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Janet~ yeah, I have tons of GF but none that I could do the ck thing with. : ) I have MANY who are complete health nuts and go to the gym all the time. (never at time I go though)- hell would miss their own wedding not to miss their workout, if you know what I mean. They remind me in many ways of your trainer not getting the food addiction. They just never had the problem. Then I have a TON of friends who GET both (food addiction and not liking to exercise), but sadly none of them have decided to get on the boat with health lately. M (the mother of Nick/ nels' BFF) and I used to work out every morning at the Y together (2 yrs ago). She move in with the father of her son. He is 6ft 3 and 350-375 - a TANK and eats like a horse. She doesn't cook and they eat out A LOT. (not healthy places either) They like IHOP, Cracker Barell, BBQ places, Wings and beer,etc. Since they moved in together she has gained 30 or so (she was 230-40 before)and can barely wear a lot of her clothes. She keeps saying she wants to start working out again but won't make a firm plan so I stopped asking. My DH said he would make a fund for something I want that is purely extra, like a bag or jewelry. He will put $20 in every time I go to the gym and nada if I don't. Not sure it will have the same impact. : )

~~~Yeah, think I will wait on the puppy thing. I know how much work they are, and it doesn't always cancel it out in how cute they are..LOL. I wish you could just rent a dog for a weekend every month. Maybe that would be enough for me.

~~Nels had been asking to go to BeniHana for weeks now (Japanese restaurant where they cook in front of you). So DH had made res. for today @530. I was just lovely. We had a waterview table and the other two couples were nice, but just like us weren't really interested in chit chat with them. Just felt like enjoying my gin and tonic and my boys and the view. Nels was so hungry he ate his whole bowl of chicken fried rice and asked for mine! I had only eaten 4 tiny bites, so I scraped maybe 3 more bites onto my plate and gave it to him. He just smiled! Thanks mommy, you are the best!!! (I didn't need/want it anyways) Then when his entree part came he was full. But it will be a perfect meal for him tomorrow. It's one of the only doggy bags I get, b/c he loves it so. I had mainly just Protein. gave DH half of my seafood lovers one. (had lobster tail, colossal shrimp, and scallops) It was perfect and delicious. I love the ginger/onion dipping sauce. Their food is heavy though and doesn't always agree with me. They use too much sesame oil and garlic butter. but it tastes sooooo good. : )

~~I did ok with food this weekend. Didnt do great, but did not go out of control. It was like a main.day. Sometimes you know you just can't do the low low calories. I've been having too many of these days lately. I need to get back at exercise consistently. I am proud that I have not gained even one pound here lately.

Crsti~~Good luck with your surgery tomorrow! We don't know much about you yet, but know that we will anxiously await your return to tell us how you did. We've all been there- so when you have questions, just throw them at us.

Eva~hope your back is ok. I don't get that great connection and pride by planting stuff. I get dirty nails and a sore body. ; ) My landscaper loves me (not that way..LOL) but he enjoys his job and will talk with me about my plants and plans anytime. The Vegan BBQ sounds weird but interesting. Like grilled veggie burgers and veggie kabobs? How did it go?

Great~ Saw ur FB post, so I know you are alive! Glad the move is over. Glad you are safe and sound. Enjoy getting settled. We miss you. : )

Apples~ We miss your smiling face and witty repertoire. Hope you had a fab time at the lake. Take some pics next time if you didn't this time!!!

I might need a cake idea from you. Nelson's kindergarten graduation is the 11th. After the ceremony we are having a party at my house. 5 of the other kids who are graduating and their parents. one set of grandparents (b/c I can't be rude) Started as just come over for a beer and let the kids swim. Now it's.... decorations and a menu. I still want to keep it low key. It's for the KIDS, they are happy with a bowl of chips and a candy bowl! I also want to get a grad present that they can keep forever, like a frame with place for hand print and grad photo. I need to do some research online for that.

ok... now I am finally getting sleepy. I was staring at the ceiling for an hour and finally got up. Hope I can fall asleep.

Talk to you guys tomorrow.

peasout, Laura

Laura - You had my lol on missing their wedding - Well you sorta gotta have a little bit of that attitude - not totally but you do have to make it an important thing you need to do - Yes life gets in the way sometimes - but most of those times we let it... I know I have gotten more lax lately on my cardio days - I am very aware of it - and that scares me..

I wasn't going to go tonite was telling myself you gotta go to bro's house and throw away some more stuff - - well I don't think they p/u trash today cuz yesterday was a holiday (they didn't here) and if they didn't then I couldn't throw anything away - So I just came home and went to the gym - I can't flake - You do have to make it a priority - you can't let the little things get in the way

At gym saw one of our insurance reps - she was going to boot camp - so after I finished working out I went to look at the class - the teacher/leader is a girl who use to work at my work - Class isn't till 5:30 and I get home at 4:15ish - so that's about an hour wait - (could lose motivation ;0) - I may go next Tuesday to see if I can hang .... I may work out with weights and do the treadmill but boot camp is a whole nother issue ;0)

Get a cake at costco !!! Grill some burgers & hot dogs - get a veggie tray - some humus - chips - drinks and call it a Party!!

I like dh's idea - or you can mail me a check and if you don't go the $$$ is mine ;0)

Laura--go to Petfinder.com, type in your zipcode, and find what dog rescue groups are in your area. They may have a foster program. You foster a dog (they usually provide food and meds, if necessary) until a forever home is found. I have done this many,many times and yes, it is hard to give the dog up, but when you know the next home is a wonderful one and you can now save another one by fostering, it's not bad.

Concerning puppies--my philosophy is--God made puppies cute so we don't kill them.

I had a good food weekend. Sometimes I think I am not eating enough and that's why the scale has stalled. I did have trouble with the ribs I made. Bitsy was very happy to get the leftovers.

Judy- I have problems w/ribs some times - I have some beef ones boiling right now - will see how it goes.. May just have fish.. You are right about not eating enough - you need a day with higher calories - I really did and still do vary mine..

Good morning from Utah! I have arrived and am in my new house. Last night was our 2nd night spent in it. I have a huge mess. Boxes and paper everywhere. DD & her DH left yesterday and it was the hardest thing saying good bye. I have this fear that he won't ever want to come see his in laws and therefore she won't be able to come either or something. She said he loved it out here though. He was great, he got our internet all hooked up before they left. I was able to post status updates once in awhile on FB from McD's or something like that that had free wireless. My son is still here and leaves tomorrow, then it will really hit when I am here all alone, DH goes to work and here I'll be. I love the new house though, I have most of my kitchen boxes unpacked but have stuff all over the counters etc. trying to decide the best spot for it. My bedroom is a mess as DH is building me closet organizers and is almost done but the shelves aren't in it yet and he did go into work for a few hours today.

I am still worried about the house in Denver and the hail damage. DH is calling the insurance back today as we got a voice mail on Friday at our house closing and haven't been able to call back with the holiday weekend.

Oh our closing and stuff here went great. We got a 10am closing on Friday and they were able to record that day so we got the keys that afternoon. Then our moving van driver asked if it would be okay if he deliverd our stuff on Sat. instead of waiting til Tues. (today). Heck yes! Otherwise we'd be sitting here waiting for stuff all weekend so it was nice to get it delivered.

DD and her DH were funny, they wanted to go to Ikea for some stuff to deck out their townhome. They left with such a load to drive back with, they got bedroom furniture, office furniture, plants, pictures, lighting, etc. That stuff is just their style and it's so cheap it's great for newlyweds or folks just starting out. I am going there today to get some organization stuff for my kitchen cabinets.

Weight wise, I unpacked my scale and stepped on it. NOT PRETTY!! I am cutting myself some slack this week yet but then next week, and you heard it here, I need accountablity! I WILL BE BACK ON TRACK EXERCISE AND ALL!!

Haven't totally caught up on posts, but wanted to say about puppies, Love them! Was great to have my kids grow up with dogs, but the work will be mostly yours. If you don't want to go through the puppy training what about adopting about a 6mos to year old one?

Great - Glad you are in the house - once everyone is gone - you will have all that work in getting the house put together and that will help..

Ok you are on - on the accountablity issue !!! We can not get lazy and end up back where we were - and that's how it happens - oh a little of this - oh skip the gym today - and before we know it 250+ lbs

Afternoon everyone,

Got to the fitness center this morning and worked out. Still resting my leg though. It was a little difficult because I didn't go this weekend and negative thoughts began to seep in. I fought them off and did it. Still working on eatting at the table instead of the computer desk. It's so boring over there. Had some junk yesterday and that's just what it tasted like. Nasty. My tastebuds are definately changing. Next time I will be more inclined to make the right choice. I was looking for soy crisp couldn't find them so grabbed a bag of regular chips. They didn't taste like I remembered. I actually checked the expiration date to make sure they weren't stale or something.

Don's back is feeling a little bit better. Still can't ride the motorcycle though. Vacation is coming up quick too.

Jessica - I don't eat in front of the computer - you can't type and eat at the same time - for me it's the t.v. ;0) Yep you have to have your food free zones ;0).. I buy the ff pringles when I want chips - or the bite size tostedo's you get like 20 for 130 or 140 calories.. I was never a big chip person - cheese & crackers & salami yes - cheese & bread - those and sweets are things that I have to watch out for

You vacation isn't till July right??? Don has another 30 days for his back to get better - And if it doesn't they you guys will just have to do something else.. It will be ok..

A great big "Hi" from MN...

Was a very nice weekend. Lots of company but still was able to get some rest and also work on putting in some stone tiles to finish off our projects around our new deck. Also, DH and a buddy were able to complete some carpentry work.

Did not get home until about 1pm today. DH was able to be with me the entire weekend and also did not come home until this morning. Now that all our projects are completed, he can finally put his feet up and relax. The wheels are turning in his head though with planning a "Breaking in the Deck" party. I begged him to just keep it simple. He wants to invite everyone in our resort....I, on the other hand, just want friends we associate with on a regular basis. (Not sure why the tables are turned on this one...I'm usually the one that does not hold back when entertaining for large crowds). I guess I can answer that on one level. Have so many that NEVER host a thing but show up for every little meal....they just make the rounds. When they see a grill smoking or a cooler of beer, they pull up a chair. Now, you all know I love to share but I'm not stupid. OK, that's my small b_tch for the day. Thanks for listening.

Jessica...I agree with the others on the tattoo issue. Somewhere you will not be sorry years down the road. Hope your DH is feeling 100% soon and that his issues does not put a hold on your planned trip.

Cheri...your photos are STUNNING! Beautiful. I am not sure if you have your hair up or is you got a cut. I vote you wear it like you have it in the photos. You look so wonderful and are a very attractive woman.

Arlene...good luck at your weigh in and for staying on track over the long weekend. How wonderful...you've come so far. Wishing you luck with the scale again this week at your check-in.

Janet....sounds like you had a busy weekend even though you were "relaxing" at home. I agree with Eva...Andrew should be getting that dog out and running it at least once a day. Gives you the exercise you like but I am not sure how you fit things in your life the way it is. I know Andrew is a great kid and respectful of his GM but maybe remind him it is his dog and running/walking will make for a healthy dog in the long run.

I never watched the Sex/City series or saw the first movie so not sure if I will try to go see this one. I, too, love going to matinees early on a Sat or Sun. That's usually DH and my bi-weekly date in the winter months. You sound like my DH in seeing the beginning and the end of movies. He nods off about 20 minutes into it and wakes up when I nudge him to see the end.

Great...happy to hear you are in your new home. I know it's tough saying goodbye to the kids. Been doing it for years and it never gets any easier. No sense in wearing makeup when DS drops us at the airport. This will be good for you and DH and for your kids. A little independence never hurt a 20 something kid. Wishing you the best in your new home (and on settling insurance issues with the old).

Phyll...hope you are on the mend. How was the C.U. concert???? Happy to hear you are having tests today to see what is going on. Thinking of you and hope you fill us in on your results.

Laura...I agree with the rest on the puppy. Nels is too young for total responsibility and we know first hand about being tied down. We are so lucky though to have a friend that owns a dog care service. He treats our Tanker like his own. All the other dogs get kenneled and ours sleeps in the house with the family. $8/night which I think is way too cheap to maintain the business they have. All the pets have posh kennels and A/C in summer and heat in winter. They also kennel overflow for human society. Since they have such cheap rates and they provide shelter for so many other animals, we make a donation for their cause each time we take our dog to them.

When we went on our trip to FL this year the owners made Tanker a travel bag. It was a sewn denim bag with his name and his picture embroidered on it. It was filled with shampoos, treats, toys, and a personalized towel. Such a nice gesture.

Laura...let me know what you are thinking for a cake. I have quite a few ideas and willing to share. Wish I was there to make it for you.

Eva...take care of yourself and get some rest after all the hard work you have been doing.

OK...caught up on the thread but don't have much time to "talk" to each and every one of you. Have 3 days of work to complete by 9am tomorrow morning. Have my extractions tomorrow morning. I am a bit miffed at DH. He was so concerned because they wanted to put me under and I chose to do this thing and "white-knuckle" it. Didn't tell him when my appt was until this weekend. Now, he is a very caring man and he loves me very much but he is not going with me and I am driving myself. I am sure I can do this and if I don't feel OK to drive, I can stay at my friend's house who lives just up the road from the clinic. (My drive is about an hour). I am pissed that once again work comes first. Always. OK...I feel better. Thanks for listening but I'm still pissed.

Julie called me enroute to her destination. She was a short 10 miles from where I was at the lake. I was entertaining friends at the time and just setting out appetizers. Would have loved to hop in the truck and head her way for a little visit. She is going to call me tomorrow or Thurs on her way back. I will see where I am at at the time and how I am feeling.

Better hit it. Cleaning out my garage and want to get it done b/4 dark. What a job. Dirt, dirt and more dirt.

Sounds like you all had a nice weekend. Will check back later. Sending the love.

Apples - glad you had a good weekend w/DH - I know what you mean about the people who ALWAYS show up and never bring anything - it's not rude of you not to want those pple involved..

Andrew is outside with the dog right now :0)

I forgot - where was Julie going - how long will she be gone??

I was wondering where she was...

Yep I do seem to fall asleep at the show - most of the time - some times I don't but others I do -

Judy - haven't heard of it, but let us know what you think.

Lori - congrats and being in your new home. Enjoy the setup and focus on food and exercise next week. We are all here for you.

Laura - the graduation Swim/party sounds like fun.

Jessica - congrats on getting to the gym. great job.

Had a wonderful time with DD at the nursery getting flowers and sharing time on my deck planting in pots. No yard flowers, just the deck. Looks so pretty this morning.

On my way to doggie obedience school. An hour of hard walking and hard work.


Joyce WTG on walking and hard work - today at gym the manual wasn't working - so I did intervels - it would go from 3 to 8 to 13.5 to 18.5 - speed 3.7 - I didn't like that it only stayed on each level for like 15 sec - it was too much up and down - I usually walk for so long on 3 - then 6 then one song 15 - then back down to 6.. So I only did that for 40 mintues - then went to level 8 at 3. for the remaining 20- burn 475 cal..

Well it's 8 - started this about 7:15 - time to watch the boob tube - cbl

Charlene, Eve, LauraK, Pam and whomever else I am missing Love and hugs :0)

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Phyl, I hope your son is okay....keeping fingers crossed for him. Glad you are feeling better....pool work sounds like fun!!

Great, glad you are in your new home and you'll have it organized before you know it. Glad you got your internet up and working already too..that's good. When you get lonely, you can always call your Grandma or get on line with us. Best wishes to you in your new home.

Apples, glad you had a good weekend. You'll be home for what 2 days and then off again. What a life!! Yes, I know you work hard and deserve it...I'm just envious right now.

LauraK...yep, I love working in the yard....it makes me feel good. Of course hostas would shrivel up and die in 30 minutes here.

Laura, having someone to work out with really does help...I'm hoping to find one of the people that walk in the neighborhood regularly to walk with once I'm no longer employed. I really had going to a gym. I haven't been to one of the teppan yaki grills for a long time. Maybe DH and I should do that one of these nights for date night.

Jessica, I admire your ability to keep your focus. Are you enjoying Twilight? I have all them in audio book form. I really enjoyed it and will listen to them again some day.

My sister is supposed to be coming back from Florida Friday to pack up her house and move there for two years...now the other sister (the one in Phoenix) called and said she may not be moving there....so we both are up in the air not knowing what is going on. Such drama in the life of unemployed relatives.

Work was okay today...the phone wasn't ringing off the hook and I actually got something accomplished. On days like today, I really don't mind working. Today one of my customers had a unibrow....she was in desperate need of waxing I think. It's really hard to talk to her without looking and that amazing brow line. Oh well, I can be grateful I just need regular plucking.

I'm going to listen to my book for a while...have a good evening everyone.


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LauraK...on the veggie BBQ, they were veggie burgers and they were very good. Jim melted some provolone on them and they were quite tasty. Of course I ate mine with out the bun, so it was very good. They also had french fries (baked frozen ones) cole slaw, and beans...so pretty much a regular BBQ.

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Welcome home, Karen. Such a newsy message. Love the donation to shelter, since Tankers caregiver is so cheap. And, wow, to make Tanker his own monogrammed travel bag - I'm very impressed.

Clean garage - I feel guilty - still have not hosed out the winter grime in mine.

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Phyl - sending prayers for your son. Please let us know how he is doing?

And -- what a day you had. That text message was something and the story behind it. What is happening to our world?

Time for bed - sleep tight, ladies and have sweet dreams.


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Janet...Julie and her DH were heading to Ohio to shingle DH's son's house. Think they are heading back tomorrow or Thurs.

Yes, Eva, it's quite the life. I am only home about 1/2 day this week. I am leaving early morning for my dental appt and then heading back up to lake. My guys are tiling from daybreak until about 9:30-10pm and do not need me this week. Since I got home at 1pm I have gotten all the laundry done, garage cleaned, ran 15 miles to the field 2x, made lunches and suppers for my guys for the rest of the week, made supper for tonight, paid all the bills, cleaned 3 bathrooms, etc., etc....I know you were just giving me crap and I'm just fine with it. Hiring our son 4 yrs ago has allowed me "me" time and I am forever grateful. I am heading up early this week to rest after my extractions. I am thinking I will feel just fine but don't want to push my luck.

Will talk to you all next Monday.

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Hope son is OK. Let us know.


Thanks for the Kudos. I keep looking at those pictures because I can't believe they're real. My husband took them in my living room. My hair is up. It's getting quite long and I like it down when its cold. I make it flip up and it looks really cute.

I did some testimonials on video for a charity along with many other people and they used some of my footage. I was astonished at how I looked there, too. It was winter and my hair was down. The chair was actually much bigger than my butt. I had on a silvery skirt and long sleeved, long torsoed very feminine top and black and silver jewelry. My husband told me I looked incredibly young in the video. They're going to send me a DVD. I'll have to try and post the part I'm in if I can figure it out.

Its so hot now that I have to put my hair up. School is not air-conditioned and we've been hitting 90 and humid.

For me, long hair is much easier to manage, but I had to get it long enough to really do some fun stuff with it. Its getting much harder to manage as I age. Parts of it have gone super curly, other parts are wavy, and parts are poker straight. Humidity does wierd stuff to it. Short hair will not hold any real style. It want's to go every which way. The really light grey hair is starting to get that cotton candy look and feel to it, especially with hair spray. I do put a little tint in it to make it blonde-grey. But in certain light it really looks grey--but I've found I look terrific in greys, silvers, white, and black. So I don't think I'm going to damage my hair and make it even more unmanageable by trying to cover the grey.

I published the pics partly because I wanted everyone to be encouraged in their journeys, and also because I want people to see that 5'9", 165#, is a very healthy, attractive weight for a 58 yr. old woman. I don't think I'd look good much skinnier. People are surprised when I tell them I weigh that much. They're afraid I'm getting too thin and their jaw drops when I tell them how much I weigh. LOL. I suspect I look thinner because my weight is hidden in sagging skin that the clothes disguise. LOL. LIttle do they know.

Anyway, gotta teach tomorrow. Gotta go to bed. Supposed to have major storms tonight and tomorrow. Humidity is unbelievable.


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Eva, unibrow had me ROFL.

I, too, gardened this weekend. Mostly weed pulling as my garden is all perennials and stuff that comes up from seed. I have to recognize the difference between what's supposed to be there and what's a weed as it comes up. Can't put down mulch because the flowers that are supposed to come up, won't. Columbine is done for in this heat. Roses are popping, butterfly delphinium now starting to bloom all over the garden. Lilies getting going. Irises didn't do much. Gotta thin and transplant.

Saw a white deer on my way home tonight. Knew there was one out there but hadn't yet seen it. Very cool.


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Forgot hollyhocks about to bloom.

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Speaking of deer...DH and I were having BF about 6am this morning out on the deck at the lake. Dog kind of just kept looking towards the trees and all of a sudden this huge deer came out, stopped and had about a 5 minute stare down with the dog. Was so happy he stayed for that long. When he was done he went and checked out the beach and then followed the shore for a couple of miles. Such a nice way to start our day.

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Phyll--please keep us informed about your DS. Know that your gal-pals are thinking of you and hope to hear good news soon.

I have almost finished Women food God and really, really like it. As soon as I am done, I will reread it. I wish that all of you lived here so we could have a weekly readers' club on this book. So, if y'all could please move here. that would be nice. I'll set out the Crystal Light.

Where is Julie?

I had an audition tonight. Not even sure that I want the part. I get what I am supposed to get.

Also, went to an OA meeting. I get a lot out of it. Tonight was about asking your Higher Power to eliminate your character defects AND being entirely willing for that to happen. Sounds like a no-brainer, but so many of these "defects" have been around like an old friend. We wrongly used them for protection. We find comfort in the familiarity. But since I am welcoming the change, I see the peace that is to be mine...eventually.

Tomorrow is the memorial service for the baby at hospice. He would have been 2 months on Friday. He never suffered and only knew love and devotion (by all the grandma volunteers) for his short life. Now, I believe, he is well and complete and "at home." He gave us all a gift.

Enough. Sweet dreams to all.

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Great Idea - I will do it right now !!

OMG - this is great.. :tt2:

Thank you for being there for us.. I read some of your posts and you gave alot of good advise - which I am whole heartedly taking in.

In the meantime, I was banded 5/20/2010 and immediately lost 7.5 in 7 days. :angry:

Today is day 12 and gained back 2 - what is up with that? :rolleyes: What am I doing wrong.

I am drinking as much Water as I can get down, which is not 64 oz, it is more like 36-48 oz, and staying within 40-60 Protein and getting about 600 calories.. :thumbup:

I am not tired, and I am walking about an hour a day.. I did have my TOM, and just finished basically today - so I am hoping this the reason. I dont get my first fill until 6/21/2010

Any suggestions?:confused:

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Great...just wanted to pop on and say:

Happy Bandiversary to You (On the 5th)

Happy Bandiversary to You

Happy Bandiversary, Dear Lori

Happy Bandiversary to You....And Many More!

Where have these 2 yrs gone?????? You have done so well. Here's to wishing you continued success! Sending the love.

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I see everyone hanging out today! Wish there was a way to make a group chat on LBT.

: (

Janet~ You are soooo right. I know it. I am trying. Did not feel like going to the gym today- beautiful breezy and sunny. I MADE myself go for a walk 2 miles (my block is exactly one mile around). I did it briskly (finished in like 25 min)- wore my HR monitor and got up to 140. I wanted to get some sun and I made myself do sit ups and leg lifts. Swam some, but pool is not really lap friendly. Pressure washed the lanai/deck some. Showered and went grocery shopping. Did all this before 11, so am feeling pretty darn proud of myself.

Phyl~ OMW... thinking of you and your DS! Amazing how medical conditions get interpreted by the lay public. Glad it was "only" heat stroke and not cardiac/stroke. Gosh, keep us informed. And so sad about your niece. I hope that A-hole gets what he deserves.

Apples~ welcome home. Good luck on your dental stuff tomorrow. You are braver than I am. Hell, I can barely handle the whitening. It really is irritating to the gums. I did 3 nights on and had to take 2 off. Bought a new toothbrush, the Oral B Triumph professional series. $$$ but worth it. If anyone has any gum issues, the new electric toothbrushes are a million times better for you. They go ground and vibrate without having to saw your gums off. I really have to thank you Apples, b/c of you I went to the dentist and had been putting it off for a while. : ) Cake ideas...hmmmm. There are two boys and two girls coming. So, I might do two small ones. I was thinking of actually sticking some toys in them- a JD one maybe with chocolate icing and choc shavings can be the dirt. And then something pink and put some barbies? that's as far as I got. I am also still stuck on a graduation present. I do like the menu Janet gave me. Nels just wants crunchy cheetos. LOL. Have fun at the lake. I hear you on the people who never host. That's why I am not inviting all the graduating kids (there's only 14, but still- the other parents NEVER invite just show up and eat/drink).

Eva~ Holy canoly you had me laughing about the unibrow. Oh! Lawd have mercy! Makes you want tie them up and wax 'em real quick!

Judy~ soooo sad bout that baby. Really makes me cry when babies die. I remember my first time as a Trauma NP having to tell a mother her baby was dead. That cry is something I will never ever forget. Glad you are getting a lot from OA.

Great~ congrats on the move and getting settled in! I can only imagine how hard that was saying goodbye to your kids. hugs.

MLW~ welcome and congrats on your surgery!!! You have done a great job so far! You will have daily fluctuations and can't be concerned (also with your TOM I bet you had a lot of Fluid retention). I think your calories are low, but as long as you are doing what your dr advises. Are you still on liquids? Tell us more of what you are eating/drinking. This isn't a sprint race- it's a life changing jog. Keep up the good work.

Cheri~ your school doesn't have AC? really?! OMW... I would die. I volunteered yesterday to read to the older kids in the class- was there 2.5 hrs sitting in the garden and sweated like a liter! You teachers are tough! : ) BTW, not sure if I told you that your photos are amazing! Really really have changed a lot! WTG.

I am on my crappy little laptop. DH ordered a new computer but still has to build it to his specs. I am always afraid I am going to lose a post with this tiny keyboard- one wrong key and it's over! LOL. I think i will post before that happens.

Oh, spoke with Dad and they are postponing the PET scan a couple weeks b/c they want to make sure it is an accurate scan. Too early and it can be a false positive if there is still cancer but it is suppressed by the chemo still in system. He is bummed he has to wait. He asked if we still wanted to come that week. Duh. yeah! So, we will still be going up that week and then I will return 2 weeks after for the scan. I wish he felt up to some traveling, would love to take him to the beach or something. He's really having a rough week- weak, dizzy, legs swollen. I also think he is depressed. Mom said he is real quiet. He refuses to talk to anyone- such a guy thing.

ok guys, have a happy day. CBL...peasout. Laura

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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