out....and youve been working so hard that I wanted to do this so you wouldnt have to at 10 PM at night!

Tonight she earned herself a massage with the massager on her back for 1/2 hour that she loves to get when I have time to give her one. She likes deep pressure input and loves massage and joint compressions daily but dont always have time to do this for her....and now she can do them herself if she really wanted to anyways. She still enjoys when I give her it though.

Tomorrow I plan on going in the AM....as after work I have the monthly support group at the hospital with surgeons.

Funy...I see his picture right as I read posts here and say..theres my man. Hes with the New York Bariatric Group....you all see him Dr. Sean Garber and my Surgeon Dr. Holover...no picture of him but hes just as cute!! lol

Well tomorrow is the support group. After..the group Im going out to dinner with a friend who works by the office. I wont get home till about 10:30 or so. No time for gym then...so I will attempt to get there in the AM and go to work later and leave work later. So far ive not been able to get there in the AM. Im not a morning person and therefore it takes alot to get even to work at a decent hour! I start at about 10 or so. There just isnt enough time in the day. If I want to spend time with Dassi and not run to gym when she is home from school I will have to start going in the morning...yes it is inconvenient but there just isnt another time. Now i just need to resolve that within me and do it.

I will, I will, I will. try at least.

This weekend I am having a friend come in from St. Louis for Shabbat. It will be interesting as im sure he will be shocked at how much weight ive lost and that he wont be getting the traditional shabbat meal. lol

Shabbat there is a big kiddish.. remember that definition?? Fat food!!! Lots of it. He can have it all then.

Im a little concerned with him visiting this weekend. My daughter has decided that she isnt going to her friend in the end...as planned. Ive told her we are having a guest for shabbos. This isnt a strange concept for her to have guests..or a guest however, it is a guy and he is someone that I have dated and periodically when he comes in we go out for dinnner or what have you. I went out with him News Years Eve. However, Dassi hasnt met him and this will be um interesting.

Of course hes sleeping in the living room on the couch and there will be no physical contact at all as I am still supposed to be a religious woman and therefore I cannot have any contact physically with the other sex even for a hand shake....(of course im 45 and divorced but to Dassi thats the way it is) he probably shouldnt be staying here at all but hes from out of town so...where else could he go? (his relatives I guess but he doesnt want to...(my excuse) he is also "flexodox" so he understands how it will be and agrees totally. It should prove to be an interesting 25 hours. I wonder if he sings at all....(I dont know this) it will be nice to have someone else do all the traditional prayers and such besides me.

We will be going out sat night with neighbors across the street that he knows..coincidentally that he grew up with...who I am also friendly with. Dassi is in their daughters class. That should be fun. A date...hmm. lets see how the 25 hrs. go. lol

Good news for Roseland Christian. A grant I helped write and edit was approved. We are going to get a new and very much needed roof to replace our badly leaking 80 something yr. old roof. We also are getting a new playground. Industrial grade play equipment and the broken up asphal surface replaced. God is good.

My husband is totally not handy. All I have to say about him fixing or working on things is that we now have his tetanus shot updated.

Cheri...lol about your husband! Thats funny.....is he jewish as well? (joke)

Jessica, I love the butterfly. Its gorgeous and you look amazing in that dress!!!

Judy, Goof luck on the part. Shes my favorite charachter...who you are playing....whenever we played dress up when little I was always....her. Have fun enjoy it and congrats!

Julie, so many events, so much to do...how do you do it?? We have a saying in Hebrew when a woman does about everthing for everone else.....

A woman of valour...a true ashet chayil. Thats what comes to mind when I read about all that you do for the church, your daughter and granddaughter...I just wonder if have time for you ever?? This is a true "Ashet Chayal" someone who never thinks of themselves but of everyone else always.

Laura, these poems and activities about little hands and feet always make me cry. Every mothers day and fathers day when I tought in the preschool we would do something with a poem and id be crying everytime we finished a project like that and sent them home from their kids. Im just an sentimental emotional old fogey. lol Great choice.

Great..sounds like you are settling in some. Yes, the dogs..really can give us a run for our money.

Cheri, Thats amazing about the grant!!! Great for you. You must be so excited and proud of yourself! Im proud of you!! Can I be proud of you? You are surely a mentor in more ways then one..your enthusiasm for what you do is admirable...ive said this before and I would love to be more like you. You have renew my passion for working with the special needs population every time you write about your "kids", "school" and all that you do for them over and beyond the call.....of course thats easy to do as a teacher isnt it?? lol

Lori...Have a great time at the lake. Enjoy!

Karen, no novacaine?? not even numbing stuff?? wow thats crazy! lol. I figure if I could get some laughing gas at least for anything dental im a happy camper lol. Nothing?? wow again. You look beutiful.

Janet, oct seems okay for me..but you know....ive told you all how I feel about Las Vegas and im allready sweating thinking about it! I guess ill have to cross that bridge when I get there...and suck it up. By that time ill be at the weight goal and ill look amazing that I wont care if I saw the idiot or not. Maybe if I run into him....he wouldnt recognize me anyways lol. Please dont lets stay at the Monte Carlo as that is the hotel that he works out of. lol. Anywheres else is good.

Watch we will stay there. Actually if I really wanted I could stay with him and save money...but is that really what I want????? noooo!!!!! See allready im getting stupid!!!

Someone slap me. I dont want this man and I dont need him but the thought of being so close....scares me to death as I can easily be swept back in and have been there done that.

Wondering when the holidays are....ill have to check on those dates to make sure that weekend isnt a holiday weekend. Maybe it is and im starting to freak for nothing. lol.

well.....must be getting to sleep if I want to make that gym in the AM/.

night all!!

Have a great weekend.


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I just reread my post as I was rushing to post and realized....that I am dizzy from all thats going on and from just reading about it all as well. lol

Sorry...will try to minimize..in the future!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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