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Hi gang! I am down one more lb. I was down two until I drank my coffee and a bottle of Water this morning. I have to go on Friday to get a body fat check or whatever they call it. Maybe I will lose that lb again.

Great, I hope all goes well today. Yeah, HOA's are something else. I can't believe they didn't even notify you. Take care!

Apples, reading about your dental work makes my jaws ache. I guess I am having sympathy pains for you. I know you will be pleased. I guess I ought to go get an estimate for my bottom front teeth, but right now I am concerned about my gums. They seem to be receding. What Vitamin do you take to improve the health of gums?

PJ....Missed Ya!.....glad you are back on the LBT bandwagon. Janet keeps us from falling off. lol

Not sure about your vitamin for gum tissue question, Arlene. I have been fighting the receding gum issues lower front since I was about 16-17. Have had them surgically repaired twice and just don't want to go through trying to save them. My dentist said that surgery MIGHT prolong hanging onto them for up to 5 yrs but no guarantee. So...out they go. As long as he promised they will look natural, I had no problem with them gone. If I remember, I will ask him that question on Wed.

Congrats on another lb. down. I bet you are feelings like the "Losing Queen" the last few months. You have the scale going in the right direction!:smile2:

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Congrats Arlene, wtg!! You are doing so great -- very proud of you.

Apples, glad you are getting your teeth done -- like I've said if you can and are willing to sit through all the work, I give you credit. I really wish my smile were whiter, but after smoking over 30 years and drinking coffee, must settle for what I have now that I have so many crowns, can't be whitened without it costing a whole lot of money.

PJ, sorry to hear of your problems. That's very tough -- long marriage -- it's a difficult adjustment. We are here for you and love you so let us know how we can help.

Lori, how's the move going? Thinking of you.



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Congrats Arlene, wtg!! You are doing so great -- very proud of you.

Apples, glad you are getting your teeth done -- like I've said if you can and are willing to sit through all the work, I give you credit. I really wish my smile were whiter, but after smoking over 30 years and drinking coffee, must settle for what I have now that I have so many crowns, can't be whitened without it costing a whole lot of money.

PJ, sorry to hear of your problems. That's very tough -- long marriage -- it's a difficult adjustment. We are here for you and love you so let us know how we can help.

Lori, how's the move going? Thinking of you.



awww...thanks Linda, that is very sweet. I plan on hanging around for a longgggggggggg time...lol

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Hi gang! I am down one more lb. I was down two until I drank my coffee and a bottle of Water this morning. I have to go on Friday to get a body fat check or whatever they call it. Maybe I will lose that lb again.

Great, I hope all goes well today. Yeah, HOA's are something else. I can't believe they didn't even notify you. Take care!

Apples, reading about your dental work makes my jaws ache. I guess I am having sympathy pains for you. I know you will be pleased. I guess I ought to go get an estimate for my bottom front teeth, but right now I am concerned about my gums. They seem to be receding. What Vitamin do you take to improve the health of gums?

PJ....Missed Ya!.....glad you are back on the LBT bandwagon. Janet keeps us from falling off. lol

Thanks Charlene, missed you too, and thanks for the email you sent me on idea for making shakes.< /span>

Yes, Janet is wonderful !! I knew exactly who to talk to...she's great....hugs pj

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Hi PJ - You deserve a medal to tackle weight loss while facing a divorce and all that goes with it. You are one strong lady.

Congrats on 1/2 lb. Way to go..

Joyce from K.C.

Thanks Joyce, since my seperation last July I haven't lost much...about 18 lbs. I will gain, then lose, like a yoyo. I am ready to reach my goal. I have about 24 lbs to lose to reach goal. Would love to reach it by Aug 21st. My niece is getting married and my son in Georgia will be here for the wedding. I wish I could see him now, found out last Saturday that he has Bells Pulsy ( not sure how to spell it ) Does anyone know anything about that? It's hard for him to talk and his eye bothers him. He was in Omaha for 2 weeks at the home office of the company he works for and he had to go home early.

I have another son here and 2 granddaughters that are my life.

I will be fine, so glad I came back here....you are all so sweet and caring.


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PJ...I wondered what had happened to you and what you had come about with you and DH. So sorry for the the troubles you have been going through. I am not sure if I actually welcomed you back...meant to.

I wish you the best as you deal with all that is on your plate at this time.

Thanks...good to be back !!! :smile2:

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Hi guys! I wish I could write to each one of you- but, alas, no time tonight.... so Fly by. Sooooo so busy. I had plumber here all morning with leak under kitchen sink. Then off to the dentist for my little cavity filled. I also decided to do something for my smile and had impressions made for bleaching. : ) Then running around for Nelson's stuff. I didn't make the gym today- there's always tomorrow.

Hugs to you all.

PS. Dad's PET scan is scheduled for June 15. My DH is the best- he said "we need to be up there for that". So off to NC we will go. Nels' kindergarten graduation is the 11th, then the 12 or 13th we will leave. Praying it will come out ok.

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thanks...good to be back !!! :smile2:

welcome back!!

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Thanks Joyce, since my seperation last July I haven't lost much...about 18 lbs. I will gain, then lose, like a yoyo. I am ready to reach my goal. I have about 24 lbs to lose to reach goal. Would love to reach it by Aug 21st. My niece is getting married and my son in Georgia will be here for the wedding. I wish I could see him now, found out last Saturday that he has Bells Pulsy ( not sure how to spell it ) Does anyone know anything about that? It's hard for him to talk and his eye bothers him. He was in Omaha for 2 weeks at the home office of the company he works for and he had to go home early.

I have another son here and 2 granddaughters that are my life.

I will be fine, so glad I came back here....you are all so sweet and caring.


I don't want to alarm you but that was the beginning of my brother-in-law's MS. Those were the warning symptoms. Hope he's in competent hands.


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Yep, apples that is it, Big Stone City. He just loves it there.

Well what a day, if anything else can go worse, well I suppose it could, but we had quite the ride. A major hail storm came through, they had golf ball to baseball size hail here, my car is damaged extensively but driveable. I filed a claim and we can get it fixed in UT. I was not at home, I met a friend for a good bye lunch so had that car with me (the new one thank goodness). Also, the hail pulled down some of our rain spouts and is flooding our backyard and window wells. Our insurance says since the relo company closed with us today it's not their responsibilty. I am so afraid of the litagation on this and who's responsible or the buyer suing for tons of repairs that don't exist,etc. It happened after we talked to the relo company, so need to find out exactly when we closed, they were to wire the money to our account and it's not there yet so maybe it's not recorded and it is our insurance, who knows. Thank goodness on my car I just changed the deductible to only $100!

The movers cars got damaged as well and they got a little behind but plan on being out of here by 530 tomorrow. So we will drive into the night to UT and we got word tonight of our final approval and should close on Friday so that was the bright spot to an otherwise very difficult day.

If you want to see some pics of the hail you can go to www.9news.com they had to use snow plows to clear the roads. Luckily I was in my 4WD coming home as many cars were getting stuck and high centering on it.

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Yep, apples that is it, Big Stone City. He just loves it there.

Well what a day, if anything else can go worse, well I suppose it could, but we had quite the ride. A major hail storm came through, they had golf ball to baseball size hail here, my car is damaged extensively but driveable. I filed a claim and we can get it fixed in UT. I was not at home, I met a friend for a good bye lunch so had that car with me (the new one thank goodness). Also, the hail pulled down some of our rain spouts and is flooding our backyard and window wells. Our insurance says since the relo company closed with us today it's not their responsibilty. I am so afraid of the litagation on this and who's responsible or the buyer suing for tons of repairs that don't exist,etc. It happened after we talked to the relo company, so need to find out exactly when we closed, they were to wire the money to our account and it's not there yet so maybe it's not recorded and it is our insurance, who knows. Thank goodness on my car I just changed the deductible to only $100!

The movers cars got damaged as well and they got a little behind but plan on being out of here by 530 tomorrow. So we will drive into the night to UT and we got word tonight of our final approval and should close on Friday so that was the bright spot to an otherwise very difficult day.

If you want to see some pics of the hail you can go to www.9news.com they had to use snow plows to clear the roads. Luckily I was in my 4WD coming home as many cars were getting stuck and high centering on it.

Saw the pics earlier. Unbelievable. Get a house inspector to come and record (video and photos?) and assess all damage. Get it notarized. Have buyer sign off on it at closing? Real estate people should be able to give you more ideas, I'm just riffing off the top of my head. What a day!


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Good Evening Gang...

PJ You made me smile (and it's been a hell of a day)- you are just so sweet - Yes you will get threw this !!!

Bells Palsy's is a virus(I think)- my bro had it - it affected his face - and I had a gf who's dh had it too - both it just disappeared after a while - here's a link that will explain it

Bell's palsy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He should be ok - it normally just runs it course - Prayer and Hugs - cuz I know you will worry - but try not to -

BTW - I saw your post on fb last night who won biggest loser since you get to watch before me ;0) - Michael - looked totally diff - I haven't watched much since Idol started as I record both Idol & Dancing with the Stars - and it conflicts with them - but last night did get to watch some of it and the end.. What surpirse me was that one older lady had great arms - but even at her heavist her arms weren't that big and then I think her daughter was up there in the pink/red dress and her arms were worse than mine..

Glad they are giving Shana more incentive to lose more weight - omg she is such a beautiful girl - now - her face has really changed - well I guess for most of us that's true..

Charlene WTG each of those lbs are adding up - You rock..

Lori - Hope you get all moved in w/no problems..

Linda - How are you doing???

Eva - I hear you about work - cuz I questioned my boss today why he would do something - he tired to get me in trouble w/the other owners - well imho putting someone in with a captive (not real insurance - sorta like a pool and they can run out of $$ if their are big losses and then their is no one to fall back on ) instead of keeping them with a real insurance carrier who has reinsurance (insurance on insurance) - Do you hear me - The are so freaking stupid..

Well it's their business to run into the ground - so fine - run it into the ground..

Apples - glad DS is taking time to make this decision - Hugs on the teeth - Can't wait to see your new smile..

Laura - I have those bleach trays - the top doesn't fit now I got my gap filled - but be careful that bleach can burn your gums - it did mine the 1st time I did it - but I never did it for the 2 weeks straight in the beginning - it helps but like I said not that much for me since - I didn't use it propertly..

Your DH is a DOLL... Wish he had a bro - I might reconsider having a man in my life ;0)

Hugs on Dad - he's in my prayers..

Candice/Peaches - I doubt that I stay at 136 - but flucating between that and 139 is just fine with me - and yes I am deterimined - as you know Karri my lbt dd was my competition (freindly and with love) and gotta tell you when I put on clothes now a days - I look normal... I love looking at that reflection in the mirror and each day it's that much more reinforcement not to go back..

Well today's been a day - 1st get letter from county - open sewage at tenant's house - fix or fine - then accountant calls and says he thinks charities are going to want to sell the 1/6 of the ranches that belonged to bro. Rough (very rough) estimate that I came up with would be about $500k - I can't buy them out - that would wipe out my retirement $$$ and I sure don't want to work til i die...

So talked to partner - he said we will figure something out - he may be able to buy the chartieis out - he has that kind of $$$ he owns 2 business. and we are going to meet out at the ranch house - we may just evict and raise the house - it was built in the 40's and would take mucho bucks to bring up to code..

so between the above and my boss being a butt head - it's been a day - I did get someone out to pump the leech pit/septic - but it still has to be disinfected and covered..

Well tomorrow is another day -

food good - bf - what did I eat - some cherries - lunch cobb salad - dinner will be something w/ground turkey cuz that's what I took out - don't know what

Got most of bills in spread sheet - now just have to wait till pay day to pay..

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Arlene - congrats on another lb. You are doing so well.

Lori - can't believe the hail. Cheri - what a perfect idea taking pictures and video and having buyers sign off. Great idea.

Janet - ranch problems are a hassle. Wonderful to have a partner with the funds to allow options.

Top down on convertible when I went in for pedicure today - deep inside building in spa. Front desk clerk came running asking whose convertible. The beautiful blue sky opened up and rain was pouring. Oh well... it will dry out. No harm, no foul.

A much easier problem to face than you and Eva with the monster bosses....grrrr


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Good Evening Gang...

PJ You made me smile (and it's been a hell of a day)- you are just so sweet - Yes you will get threw this !!!

Bells Palsy's is a virus(I think)- my bro had it - it affected his face - and I had a gf who's dh had it too - both it just disappeared after a while - here's a link that will explain it

Bell's palsy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He should be ok - it normally just runs it course - Prayer and Hugs - cuz I know you will worry - but try not to -

BTW - I saw your post on fb last night who won biggest loser since you get to watch before me ;0) - Michael - looked totally diff - I haven't watched much since Idol started as I record both Idol & Dancing with the Stars - and it conflicts with them - but last night did get to watch some of it and the end.. What surpirse me was that one older lady had great arms - but even at her heavist her arms weren't that big and then I think her daughter was up there in the pink/red dress and her arms were worse than mine..

Glad they are giving Shana more incentive to lose more weight - omg she is such a beautiful girl - now - her face has really changed - well I guess for most of us that's true..

Charlene WTG each of those lbs are adding up - You rock..

Lori - Hope you get all moved in w/no problems..

Linda - How are you doing???

Eva - I hear you about work - cuz I questioned my boss today why he would do something - he tired to get me in trouble w/the other owners - well imho putting someone in with a captive (not real insurance - sorta like a pool and they can run out of $$ if their are big losses and then their is no one to fall back on ) instead of keeping them with a real insurance carrier who has reinsurance (insurance on insurance) - Do you hear me - The are so freaking stupid..

Well it's their business to run into the ground - so fine - run it into the ground..

Apples - glad DS is taking time to make this decision - Hugs on the teeth - Can't wait to see your new smile..

Laura - I have those bleach trays - the top doesn't fit now I got my gap filled - but be careful that bleach can burn your gums - it did mine the 1st time I did it - but I never did it for the 2 weeks straight in the beginning - it helps but like I said not that much for me since - I didn't use it propertly..

Your DH is a DOLL... Wish he had a bro - I might reconsider having a man in my life ;0)

Hugs on Dad - he's in my prayers..

Candice/Peaches - I doubt that I stay at 136 - but flucating between that and 139 is just fine with me - and yes I am deterimined - as you know Karri my lbt dd was my competition (freindly and with love) and gotta tell you when I put on clothes now a days - I look normal... I love looking at that reflection in the mirror and each day it's that much more reinforcement not to go back..

Well today's been a day - 1st get letter from county - open sewage at tenant's house - fix or fine - then accountant calls and says he thinks charities are going to want to sell the 1/6 of the ranches that belonged to bro. Rough (very rough) estimate that I came up with would be about $500k - I can't buy them out - that would wipe out my retirement $$$ and I sure don't want to work til i die...

So talked to partner - he said we will figure something out - he may be able to buy the chartieis out - he has that kind of $$$ he owns 2 business. and we are going to meet out at the ranch house - we may just evict and raise the house - it was built in the 40's and would take mucho bucks to bring up to code..

so between the above and my boss being a butt head - it's been a day - I did get someone out to pump the leech pit/septic - but it still has to be disinfected and covered..

Well tomorrow is another day -

food good - bf - what did I eat - some cherries - lunch cobb salad - dinner will be something w/ground turkey cuz that's what I took out - don't know what

Got most of bills in spread sheet - now just have to wait till pay day to pay..

yes.....i think micheal looked great last night, very very handsome. i was also happy to see that Daris now has a girlfriend and finally had his first kiss. he is cute too.

I know the older lady you are talking about, the blonde. i noticed her arms too, they looked great !

didn't care for american idol this year, i was a little disappointed. didn't matter to me who won.

now bachlorette has started up, hells kitchen starts next week, and jill's new show ( can't remember the name of it }

i am a reality show addict....lol

today at work we celebrated memorial day with a pot luck lunch. :o i didn't do just great !! but...my tuna salad is made and calories counted for tomorrow.

have a good day tomorrow everyone!!

Lori...so sorry about your bad news.

Nite all.....Pj

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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