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Hi all....just cannot catch up with everyone. Last couple of days at the dentist's office. Going to have a new smile when I am done but going to go through a lot to get there.

Just thought I had better check in. Not feeling well today. Think I am just shot and need to catch up on some sleep. Take care. Will talk later.

Welcome home.........sorry you don't feel well. Dental work is stressful. Take care!

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Arlene...haven't even started the work yet...just all the prelim stuff so it hasn't been tough on the body really. I am just spent. Have had so much come up around here the last week and I've lost sleep time. I just need to catch up to feel better. I am usually so good at making sure that I get adequate sleep but not lately.

Hope everyone is doing well. Back for the start of all the procedures I need to have done at 9am tomorrow. I have to drive at least an hour for each visit. Am anxious to get this all behind me.

Heading for bed. Night all

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Good Evening Gang

Apples - What's up with DS is that why you are losing sleep - is this the same DS who was going to move to Cali???

You are one brave woman to get implants - I don't think I could to it - too much time in the dentist chair..

Charlene - Tomorrow Doctor ??

LauraK - Ya since I have moved to the other side of the office (don't have the privacy that I use to have and working for my new producer - who has caught me on lbt - I have to be very carefull.. But I'm still here..

How are you doing???

I don't have much to report - eating's been good (in fact dinner is waiting for me) Catfish baked with some pramesann cheese on top - broc and rice.. lunch was salad - bf was nuts & Jerky..

Didn't make gym - had to go sign papers for the sale of the house (bro's estate) now just have to wait and see if it all goes thru..

Need to call and see if DS got home safe - he went to Barstow to p/u motorcycle for GD - she needed a bigger one I guess - who knows..

Should Laura be back - I don't think she's posted on FB - hope everything is ok...

Julie how you doing??

Eva - how was work today - Oh gotta tell this story - new boss asked me to do a proposal - was looking for the file - another girl said - I did one for him last week - so went to his office said need the file - he gives me the file - I said here's a proposal - OMW I was steaming inside - I almost did something that was already done.. He was embarassed - had me do a finance agreement and then gave it all to him..

Then I cc'd him on a certificate I did (cuz you know I have to cc him on everything) well he sends back email - that I don't have to cc him anymore... so I reply oh I guess you figured out that I don't need to be micro managed - he called and sort of apoligized for wasting (well almost) my time asking me to do something that was already done - he is freaking bonkers ...

Well like I said - dinner's done - Idol is about to come on - cb in a bit...

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Janet, at least my office is big enough I can avoid my management team....my boss is okay...he is usually busy enough that I don't see him much...it's his boss that's making the bad decisions and she's in Phoenix, so I don't have to deal with her....just her decisions. I have so much stuff going on I'm just spinning my wheels. I am waiting for this thing or that thing and have this fire to put out and then something else comes up....I'm going to go on vacation again and the sh@% is going to hit the fan when I'm gone and someone else will get involved and it may be ugly. I don't like that.

Julie, I'm so glad you had a pretty good night....hope you are still feeling okay.

Lori, man, did you get a lot of stuff done. Aren't you going to SLC tomorrow? Ready for that too? Hope you find the perfect place for you.

Apples, you are going to love your new smile and all the stuff will be worth it. Sounds like planting is pretty busy too....hope you get a good night's sleep.

Jessica...way to go on those grades. B's are great unless you are trying to get into grad school, but I bet they'll take you into the nursing program with no problem. Congrats on the 16's too. Wow, that's great. You'll make your goal, you are doing a very good job.

LauraK....just hanging in there waiting for the big move? Is this happening in June? Let us know, I might just get tired enough of work to leave early (probably not, but you just don't know).

Hey Phyl, did you have a beautiful weekend in Washington? Portland was really nice. Wish I would have had more time...would have come visiting.

Hi Laura, hope you are enjoying your time in NC.

Cheri...we'll wave when we are in Chicago next Wednesday....we'll be there less than an hour. Talk about a fly by.

Charlene, how'd the doctor appointment go today? Hope all's well.

Linda, you must be really busy, haven't seen too much of you lately. Must be spring. It inspires people to be outside.

Well, I'm going to try and sleep soon....didn't sleep well last night. Hope everyone has a good evening.


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Morning Gang....Well......I am a new girl this morning. Got some sleep.

Janet........yes, same DS that was going to follow GF out to California. She is going to law school out there. The relationship hit the toilet. He broke up with her. He was going to sell his business and everything for that move. Now this Iraq/Afghanistan thing. I asked him to give it till the next training session to make his decision (Sept) and so far he is waiting. He already has security clearance so if he wanted to jump on the next training session, I know he would do it. I think he is stressed and tired of working 24/7 (almost) in his own business and wants the excitement of travel again.

Anyway...not the reason I have lost sleep. I am resigned to the fact he needs to do what he needs to do and I would never try to talk him out of it...just to be sure of his decision and not just jump in. We will just need to have faith that things will be fine. DH and I have had a lot come our way during our lives and have always handled.

Not going to go into detail on why the sleep loss this last week but all I can say is it involves my family of origin. I am not hateful towards them but I know in my heart that ice cold blood runs through their veins.

I think I will be having every procedure know in the dentistry business. LOL. Gum sculpting, new caps, extraction of five, new bridge, old bridge replaces, root canal, etc. New dentist is going to try and come up with some kind of plan to make it easier on me since I have had a few reactions to novacaine (ambulance ride to hospital kind of reactions). Any work I have had done in the last 20 yrs has been without anything and that included root canals. But, all this is worth it to finally smile and not feel like covering my mouth. I am going to have to start practicing how to smile.

Phyll...not sure why but had a dream about you (mostly) and all the other girls last night. You and Earl came to MN to pick me up in the motorhome and we went to MOA to meet the other girls. MOA actually ended up being a hospital. You and I kept sneaking into ER to use the restroom cuz we didn't want to walk to other one. Got caught a number of times and finally kicked out. Weird dream.

OK...gotta run...hit the shower and hit the road. Sorry cannot address each of you...just not time. Will try to visit when I get home this afternoon.

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Good morning, I am up and ready to leave for the airport for our flight to SLC to look for houses. Dh got home last night to sleep for a few hours before we leave again. Praying I find the right house in the right neighborhood near the right church.

Apples, you are one brave woman to get all that dental work done, you have a nice smile now but I bet it will be stunning when you are done. Sorry you are losing sleep over your family. Praying whatever the situation is that it passes soon. You are an amazing woman despite what may have happened in your past.

Jewel, congrats on the B's!

Janet, I didn't realize you moved in your job and had a new boss. That explains why we don't hear as much for you on here. Hopefully things settle down soon.

Eva, have fun in Chicago.

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Good Morning Gang...

Great - have a safe flight and yes you will find just the right house for you...

As work goes - I was in a separate wing of the bldg we occupy - had my own office - no one could see my screen when they walked in - gave me time to switch to another one ;0) now I am in a cubical - it's not out in the middle of the office sort of secluded but my screen faces the opening - which is to my back so I have gotten caught a few times... We have 4 owners - Paul is my #1 producer - I have worked w/him for a long time - use to work w/Van my #2 producer - he's the flighty one - and the one who is causing me alot of stress - I got 80 of his accounts and now Ann is out w/blood clots so handling 1/2 of her work ...

Eva - Where are you headed off too now - Work - well whatever happens happens - it's not my life - and I don't think it's yours - we work so we can play ;0) well shop for me :0) and I gotta have some where to wear all my clothes :0)

Karen - Hugs gf on your family issues - I know how hard they are... What I know of your family - they are a pieces of crap..

I want to tell you don't let them get to you - just like I try not to let my sis get to me - but it does no matter what - Hugs..

Well time to jump in the shower

Good Luck Charlene today at the doc !!!!

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I think I will be having every procedure know in the dentistry business. LOL. Gum sculpting, new caps, extraction of five, new bridge, old bridge replaces, root canal, etc. New dentist is going to try and come up with some kind of plan to make it easier on me since I have had a few reactions to novacaine (ambulance ride to hospital kind of reactions). Any work I have had done in the last 20 yrs has been without anything and that included root canals. But, all this is worth it to finally smile and not feel like covering my mouth. I am going to have to start practicing how to smile.

Phyll...not sure why but had a dream about you (mostly) and all the other girls last night. You and Earl came to MN to pick me up in the motorhome and we went to MOA to meet the other girls. MOA actually ended up being a hospital. You and I kept sneaking into ER to use the restroom cuz we didn't want to walk to other one. Got caught a number of times and finally kicked out. Weird dream.

OK...gotta run...hit the shower and hit the road. Sorry cannot address each of you...just not time. Will try to visit when I get home this afternoon.

Wow! Will be keeping you in my prayers re: all that dental work! Not fun!

Funny dream!! We actually will be coming through your state with the RV this summer!! But not going to MOA this time! LOL!

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Karen - your dream was a riot. Thanks for sharing our dream time meeting.

And wishing you success with your dental work. Also so sorry about family issues. You are a delightful, dynamic woman, in spite of, your childhood.

Things are quiet in KC. DD needs a girls night out tonight with some margaritas. Work problems for her. Wonderful to spend time and try to make it better by sharing an evening.

Julie - sending hugs.

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Hi all. I haven't been posting for a while, but I've kept up reading the posts. Was in New York for 5 days, visiting my daughter for my birthday and Mothers Day. I had a great time; we were so busy. She took me to see Fences, a play on Broadway starring Denzel Washington. It was very good.

We ate out a lot, but I had no problems with food. Even lost a pound with all the walking we did! Also got a body scrub at the Korean spa castle; I've never felt so clean in my life! I think the lady took off the top five layers of skin!

Hope everyone had a nice Mothers Day. Karen, I'm hoping the dental work goes smoothly.

I"ll talk more soon!

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Apples, good luck with your dental and fam issues. We are all behind you.

Janet, just wanted to let you know you are missed, but not adding any pressure on you.

Eva, yep big move is in June, we are looking on leaving Mich on June 21 driving in 3 or 4 days time, would love to meet anyone along the trail. She is finally geting some stuff accomplished. Mom needed to back off and let her fall or soar on her own. Looks like I can make my plans to fly back now.


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Hi Gang! Well, poo, I went to my mother's and did her laundry and got so thirsty I drank a bottle of Water before I weighed in. I only lost a lb. I had lost 2lbs this morning. I am not discouraged though. I live to drink another shake! Really, nutrition class was about exercise and people who maintain weight loss are active. I have to count my steps this week. She gave us all a pedometer. So, now I have another journal to keep.

Apples, wow, that is a lot of dental work. You have to show it off........so when you are done.......post a smile!

Sorry for the family issues. Hugs from me too!

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I just don't know where I could find a more supportive group of friends, and, I so appreciate you all. Thanks. I will be just fine and am like a rubber ball. I bounce right back. That good night of sleep I got last night made all the difference in the world. My family of origin are sh_ts...plain and simple. I have done my work from the time I was a little one and resolved myself to the fact that I would break the pattern and have. I am a survior and not a victim and there's no turning back from that. But, I do appreciate having this outlet to blow once in awhile.

As far as the dental work. It will all go well and I am ready for whatever it takes to FINALLY have nice white teeth that I don't have to continually fix. I will have about three month's worth of work and have already made friends with the office staff. I will just look at it as my chance to socialize.

I have always taken good care of my teeth and got kudos for good brushing, flossing, etc. But, since childhood they have been a dark grey color and now it's time to change that up. Since I don't feel the need for plastic surgery (as I have stated b/4) this will come out of my PS fund.

The extractions for six teeth are the lower front and will now be a bridge down there. I have a defect where my lower lip has extra tissue that has pulled on the gums each time I talk or smile and as damaged that tissue over time. I have had a couple of surgeries in the past to repair and replace that tissue and not willing to go through it again. They took the tissue from the roof of my mouth and sewed it to the gums twice. Not worth it and would cost about 3x more to try and save that area. I am happy with my decision to do the bridge.

When all the work is done, I will post some b/4 and afters. I saw photos of my smile from the wedding we were at a couple of weeks ago and it just verified the fact that it is time for me to do something.

Phyll...let me know when you will be traveling through our state and if it works for me (and you guys) I will drive and meet you for lunch. Even if it's only an hour or so...would just love to meet you.

OK girls...gotta take care of some housework so I can get myself to the lake tomorrow. Will check back later. Again, I do so appreciate all of you. Sending the love

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Hi Gang! Well, poo, I went to my mother's and did her laundry and got so thirsty I drank a bottle of Water before I weighed in. I only lost a lb. I had lost 2lbs this morning. I am not discouraged though. I live to drink another shake! Really, nutrition class was about exercise and people who maintain weight loss are active. I have to count my steps this week. She gave us all a pedometer. So, now I have another journal to keep.

Apples, wow, that is a lot of dental work. You have to show it off........so when you are done.......post a smile!

Sorry for the family issues. Hugs from me too!

Hey Arlene...congrats on your loss. And, look at that extra 1lb as something that will probably show up as an extra loss at your next weigh in. Drinking that water is a good thing...if your body was craving it, you needed it. I push the water all day long and always have. Everything works better. I used to notice that the weeks I really got my water in, my weight loss was better when I checked in at the clinic with my LP doc. Flushes out all the impurities.

Good luck with getting lots of extra steps in each day. Kind of fun to use the pedometer. Makes you realize just how many steps you are getting in a day and makes you push for the extra. The more active a person is...the more energy they have.

Take care!

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Hi peeps,

Busy! Haven't read for a few days. Realized I'd run out of Vitamin D and hadn't been taking it. Bad mistake. We haven't seen much sun this week and its cold. Haven't been getting in my exercise. Too busy at work and personal life. Too cold and rainy outside. Gotta get going again. Get back on track with food, too. Vitamin D makes a huge difference. Lot more energy today. Lot less crabby. Concentrated better. Food better. Gonna go walk now. I think.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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