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Welcome Peaches. Please join us. This is the BEST group of ladies who have the ability to inspire, encourage, and keep us legal. Join right in.

Many of us are food addicts.

Well, ladies - I had fill #3 nine days ago. Since then, I have vomited 3 times. Once on 1 1/2 oz meat and tiny amount of cole slaw. Once on cheese crisp (too bready) and once on salmon (too dry reheated in microwave).

I can tell I'm tighter than I've ever been, but want to try to hang on until Monday and see how it goes.

However, I remember reading that being too tight WILL NOT make me lose better.

I'll call the doctor on Monday, is the vomiting continues. I'll be very careful in the meantime.

I'd love to join you all on FB, but none of my friends know about LAP-BAND®. Is it safe for me to join you there?

Lady K. I'm with you, I am afraid to post too much personal stuff on Facebook. Once its "out there" anyone can get access to it...that part freeks me out.

SO I like to use THIS site, as it is hard to find unless you are researching the Band or Sleeve...

I had a chat with my Hubby today about feeling Down and Out of control with my eating... He was great... agreed we both have been eating a lot of junk (were on holiday) and its so hard to get back on track.

So about to have my breakfast... Cereal and milk..

One day at a time, One meal at a time, One MOMENT at a time... I have to concentrate on the MOMENTS right now...

Have a great day ladies


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Good saturday afternoon everyone.

Hi there, I`m new to this thread. Mentors thread may be just what I need.

I say I would fall into the `struggling LBT member`catagory.

As a brief recap of myself. Banded July 07, had a damaged Tube/port and had to have resurgery March 08.. Since then I have lost 65 lbs, but some has crept back on. I am now only down 55 lbs. I have been up an down these same darn 10 lbs for the past year.

I feel like a bit of a failure, although I run into people who have known me for a LONG time and always remark on how good I look... ( they don`t know that I just shoved a bag of peanut M&M`s into my face) I feel like a fraud and that I`ll keep on gaining weight.

When I have any kind of stressor.... I slip... then I get back on the band-wagon(pun intended) for a couple of weeks, start loseing then.... sabotage myself again...

If I stay on the computer every day, then I can`t eat/drink while at my laptop...

So, can I join your thread? I am imperfect, but am reflecting on my issues....


Welcome to the group peaches. I am not perfect either but I have made alot of progress thanks to the support I receive in here. Sorry you had a complication but glad to hear you got it fixed. The ladies here help keep me on track. If I do slip I correct it quickly because everyone is rooting for me and holding me accountable. Don't be shy just let us know how we can help.

Very pretty flowers!

Hope these contacts work out for you.

So glad for that update.

Was worried about her.... quiet for so long!

Saw that... looks like a beautiful home!

Nice pictures.... good lookin' hubby and darling son!

Have not had a good day. Didn't sleep well... reflux all night. Woke up tired and with achy joints.

Dr. appt with ortho early in the morning.

That went okay... leaving up to me when I want to have the other knee done. Think I will wait until next spring. PT in the pool this afternoon was great. Felt so good to get in the nice warm Water.< /span>

Nothing to eat all day until about 5pm. Then had Healthy Choice dinner. So tight today. Should've stuck with my first idea and just had Soup. But not as uncomfrotable as I was last night.

Got email around noon from an old friend telling me that my BFF from high school died on April 29. No family, just close friends, and no one thought to call and let me know. I was pretty devastated. Talked to her 6 weeks or so ago. Knew she was quite ill with lung cancer, but just wasn't expecting her to go this fast. But... I guess it has been close to 3 yrs since she was diagnosed. Just tough news to hear. Lived in NYC so it's been a while since we've seen her.

Sorry to hear you lost a good friend and that no one called you.

Jessica, what kind of birds were they? You family is beautiful, just like you.

Janet, wonderful flowers. Party for DD is tomorrow so I about freaked I can't have naked flower pots. lol so off I went to the store and planted five of my pots. What kind of Master Gardener would have naked pots? Now I have to pray that it doesn't frost/freeze again.

Phyl, way to go on the pt. You'll do great when you get that second knee done.

Jodi, way to go on the new you. Must be that time, I had my hair colored and highlighted too.

Great, glad you found your new house.

Julie, if you are reading, you are in my thoughts and prayers.


They were some kind of large ducks. They live in the pond behind our apartment. We also have a few geese living there with their babies. They are adorable.

Hi all.....before anything else

My mom seemed to have these same pains in her calf and legs at night that some are reffering to. She saw a neurologist and he told her to drink gatorade. It was the electrolytes off? Well every day she has a glass of something like that or gatorade.....and after the first night...she hasnt had any pain at all. She told my sister about it who was experiencing similar symptoms. It helped her too.

Cant hurt to try. Hope it works.

Okay.....Hi again.

Well....This week was wicked. I was pretty much out all week and miserable. Today I started to feel better so.....instead of going to work on a Friday I figured....hey what about a me day?? (every day this month seems to be this lately) I could use a makeover....I lost 40 lbs. It was time for a new look. This was after I finished cleaning out my closets and dressers this week....only took about 3 weeks. lol What else could I do..in between nebulizer treatments and doctors checkups. Asthma sucks. But thankfully didnt end up in the hospital..this time. I have been admitted several times before. I seem to have a very hard time till the asthma breaks and I usually need a few days of IV steroids and nebulizer treatments and pumps...round the clock. What saved me this time....the weight loss!!! yes, apparently.....it has helped lessen the effects of a severe attack. Allergies are so bad this year. I havent been in hospital for about ten yrs.

Well....its breaking and thanks to all the oral steroids that I hate...but taking and the treatments....im good.

So, figured...perfect oppurtunity to get a makeover..

I went to a new hair salon that was recommended but havent gone to as it was supposedly expensive....bottom line....you get what you pay for. In the end....it would have cost more anywhere else for what they did to me lol.

I started out with covering the roots and grey coming in( I hate that grey)....and getting an overall darker color over the whole head. This made a softer look. It looked fabulous however they werent finished. When this was finished...the cut came...and what a fabulous new style. I noticed since surgery my front top seemed to be alot thinner....It was. (must take Biotin which was recommended)

He layered and shaped the whole head and then made side bangs.....longish then zigzagged and framed the face. He did good!

Afterwhich I went back to the colorist....she then gave me half head highlights around the face upper and soft gold in between. The whole effect was amazing.

Then I had waxing....mani/pedi all of which I hadnt had done including cut and color two weeks before surgery. lol It was time.

So...this was the end of my horrible week.....didnt end so badly!!!

Im doing the happy happy dance!

(My daughter didnt recognize me at first!!) lol

Thank god for shabbat...I need a good rest after today..might have pushed it a little.

Tomorrow they are having a big lunch at synaguage and so only had to cook dinner..thats nice too!!

Just thinking about getting stuff ready for shavuot holiday and being in Fire Island over the holiday is what I will be planning for the next over shabbat lol. Not good but must its..Tuesday soon enough and again....cannot buy a thing there must bring it all. lol

Still havent decided to cook before or there....still have a day or so to decide.

Must go shortly Dassi starting to yell its shabbos...so quickly......

Eva, enjoy your vacation.

Debra,,,,dont worry we will next time....sounds like you had an amazing trip!!! yes. Town bathing suits...outrageously expensive....but they last forever!! Ive had several for 15 yrs.; dont laugh. I never got rid of them after I got so heavy.

You saw so many people.....visitors!! I never see anyone. Good for you. Sounds fabulous!

jessica..Im going to Fire Island in NY. Sorry for the confusion.

Charlene,....Hope mom feels better.

Hello everyone! And yes, I have been in hiding. And no, it is not because of a man.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my band. I have gained back 42 of the 67 lbs. I am/was so disappointed. "I did it again!"

In the last 2 months, after much listening and reading and learning, I have discovered that I am a compulsive overeater. It's more than just eating the wrong things. There are things that go beyond what normal people do.

Today, I began Day One of my recovery. AND I am finding the band to be a good tool to help me. But it is more than willpower, it is more than having the right attitude. I have been lost and think this OA program can help me find sanity. I can follow this plan of eating today. I also went back to zumba. It's not about the weight and the clothes right now; it's about this addiction and learning to manage it...today.

I have been reading the posts tho. Congrats to all the success you are having. Congrats on the new teeth (I treated myself to a new smile for my retirement gift to me). Congrats on Boomer getting a home. (I fostered a chihuahua a few weeks ago and she has a fabulous home and will be the princess she deserves to be.) I pray for Julie to find relief. I am sorry about the job sh*t some of you are having. I think Jewell looks great. I smiled at the Tooth Fairy visiting Nels. And all the rest of the news.

One day at a time......we are all addicts of some form or another!!! Support is crucial.....glad to see you!!!

Okay....Janet....there was something but forgot..sorry will remember tonight at about 2AM. but cant post till tomorrow night......so sorry in advance. lol

and...to all a good night...

oh and a good shabbos.....and weekend to all.

must run.....


Don't know what made me think you were coming to Florida. Sounds like you ended this busy time with a bang. You totally deserve to have some time for yourself after all you have been doing for others. Have fun at Fire Island.

I am still doing well with my excercise and also with eatting. I wanna hit my first fifty so bad but my cycle is holding me up. My restriction has loosened up and I feel like now I am in a good place. I still get into the perfectionist midset though. If I slip one time a day I feel like my whole day is ruined. It frustrates me more than it should.

I do intend to try some foods while camping but I do want to be prepared to cook my own. I just really don't want to get stuck and end up PBing in front of everyone while they eat. She is planning a spagetti night which I always PB on so I will pass on that. Also pancakes which last I tried was a no go. It is only a few meals so I am sure I can make it work without being a weirdo. Just making sure I have a healthy option or I will use it as an excuse to sugar up. I am good at that.

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Hey y'all~

Wow, pretty busy weekend considering most of us were gone! Well, we ended up taking an impromptu night away. I call it a "staycation" since we only went 30 minutes south. They had really good deals online for the Jupiter Beach Resort. DH and I used to stay there quite a bit before Nelson. It was so nice to get away. Out room was beautiful! We had the most amazing dinner in their restaurant last night. I ordered scallops- and it only came with 4. I know pre-band I would have thought it wasn't enough food; but it was a perfect amount of Protein. I could only eat 3 bites of the risotto and veggies. We went to the beach twice. A lot of the sand has washed away over the years and they are left with mostly rocks. So sad- it used to be a great place to swim.

Great~Congrats on the house! I know that is a huge relief! It's beautiful, so happy for you!

JB~Glad to hear from you. I have missed you. You have an infectious humor about you and beautiful smile. Sorry you are having such a hard time. We are human. You can get back on track. You can do it! I know you can. Admitting the problem is the first step. Hugs.

Janet~ Flowers are beautiful! I love them, but can't have them in my house b/c of allergies. (DH must love that he is off the hook!) You sure were busy! Glad house is clean and got ur new contacts. Hope the GNC sups help the legs. Let us know.

Jewel~ Your son is adorable! He is growing up so fast too!!! That is so cute how he fed the ducks right near your back door. You sound like you are doing good. WTG on planning ahead for the family get together.

Peaches~Welcome! You've come to a great thread. Full of supportive experienced bandsters.

Phyl~ so sorry to hear about your HS BFF. Hugs. It's so tough when we lose people who have been in our lives. How is the reflux? I had it so bad when I was too tight. I hope it has passed.

LauraK~ hi

LadyKC~ How is the tightness? PBing x 3? yikes. If it doesn't get better than you may need an unfill.

Julie~ Hugs. Hope the 2nd epidural helps. Sorry to hear it has been so tough on you.

Apples~ Did you have fun at the lake? Can't wait to hear all about it!

If I forgot anyone- it's not intentional... CRS is always a factor. : )

I know you guys just love my pictures..LOL.. so I am attaching a couple more from the getaway.

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Laura - Love the pictures and so sad to hear of beach erosion. I mentioned before that we used to spend xmas on Hutchinson Island near Stuart. Such a lovely area.

Went out for Breakfast today with great grand daughter - age 11. Ordered 2 scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of crisp bacon, and diced potatoes. Only able to eat 1/3 of one egg and 1/2 pc bacon and about 6 diced potatoes - stuffed. I'm not able to eat enough food. Will call the doctor on Monday. Do my mentors here agree???

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Hey all sorry been a way for a while I wanted to focus on me.

I started doing the liquid thing like Charlene. Since I really put in effort for about a little over a week I have lost 3 lbs not to bad. I had a wild movie and dinner night last night with friends and went a little crazy with Mexican and 1 margarita but it was good. Back to normal today. I went to Bariatric Choice and Bariatric Advantage and got some Soups, shakes, bars and pudding all high Protein and very tasty.

Anyways hi to all.

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Okay ladies, it's me...........I'm here...... It took me forever to catch up on all the posts... I was about 8 pages out...... I'm glad most of you are doing pretty well.... I'm okay. It's been a roller coaster ride for me... After my trip to the ER for morphine I saw my GP who gave me muscle relaxers and Lidocain Patches for my neck... That has improved things... then had the second epidural spinal shot this past Thursday and am still sore from it... Had some pain today, but it is gone right now.... I have permission to keep using the muscles relaxers and the lidocain and am trying to slack off on the pain pills and the sleeping pills... I so need for this to not be the foremost thing in my life anymore... It has just taken me to crazy places.... I have so much to do for DD's wedding and other things... They don't really take my physical energy at this time, just my clear headed thinking to organize and make calls and generally get my sh## together... Same as all the other things on my desk... But I haven't been able to do much of that either... DD has been very ill and had to help with Mimi for 2 days.... She was very good and I didn't have to man-handle her, but just keeping up with her took it all out of me...... SO....................with my fingers crossed, I'm going to say I'm a bit better right now... Have been sleeping pretty well in my bed and that is a good thing.........My Goddaughter graduated from High School (GED) after quitting school last year.. Her class graduates in a few days so she actually got it done right on target, but just couldn't handle going to school here with kids who wouldn't let her live down her mistakes... I'm so proud of her and had to be there for support...... She has scheduled ACTS and has done the FAFSA to start college in nursing in the fall...... That has taken my time, too.....

Anyway, you all have been so busy... I'm going to try to do a response from memory, so bear with me....

Janet, thank you for taking the time to e-mail and check on me.... I do know how much you all care and wasn't gone because I was upset or anything..... just so overwhelmed with my life..... I'm proud of you and am glad your trainer set you straight on the credit thing.. That's what you have been telling me for quite some time!!!! Flowers are pretty.... I got some from my brother and wife today when they stopped by for a visit....

Apples, I love you and your smile, but I want you to be happy..... I support you 100% on making yourself feel the best you can be.... I'll look forward to seeing the new you..... Have fun at the lake..... Hugs on the family issues, but I know what a survivor you are and know you already have it handled and put where it belongs..

Jessica, oh you pretty girl..... I'm so proud of you.... Loved all the pictures and you are just so in the right place now..... You are blossoming into just the most beautiful lady...... I can hardly wait to be out of the clothes I've had for years hoping to wear again one day.. I'm almost there...... Good luck with the camping trip and take Janet's advice and try a little of the "bad stuff" just to show your MIL that you are a real trooper.... She has to see how well you have done and respect you for that....... Great going on the grades..

Laura K..... Nice that graduation went so well.... I'm sure you are anxious for the trip... enjoy it all.... and then think of all the times you can come to visit and just have fun......

Phyll, Hey I'm loving the idea of I-94...... I'm 36 miles from it at Bismarck, ND..... I'll be looking forward to an itinerary so we can plan lunch or supper or whatever......... Yes, you are a groovy gramma.... I don't get all those gadgets... I don't even text....... I wish I could do your Water aerobics... I miss them so much... Have all I can do to get myself out of my chair right now....

Deb, so glad you had a wonderful time in NY...... seeing all those stars was exciting... Just being with your family was the best I'll bet...... and you did so well with food.... good for you..

Jodi, girl, you are such a goer.... Sorry you had such a tough time letting go of the dog..... but you have so many good stories and memories of him now.... Hope you are feeling better soon... Congrats on the new look.... funny that Dassi didn't recognize you at first......

Arlene, glad your mother is better................ and the others are right... You are doing so well that the exta water weight will just show up next time.... proud of you...

Laura, yes, I love to see the pictures... Your baby is growing..... cute little lisp..... enjoy it.... Your parents are hanging in there and that is what matters... Better Mom lets it out than keeping it all inside..... Let's hope things will be better very soon.... Glad you had a great Mothers Day trip....

Melissa, glad you are doing well with your version of Arlene's shake program.... Whatever works is great...

Eva, our galavantor (SP).............off again to some fun thing.... I think it's great.... I'm not a big travelor like you and Apples, but it sounds so exciting... Your projects are all so exciting, too... You are such a hard worker..... Hope your job calms down or that you find one that deserves you....

Joyce, yes, sounds like you are too tight...... At least a call to the doctor is on order.... Can't remember....are you the one who lost 7 pounds..... If so wonderful....if not, wonderful to the one who did...... I'm getting to the CRS phase now......

Cheri, thanks for the tip....yes I thought of that, but had it checked early on and they said all was well there... Glad you enjoyed your singing...... Sounds as though your summer is planned for you....

Linda, you are such a busy lady.... Seseme Street will be fun.... I remember taking DD when she was little.... Was so much fun to see the little eyes light up.....

Judy, so glad you joined in to tell us of your new-found commitment... OA is something I tried once, but wasn't ready for what they had to offer and I had to drive so far...... I'm really pulling for you and I wish you would let us be your support.... We love you and want to be here for you...... We are all addicts.... With all that has been going on for me I am so glad for my band... I just plain have not been paying attention to food.... just eating what is comfortable and easy... The band stops me from doing anything stupid and I lose a pound once in a while.... I am fluctuating on 274-275 now... would just love it to drop, but how can it when I don't do the work.....????? I'm hoping that will come now if I can feel better..... I can do more and be more active and take time to eat the way I know the weight will come off.... That is what we all have to do..... And that is what OA will steer you towards I believe..... Eating only what you need and not what you want.... It's a struggle for all of us.... I always wished I that alcohol had been my drug of choice because I could give it up entirely... With food, it's always there or you die...... It's an incredible thing..... You are on the right track and I have faith that you can turn this around..... Let us help.....

Lori, I know you are out there searching for you dream house, so wish you lots of luck....

Peaches, welcome....... looking forward to getting to know you better.... Good luck getting back on track and making that 10 pounds history......

Well, sorry to have written a book...... Did I miss anyone???? God I hope not, cuz I didn't mean to do that........ I love you all and thank you for sticking with me through this horrible ordeal I have been going through.... I'm praying that things will be better very soon and I can relax and get on with my life.... Thanks for being my support and my friends..... Hugs and prayers to all............. Julie

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SO there you have it, my food tally for today... I will aim at getting closer to 1000 cals. but this is a good start...

Thanks for welcoming me here. I appreciate it.

Have a Nice Saturday Night


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Hi there,

I've been missing for a few days, managed a post or two on Facebook from my Itouch but too hard to get to this site and post from there. Glad some of you saw my house pic. As you heard, we did find a house! After 2 very long stressful days looking it was the last house we saw. We were getting very discouraged, and just weren't on the same page when it came to houses, he didn't like my favorites and I didn't like his. We saw some filth too, one house had dog poop in the living room even. Then we saw this 'one more' on the last day and both in unison said this is the one. It's brand new construction, built as a spec home so never been lived in. DH and realtor got very agressive in their price negotiations. We got it for several thousand dollars under their asking price, plus got them to throw in a fence, sod and side by side fridge. And since it's built and ready and vacant we can move in quickly. We need to be out of our CO house by the 28th, and they can close there on the 28th so if all goes well I will be in my new home for Memorial Day weekend. We fly out for the day next Mon or Tues to do the final walk through, then come home here to packers on Wed the 26th, moving van loads on the 27th and then we will drive most of that night. It's all moving so fast, I've been praying for God's timing in everything and it's just clicking along.

Peaches, welcome!!

LadyK, sure you can join us on Facebook. Many of my Facebook friends don't know much about my band either and my band friends don't mention it on my facebook page. I'm at the point now I don't really care who knows though, I did at first.

Janet, glad your trainer had a talking to with you and you are giving yourself some credit!

Apples, I agree with others you have a beautiful smile, after all this work it will be stunning. We all need to do what makes us feel better about ourselves as we go on this journey. For me, my one thing if I do it, it would be my legs.

Arlene, congrats on more of a loss!

Jody, glad Boomer is doing so well. I would get so attached to any dogs I fostered, I'd end up wanting to keep them all. As a child many girls had a horse fascination, not me, mine was dogs. Even now, DH jokes that when we retire we need to have land so I can have more dogs. I have 2 black lab mixes now.

Jewel, congrats on the school grades, you will be great in nursing school.

Julie, glad the pain is getting better, pray it stays that way. Don't over do it now though as you feel better.

Eva, have fun in your travels!

Laura, sorry to hear your mom is having a tough time. it's got to be so hard on the care givers trying to remain strong and hold it together for everyone else. sounds like you had a fun little get away to the resort!

Well I know I am forgetting someone, and it's not intentional, I am just so exhausted and read about 8 pages to catch up. I love ya all and miss ya, look forward to being more regular again but probably won't til I get moved. Some days will be more so than others.

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Laura - Love the pictures and so sad to hear of beach erosion. I mentioned before that we used to spend xmas on Hutchinson Island near Stuart. Such a lovely area.

Went out for breakfast today with great grand daughter - age 11. Ordered 2 scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of crisp bacon, and diced potatoes. Only able to eat 1/3 of one egg and 1/2 pc bacon and about 6 diced potatoes - stuffed. I'm not able to eat enough food. Will call the doctor on Monday. Do my mentors here agree???

Believe it or not, that's a lot of food first thing in the morning when you've recently had a fill. I have a lot of trouble eating eggs in the the morning. I stick to Protein Drinks in the morning and sip slowly. I can eat a lot more at night.

Plus, I never eat potatos. Too many carbs and not the good kind. High glycemic. Not much nutrition other than potassium. Makes you store the cholesterol and fat in the eggs and bacon which doesn't happen if you don't eat the carbs. Also fills you, temporarily, and leaves not enough room for the Protein you need. When I eat breakfast out, I take most of it home and eat it for supper.

That's just me. Others may do differently. I love my morning Protein Drink. Don't want to start my day pbing. I work with my band which is highly restrictive in the morning. If I eat sliders, its usually carbs, which triggers carb cravings the rest of the day.


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Thanks for your input, Cheri. This is all still so new.

Actually it was almost noon when I ate. Had a nail appt at 10:30 and ate on way home - but still first meal of the day.

Julie - the 7 lbs lost is per month for 3 months totaling 23 now. I'm happy losing at that rate.

Jodi - yippee on wonderful new home and the timing is an answer to your prayers.

night all

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Hi all.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

JULIE GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!! I know weve all missed your daily posts....and was wondering how you were feeling...saying a prayer every day for you!!! Im glad to hear that you at least are comfortable for now. Hoping it will get only better!!!

Janet, didnt I tell you id remember what I wanted to respond to your post at about 2 AM.... well it was about 3. lol

Yes,, NY is a great place to come to vist. I suggest what a great place to have a get together and I would gladly accept the role of ambassador...lol

I was thinking....that we could all rent a house for the weekend or week which would be so much cheaper then a hotel. We can all cook together, sharing our favorite recipes that weve been posting here in LBT.

I live right next to the railroad to Manhattan. No need for renting cars etc. We can see its "Girls night out" which is a fab interactive show about 5 woman. I loved it and with a group of friends....the house will come down.

Well....just a thought to add to your post!! Just say when...the rest is done.

Of course you can all stay with me in my little two bedroom apt if you wanted more cozy..but no more dogs!! Hiatus here.

So, Ive been caughing still. Feeling much better overall. The medications have deff kicked in but im still caughing like crazy...now the congestion has broken up but getting all the mucus out is freaking me out. I keep thinking the band is going to slip with any caugh as they are so deep and it hurts so much my ribs are hurting.

I called the surgeon again....as I was so sure....and he again assured me that if I did I would know emmediately.. great and now im more worried that it can happen. He said not to worry but the nerosis in me is worrying. I think that I actually ate a little more then needing to tonight just to make sure that I was okay and I didnt throw up or reflux etc etc. So far its okay.

Shabbat was quiet...and low keyed. I organized the coat closet. Needed to give away coats and sweaters that I know will not fit come fall/winter. While I was at it I went through all the hand bags and purses. Got rid of all the bags that I havent used within the last 3 yrs. Not easy but done!

Reorganized, switched around and cleaned up the closet..which really should have been done before passover but just shut and sold the whole lot as didnt need it then. lol

Last night organized all my jewelery, had to get rid of half. It was time. There was stuff I was never going to where again but couldnt get rid of. Nothing worth much except of sentimental value..but needed space for all the new pieces that my step mom gave me to go with the outfits...which btw are olmost too big allready sadly to say for the clothes were fabulous but taking them all in as I go down. lol Not giving those up.

So, spent the evening and afternoon organizing and decluttering. In between we went to shul and after the kiddish lunch and organzing closet we went to the park with our dog Starlight. We walked around and chatted with some people we knew then sat on a bench and just enjoyed the gorgeous weather after the horrible week weve had in NY...brr was it a cold one. We just sat and enjoyed chit chatting about this and that...it was a perfect afternoon with my daughter. We did notice that something was missing. BOOMER. yes, the park had taken on a different view with him...and talking about the past two weeks with him and the visits to the park was fun but I was happy to just sit and relax and catch some sun for a change instead of running with him all over.

The kiddush lunch in the afternoon after synaguage (shul) meal was catered. It always is and anyone whose been to the beginning of any NY jewish wedding can imagine just what this is like.

It was interesting...as this was the first one like this ive been to since banding.

I did look at all the foods that were offered...as usual all the most amazing foods that could be offered that entails fat more fat and then some. All the jewish foods that you can think of in one giant room. food enough to feed an army.

So....what did I eat????

I had an amazing lunch. First I had a tablespoon of three bean salad, and two ounces of grilled chicken slice, two strawberries, three rasberries and one little chunk if watermelon. It was really good.

I could have eaten about 3,0000 calories easy as I have in the past...as everyone can easily do..when food is good and is in front of you and its free. Those days of thinking this way are over. Not going to happen every month....in shabbat, I enjoy the socialization when these buffet lunches we call Kidush happen. I get to see and meet new people in the shul that I wouldnt normally and I dont have to cook at home...so it usually means its my turn to invite Dassis friends over to me as apposed to on other weekends and my mom so they are taken care of for this meal at least. Kind of silly but hey...I need a break sometime from cooking and with the cost of feeding 4 or 5 people at a meal that needs to be the so called "elaborate shabbos style meal" tuna and bread just doesnt cut this meal. lol

Although the meals I have been preparing have gone through a transformation from the 3-4 course fish and fatty meat and potatoes and side dishes with more oil then id like to think about now...high calorie deserts etc...have been replaced with more healthy choices.....Its just what has to be in this house....taste and style is not forfeited just healthier style.

I have to say....trying new things is sometimes not so good like the spelt challah we tried last week tjat was a bust. It was like eating sandpaper. We agreed his week to have he white flour, egg and raisin challah that we love..and only had about an oz. (Dassi had some more...lol) and I dont feel bad, It was delicious. I worked that into my plan for dinner and the dinner was a good low cal, dinner of 3 oz of terryaki salmon...and two bites of grilled portabella mushroom. For desert we had a 100 cal fudgsickle. Just as elaborate and elegant on the shabbos table as was the past traditional foods eaten and presented and I felt really good about creating new recipes. Dassi seems to be good about this and is anxious to try these new things as well...however...she says she isnt giving up chulent or chicken Soup with matzah balls and noodles. I guess thats okay....she wont need to know that I will change the recipe slightely for each to make it low cal. lol

Last night I made......

Salmon with ginger and terriyaki sauce. Yes, this was a keeper.

Shavuot is going to be a real challenge. My plan....is to plan.


Lots of fresh vegetables, fruit with either fish, or chicken breasts. Ill make lots of grilled veggies with olive oil and herbs and spices. boy....my family and friends who we will be going with are going to be so um either estatic of really peeved..but I dont really care. The food will be tasty nutritious and fit for holiday fare...and we will not be eating 3 meals a day for three days straight at about 2,000 cal meals which was easy in the past.

for deserts....I will have some, sorbet, frozen yoghurt, and fudgsickes along with cool whip to top fresh berries, and to have on hand throughout the week there to eat just whenever will be hard butterscotch candies, lemon lolipops and litt choc kisses (instead of choc cheesecake, pies and choc Cookies and so on and so and so on) for Snacks for the kids. All low cal alternatives to the traditional cheesecake and high cal/fat deserts this dairy holiday entails.

okay....have I convinced you all???

PLEASE help me between now and Monday night to not be tempted to fall back in the end to the traditional meals of this holiday so easy to make as I am so familiar with them and can make them with eyes closed. It would be just so easy. SO need lots of encouragement to stick to the plan!!!

Just to make sure I wouldnt start to think about the possiblities of the above...I just ran through the pantry and got rid of anything that might be threatening my plan...which I should have done right after passover in any case.

Got rid of a box of matzah meal. Will not make matzah balls from wheat, the noodles for soup ...bye bye. The three cans of whole berry cranberry sauce as well. There was a can of bread crumbs, that I just tossed. The bag of sugar...I gave next door along with a bag of choc chips and walnuts.

I will not have anything in the house that I can grab for or use in cooking any longer that is not healthy or low cal. There are plenty of healthy snacks for Dassi that she enjoys and the above candy stuff that are low cal for her. Ive found some gluten free low cal cookies and stuff she actually likes so...we are getting good...the shopping is getting better....and what I found is...if I have the stuff that is healthy and I stock up the pantry with these items then all I need to do every day is decide what fresh do I need....is it fish? chicken breasts? lean meat? Easy. Bought some low cal sauces for grilling, baking, steaming, poaching and boiling. Frying is out. out out!


Okay....so this is what I would love from anyone.

Im stuck on the side dishes...for the holiday. It will be 6 days. I need some dairy or vegetarian recipes that I can make with all the yummy veggies I will get that will be fairly easy to make in a strange place?? lol

Please post any kind...id love some ideas besides the zuchini dish that I think either Karen or Linda posted but not sure. Ill take any at this point. Ive been looking as well at some sites...but only have a few.

Thanks in advance!!!

Phyl, Im so sorry about your BFF. How sad not to have been notified not to mention insensitive. Families often forget to call and reach out to those out of touch themselves to those who did really care as they either dont know you, forgot as they were bereaving or thought someone else would do it... None good excuses but to herr is human. Im sorry for your loss.....

OMG...ive been ranting on and on...and now Ive truly junked up this thread....

cant imagine anyone reading all the above...but if you have....thank you and im sorry...but apparently had so much to say...

anxiety about the upcoming vacation.

Jessica and I....what a pair both fwe are feffing over the what will bes with others on our upcoming vacation..in dealing with our banding issues and the foods we will choose or not. lol

Have a great night allJ

Tomorrow....Dassi has another audition with a major film director. Please Please..let them think shes got something....she has one more audition with an agent next month after this and then the program is over. If this doesnt pan out we wont be sad.....the experience of this program was fantastik and weve had 6 auditions that we would never have ever gotten ourselves with these great directors, managers and agents. If god wants Dassi to be in the movies or on TV it will happen...if not thats fine as well.

But it sure would be nice. Crossing fingers.

Not nurvous, Not Nurvous, Not Nurvous.....

Have a great night all


Edited by NYSparklegirl

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Jodi! You are SO busy!! Where do you get all your energy!?

My friend had no family at all, just a few close friends in NYC. She'd lived there since she graduated from the U of Buffalo in 1965. It was one of our friends from those college years that finally emailed me yesterday. Because she lived in NYC all those years, we had very few mutual friends at this point in our lives. So, I totally understand how I got left out of the loop, but still regret that it took so long for someone to let me know. She had a live in boyfriend for more than 30 years, but he was somewhat older than her and died about 4-5 years ago. He had a daughter from another relationship, and a granddaughter, and my friend was quite close to them, but I'd never met them. I'm dealing with it... just can't believe she's gone and regret not having kept closer touch when I realized how sick she was last time we talked.

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Phyll, sorry to have forgotten to send my sympathies on the loss of your friend..... It is so easy to lose touch with those who are not in our everyday lives.... It sounds like she had someone to love and to love her and that was good..... Hope you will feel better soon....

Jodi, as per usual you take my breath away..... how busy you are.....Apples is the one to get recipes from.... she has something for everyone and has changed most of them to be better for us....... She'll be back on Monday I think..... Good luck to Dassi on her next audition.....

I fell asleep in my chair after taking my sleeping pills... Have asked DH not to leave me there without something behind my neck, but he says he could't get me to move.... Anyway, now I'm awake and I have a neck ache... So took the pain pill I didn't take earlier and will sit here a bit until it kicks in..... It's a good time to clear off my desk a bit.... Good night all.... hope you are all having sweet dreams..... Julie

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Good morning!

Up early this morning- Just got a call from my Mom. Dad's leg is hurting in the calf, and it's red and swollen and hot. She knew it sounded like a DVT (blood clot) but I guess she just wanted someone else to tell her to go to the ER. Will update you guys later. Last chemo was scheduled for tomorrow, but he's doing so bad last few days- weakness, diarrhea, lack of appetite, etc.. that I don't think they would give it. ugghhh

Julie~ So nice to hear an update from you. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Yeah, worst thing you can do is fall asleep sitting up. Gotta make yourself lean back or lie down.

Jodi~ You are a busy beaver! Will come back to you with a recipe. I personally like them thrown on the grill with just olive oil spray and some greek seasoning.

Time to check my FB... talk to you later.. peasout.. Laura

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Hi all.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

JULIE GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!! I know weve all missed your daily posts....and was wondering how you were feeling...saying a prayer every day for you!!! Im glad to hear that you at least are comfortable for now. Hoping it will get only better!!!

Janet, didnt I tell you id remember what I wanted to respond to your post at about 2 AM.... well it was about 3. lol

Yes,, NY is a great place to come to vist. I suggest what a great place to have a get together and I would gladly accept the role of ambassador...lol

I was thinking....that we could all rent a house for the weekend or week which would be so much cheaper then a hotel. We can all cook together, sharing our favorite recipes that weve been posting here in LBT.

I live right next to the railroad to Manhattan. No need for renting cars etc. We can see its "Girls night out" which is a fab interactive show about 5 woman. I loved it and with a group of friends....the house will come down.

Well....just a thought to add to your post!! Just say when...the rest is done.

Of course you can all stay with me in my little two bedroom apt if you wanted more cozy..but no more dogs!! Hiatus here.

So, Ive been caughing still. Feeling much better overall. The medications have deff kicked in but im still caughing like crazy...now the congestion has broken up but getting all the mucus out is freaking me out. I keep thinking the band is going to slip with any caugh as they are so deep and it hurts so much my ribs are hurting.

I called the surgeon again....as I was so sure....and he again assured me that if I did I would know emmediately.. great and now im more worried that it can happen. He said not to worry but the nerosis in me is worrying. I think that I actually ate a little more then needing to tonight just to make sure that I was okay and I didnt throw up or reflux etc etc. So far its okay.

Shabbat was quiet...and low keyed. I organized the coat closet. Needed to give away coats and sweaters that I know will not fit come fall/winter. While I was at it I went through all the hand bags and purses. Got rid of all the bags that I havent used within the last 3 yrs. Not easy but done!

Reorganized, switched around and cleaned up the closet..which really should have been done before passover but just shut and sold the whole lot as didnt need it then. lol

Last night organized all my jewelery, had to get rid of half. It was time. There was stuff I was never going to where again but couldnt get rid of. Nothing worth much except of sentimental value..but needed space for all the new pieces that my step mom gave me to go with the outfits...which btw are olmost too big allready sadly to say for the clothes were fabulous but taking them all in as I go down. lol Not giving those up.

So, spent the evening and afternoon organizing and decluttering. In between we went to shul and after the kiddish lunch and organzing closet we went to the park with our dog Starlight. We walked around and chatted with some people we knew then sat on a bench and just enjoyed the gorgeous weather after the horrible week weve had in NY...brr was it a cold one. We just sat and enjoyed chit chatting about this and that...it was a perfect afternoon with my daughter. We did notice that something was missing. BOOMER. yes, the park had taken on a different view with him...and talking about the past two weeks with him and the visits to the park was fun but I was happy to just sit and relax and catch some sun for a change instead of running with him all over.

The kiddush lunch in the afternoon after synaguage (shul) meal was catered. It always is and anyone whose been to the beginning of any NY jewish wedding can imagine just what this is like.

It was interesting...as this was the first one like this ive been to since banding.

I did look at all the foods that were offered...as usual all the most amazing foods that could be offered that entails fat more fat and then some. All the jewish foods that you can think of in one giant room. food enough to feed an army.

So....what did I eat????

I had an amazing lunch. First I had a tablespoon of three bean salad, and two ounces of grilled chicken slice, two strawberries, three rasberries and one little chunk if watermelon. It was really good.

I could have eaten about 3,0000 calories easy as I have in the past...as everyone can easily do..when food is good and is in front of you and its free. Those days of thinking this way are over. Not going to happen every month....in shabbat, I enjoy the socialization when these buffet lunches we call Kidush happen. I get to see and meet new people in the shul that I wouldnt normally and I dont have to cook at home...so it usually means its my turn to invite Dassis friends over to me as apposed to on other weekends and my mom so they are taken care of for this meal at least. Kind of silly but hey...I need a break sometime from cooking and with the cost of feeding 4 or 5 people at a meal that needs to be the so called "elaborate shabbos style meal" tuna and bread just doesnt cut this meal. lol

Although the meals I have been preparing have gone through a transformation from the 3-4 course fish and fatty meat and potatoes and side dishes with more oil then id like to think about now...high calorie deserts etc...have been replaced with more healthy choices.....Its just what has to be in this house....taste and style is not forfeited just healthier style.

I have to say....trying new things is sometimes not so good like the spelt challah we tried last week tjat was a bust. It was like eating sandpaper. We agreed his week to have he white flour, egg and raisin challah that we love..and only had about an oz. (Dassi had some more...lol) and I dont feel bad, It was delicious. I worked that into my plan for dinner and the dinner was a good low cal, dinner of 3 oz of terryaki salmon...and two bites of grilled portabella mushroom. For desert we had a 100 cal fudgsickle. Just as elaborate and elegant on the shabbos table as was the past traditional foods eaten and presented and I felt really good about creating new recipes. Dassi seems to be good about this and is anxious to try these new things as well...however...she says she isnt giving up chulent or chicken Soup with matzah balls and noodles. I guess thats okay....she wont need to know that I will change the recipe slightely for each to make it low cal. lol

Last night I made......

Salmon with ginger and terriyaki sauce. Yes, this was a keeper.

Shavuot is going to be a real challenge. My plan....is to plan.


Lots of fresh vegetables, fruit with either fish, or chicken breasts. Ill make lots of grilled veggies with olive oil and herbs and spices. boy....my family and friends who we will be going with are going to be so um either estatic of really peeved..but I dont really care. The food will be tasty nutritious and fit for holiday fare...and we will not be eating 3 meals a day for three days straight at about 2,000 cal meals which was easy in the past.

for deserts....I will have some, sorbet, frozen yoghurt, and fudgsickes along with cool whip to top fresh berries, and to have on hand throughout the week there to eat just whenever will be hard butterscotch candies, lemon lolipops and litt choc kisses (instead of choc cheesecake, pies and choc Cookies and so on and so and so on) for Snacks for the kids. All low cal alternatives to the traditional cheesecake and high cal/fat deserts this dairy holiday entails.

okay....have I convinced you all???

PLEASE help me between now and Monday night to not be tempted to fall back in the end to the traditional meals of this holiday so easy to make as I am so familiar with them and can make them with eyes closed. It would be just so easy. SO need lots of encouragement to stick to the plan!!!

Just to make sure I wouldnt start to think about the possiblities of the above...I just ran through the pantry and got rid of anything that might be threatening my plan...which I should have done right after passover in any case.

Got rid of a box of matzah meal. Will not make matzah balls from wheat, the noodles for soup ...bye bye. The three cans of whole berry cranberry sauce as well. There was a can of bread crumbs, that I just tossed. The bag of sugar...I gave next door along with a bag of choc chips and walnuts.

I will not have anything in the house that I can grab for or use in cooking any longer that is not healthy or low cal. There are plenty of healthy snacks for Dassi that she enjoys and the above candy stuff that are low cal for her. Ive found some gluten free low cal cookies and stuff she actually likes so...we are getting good...the shopping is getting better....and what I found is...if I have the stuff that is healthy and I stock up the pantry with these items then all I need to do every day is decide what fresh do I need....is it fish? chicken breasts? lean meat? Easy. Bought some low cal sauces for grilling, baking, steaming, poaching and boiling. Frying is out. out out!


Okay....so this is what I would love from anyone.

Im stuck on the side dishes...for the holiday. It will be 6 days. I need some dairy or vegetarian recipes that I can make with all the yummy veggies I will get that will be fairly easy to make in a strange place?? lol

Please post any kind...id love some ideas besides the zuchini dish that I think either Karen or Linda posted but not sure. Ill take any at this point. Ive been looking as well at some sites...but only have a few.

Thanks in advance!!!

Phyl, Im so sorry about your BFF. How sad not to have been notified not to mention insensitive. Families often forget to call and reach out to those out of touch themselves to those who did really care as they either dont know you, forgot as they were bereaving or thought someone else would do it... None good excuses but to herr is human. Im sorry for your loss.....

OMG...ive been ranting on and on...and now Ive truly junked up this thread....

cant imagine anyone reading all the above...but if you have....thank you and im sorry...but apparently had so much to say...

anxiety about the upcoming vacation.

Jessica and I....what a pair both fwe are feffing over the what will bes with others on our upcoming vacation..in dealing with our banding issues and the foods we will choose or not. lol

Have a great night allJ

Tomorrow....Dassi has another audition with a major film director. Please Please..let them think shes got something....she has one more audition with an agent next month after this and then the program is over. If this doesnt pan out we wont be sad.....the experience of this program was fantastik and weve had 6 auditions that we would never have ever gotten ourselves with these great directors, managers and agents. If god wants Dassi to be in the movies or on TV it will happen...if not thats fine as well.

But it sure would be nice. Crossing fingers.

Not nurvous, Not Nurvous, Not Nurvous.....

Have a great night all


Dear Jodi; WOW you sound like you really mastered the HOLIDAY by eating only what you should... doing the `visual`eating of the buffet table and then choosing wisely was an AWESOME Kudo for you!!! If you fail to Plan, then you PLan TO FAIL...

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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