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Cool, I`m glad it helped:tongue:

Can I ask do you participate in OA?

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Can I ask do you participate in OA?

Currently, no I do not attend meetings... I used to go several times per week back in 1980-90`s but I lapsed, regained my weight and then some LOL

Judy on this thread and I are keeping in touch with each other by email...kinda having mini meetings... but if you are interested... we could do a Skype OA meeting if you are interested...

Something to think about...

As I have in my possession the BIG BOOK of AA, OA book For Today, plus many others including a step study workbook.


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Currently, no I do not attend meetings... I used to go several times per week back in 1980-90`s but I lapsed, regained my weight and then some LOL

Judy on this thread and I are keeping in touch with each other by email...kinda having mini meetings... but if you are interested... we could do a Skype OA meeting if you are interested...

Something to think about...

As I have in my possession the BIG BOOK of AA, OA book For Today, plus many others including a step study workbook.


That sounds cool but I have never used Skype PM me if you want to talk privately about this

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Just lost my post.....makes me so mad!!!

Anyway, to recap, I made it to Bismarck and back... No nerve damage to speak of so just come back in a month.... I can handle that if the pain stays away with my current med program..... Ins has complied with all requests, now, so really the doc is just waiting to see what happens.... I'm still week, but managed to get my supplies, but rode the cart at Walmart.......Had a rest when I got home, got supper in order and now caught up here... Next is Mother's bills for the middle of the month..... I'm a few days late... I was down to 268 this morning.....that's 7 pounds in 3 days..... I hate to see that come back, but I was able to eat some today and drink more, so I'm sure some of it will.... My stomach still hurts, but not nauseaus....

Melissa, don't beat yourself up so bad...... You're going to figure this out.... You have us on your side and you can do it.....

Jessica, how's the leg today.....?

Apples, you ladies are so nice to spend the day with the little old man..... Makes his day, I'm sure.... And you might win a jackpot..................who knows..... Wish I had to talent to do flowers like you and Laura K..... I have no green thumb.... Some years I do pots, some years I don't,...... This is a don't year I think.....

Laura K, have a fun day prettying up your town...

Laura, such good news... What a relief for you all.....

Better get busy.............my strength is waning....... I have my class reunion to get done this week, too... That's a tomorrow plan..... Take care everyone.... Julie

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Good morning~

Good news this morning... Dad is being discharged. The blood clot situation is stable. They will see him Friday at oncologist for recheck/labs.. and then nothing until PET scan in 6 weeks. (unless of course he doesn't feel good or needs them). The dr told him to start living his life now. He said he is very optimistic about the PET scan and thinks it will be "cold" (which is what you want). Wow. My parents are in really good spirits. Makes me smile.

Today I'm doing laundry, cleaning and then dentist at noon. I haven't been in a couple years and all this talk about dentists got me to make an appt for checkup and cleaning. Thanks guys (Apples).

Lori~ Hope you get that stuff straightened out. Yeah, banks don't want to give you money when you don't need it... and they knock down your door when you don't have any. Just simmer down.. it will ALL work out. : ) (easier said than done)

Apples~WTG on planting and DH and DS being so busy planting. A friend of mine who works for a seed company in Idaho keeps writing Beans and corn... and corn and Beans on his FB status..LOL. Seems when it is planting season there is nothing else to update about. Agree on the what you said about AI. I can't help but feel no one is WOWing me this season like previous ones. Just "ok" (feel like randy jackson). WHAT?! Have fun with your friends- stay out of trouble! ; )

Melissa~ hugs. Been there.. done that. Just reread your name.. 1 day at a time. Your good days are way out numbering your bad ones these days.. It's ok not to be perfect. And it's impossible.

Janet~ Hope you are having a good day.

Julie~ Hope you are feeling better. Must be going around everywhere. 10 kids out of 30 were out yesterday in Nels' class. Praying he doesn't get it.

Jewel~ hang in there. Tendonitis in that area is really hard to heal b/c even not exercising- we continue to aggravate it. I think you have really been pushing it hard with the elliptical and such. After it stops hurting- usually about a week of rest. (takes 6 weeks to fully heal) You might be able to add light swimming- doing tiny amounts at a time. If you start hurting you have to stop the full 6 weeks. But you are young, and I bet you will bounce back sooner than you think. That 6 week is an average.

I am still feeling tight. Bitchy. Craving chocolate and sweet tea. Feeling bloated. Must be TOM soon. I guess I did more at the gym than I thought... can barely put my hair in a ponytail today.>LOL. But it feel good to be sore- need to get back to the gym on a regular basis. Eating has been ok. Not great.. but ok. Not gaining and not losing.

Sorry if I forgot somebody. peasout.. Laura

Laura, Thanks for letting me know my Doc wasn't exaggerating. I am just so surprised that it will take so long.

Doc gave me celebrex and the surgeon approved so I took that today. I also met with the traininer in my surgeons office she had me do 5 to 10 reps of all kinds of exercises and we built a workout plan. Unfortunately my leg is now killing me because I did leg exercises. I don't think I am gonna do those. She tried to get me on the treadmill and I insisted my doc said NO. Makes me wonder if she knows what tendonitis is. I am icing it now and will do the arm exercises tomorrow. I got to make sure I keep exercise in my routine. It was so hard to get in the habit. Don't wanna have to fight with myself again.

Thanks for all the love and support.

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Rose was my favorite Golden Girl!

Well I got the mortgage company all they asked for and now they say they have 'conditional' approval. So am waiting to see what the conditions are and what hoops I have to jump through next.

The moving van rep just left and took inventory of all our stuff and made a box count and are set up to come pack us up and move us out next week. Now if the house stuff would all go through as planned we will be in good shape.

Was a very long boring day at the church office. I shouldn't have been so efficient on Monday! LOL But there promises to be some stuff for me tomorrow.

Laura, so glad your dad is doing better. HOpe he is able to start getting out a little bit now.

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Julie...I really do love having flowers. Have just had a little bad luck the last couple of years but think this year will be a good one. Nice plants. Three and four years ago I bought plants that were so terribly root bound that they did not thrive. In all my years of gardening, I had never had that happen. So, bought a little greenhouse and started my own, babying them from seeds. Got spindly plants but some did good some didn't. Didn't get seeds started early enough this year so bought plants from a different place and they are so nice. They will make it just fine.

Sounds like you are doing somewhat better. I guess I would still want answers to exactly what is going on if I were you. There's gotta be something.

Take care and good luck doing your reunion prep. I headed it up for quite a few different years and then handed it over. People tend to rely on the same person/persons to do it and get it done. Been there/done that.

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I just got back from nutrition class......WooHoo!......down 3lb. I guess that walking and biking yesterday really helped. Today was about the dreaded" head hunger". Is it physical hunger?.....or emotional?.....or cravings? I can't hear about that too many times.

Laura......I am so happy for your dad and the rest of the family.

Melissa.......don't be so hard on yourself. You are really moving forward. Sometimes you just have to ease back into the program. That is what I have done. I won't say this shake thing is a habit yet, but with most food out of the equation I have been making good choices when I do replace the shake once a day. Hang in there! You are on the right track.

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Hi everyone,

Another busy week here, sorry I've been gone. I'm still trying to catch up, but thought I'd post when I have a minute.

Lori, sorry I missed your birthday - happy birthday late -- lobster dripping with butter sounds fabulous. LOL. I'm like Phyl, like my crab just fine with cocktail sauce since banding but haven't had lobster -- think I'd HAVE to have the butter too -- it's also one of my favorites. I have to admit though that when we went to our favorite crab buffet last Friday that I really noticed all the fat people -- in fact I'd say 99% were obese - and not only did I notice how much they ate, I noticed what they ate and also how fast they all finished - no one seemed to be enjoying the food -- just shoving it down. I'm sure we were all like that before our band -- it was just the first time I've really noticed it. One lady had a coffee cup full of butter (rather than those little plastic cups they have next to the butter) and she "soaked" her crab in the butter and then used a SPOON to get it from the cup to her mouth. LOL. I will forever have that etched in my brain I think. It was something to see. DH and I noticed she refilled the cup once even. Wow that's a lot of butter. I'm only sharing this so we can all get a good idea of how far we've come - we have come a long way, each of us is so strong. We deserve to be proud.

OMG, Janet took a sick day. You need to take those more often - I'm sure it did you a world of good. Yes, I'm glad you're here talking to us with tough love -- we need it and that's why we come here in my opinion. We all know you only say it cause you love us.

Apples, sorry to hear you had another stone pass - you've had a lot of those lately. Hope you have a long time without another one.

We are also going camping over Memorial day. I'm taking next Friday off and we are renting a camper -- we have a lake about 1/2 hour from home and they have really nice campgrounds there -- we used to tent camp but with both our hips, backs, DH's arthritis and my fibromylgia, having a real bed sounds good to us. We love camping -- in fact that's what we did for our honeymoon, with all the kids plus DH's brother -- at Lake Tahoe (so gorgeous). When I lived in Reno, I used to tent camp almost every weekend with a group of friends -- really miss that. Can't wait to share that experience with GD. The marshmellows, graham crackers and chocolate bars were the first things bought by step daughter for our trip. LOL. They make these gigantic marshmellows now -- they are huge.

My best trait - my sense of humor -- I'm partially crazy (or at least my kids all say so) -- I'm very outgoing and personable. I talk to EVERYONE ANYWHERE -- standing in lines, etc. -- my kids all hate that too.

I take tylenol all the time and have - I take tylenol arthritis strength as I can't take ibprofin. I take two at a time and have never had a probem with any pills getting stuck unless I take them immediately after eating -- if I'm too full it can cause me to pb. But I take the huge fish oil pills first thing in the a.m. with no problems also. Heck I was taking vicodine a lot last year before my hip replacement -- didn't hurt my band at all.

Eva, sorry you got stuck at airport, but at least you made it sound like you turned it into a fun experience. Glad you had a great time at your concert (I'm with Janet, don't recognize those names either).

Laura, wtg on going to the gym -- it's okay not to have umph all the time -- just showing up and doing something is better than nothing -- I tell myself that sometimes when I don't feel like it too then once I get there I'm usually okay. Prouud of you for going when you don't feel like it though.

Arlene, your e-mail made me laugh about your "sharp" teeth - I once complained when I was little that my teeth were dull cause I didn't like to chew steak -- and my mother used to always laugh about that.

Welcome to any newbies I missed -- someone asked about our journeys - I've been banded 1 year 4 months --lost 100 lbs. in about 11 months, went off my c-pap machine after 40 lbs. down, off blood pressure meds, went off cholesteral meds, my blood pressure is fabulous, my cholesteral levels are fabulous -- don't take anything except my thyroid pill for hypothyroidism. Have been pretty much maintaining and trying to lose the last few pounds since December.

Sesame street was great -- will post some pics soon - -my step daughter borrowed my camera and I'm waiting for her to return it.

It's about time for me to leave so will try to add more later or tomorrow -- love to all.


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Linda, Bass Pro sells some very nice oversized cots that are like regular height. We have taken up to a lot of tent camping lately and one of my conditions was this premium cot. DH gave me a bad time at first, til he tried it out and bought one too! LOL Just a thought if you love tent camping

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Caught up! Whew!

Anti-inflammatories. Take maximum dose. Would be like Julie as far as pain if I didn't. I need the anti-inflammatory properties with my arthritis. Tylenol does very little. I use it to supplement. Was on Mobic. Just switched to diclofenac. Also have a muscle relaxer if needed. I take them in the morning when I drink my coffee with milk. Then I have Protein Shake. Milk protects stomach lining. liquid washes it through quickly. Take it late afternoon if in pain and again at night before bed. So far no problems. I'd rather be on anti-inflammatories than addictive drugs. My Drs. never told me I could never take them again. Just not until I healed from surgery.

Lori-great-sorry to miss your birthday. Happy belated. Give yourself a great birthday present. Just say "No!" to people who take advantage of your wonderful heart.

This is coming a little late, too, but I think my greatest quality is my passion for what I believe in and what I do. I can be pretty funny but always at my own expense and never someone else's. Except I like to poke fun at the Dutch, and the Christian Reformed, but since I'm 100% Dutch and was raised in that denomination I'm allowed to do that.

No time for anything else. Need to go to bed. Had to give devotions this morning for the teacher's and it was my turn to help give chapel for the kids.

Got up extra early this morning to prepare. Tomorrow, I'm leaving school early to go to a meeting about my niece who has seizure disorder with accompanying learning problems.

My sister wants some moral support and someone who can interpret some of what's said at the meeting. Basically, someone who's got her back.


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todays Calorie tally...

night all:wink:

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Arlene - way to go -- 3 more lbs. You are really doing well. Congratulations, gf.

Peaches - love reading the OA messages. I was also in that group in the 80's and enjoyed their direction and inspiration.

Lori - sounds like the movers have things under control. And you are keeping up with the papers from the mortgage companies.

Julie - I lost my post today too. So frustrating. It just would not send/post. grrrrr.......

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Mornin' Gang...just popping on to wish everyone a great weekend. I am heading out after finishing up a few things around here. Headed north to plant my flowers at the lake today.

Talk you you all on Monday. Sending the loves.

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Good Morning Gang

Took a break from the computer last night - didn't lbt or fb at all - I think it's just taking up too much of my personal time and leaving me depleted - between work - estate issues - now a title problem - but it's a mistake - but still gotta prove it - got escrow papers from when bro bought the house -glad I didn't throw them away like I was going to a few weeks ago- had to send sis letter for the signature card - just kept it short and sweet.. I have just been in pms mood this week.. I know i don't have pms anymore - but that's how I feel.

Trainer bugging me w/his know it all attitude - snapped at him last night he shut up... Said I couldn't do something due to my balance issues - told him he could modify it and where was his encouragement - I am 100% better than I was 2 yrs ago.. Shut the f up - I told him I was going to cry so he better be nice - that got him to leave me alone in the neg dept..

Hope everyone has a good day..

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