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Hi everyone, this is terrible to say, but I'm glad is was a quiet weekend on here as I don't feel so bad about not commenting on everyone's posts........sorry...... I'm a mess................. It was Wednesday night that I went to ER and got the shot of morphine.... but back to the same old thing the next day...... I was unable to attend my niece's final grade school concert because of pain.. I went, but couldn't stand it, so I gave her a hug and left...... However, earlier that day I was to see my GP and she gave me some Lidodeerm Patches to put on my neck as a numbing thing.... I wear it during the day... Can't tell for sure if it helps or not... And she is the first one to offer me a muscle relaxor... Friday I got word that I can have another shot in my spine, but not until the 14th...... so, I'm biding my time until Thursday..... I have also been having a glass of wine every evening, but don't know what if anything that is doing either....... Yesterday, I made Breakfast for DH, Mom, Mimi and myself... then sat around all day... We had Mimi for the day, but she mostly just say on me and watched Little Bear after church..... I've started taking a pain pill in the morning to get me through the day and then one or two at night.... Last night I took one about 7:30 when I started to feel things coming.... But they didn't come!!!!!! At 10:30 I crawled in bed and told DH I didn't know how to act without the pain.... I went to sleep and slept most of the night without pain...... Maybe it was God just giving me a little break.... we'll see what today brings.... Sorry for this being all about me and for not being on often of late... I just don't have it in me to give right now...

Lori, I'm very glad you had a good time on your trip and I empathize with the daunting task you have before you.. But you will handle it with grace and charm, I'm sure....... Best of luck finding the house you want....

Linda, the tulip show sounds beautiful.... If it was here it would have been very cold...... We need a warm up soon..... no more snow...

Janet, glad you had so much fun shopping and such.... You must need an extra closet by this time.......

Everyone else, how you had a wonderful Mother's Day to relax and enjoy life....... Talk to you all later.... if I have the energy to write..... Hoping this is over soon... Hugs to all...........Julie

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Hope everyone had a great day yesturday. Glad to hear about everyones goings on.

Ive got something to say to all those traveling through NY.

If you get stuck at the airport, flights are cancelled, delayed or you have a layover.....CALL MEEEEE!!!! TEXT!!! E-mail!!!!

I live 10 minutes from the KENEDY and 1/2 hr from Laguardia.

You are all welcomed to my apt anytime!! (I now have a sofa bed, queen size) for as long as needed. If just for a few hours or longer.

I will gladly pick you up and return you when needed.

of course I might be working at the time and youl have to wait a bit but I will try to be as fast as possible. Needing to stay in Hotel!!! I wont hear of it!.

Great.....glad things worked out this time...but next time please call and dont be alone! I would have loved to have helped out.

For the future....my e-mail is Joeducare@aol.com come.

My number is listed. Brenner....washington Avenue, Cedarhurst.

No excuses now!

So, Boomer has found an amazing home with 2 other black labs for company. The home is in CT. Way way far out. 3 hours from me. The woman who adopted him is a divorced woman with two teenage children. A big house and large property. She has a lake and forest within her development and a beach house that they go to weekends.

I spent the afternoon traveling friday to bring him up there. What a shlepp. Im glad I did as I needed to see that this was a good match otherwise I would not have left him.

I will have to go back on Thursday with my daughter so she can see where he is and say her goodbyes to him. I promised that she can do this....although kicking myself for this promise as its such a long trip.

If it wasnt Friday I would have not been able to get him up there till tomorrow and that would have meant 5 more days of bonding....which meant....you all get it...that dog wasnt going anywhere.

Bad enough that we had him one more week more then planned as we really grew to love him.

Usually we take care of the dogs and they are so sick or in bad shape that just caring for their needs the first week or so is so draining that you cant wait to get him adopted so you can get some respite. Here....Boomer was in excellent shape and was such a happy dog and so well taken care of that he was just a pleasure....that was the beginning of my demise....he was such a great dog...a great family pet. Dassi and him bonded from the very start....so much so that they cuddled together on the bed, floor, car seat. Ive never seen anything...they were so attached, I knew that if he was going to go..it had to be ASAP. Every day was more and more bonding...and I was thinking this isnt going to be an easy gettaway for us.

and guess what???? whos crying?? not Dassi but me!!! Shes so happy she did her job....took care of him well, saved him from being euthenized and loved him while we had him preparing him for a home. Im the one whos a mess...shes been okay....she misses him but is happy that he has a happy home and she made that happen. lol

Its.... me Im a mess.

Im so depressed without this dog!! I know hes happy and he will have a great home...and other dogs and kids and get what he needs as far as exercise and attention all day with someone home all day......(she doesnt work) paying attention to the dogs. I know this...yet, I had such a hard time leaving him..I cried the 3 hours going home. My freind who drove with me...couldnt believe that this was "my" reaction. She was right about thinking maybe this fostering isnt the right thing for me...as I cant take the seperation and giving them up. Twice she turned and said..you want to go back and get him??

But,,, I couldnt. I know this is best for him. It would have been easy for us....but not a good placement for him. We arent home all day. We have no time for a dog. We have one and she is neglected all day when we arent home. We go away alot and no one wants my dog as an extra...for sure no one wants a big one! We have a share house in FI...and it took 4 yrs to have them allow my little dog....what would I do all those weekends with him??? no, I know we couldnt keep him and yet.....Im so sad as I really liked him alot suffice to say....ill be taking a hiatus from fostering for a while. lol

So...we will do a do over on Thursday and I will be a basket case again on the way home. lol Maybe it will be okay in the end.

SO, no we were not on TV in the end...not even in the crowd!! We were back stage with the dogs until time to go out on stage. The decission to not have the foster parents go on was a last minute decision...not sure why but in the end they decided against it and wanted to use their staff. GRRRR. So sorry all that you didnt get to see us, I was hoping that we were able to as promised...but you know TV. fickle. We didnt get to meet Meredith and Al roper and Mat and everyone else....as we were waiting till air time everyones break was spent with the dogs. So it was nice meeting everyone....and Dassi had a fabulous time.

So....sorry..but hope you all enjoyed seeing Boomer. Isnt he something??? Cutest.

Today...am taking a day off. I am feeling under the weather.....not sure whether this is allergies or what but so congested and stuffy....eyes watery and nose sneezy. Hope it isnt a cold. Not sure about medicating....last night after mothers day late lunch with family...I came home and took a Benedyl. Usual dosage 50mg. well....Ive never had a reaction like this.....I felt like I was stoned out of my head...I couldnt sit still my heart was beating so fast and I was so drowsey at the same time...i thought I was going out of my mind.

This was the first time I took anything other then my reg meds and Vitamins scince banding two months ago and thought perhaps...I didnt eat enough yesturday only had a pt shake in the AM and then brocoli and a tablespoon of whole wheat linguini. Perhaps this is why?? I dont know but not taking Benedrly ever again. Ill take zyrtek today.

Actually preparing for the doctors today...with Dassi going for her medical for camp. This should be fun. (NOT)

She has allready informed me that she will not accept a shot that she needs to get today. HMMM. I think she is going to give me a harder time then Tanker gave....on Friday at the VET. Not looking forward to this visit.

Good morning y'all~

This is my last day to get things ready for NC. Tomorrow they are having a Mothers Day Tea & Show at Nelson's class. Awwww. Soooo cute when all these 4,5 and 6 year olds sing together!

I just got a bill for my last fill for $205. Question to you guys. I would do a poll but I am not sure how. Is there a different price if you have the RN or MD do your fill? Those of you whose insurance covered your bands- does it continue to cover fills as long as you have the insurance? What is your copay. Those without insurance- how much is your fill? How much are visits with your MD.

Sorry for the flyby. Need to get going- will CBL. peas/Laura

The PA does the fill in our practice. There was a sign at counter that I noticed last month that said we now must charge $200 dollars for a fill as the insurance co are no longer payin for them. So we will have to pay $200 each fill. After I got my fill last month..I was ready to pay for it and the copay. The receptionist said no charge. I was like??? so she said oh....we bill the insurance co and most of the time they end up paying. Oxford apparently is still paying...so unless they dont I dont have to worry....wew. What a releaf who has $200 a month?

The copay also is waived as it is a follow up visit.

Hey who am I too complain? I wasnt too excited to spend that extra cash as I knew there was going to be plenty of bills to pay otherwise..but nice to have it to actually pay them. yea.

Speaking of taking Tanker to the vet...I have not been able to do it for about 6 yrs. He has HATED that place since he had to leave his govenors there when he was 2 (testicles). He will get out of the truck but has to be carried to the door. And, when you get him to the door of the clinic, DS has to back in with him cuz he spreads his legs out and puts them on the door jam and there's no moving him. It was quite the show the last time I tried it alone. Had to hollar to have someone get the vet to carry him in. I was in tears because the poor 100lb baby was shaking like a leaf for an hour in the clinic. DS is a strapping young man and takes everything he has to get him in the door.

OMG....you gotta love our pets they have their quirks and personalities, fears and phobias just like we do. Just the way described that scenario......brought tears to my eyes....lol sad but you have to laugh. Poor thing, what an experience he must of had to cause all that anxiety. A thought just occured......would a mild sedative help him before to settle him some what before these visit help any?

Well Gang...heading out by 6:30am. Have a dental appt, coffee with a friend and then off to the lake until Monday afternoon. Should find out tomorrow what the plan is for the teeth. I know whatever I do will cost a bit more than a bundle of $$$ but I consider this cosmetic stint what I would have spent on plastic surgery had I felt I needed it. Heck, as Janet just said the other day...we look good with our clothes on. I just want a nice smile.

DS's decision is strictly his and I will not try to influence him. Think this decision has to do with wanting this exciting job...more than for the $$$. It would be working for the mililtary as a civilian. If I were a young man (or woman) with his experience and had an opportunity to do what is offered, I would jump at it. His stint with the Air Guards is up in Oct and he has put 10 yrs in. I really am proud of him but the 2 yr contract thing seems like a mightly long comitment. Oh well, we have always been available if our sons needed or wanted our advice but they have always been left to make their own decisions. I live with a faith that it's out of my hands and out of his hands once he makes that decision. That higher power is the one in control. And, I can live with that and will.

You all have a wonderful week. Ours will be cold and rainy again. The weatherman will have to earn his way back into my good graces. It's been in the 50s most of the week, wet and windy. Not supposed to be above 53 all weekend. Snuggle time!


Wow. you must be a so excited and nurvous for him. What a wonderful thing to want to do. He must be a gem. I will put him on my list of prayers for keeping him well. Ive never included the prayer for soldiers in my daily prayers for people who need a prayer to get well...but there is one and I will begin to say one for him to...I dont know his name but I will fefer him as your son. God will know who I mean. I can also for all the other people in danger as well in war time, Hope he makes the right decission for him. You are so brave to let him be who and what he wants to be.

Jodi, must have been posting at the same time...wow what a windfall for you. Enjoy those clothes!!

chicken veggie Soup.

Take boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breast and cut up into bite size pieces. Coat with a mixture of spices such as, Mrs. Dash (what ever flavor you like) or I use the organic no salt mixture from costco, salt and pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, celery salt, paprika, cayenne (if you like it)...I use something different every time and fry it in a no stick skillet until browned. While it's cooking, I cut up celery, onions, carrots, mushrooms, fresh corn, or what ever veggie I have on hand or am in the mood for. When the chicken is done I add the veggies and either move the whole mess to a bigger pot or just use a large high sided skillet and cook the veggies a little bit. I add chicken broth or Water with "better than bouillon" stock base. Bring to a boil and simmer a few minutes and it's done. I've used boxed broth or home made broth or what ever works for you. It takes less than an hour and the Soup is wonderful. The veggies are still crisp and the chicken has lots of flavor and really enhances the prepackaged broth. I usually add the cayenne for a bit of a bite.

I didn't give you quantities because you can tailor the ingredients to your own particular taste...it's more the method...brown the chicken until cooked through, add fresh veggies and broth. Yum.

Have a great night everyone.

Interesting....I never thought to cook the chicken before adding Water to it. I make chicken soup by boiling the chicken in water adding all the vegetables and greens to boiling water. I never ate the boiled chicken afterwhich...yuch no taste. (until the first week after banding lol) what a nice change....Im going to try this.



Saw Boomer on the Today Show, but disappointed not to see Jodi or Dassi!?? Did I miss something or did they decide not to let your on camera!? They used staff.... Ann, Meredith, intern!?

What's up with that!

yes, what was up with that??? She didnt even know how to walk him. He wanted to come back to us....if you noticed he wasnt interested but wanted to turn and walk back to the screen where we were waiting. hrumgh. She didnt even look like me that intern lol. Dassi was dissapointed but she was told that this could happen. It did. Not sure if this happens always. They dont always use the staff. oh well!!!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

Hi guys~ Just finished reading the posts. I take one day off and I get so behind!

Jodi~ Wow! WTG on scoring the clothes and the rekindled relationship. They are both awesome.

Eva~ that soup sounds great. Have never made a chicken soup with cooking chicken in skillet before (always cook whole chicken or chicken breasts on bone- boiled in the broth). Will try it. Have a good weekend- hope DH is feeling better.

Apples~ Safe trip to the lake!!! Give Tanker a hug from Auntie Laura and hope the toe feels better. Oh my! on DS going overseas. uh, my heart goes out to you! I know you are so proud and scared all at the same time. I know how strong you were when they were both over there. hugs.

Janet~ sorry too for the death of your old neighbor. Sounded like a great man- love the stories of him playing games with you guys and always inviting you on vacation.

Arlene~ WTG on the weight loss!!!!!!!!

Julie~ I second what apples said, hope you are ok. Haven't heard from you in a couple days.

Linda~ Have a great weekend and wtg on the gym so early! Are you feeling better after the PB at work from the Vitamin?

Was 219 this morning- that's 3 more lbs! NSV- I fit in a size 16 skirt/with shorts under it, that I have been saving since a month after surgery. I saw it in the store last spring and thought ONE day I will wear this. It didn't look GREAT, but I was so thrilled, I wore it anyway today. I am taking Protein powder, some prot. bars and muscle milks with me to NC. I will not gain like i did last month when we went. I know my parents will not be offended if I don't eat- they understand. My sister gets upset with me though. She thinks I am trying to show that I have better "control" or something. I tried explaining that this has NOTHING to do with her.

This morning was Nelson's Mothers' Day tea at his school. OMW... what a cute cute morning! They sang "Everybody loves a Saturday night!" and then changed the lyrics to Mother stuff. And then they sang the I love you song. Nels made a handmade heart pin with crooked rhinestones on it. Just love it! I love the laughter of little kids- wish we could bottle it! (we'd cure everyone of everything!) oh, Nelson did his TKD testing last night and got his camo belt. I will post a pic. Sorry for lots of Nelson stuff. :biggrin:

Nelson's best friend, Nick, is having a horrible time. The kid is 6 years old and found his 10 year old golden retriever dead last night. He is devastated and really really not handling it well. You dog lovers- is there anything that helps? Is it too early to give him a pic of his pet? I took a great photo of him and the dog at Halloween. Just feel like doing something. Or just get a toy- and nothing dog related? His mom said he told her to do something- bring him back! He promised to be good for the rest of his life and said she could have all his toys! When she called me last night crying; I bawled for like an hour. So sad.

Hope everyone has a great mothers day!!! I am sure I will touch base some from NC. Thanks for the safe travel wishes!

Laura, yes, I think pictures and talking about the dog is great. The more the better. Children deal with things differently then we do. They need closure, like us. Having them make a funeral, bury the dog even in backyard so they can visit is healing. (depending on laws in your area) writing poems and reciting them, making a memory collage and writing a book about the dog is all good experiences for a child to become emotionally secure and know its okay to have and feel emotions.

In preschool we had a hamster, and fish. The fish died frequently but nevertheless we had a funeral for each one. This helped them with closure.

Pets are an important part of our lives and teaches children so many lessons. Unfortunately we all need to learn to say goodbye to someone whom we loved at some point. Pets who dont live as long as people prepare us for these happenings as ultimately they live between 12-14 yrs or less. Preperation is always best. If you know your dog is getting on and well its a matter of time....then you prepare for it with a young child. Go through all the scenarios of what could happen and when and talk about what you could do to make it easier for them and the pets. etc etc

I have to say that I think that Dassi was really okay after Ron passed....her father because she had prior experience with several pets and having the chance to say goodbye before hand.

She says....she would have been okay if Ron died but if she had the chance to say goodbye. In her case it was sudden and nobody had the chance and that is sad, I tell her that she didnt have to that he is with her all the time and she never has to say goodbye. That will only last for who knows how long.....but preparation is best and if not....then some creative ways to help dealing with the death is important so that when things happen to our loved ones we will have dealt with those feelings before and they are closed so we can deal with the next one and so on.

From the early childhood educators professional point of view. lol

HI everyone, just a quick note as I am not doing well at all and have a kind of a buzz on right now from all the medications, but still have pain..... It's such a rat race...running in circles most of the time... Spent Thursday night in ER ..... got a morphine shot that helped me sleep that night..... Just no good news to report and I'm too exhausted to comment one all of your activities... I did read them all and am so proud of all of you... Sorry to you with the troubles and happy for those who are doing so well..... I'm going to try to be here tomorrow if I can..... Night all... Julie

Julie, I want to come down their and kick these doctors butts!!! If they can give you the shot why cant they give you it now and charge the insurance later. Its so frustrating to hear about the hoops you have to jump through to get something.

I agree that maybe its time to go to the mayo clinic to see about what treatments they offer for chronic pain.

This is just not acceptable and you should not have to live with this.

Id call every damn hospital in the US

Mayo, John Hopkins, etc etc even in NY. But.....this is ridiculous. Im so sorry for you. I would even think about a lawsuit with the insurance co at this time. They have to allow you to get the treatment you need in a timely fashion. Have you spoken to a lawyer yet??? Please do,,,just for your sanity at this time just call one.

Good luck and take the pain killers when needed dont wait. Im so angry for you!!!

Om praying for the 14th too come soon!!

Happy Mother's Day Gang !!!

Well had a great time - think I wore candy out we shopped at this great mall on Friday got 2 dresses a pair of capri's and a 2 shrugs - 1 bra - Went to Pechange Casino Friday nite- omw it's as big as a casino in Vegas !!! Had dinner (cobb salad) the gambled a little - didn't win..

Oh ya messed up my car - backed up in a parking lot - went to turn - hadn't backed up far enough and ran over a curb - tore up underneath my front bumper pretty bad - it was hanging and scraping the ground - not the bumper itself but some plastic behind it..

Then Saturday went to Chrysler to see if they could jerri rig the bumper - I got duct tape - but it wouldn't really stick - so they rebuttoned some of the buttons that popped out and it's not draging anymore -

Than we hit old town (lots of antiques - shop- farmers market - places to eat etc) - had this GREAT breakfast (more brunch cuz it was about 11ish) eggs, sausage & busicuts & gravy - omw the sausage and b&g were great - walked around for 5.5 hrs looking at all the stuff - bought another dress - some body butter, candle - Jerky - some great garlic olive oil and honey balsamic vinegar - went back to the room rested a little and changed went back to casino - had dinner 6 oz of bison burger (without the bun) just the patty & cheese and couple of onion rings - The place was so packed we could find the poker machines we play - so came back to the room Got up this am around 8 - and was home by 11:30..

Andrew - bought me lunch ;0).. Joseph and family sent cards - talked to them all after I got home..

Linda - Ya I hope you are right on learning something - he stuck close to home while I was gone - but he usually does when I leave town...

Eva - Hope you have a great time...

PJ- Nice to hear from you..

Washing clothes right now - really need to go to the store and get some lettuce so I can make a salad to use my new olive oil/vinegar on - but don't feel like getting dressed.

Confession - ate too many Cookies - and am going to have to sugar detox this coming week..

Cheri - I agree - exercise is exercise and good for you no matter what ...

Charlene - Yet those syrups should jazz up your shakes - Bet you didn't have shakes today ;0)


As a child who drove my parents insane by the stuff I did...I can tell you...that your support and just being there for Andrew in the end will be your triumph. He might not learn now but later he will thank you for all. I know this as I thank my mother and grandmother everyday for all that theyve ever put up with....you know when I realized this??? when of course I had Dassi and became a mother myself. So hang in there and just be there through it all. The best to have them figure it out on their own. Our instincts is to do it all, after all its easier, faster and less frustrating but then we are creating dependent children. You were so good to say...figure it out. He did...and he will ......always with suggestions and support. The choices may not be the best or ours but they are theres....and thats what counts.

Greetings from 35,000 feet in the air. I am back over US soil but still no where near home. I got out of Barcelona over 24 hours ago, flight was very long and late as they had to fly out of the way around the ash, then we got to NYC and my flight home was cancelled. DH had to go to ATL for work so I am flying to SLC to spend the night so as to not spend it alone in New York, I found that scary alone. I won't be home til noonish tomorrow and am exhausted, then when I get there I have so much to do. Our house is under contract, I have stuff to take care of on that, call mortgage companies, moving company, visit grandma, laundry and pack to go house hunting in SLC on Wed. We need to be out of our house by the 28th if this all goes through.

I have way too many pages to catch up on. I hope someone can catch me up. I missed ya all!

The cruise was wonderful, weather could've been better but not bad. I am curious to find out if I gained as i seemed to eat too much!

Thanks for the catchup Janet and Linda. I'm so sorry to hear Julie is still in pain.

Well my journey home started about 36 hours ago. I am now in the Salt Lake airport awaiting the final leg home. Just think if I was moved I'd have been home last night. I did get a hotel room last night for about 4 1/2 hours but slept about an hour but was nice to have a place to shower, etc. Then I have about 36 hours at home before I come back here to hopefully find me a house! Just talked to DD and seems she's not been feeling well. She went out with her DH and my son for DS's bday and was the designated driver so not even drinking and passed out 3 times in the club. The police wanted her to go to the ER but she did not, she's been fine since. then last night her DH got rear ended in his car, he's fine she said. I got an email from my mom wiht a list of things to do for Grandma. You know I do not mind taking care of my grandma at all. What I do mind is my mom telling me what to do from FL, she's not even here, I feel it's like she doesn't trust me or what I do isn't good enough. But that will be over soon.

I will check in when I can, glad to hear we have so many losers here!

SO glad your home. but see opening post.....you must call me when stranded, alone, delayed or just in NY!!!!

Im so sorry that you had this experience.

Cant wait to hear about your trip!!!!

Well, all I think I am feeling slightely better and its time to clean up this place from the weekend.

Have a great day all.....and a terrific week!


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Lori - sorry to hear all the drama you have come home to. Hoping DD and son-in-law are both better today. Passing out is a concern.

And directions from Florida from Mom on how to care for GDMA when you already do so much, grrrrrrrr........

Hope the trip was wonderful. Welcome back.


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Wow this thread is sure quiet. Everyone must still be busy.

I had a good Mothers day hope you all did too.

Jodi, it's so sad when you bond with a pet, but you know it was in boomers best interest to go to that family. He will be happy.

Laura K

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Good evening, I am feeling so much better about things tonight. I got SOOOO much done today. I got 6 loads of laundry, cleaned my entire house, paid bills, trained to fill in as church sec'y, talked to movers, realtors, mortgage companies and I'm still moving, though just sat down and may just collapse. I will have tomorrow pretty free for Grandma now. DH called and is coming home a day early tomorrow so that will be a bonus.

Jodi, that is so sweet of you to offer your services if I get straned in JFK again.

Apples, is one of your sons going in the military? I read a response to something but am so far behind in catching up but I am figuring one of your son's is doing something for 2 yrs????

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Great, Apples DS was making a decision weather to go back to Iraq for two years. I don't think I heard if he was going to do it or not.

Wow you got a lot done today after your long trip home.

Laura K

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Lori - great job catching up. With jet lag - wow. I usually feel triumphant to just open all the mail and unpack. Good job.

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Good Evening Gang..

Great OMG - are you on drugs or what girl lol... You did all that on just a little bit of sleep and all that traveling.. I doubt I could have done all that - I bet you are about to collapse...

DD needs to go to the doctor now.. That's not good - I am glad SIL wasn't injured.. Ya I would be ticked to about Mom telling you what to do - who's going to handle it when you leave..

Jodi - You are just so sweet - I am going to look up your info and put it in my phone - Oh ya - you need to get on our mailing list - I'll email you Julie's email and you can send her your info - she has complied a list of all our #'s and addressed and bdays..

Andrew isn't half as bad as his Dad was - but hell I was only 37 when Joseph was 19 and a Grandma.. You are so right on a lot of pple raising kids who can't do anything on their own.. I have a gf who's 2 kids 30 & 27 have never left home or learned to pay their own bills..

Julie - Hugs Hugs Prayer Prayer - Wish we could do something to help.. Hope today was a good day..

Linda Great Recap !!!

Joyce yes it's quite without Apples & Great here = What happen to Deb ???

Well back from the gym - went to the grocery store got stuff for a salad - can't wait to use my garlic olive oil and honey balsamic.. Got some fish too.. So salad and fish will be dinner tonite and lunch tomorrow..

Bf - inside of WW egg mcmuffin (no bread) lunch - some lean cusine - chicken in wild rice and cheese w/broc & cauliflower on the side 240 cal and really good.

So I am doing my sugar detox - and getting back to good healthy eating - won't weigh til Thrusday :0)

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Hi All,

Just a quickie to say I'm back from Portland. Had a very good trip and saw my nephew graduate from Lewis & Clark. We also visited with friends and family.

Upgraded and flew 1st class on the way home. It was very nice. Bought too many books and my backpack was way too heavy. Have to remember to curb that tendency. Walked a lot and did some shopping. The weather was wonderful until today and even then it didn't really rain, just was sort of wet.

I'm a little wired due to too much coffee I think. I was in the pacific northwest so coffee drinking seems to go with the territory.

I'll catch up on posts tomorrow...have a great night everyone.


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Good morning gang! Not much to report here. I went to a salad dinner last night and kinda blew my plan. I ate a small portion of chicken salad and fruit salad. It was good going down, but I think I sabotaged myself for tomorrow weigh in. Back to all shakes today!

Great, I am glad you are finally home and had a great time.

Julie........my goodness....I can't believe they just now gave you muscle relaxers. That is usually the first think they give me. I need them about twice a month. I hope they help until you get another shot.

Eva, glad you had a good trip and got to ride in comfort.

Jodi......if I ever go to NY I will call. My son goes there about once a month and stays in Manhattan. I might have to go with him just to check it out. lol My son is divorced and 36. I am sure he would want his mama to go with him on a business trip. lol

Janet, I better get on the bike this morning. I weigh in tomorrow. I will check in with all of you after I get home.

I hope all of you have a great day!

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Welcome back Great and Octillo.

I see I haven't missed too much the past couple days. Been slow going on here.

I got my final grades for Micro and Film. Both B's. I am a little disappointed but I think that's what I earned. After doing all the math I have really good odds of getting in the program. We have to earn as many points as possible to get in the program and I have 199.36. Last semester everyone over 196 got in. The cutoff varies depending on how many people apply.I have the application filled out. Just gotta mail it in. I am so excited.

I had a great Mother's Day. Went to a tea party with my son at his school. Of course there was not 1 single thing I could eat. But nobody said anything about me not eatting. Jacob sang some songs and gave me a plant that he grew himself. We spent sunday at the zoo with a college friend of mine.

Don gave me a Lane Bryant giftcard as a Mother's Day gift. Yesterday I went shopping with it. The first mall I went too the LB had closed so I went to Ashley Stewart. I haven't been shopping in awhile because I have been wearing all the clothes I had saved even though i had out grown them. So I started by trying on a 20, too big. Tried 18's, even they were too big. I ended up in a 16, it fit beautifully. Unfortunately, the stitching was coming out so I didn't get it. I went to another mall and the LB there was having a sale on shorts. I haven't worn shorts in 7 years because my legs looked so fat. Well I got some shorts and a top size 16. I was about to cry as they were checking me out. I look at the clothes and they look too small for me but they actually do fit. I do believe this was my last trip to LB because their clothes will be too big for me next time. What a great gift.

I have excercised everyday this past week for over 30 minutes each day. I am so close to reaching under 50 pounds I wanna reach it this week. My goal is to lose half my extra weight by the end of 6 months. That is 12 more pounds by June 30th. I am still on track to reach it I know I can do it if I stay focused on my goal. I would love to get a new bathingsuit before our vaction over July 4th weekend. I don't want to get one though if the one I have now still fits. So I gotta shrink out of it if I want a new one.

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Good Morning Gang...

Drive by cuz I am at work - bosses aren't here yet :0)

Charlene - LOL I love it on what you consider a cheat now a days - :0) - I bet you will be fine - you didn't eat a Bunch of white carbs… Drink plenty of Water and move – you should be fine tomorrow –

Jessica – WTG 16’s yep girl – you won’t be shopping in the BBW stores much longer – A whole new world of store is going to open up for you. As plus size women – we only have a hand full of stores to shop in and as healthy/thinner women we have the WHOLE freaking mall !!! It may take a while to get use to it – but you will.

WTG on your grades – you are doing so well..

Joyce – Aren’t you in OK – are you ok – saw on the news tornado’s !!! I’ll take my EQ any day over tornados – EQ’s don’t happened every yr - Hope you are ok

Well just heard boss walk in gotta go… cb tonite

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Jessica, way to go on the small size, you will be breezing by those also. Your grades are great, you will make it in. You got all of us pulling for you.

Janet, not the same without you on here.

Laura K

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Just a quickie before I start dinner. I just mailed off my application to the nursing program. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I won't find out if I made it or not until the end of July begining of August.Also, Looking at scholarships to help along with my pell grant.

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Hi all....just cannot catch up with everyone. Last couple of days at the dentist's office. Going to have a new smile when I am done but going to go through a lot to get there.

Just thought I had better check in. Not feeling well today. Think I am just shot and need to catch up on some sleep. Take care. Will talk later.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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