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Janet...have fun with the family.

Phyll...sounds like you are in LOVE with that puppy already and it's not even adopted yet. Pets can bring a person so much happiness. Don't know what I would do without my big baby. Way out here on the farm...he fills a void. Just plop him in Earl's lap and in no time you two will be wondering who enjoys that dog more. DH said "NO DOGS". That lasted 30 seconds after I brought that baby home.

Well, off and running. Home till about noon. On the road after that for the farm and then off to the lake this evening. You all have a nice weekend and will pop in again on Tuesday. (Start my new little job on Monday). Sending the love!

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LauraK...do not envy you on the loooooooooong road trip but a good time to spend with DD. Thanks for the compliment.

Janet..forgot to ask how boot camp went? Stiff this morning? Don't know where you get your energy from. Guess like the rest of us...once that weight comes off, all kinds of it shows up. Admire you for your committment to exercise.

Joyce...was going to mention this yesterday but forgot. Linda did a good job of explaining that "sweet spot" and fills. I had a bit of a tough time knowing what the "feeling" of restriction was.

One of the reasons I jumped on this thread and had followed some of Janet's posts... she always seemed to give such straight-forward advice. Had just gotten my second fill and felt it did nothing for me. I was wishy-washy for a month and just knew I needed another fill but had a fear of getting another and being too restricted and did not want the trouble that came with that. I "listened" to the more experienced banders and took their advice to wait it out a bit. Well, after about a month after my fill, it took effect. Not tight but just a feeling for being satisfied when eating my 4oz of Protein and a few bites of other foods.

I admire dr's that are conservative when it comes to fills and banders that are careful and take baby steps. Even a small fill can put a person over the top. Just try to take your time in between your fills to figure out just where you are. Make sense?

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i made the mistake of reading a very nasty website last night - some fitness jerk going on and on about how lazy people who got weight loss surgery are and dozens of responses from people ageeing with him prazing him for calling out our lazy fat bottoms

huge HUGE mistake. i got very upset.

i'm the type who can hear 100 complements but only listen to the 1 negative. :tongue2:

my mother always thought my stuburness would have overcome that but it didn't and apparently still hasn't

the old demons reared up and i ended up eating 3 chocolate bars and toast before i realize how stupid i was being.

GAUD i wish i hadn't seen that site.

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i made the mistake of reading a very nasty website last night - some fitness jerk going on and on about how lazy people who got weight loss surgery are and dozens of responses from people ageeing with him prazing him for calling out our lazy fat bottoms

huge HUGE mistake. i got very upset.

i'm the type who can hear 100 complements but only listen to the 1 negative. :thumbup:

my mother always thought my stuburness would have overcome that but it didn't and apparently still hasn't

the old demons reared up and i ended up eating 3 chocolate bars and toast before i realize how stupid i was being.

GAUD i wish i hadn't seen that site.

Kurby...yep, sorry to say there is that misperception out there about weight loss surgery. Everyone has their opinion and if you can learn what to "weed out" and throw to the wayside, you'll be farther ahead in the game. Heck, you'll see a lot of negative posts on this website. I just go with the thought that many more ppl post when they are having trouble or have a negative attitude than those where this journey is going well.

It's great to prepare yourself and read up on the experience of others (the good and the bad) but try to draw to ppl that steer towards the positive side of things.

Use this time b/4 surgery to "practice" eating like a banded person. Get rid of the trigger foods in your house. Even if those candy bars were meant for your DH. If he needs them so badly, have him put them where you are not tempted. Not a lecture...just some sound advice. We all have our times and food that is just calling our name.

Hope today is a better one for you. When something really bothers you, count to ten, brush your teeth, take a walk, get into a nice warm bath, read to the baby, etc....anything to take your mind off that binge. Hugs

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Thank you - i have to learn how to deal with my triggers and do something else.

what a horrible feeling though

on a brighter note - my doorbell just rang and it was Fedex with my preop package.

i'm going to go read through everything

boy it really seems real now. know what i mean

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Phyll...sounds like you are in LOVE with that puppy already and it's not even adopted yet. Pets can bring a person so much happiness. Don't know what I would do without my big baby. Way out here on the farm...he fills a void. Just plop him in Earl's lap and in no time you two will be wondering who enjoys that dog more. DH said "NO DOGS". That lasted 30 seconds after I brought that baby home.

The problem is, the puppy I am REALLY in love with belongs to our daughter and she's not about to give her up!! LOL

But I found one on the internet last night that might be a keeper... and adult dog, female Schipperke mix. I did a little research on that breed a few years ago and they are sweet. I had an email from the shelter lady saying she would be perfect for me because she is an absolute lap dog! I just want to know how big she is and how old they think she is... picked up as a stray. Still looking all over WA state and further on the petfinders site. I don't know if I"ll find another Gigi, though! She is a Yorkie/Shih Tzu mix... "Shorkie". And she is adorable and loves her "Grandma"!

i made the mistake of reading a very nasty website last night - some fitness jerk going on and on about how lazy people who got weight loss surgery are and dozens of responses from people ageeing with him prazing him for calling out our lazy fat bottoms. huge HUGE mistake. i got very upset. i'm the type who can hear 100 complements but only listen to the 1 negative. :thumbup: my mother always thought my stuburness would have overcome that but it didn't and apparently still hasn't. the old demons reared up and i ended up eating 3 chocolate bars and toast before i realize how stupid i was being. GAUD i wish i hadn't seen that site.

Yeah... .gotta stay away from those places!! Did you happen to see Al Roker on the Today show the other morning? I LOVED it!! He had bypass and then lost over 100 lb, but in recent years, 40 lb crept back,. But he caught himself, went back on the wagon and he's looking better than ever. But, his message was that surgery is NOT the easy way out and he had to change his lifestyle and the way he eats and he HAD to incorporate EXERCISE in to his life! It was GREAT!!

You're going to do FINE!!!

Thank you - i have to learn how to deal with my triggers and do something else. what a horrible feeling though. on a brighter note - my doorbell just rang and it was Fedex with my preop package. i'm going to go read through everything. boy it really seems real now. know what i mean

YAY, KURBY!! Get in to that stuff and get pumped!! This is going to change your life!! Stay positive!

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Cheri, Congrats on the success of your grant being approved for your school. My friend who died last year used to write grants for schools that was her profession for the past 15 years -- her "retirement" job. She loved it. Hope you get some good and reasonable estimates for your home repairs. My husband is handy in "some" areas but he thinks he's handy in "all" areas. Some things he does well, others not so much. As I've mentioned before, I'm still waiting for some painting to be done that needed done when we moved here in 2004.

Arlene, congrats on the bunco win -- I seldom ever win money but still love the game -- we have a good time once a month. I love facials too -- just love how my skin feels afterward.

Phyll, I've had great luck with my last two shelter dogs -- both were minature dashound/terrior mixes -- both weighed about 15 pounds. First one lived to be just shy of 20 and my current one is about 12 and going strong. Both are sweet, smart and well behaved - nice lap dogs. I got the second one a fews weeks after we had the first one put down. My DH was never much of a dog person but both these dogs won him over big time. I bet Earl will be the same way -- he'll fall in love, just can't help it with sweet doggies. And Phyll, my co-worker has a Sckipperke and she is a real sweetie pie!! I agree, your Grand-dog is a special girl love looking at those pics of her on FB. Thanks for sharing what Al Roker said -- good for him -- it's about time that message gets out!!

Kurby, your trip sounds good, but you're right, Disneyland will be very hot in July -- but this will likely be the last year you'll be suffering in the heat - I have a hard time now always being too cold and the heat doesn't bother me at all - the hotter the better since losing the weight. We love Disney too and used to live in So. Cal. so went a lot then -- can't wait to take DGD when she gets a little older. Train trip will be fun -- we want to do a train trip with our GD.

Apples, great picture -- I see nothing wrong with your smile as it is, but happy you're taking care of it if it bothers you. You look beautiful - love that shirt -- very nice color on you. Have a great weekend at the Lake and good luck on that little job on Monday. :thumbup:

Janet, wtg on the boot camp -- you rock girl! I'm impressed. Glad you survived -- if you keep going back you'll get even stronger I bet -- good going!! Hope you have a great time with your family this week. Are yo going anywhere are just sticking around your area? No, I didn't need to taste the baked goods -- I've been making all those things yearly for 40 years now, so I know how they taste - what is more tempting to me is tasting something (or someone's cooking) that I've never had before! I'm weird, I know. LOL.

LauraK, I'll instant message you my work, cell and home phone numbers. I'd love to meet you if you do make it to Des Moines in the evening. We usually make our first day on a trip the longest one too -- I guess cause you're fresh and feel up to it on the first day of a long journey.

Will CBL have a great day everyone!


Edited by ljv52

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Here's a few pics as promised. First one is DH and me celebrating our b-days together with my chocolate turtle cheesecake (looks kinda plain but has all the goodies inside, it's his favorite dessert in the whole world).

Next three are from camping. I'm uploading these at work fro FB so they are kinda small -- if you go to FB you can see bigger and more pics.

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Okay, first couple of pics are GD vacuuming the camper before we left - she LOVES vacuuming -- notice the huge smile!! Second is GD's first toasted marshmallow! Last pic is my Merry before she got her haircut (which I'm referring to as a scalping as they shaved her completely down to the skin -- a little too much of a summer cut).

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Linda..cool photos...thanks for sharing. You look great and that little GD is adorable. I can only imagine how much you enjoy her.

That peasant blouse I have on in the photo cost me big time...bought two of them...one in blues. $4.40 each. They are Carribean Joe brand. Got them for 85% off at the end of last season. Have a feeling they will be two of my favs this year. Very light weight. Thanks for the compliment.

Cheri..omitted you and Linda reminded me...way to go on the grant. Has to put your mind at ease to know there are funds to get the necessary things done.

OK...I'm out of here till Tues. Gotta hit the road. Have a good one!

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Here's the famous swingset and a couple from our Elmo SEsame Street Live day.

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Two major problems fixed for RCS. A few more to go. The original boiler needs updating and the radiators need to be sequenced differently. Right now, the first rooms to receive heat are too hot while the last ones to receive heat never do get warm enough on really cold days. Kids and teachers are forced to wear coats and gloves. We also need all our windows replaced with industrial grade. Many are propped in place by 2 by 2's, or lack screens or are unopenable. We could use air conditioning also. Then we could have year round school which many of our kids could really use. We also need an elevator to make it handicapped accessible.

But, one victory at a time. This one really rocks.

I'm enjoying summer school so far, but its been relatively cool outside.

Grandson's b-day party this Friday. Gotta go shopping.


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Cheri, way to go on the grant.

Linda, the pics are wonderful, GD is a beauty, DH is handsome. No wonder you were a cougar. lol

Thanks for the info, printed and in my purse.


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Woo hoo!!!.......down 2!

Linda thanks for sharing the pics.....adorable GD.

Apples, will you be working everyday?

Janet, when are you leaving?

Well, I went to nutrition class. The doctor and nutritionist did not see eye to eye on his plan so she quit. Now we have a new program planner. He is dialing all of us back to only shakes and sf Jello. Boo!!!! I made an appt with him next week to customize my plan. I want to eat fish or chicken once a day. I am going Monday night to find out what Proteins are suitable for my new way of eating. He is having a support/seminar for all patients. Should be interesting.

Okay,gang.....have a great evening!

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Thanks for all the nice comments. Aylah is our cutie pie and so sweet. She's brought us so much sunshine into our lives.

Arlene, I don't understand why they are being so restrictive. What's up with that? Congrats on the 2 lbs. WTG!!!

LauraK, hoping it all works out for us to get together.

Cheri, glad the repairs are getting done at school.



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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