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All my life I grew up having basements. When we moved to CA and also Las Vegas and they didn't have them, I thought what the heck am I supposed to do with all my junk??? LOL Plus it's so cool in the summer. Now my square footage is actually more in the basement than the upstairs I think and to have it all finished is a bonus.

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Concerning dog peeing accidents--they're NOT accidents!

There is something called submissive peeing. A dog will do that to show that he is being submissive to you. If you yell, punish in some way, the dog thinks, I am bad and I must continue peeing to show that I am submissive. Instead, if the peeing occurs, totally ignore the dog. Take the dog outside immediately and holding a yummy treat, tell the dog to go potty (or whatever your cue words are-I say go pp) Keep saying it even while they are going. When done, Celebrate like they have invented the cure for cancer! Kisses and praise and, remember the treat. Eventually, they will get the idea that they get NO attention/praise/treat for indoor peeing and lots of love/treat for going outside. It will work soon enough, but you WILL have to ignore the dog when he pees inside to show that action will not get attention.

Las Vegas, huh? I might be able to go in the early part of October. The show will be performed the last 2 weekends of Oct and the first one in Nov. The show is Fiddler on the Roof and I will play one of the young daughters. KIDDING! I will play Yente, the matchmaker. I will have to channel my Eastern European grandparents for that role!

The food plan is going well. I went to an OA thingee (more than a meeting) on Saturday. I find it interesting how each person defines his/her own abstinence. Many of the people have been going for years. AND most of the people were of average weight. The real key for me will be next year this time...I can diet (hell, I've done it a million times), but the maintaining......whoa!

[/url] It is not about the food. THAT--I am learning.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. When you are retired, it is always Saturday!


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Good morning ladies,

I have had such a busy week. Wed my son had an awards ceremony in choir, Thursday I got my tattoo and Friday my son graduated from preschool. I slacked off abit but still lost a pound this week. I am getting back on track today. No worries.

Hubby also got results back from his xrays. He doesn't have a buldging disk like the chiro said. It is arthritis and muscle spasms. No surgery. He did ride the motorcycle yesterday so I am hoping by the end of the month he will be ready for the long ride to Helen Ga.

Here are a few pics from the happenings this week.





Love the pics I got a tree of lifr put in the spot now I am working on my back piece I used to have a blue bird that was on a branch with my sons name under it. I got it back in 96 now the bird has been redone to look more like a sparrow and the eyes are now brown to match my sons I color. and the bird's branch is attached to a tree with cherry blossoms. ai don't have pics yet but I will have my friend take them so I can post them.

When are you coming to Helen Ga. I live about 45mins away maybe we can get together for a quick hi in person. Unless you were going for a specific reason I do not want to intrude.

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Good Morning Gang.

Judy - I sure wish I could see your play - that would be so cool

On training - that's what we did w/bear and it worked fine..

So glad you would be able to go - Early October so that's 4 of us so far...

Maintaining - you just stay on the same tract - that's why I'm not dieting - this is a lifestyle change - if we diet then go off it - and back to eating normal - the weight comes back on that's why diets don't work - It's when that light bulb goes off oh I understand it - It's all about controlling treats..

Melissa - I want pictures - How are you doing??

Well not much to report - had dinner 2 tacos (tortillia's not fried by cooked over the gas) small sf ice cone.

Work today !!! but not that bad cuz i know I have only 3 days..

Great I think basements are cool - xbf parents had one in Idaho - we have a couple old house here that have them but that's it.. Garages are the places where we store our junk ;0)

Off to the shower - Hugs Janet

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Janet......I hear ya on the garage. I think Texas or the US store their $6,000 worth of junk in the garage while their $40,000+cars sit out in the weather. I know we set one of ours out.

Thanks on the props. I am trying to keep it up. I walked 1 1/2 this morning. Plan on doing it this eve before I go play Bunco at the church. I haven't played in ten years, but it is a pretty mindless game......fun!!!

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Morning............... my life is still the same drilll every day..... So after many meds I slept last night only to wake with pain still......I made calls and can't see my GP until Friday and can't see my Chiropractor until tomorrow... So, I'm just on hold today....... dang it.... I'm trying to see if I can get a massage later...

Janet, I cannot make Vegas in October..... DD's wedding is the 23 and I'll be crazy about then..... This makes me very sad if you all get to go and I don't...... Unless I can make a quick get away for the weekend and no one misses me.......

I know nothing about training a dog..... The only house dog we every had we got when he was a puppy from a farm where he only lived outside and he only wanted to do his thing outside.... No training necessary...... Wonderful...... Now a cat with a peeing problem is another story!!!!!!!

Judy conrats on the part..... I'd love to see it, too..... Is this a big part????? I've never seen Fiddler on the Roof... only little bits and pieces of the movie with that famous actor in it...

Arlene, glad you are feeling good about your exercise. Wish I could do something, but I have to sit and rest just walking up and down my stairs for laundry or something from the freezer.... Don't now bunco, but hope you have a great time....

Lori, hope your dog takes her second chance and puts it to good use..... My house is all torn up right now in the middle of a remodel and with the way things are happening around here, it may never get done.... We still have to paint one wall and then install all the flooring and then redecorate........ That last part may take the longest. I have some pieces already purchased, but not everything.... I need a new chair (recliner) very badly, but have to find the right area rug for the living room before getting the chair.... I wish I was a bit betterin the decorating department... Never was my forte`............. Window treatments are my next problem....... 4 windows........... 2 one each wall, but the colors are different....... gives me a head ache just thinking about it.... I am not a good shopper.....

Well, I better get going to do something while I still feel fair..... My bad spell lasted almost 4 hours last night.... Can't do anything then....... Moan, groan and cry is about it.......

Talk to you all later.... Hope Apples will be back soon so we can know how she is doing after the dentist last week....... Hugs to all............ Julie

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Hi guys~

I just caught up on the posts. I needed a few days break from the computer. My new thing is, I can't go online if I don't get my exercising in. Let's see if it works. : ) As you can tell since I am posting, I went to the Y this morning. (even with a cold)

Janet~ The resort looks amazing! I viewed the video and it makes me want to go! I think the family will enjoy it and as you said, you will make memories. Make an appointment with one of the photographers. (most of those places have several on staff for weddings and reunions and such) Get a family photo on the beach. (maybe in all white for girls and khaki and white for guys). if you can get DIL away from buffet. :thumbup: Glad you like your new hairdresser. I am seriously thinking of switching. I love my girl (in a year she lost 150 lbs and now runs marathons- so she is very inspirational and supportive) but technically she isn't that great.

Julie~ hugs. so sorry you are having such pain. Don't listen to the negativity about the 2nd opinion. I tell people to get a 3rd, 4th or even 5th opinion until you are satisfied. I think mayo is a great idea. If you have a flexible schedule then have them put you on the cancellation list and you will get in sooner. There has to be an answer and solution to your problem. I agree on catering DDs wedding. It's ok. You will be able to enjoy it more.

Apples~Thinking of you and hope you are healing well. We miss your smiling comments and junking up the thread. I promise to think of a great thread idea upon your return. : )

Eva~ That is HOT there! Do you only have the swamp cooler or an AC too? Hope the pilates helps. I know you are frustrated having the back and foot issues. Did you make it to the japanese place for your date yet?

Jessica~ LOVED the pics of your son's graduation! sooo cute! My guy has his on the 11th. I am sure I will cry! Congrats on the tattoo.

Lori~ Glad you are moved and settled in. Sorry to hear your new church wasn't all you hoped for. Give them another Sunday and if it's not better, find another. Hope the fence gets done pronto. I just have to hear the pp stories to make me glad we didn't get a puppy. yikes. new carpet. :)

Arlene~ wtg on exercise. lol about the shakes during hurricane! I never thought about it but you are right.

phyl~ OMG.... sorry to hear about your BS results. But I know you must feel physically better after the unfill. Being too tight is the pits. (and the scarier part is the possible complications with reflux etc.) I hope the repeat one shows improvement. Do they have you on liquids or soft? It must be so scary. Hang in there. I am thinking about you. Sorry about your DS too.

Judy~ congrats on the part. glad the OA thingy was inspirational. you are so right, it's not about the food. Love your quote too about retirement.

Linda~ Loved hearing about your camping weekend. I would love to do that too. Just be carefree and travel. ahhhh.

I know I am missing a few, sorry. Hi to everyone else. CRS is creeping in. (other than coffee, I haven't had anything today) I need to go make a shake.< /p>

Busy week before we go to NC. This weekend I pressure washed the lanai/pool area. (DH helped some). Had to take all the patio furniture out, sweep/vacuum first. Then after PW had to clean pool bottom. I tried to clean our old grill but in the end talked DH into a new grill. We went to Lowe's Saturday night and bought one! (yes, and exciting life!). The other one besides looking bad had holes where the gas comes out and burns the food if you aren't really careful. So, by having the grad party here I got a clean pool area and a new grill! I ALMOST got patio furniture and decided to wait until sales at season's end. Now have to do food shopping towards end of the week. And decide whether to buy or make the cake for the grad party. Oh, I ordered a party pack of handprint clay kits for the kids. They can put their name with these letter stamps and can decorate it with mosaic tiles around the edges. I thought it would be cute to have from their kindergarten graduation day. 10 kits were like $28. I might print out one of those handprint poems:

My Handprints

There used to be so many

Of my finger prints to see

On furniture and walls and things

From sticky, grubby me.

But if you stop and think awhile

You’ll see I’m growing fast

These little moments disappear

You can’t bring back the past.

So here is a small reminder

To keep, not throw away

Of tiny hands and how they looked

To make you smile someday.


peasout.. will CBL... laura

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Good morning! Looks like another hot one out there today but they are saying 67 on Friday. I have my Water this morning and am working on getting myself back on track. I got brave and got on the scale and I am up 10 lbs. UGHH!! But it's only 10 and not 20, then 30, you know the drill.

This morning I am meeting a friend for coffee, well I'll have to find something else to drink as I don't like coffee. I knew her sortta when we lived here before, however when we moved from here to California, she did too about the same time, that's where we got to know one another and wouldn't you know she lives about a mile or two from me now back in UT. We ran into each other at Home Depot on Saturday. Then the real exciting part to my day. the Utah DMV. UGH!!! Our new car still has temporary tags on it from CO, we still hadn't gotten the stuff to register it and get plates for it, and they expire this week, so gotta find out w hat I need to license it in UT. Should be a thrilling morning.

Apples, extractions and no novacaine??? you are one tough cookie! HOpe you are back soon to catch up. Well not that I don't want you at your favorite place, the lake, but just miss ya when you are gone.

Melissa, yes Pictures!

Arlene, I used to play Bunko once a month, it was a fun and as you said mindless game.

Julie, now take it easy and don't do too much. I'm not good at remodeling either. We are getting new furniture for this house and have no idea what to get, we are t hinking leather. And i have one huge picture window with 2 smaller ones along each side. I have blinds on them now but have no idea what to do for window treatments, do I do each window? that seems a bit much, but all together it's huge. And if I get leather furniture, I need something with a little color but what color?

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Home from work - got there at 7:30 no power - it was out since 4:30 a.m. - the sent us home at 9 - we are on call..

Washing and getting the house ready for the kids - don't know why cuz all they are going to do is tear it up... The guest room looks like a shambles when they are here.

If I had known that they would have moved away - I would have had the extra space in the garage (double tandum garage) into an extra room - but who knew ...

Janet......I hear ya on the garage. I think Texas or the US store their $6,000 worth of junk in the garage while their $40,000+cars sit out in the weather. I know we set one of ours out.

Thanks on the props. I am trying to keep it up. I walked 1 1/2 this morning. Plan on doing it this eve before I go play Bunco at the church. I haven't played in ten years, but it is a pretty mindless game......fun!!!

Charlene - Truly girl you are doing great - I don't think I could last on shakes 24/7... My garage is 3 cars - tadum - you could park 2 nose to butt - In the model home it was coverted into an exercise room - I didn't need a 3 bedroom at the time - so it's a great place to sort bike - etc - I don't have that much in there- 2nd fridge - junk really that I can't throw away ;0)

WTG on the exercise - I though about going to the gym - but since I am on call to go back if the power comes back on - don't want to be all sweaty and start over getting dressed - anyway I have trainer tonite..

Morning............... my life is still the same drilll every day..... So after many meds I slept last night only to wake with pain still......I made calls and can't see my GP until Friday and can't see my Chiropractor until tomorrow... So, I'm just on hold today....... dang it.... I'm trying to see if I can get a massage later...

Janet, I cannot make Vegas in October..... DD's wedding is the 23 and I'll be crazy about then..... This makes me very sad if you all get to go and I don't...... Unless I can make a quick get away for the weekend and no one misses me.......

I know nothing about training a dog..... The only house dog we every had we got when he was a puppy from a farm where he only lived outside and he only wanted to do his thing outside.... No training necessary...... Wonderful...... Now a cat with a peeing problem is another story!!!!!!!

Judy conrats on the part..... I'd love to see it, too..... Is this a big part????? I've never seen Fiddler on the Roof... only little bits and pieces of the movie with that famous actor in it...

Arlene, glad you are feeling good about your exercise. Wish I could do something, but I have to sit and rest just walking up and down my stairs for laundry or something from the freezer.... Don't now bunco, but hope you have a great time....

Lori, hope your dog takes her second chance and puts it to good use..... My house is all torn up right now in the middle of a remodel and with the way things are happening around here, it may never get done.... We still have to paint one wall and then install all the flooring and then redecorate........ That last part may take the longest. I have some pieces already purchased, but not everything.... I need a new chair (recliner) very badly, but have to find the right area rug for the living room before getting the chair.... I wish I was a bit betterin the decorating department... Never was my forte`............. Window treatments are my next problem....... 4 windows........... 2 one each wall, but the colors are different....... gives me a head ache just thinking about it.... I am not a good shopper.....

Well, I better get going to do something while I still feel fair..... My bad spell lasted almost 4 hours last night.... Can't do anything then....... Moan, groan and cry is about it.......

Talk to you all later.... Hope Apples will be back soon so we can know how she is doing after the dentist last week....... Hugs to all............ Julie

Julie - I ck'd my calendar at work - 10/1 is a Friday - my furlough friday - So yes just a quick weekend for you to recharge and have fun- Friday thru Sunday or Thurs - Sunday - you DESERVE so time for you !!!

Hi guys~

I just caught up on the posts. I needed a few days break from the computer. My new thing is, I can't go online if I don't get my exercising in. Let's see if it works. : ) As you can tell since I am posting, I went to the Y this morning. (even with a cold)

Janet~ The resort looks amazing! I viewed the video and it makes me want to go! I think the family will enjoy it and as you said, you will make memories. Make an appointment with one of the photographers. (most of those places have several on staff for weddings and reunions and such) Get a family photo on the beach. (maybe in all white for girls and khaki and white for guys). if you can get DIL away from buffet. :thumbup: Glad you like your new hairdresser. I am seriously thinking of switching. I love my girl (in a year she lost 150 lbs and now runs marathons- so she is very inspirational and supportive) but technically she isn't that great.

Julie~ hugs. so sorry you are having such pain. Don't listen to the negativity about the 2nd opinion. I tell people to get a 3rd, 4th or even 5th opinion until you are satisfied. I think mayo is a great idea. If you have a flexible schedule then have them put you on the cancellation list and you will get in sooner. There has to be an answer and solution to your problem. I agree on catering DDs wedding. It's ok. You will be able to enjoy it more.

Apples~Thinking of you and hope you are healing well. We miss your smiling comments and junking up the thread. I promise to think of a great thread idea upon your return. : )

Eva~ That is HOT there! Do you only have the swamp cooler or an AC too? Hope the pilates helps. I know you are frustrated having the back and foot issues. Did you make it to the japanese place for your date yet?

Jessica~ LOVED the pics of your son's graduation! sooo cute! My guy has his on the 11th. I am sure I will cry! Congrats on the tattoo.

Lori~ Glad you are moved and settled in. Sorry to hear your new church wasn't all you hoped for. Give them another Sunday and if it's not better, find another. Hope the fence gets done pronto. I just have to hear the pp stories to make me glad we didn't get a puppy. yikes. new carpet. :)

Arlene~ wtg on exercise. lol about the shakes during hurricane! I never thought about it but you are right.

phyl~ OMG.... sorry to hear about your BS results. But I know you must feel physically better after the unfill. Being too tight is the pits. (and the scarier part is the possible complications with reflux etc.) I hope the repeat one shows improvement. Do they have you on liquids or soft? It must be so scary. Hang in there. I am thinking about you. Sorry about your DS too.

Judy~ congrats on the part. glad the OA thingy was inspirational. you are so right, it's not about the food. Love your quote too about retirement.

Linda~ Loved hearing about your camping weekend. I would love to do that too. Just be carefree and travel. ahhhh.

I know I am missing a few, sorry. Hi to everyone else. CRS is creeping in. (other than coffee, I haven't had anything today) I need to go make a shake.< /p>

Busy week before we go to NC. This weekend I pressure washed the lanai/pool area. (DH helped some). Had to take all the patio furniture out, sweep/vacuum first. Then after PW had to clean pool bottom. I tried to clean our old grill but in the end talked DH into a new grill. We went to Lowe's Saturday night and bought one! (yes, and exciting life!). The other one besides looking bad had holes where the gas comes out and burns the food if you aren't really careful. So, by having the grad party here I got a clean pool area and a new grill! I ALMOST got patio furniture and decided to wait until sales at season's end. Now have to do food shopping towards end of the week. And decide whether to buy or make the cake for the grad party. Oh, I ordered a party pack of handprint clay kits for the kids. They can put their name with these letter stamps and can decorate it with mosaic tiles around the edges. I thought it would be cute to have from their kindergarten graduation day. 10 kits were like $28. I might print out one of those handprint poems:

My Handprints

There used to be so many

Of my finger prints to see

On furniture and walls and things

From sticky, grubby me.

But if you stop and think awhile

You’ll see I’m growing fast

These little moments disappear

You can’t bring back the past.

So here is a small reminder

To keep, not throw away

Of tiny hands and how they looked

To make you smile someday.


peasout.. will CBL... laura

Laura - Great idea on the picture thing... WTG on hitting the gym - ya I think if you go to a hair dresser for 15 yrs they get too use to you.. I need a new bbq -mine is propane but I have a gas bib right next to it - last time i bbq'd ran out of gas - so when DS is here this week maybe we will get a new grill..

Good morning! Looks like another hot one out there today but they are saying 67 on Friday. I have my Water this morning and am working on getting myself back on track. I got brave and got on the scale and I am up 10 lbs. UGHH!! But it's only 10 and not 20, then 30, you know the drill.

This morning I am meeting a friend for coffee, well I'll have to find something else to drink as I don't like coffee. I knew her sortta when we lived here before, however when we moved from here to California, she did too about the same time, that's where we got to know one another and wouldn't you know she lives about a mile or two from me now back in UT. We ran into each other at Home Depot on Saturday. Then the real exciting part to my day. the Utah DMV. UGH!!! Our new car still has temporary tags on it from CO, we still hadn't gotten the stuff to register it and get plates for it, and they expire this week, so gotta find out w hat I need to license it in UT. Should be a thrilling morning.

Apples, extractions and no novacaine??? you are one tough cookie! HOpe you are back soon to catch up. Well not that I don't want you at your favorite place, the lake, but just miss ya when you are gone.

Melissa, yes Pictures!

Arlene, I used to play Bunko once a month, it was a fun and as you said mindless game.

Julie, now take it easy and don't do too much. I'm not good at remodeling either. We are getting new furniture for this house and have no idea what to get, we are t hinking leather. And i have one huge picture window with 2 smaller ones along each side. I have blinds on them now but have no idea what to do for window treatments, do I do each window? that seems a bit much, but all together it's huge. And if I get leather furniture, I need something with a little color but what color?

Great - those 10 will come of w/no problem now that you are settling... Have an black/shaken lemonaid ice tea w/sweet n low -

Glad you know someone there...

Heck I don't think any of us live very exciting lives 24/7 - I will take the day to day stuff over the drama any day..


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Can someone tell me how to do a photo montage that will post n all my posts the way Jessica did? Trying to become more techno savvy.


The collage I have in my signature I did in paint shop. It took me some time to fiqure out. It was listed in programs under accessories. I had to resize each pic in paint and just placed them side by side. I did it that way because LBT wouldn't let me upload them all into my sig. Now when I load it into my sig LBT thinks it's just one pic.

Once you get the pic into paint you can resize it by clicking on "image" and then "stretch/skew" Then type in what size you want it to be. I believe mine are 15% of their original size. Then just drag them where you want them and open the next one.

I also like to open pics in paint and draw on them sometimes. Let me know if you need help.

Love the pics I got a tree of lifr put in the spot now I am working on my back piece I used to have a blue bird that was on a branch with my sons name under it. I got it back in 96 now the bird has been redone to look more like a sparrow and the eyes are now brown to match my sons I color. and the bird's branch is attached to a tree with cherry blossoms. ai don't have pics yet but I will have my friend take them so I can post them.

When are you coming to Helen Ga. I live about 45mins away maybe we can get together for a quick hi in person. Unless you were going for a specific reason I do not want to intrude.

I would love to see a pic of your tattoo.

We will be in Helen July 1-4 on the 2nd we are going to Deals Gap NC to ride on The Dragon's Tail with our motorcycles. Maybe we can get together on the 3rd. Are you busy?

Concerning dog peeing accidents--they're NOT accidents!

There is something called submissive peeing. A dog will do that to show that he is being submissive to you. If you yell, punish in some way, the dog thinks, I am bad and I must continue peeing to show that I am submissive. Instead, if the peeing occurs, totally ignore the dog. Take the dog outside immediately and holding a yummy treat, tell the dog to go potty (or whatever your cue words are-I say go pp) Keep saying it even while they are going. When done, Celebrate like they have invented the cure for cancer! Kisses and praise and, remember the treat. Eventually, they will get the idea that they get NO attention/praise/treat for indoor peeing and lots of love/treat for going outside. It will work soon enough, but you WILL have to ignore the dog when he pees inside to show that action will not get attention.

Las Vegas, huh? I might be able to go in the early part of October. The show will be performed the last 2 weekends of Oct and the first one in Nov. The show is Fiddler on the Roof and I will play one of the young daughters. KIDDING! I will play Yente, the matchmaker. I will have to channel my Eastern European grandparents for that role!

The food plan is going well. I went to an OA thingee (more than a meeting) on Saturday. I find it interesting how each person defines his/her own abstinence. Many of the people have been going for years. AND most of the people were of average weight. The real key for me will be next year this time...I can diet (hell, I've done it a million times), but the maintaining......whoa!

It is not about the food. THAT--I am learning.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. When you are retired, it is always Saturday!

I did not know that about the peeing issue. I wish I had known it. I had a cocker spaniel that was wonderful but would go in the house even 5 minutes after being let outside. We tried kennel training and paper training but just couldn't figure it out. When we moved in with my inlaws 2 years ago they made him stay out in the yard and he eventually died. We believe a snake bit him.

I love the show fiddler on the roof. Congrats on getting a part.

I won't be able to go anywhere next October. Hopefully I will be in Nursing school. Even if I don't get in I will be taking classes like nutrition and typing in order to take advantage of my Pell grant and keep myself challenged. I am afraid not to go to school and get depressed again. It has been great therapy for me.

I did draw part of my tattoo but the rest of it had to be modified so it would look nice in tattoo form. The shop I went to was a custom shop so everything they do is original. It was great to have something tailored just for me. It hurt more than people let on but once it was started there was no turning back. It still hurts when I walk and is swollen. I am just keeping it clean.

My tendonitis is feeling just fine but I still have to stay off it. I will get back to c25k training after vacation on july 4th. I found a 5k in October I would like to do for the local childrens hospital. I hope I can build up to it in time. I will certainly be more careful this time.

Hace a great day ladies.


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Jessica--repeat after ALL of us:

Next October, I WILL be in nursing school AND I am going to be the best dam* nurse that ever came out of school!

And so it is!

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Jessica--repeat after ALL of us:

Next October, I WILL be in nursing school AND I am going to be the best dam* nurse that ever came out of school!

And so it is!

lol when I first read this - I though you were going back to school to be a nurse and I thought wth... ;l0)

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Wow..you guys have been busy junking up the thread this last weekend! WTG! Just got caught up and sitting here wondering how I can ever respond, so, just going to do the easy thing and use my memory...don't be offended if I miss someone. Never intentional.

Got home about noon today and busy ever since. Been running between fields. DH is spraying and blew a hydraulic hose (of course nothing goes wrong until he is in the field 14 miles away). DS and his crew are tiling and have run a few errands for him this afternoon. Not a thing done in my house yet, but, who cares? My guys won't be home till near 10pm so I will have time to complete a few chores by then.

I am doing quite well and healing nicely from my extractions. Long story short: a few hours in the chair...Doc stopped with first extraction and was trying to convince me to drive the 2 hours to oral surgeon. The extractions were very difficult but over with now. Doc tried to do a block but it did not take. He was sweating more than I was. Had to see him the next day (Thurs) and the first thing out of his mouth was "How'd you do that without?". Most of my dental work as been without...including gum surgery. Not a brag but I am tougher than most when it comes to physical pain. Always have been.

I am sooooooooooo excited. Doc did some computer composites of b/4 and after. Doing every tooth in my mouth. I do have temps where he pulled the teeth and it actually looks quite nice and natural. The area is healing nicely but not without a lot of discomfort over the weekend. I did get by without so much as Tylenol though. Today was the first day I have tried to chew normal soft foods. Still a little soon and tomorrow will be better.

The plan is (as I stated above) porcillen (sp?) caps on all of my teeth except for a porcillen bridge where he pulled teeth. I did opt to have my gums sculpted on the top in order to make new teeth longer. I was born without four teeth and this will allow for a more "normal" look as my teeth are quite small and short. One crappy procedure behind me and one more with the gum surgery. I have elected to not be put under for that also. It's one of those things...once it's done, you forget about the pain. I have had a couple of extreme reations to novacaine and not worth worrying about it. Also, would cost $4,700 more per procedure to have oral surgeon do the work. All this work will add up to quite a bit...could have been my new Mercedes.

Just wanted to stop to say hi...DS just called and needs me to run a tractor to the field so will check in later. Love ya all!

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Just gotta say quick...

Jessica...you look GREAT in that cute dress. Also, thanks for sharing photos of your cute little guy. Love the tattoo.

Phyll....sorry to hear you needed an unfill. Hope you are doing better. Hang in there. Here's hoping you don't have a lot of hunger. If you do, hang tough. Also, happy you got some answers on your back. Now, if Julie could just do the same.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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