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yes.....i think micheal looked great last night, very very handsome. i was also happy to see that Daris now has a girlfriend and finally had his first kiss. he is cute too.

I know the older lady you are talking about, the blonde. i noticed her arms too, they looked great !

didn't care for american idol this year, i was a little disappointed. didn't matter to me who won.

now bachlorette has started up, hells kitchen starts next week, and jill's new show ( can't remember the name of it }

i am a reality show addict....lol

today at work we celebrated memorial day with a pot luck lunch. :o i didn't do just great !! but...my tuna salad is made and calories counted for tomorrow.

have a good day tomorrow everyone!!

Lori...so sorry about your bad news.

Nite all.....Pj

Hey Janet...before I sign off, what happened to make your day a hell of a day? I hope tomorrow is better.


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Hi all.....

Hope everyone is having a great day.

It hit mid nineties here in NY today...I was soooo happy. Finially some nice weather sunny and dry!

Today was doctor day. Started with the surgeon...I got my second fill. I didnt think I lost any weight this past two weeks as I didnt go to gym and it was holiday and at Fire Island.....I thought nope..but was wrong. I lost another 5 lbs. and now am at 175. Woo hoo. I feel good oh I feel so good!!

However apparently I lost some solution which isnt a problem except if it happens consistantly so they are going to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesnt happen...if it does...well I dont know what happens then. We will have to look and see whats going on....I didnt want to know what that really meant. They are not concerned now. They put on 2cc and well....I feel just fine. I hope it continues!!

Anyone ever have that experience where they lose some solution and knows what this means when this happens consistency?

Next Doctor was the pulmonologist. Going for a sleep study again next week sometime....to see if I can now get off C-pap......that would be great. My Asthma is good. Flair up gone and im back to reg med dosage. yea. I hate all those meds.

Next was the primary.....now my primary was my biggest push to get the band...and wouldnt let it rest until I did it!

I havent seen him since a month after surgery....wow was he shocked! He could not believe it. He was so happy. Even happier when my blood pressure is still 128 over 80. No more blood pressure meds ever now he said..your good to say you do not have high blood pressure anymore!!

Yea me. lol

He also said to stop taking prevacid as the band will be helping with reflux and since I had the all the presurgery tests etc I now should not need this any longer.

The only thing now is to wait to find out the cholesterol levels tomorrow and decide whether I can stop these pills as well. If so...I will be pill free! I think though my cholesterol is genetic so will probably be on pills forever.

It sure was nice to not have to think about taking all the pills tonight, just the crestor oh and those pills so you dont get gallstones that we need to take for 6 months after banding.

Anyone else need to take these pills?? Twice daily big pills..need to open and pour in Water or juice..pain in the ass but taking them, as Im neurotic about these things.

Well....all in all it was a good day for results and visits.

Of course spent so much time at visits and the waiting in between I didnt get to work today in the end. I saw my extra little one....but I needed to be back by 4:30 for bus so scratched going to my little boy.....parents not too happy after not being there last week for the holiday. I could understand that but what could I do?? I have vacation days that I havent taken....I have a right to take off...but it was kind of bad timing after just coming off vacation week so to say. Well whatever..cant help whats out of my control....if everyone ran on time I would have been able to see him for at least an hour and half. It didnt and they all ran late..in fact for each apt I waited 45 min. That was just too much.

It happens I guess.

After getting home....realized that tonight is Karate and Dassi is now in the intermediate class which is at 6:30 not 7:15. So rushed to get dinner going....

I started cooking on Sunday for the week the main meal dishes so Dassi will have allready made foods in the fridge when she gets home. I find that by 5:30 shes hungry and if there isnt anything made she will snack. Not good.

SOoooo I started making three seperate dishes. Baked chicken cutlets, Baked salmon or some fish, fake shrimp or crabmeat sauteed and baby chicken pieces for me. lol

I have a bag of salad mixed and I cooked some couscous, corn on the cob and steamed some brocoli and zuchini.

She gets to choose what she wants to eat each night but must eat one meat and veg and the starch....with salad a night. She doesnt have to eat all but needs to varry her foods throughout the week.....this system seems to be working not only for her but me as well....

It is so good to be back, and ty all for welcoming me back. Never should have left....I have learned my lesson.

For all of you that don't know, I'm in the middle of a divorce. Lost my home, my family is split up and its been really hard. I'm now living with my Mom until things are finalized. I was unhappy in my marriage for a long time, but...I wanted the family together. Hubby lost his job in November 2008 and things went downhill after that. I do miss him still, but its like you would miss a best friend. We will be married 41 years in July. Hopefully when this is over we can be best friends, he wanted that until I filed for divorce. :o

1/2 lb down since my talk with Janet....Yea!!!! lol

hugs to you all.....Pj

PJ my heart goes out to you. Im so sorry that you are going through this. Divorce is never pleasant on the best of terms. Ive been there Been divorced now 4 years. My husband actually died 3 months after we were officially divorced. Not expected. I have an eleven year old daughter. I was banded on March 9th and have lost 45 lbs. to date. I have worked real hard to get my life together..im no where near done yet!!! One day at a time.

Keep your head high....and think positive. Work on yourself!! Take this time to get yourself into good health...its not a race take it slow....thats the best way!!!

Good Luck and Welcome....

It's really happening moving van is just pulling up. :thumbup:

I hope you have an easy move!!!

Janet....to answer your questions...DS has agreed that it would be a good thing to wait till Sept to make his decision on the job. His decision but we just pointed out that he might want to have time to think and not jump in on an impulse. Out of my hands and he will do what he feels he can handle.

Have not had a dental appt for 2 weeks. Next Wed is the next. Had to wait the 2 weeks for temp bridge to be made. Have 5-6 lower front pulled on Wed and fitted with temp. Bone structure and gum tissue all good and healthy on all other teeth. This will be an all summer long project. This guy does some great work. Some extra $$$$ to get it done but worth it. He's even going to sculpt upper gums at some point to accomodate a larger teeth on the uppers. I just feel fortunate that he can work with what I have.

Ouch....sounds like this is going to be painful however....you will deff be so happy...and it will be worth it in the end just like getting the band!

Hi guys! I wish I could write to each one of you- but, alas, no time tonight.... so Fly by. Sooooo so busy. I had plumber here all morning with leak under kitchen sink. Then off to the dentist for my little cavity filled. I also decided to do something for my smile and had impressions made for bleaching. : ) Then running around for Nelson's stuff. I didn't make the gym today- there's always tomorrow.

Hugs to you all.

PS. Dad's PET scan is scheduled for June 15. My DH is the best- he said "we need to be up there for that". So off to NC we will go. Nels' kindergarten graduation is the 11th, then the 12 or 13th we will leave. Praying it will come out ok.

Will be praying for him as well. It should all be good!!!

Hope everone else is good.

Linda enjoy camping..I so miss our weekends in the trailer. We had a "prowler"...went camping every weekend all summer long while growing up.


Great I hope the move went well.

Julie I hope you are feeling better.

Janet....great work on getting to 135 you go girl!!

Joyce you will see that you feel better not eating the "white" starches. I have started to eat some whole grains....cous cous, quinoa, bulgar, orzo and canned beans...kidney etc etc....I find that with a tablespoon of the above I dont miss the "white starches" I even tried spelt bread...however I olmost puked from that!!!

I also found these stone ground corn baked tortillas from costco and trader joes has there brand....they have stone ground corn, quinoa, flax seed, and some other organic whole grains...and I like them. They seem to take the place of breads and pastas and im good with that. I eat them with salsa or bruchetta. 10 tortillas for 140 cal. with the salsa or bruchetta..another 30 or so. This is good...as I know we need some Fiber and it also has 4 gms Protein for every ten.

We need to find substitutes for those carb cravings we all get....I tried the above so far so good.....maybe some or all can work for you to.

Well...its late late late...and im tired!!

so must go to sleep, tomorrow must go to work....tomorrow must go to work...and if I keep saying it I will actually go!!!

Have a great night.

oh...didnt go on that date int he end Tuesday night...we are going tomorrow instead so thanks for the good wishes Ill take them with tomorrow.!!


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Thanks Joyce, since my seperation last July I haven't lost much...about 18 lbs. I will gain, then lose, like a yoyo. I am ready to reach my goal. I have about 24 lbs to lose to reach goal. Would love to reach it by Aug 21st. My niece is getting married and my son in Georgia will be here for the wedding. I wish I could see him now, found out last Saturday that he has Bells Pulsy ( not sure how to spell it ) Does anyone know anything about that? It's hard for him to talk and his eye bothers him. He was in Omaha for 2 weeks at the home office of the company he works for and he had to go home early.

I have another son here and 2 granddaughters that are my life.

I will be fine, so glad I came back here....you are all so sweet and caring.


PJ...I know you already got an answer to the Bells Palsy question. I had it twice. Once when I was in my early 30's and early 40's. Lasted about 2 weeks each time. Affected one side of my face (didn't move) and my speech. No lasting affects.

Janet....now, that was one hell of a day! Sh_t happens...literally in your case. Have a good night's sleep and try to put it all out of your mind if you can. No reinsurance company???? That's crazy. Can they spell Errors and Omissions case???????

Great...sounds like your day wasn't much better. Hope tomorrow is better for both of you.

Good night all....sleep tight. :o

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Good Morning Gang

Yea Lee won !!! It's all those teeny bopper girls who voted for him ;0) he only won by 2% - well I guess I am one of those girls I voted for about 45 minutes !!!!

Apples - I knew you would get the reinsurance part ;0)

Well drive by - gotta get in the shower

dinner was 2 scrambled eggs w/green onions - very good

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Mornin' All...

Janet...I have been pulling for Crystal since the try-outs. But, I love the fact that Lee won. He is such a cute kid, humble and so happy. It's a given that the top two are going places anyway. I don't think Crystal will have to worry about not being noticed and having "things" in the works already. Was a great show last night with lots of stars. I thought of you as I was choking a crying when they were doing tribute to Simon and he was choking when on stage. I was thinking "I bet Janet is crying cuz she hates goodbyes". Anyway, sitting there crying when DH walked in...he thought something tragic had happened. Nope, just Simon leaving. I was almost sure he was going to announce that Paula was going to take his place. I could never get used to her when she was on the show. Too flighty or something.

Hope your day goes smoothly and you can get everything ironed out with your ranch dealings. No fun to get thrown crappy surprises.

Great...safe travels...watch the crossroads. Hope unpacking and settling in goes without troubles.

Linda...have a blast on your camping trip. Travel safe.

Phyll...hope you will get out and enjoy the beautiful scenery. DH and I really want to get out that way (DH's brother lives on an island outside of Seattle). I have been in the Seattle airport a couple of times and that is it for me. I think God concentrated really hard on the Northwest, making that area first. Got around to MN and got plain tired and ran out of ideas.

Julie...safe travels, watch the crossroads and have a good time with family. (Hope they behave and treat you guys with respect).

Joyce...family plans for the weekend? Whatever you do, have a great time.

Cheri...do you have a break between the school year and summer school???? Have a great weekend. Get out and have some fun.

Eva...you always have fun....don't have to give you instructions. Have a good one. Miss ya.

Laura...enjoy the family time with Nels and DH. Any plans? Thanks for the dad update. Happy to hear you are heading his way for the test. I am sure he that will make him very happy. Good daughter.

PJ...have a good one! You have a doable goal...keep up what you are doing!

Jodi...congrats on the 5lbs! Not long b/4 we read a post from you about being close or at goal. Also, congrats on being pill free. Have fun on your date and have a wonderful weekend.

OK...who did I miss? Whoever it is...love ya.

Yep, you all guessed it...off to the lake today. Have some duties around here and will take off about noon. Grab my dog and go. Looking forward to the weekend and see some ppl that have not yet opened up their lake places. Plan on getting some reading done and a little time on the lake and some sum. Hoping DS, GF and her kids will find time to come up for some fun. Just plan on pulling into my spot and not moving my truck till Tuesday morning.

Just want to wish everyone a safe, but fun Memorial Day weekend. Try to make a point of remembering those to which this weekend is dedicated. Sending the loves

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Ooops..Arlene..omitted you...you are unforgetable. Have a good one! I admire how well you are doing.

And...Jessica...have fun with your family. Hope your injury is feeling better. Take care. Have something fun planned?

Judy???? What's up for you this weekend. Have a good one. Can see you tooling around on your golfcart with the dog...

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And Melissa...how could I not include you? Have a good one. Wishing for you the "turn around" you are looking for so you can see the end of your weightloss journey.

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Karen~ Uh, duh. I just saw my name. How did I miss that you didn't miss me?! I am having a blond morning.

And Apples did such a good job at saying exactly what I would have said. Since I don't have anything witty or inspirational, I will just say ditto. : )

No plans this weekend. Just have family time, swim, hang out. Everything gets so crowded around here on holidays (since it is a vacation destination), that it's easier and more fun to just stay home. Today I have teacher conferences, tutor, TKD, and going out to dinner with my boys. Today I am doing laundry and organizing. I wish I had a container store near me. When I lived in Miami and Atlanta I love love loved that store!!!! http://www.containerstore.com/welcome.htm

Happy Thursday guys!!! peasout... Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Apples~ What am I, chopped liver?! LOL! kidding. Have fun! wanted to post while I saw you still on. Drive safe and enjoy. : )

Aww...I didn't omit you, Laura...look back at my long post.

OMG...just went out and opened my BBQ grill and a mouse jumped out and landed on my belt and fell down on my sandal. Freaked!:o

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Karen~ Uh, duh. I just saw my name. How did I miss that you didn't miss me?! I am having a blond morning.

And Apples did such a good job at saying exactly what I would have said. Since I don't have anything witty or inspirational, I will just say ditto. : )

No plans this weekend. Just have family time, swim, hang out. Everything gets so crowded around here on holidays (since it is a vacation destination), that it's easier and more fun to just stay home. Today I have teacher conferences, tutor, TKD, and going out to dinner with my boys. Today I am doing laundry and organizing. I wish I had a container store near me. When I lived in Miami and Atlanta I love love loved that store!!!! The Container Store - The Original Storage and Organization Store

Happy Thursday guys!!! peasout... Laura

Laura...I have my very own container store....just have to open up my pantry and closets. My storeroom is full of containers and empty containers just waiting for some "stuff" to go in them. I am the "Container Queen". A place for everything and everything in it's place. I get all kinds of catalouges (sp?) with everything a person would need to stay organized. My favorites are the rolling clothes racks in the laundry room. Just fun stuff. Sick, huh?????:o

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Apples - Have a good weekend !!!

Laura & Apples - you guys need to come and get me orignized... I would love it - I am somewhat unorginized - not totally but somewhat..

I don't have any plans either - there was talk about going out Saturday nite - don't know if we will or not..

Just not coming to work will be nice..

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Apples - Have a good weekend !!!

Laura & Apples - you guys need to come and get me orignized... I would love it - I am somewhat unorginized - not totally but somewhat..

I don't have any plans either - there was talk about going out Saturday nite - don't know if we will or not..

Just not coming to work will be nice..

Just relaxing sounds like fun, Janet. Yep, Laura and I will be right out and you after we get done you will feel like your home is right out of a Good Housekeeping magazine. :o

After the mouse incident I came back in the house. After a bit I heard a loud noise. Darned dog knocked over the huge stainless Weber grill. Ashes EVERYWHERE on our new very porous colored concrete. Ashes, grease... Swept up as much as I could and got out the Dawn soap and big bristle shop broom and went to work. What a mess! I rue the day I first said to my dog "Get the mouse". :thumbup:

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Lady, Thanks for the advice on making Definate plans. I will try that and see how it goes.

Apples, No plans this weekend. Not sure if hubby will be working or not. I am trying to get plans together with my Dad but he is dragging his feet.

Yesterday I went to a tattoo parlor with my hubby. He wants to get his arm tattooed. After looking at portfolios and talking to a women my age also named Jessica I decided to get a tattoo. I have wanted to get a butterfly tattoo since I got out of rehab but didn't want to stir up any trouble with the inlaws. Now I have been on this lapband journey and I have been wanting it more. I have changed so much and would like to do something besides eat to mark the occasion. Anyway I came home and sketched out a butterfly and took it to Jessica. She modified it a bit into a tattoo and I am scheduled to have it done next week. My hubby is jealous. He wants one so bad but what he wants will take some time to save up for. Can't show you a pic yet because they keep the art in the studio. Once it's done I can show you. It is beautiful.

I have a appointment with my surgeon tommorrrow. I am still debating if I should get a fill or not. How do you know when you need one? I can not eat eggs for Breakfast anymore. I have been eatting yogurt (slider) or cheese. By dinner though I am wide open again. I do fine all day with my portions and not snacking. Then after dinner I get into a feeding frenzy. A part of me is not wanting the fill because my last one was soo tight at the begining I was pbing every meal. I don't wanna go through that again. I guess I should look at the bigger picture. It's just 2 weeks and in the end it will be to my benefit.

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Jodi - thank you for your suggestions. Have decided that I need a visual to stop the tattors. So.....I'll envision my ex-husband trying to fee them to me to stop me from losing weight. That should work......

Hope Lori is safely in SLC.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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