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Apples, You are amazing.

Not sure if amazing would be the word to describe me, but thanks. Nuts maybe...

I agree with what the others have said and how you described how you felt about dating your "older than you man". Not to be crude but you seem to me to be very young and full of "Pi$$ and vinegar" and you need someone that thinks young and takes care of themself as you do. Someone to have fun with. Maybe someone with a 80 foot yacht?????????????????:unsure:

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Not sure if amazing would be the word to describe me, but thanks. Nuts maybe...

I agree with what the others have said and how you described how you felt about dating your "older than you man". Not to be crude but you seem to me to be very young and full of "Pi$$ and vinegar" and you need someone that thinks young and takes care of themself as you do. Someone to have fun with. Maybe someone with a 80 foot yacht?????????????????:unsure:

Man I love how you think. I can see myself just sun bathing on the front of that baby. yahoo.....

I do love a man that can spar back and forth. I guess I was thinking an older one would be more settled but dang any more settled and he may be comatose. My Ex was younger, my last BF was the same age figured they didn't work may try an older one. I don't think that is going to work either. Guess I need to look for that pi$$ and vinegar one.


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Man I love how you think. I can see myself just sun bathing on the front of that baby. yahoo.....

I do love a man that can spar back and forth. I guess I was thinking an older one would be more settled but dang any more settled and he may be comatose. My Ex was younger, my last BF was the same age figured they didn't work may try an older one. I don't think that is going to work either. Guess I need to look for that pi$$ and vinegar one.


You could always just try to play the "Cougar" role for a bit...see how you like it. :cursing:

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You could always just try to play the "Cougar" role for a bit...see how you like it. :unsure:

That is a joke that has been going on around my house. I tease my DS and his buddy that I'm going to be a cougar. But then I think why do I want to finish raising someone elses child. lol There's one out there some where for me.

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Good Morning Gang....

Well the power is back on at work (if was off from 4:30a.m. till 10 something last night)- so I guess I have to go..

Great the power was off for about 4000 pple in Palm Desert - I live in Indio ;0) I don't have generator - so If my power went out for that long I would be in a hotel - this time of year - it's too hot

Phyl - no way the pool would do it - I get full sun in the afternoon and the pool is already in the 90's so not that refreshing..

Laura - ya hard to find the right kind of guy - bad boy/settled and responsible.. We want it all !!! I guess cuz my hormones are all dried up - I just don't care anymore - too much work ;0) - I'm with you on the yacht - and younger guys..

Julie being on call I really couldn't do anything - if the power came back on we had to go back to work - I washed and was on the computer - took a little nap too

Cheri - I think I have done the photoshop thing but didn't put in signature line - you can try and post them in word and add to your signature too..

Well it's time to hit the shower..

CBL - Have a great day ...

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Just a flyby today. DH was on call last night, we had super duper thunderstorms, and Nelson didn't sleep much.(which means I didn't sleep) SIGH. Now the pool area is a bit of a mess. The screen keeps most out, but when it rains hard the gravel stuff comes off the roof shingles. (Dark gray gravel on a beige cooldeck top). Meeting with the principal at the public school in our district at 12Noon- to see if it will be a good fit for Nels. Decisions decisions....

will CBL~ hi everyone! peasout...Laura

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Morning.......I did not have a major pain attack last night!!!! Couldn't believe it... kept waiting, but it didn't come.. The massage must have done some good....I'll have to do that again..... Today off to the chirpractor for acupuncture and such and then my mega grocery shopping for my 2 big events tomorrow and Thursday.... can't wait until June 20 and everything on my plate is gone.....

Oh, Lori, I gained 4 pounds while on vacation... It was all that danged red licorice DH has to have while he drives.... and too much bread... My DIL is german and fresh bread and butter with cheese is Breakfast, lunch and dinner some days.... And of course I just love that... But I'll be back to myself soon.... you will be too..

Apples, you do come up with some good ideas..... Laura, go for the one with the yacht..... or summer home.....or really good looks works, too.......

Gotta finish getting ready..... Hope to make it home in one piece..........TTYL................ Julie

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Good morning--scale is moving slooooooooooowly, but in the right direction! But my main goal is having peace about this journey. I am eating only when hungry and then, choosing the right things. I know that my band is working better since I am not eating around it!

Concerning men--oy. I have met a few men in the past 2 years and this is what I am finding--they don't ask you one question about yourself! Has anyone else noticed that? You'd think if you asked someone if he had children, that he'd respond with the answer and then, "And you?" At the end of the date/ meeting I can tell [/url] you all kinds of things about the man and they could tell you (maybe) my first name.

So much fun.



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Good morning! Looks like a beautiful day out there. Not much planned for the day other than wait for Directv this afternoon. We haven't had TV since moving, I haven't missed it much but DH sure does. They were to install us last week but then wanted so much money to upgrade our receivers, I refused to pay and said I'd go to Comcast so called to cancel and wouldn't you know suddenly it was free? Frustrating, it would be free if I was a new customer but an existing customer had to pay $200 or I needed all these holes drilled in the house for cables and what not. Of course, DSIL was all for me switching to comcast since he is an engineer for them. LOL I may go check out a grocery store this mornign too and get some more healthy choices in the fridge and pantry. Haven't gone since moving really lots of eating out or pizza type stuff. Sometimes I can do the cruse of a pizza but if we have that I eat the toppings usually.

Darn it all after my day of tracking yesterday I wanted to get up and have my 10 lbs disappear and they didn't. LOL What's up with that? LOL

Janet, sorry you had to go back to work yesterday. Guess I thought Indio was part of the Palm Desert, I need to study my geography of that part of CA.

Julie, glad you had a good nights rest without pain, now don't over do it and aggravate it. Is it epidural shots you got? My mom is getting one in her back today for some severe pain she's been dealing with.

LauraK, you need a young acting older man. LOL One that is mature and settled but still wants to have fun and be active. Hope you find him.

Laura, good luck with the school principal. Such difficult choices when it comes to our children's education. I volunteered in the classroom throughout my kids elementary and junior high years, I felt it helped me keep a pulse on what was going on in the classroom and it helped me get the best fit teachers for my kids. And the teachers wanted my child in their class as they knew how much I volunteered so it was a win/win. Junior high the kids didn't like me being in their class so much but elementary age they loved the days I came as well.

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Good morning--scale is moving slooooooooooowly, but in the right direction! But my main goal is having peace about this journey. I am eating only when hungry and then, choosing the right things. I know that my band is working better since I am not eating around it!

Concerning men--oy. I have met a few men in the past 2 years and this is what I am finding--they don't ask you one question about yourself! Has anyone else noticed that? You'd think if you asked someone if he had children, that he'd respond with the answer and then, "And you?" At the end of the date/ meeting I can tell you all kinds of things about the man and they could tell you (maybe) my first name.

So much fun.


Judy...way to go on the scale moving and finding the tools you needed through OA. The LB game is about finding what works for YOU and going with it.

I don't think it is just men that are self-centered and don't have the means to find out and care about others. There's all kinds out there...men and women. Heck, I've had a few friends like that. Me, me, me and more me.

Morning to All...rained overnight and is still raining so things are at a stand-still here today. Catch-up time in the shop and in the house. I am tied to the computer this morning doing billing for the business and books for the farm. Afternoon will be running farm/business errands and hit the grocery store for a few supplies. Laundry and house cleaning after that.

Hoping to get a few more calories in today than I have for the last 4-5 days. Been supplementing with Protein Drinks, yogurt, soft Protein Bars. My mission through all of this dental work is to make sure I do not drop weight. I am thinking that I will make a stop and pick up a couple of boxes Russell Stover chocolates when I am in town today. (The only candy I crave).

DS's GF is a hairdresser and works a second job at this new shake place in town. She gave me some recipes and they are all really wonderful. It helps me have some variety. I think I had one shake the first 2 yrs of this LB journey. I find that if I add 1/2-1 cup of cottage cheese to the mix, they are over the top good. Never like to drink my food. Love to chew and leaves me thinking that most of us probably have an oral fixation and that's part of the reason for our obesity/past obesity. Make sense? All I know is that I really miss my chewing when I'm on semi-liquids/mushies.

Julie...good to hear you had a pain-free night. After what you told us yesterday about your doc, I'd be doc shopping. Seems like he is so willing to just fill out that pain prescriptions without really listening to what you need/want. Not doing his part of the job by no referring you to mayo. You need some answers and if anyplace can figure this out, Mayo would certainly do everything to try.

Darn Janet...was hoping those 4000 ppl would just have to get through another day so you could veg out today.

Better get back at it. Kind of fun to be able to cook a dinner for my guys today. (I have just been making them supper at 10pm and lunches out of the cooler as they are in the feilds). Today's menu: Texas sized meatballs, creamed gravy, mashed taters, peas, homemade Asiago cheese bread, and homemade peach pie. Makes my planned mush seem pretty boring.

Have a good one!


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Great...give it a good three weeks. Stay strictly on plan and you will see the results you want. So many hidden calories in take out/restaurant food. Much better plan you have to stock the frig with healthy choices.

Laura...big decision you have to make with Nel's schooling. We made a switch with both our boys when they were in 4 & 6th grade. Just had to weigh the options at both schools and chose the school that offered what we felt the boys needed. And, youngest DS played the Cello and he wanted so badly to be part of the orchestra that was not offered at the school they were in.

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Karen - MN lake trip sounds like fun. When do the mosquitos take vacation. I'd like to come while they are away.

What do you do at the salons??? Are you a stylist?

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Karen - MN lake trip sounds like fun. When do the mosquitos take vacation. I'd like to come while they are away.

What do you do at the salons??? Are you a stylist?

Sorry to inform you, Joyce...our skeeters are in full swing from mid-May until freezing in Oct/Nov. We try to use all natural/eco-friendly sprays but not much luck keeping them at bay this year.

Nope...not a stylist. Far from it. Just going to do receptionist type job for my friend. No paycheck but the perks are great!

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Good news for Roseland Christian. A grant I helped write and edit was approved. We are going to get a new and very much needed roof to replace our badly leaking 80 something yr. old roof. We also are getting a new playground. Industrial grade play equipment and the broken up asphal surface replaced. God is good.

I'm having an estimate on my roof today. And I'm calling some contractors for estimates on my basement. Gotta get this place back together.

All the extra work I'm doing this summer will help pay for it, and I did get a raise. I also held on to some money from my last loan. Ken cashed in his meager retirement (he's 63) so we can get it all done. Maybe not all at once, but over the next 2 years.

My husband is totally not handy. All I have to say about him fixing or working on things is that we now have his tetanus shot updated.

Summer school is going well. Getting a co-teacher instead of an aide has made a huge difference. I made some key changes and I'm loving it.


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Apples.......so good to see your posts....and you are doing so good. YUM! on the meal. I went to Bunco last night at the church. I won money for the most buncos.....rolled three dice all same #. I won 14bucks. Kinda felt weird winning money in the church, but the Catholic in me was happy(bingo!). I go to a baptist church, but you would not know it....we are definitely not traditional.

Today I got a REAL facial. She used this new product on me and whew! my skin was like silk.....and my bags and sags where not bagging and sagging like usual. I have got to get some of that stuff.

Laura K.....you are too funny about your new old man.

Laura.....hope you find the right school for Nels. It is so important.

Joyce.....I'm with you. Apples place sounds great, but no mosquitos


Great.......I still use Livestrong to keep track of my daily food intake. You will get it off soon.

Janet, here we talked about generators and A/C and your office went out. My DH bought ours for Katrina, but we didn't use it till Ike. It was a lifesaver!

Weighing in tomorrow. Yikes!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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