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Apples, we love you teeth and all, but I know you are going to love the white new teeth and it will be worth all the trouble over the next 3 months.

Can you get satellite internet? Hughesnet or something like that?

Someone asked where we were going again....we are going to Delaware for a concert (festival) on Saturday, then to Annapolis on Sunday through Tuesday, then on to Arkansas Wednesday through Sunday. I might have internet access or not, not sure, so if I'm MIA for more than a week, that's why.

We have a house sitter this time for the entire time which helps me feel better about leaving for that long.

I'm really beat and need to write out instructions for the house sitter. Tomorrow night will be packing and watering, etc because there won't be time on Friday morning when we leave.

Hope everyone has a great night.


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Karen - Still don't see it - but again you don't see my bags - I am glad yo are getting them fixed it will make you feel so good and the 3 months won't be anything after it's all said and done.

Lucky 7 get together can't be boot camp cuz it's my vacation and it's when I am bad ;0) but gotta say pple seem to eat better when we are all together - cuz they know we are watch - or should say I'm watching ;0) !!! They love me just like you all do..

LOL on the mayor - ya wouldn't he be in for a shock - just make the storying in a diff place like Indio Ca and change the names - I want an autograph copy lol .. And send copies to all the players - that would be lovely !!!

Jodi - omg girl you are busy, hopefully you will get to rest a little on FI... My Dad & Bro's had asthma and so does my nephew - I know how scary it is when you can't breath..

WTG on your weight loss - You Rock Girl...

Phyl - LOL competitive w/a 7 yr old - my Brooke kick's my butt on those games - I can't bowl for crap - but I beat her on the wii fitness games - and she gets pissed..

Eva - I had a house sitter when I took that cruise last yr - it really cost the same as kenneling all the animals and I felt better with them being at home - the lady was great -

Enjoy your Vacation...

Well, ended up just eating salad for dinner - and am full - going to have to have a pt drink for bf tomorrow - cuz I am way short on pt - don't know how much pt is in the Jerky I ate this a.m.(had about oz - dr said rule of thumb 7 grms pt per oz of pt) - lunch 28 grms - so I have had some

Well gotta go see who's going home on Idol - it's down to whom ever leaves it's going to be sad..

Julie hugs - and whatever happen to Judy !!!

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Eva...have a great trip. Sounds like fun. I LOVE traveling....as if I have never told you girls that b/4!.. Safe travels and will miss your posts if you cannot get service. Thanks for the internet tip...I will check it out.

Janet...No big surprise on AI...Big Mike going home. I really like his personality. So sweet when he had his baby and wife on stage. Crystal has been my favorite since day one. My favorites are Louie Armstrong, Janet Joplin, Melissa Ethridge, etc. and she has a voice like that. I did not think anyone else was really that great this year.

Janet...put out a challenge to your Lucky 7's girls. Most lost by your date wins a special prize or each put in $10 or something and that's the prize. But, has to have proof of healthy eating...documentation (journal) etc. Maybe it will help kick it in the butt for some of them. I know I like a good challenge.

Hey Jodi..good going on the weight loss. Sorry you have had some issues. Get better.

Great...Good luck. Hope you find the house of your dreams.

I am so excited to think that I FINALLY get to meet Phyll and take a peak at her driver.

Better hit the books, get the rest of my housework donw, grab the dog and head for the lake. Have some friends meeting me there tonight. I imagine a little card playing and a foo-foo drink or two. Got my money bowl full of quarters and ready to roll! You all have a great weekend. Sending the love...

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Jodi, way to go on those 7 lbs gone forever. Have fun on FI and take care of yourself.

Apples, kick some butt in those cards.

Eva, have a great trip.

Laura K

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Good Morning Gang..

Up early as usually Apples :0)

I have challenged them - they (the struggling ones) are challenging themselves for our get together... We will see what transpires..

Good luck on gambling?? What kind of cards do you play??

Phyl's driver is a great guy - you will love them both - I know I do...

Great - I was thinking of you as I waited for page to load - hope the house hunting is going well.

Phyl - I don't know how anyone can live w/dial up... Heck I'm impatience w/high speed - it's not fast enough

I figured Big Mike or Casey was going home - I love Crystal too - but have been voting for Lee - he's so cute and he is coming out of his shell some.. We all thought Adam was going to win last yr and Kris won - so it will be exciting to see who wins this yr..

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Jodi, way to go on those 7 lbs gone forever. Have fun on FI and take care of yourself.

Apples, kick some butt in those cards.

Eva, have a great trip.

Laura K

LauraK...I don't kick butt...I kick a$$!

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Janet...we play some Texas Hold'm, Rummy...simple stuff. Not real big gamblers. I think the most I ever lost was $7 and the most I walked away with was $40. We also play dice and we have a horse racing game we bet on. Yep, we are all sinners and have succomb to being gamblers.

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Apples, Geez for once in my life I was trying to talk lady like........OK kick ASS. lol

I put my money on you. I love to play cards, dice and we had a horse race game we used to bet on. Have a great time.

Laura K

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Apples, Geez for once in my life I was trying to talk lady like........OK kick ASS. lol

I put my money on you. I love to play cards, dice and we had a horse race game we used to bet on. Have a great time.

Laura K

Thanks, Laura...your wish will be granted. I always know how to have fun. Love my friends but what would be great is to look forward to all of you girls around my kitchen table playing cards. Wow, now that would be fun!:smile2:

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Debbie...you didnt e-mail. Im sure you were busy, with your daughter. Next time maybe. Sounds like you had a great time. Did you get to "Town shop" How was Fences? I heard the reviews were great. IJodi

Jodi! I'm so sorry we didn't get together. I never did see your e-mail, and I posted mine (but you must have not seen it)! We were very busy doing things, and I hadn't been to NYC in 2 years (all my vacation time has been spent with my mom since she's been ill). But it would have been great to meet you! Let's try for next time.

Fences was wonderful, and Denzel is an amazing actor. The rest of the cast were great too. Just a sad family story, but lots of laughs too. AND we did make it to the Town Shop; I got fitted for a very good bra and am so happy with it! On the rest of my trip, my daughter kept looking over at me and saying, "Gee, Mom, your boobs look great!" Hah!! It does make a huge difference having a well-fitting bra. I've already looked on E-Bay and can get the same model for a lot cheaper, so I'll be able to get more. We also tried on tons of bathing suits, but I wasn't prepared to spend the big bucks on them, and I really didn't find anything I fell in love with.

Other things we did: A klezmer music brunch at the City Winery on Mothers Day. I love klezmer, and it was great (it's Eastern European Jewish music...I call it laughing clarinets cause that's how it sounds). We went to the Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of American Folk Art. Also did some shopping, but no big purchases for me, although DD found some good stuff. I saw some interesting jackets I want to try to knock off and make myself. We went to the movies to see Please Give, and after the movie, they had a Q&A with the producer and Amanda Peet, one of the stars of the movie. Then, as we were walking out, we saw Michael J. Fox coming out of the men's bathroom! Lots of celebrity sightings this trip!! We saw Whoopie Goldberg at Fences, too.

I'm doing well on the exercise and the food. Before I left for me trip, I was doing zumba every day! I'm still going every day or every other day now. It's addictive, I think. I just feel so good from the sweating and dancing, and it's so much fun. It's doing amazing things for my depression, and I don't feel depressed at all since I've been doing it. ONe of the instructors I like doesn't do too much jumping and knee stuff, so my knees are doing ok. I"m fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear for 3 years or so. Also got rid of a ton of too big stuff. I made a bunch of new knits tops before I left, so I do have some new stuff to wear.

Jodi, I'm sorry to hear about your asthma attack. My DD's partner has bad allergies and she was really suffering last week with all the pollen. Even my eyes were running, and I don't have that bad of allergies. Apparently it's a really bad year for them.

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Deb...sounds like a GREAT trip. Isn't it nice when we can experience things through each other? Would never get DH to New York but I yearn to go. Think it will need to be a GF trip. You sure packed a lot into your days there. So nice that you could spend that time with DD.

Allergies are high around here too. Our trees are still budding and lots of mold from snow cover this spring. Poor DS that works with us is ictching, puffy-faced and stuffy. This should all pass within the next couple of weeks as things settle.

What brand of bra did you get. I found my perfect fitting brand a couple of years ago and know I will wear the same for life. Just does the job for me. And, an added benefit...I like the way it makes my boobs look.

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You are right... my LBT friends are my bestest!! I share things I never share with anyone else!!

That dental work sounds like quite an undertaking!! Hugs to you for getting through the process!

Have you heard of or read the book "Glass Castles" by Jeannette Wall? You might or might not relate to it... True story about a girl who emerged victorious after a horrendous childhood.

Family wedding in Buffalo is Aug. 28. DH thinks it will take 2 weeks to get there in the RV. So I assume we'll be leaving between 10 - 15 Aug. Will be stopping in Madison WI to see a friend... SIL's sister... she promised to make me her white chicken chili! This time I am writing down her recipe because it is SO good! Stopped there a few years ago for 2 nights and were almost devoured by the local mosquitoes. Haven't looked at a map yet, but I'm assuming the route will take us through ND.

Great job on the clothes... the grades... the exercise! You are WONDER WOMAN!! You're doing so good.. and you look GREAT!! Love the new hairdo, and your face is looking so thin! You are a beautiful young lady!


I was up until after midnight one night this week or last... trying to build 2 exercise playlists.. That wasn't the problem... getting them to sync to my iTouch was!! I have a "iTouch For Dummies" book, but so far that hasn't helped! I am wishing I hadn't begged for an iTouch for Christmas. Maybe I should've gotten a new Zune. Now I'm thinking of replacing my Blackberry with an iPhone, but maybe that would be a mistake. I consider myself a tech savvy grandma, but I just can't get iTunes to sync the things I want it to!! Very frustrating.

Phyll, I had the hardest time fiquering mine out too. I have a Sansa Fuse. I have been considering getting and Iphone also but I am pretty much decided to get the Samsung Caliber Smart phone. I wanted to get a smart phone for reaching my 1st 50 lost and my birthday in June. I found a really good deal with that phone.

Hi everyone.

well. its been a heck of a week last week and apparently my body has also had it..so it has rebelled and now im sick like a dog.

Ive had the worst asthma attack in years. Allergies this year was so bad and well I guess with all the goings on...they just led to asthma attack. I was in the pulminary office for about two hours. Xrays and all. Wasnt a happy camper. Now on steroids, antibiotics and increased dossages of pumps for two weeks. I suppose this is better then a few days in the hospital so...I wil follow treatment plan. I was more concerned with the possbilities of caughing and hacking so much that Id slip the band however after the pulmonary I stopped in at the surgeon...as they are in the same floor in the same building...convenient(not planned). He said not to worry that rarely happens. ( they dont know me yet??) but they said if I did I would know. In the meantime Im good..wew.

so...visited Boomer yesturday as promised my daughter if I left him Friday that we can go up again and say goodbye with her this week one day. So we drove up the 2hrs and the back the 3 hours. (traffic) he seems happy...so im happy. Funny thing..I cried for the hours on the way home Friday after leaving him...but my daughter she was so happy he was in a good home....didnt cry or was sad at all. She was like we did good and that was that. hmmm

Whats wrong with me??? lol

Got to tell you..its nice and quiet and relaxed again here...Im happy, happy now.

Now I gotta figure out what the next stressers are going to be...lol oh wait. hah. Didnt take that long. We are going to Fire Island Tuesday for the week. Have to pack food and all. Thats going to be just so much fun! not....

Havent decided to cook here and bring everything or shop and bring everything and cook their. Its not my house its a share....meaning everything is shared esp the kitchen...so the question is will their be enough space, time and pots and pans to cook with. Ive allready decided to make ....the zuchini dish that ..hmm who posted?? yes that. and ginger/terriyaki salmon. Grilled chicken breast in Panko bread. and stir fry vegetables. This is as far as the planning got.

oh and the 7 vegetable holiday Soup. This is with curry....so yummy. Ill have to think of several more meals.

My mother and Dassi of course is coming.....there is no supermarkets just little bodegas. Two...and anything cost three times as much then on off the Island so..I hate to have to buy anything besides the basics like milk and bread.

well, must go and get ready for the marathon day ahead. I have a vet apt. with my dog for lyme disease vaccine.. lots of ticks in FI. Lots of lyme disease. must be careful. Work then I have a dermatologist apt at 3 after which I have a support group for LAP-BAND® at 7. Another marathon day. lol

Not feeling well. Dont need this!!!

well must go to sleep

OMG......wait.....when I was weighed this morning.....at doctors....I lost another 7 pds this past week. Now im down 40 pds. Half the weight I want to loose!

Was so excited..didnt think I lost any this past week!!!

Yes put me in your book!! lol This way you will always have it. Would love to send all the information for the compiled list. Then no excuses.

Charlene..yes please come and visit. We will annoy your son. lol

Jewel.... OMG you look amazing!! I bet you feel it as well. Great going on the grades. Pins and needles...yes but youl be fine!! Good luck you worked hard for this!!! You deserve it.

Good Luck on the house hunting.....it should be the bestest of the bestest!

Hi all. I haven't been posting for a while, but I've kept up reading the posts. Was in New York for 5 days, visiting my daughter for my birthday and Mothers Day. I had a great time; we were so busy. She took me to see Fences, a play on Broadway starring Denzel Washington. It was very good.

Debbie...you didnt e-mail. Im sure you were busy, with your daughter. Next time maybe. Sounds like you had a great time. Did you get to "Town shop" How was Fences? I heard the reviews were great. I

Laura, Im glad you enjoyed the time with your parents and your husband could come along...indeed that was sweet of him. Its so hard being a caretaker, I agree that your mom should deff have a break at least for a few hours a day. I know we have what you call RESPITE....in ny for giving respite services to caregivers given through the hopspitals and insurance. Maybe this can be an option.

Well.,,.hope remission for your dad is just around the corner.

well must go to sleep. Have a great night all.


Congrats on the 7 pound loss. If you are coming near Jacksonville Florida on your trip let me know and we can meet up. I don't even mind driving a bit. I need things to keep me busy during my summer vacation.

Morning ladies, I have therapy and lapband support group this afternoon. Not feeling well though because of TOM. Plus I know TOM is making these pounds stick. Once he's gone though I know I will drop some more because I have been working hard. I just need 2 more pounds to hit fifty down. I have been this way for the past week. I am feeling great though. Wearing shorts for the first time in 7 years. Excercising daily. Eatting right. I feel like a new woman.

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I have challenged them - they (the struggling ones) are challenging themselves for our get together... We will see what transpires..

Good luck on gambling?? What kind of cards do you play??

Phyl's driver is a great guy - you will love them both - I know I do...

Great - I was thinking of you as I waited for page to load - hope the house hunting is going well.

Phyl - I don't know how anyone can live w/dial up... Heck I'm impatience w/high speed - it's not fast enough

I figured Big Mike or Casey was going home - I love Crystal too - but have been voting for Lee - he's so cute and he is coming out of his shell some.. We all thought Adam was going to win last yr and Kris won - so it will be exciting to see who wins this yr..

Yeah.... I tried to talk that lady in to getting a laptop, but she wasn't open to that so I'm sure she wouldn't consider DSL or cable for internet service!

I wasn't surprised to see Big Mike go but he was my favorite. I think it'll be between Crystal and Lee.

Janet...put out a challenge to your Lucky 7's girls. Most lost by your date wins a special prize or each put in $10 or something and that's the prize. But, has to have proof of healthy eating...documentation (journal) etc. Maybe it will help kick it in the butt for some of them. I know I like a good challenge.

I am so excited to think that I FINALLY get to meet Phyll and take a peak at her driver.

Better hit the books, get the rest of my housework donw, grab the dog and head for the lake. Have some friends meeting me there tonight. I imagine a little card playing and a foo-foo drink or two. Got my money bowl full of quarters and ready to roll! You all have a great weekend. Sending the love...

$$$$$ challenge... that's a GREAT idea!!! I LIKE it!!

Dogsitting our Granddog today!! I LOVE her!!! Going to walk her to the Surf Shack for my daily latte!!

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LauraK - I'm in Overland Park (Kansas City) and would love to buy dinner for you and daughter - or lunch or Breakfast, if it works out as you go thru. My e-mail is ladykcusa@yahoo.com.

Let me know if it might work out. I'd love to meet you.

P.S. This goes for all my friends here.

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Laura - Love the pictures. I'm confident that having all of you to support them (your parents) makes this challenge so much easier. Bless you & hubby & Nelson for spending so much time with them.

I feel this group of women has better success because we have the outlet to share our feelings here and don't have to numb out with food. We can air those blockades/secrets that we felt the need to hide - releasing them into the universe and leaving us free to enjoy life. Oprah had a writer yesterday who shared thoughts in a book recently published. We already have it here with the group.

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