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Oh, no I go to the buffet once a week! LOL But this Tues. is my last time. I take Grandma to Golden Corral every week. Funny how we started going there, I think the place makes lots of money on us. See when I take Grandma to lunch she will only order Soup or the cheapest thing on the menu because if I am paying she feels she is doing me a favor and if she is paying, well how shall I say, she is very frugal. LOL But I discovered if I took her to the buffet, then she feels she has to eat because we paid for it. I, and the rest of the family, were starting to get very concerned with how she eats 'to save money'. So at least once a week I was taking her to the buffet and she ate a variety of foods. HOwever she still eats like a bird, and then there's my lapband patient portion sizes. It's actually kindda funny, we are probably the only 2 people in there who don't go back for 2nds and don't even fill our 1st plate up.

Well today is a get the house ready to move day. DH is getting stuff out of the crawl space and off walls that the packers don't do. I am cleaning a little but will save most for that as the packers empty rooms on Wed. DH is also taking a load of stuff to the dump. I am trying to hold it all together. This afternoon is a hair appt and tonight a graduation party.

Joyce, I, also, eat very few carbs. Rarely do I have potatoes or never any other white starches. I kept my Protein about 70 gms and calories varied from 700 to 1200. Hope that helps and 1/2 cup portions, though I can eat up to a cup.

Apples, miss you when you are at the lake, hopefully you are reading this and I wanted to thank you again for the bras. Every day I try a new one. I love the Mystere ones and also the "Leading Lady" who makes that one??

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Lori - thank you for the info and portion size and NO WHITE starches. With these extra hints, I feel confident of reaching goal. 37 lbs. left to lose. That would put me at a weight I haven't seen in 30 years.

Hard to imagine.

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Good morning all,

On another note, I have been researching something called Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It seems that things like injuries, surgeries, arthritis, temporary stress and long term stress, depression, poor posture, and a variety of causes can lead to trps? which are muscle knots in various parts of the body that cause localized and referred pain. It is usually present with fibromyalgia but is not the same as fibromyalgia and occurs without it, and can cause such constant, severe, debilitating pain, that patients go from pillar to post seeking relief and diagnosis and not finding it. Many doctors are not aware of it and don't know how to treat it. I'm pretty sure that I deal with that in my neck and shoulders. It became very acute after the fall I had in the gym. Does it remind you of anyone else?


Everything you have described totally reminds me of my daughter who is now spending about 75% of life in bed because of severe pain throughout her shoulders, neck, and down her back. She was diagnosed years ago with fibromyalgia which the doctors thought were caused from a fall on her tail bone. But the pain became even more severe five years ago when she was rear ended and had severe whip lash. So I want to thank you so very much for taking time to research this information. I am passing it along to her. She also suffers from ADHD and what that brings to the table. Once again thank yu.

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Everything you have described totally reminds me of my daughter who is now spending about 75% of life in bed because of severe pain throughout her shoulders, neck, and down her back. She was diagnosed years ago with fibromyalgia which the doctors thought were caused from a fall on her tail bone. But the pain became even more severe five years ago when she was rear ended and had severe whip lash. So I want to thank you so very much for taking time to research this information. I am passing it along to her. She also suffers from ADHD and what that brings to the table. Once again thank yu.

This was very interesting info! As a retired nurse, it is quite amazing all the "new" stuff I learn here just from reading all your posts! Wow! It's been a long time since nursing school!! Didn't hear of things like "fibromyalgia" in those days! I guess I'm OLD and uninformed!! LOL

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The lunch date went well. Just talked and had lunch. I ordered a shrimp salad & ate about 1/4 to 1/2 and brought the rest home. Was I supposed to do that on a date? lol I did not tell him about LB, I guess I wasn't ready to. I stated emailing with him about a month ago, this was the first meeting. I received an email from him already, he said he would like to go again. We will see how things go. I did have a good time, he's nice.

We have the same birth date, how wierd is that.

Laura K

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Joyce, just jump on the bandwagon to lose--there's room for all of us.

I am feeling a bit more hungry today. I am trying to drink Water when I "shouldn't" be hungry. I try to have 4 small eating episodes a day. Examples are: cottage cheese or small omelette or 3-4 oz steak, canned chicken or tuna, Protein Bar or drink, 3-4 oz fish. In between, coffee, water and Crystal Lite--Walmart has their own brand and the Grape and the Apple flavors are delicious!

Some of the ladies here have been very successful with moderation. If they have the strength to have one, bless them! I am not a sweetaholic, so if I have a piece of cake (at my nephew's wedding this summer), I won't go ballistic. Ice cream doesn't set me off either. But as an addict, there ARE some things that I cannot eat because I cannot and do not stop. So I declare abstinence and call on my Higher Power (which I call God) to guide me and show me what is right for me (his will). I give up trying to do it myself.

I am not trying to push OA on anyone! I hope this comes across as sharing. It is NOT Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or any other weight loss program. It is for the compulsive overeater.

One lady shared a story. I want to respect her privacy, so no names, but I think she'd allow this. One time when she was dieting, the other lunchtime ladies at work knew about it. Well, one day, she wanted something from the vending machine. Most people would just go get it. But as a person with a disease, she got it, went to the ladies room and stood on the toilet so her feet wouldn't show and ate the snack. That is not what normal people do. I have my own "crazy woman" story and maybe some of you do too. OA is a fellowship for those of us that know shame and anger and fear and disappointment and all those emotions that WE wrap up in food. My sister weighs maybe 100 and she is a basketcase when it comes to food and eating. It's not the weight; it's our relationship to food. Unfortunately, my relationship is one that manifests in lbs and more lbs.

But today I ate right and have peace about it. And as I said before, THAT is what I am craving.

Hope everyone has a good weekend planned!


That is so true, Peace is what I am truly craving.

The book I am reading is all about that. Women Food and God. She tells this neat story, A lady was meeting with her psych and the psych says imagine you are surrounded by 1,000 tigers. What would you do? The lady says I have no idea. Then the psych tells her to stop imagining she is surrounded by 1,000 tigers.

I can totally relate to this because I think about things that happened when I was young and it wears me down. I get frozen sometimes, scared to take the next step. The things I am thinking are only in my head and don't exsist anymore. I have to learn not to replay them in my head. Don't know if that applies to you but I belive I will find peace if I could stop the thoughts that tear me down. Things like I am bad because I made the wrong food choice or gained a pound. I deserve to be fat.

I used to tell people my weight is my scarlet letter. A sign that I had commited a terrible sin. I felt like I had and that's why I was fat. I really haven't done anything worse than the thin people of the world. I didn't earn my weight. So I need to quit punishing myself for it. Quit fighting with myself. Thats my peace. I know this might not apply to you but maybe to someone here. There is alot in that book that I belive we all could pull something from it.

Graduation parties are calling to all of us. For us its a Grandson who plans to go to KU next year. Tomorrow afternoon.

Well, ladies, time for me to recommit too. Judy, I'm with you. Have held my loss in a stall @ 23 lbs. since March 25th (approx.). Time to shake things up.

Visited with a fellow bander at lunch, then stopped by the health food store to review my eating.

This is my pledge to myself:

1. Start journaling food again broken down Protein, carbs, calories.

2. Drink more water & record amounts

3. Severely reduce daily mashed potatoes for lunch - to once on weekends.

4. Substitute water for 1/2 of skim milk in shakes for Breakfast to cut carbs.

5. Increase exercise & record.

I'm so close to onderland - now @ 201. Want to see those numbers change and loss continue toward goal.

Judy & all my friends - I'm with you.

Jessica - you have inspired by not allowing injury to stall your losses.

This group rocks.


Thank you so much Joyce, So many times I feel like I take and take from this board. It's nice to know I contributed in some way. Good luck to you. Can't wait to hear when you make it to onederland. I need to start kepping records too. Think I'll get out one of my spiral notebooks and do that.

Today was Jacob's last teeball game. I am gonna miss watching him play. It was so much fun to watch.

My MIL found out about my injury vis FB and called me to see how I was. I told her I couldn't do much exercise for 6 weeks. Her comment was "Thats a good thing" and I just thought how far I have come that I don't feel that way anymore. I explained to her that I had worked hard to develop a habit and I want to keep it. Exercise is good for me and I am proud of myself with every workout I complete. She was a bit surprised.

Also, after teeball today the team had pizza. I overheard a mother saying she wanted more because she would be starting her diet on monday and she wanted to eat plenty today. I use to do that too but I am different now. I try to make each meal good for me and if I fail I go on to the next meal. There are no days off and days on, there is a healthy LIFEstyle. Even if the weight doesn't come off I know I am doing something good for me. I am doing better everyday.

I also decided while I am out of cardio I would use this time to refocus on other things in my journey. I will focus on habits that I need like take my Vitamins and getting enough water. I am gonna join along with Joyce and keep a tally. I think it would be great to compare one day to the next. I can watch myself progress with actual numbers besides the scale. That scale is a fickle thing so another goal of mine is to only weigh on Sundays. Baby steps will get me there.

Think I have blabbed on enough. Hope you guys get some good rest tonite.

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The lunch date went well. Just talked and had lunch. I ordered a shrimp salad & ate about 1/4 to 1/2 and brought the rest home. Was I supposed to do that on a date? lol I did not tell him about LB, I guess I wasn't ready to. I stated emailing with him about a month ago, this was the first meeting. I received an email from him already, he said he would like to go again. We will see how things go. I did have a good time, he's nice.

We have the same birth date, how wierd is that.

Laura K

I was typing when you posted. Just wanted to say I am happy your date went well. I probably wouldn't mention the band either until you are further along in the relationship. Did he make any comments about how little you ate?

When I eat out with someone either they or the waiter comment on it. Don't really know what to say yet in that situation. One person told me that they tell the waiter they ate before they came.

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Jewel, you are never babling... I love reading your posts. In fact, I love reading everyones posts on here... such a great group. Thanks again for welcoming me!!

Todays food:


I have a snack left for 150 cals...:thumbup:

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Jessica, No one said anything about what I ate. I told him befoe that I would probably not be hungry. Besides he didn't know that person before only the now.

I also love reading your posts you are so uplifting. I am glad you are taking control now because it gets harder as the years go by.

I know since my DD has been home I am not eating the right way. I've got to control it better. I find myself reaching for not good foods and it is my fault for buying them. It was a lot easier when it was just me eating meals. I'd say the thing that is saving me is the exercise I have been doing 5 days a week.

Laura K

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Good morning all,

Just wanted to make clear that I love the principles of OA and please keep posting. I still have my OA Odat. It's just the meetings around here that I don't like.

I also believe that making food plans and journaling food are very helpful for many people. Unfortunately, because of my ADHD, they are impossible for me to do, and trigger very strong emotional reactions in me because I've been shamed so much (by myself as much as anyone else) for not being able to do things like that. I can't keep a calendar or an organizer together. I forget to enter things, I lose them, I forget to check them, I check them or forget what's on them, etc. I took Steven Covey's Seven Habits of Effective People seminar and read his book 2 times. I had his planner, kept it filled for about 2 or 3 months, then less and less and eventually lost it.

Guess what? I'm still a highly effective person because I stopped trying to do what I've never been good at and hired people or married someone who does that for me. That leaves me free to do what I am really good at.

What bothers me about the OA's around here is the shaming that goes on, intentional or not, when people don't work the program according to the rigid requirements the "leaders" have come up with. OA is not supposed to have leaders, just like AA and Alanon have no leaders, but I don't think OA ever emphasized the 12 traditions like AA and Alanon do.

Oh well, such is life. I have found this thread, however, and the non-judgemental people on it. I will continue to be open about my inability to follow food plans or journal about them because I know there are others like me who have felt the same shame. And shame leads back into the food. And I don't want to go there anymore.

On another note, I have been researching something called Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It seems that things like injuries, surgeries, arthritis, temporary stress and long term stress, depression, poor posture, and a variety of causes can lead to trps? which are muscle knots in various parts of the body that cause localized and referred pain. It is usually present with fibromyalgia but is not the same as fibromyalgia and occurs without it, and can cause such constant, severe, debilitating pain, that patients go from pillar to post seeking relief and diagnosis and not finding it. Many doctors are not aware of it and don't know how to treat it. I'm pretty sure that I deal with that in my neck and shoulders. It became very acute after the fall I had in the gym. Does it remind you of anyone else?


Cheri - You are a wealth of info !!! Julie is the person who comes to mind :0) - Julie ask your doc about this.. Thanks

Cheri - you know what - we all do it a little diff - but that doesn't matter what matters is that we get to the end of the road - not how we got there !!!

Cheri - you inspire me to get to know myself better. Your description of your strengths and weakness (journaling, calender issues) and the solutions - marrying or hiring others to handle for you. Excellent.

Janet - thank you for your response to amounts of calories and Protein. The journal I'm using was produced by Allegren and suggests 75 grams of protein per day. The nutritionist for my surgeon suggested more - up to 120 grams. I'll observe what works for me as I journal.

The health food store owner (who works with LAP-BAND® and bypass patients) felt my carbs were too high and that might be my stall issue. He suggested Water, rather than milk in my morning shake. I'm trying 1 c skim milk & water.

Breakfast shake: Prot: 41 Carbs - 26 Cal - 342 (I add I ta of peanut butter)

scale was 200 today - come on 199. Haven't seen that number in about 10 years.

Joyce - IMHO 341 cal for bf is a lot.. But that's me - I ate and still do lite for bf & lunch - save my calories for nights. See I really have learned how to control my nite eating - my band stops some of it - but my head hunger really hits me at night.. If you don't have this problem and can stick w/3 meals and 2 Snacks at that average (1223 for the day 341 x 3 - 2 x 100) I have read that the body can't process more than 29-30 grms of pt at one time either - don't know if this is a true fact but have read it in diff places..

Can't wait for you to hit Onederland !!!

My doc say 60 - some say 75 - it all depends - as we all know they (docs) are all diff in their meal plans..

My doc had a binder for me w/food ideas - had homework had to plan a meal and count pt grms.

I think the key is balanced meals - with limited carbs - but again that's what has worked for me - 136.5 this a.m.

Oh, no I go to the buffet once a week! LOL But this Tues. is my last time. I take Grandma to Golden Corral every week. Funny how we started going there, I think the place makes lots of money on us. See when I take Grandma to lunch she will only order Soup or the cheapest thing on the menu because if I am paying she feels she is doing me a favor and if she is paying, well how shall I say, she is very frugal. LOL But I discovered if I took her to the buffet, then she feels she has to eat because we paid for it. I, and the rest of the family, were starting to get very concerned with how she eats 'to save money'. So at least once a week I was taking her to the buffet and she ate a variety of foods. HOwever she still eats like a bird, and then there's my LAP-BAND® patient portion sizes. It's actually kindda funny, we are probably the only 2 people in there who don't go back for 2nds and don't even fill our 1st plate up.

Well today is a get the house ready to move day. DH is getting stuff out of the crawl space and off walls that the packers don't do. I am cleaning a little but will save most for that as the packers empty rooms on Wed. DH is also taking a load of stuff to the dump. I am trying to hold it all together. This afternoon is a hair appt and tonight a graduation party.

Joyce, I, also, eat very few carbs. Rarely do I have potatoes or never any other white starches. I kept my protein about 70 gms and calories varied from 700 to 1200. Hope that helps and 1/2 cup portions, though I can eat up to a cup.

Apples, miss you when you are at the lake, hopefully you are reading this and I wanted to thank you again for the bras. Every day I try a new one. I love the Mystere ones and also the "Leading Lady" who makes that one??

Great - I am glad you have mover.. Have fun at your party tonite.. I'm a 34 b - could be 32 - I don't think those bra's come that small :0) - I have really lost my chest - I didn't have one when I was small before - I do remember that but my biggest bra was 42 D - 34 or 32 b now - that's a big diff

Lori - thank you for the info and portion size and NO WHITE starches. With these extra hints, I feel confident of reaching goal. 37 lbs. left to lose. That would put me at a weight I haven't seen in 30 years.

Hard to imagine.

This was very interesting info! As a retired nurse, it is quite amazing all the "new" stuff I learn here just from reading all your posts! Wow! It's been a long time since nursing school!! Didn't hear of things like "fibromyalgia" in those days! I guess I'm OLD and uninformed!! LOL

Phyl Ya fibromyalga is a fairly new diease - I have a gf at work for years complained about her pain - they finally diagonosed it a few yrs ago..

The lunch date went well. Just talked and had lunch. I ordered a shrimp salad & ate about 1/4 to 1/2 and brought the rest home. Was I supposed to do that on a date? lol I did not tell him about LB, I guess I wasn't ready to. I stated emailing with him about a month ago, this was the first meeting. I received an email from him already, he said he would like to go again. We will see how things go. I did have a good time, he's nice.

We have the same birth date, how wierd is that.

Laura K

Laura glad the date went well - my x bday was 12/29 and mine's 1/29 - we got married on the 29th (planed) ;0)

That is so true, Peace is what I am truly craving.

The book I am reading is all about that. Women Food and God. She tells this neat story, A lady was meeting with her psych and the psych says imagine you are surrounded by 1,000 tigers. What would you do? The lady says I have no idea. Then the psych tells her to stop imagining she is surrounded by 1,000 tigers.

I can totally relate to this because I think about things that happened when I was young and it wears me down. I get frozen sometimes, scared to take the next step. The things I am thinking are only in my head and don't exsist anymore. I have to learn not to replay them in my head. Don't know if that applies to you but I belive I will find peace if I could stop the thoughts that tear me down. Things like I am bad because I made the wrong food choice or gained a pound. I deserve to be fat.

I used to tell people my weight is my scarlet letter. A sign that I had commited a terrible sin. I felt like I had and that's why I was fat. I really haven't done anything worse than the thin people of the world. I didn't earn my weight. So I need to quit punishing myself for it. Quit fighting with myself. Thats my peace. I know this might not apply to you but maybe to someone here. There is alot in that book that I belive we all could pull something from it.

Thank you so much Joyce, So many times I feel like I take and take from this board. It's nice to know I contributed in some way. Good luck to you. Can't wait to hear when you make it to onederland. I need to start kepping records too. Think I'll get out one of my spiral notebooks and do that.

Today was Jacob's last teeball game. I am gonna miss watching him play. It was so much fun to watch.

My MIL found out about my injury vis FB and called me to see how I was. I told her I couldn't do much exercise for 6 weeks. Her comment was "Thats a good thing" and I just thought how far I have come that I don't feel that way anymore. I explained to her that I had worked hard to develop a habit and I want to keep it. Exercise is good for me and I am proud of myself with every workout I complete. She was a bit surprised.

Also, after teeball today the team had pizza. I overheard a mother saying she wanted more because she would be starting her diet on monday and she wanted to eat plenty today. I use to do that too but I am different now. I try to make each meal good for me and if I fail I go on to the next meal. There are no days off and days on, there is a healthy LIFEstyle. Even if the weight doesn't come off I know I am doing something good for me. I am doing better everyday.

I also decided while I am out of cardio I would use this time to refocus on other things in my journey. I will focus on habits that I need like take my Vitamins and getting enough water. I am gonna join along with Joyce and keep a tally. I think it would be great to compare one day to the next. I can watch myself progress with actual numbers besides the scale. That scale is a fickle thing so another goal of mine is to only weigh on Sundays. Baby steps will get me there.

Think I have blabbed on enough. Hope you guys get some good rest tonite.

I was typing when you posted. Just wanted to say I am happy your date went well. I probably wouldn't mention the band either until you are further along in the relationship. Did he make any comments about how little you ate?

When I eat out with someone either they or the waiter comment on it. Don't really know what to say yet in that situation. One person told me that they tell the waiter they ate before they came.

Jewel - I think Melissa needs this book to - Melissa are you reading - I love the part about the scarlet letter - dear what ever did happen to you wasn't your fault - I am so glad you are realizing that and working on your issues..

I am very proud of you !!! You are a very smart little girl (yep to me you are a little girl (in a good way) heck you aren't much older than my GS ;0)

Keep up the good work and keep sharing - we all can learn from what you are talking about ..

Jewel, you are never babling... I love reading your posts. In fact, I love reading everyones posts on here... such a great group. Thanks again for welcoming me!!

Todays food:


I have a snack left for 150 cals...:thumbup:

WTG Peaches !!!

Jessica, No one said anything about what I ate. I told him befoe that I would probably not be hungry. Besides he didn't know that person before only the now.

I also love reading your posts you are so uplifting. I am glad you are taking control now because it gets harder as the years go by.

I know since my DD has been home I am not eating the right way. I've got to control it better. I find myself reaching for not good foods and it is my fault for buying them. It was a lot easier when it was just me eating meals. I'd say the thing that is saving me is the exercise I have been doing 5 days a week.

Laura K


when my family visits - i don't do well either - cuz I buy sweets for them - you know how it goes - we love to feed pple - I think of those times as my treat times as - I don't see them that often..

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Janet - I'm a breakfast person, and I appreciate your input.

My totals for the day:

Calories: 754 Carbs: 42 Protein: 100

I'll start counting fats too like Peaches if the scale doesn't move. I refuse to only lose 1/2 of my total goal. I intend to see that goal # on the scale before the end of 2010.

Jessica - I like the idea of weighing only once a week.

Laura K - glad to hear the date was enjoyable. I'm very surprise how little ppl care about how much I take home. And, yes, I believe you should have taken what you didn't eat, even on a date. Shows you know the value of money.

I also have calories left for a bedtime snack.< /p>

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Janet - I'm a breakfast person, and I appreciate your input.

My totals for the day:

Calories: 754 Carbs: 42 Protein: 100

I'll start counting fats too like Peaches if the scale doesn't move. I refuse to only lose 1/2 of my total goal. I intend to see that goal # on the scale before the end of 2010.

Jessica - I like the idea of weighing only once a week.

Laura K - glad to hear the date was enjoyable. I'm very surprise how little ppl care about how much I take home. And, yes, I believe you should have taken what you didn't eat, even on a date. Shows you know the value of money.

I also have calories left for a bedtime snack.< /p>

My only concern is that the big breakfast drink may be part of the reason you're feeling too tight. Maybe split the drink up and finish it mid-morning, or sip it slowly over a couple of hours.

Your total calories (was it over 1200?) seem a little high for everyday weight loss. I also found that cutting carbs did more than cutting fat. A couple of days of almost carb-free eating and I'd always drop a few lbs. However, I'm not sure I'd be taking them out of the milk. I drink 1 or 2% milk in large quantities in my coffee. Milk has so many good things, including whole Proteins. It's low glycemic so the carbs in it don't shoot up your blood sugar. And milk fat has ALA and some other good stuff in it that actually can help you lose weight. The Calcium in milk also helps you lose weight. I'd drop or reduce the Peanut Butter instead. Eat a few peanuts as one of your Snacks instead.

Fool around with it and you'll find what works.

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Good morning~

Busy weekend! holding my own next to a 6 yr old's energy! Lots of Mommy and me time. Usually the weekends that DH is on call Fri, sat and sun, I so look forward to my day off with him on Monday... but Monday is a teachers work day and no school! eeek!

Yesterday Nels and I met DH for brunch (it was really lunch time). I ordered "Mexican-style frittata made with eggs, mushrooms, broccoli, celery, zucchini and onions.Topped with salsa and cheese" In theory it sounded like a great choice. Nutr. info said 472 cal and 39 gr of Protein for whole thing, but I planned on eating 1/4 and asked for avocado instead of english muffin. Well, 3 bites into it.... and I got stuck. When will I learn not to eat eggs out in public?! Luckily this time it passed without a PB- but with horrific pain. The waiter thought I didn't like it and offered to get me something else... omelet, french toast, pancakes... SHut up already! I have explained to female waitresses (if not a teen) about surgery before and why I am not eating much- but have always refrained with guys.

Cheri~Myofascial Pain Syndrome can be confused with FM. And to further confuse people, you can have MPS and FM together, or just one of them. Most pain management specialists (and some neurologists, neurosurgeons, and some IM docs) are familiar with the diagnosis. Other practitioners will defer to "label" someone with this diagnosis b/c it is difficult to determine whether it is an episodic/transient event. There is a lot of discrimination associated with chronic pain diagnoses. (arguably NOT getting an answer if you have chronic pain is worse).

Joyce~Most literature states that 30gm of protein is the max the body can digest at a time. (others say for females is 20gm)- although it is debatable. It would be better to spread it out. Even consider only putting 1/2 the scoop if you are adding milk and PB. I was surprised recently that I was able to handle the better protein isolates (like from GNC) mixed with water/ice and 1/2 a banana. The first year I ALWAYS mixed with milk. We are all pulling for you and onderland!

LauraK~ Love hearing about your date! Keep us updated on how it goes. I agree, don't need to tell someone so much on first date. : )

Great~ OMW you sound busy and stressed! Hope things are moving smoothly- pun intended. :laugh: Wishing you a safe and happy move. It will all be done before you know it. The one great thing about moving is you get to get rid of junk and start of fresh- love that.

Phyllser~Isn't it great that even nurses don't know it all?! LOL.. even when we act like we do! :wink: WTG on exercise and PT.

JeweI~ I had one of those moments at a kids' thing recently... a mom was pigging out and saying it was her "last" day to eat. I also think it is so interesting that when I don't eat at those events- that NO ONE notices. Yet when I used to eat a lot- I felt that everyone was staring at how much I ate. I love your plan, btw, to watch Water and Vitamins and do upper body, even though you have leg restriction. you can do it!!!:laugh:

Apples! Hope you are having fun at the lake! We miss you and look forward to the recap!

Janet~ WTG on the 136. You continue to be an inspiration, really. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your honesty. You remind me of Simon Cowell in that regard. :cool2: Keeping it real, and keeping us honest. You call a spade a spade. I don't think you realize how many people you have helped by starting this thread. In case I haven't told you lately... Thank you.:smile:

Peaches~ can't remember if I welcomed you or not. welcome to the club!

Julie~ How are you today? How was having Mimi the other night? I am sure your DD appreciated you guys watching her so she could go away for the concert. It's so important with new relationships to have some solo time to get to know each other. I am so happy to hear how the premarital stuff is going so nicely. I know that has to be relieving some of your anxiety. Hope you are feeling better today. Did you ever answer the neurontin medication question? Just curious. If you haven't taken it, ask your dr about it. It worked miracles with my SIL who had a similar problem.

JudyJB~ Did I tell you how happy I am to see you back and chitchatting with us? :thumbup:

I think I got everyone from the last couple pages at least. Exciting day of nothing planned..LOL. We were at the pool for 3 hours yesterday and even waterproof sunscreen wore off and we are a little sunburned today. I am way behind on my photo journal. May have to work on that tomorrow. First time in years I have a tan tummy. (I wear a 2 piece only at my pool).

I was REALLY really feeling PMS all week (sore boobs, swollen, cravings, insomnia, cramps, irritability). Worse actually than normal, but alas no TOM. I had an old pregnancy test from a couple months ago when the same thing happened. negativo (just to relieve that little doubt). To me, menopause/PMS and pregnancy are so very similar. Shutter to think of what would happen if I got pregnant at 43 and in the midst of my weightloss. I know it is really not even a possibility, but I keep hearing of all these women losing weight and then getting pregnant. SIGH... nothing like WANTING your period so bad you can't stand it! Would kill for chocolate right now. :smile2:

ok friends, I have rambled on long enough. I will CBL. peasout... Laura

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Hi gals, it's such a busy time here I just can't keep up with you all..... I've been better, but did have a pain event on Friday night.... It only got to about an 8, so I managed it..... We just got home from church and off to Bismarack to pick up siding for the house project and then back again to go to nephew's graduation... Run, run, run,....................... But at least I'm not feeling terrible....

Laura, I must have missed that medication you referred to... Must have been in my flu stage.... Tell me again..please....

Laura K, glad you lunch went well... Will you see him again???? Best wishes..... It would be nice to have someone to share time with....

Judy, you go girl...... Whatever works is the best for each of us.... No carbon copies here....

DH is waiting so gotta go..... Hugs to all....... Julie

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Good Morning Gang..

Joyce - OK ;0) I understand - I thought maybe you were eating like that all day :0) - We are opposite - you are morning I'm nite - My DIL eats the majority of her food between 3 & 5 - we all have diff times we like to eat - WTG on 753 Cal

Cheri - I varied my calories during my weight lost phase - and some days did eat 1200 - and I did loose - if you averaged it I would say I consumed 1000 cal a day over a week - I know we all give advice on what works for us and we all are diff - I really do agree that limiting starches (bad carbs) is very much the key to losing the weight - Veggies - fruit etc are good carbs as far as I am concern - I didn't do shakes too often after I was off my eating plan from surgery.. I had enough of them for those 1st 10 days.. I don't do too much milk either and when I do it's 2% - some times I buy skim milk if I am using it in sf pudding - but again I don't really like milk unless I am eating Cookies lol

Laura - Awe thanks - Yep I am the Simon Cowell of LBT LOL I love that one....

Yesterday I put on a sports bra for the gym and was looking at myself - I could do a 2 piece in the back yard - doubt I will but if I find a cheap one - who know - but again - I don't use my pool that much till the family comes - then we are in the pool 24/7 - My Brooke loves the pool..

Well dumb dogs/cat woke me up at 7 - on my 2nd cup of coffee - need to go get dog/cat food - see what's at Target that I don't need and should go to bro's house - but it's too depressing - I am such a procrastinator.. Need to wash and hang up clothes in closet..

Lost Season Finally tonite !!!! I have watched this show since day one - love it - sorry it's going to end - can't wait to find out what it's all about - Cain vs Able - Purgatory - You can't change your destiny..

Well need to get moving.. Have a Wonderful Sunday Peeps..

Will cbl - Hugs & Love from your Simon Cowell :0)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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