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Apples, OMG, glad you didn't have heart failure when that mouse jumped out -- I probably would have. Sorry the dog made a mess, but at least you know the mouse is history!! Have a good weekend at the Lake.

Janet, sorry for your day yesterday - too much crap at one time -- I don't know how you deal with it all by yourself. You are one strong lady, I hope everything works out for the best with all your stuff -- renters, ranch, work, etc. Wow, lots on that plate.

Jodi, proud of you for getting your food cooked on Sunday - that's what I like to do -- especially since I get home so late at night and I'm starving by then. Much easier to have food made and reheat. Sounds like you are doing a good job of teaching Dassi how to eat correctly - wtg! Have fun on your date and don't forget that we get a full report afterward!!!

Laura, glad you will be going up for the PET scan -- so nice of your DH to want to go - he is a keeper. Your mom and dad will love the support too. Have a fun, safe and relaxing weekend.

PJ, you will make that goal -- I also have a neice is getting married in July -- I can't wait to buy a dress for the wedding - I feel like it's my "reveal" lol. I'm stuck at this weight but losing inches -- I'm pretty much done, but would like to lose a few more "insurance" pounds -- would like to be under 140. But everyone says I look fine.

Biggest loser -- I never cared much for MIke, but he did look great, but I wonder if he'll keep it off (hope so). I loved, loved Darrius and yes, wasn't his new girlfriend just gorgeous? The one who amazed me the most was Melissa -- she really looked beautiful (although I never liked her either). Of course Sunshine and O'Neal were also favorites of mine -- and wow both of them were just great -- O'Neal very handsome I thought and Sunshine really beautiful. I also favored the Tongans (my son had lots of Tongan friends in Reno so I'm partial to them always - they are tremendous people). Sheri is the older lady who looked good I think or are you talking about Darrius mom? Both looked good. My friend came over to watch it with me and I was shocked at how much Darrius mom weighed (cause she looked so tiny) but she weighed 151 I think- I said, wow, I'm smaller than her (cause yes, I don't see that in the mirror of course). LOL. My friend and step son both said, "yes you are" LOL. Love that! Darrell was the older man with the hairy upper arms (yuck) who almost won the at home prize -- he looked amazing too (except for that hair on his arm.) Overall, it was an amazing year. Yes, I'll tune in for Jillian's show, not sure i'll like it though if she constantly screams at people -- hopefully she won't.

Now, for Amerian Idol, I was for Crystal (she's from Ohio so I HAD to be for her since I'm originally from Ohio and we are loyal.) I truly thought she did much better performances and has a truly beautiful voice but she's different and I figured she wouldn't win, but she will do well I know. I also loved the young girl who screamed a lot (Shebone) and I think Katie and Big MIke will have good careers too. Lee was okay but very cute so I see why he won. I just didn't want that Casey to win -- so I'm happy. I cried at Simon leaving too and Apples, I was so worried they were going to announce Paula's return -- I was glad they didn't cause I frankly can't stand her on that show. She drove me insane the last few years. I will truly miss Simon - really a big fan of his and always have been (I always agreed with him every year). I don't think it will be nearly as good without him I like Piers (the British judge from America's Got Talent and would love for him to take Simon's place). We'll see -- we defintely need someone Simon-ish to take his place. I like Randy and Ellen but Kara kind of bugs me too - she's a little too "full of herself" in MHO. LOL. I watch Survivor and Amazing Race -- don't watch the others (no time), but I love reality tv too.

Well, I'm ready to go tonight -- grocery store after work last night then went home and made macaroni salad, broccoli salad, baked Beans, rice casserole (for kids who won't eat the salads and beans), cut up watermelon, cleaned and cut up strawberries. Finished packing all the other food in tub. Packed my clothes, etc. Made lists for DH of what not to forget in fridge and freezer. I'm very organized too -- I'll come to CA with Apples and Laura to help Janet. So leaving work tonight and heading straight to campground -- no work for 4 days!! Who hoo! I don't think I mentioned that my new gym (a chain that has gyms all across the country that I can use whenever I go anywhere -- "Anytime Fitness") has one near the campground and so I can go work out and then use their showers and get all clean every day (that should keep me going to the gym every day). I'll only have to drive about 4 miles to get to that gym.

Everyone, have a fun and safe weekend. No time to respond to all your posts - but I'll be thinking of all of you and hoping you are enjoying great weather, friends, family and getting some rest. Talk to you all Tues.

I plan on taking lots of pictures, so will bore you with those next week.



Edited by ljv52

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Karen - sorry but I laughed out loud about the mouse - then was upset for you needing to scrub after dog knocked over the grill. Poor baby was only trying to help "get the mouse". Would be a great situation comedy.

Jodi - congrats on getting off meds and great checkups.

Only plans for weekend, see Sex and the City with DD & friend on Friday.

I'll sign up after Janet for help organizing house. Since I'm been here 23 years, we are packed in and need to throw away lots and keep only what is needed. We have a basement full - but house is fairly stark - decorator calls it urban contemporary. I call is soft contemporary. I like lots of empty space, uncrowded and few chochkiees (sp?). Only works for ppl who are not sentimental. lol

Ladies - enjoy your holiday weekend doing exactly what you like.


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Lori, I can't believe I forgot to mention that hail storm!! Wow, saw it on the Weather Channel at work yesterday -- never saw anything like that -- really wild. Sorry about your car and house damage - hope it all works out okay for you. So much stress - hope you are taking deep breaths and finding time to relax with your DH.


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Jessica - forgot to say congrats on the tattoo. Butterfly is perfect for you. Enjoy.

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Hi all...well everyone is getting ready for weekend;....so I wanted to say

Have a great weekend all.

Still feeling good with the fill..

Im still thinking about loosing some solution and what that means or could mean. Im going to obsess over this one as you all probably could guess by now....until next fill to find out if this is a problem or not. Could this mean a leak and they have to go in and fix it? could it mean I punctured it with some food or something...oh the thoughts that are running through my mind. Oh well. guess i wont know till next month.

any ideas????

Mornin' All...

Jodi...congrats on the 5lbs! Not long b/4 we read a post from you about being close or at goal. Also, congrats on being pill free. Have fun on your date and have a wonderful weekend.

well according to the surgeon..yes another 25 lbs and hel be happy....however....I can loose another 35 to 40.....If Janet is 5'5 and she is 135 then I can be 135-`145? right? Im at 175 now. Thats 35 -40 lbs. The surgeon has said...yes you can loose up to 75 llbs....I started at 220. so... bottom line Im happy now!!!! Ill be happy when I reach 150. After that its all about me doing what I need to do...if I do it will happen. I will!!! I will !!! I will!!!

OK...who did I miss? Whoever it is...love ya.

Yep, you all guessed it...off to the lake today. Have some duties around here and will take off about noon. Grab my dog and go. Looking forward to the weekend and see some ppl that have not yet opened up their lake places. Plan on getting some reading done and a little time on the lake and some sum. Hoping DS, GF and her kids will find time to come up for some fun. Just plan on pulling into my spot and not moving my truck till Tuesday morning.

Just want to wish everyone a safe, but fun Memorial Day weekend. Try to make a point of remembering those to which this weekend is dedicated. Sending the loves

Aww...I didn't omit you, Laura...look back at my long post.

OMG...just went out and opened my BBQ grill and a mouse jumped out and landed on my belt and fell down on my sandal. Freaked!:o

Omg....I would have been on the table screaming like a lunatic! You at least had the sense to call the dog....lol

Not funny for sure...but uch. I remember in camp once wen I I woke up one morning and went to put my foot in a shoe and out popped a mouse!! To this day I shake out every shoe I put on no matter where I am!! Took me a long time to stop screaming and get down from the bed. lol

Glad you werent hurt during all this....grills and mess can be cleaned up.....must have freaked you out all day! Next time I bet youl shake that grill before opening.

Jodi - thank you for your suggestions. Have decided that I need a visual to stop the tattors. So.....I'll envision my ex-husband trying to fee them to me to stop me from losing weight. That should work......

Hope Lori is safely in SLC.

Joyce,,sounds like you are like me about the visuals....I just read a book that you might also like...Its called "picture perfect weight loss" and its all about visuals. If gives you pictures of the things that are good for you and the picture of whats not so much...and the whys in between....It also has a shopping giude which goes through each isle in the supermarket with visuals and discusses the good foods vs the not so goods with pictures to explain why.

It really helped me make good choices as it showed me the pictures....gave me visuals. I can now remember how many cal, carbs, Proteins certain foods have because the picure with the amts above them is in my brain now. It might work for you to if like you say you are a visual learner. Ill get the author later at home to post.

The other thing I find helpful is my dinning out guide from E-diets my mom gave me...boy has this saved me when eating out!! Goes through every cuisine. My bible now.

Also....a log of what I eat everyday....I write every morsel of anything that goes into my mouth...the cal, pt, carbs....as well as how I felt when eating, where I was, and what I was doing. This gives me a visual of the things Ive eaten,...so i dont forget and the visual helps me keep tract and not eat more then wanted!!!!

Linda... Thanks yes, its helpful and nope wont forget to tell you all about the guy who I know I didnt like in Col. who I thought was a nebbish. Jewish word for um i dont know. But, you know....I think that a neb probably is now what I need.....all the cool guys....well they didnt work out now did they??? so, who knows? Like everyone said....maybe he became slightely less nebby. lol hmm

Im so jealous of your getting ready to go camping!! Have a great time...be safe, enjoy, relax and yea a shower only 4 miles away. That will prompt you to go to the gym everyday!!! lol

Janet Im not sure what happened I tired to read all the posts but just couldnt,....but what ever it was I hope it is getting better!!!

Karen, What a bummer about the hail. How horrid to have driven in that. Dangerous. Glad your all okay! I hope the insurance comes through. What a way to begin. but there are those who say "rain" is good luck so be it. Enjoy the moving in and remember..Rome was not built in a day!

Julie, I hope you are feeling better....been very quiet are you on vacation?

Jessica, the butterfly sounds nice. It would look great im sure. Go for it! For your new you!! Great work...congrats on the 50lbs!!! You look amazing!! You worked hard, you deserve it.

Apples, Please come to NY and help organize my apt? Ive downsized three times and have tried to get rid of so much but still left with the things that I refuse to give up but dont need...every so often I go through the thats it and start dumping everything whether I need them or not! Thats not good. If I had a system. Shelves, containers, SPACE....id do alot better. My place is always organized and neat and everything has its place,,,but there are things that Im never going to use...or at least not now. Entertainment stuff. Am I really going to have a dinner party for adults in the near future?? Kids dont care what we use...they dont really care about the english china and the crystal stemware and poterry crockery will they?? Who am I kidding?

Yet....these are items that I used and loved while married and having adult parties, dinners and such....why is it that just because I spend my time with children and animals I cant use these gorgeous delicate items??

hmmm thats it...tonight we are using good china!! oh and the dog gets to eat from the crystal glasses. That would piss Ron off...but he isnt here so he cant complain now can he....If I dont use it im going to loose it....in the garbage...actually I would never do that Id..bring it to the house stuff....gmach for someone else to use.

okay well ranted enough above...thanks.

Getting ready for Fire Island tomorrow. Should be a fun weekend. Its only two families sharing and it happens to be friends of mine who is coming, the other two families wont come till Sunday.....this should be nice. The weather best be good....rain on the island, not good!

Well I wont have time to post tomorrow or weekend. SO have a great weekend all.

Enjoy and remember those who fought.


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Jessica, the butterfly sounds absolutely perfect -- where will you place it? That can be your 50 lbs weight loss reward!! Good for you!

Jodi, Your losing Fluid in your band can be many things I've heard -- I'm sure your surgeon will keep his eye on it. It could simply be that they didn't put as much in as they thought last time or somthing similar -- if they aren't too worried I wouldn't worry -- for sure you didn't puncture it with food of any kind -- don't worry about that. Have fun at the island this weekend.


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Apples - And Melissa...how could I not include you? Have a good one. Wishing for you the "turn around" you are looking for so you can see the end of your weightloss journey.

Thanks Apples I am trying I have decided I can't do the shake thing I can do a shake in the morning but by lunch It does not help then I feel like I can't eat fast enough. Okay everyone give me your snack Ideas again please I am going to try to use my band properly with pure Protein like my dr said. I called them today and I can do the shake for Breakfast then each a senseable lunch and dinner and a couple of Snacks and stick to the 800-1000 calories and walk walk walk.

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Jessica, the butterfly sounds absolutely perfect -- where will you place it? That can be your 50 lbs weight loss reward!! Good for you! Linda

I've been threatening to get a tattoo.... DH says NO! But he says NO to most fun things!! LOL! Like I"m begging for a puppy lately. But.... have to tell you about the funny birthday card I saw today.... Two old ladies sitting on the front porch... On the front it says... 'I had a rose tattooed on my boob when I was younger." Inside it says, "Now it's a LONG-STEMMED".


Apples - And Melissa...how could I not include you? Have a good one. Wishing for you the "turn around" you are looking for so you can see the end of your weight loss journey.

Thanks Apples I am trying I have decided I can't do the shake thing I can do a shake in the morning but by lunch It does not help then I feel like I can't eat fast enough. Okay everyone give me your snack Ideas again please I am going to try to use my band properly with pure Protein like my dr said. I called them today and I can do the shake for breakfast then each a sensible lunch and dinner and a couple of Snacks and stick to the 800-1000 calories and walk walk walk.

Hummus is a good snack.... beef Jerky, okay.... now my mind went blank... but that's a start!

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So Apples, when you get back next week you can read that I have no break between school and summer school. Jump right into it and go till July 2.

However, Saturday I'm going to Grand Rapids MI for my nephew's graduation party. Gonna hear his band. He's incredibly musical. Fun and funny, too. Birthday party for DH's granddaughter on Sunday or MOnday. Following weeked my grandson's birthday party.

This past Sunday went out with girlfriend I haven't been able to spend time with for a long time. She's finally cutting back her crazy hours. She's also one who needs space and backs off for long periods of time. But we had a good time talking for a couple of hours.

In July I am lining up tutees like crazy. More than I want are asking for tutoring. Some won't be able to afford it. I really wanted to work with my neice and my grandson also. I did get a raise for next fall. Last year salary was frozen. Plus I'm getting paid for summer school and all the tutoring. My husband is working now, too.

So I'm going to make work of getting my basement put back together this summer. Got some ideas for a contractor. So I'm going to need every dollar.


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Cheri, I love your new pic!

Thanks Arlene.

I'm trying to figure out how to upload a couple pictures but I am techno dumb.


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Jodi, way to go on losing those pounds. Have fun at FI.

Jessica, cool tat idea

Cheri, wonderful pic, love it.

Joyce. you are so funny, love reading your posts.

Laura, have a great weekend with your boys.


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Me, Me 2, Me B4

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Wow - Cheri -- you look marvelous. Congratulations. You look 20 years younger and so very happy. So nice when your outside matches you inside.

Only tattoo I'm interested in - would be placed on my left breast. DNR simple and sweet and good for a laugh. I've heard it would NOT be legal or binding and don't think I want it notarized anyway.

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Hi all,

I'm back several pages trying to catch up a bit...takes some time doesn't it?

Jodi, you mentioned eating whole grains such as orzo? Orzo is Pasta (white flour) or the Italian name for barley. So are you eating the Pasta or barley? I really like barley...it's chewy and sort of nutty. I like pasta too, but trying to stay away from that. Congratulations on the weight loss....you are doing fabulous!!! Especially congrats on no more pills...at least many less pills. That is the ultimate goal isn't it?

Apples, have a wonderful weekend. Should be very busy at your lake this weekend since it's the kick off of the summer season. Hope the weather is beautiful and you get a lot of reading in. I just finished a couple of audio books that might be interesting to read...one was Sunday at Tiffany's by James Patterson. It was delightful. The other one I'm still working on is When we Were Grownups but I don't remember the author. Watch those killer mice!!! Oooohhhhh mice on the feet.....uuuuwwwww.

Laura, your weekend sounds nice. Your DH really is a gem. It is so nice to hear how supportive he is with you and your Dad. I've never been in a container store (I do think Tucson has them also). I would probably be in trouble if I did. So I'll be around this weekend. We can be the ones posting.

Lori...safe drive and hope for the best with the insurance and the house sale. That darn hail....I lived through that several times in Colorado and don't miss it at all. It beat up my brand new car one year. Are you excited about getting into your new house? I missed if this house was in the part of town you wanted.

Linda...have a great weekend (lots of work to get ready for the weekend). Looking forward to being "bored" by your pictures!!

Joyce, at least if you don't have a lot of "stuff" all over your house, you don't have to clean it. I keep trying to keep my house simple, but it still adds up. We don't have basements in AZ so I'm not able to stash stuff down there. So you'll be around posting this weekend too. Cool. Oh by the way....I will probably be through KC in November at Thanksgiving. I'll probably drive through there on my way to OH.

Melissa....I read about your stress and distress in an earlier post, so sorry and I completely understand. Am having stress eating issues too. Snacks....I'll tell raw carrots work for me...for one thing, I really have to eat them slow and chew them up very well....so they keep my mouth occupied when I'm stress eating. popcorn (non buttered) goes down a little too easily, but it's also helpful with stress eating. Just make sure you measure it out and count those calories.

Phyl, the long stemmed rose tattoo is pretty funny. If you got a tattoo, what would you get and where would you put it?

Cheri, sounds like life is treating you very well right now. Good for you and I'm really glad they show their appreciation by giving you a raise. It does help doesn't it? Your pictures are great...you've come a long way.

Charlene, congrats on the continued weight loss. How are you feeling? What are you up to this weekend?

LauraK, when are you heading west?

Jessica...can't wait to see the new tattoo. I've sort of wanted one, but I think I'd be suffering from Phyl's long stemmed rose idea with my saggy skin right now.

Janet, it's going to be hot this weekend, how's your pool doing? Last year, we were determined to start pool exercises on Memorial Day, this year, the pool is still too cold. It hasn't hit 100 here yet....way too weird, but it's been nice. You'll have to have the other ladies come organize you (you aren't all that unorganized) in the winter when they are freezing and you are still toasty warm. Work getting any better? Sorry about the ranch issues. Hope that works out and your partner can buy out the charities.

Julie, are you on your way to Ohio? Good luck with the roof work and don't you dare hurt yourself.

Hope everyone else is doing alright. I will really try to keep up better, but life just seems to get away from me.



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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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