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If ever any of you girls want to do the MN lake thing, we have wonderful cabins at our resort for rent. Quaint, clean and very accomodating owners. I could put up a few of you in my place. Sure would be fun to host a get-together. And, I would provide the meals just for the fun of it. Something to think about.

That sounds wonderful, but, I too, am afraid of Minnesota mosquitos. I have a friend who got 67 bites in one outing and had to be hospitalized. She had been poisoned by all those tiny bits of venom adding up. I hear the mosquitos are as big as birds. LOL.

I can't do the October thing, I've got conventions going two weeks in a row on Thurs.s and Fri.s. Just too much with school going on. The summer MN thing actually would work better for me. But now it looks like July will be tied up with tutoring as well as the first week of August.

So any windows of opportunity are very small. LOL. Someday!


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Phyll, sorry you are living in the rain, but it will eventually go away won't it????? Will you puppy be the sort that goes everywhere with you..???? What kind do you have in mind? Hugs............... Julie

Who knows!!??? Sun finally came out today and it's lovely, but clouds are supposed to move in tonight for a couple more days of rain. Weekend is supposed to be nice.

28_2_8v.gif 4_2_1.gif

Puppy would definitely be the type that goes with me EVERYWHERE!! And sits on my lap and licks my face and worships the ground I walk on!! LOL! I want a SMALL dog.. like Gigi... yorkie mix, shih tzu mix, Maltese mix, etc. DD & I went to the local pound today... all BIG dogs! Smallest one was a long haired dachshund mix, 5 mos old, about 25 lb already and had HUGE paws... so I was afraid, VERY afraid! DH still does NOT want a dog, so as far as he knows, Tracy& I went for a ride so she could show me this pretty park on the river (which is right across the street from the animal shelter... but he doesn't know that!! HAHA)

Not sure if amazing would be the word to describe me, but thanks. Nuts maybe...:tongue2:

NUTS is DEFINITELY the right word!!! LOL

You could always just try to play the "Cougar" role for a bit...see how you like it. :eek:

You read my mind!!! HAHAHA!! Exactly what I was thinking!! Look what Demi Moore pulled off!!!

Concerning men--oy. I have met a few men in the past 2 years and this is what I am finding--they don't ask you one question about yourself! Has anyone else noticed that? You'd think if you asked someone if he had children, that he'd respond with the answer and then, "And you?" At the end of the date/ meeting I can tell you all kinds of things about the man and they could tell you (maybe) my first name. So much fun.


I don't think it is just men that are self-centered and don't have the means to find out and care about others. There's all kinds out there...men and women. Heck, I've had a few friends like that. Me, me, me and more me.

DS's GF is a hairdresser and works a second job at this new shake place in town. She gave me some recipes and they are all really wonderful. It helps me have some variety.

I agree.... it's not only men that do that.... and younger generations are SO self-centered. Once had a clipping from an Ann Landers or Dear Abby column...described how to teach your children the art of conversation by thinking of it as a game of catch.... If someone throws you a ball and you just hold on to it... not much fun. You have to toss it back in order to engage in the game!

DD & I had a very enjoyable girls' day out... besides going to the animal shelter... we had our hair done. DGS' girlfriend is also a hairdresser... just starting out in her sister's salon, so we are trying to help her.. went and had our hair cut and foiled. I love my new blonde highlights!!

My husband is totally not handy. All I have to say about him fixing or working on things is that we now have his tetanus shot updated. Cheri

LOL!! That's funny!!

There is a downside to having a husband who is handy...

you don't very often get to have new stuff because they fix EVERYTHING!!! HAHA!

Apples.......so good to see your posts....and you are doing so good. YUM! on the meal. I went to Bunco last night at the church. I won money for the most buncos.....rolled three dice all same #. I won 14bucks. Kinda felt weird winning money in the church, but the Catholic in me was happy(bingo!). I go to a baptist church, but you would not know it....we are definitely not traditional.

Joyce.....I'm with you. Apples place sounds great, but no mosquitos!

That is DEFINITELY not a traditional Baptist church!! LOL

Yeah...cabin sounds fun. We were in WS for a few days a couple of years ago and mosquitoes almost carried us away! And we lived in Minot ND for 2 years... where the mosquito is the state bird, right NDers???? HAHA!

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Michigan mosquitos are cousins of MN ones. Can't go outside without swatting, but at least I can think of it as exercise. lol

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LauraK, I hope for SURE you will stay in Des Moines on the first night -- please please please -- I can definitely plan to meet you in the evening -- that would be great. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Joyce, my DH is like yours -- very happy, loving and a lot of fun! Don't worry too much about your fills -- your doctor is the best judge of your needs -- I've had lots of fills, but very slowly -- and I was never too tight -- but I've been at my sweet spot since January. How can you tell if you are tight enough? It's hard, but if you feel full after eating the appropriate portions and not hungry between meals. I know without a doubt that I don't need another fill. I used to always need a fill after losing about 10 to 15 pounds -- or about every 6 weeks. Hope that helps you a little bit.

Welcome Kurby, congrats on the August 12 surgery date!!!Where will you be spending the month of July?

Julie, I'm so sorry about your pain situation. I feel so bad for you -- wish I could help in some way. All I can do is offer prayers and positive thoughts. Is your current physician with a pain center? I think Laura has talked about pain centers where the doctors are also anesthesiologists are the best ones -- is yours an anesthesiologist as well? Maybe you could go to a different one. Heck, I would go ahead and make an appt at mayo cause if you're still in pain in 9 months, you'll still need to see someone -- it's easier to cancel if you don't need it. You need to talk to your insurance company and demand some help from them. It's ridiculous for you to go through this in this day and age. There's no excuse for it. Julie I know how you feel about preparing the wedding food yourself -- I always catered weddings for family/friends but when DS got married I was told "you are NOT going to do anything except attend and be our guest" and they had it catered and it was WONDERFUL. I enjoyed not being exhausted on such an important day -- so my advice is to just enjoy the wedding and not cook.

Janet, I've stayed at the Grand Mayan at the Riveria Maya -- none of the others, but I love Playa del Carmen area better than Cancun (too many people). Are you going over Thanksgiving? We've spent several Thanksgivings in Mexico -- love to vacation at that time of year. I've never done an all inclusive -- usually love to out to the local restaurants when we travel, but now with all the problems in Mexico, an all inclusive sounds perfect. I'm jealous too. LOL. Oh, I wonder if the Brazilian restaurant at your all inclusive is a Brazilian bbque -- if so, yum -- they cook meat on these skewers and they bring the ,meat to your talble and slice off what you want - really delish -- they cook with lots of garlic in their meat. Yum. I miss the one we used to go to in Long Beach. Not that I can eat that much, but they had an amazing variety and everything was always so delish. And Janet, I will definitely keep my fingers crossed that I can make Vegas in October!!! I should have enough vacation time for a quick 3 day weekend -- if I can get a decent price on airlines, I'll be there. Looks like you're thinking of October 1 - is that correct? Heck, I can see my DS too!!! Janet, the only outdoorsy stuff I like is getting in and out of pools -- no working outside for me either. LOL. I used to do a lot more outside stuff but haven't in over 20 years -- did more than my share when I was a kid growing up on the farm. Wow, that was some power outage -- we have generators at work -- so no time off for us due to power outages. What caused it?

Girls,I hear you on the older men issues. I never liked older men - that's why I robbed the cradle with my DH. Younger is better (except when you want to retire and can't). LOL, but he's worth it. LOL. I remember dating some older guys and frankly they just weren't for me if they were more than two years older than me. Always did like em young!! I guess that makes me an "official" cougar. LOL. But seriously, I thought I'd never meet anyone when just one day I met my current DH -- it was so sudden and weird truly-- I certainly wasn't looking. In fact I had pretty much decided I enjoyed being alone and then BAM, I met him and the rest was history - really quick - we moved in with each other within 6 months and I had to relocate from NV to So. Cal. to make that happen or it probably would have been sooner! I had to quit a job and just move -- I arrived on a Thurs. night, went to a temp agency Friday and started working Monday. That was 18 years ago this year. How time flies!

Jodi, hope your new sleep study goes well. I was lucky and got rid of my machine after the first 40 pounds, but my sleep apnea was not very severe -- she said it was a 5 with the worst being a 12 and I was borderline not even needing it at my heaviest. So if you still need it, don't be too disheartened, these things can take longer sometimes. Wow, that bat mitzvah will be very interesting -- hopefully everyone will decide to behave and get along. Sorry about your dog issues -- very sad, hope you can work it out. It an be so expensive, I know, but it's hard cause they are family,

Phyll, sorry to hear about your problem -- how long will they leave the saline out? Just curious. As Jodi said, now's the time to prove you've been doing all; the work -- just keep up with your exercise routine and I'm sure you'll do fine. Also curious -- does it really feel different when you eat? WTG on the 2 pounds!! Hope your weather is better -- we've been getting the rain for the past 3 days too.

Gosh, I spent 12 hours baking on Sat. and 12 hours on Sunday -- lots of labor intensive baked goods, but it is for today's sale and next week's as well. We have seperate buildings we're doing our sale in -- so I froze half of what I made for next week so i won't have to bake at all this weekend. Pretty tired, but we made lots of money at the sale today. You're like me and the places you've lived -- here's mine: OH, MN, TX, AK, OH, NV, CA and IA. You've done more than me but I agree with you, I've always very much enjoyed the different local cultures.

Jessica, your DS is so adorable -- very cute. Loved the butterfly - very nice.

Lori, happy belated band anniversary!! You'll get back on track, don't stress over it too much -- you'll do just fine. Sorry about your dog too - hopefully she too will get herself back on track -- poor thing,she must be very upset about moving. Dogs are so sensitive to change. Unbelievable that your house came with a finished basement -- that's amazing, especially in this day and age. Wow. Nice to ran into an old friend -- that's amazing when you think about it. I wonder if I went back to Reno if I'd run into anyone I knew. Wow that app on the I touch sounds great - easy to track as you can carry it everywhere with you.

Joyce, re nicknames -- my family has always had tons of nicknames -- my kids all call me Lala too (partly from living in LA and also cause my initials used to be LA before I married my current DH) so when my GD came along we settled on "Uma" - because of the noise I make when I give her kisses -- it's a great nickname -- makes me feel less old. LOL.

Apples, I can't believe you had extractions without any novacaine! How in the world did you manage? I have a high pain tolerance but not for my teeth - there's no way I could handle that. Way too much!! I'm impressed.

Julie so sorry to hear about your friend, but gee, good thing that accident happened afterall -- now they can take care of those aneurysms hopefully before any ruptures occur. DH's father died of that and we've read information that indicates they believe people are born with them. I hope it all goes well for her.

Eva, where in Ohio are you going? I'm from there originally -- Youngstown area.

Charlene, good going on getting prepared for hurricane season. My sister lives in St. Pete, FL and ever since she bought a generator, portable ac and a few other expensive items for hurricane seasons, they haven't had any more hurricanes. When she wasn't as well prepared they had a lot more hurricanes. Hope that strategy works for you in Texas too. You're doing an amazing job with those shakes - I don't think I could do it -- I like chewing too much. Great job on the exercise.

Judy, thanks for the advice on the dog peeing. Thanks for sharing that -- I've had dogs all my life and had a few who would pee indoors occasionally. My former dog used to "punish" us by pooping in the house occasionally - if we left her and she was unhapy about it she would go right in the middle of the living room -- a prize for us to find when we returned home. WTG on the scale going Down!! Hooray -- good job!

Laura, great plan to not allow yourself computer time without exercise time!! I have only been getting 3 or 4 days of exercise a week the past few weeks, life has been too busy. I know I can't continue to exercise every day for the rest of my life, but honestly, I feel so much better when I do. As long as I don't gain any weight, I'll be happy,. What a great idea those handprint kits are - I have to admit I teared up pretty good reading that poem -- trusts me, you really do not remember these things -- so all the memories you can preserve you should -- wish I had more "things" to look at and touch from when my DS was a boy. All I have are some pics and some Mother's Day cards -- not much more. Very sad. In my opinion, you should make/keep rooms of "stuff". LOL.

I've been reading and responding to these posts for two days so please ignore if I've repeated myself. I hope to download some pics tonight or tomororw night. Just wanted to say hi to you all and let you know I'm here, lurking.


Edited by ljv52

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Welcome Kurby, congrats on the August 12 surgery date!!!Where will you be spending the month of July?


We have a very busy July ahead of us.

Leave on the 3rd, taking the train (first time for dh, dd and myself) to Quebec City with my aunt for 7 days. Back for 4 days of what I expect will be no stop laundry LOL then off to Richmond VA, Savannah and hell - also known as Disney World.

I say hell because i HATE HATE HATE the heat and we have wisely decided to go to Florida in the middle of the summer.

not only that but we've included 7 days in what i have no doubt will be the busiest place on earth WDW.

we've LOVE LOVE LOVE Disney and go every other to every other year but almost always in January. Our past 2 trips with dd have been in April and May so hot but not over 100 and when it was last year it wasn't packed so we weren't jammed in and hot.

Then i'm back for only a week before my surgery.

My guess is that i'll get the day of my surgery to "recover" then dd will want me to play with her non stop LOL i keep telling her when i find my energy in a few months I'll play until the cows come home. not only does she go looking for my energy but she brought me her toy cow and asked if that was good enough LOL.

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With my 2 yr bandiversary approaching on the 17th, I thought it would be a good idea for DH to snap a photo today. This photo just reassures me that I am doing the best thing in getting those teeth fixed. :tongue2:

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Hey Gang Drive by - Going to BOOT CAMP tonite - Wish me luck - We will see if I can type when I get home -

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Hey Gang Drive by - Going to BOOT CAMP tonite - Wish me luck - We will see if I can type when I get home -

All right, Janet! Kick It! Not sure who is the exercise queen of this thread. I think between you, Phyll and Linda, you are running neck in neck.

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Linda - thanks for sharing your experience regarding fills. I'll let you know what happens.

Phyll - check your area for local rescue groups for yorkies. Also Pet adoption: Want a dog or cat? Adopt a pet on Petfinder each might have small babies. My maltipoo was to be under 10 lbs., but is 11. Just exactly the baby you are seeking. His name could be velcro - always touching me and on my lap.

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Karen - your look beautiful. Love the picture and the woman in it. Wish I had been there for that delicious lunch too.

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I'm alive !!!! It wasn't that hard - I was sweating like a pig - and did get a workout - but I could hang... You have a step - you have hand weights - I pick 5 lbs - since I didn't know what to expect - one of the arm exercise (lats I think) were a little hard and felt triceps - but on the rows - I need way way more weight - you do lungs - step on the step bench - balance on one leg raise the other - My balance isn't that of a 30 yr old but I did ok - better than I thought. Then Abs - I may have sore abs did this leg raise that I really felt in my lower stomach - you know that pouchy part of your tummy

Oh we did this thing weaving the weights between your legs you know like a basket ball - The only part that was the hardest for me was on the step (2 levels up) is when they went real fast sorta jumping over it not jumping but going real fast - I did pretty damn good for a 55 yrs chickie.. My gf who went w/me is 61 and she did well too - They had yoga after wards - she didn't want to stay next week I am going to stay...

This is going to be my new Tuesday exercise...

Had a crappy day at work so the work out was really good to get me out of that mood ..

Going to Mexico the Saturday after Thanksgiving.. Just gotta find a dog/house sitter..

All that baking :0) ... I would have eaten it ;0)

On finding your dh - I have resigned myself to being single - resigned isn't the right word - cuz I am happy single - but if a man like that fell in my lap - I would grap him.. Just don't have the energy to look and date - I really like my life 98% of the time -

Yep 10/1 - 3 dayer get in Friday - go home on Sunday

Apples LOVE the new pic - I'm the 17th too - Just July not June :0) -

Phyl - What DH doesn't know won't hurt him ;0) !!!

Well gang it's 8 - I need to go eat - Hugs to all that I missed


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Good Morning Gang...

Alive and well this morning ...

Not much to reports since last night - had eggs for dinner and small ice cream cone..

Kids should be here this afternoon - surprised they haven't called yet to say they are on their way..

Well time to hit the shower - cbl - Have a great day..

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Our plan is to stay in Des Moines on our first night. It will be a ten hr drive but we decided to travel longer on the first day as it will get pretty long after that.

I guess I will just wait and see what happens, not oppossed to being a "cougar" lol No really don't want to young of one around.

Karen, wonderful pic, you are so beautiful in and out.

Janet, I've been thinking about the boot camp but they are doing it every night for a couple of weeks at a time.

Kurby, you go girl sounds like you have a very busy time planned. You will do great.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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