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Melissa - I validate your stress and agree with Cheri & Janet - call in sick (a mental health day) and see your doctor too.

Life can get in the way of weight loss. Sometimes just holding on is the best we can do. Sending hugs.

Daily calories: 953 carbs: 52 protein: 119

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Just a flyby. Hope everyone had a good weekend! I have DH and Nelson home today- tough to get any of my "normal" stuff done. Nels has 6 yr old physical today. He's freaking out b/c I told him he needed some vaccines. (we never did the optional Hepatitis A, but we need to b/c we travel a lot out of the country. he also never got the 2nd flu one- not sure if he will still give it) I don't surprise him anymore and always discuss things before they happen.

WTG Jewel! 50 lbs is awesome!!!! You've done a lot of hard work to get there! (and school and a family too- lots to be proud of.)

Will CBL peeps. peasout..Laura

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Good afternoon all, Just wanted to let yall know I finally hit the 50 pound mark. I have lost a whole 50 pounds. I am so excited. 11 more pounds and I will be in onderland. My goal is to lose 10 in the next 6 weeks. I want to be down 50% of the excess weight by my 6 month mark which is july 4th. What an independance day. Freeing myself from myself. I will be getting a smartphone for my hitting 50 down and because my birthday is not to far away. I can't believe I am here. I haven't been 210 in 6 years. I am about to pass my husband he weighs 209. It feels so good because I know I worked for it and earned it. My life is changing so fast my mind can't keep up. Just 3 years ago I couldn't get out of bed and get dressed. I had to put my son in childcare because I couldn't care for him. I was a zombie. I was hiding food around the house saving it from my family. Binging. I'm not living in disappointment anymore. I feel accomplished and happy. I don't think I could ever thank you gals enough for your guidance and love. Without you I would be lost on this LAP-BAND® weightloss journey. We all know it's about more than weightloss. My attitude and emotions have changed. Anyway I am just gushing cause I am so excited. Talk to yall later.

Congrats Jewel on your 50 GONE FOREVER!!! Yeah-haw:lol: Passisng your Husband on the scale is ANOTHER Great victory to Celebrate too... I went absolutely NUTS when I found I weighed less than my DH... so there you now have pêrmission to Celebrate TWICE:thumbup:

Enjoy your FREEDOM from Self... cool way to put it

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Melissa: I agree with the other ladies, take a day to de=stress... Read some OA lit. go to another meeting, read the BEck BOOK... do whatever it takes...

Put YOURSELF and YOUR health in a No.1 position.

If you have a problem at work and eat over it, you`ll only have 2 problems instead of ONE...

Remember the slogans of OA...

think, Think, THINK

One Day at a time

Easy Does It

H.A.L.T. ( Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired?) I ask myself this when I am tempted to eat something not on plan..

Go into the Bathroom and say the Serenity Prayer:

`` God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,

and the Wisdom to know the difference. THY will be done``

What IS your food plan? How do YOU define it? Is it something that you can LIVE with Just for Today??

Abstinence (sobriety) can start right now, this second, this minute, this MEAL...

Really, the hardest part for me getting started is JUST MAKING THE DECISION.... the rest falls into place.

HUGS, Sweetie:wub:

remember that all of the above suggestions all reduce STRESS

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Hi everyone!

I'm finally back but haven't read all the posts. I'll catch up over time.

We got home yesterday, but didn't even turn on the computer. I had 3 hours of sleep the night before and just wasn't functioning so well.

I took today off and am catching up on stuff like watering and scooping poop (dog & tortoise). I also have to send my renters a certified notice to vacate. They are three months behind in their rent. I feel sorry for their new landlords. I'm sure they won't be asking for a reference.

Just wanted to stop by and say HI...I'll read and post more later.

Take care everyone.


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Wow thanks everyone. When I first checked in it looked the we were having a party in here. All the emoticons. I really appreciate it.

My son spilt milk in my car so I spent the morning cleaning it out. Then did my upperbody workout and am finally eatting lunch, shrimp, which seems to be going down fine.

I used to be really intimidated by my surgeon. Scared to go see him if I didn't lose weight. He is very blunt about my progress and it made me nervous everytime I went in. I have learned to roll with it. My weightloss dosen't decide if I am a good person or not. Everyone has their struggles just don't give up. You will get the hang of it if you keep trying. Our life doesn't change in 45 min on the operating table. It changes through hard work over time. Sometimes I think my doc forgets that during surgery he forgot to remove my carb craver.

I have a surgeon appt on friday and am debating if I need a fill. I struggle to get an egg down for Breakfast but by evening I am wide open. I am so hungry and everything goes down. Maybe just a tiny bit of a fill. My doc doesn't want me eatting carbs that is why I am eatting eggs. I am thinking maybe eggs just aren't friendly to MY band. I'll try to find something else for breakfast and try to determin if I really am tight or if it is just the eggs.

Welcome back Eve.

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Jewel......Congrats! on your 50lbs!

Eva.......Welcome Home! Missed Ya!

Laura......I hope Nels does okay at his check-up. I always dreaded taking my kids for their shots.

Melissa.....we are here for you!

Joyce.....awesome on your calories, carbs, and protein!

Peaches....I love the Beck book, but I haven't finished it. I think what I am learning in class every week includes some of the Beck tools. Have you read Change Your Mind Change Your Body....by Daniel Amen? I saw him on tv last week. He was very interesting. I think I may buy his book.

Apples......where are you today? Miss Ya!

Great.......you must be getting ready for the move......take care!

Janet.....see ya on the farm....lol.

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Whew...didn't think I would ever get on here today to post. Missed you guys and back to the daily grind.

Wonderful weekend. Went up early on Thursday and planted flowers. Got a wild hair and went and purchased 7 more huge planters. So much more room now that I needed them. (Think it was one of those wants). Everything looks great and the plants healthy. DH and I did a lot more grunt work yesterday. Should have only one more weekend of work and then everything should be completed and we can sit in our new patio furniture with our feet up.

DH stayed with me till this morning. He did not make it up till Sat night... got all the soybeans in and is officially done with spring planting. Woohoo! Picked up our 1/2 beef on the way home and got it all organized in the freezer. A lot of lifting and hope it does not make my band tight. (Usually does with lifting). No one was here as promised so tried to break it down in smaller totes to get to freezer.

You girls were super busy and going to see if I can somewhat catch up with you all.

Janet...I ditto Laura's comment about you being our Simon Cowell...so funny. You just keep cracking that whip and on the days you are in you funks, we'll just call you Simon Scowl. Another thing I will ditto that Laura said...you are our inspiration and have been to many in the past and will be in the future.

Good going on getting to 136? You weren't really trying to though, right? Yep, think you should get a 2-peice. I would do it but I have way too many battle scars (surgery scars). I have halter tankinies...I can tie that sucker tight around my neck to hold the boobies up and I just lift it up when laying in the sun to get my belly tanned. I am lucky that it only takes about 30 minutes a week in the sun for me to have a nice tan. Have never been much of spending a lot of time laying in the sun even though I love to have a tan. One of the reasons I wanted to buy a tanning bed but decided to not.

Judy...share, share, share. What works for one might help another. That's why all of us are hanging around here. I have learned something from each of you. Way to go on staying on plan. I like your method of one day at a time. Not so self-defeating if there is a slip-up. Wishing you the best and hope you keep on posting and letting us know how things are going.

Joyce...I'm a little late with this and I know the others have shared their advice on carbs/cals/protein, etc., but wanted to also jump in. I think the thing that helped me succeed the most was my LB doc being adament about cutting ALL white carbs. None, zip, nadda. I am like Janet...never counted pure fruit and veggie carbs. I would if I would eat a bit of a yam, oatmeal, high Fiber Cereal, etc. I just totally cleared my plate of any white carbs. I consumed, and still do, 100 grams or more of Protein a day. But, I also am of the belief that we only process 20-25 grams per meal. When I was in the weightloss stage, I added carbs (fruit, veggies, cereal) only after eating protein...it did the job. Also, another one of Janet's piece of advice...varying your daily calories. Maybe 900 one day and 1200 others. Tricks the body into not plateauing. Daily diligence is the trick....to be your own food police officer.

Looking forward to your Onederland post. Hope your journaling, cutting the mashed tators, etc. will help to kick your stall in the butt!

Hi Arlene....way to go again on the 3lbs. And, answered your question above...only flower gardening at the lake. They were so cute looking up at me this morning when I was giving them their momma time b/4 I had to leave. Just hope they look as cute when I get back there! LOL

Great...you gotta just get those Vitamins in daily. Get out in the sun some and take your prescription for now to get things back to where they should be. I attribute a lot of my energy to NEVER...not one day since b/4 LB surgery...missing my daily vitamins. Not a brag...just sound advice. Try to make it your morning routine. Pee, scale, make coffee, kiss DH and then swallow your vits!

Good luck on the move. Hope you can stay in contact during these next two weeks. Hugs on having to say goodbye. I cry like a baby with goodbyes. I usually wait till I'm on my own but I get so chocked up.

You are welcome on the bras. The brand you ask about are from Woman Within. I ordered six of them and never wore them. Ordered them ahead of time and shrunk b/4 I was able to wear them. Check in when you can. Wishing you much happiness in your new home. Time for you and DH and a new life. You are lucky you have the perks you do and can see your family often. Looking forward to hearing the scoop on everything.

Julie......so, so, so happy to hear you are feeling better. You deserve a break, girl. Sounds like your remodeling project is coming along. You have gotten some good advice on some things you might want to ask your doc. Cheri has been the Info-Queen. Putting a name to what is ailing you could only be a plus. Take care and I think of you often.

Hi Eva...Now...what's more important? Catching up on our posts or scooping poop and evicting the renters?????LOL. Hope you had a great vacation. Share when you can. Missed you. I will say it again...missed you.

Phyll...you are just going great guns on the exercise. You inspire us! Congrats on getting to the gym and getting in what you do. Get a bill yet????????

LauraK...Woohoo on the date being a good one. I only have one request...I am just taking it for granted that we will all be bridesmaids if/when the time comes. I don't do puffy lavender cinched waisted dresses with butt bows. Just something to keep in mind.

I understand what you mean when you say having DD at home can throw you off your plan. A lot easier cooking just for yourself when you are a banster.

And, good going on the 5 day a week exercise plan.

Jessica...we all "take" from this site, but, we all give and you have given a lot. Just being able to follow you from day 1 until now has been such an amazing transformation. You have taken lemons and made lemonade.

I love, love, love your attitude. You were injured but you turned it into just trying a little hard. As the others have said...YOU ROCK, GIRL. I just love ya! And, isn't it nice that you just have limited time with MIL now? You can tune most of the negatives out. Way to go.

Peaches...happy you are here and sharing. Love seeing when ppl post their daily intake. Shows they are really working it. Hope you stick around for a good long time.

Cheri...as I stated above...great info. Sorry to hear that DH cut (literally) your post short. Don't you just hate when you post and post and then just gone?

Laura...Way to go on wearing the 2-piece and the tanned tummy. Sorry about PMS/chocolate issues. I think that was about the only time I craved it...PMS times. Those Rolos and M&M's had their own drawer at my work. Of course, chasing them down with a large DQ Moolatte didn't help!

Melissa...let us know how you do at the doc's appt. Good going on taking the steps to go to OA. There's going to be something that clicks for you to get you back on track. Have you ever thought of also doing a scheduled weekly check-in with your doc and weighing in??????

OK...I know I have left somebody out..so sorry...not intentional. Gotta get to work. Later.

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Thanks Apples

I went on Dannons website and they say they offer carb and sugar control yogurts. I put in my zip code and the type of yogurt I wanted and the thing directed me to Publix. I got there and there was no sugar and carb control. I know winn dixie and Walmart don't carry it. I'll have to try another store. For now I got some yogurt with 10 carbs. Thats 1/3 of my daily allowance but it is better than pbing on eggs. Also got some soy crisp. They are ok, not exactly like chips. More like rice cakes. Publix offers alot more variety than the store I usually go too. I will probably drive the extra 5 min to shop there.

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Thanks Apples

I went on Dannons website and they say they offer carb and sugar control yogurts. I put in my zip code and the type of yogurt I wanted and the thing directed me to Publix. I got there and there was no sugar and carb control. I know winn dixie and Walmart don't carry it. I'll have to try another store. For now I got some yogurt with 10 carbs. Thats 1/3 of my daily allowance but it is better than pbing on eggs. Also got some soy crisp. They are ok, not exactly like chips. More like rice cakes. Publix offers alot more variety than the store I usually go too. I will probably drive the extra 5 min to shop there.

Jessica...do you care for Greek yogurt? There are so many ways to doctor up the plain. Also, Yopliat has a Greek yogurt now in diff flavors. Not sure of the carbs in those though. And, if you are craving ice cream type treats, how about just making a very thick small protien drink made with fruit and vanilla powder? ???? I freeze fruit and use that instead of ice. Easy to make and a nice/cool treat.

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NSV ALERT!!!!!!!!

95.5 degrees at 5pm (was warmer earlier) and extremely humid here today. Worked out in the yard for a couple of hours this afternoon. It didn't wear me down and I'm not even sure if I broke a sweat. 2 yrs ago it would have killed me.

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NSV ALERT!!!!!!!!

95.5 degrees at 5pm (was warmer earlier) and extremely humid here today. Worked out in the yard for a couple of hours this afternoon. It didn't wear me down and I'm not even sure if I broke a sweat. 2 yrs ago it would have killed me.

How do you like Texas weather? lol It's the humidity down here on the Gulf Coast that makes it so hot.

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95 DEGREES!!!!!! How does that work?? We're cold here..... rain this morning and storm warnings for now throught tomorrow..... Apples, glad you are so happy with all you have done at your lake home.... I can hear you smile when you speak of it.... Our drywaller finished this after noon so DH can start painting again tomorrow if he can't go to work.... Once the painting is done, then that just leaves the floor... He finished the outside work yesterday, so we are going along well conseidering the long wait we had for the dang door... We are leaving Friday to go to Ohio to put new shingles on DS's roof.... A working vacation for DH I'm afraid... I might actually do some shopping since I can't help much.... Looking forward to seeing our grandsons.... and they'll have a day off for Memorial day so we can do something fun.....

Jessica, I, too, am very proud of you...... But I'm not surprised... I knew you could do this....

Melissa, ditto what everyone else has said.... take a break and re-group...

Cheri, I googled the Myofascial Pain Syndrome and it does sound a great deal like me... Will ask my Doc next chance I get... Thanks for the tips....

My mind is drawing a big blank right now... I hate that.... I know Eva just got home and is picking up poop.... glad it's you and not me anymore.... No more dogs for us.... Litter boxes are bad enough..... Janet is considering a 2 piece..... you go girl...

FRiends just came..........gotta go......... Love and hugs to all.... Julie

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Apples - Welcome back.. Nope I am not trying ;0) - I have been flucating between 136.5 - 139 for a while - I hit 136.5 every now and then - I just love that number - so that's why I post it - I don't always - but somedays it looks good and feels good to say it

I would love 135 - but I like to eat to much to worry about 1.5 lbs - no biggie to me - anything thing below 140 is fine with me...

Sobe Water has electorlyes water :0) - took me from 7:30 to 3:15 to drink it - not that it was bad - I added some vit crystal like stuff to it - it was too weak that made it too stong - but finally got it down - now 2 more bottles to go..

Jessica - Since I don't count carbs - Im no help.,.

Melissa - how did the doctor go

I dislike Mondays - it takes me all day just to get back into the groove of work..

well have gym after work - arms - cbl

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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