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LauraK - I'm in Overland Park (Kansas City) and would love to buy dinner for you and daughter - or lunch or Breakfast, if it works out as you go thru. My e-mail is ladykcusa@yahoo.com.

Let me know if it might work out. I'd love to meet you.

P.S. This goes for all my friends here.

Thank you so much I will let you know if it will work out to meet you in our travels. Not sure how far each day we will be traveling but I hope it works out to meet you.

Laura K

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Eva - have a wonderful vacation

Jessica - you are doing sensational.

Karen - have a great weekend at the lake. Boy would I love you to write that book and send us all copies. Autographed, of course.

Janet - love your trainer giving you accolades on your lifestyle changes. You are one focused gal and have earned your success.

Hello to everyone I missed. I was 3 pages behind on reading all the posts. Busy ladies.

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Hi gang! Just checking in. My mother has pneumonia again......well, I don't think she ever got rid of it. Hopefully, they will give her oral antibiotics this time. She doesn't have a fever. The infection traveled to the other lung.

Julie........how are you doing?

Great......did you find something?

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I'm here, sorry I've been so darn busy -- not even sure why just seems like I need about 3 extra hours each day to get done what I need to get done!

Apples, good for you for doing your teeth -- anything that makes you feel better about yourself I think is important and if you can tolerate the inconvenience, pain and have the money then why not? You were already beautiful so now you'll even be more gorgeous.

Deb, glad you had a great time on your trip to NY -- I've never been so hope to get there one day -- wouldn't mind if our next get together was there. I bet the play was great -- love Denzel. Congrats on your boobs -- lol - that's a great story!! WTG on the zumba - it's great that you love the exercise -- it makes it easier to keep it up I think. Good for you!!

Arlene -- good going on the weight loss -- hey 1 pound is still fantastic!! Keep up all the good work! You're doing a tremendous job. Sorry to hear your mom's sick again, will keep her in my prayers.

Jessica, I'm with you on the elliptical -- I like it better than the treadmill too and burn more calories as well. I certainly feel like I work out harder on the elleptical - but like it better cause my back and knees (and hip) doesn't hurt afterward. Using more resistance on the treadmill sometimes causes me problems and I can't get up to a high enough speed on the treadmill that I would like. So I really do enjoy the elleptical better as well. And you're correct, all the hard work is going to catch up with you -- you're doing a terrific job -- just keep on doing it and you'll be where you want to be before you know it. I love your new "do" -- looks great -- you are getting more beautiful every day. Good for for your hubby -- just think what positive role models you will both be for your son - great job to both of you! Congrats on wearing shorts for first time in 7 years -- that's quite a milestone!

Phyl you have to be the most technology savvy grandma in the US!! I'm jealous -- I don't even know what a new Zune is! Wow you are amazing. I'm disappointed you'll be too far north for me (except if it's a weekend I might be game). So keep me informed as the time gets closer - I'd love to meet you and Karen AND Earl.

Laura, happy you had a safe trip home and happy you had a nice time with your family. I'm sure you're dad will feel somewhat better with the chemo behind him. I'm sure your mom is totally exhausted -- sounds like she needs a few days to rest. It would be nice if they could come visit you guys when you're dad is up to it and you're mom could really get some rest maybe. But she still looks gorgeous. Love Nelson's hair -- very nice -- yeah losing the first tooth -- wow -- he's not your "baby" any more. I used to make the cutest tooth fairy pillows -- counted cross stitch -- very cute -- made theme ones for little boys (I remember doing Thomas ones) and girls -- makes me wish I still had my patterns -- hadn't thought about those in a long time. As far as your support group goes, I think they all should be active on LBT - I do think because we stick together and support each other DAILY (or almost daily) it helps keep us on track and motivated.

Thank you again Janet -- you are our super guru (sounds better than food Cop!)

Jodie, sorry to hear about your asthma attack -- hope you start feeling better soon. Our bodies sure do like to make us sick when we've overly exhausted them don't they? Glad you were able to be treated at home and not have to go into hospital. Glad Boomer is happy with his new home and family - he's sure a sweet dog -- love all dogs, but he did look special. Nothing wrong with you -- heck, I could cry just thinking about you leaving Boomer -- that's all it takes to make me cry -- just hormones -- we are moms -- we cry easily. That's what makes us special and good moms (in my humble opinion).Hope you have a great time on your trip to Fire Island -- sounds like fun. Congrats on the 7 lbs -- that's incredible -- you ARE the incredible shrinking woman!

Great, hope to hear soon that you found a wonderful house -- I don't envy all the work ahead of you. I was appalled that your mom gave you "instructions" on Grandma -- can't wait really for you to be gone and she has to deal with your sisters -- should open ALL of their eyes as to how much you did! This should be good so if you ever move back maybe then you can ALL share the responsibilities more.

Eva, have a great time, hope you enjoy your time off and away from work! Sounds like a nice trip. Will miss you but glad you are getting away!

Julie, hope you are feeling better, miss hearing from you.

Well, I've been reading and writing this for over 6 hours -- been busy today at work, but trying to get caught up with all of you. Going to the gym now as I couldn't get up at 5 - it was rainy and stormy and I just couldn't do it. Have to be at work at 6 am. tomorrow to cover a shift for a co-worker who's on vacation. Then I'll get off at 3, so that'll be nice on a Friday - we are heading to our favorite casino seafood buffet since I'm off early -- take about 1-1/2 hours to get there.

Joyce, we still need to plan a trip to get together -- maybe when Eva decides when her trip to your area will be - I think she said August, but if that doesn't happen, I'll still try to plan a little get together some weekend with you.

Janet, glad your trainer yelled at you -- he should -- you don't give yourself enough credit -- that's the one thing the author on Oprah was talking about yesterday -- we need to ACCEPT our success and acknowledge our hard work -- we tend to downplay it -- heck -- watching Biggest Loser the other night and them talking about how inspirational they are - well, heck we have to be inspirational to people too -- look at what we've all accomplished!! Accept the praise!!

Sunday we are taking Aylah to Sesame Street Live, Elmo's Green Thumb - got tickets through work -- have front row seats in our section -- can't wait -- she's going to love it.

I was disappointed Big Mike went home -- like him better than Casey -- oh well, the teeny boppers are all voting for Casey I'm sure. He almost didn't even get a ticket to Hollywood during auditions -- but I think he did deserve to be on but don't think he's good enough to win. I'm with Phyl, would like the finale to be Lee and Crystal.

Hope you all have a wonderful evening.



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Man, just too much to comment on. Teeth, lbs, trips, techie grandmas. Thread was dead last week and weekend. Now, I can't keep up.

One thing. The fatter I got, the shorter I cut my hair. Now its well below my shoulders. Much more flattering to my face.

AI. Wanted Casey to go home. Great guitarist but no artistry to his singing. Michael rescued that duet. Better vote for Lee or Crystal or the teenieboppers will get Casey. Hopefully, Michael boosters will switch to Lee or Crystal. Been for Crystal, Michael, and Lee from the start. Crystal is the top though. Phenomenal artist. Quirky personality.


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Hi guys!~

I am finally getting caught up. Did my shopping, laundry all done, clothes and stuff put away, and the house is clean. DH had the idea of going away for the weekend... and all I could think was, "I just got everything unpacked!" But we may go to Orlando for a night this weekend.

I had the strangest thing happen to me at Nelson's taekwondo class- one of the mothers of a kid from his school came up to me and introduced herself. I thought she was either drunk or joking. But, she said we hadn't met before and she wanted to welcome me. Well, I haven't seen her in about 9 months and she really didn't remember me. (I don't think I look that different- but she did). It was a back handed compliment in a way. Weird.

I think I am finally at my sweet spot. I am not PBing anymore, but I get an appropriate amount of fullness/pain with 3/4 cup of food. (when I make good choices) I haven't had any heartburn/reflux issues in a while either. (except Mother's Day after eating my SIL's food..LOL)! Now that I have the right restriction.... if I can get myself back to the gym on a regular basis I will be set! Janet, I need you here to kick me in the A$$! ; )

I know everyone is out and about. Apples to the lake, Eva off to a million places, and a few more travelers. Hope you guys are having fun and being safe. Julie, where are you? Lori, let us know how the house hunting goes! Arlene, WTG! Sorry to hear about your mom. Jessica, WTG on clothes and grades! Walk away from the TV. I don't even turn it on during the day. Jodi~ WTG on the 7 lbs! OMG! awesome!!! Phyl~ Thanks for the nice msg. : ) WTG on the new gym!

ok girls. I need to get this guy headed towards a bath. I am ready for bedtime (his), Survivor, and watching recorded Dateline. I have an exciting life, huh?

Oh, thanks for all the concern and kind words about my Mom and Dad. My Dad is a fighter- I have a real strong feeling the scan will be favorable. My mom is a self induced workaholic. She is offered breaks, but being a typical perfectionist-nurse she doesn't feel like anyone can do her job like she can. (she is right). But she is starting to understand that she cannot do it all. My mom is a cancer survivor. 5 years ago (Aug) she was diagnosed with Stage 3 uterine cancer. They caught it all with surgery, nodes were all negative (thank God). She didn't need chemo or radiation. She goes every 3 months to Duke for follow up. She had put her last appt off for 2 months over and just went today. My sister took Dad to the dr for IV fluids/labs/checkup and the house did not disappear while she was gone. It's hard for her to let go of control- as much as it is for my Dad not to constantly ask ONLY HER for help. I will certainly look forward to a time that they can have some normalcy in their lives. Cancer sucks.

I will CBL peeps. Until then.... peasout.. Laura

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Yay! The doctor put my mother on oral antibiotics. No more hospital for now. She is still in skilled nursing.

Have any of you used a pedometer app on your iphone? I used Footsteps today, but it is not very accurate . I may have to just use a regular pedometer.

Thanks, Linda for the larger print. I'm with y'all on the finals......Crystal and Lee.

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Hello everyone! And yes, I have been in hiding. And no, it is not because of a man.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my band. I have gained back 42 of the 67 lbs. I am/was so disappointed. "I did it again!"

In the last 2 months, after much listening and reading and learning, I have discovered that I am a compulsive overeater. It's more than just eating the wrong things. There are things that go beyond what normal people do.

Today, I began Day One of my recovery. AND I am finding the band to be a good tool to help me. But it is more than willpower, it is more than having the right attitude. I have been lost and think this OA program can help me find sanity. I can follow this plan of eating today. I also went back to zumba. It's not about the weight and the clothes right now; it's about this addiction and learning to manage it...today.

I have been reading the posts tho. Congrats to all the success you are having. Congrats on the new teeth (I treated myself to a new smile for my retirement gift to me). Congrats on Boomer getting a home. (I fostered a chihuahua a few weeks ago and she has a fabulous home and will be the princess she deserves to be.) I pray for Julie to find relief. I am sorry about the job sh*t some of you are having. I think Jewell looks great. I smiled at the Tooth Fairy visiting Nels. And all the rest of the news.


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Welcome back JBFlorida. You are always welcome, even when you are struggling. That is the most important time for me to be here. Glad you have learned more about yourself and your not afraid to admit you slipped. And you aren't scared to face your problem. Zumba sounds like a good idea. Create a new habit to replace the old one kinda thing. I admire how you refuse to give up and keep bouncing back. You deserve to be the person you dream of being. I have missed your humor on here. Hope you stick around.

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Deb - I love Denzel... NYC is a place I would love to visit - now that we have Jodi - Maybe we should go there - I think it's best to go somewhere where you have someone to show you around.. I would love to see a Broadway show..

WTG on your food & exercise.... You are living the lifestyle

Yep a good bra will feel so much better and even make you look thinner. I found these Dr Rey bra's I love them - wide on the side and back - very comfortable and gives my 34 B saggy boobs GREAT CLEAVAGE. My 1st one was in a snake print - then found a beige one in the same style - so I got it .

I hate spending $100 on a bathing suit - and that's how much the cost - I get them now at Marshalls or Target - I have a couple so I really haven't been bathing suit shopping this yr - heck the pool still to cool - think its 76... I like about 80.

Apples - ck out the Dr Rey bra's - they sell them at Sear's

Jessica - you are going to have to find something to keep you busy during the summer..

Yes I have no doubt that those 2 lbs will be off real soon - keep up the good work..

Phyl -

Do the laptops work as good as a desk one - I don't know - my computer is about 5 or 6 yrs old - I know I got it right after I moved in here - so it should be fading soon - but hopefully it won't - Andrew goes thru computers about every 2 or 3 yrs..

Plus I didn't like the keyboard on my bros that I have - I would like one of those little notebook ones..

I figured Big Mike or Casey - So I wasn't shocked - I voted for Lee - 20 minutes and never got a busy signal - they must have added phone lines..

We will continue that discussion on our thread ($$$)

Ya you were at that support group meeting - hell it was the only one I went to lol

Glad you are having a good time babysitting :0)

Joyce - I'm so stupid - I don't know why I thought you lived in OK - well isn't KS next door to OK ;0) or real close :0)

I give myself credit - but I guess not enough - he brought it home when he said the junk wasn't in the house cuz I choose not to buy it anymore.. But what he doesn't understand either is that I do still want to buy it - but I don't

but sometimes - he's black/white - he doesnt' understand being a food addict - he thinks it's easy to say no..

I don't know what I was thinking - cuz I keep saying well if there was a choc cake on the table I would eat it - but you know what - ya I may eat some but I would throw most of it away..

Yep I watched a little of the Oprah show - and like I have said - this isn't a diet to me - I don't diet - I just eat healthy.. I have suggested the book to a friend of mine who's struggling..

I agree - we tell each other stuff we don't tell pple in our day to day lives - I think a big part of that is that no one understands a fat chick like another fat chick does..

ok this weekend - my gf candy and I stopped at Von's we were hungry and got hummus crackers salami cheese and chips and those cookie

I have come to realize that I am afraid to be without food of some kind within my reach - We didn't eat anything but the Cookies and not even all of them (3 yrs ago I would have eaten it all ) but I need to know that I have food to eat should the urge hit me-

Don't ask me my I have never went without food - but it's my security blanket I guess

And I am still a fat chick inside a thin person's body - I accept and love how I look - but I still crave - need to have food around me - if you looked in my pantry - it's way over stocked for 2 pple.. You would think that sometime in my life I was starved..

I think it may be from my childhood when I was put on diets - but all that did was start me sneaking food.. so that didn't work..

Yes - this is my support - in fact at work yesterday I was explaining to the girls in the lunch room why I needed support - cuz one girl ask - why do you need a support group - (she's one who thinks the band did all the work) - I told her I am a food addict - just like a junkie goes to NA - I go to LBT ;0)


I can accept a complement ;0) but agree - maybe I don't give myself enough credit - but I sorta am afraid to - I don't want to get to cocky ;0) cuz like Judy said she got too cocky after she got to goal and had her surgery - she thought she looked too cute and started snacking and going back to old habit - thinking that she had it all under control - well 40 lbs later she realized she didn't - That's what I am afraid of - so I keep telling myself that you can't have to much of the treats - that you have to focus on eating healthy - I think that fear is what has kept me from going back to the darkside - I don't ever want to go back there - I am afraid at times that I will be that person again.. So the fear keeps me on the straight and narrow - but again - I am not dieting just very very careful of the treats..

Haven't watch Biggest loser lately - it conflicts with the other shows I am recording ;0)


Hugs on Mom - but sure glad not in the hospital!!! Prayers.. How do you like this type :0)


- I am in the ass kicking mood right now - so much so that I may just be a little to freaking blunt... And I don't want to shame anyone (that's what they talked about on Oprah yesterday - I didn't catch it all - but I am so blunt that I think I may shame pple and I don't want to do that)

But #1 you have to remember why you had the surgery - why you wanted to lose the weight and for me - I finally got it - this isn't a diet and that's what this Women Food God books author says too - just like beck - even though she uses the word diet which turns me off - but anyway - this truly is a lifestyle change in our eating and exercise - if you want to be healthy you have to eat healthy and move your butt - you have to love yourself enough to make the time to do these things for you - we do have to put ourselves 1st sometimes..

I never finished the Beck book - but this new one seems to go more into why we eat - the emotional parts - not super sure - cuz like I said I didn't watch the whole program..

I agree cancer suck !!!

Just you and dh going (date weekend ;0) or the whole family - going to use that credit at the restaurant aren't you ;0)


Yep Crystal has a quirky personality - and I think she will win - but I love Lee and Casey is so cute and I normally don't like blonds..

Well gang been on here for at least 1.5 hrs trying to post please don't let it get lost ;0)

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hello everyone! And yes, I have been in hiding. And no, it is not because of a man.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my band. I have gained back 42 of the 67 lbs. I am/was so disappointed. "I did it again!"

In the last 2 months, after much listening and reading and learning, I have discovered that I am a compulsive overeater. It's more than just eating the wrong things. There are things that go beyond what normal people do.

Today, I began Day One of my recovery. AND I am finding the band to be a good tool to help me. But it is more than willpower, it is more than having the right attitude. I have been lost and think this OA program can help me find sanity. I can follow this plan of eating today. I also went back to zumba. It's not about the weight and the clothes right now; it's about this addiction and learning to manage it...today.

I have been reading the posts tho. Congrats to all the success you are having. Congrats on the new teeth (I treated myself to a new smile for my retirement gift to me). Congrats on Boomer getting a home. (I fostered a chihuahua a few weeks ago and she has a fabulous home and will be the princess she deserves to be.) I pray for Julie to find relief. I am sorry about the job sh*t some of you are having. I think Jewell looks great. I smiled at the Tooth Fairy visiting Nels. And all the rest of the news.


Judy Welcome home - one day at a time... xoxox J

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Julie, if you're reading along, I had a wierd thought. Don't know if this is possible, but, you know when you have gas that puts pain into your shoulders? You've had so much abdominal problems and surgery, I'm wondering if in addition to referred pain going back and forth between your neck and shoulder, if you don't also have something gastric or abdominal pressing against that nerve that goes right up to those areas or sends pain up there.

I had that happen the other day. The gas pain made my neck pain unbelievably worse. Didn't know that it was gas pain for quite a while.


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I think it is important that we share about ourselves only. If I admit to my shortcomings, fine. We are here to support each other.

Jewell, you already have a warm and lovely bedside manner.

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can't sleep got bad leg cramp (really feet/ankles) alarm is going off in 3 hrs..

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Janet, I've been getting cramps in my right leg. It's in the lower calf and goes under my foot. It almost twists my foot sideways. Can't figure it, out I eat 1/2 a banana every day. Any of you medical people have any ideas for this?


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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